- 2023 India action adventure by Nahas Hidayath
 RDX is a 2023 India action adventure by Nahas Hidayath Starring Antony Varghese, Shane
Nigam and Neeraj Madhav
are no censorship issues with this release Summary Notes The life of three mysterious individuals take a turn as their faces gets exposed.
Reach Me - 2014 USA drama by John Herzfeld. See Collection
v Read my Lips
- 2001 France crime drama by Jacques Audiard.
Read my Lips is a 2001 France crime drama by Jacques Audiard. With Vincent Cassel, Emmanuelle Devos and Olivier Gourmet.
Cut by the BBFC for 2001 15 rated cinema release and 2003 15 rated Pathe DVD. Later uncut for 2010 15 rated Optimum DVD Summary Notes Young secretary Carla is a
long-time employee of a maryam property development company. Loyal and hardworking, first to arrive and last to leave, Carla is beginning to chafe at the limitations of her career and is looking to move up. But as a 35-five-year-old woman with a hearing
deficiency, she is not sure how to climb out of her humdrum life, though she is confident in her own abilities. Into her life comes Paul Angeli, a new trainee she decides to hire. Paul is 25 years old and completely unskilled, but Carla covers for him
when the need arises because of his other qualities - he's a thief, fresh out of jail and very good-looking. It's a case of good meeting bad.
v Ready Player One
- 2018 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Steven Spielberg.
 Ready Player One is a 2018 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by
Steven Spielberg. Starring Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke and Hannah John-Kamen.
 Cut in the US prior to release to remove innocuous nudity from the MPAA
consumer advice. Presumably this cut version was then distributed worldwide for all releases. Summary Notes Film centers on a young outcast named Wade Watts. In the near future, Watts escapes from his
daily drudgery by logging onto an MMO game called 'The Oasis'. When the game's billionaire founder dies, he offers players his fortune as the prize in an easter egg hunt within The Oasis. Watts gets in on the action then after five years finds himself
facing off against corporate foes who will go to any lengths to get the money -- in both the real world and in The Oasis.
cut: | | run: | 139:49s | pal: | 134:13s |
| UK: Cut 2D and 3D versions passed 12/12A
without BBFC cuts for moderate violence, horror, infrequent strong language for:
The BBFC commented in its annual report covering 2018: Ready Player One received ten complaints with correspondents focusing on infrequent strong language at 12A and some moments of horror.
Cut and MPAA PG-13 rated for sequences of sci-fi action violence, bloody images, some suggestive material, partial nudity and language. Cut in the US prior to release to reduce 'nudity' in the rating reason down to 'partial nudity'. |
 uncut |  | US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for sequences of sci-fi action violence, bloody images, some suggestive material, nudity and language.
The Real Decameron - 1973 Italy comedy by Mario Caiano (as Edoardo Re) See Sexbury
Tales |
v Real Outlaws
 Real Outlaws
pre-cut |  | 62:56s | 2007 release
documentary by Peter Crystal Pre-cut when (re)submitted in 2007 with the following BBFC comment: An earlier version of this work was submitted to the BBFC and compulsory cuts were required to remove gratuitous and detailed
images of a public execution and a violent lynching. These cuts were required...on the grounds that such images may cause harm by encouraging the development of callous attitudes among members of the likely audience. This
earlier version of the work was subsequently withdrawn from the classification process by its distributor. The present version, which has been re-edited throughout, was pre-cut prior to submission to remove those elements to which the BBFC had requested
cuts. |
The Real OC Orange County
 The Real OC Orange County
41s |  | 43:52s | Not known (Ventura International) Cut in 2006
with the following BBFC comment: Cuts required to potentially harmful and obscene material (in this case waving a flaming torch over a woman's genital area; extinguishing a large candle by inserting it between a woman's buttocks;
and dripping hot wax onto a woman's genitals), on the grounds of potential harm |
v Reality Killers
- 2005 Italy horror by Alessandro Capone, Pablo Dammicco, Volfango De Biasi
Reality Killers is a 2005 Italy horror by Alessandro Capone, Pablo Dammicco, Volfango De Biasi Starring Valter D'Errico and Cristina Puccinelli
Banned by the BBFC for 2024 video. Summary Notes We follow perverse serial killer 'The Sculptor' as he parades the viewer through his extensive collection of snuff
videotapes. What follows is a series of candid vignettes of horrific intensity which will test the nerves of even the most hardened of horror fans.
|  | UK: Banned by BBFC
- 2024 Treasured Films video (rated 01/07/24)
The BBFC commented: Reality Killers is a horror film in which a man obsessed with violent snuff videos, featuring people being abused, tortured and killed, goes on to commit his own similar crimes.
Reality Killers consists of a series of short vignettes in which people, including women and children, are killed. In some cases, acts of sadistic violence follow or involve sexual behaviour and nudity. The protagonist acts as a
narrator, relishing in the violence and endorsing the actions of the killers. Women, in particular, are portrayed as either sexual objects to be abused or as predatory killers themselves. Potentially harmful attitudes, such as the suggestion that victims
and perpetrators enjoy violence, and that women are presented primarily as sex objects or predatory killers, are not clearly challenged, nor is there a narrative counterbalance to the sustained focus on sadism. As a last resort,
the BBFC may find content unsuitable for classification, in line with the objective of preventing non-trivial harm risks to potential viewers and, through their behaviour, to society. In our Classification Guidelines we state that this may occur where a
central concept is unacceptable, such as a sustained focus on rape, other non-consensual sexually violent behaviour or sadistic violence. The guidelines also state that we consider whether the availability of the material to the age group concerned would
run contrary to broad public opinion. The BBFC considered whether the film's issues could be adequately addressed through intervention such as cuts. As Reality Killers consists almost entirely of scenes of sadistic violence and
abuse, we determined that cuts would not effectively address these issues. The film, when taken as a whole, transgresses BBFC Classification Guidelines and policy, and we believe that its classification even at 18 would run contrary to broad public
opinion. The BBFC therefore found Reality Killers to be unsuitable for classification.
v Re-Animator
- 1985 US horror film by Stuart Gordon.
- H P Lovecraft's Re-Animator
Re-Animator is a 1985 US horror film by Stuart Gordon. With Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott and Barbara Crampton.
 A rich history of BBFC cuts, which have been waived since 2007. The
Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut in 2007. In the US R rated version was cut, but the Unrated version wasn't. There also exists the Integral Version which is a TV version that has been padded out with additional plot. Summary Review: Fun
A dedicated student at a medical college and his girlfriend become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation of dead tissue when an odd new student arrives on campus. Ah,
finally a horror camp classic that deserves to be called a horror camp classic. Re-Animator is one of those fun horror movies that is so over the top that it is just a lot of fun to watch,
 uncut | 
 Unrated | 82:11s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence and gore for:
- 2016 Second Sight [Unrated + Integral Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2014 Second Sight [Unrated + Integral Versions] (RB) Blu-ray/(R2) DVD Combo
at UK Amazon
- 2014 Second Sight [Unrated Version only] R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
- 2007 Anchor Bay R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
UK: Thanks to Simon Diabolik. It screened uncut at the Screen On Islington Green upon its original release. And it was lovingly advertised as such. [Presumably under cinema club rules]. US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
|  cut |  |
| US: The R rated version was cut. |  cut Integral Version |
 | ~96:00s =~92:00s | US: There is also a cut Integral Version. This
is a TV version that has been padded out by the addition of 16 non-violent scenes. US: The Integral Version is cut for:
- 2017 Arrow [Unrated + Integral Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
|  1:49s |  |
84:28s =81:05s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 after 1:49s of BBFC cuts with some cuts waived for:
The BBFC have waived all 3 previous cuts for violence (saw attack, decapitation and the bloody head being squeezed) but have retained significant cuts to the headless rape sequence. In implementing the cuts required by the BBFC, the distributors have
again cut more material than is strictly necessary.
- The following 28s scene was cut in line with BBFC policy on sexual violence: Megan's reanimated father rips off her blouse as she lies on a table in the lab. Her breasts are exposed, much to the delight of the decapitated head of Dr Hill beside her,
who before parting company with his body, indicated that he fancied her. There is then a full length nude shot , complete with pubic hair, as Megan is bound by the wrists and ankles. The BBFC judged that Megan was in a drugged state and that the activity
is clearly non-consensual.
- After a short sequence of conversation elsewhere, we return to Megan to find the headless corpse massaging her breasts. Following this, the head is held over her to kiss her ear and breast, leaving blood on the latter.
The woman is screaming and clearly suffering sexual violence, whereas the head is clearly deriving sexual pleasure. There is certainly no sense of the assault being enjoyed by the woman here. However, the Board felt that in the scenes of breast or full
nudity there was much in the activity to titillate. The cuts were implemented as a 10s cut and then a 1:11s cut allowing some of the intervening material to remain.
The BBFC explained their cuts: The Board still believes that this scene offers a sexual frisson, in a context of non-consensual assault, that could be harmful to some viewers. Contrary to the suggestion that this
scene has received cuts through 'taste' rather than legal considerations, the cuts were in fact required under the terms of the Video Recordings Act, which legally obliges the Board to have special regard "to any harm that may be caused to potential
viewers or, through their behaviour, to society as a whole by the manner in which the work deals with... horrific behaviour or incidents... [or] human sexual activity" (VRA Section 4A (1)). Sexual violence is an area of particular concern for the
Board, being the one area where a clear link has been drawn, through research, between on-screen depictions of eroticised assault and the behaviour of some viewers. The Board is therefore 'legally' obliged to intervene with any depictions of sexual
assault "where the portrayal eroticises or endorses sexual assault" (BBFC Guidelines) because of the 'harm' that might arise from such depictions. Obviously Re-animator will not lead to a spate of attacks on women by
decapitated heads but the scene's general association of non-consensual sex with titilatory aspects may be arousing to some individuals and thus be a cause of potential 'harm' within the legal sense. |
 2:20s |  |
83:57s =80:36s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 after 2:20s of BBFC cuts with some cuts waived for:
The first and last cuts were waived (the attack with the saw and the bloody head being squeezed). However, the two other previous cuts (to the close shot of the shovel cutting the neck and the sexual attack) were maintained. The cut to the sexual
assault was, however, made differently - and less effectively - by the distributors, who chose to remove the ENTIRE second half of the sequence, rather than simply edit out the unacceptable portions of it. This was in fact the distributor's choice and
was not directed by the BBFC. The 33s cut to the forcible stripping was maintained but this time 1:49s were cut to remove the entire bodiless head sequence (rather than making two separate shorter cuts as happened previously). As a result, this
version was cut by a total of 2 minutes 21 seconds. It therefore appeared to have been more heavily cut, even though cuts had in fact been waived! The matter is also slightly further fogged by the fact that this submission was telecined at a completely
different speed (slower), making the cuts appear slightly longer than they actually were, but only by about 7 seconds. |  1:42s |
 | 80:39s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 after 1:42s of BBFC cuts for:
The was similar to the cinema release except that the decapitation was explicitly altered to allow the retention of the long shot of the shovel being pressed into the man's neck. Only the close shot was removed for video, as was originally requested
by the BBFC. |  1:51s |  |
84:00s =80:38s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 after 1:51s of BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC cuts were (with the official cuts list highlighted in maroon) :
- Reel 3: Reduce sight of blood flowing down naked body as boy drives surgical saw into man's neck.
7s is deleted from West's (Jeffrey Coombs) killing of a zombie in the morgue, ie a close-up of a man being run
through with a bone saw. is missing to reduce sight of blood flowing down naked body.
- Reel 3: Remove close shot of shovel cutting into man's neck after his head is bashed from behind.
The decapitation
scene loses a 5s close shot of shovel cutting into Dr Hill's neck after his head is bashed from behind. (a long shot also removed voluntarily by the distributors).
- Reel 4: Remove sight of girl's clothes being ripped off
and all sight of her nude body strapped to trolley with doctor's severed head attempting oral sex.
The headless rape scene offended the censors. It is missing 33s of Megan Halsey (Barbara Crampton) being stripped and having her arms and
legs strapped down. Cuts of 19s and then 43s removed all sight of her nude body strapped to trolley and also the Dr Hill's severed head attempting oral sex including the disembodied head sticking its tongue in Megan's ear, kissing her breasts and a shot
of the head between her legs.
- Reel 5: Reduce sight of bloody head being squeezed and blood gushing from it.
3s has been deleted from a shot of West's head being squeezed and zombie eyes bleeding.
v Re-Animator 2
- 1990 US horror by Brian Yuzna.
Re-Animator 2 is a 1990 US horror by Brian Yuzna. With Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott and Claude Earl Jones.
 The film was cut for an MPAA R rated Theatrical Version, and this cut
version has been used for all 18 rated releases. The US MPAA Unrated version is uncut. It was presumably the Unrated Version that was passed 15 uncut for 2016 Blu-ray. Summary Review: A fair stab Making a sequel looks to be a hopeless task, as the first film clearly tied itself up as a self-contained film, but while it requires a bit of suspension of disbelief from the viewer the script for
Bride of Re-Animator does a tremendous job just managing to reunite most of the cast from the first film (half of whom appeared to have died at the end it) without completely throwing away the continuity of the first film.
The first half of the film is rather slow and boring, with only West's bizarre experiments in joining together odd combinations of body parts providing any entertainment. The ending is fantastic however, with a climax that rivals
the ending of the first film for sheer over the top insanity, as West and eternal unwilling sidekick Dan Cain find themselves under siege from the now bat-winged head of Doctor Hill, his re-animated zombies, the bricked-up earlier failed experiments of
West and of course the bride of re-animator herself... Nowhere near as bad as it's reputation, Bride of Re-Animator is a fair stab at a very difficult sequel. Versions
| UK: Presumably the Unrated Version
was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, gory images for:
- 2016 Arrow RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
- 2016 Arrow Video Liimited
Edition [Unrated + R rated Versions] (RB) Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
|   cut
cut: | | run: | 96:11s | pal: | 92:20s |
| UK: The cut R Rated Theatrical Version was passed
18 without BBFC cuts for:
- 2016 Arrow RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
- 2016 Arrow Liimited Edition
[Unrated + R rated Versions] (RB) Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
1998 Tartan R2 DVD
- 1998 Tartan VHS
- 1992 Polygram VHS
- 1990 Lazer VHS
- 1990 cinema
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com. Widespread
replacement of gore with slightly less bloody variants |
v A Reason To Live, a Reason To Die - 1972 Spain / Italy / France / West Germany western by Tonino Valerii.
 A Reason To
Live, a Reason To Die is a 1972 Spain / Italy / France / West Germany western by Tonino Valerii. Starring James Coburn, Telly Savalas and Bud Spencer.
 BBFC category cuts were required for an A rated 1974 cinema release of the
US Version. The US Version is shortened from the uncut European Version but features the original English where available. The longer uncut European Version has also been released in the US but is dubbed in its entirety. Summary Notes
Branded a coward for surrendering his New Mexico fort to the Confederates without firing a shot, a Union colonel attempts to redeem himself by leading a band of condemned prisoners on a suicide mission to recapture it.
Rebel Dykes - 2021 UK documentary by Harri Shanahan, Siân A. Williams See
Hardcore 18s List: Rebel Dykes |
v The Rebel Gladiator - 1962 Italy adventure by Domenico
v Rebel in the Rye - 2017 USA biography by Danny Strong.
 Rebel in the Rye is a 2017 USA biography by Danny Strong.
Starring Zoey Deutch, Sarah Paulson and Nicholas Hoult.
 The film was initially rated PG-13 for some language including sexual references, brief violence, and smoking. However the producers re-edited the film and it was
later rated PG-13 for thematic elements, language including sexual references, some violence, and smoking throughout.
v Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child Of Fire - 2023 US/Hungary/Sweden/Denmark/UK action adventure drama by Zack Snyder
- Rebel Moon
- Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire
Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child Of Fire is a 2023 US/Hungary/Sweden/Denmark/UK action adventure drama by Zack Snyder Starring Cleopatra Coleman, Sofia Boutella and Charlie Hunnam
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut. Summary Notes When a peaceful colony on the edge of a galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of a tyrannical
ruling force, a mysterious stranger living amongst its villagers becomes their best hope for survival.
v Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver - 2024 US action adventure drama by Zack Snyder
Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver is a 2024 US action adventure drama by Zack Snyder Starring Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam and Ed Skrein

Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut. Summary Notes Kora and surviving warriors prepare to defend Veldt, their new home, alongside its people against the
Realm. The warriors face their pasts, revealing their motivations before the Realm's forces arrive to crush the growing rebellion.
v [Rec]
- 2007 Spain horror mystery thriller by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza.
v The Reckoning - 1969
UK drama by Jack Gold.
v The Red Baron
The Red Baron Versions
v Red Cliff
- Chi Bi
- Chek bik
- The Battle of Red Cliff
- Red Cliff: Three Kingdoms
- One Fate
Red Cliff Versions
16s |  | 274:45s | 2008 China action film by John Woo.
With Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Fengyi Zhang.
 The Original Hong Kong Version is much longer and splits the film into Part I and Part II. This is available as a Special Edition on 2009 EIV DVD/Blu-ray. The BBFC cut 16s
for a 15 certificate: In accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy, cuts were made to remove cruel scenes of horses being made to fall over and roll on their necks. | 2s |
 | 141:43s | The shorter International Version was submitted for the 2009 cinema release and 2009 EIV
DVD/Blu-ray. The BBFC cut 2s for a 15 certificate: Company was required to remove a shot of a cruel and dangerous horsefall (a horse being tripped and falling forwards, rolling over on its neck) |
v Red Dawn
- 1984 USA action drama by John Milius.
 Red Dawn is a 1984 USA action drama by John Milius. Starring Patrick Swayze, C Thomas
Howell and Lea Thompson. Two films were accredited as leading to the creation of the MPAA's PG-13 rating, namely, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Gremlins. However the first theatrical release with a PG-13 rating was Red Dawn.
v Red Heat
- 1985 West Germany / USA / Austria thriller by Robert Collector and Ernst R von Theumer (uncredited).
 Red Heat is a 1985 West Germany / USA / Austria thriller by Robert Collector and Ernst R von
Theumer (uncredited). Starring Linda Blair, Sylvia Kristel and Sue Kiel.
 Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated cinema release and VHS in 1985. Even more cut
in the US for R rated releases. Summary Notes An American woman visiting her fiancée in West Germany is caught up with a defecting spy and captured by those in the East. After brutal interrogation she
is placed in a prison along with sadistic guards and in-mates. As she tries to survive in a world of deprivation and rape, her fiancée fights his own bureaucracy in an attempt to find her.
v Red Light in the White House
Red Light in the White House Versions
Red Nights of the Gestapo - 1977 Italy action war thriller by Fabio De Agostini.
- Le Lunghe notti della Gestapo
- The Red Nights of the Gestapo
Red Nights of the Gestapo is a 1977 Italy action war thriller by Fabio De Agostini. Starring Ezio Miani, Fred Williams and Francesca Righini.
 Banned by the BBFC for 1979 cinema release but after 12 minutes were
censored it was given an X rated cinema release in 1981. An uncut bootleg was released in the UK in 2010. Uncut in the US. Summary Notes An illustrious group of German industrialists plot to overthrow
Hitler by negotiating a peace treaty with England. Disgraced, but dedicated Nazi officer Colonel Werner von Uhland is assigned by his superiors to ferret out these deceitful dissidents and stop them before it's too late. von Uhland recruits a bunch of
beautiful women to seduce these traitors and undermine their conspiracy. A film based upon the same Nazi brothel bugging theme as Salon Kitty. Perhaps not as outrageous as one may expect from the packaging. However there are
some attractive actresses getting into the fun. The director seems to have done a good job with the talent available.
v The Red Pony
- John Steinbeck's The Red Pony
The Red Pony Versions
v Red Riding Hood
 Red Riding Hood
 uncut | 
 PG-13 | 96:14s | 2011 US/Canada fantasy by Catherine Hardwicke. With Amanda Seyfried, Lukas Haas and Gary Oldman.
The Extended cut/Alternate Cut was passed 12 uncut for:
The US release features the Alternate Cut and is MPAA PG-13 rated for:
See pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com |
 PG-13 | 95:39s | The Theatrical Version was passed 12 uncut for:
- 2011 Warner R2 DVD
- 2011 cinema release
Red Rings of Fear - 1978 Italy/West Germany/Spain mystery thriller by Alberto Negrin. See
Rings of Fear |
v Red Scorpion - 1989 South
Africa/US/Namibia action film by Joseph Zito.
Red Scorpion is a 1989 South Africa/US/Namibia action film by Joseph Zito. With Dolph Lundgren, M. Emmet Walsh and Al White.
 Cut for an MPAA R rating. The Unrated version is uncut. Bother versions
have been distributed in the UK. Summary Review: One of the best examples from the action genre A Russian KGB agent is sent to Africa to kill an anti-Communist black revolutionary. However, he has a
change of heart when he sees how the Russians and their Cuban allies are killing and repressing the locals, so he switches sides and helps the rebels. The 1980s was one of the best decades for the Action genre. Red
Scropion is quite easily one of the best examples of 80s war-action and remains a very fun and enjoyable watch today. There's hand-to-hand-combat, gun-fire, huge explosions, crazy stunts, exploding trucks, a high body
count and flame throwers. Versions
 uncut | 
 | 100:47s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 15 uncut for strong language and one scene of torture for:
- 2012 Arrow R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
1993 VCI VHS
- 1990 Locus VHS
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated fro:
|   2:36s
| 97:51s | UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed
15 without BBFC cuts for:
- 2004 Optimum R2 DVD
- 2000 Synergy R2 DVD
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com :
- Torture scene cut by 5s
- Flamethrower attack on village removed
- Attack on sentry tower removed
- Attack on water tower removed
- Fights were cut
Red Shoe Diaries - 1992 US TV erotic drama by Zalman King. See
Wild Orchid: Red Shoe Diaries |
v The Red Shoes
The Red Shoes Versions
 |  |
103:49s | 2005 South Korea mystery by Yong-gyun Kim. There is also an uncut unrated version |
v Red Sonja
- 1985 US/Netherlands/Italy action fantasy by Richard Fleischer
- Kalidor i ridokosa ratnica
Red Sonja is a 1985 US/Netherlands/Italy action fantasy by Richard Fleischer Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brigitte Nielsen and Sandahl Bergman
 Cut in the US for an MPAA PG-13 rating. Then further cut in the UK for PG rated cinema
and VHS release in 1985. The BBFC cuts were waived from 1987 for subsequent 15 rated home video releases. Summary Notes The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of
barbarism. She attacks and kills the keepers of a powerful talisman just before it is destroyed. Gedren then uses the power of the talisman in her raid of the city Hablac. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow
Gedren. The talisman's master Kalidor follows to protect her. Of course they fall in love - however Red Sonja's power bases on the oath to never give herself to any man...
 best available
 | UK: Passed 15 for strong violence, sexual violence, nudity without BBFC cuts:
UK: Passed 15 for strong violence and horror without BBFC cuts:
- 2001 Momentum Pictures video
UK: Passed 15 without BBFC cuts:
- 2000 Universal video
- 1997 BMG VHS
- 1987 Cannon VHS
US: Rated MPAA PG-13 after cuts. Thanks to Simon. Red Sonja was in fact cut for a PG-13. The arm chopping was abbreviated and various sword stabbings and sexualised violence toned down prior to US release. |
cut: | 12s | run: | 88:16s | pal: | 84:44s |
sub: | | sub: | |
|  | UK: Passed PG after 12s of BBFC cuts:
- 1985 Thorn-EMI Screen Entertainment VHS
- 1985 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were edits to:
- a reference to body violation
- a closeup of Sonja's face in the opening scene
- a shot of a metal throwing star.
v Red Sparrow
- 2018 USA mystery thriller by Francis Lawrence.
Red Sparrow is a 2018 USA mystery thriller by Francis Lawrence. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Joel Edgerton and Mary-Louise Parker.
 Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US. The film was cut in the UK for 15 rated
cinema release and home video. Summary Notes A young Russian intelligence officer is assigned to seduce a first-tour CIA agent who handles the CIA's most sensitive penetration of Russian intelligence.
The two young officers collide in a charged atmosphere of trade-craft, deception, and inevitably forbidden passion that threatens not just their lives but the lives of others as well.
|  | US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for strong violence, torture, sexual content, language and some graphic nudity. US:
Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2018 20th Century Fox (RA) 4k Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 22nd May 2018
- 2018
20th Century Fox RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon released on 22nd May 2018
- 2018
20th Century Fox R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 22nd May 2018
- 2018 20th Century Fox
VoD [US only] at US Amazon
|  advised category cuts
cut: | | run: | 139:43s | pal: | 134:08s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence, gore, sexual violence, sex, very strong language after BBFC advised pre-cuts for:
- 2018 29th Century Fox video
- 2018 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
- This film was originally seen for advice. The company was advised the film was likely to be classified 18 but that their preferred 15 could be achieved by making reductions in one scene of strong sadistic violence (a garroting). When
the film was submitted for formal classification appropriate reductions had been made in that scene and the film was classified 15.
The BBFC commented about complaints received in its annual report covering 2018: The company behind the espionage thriller Red Sparrow elected to make cuts to a bloody garrotting scene, with focus on the wounding of the
victim's throat and subsequent bloody aftermath in order to achieve a 15. Red Sparrow attracted 64 complaints. All correspondents felt that we should have classified the film at 18 instead of 15 because of elements of violence and
sexual violence in the film.
See Pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com :
- In the original the garroting with a wire cuts into the flesh of the victim and blood spills out. The sight of blood dripping from the wound and splashing onto Dominika's chest has been deleted from the censored version
v Red Sun
- 1971 France/Italy/Spain action western by Terence Young
Red Sun is a 1971 France/Italy/Spain action western by Terence Young Starring Charles Bronson, Toshirô Mifune and Alain Delon
 Category cuts were required for an 'AA' rated cinema release in 1971.
Uncut and 15 rated on home ideo Summary Notes The Japanese ambassador is traveling through the Wild West by train, when gangsters hold up the train, to rob a gold shipment. They also
carry an ancient Japanese sword the ambassador was carrying as a present for the US president. The ambassador's bodyguard (Toshiro Mifune) will go after them, with the aid of one of the gang's leaders betrayed by his pals...
run: | 113:33s | pal: | 109:00s |
| UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence and
sexualised nudity:
- 2015 Studio Canal RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2010
Optimum Releasing video
UK: Passed 15 uncut:
- 2005 Cinema Club video
- 1988 Channel 5 VHS
US: Uncut and MPAA PG rated. |  category cuts |
 | UK: Passed AA (14) after category cuts:
Tim comments: These cuts are typical for an AA in its first year or two of existence when the BBFC seemed to treat AA films if it was an old A rating by cutting all clear shots of topless nudity (Cat O'Nine Tails
and Puppet on a Chain had similar cuts). The entire introduction of the AA was problematic with distributors and exhibitors complaining about it for about 2-3 years.
Red to Kill - 1994 Hong Kong horror by Billy Hin-Shing Tang See
Self Banned List: Red to Kill |
v Redneck
Redneck Versions
|  | 84:27s | 1973 UK/Italy action film by Silvio Narizzano
The 2003 Waterfall DVD was passed 15 without BBFC cuts. Not sure what version was submitted but the running time suggests an uncut version. | cut |
 | | The BBFC cut the 1972 cinema release. The original running time was noted as 87:00s |
v Reds
- 1981 US/UK film by Warren Beatty
Reds is a 1981 US/UK film by Warren Beatty Starring Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton and Edward Herrmann
 All UK releases are cut for horse trips. Versions
cut: | 3s | run: | 194:33s | pal: | 186:46s |
| UK: Passed 15 for strong language after 3s of BBFC cuts:
The BBFC commented: Cuts were required to genuine animal cruelty (in this case the cruel tripping of three horses during a battle scene). UK: Passed 15 after BBFC cuts:
UK: Passed AA (14) after BBFC cuts:
cut: | 7s | run: | 69:57s | pal: | 67:09s |
|  | UK: Witness to 'Reds' was passed 12 after 7s of BBFC cuts:
The BBFC commented: The distributor was required to remove two shots of horse falls that were clearly achieved through the use of illegal trip wires.
v Reform School Girls
- 1986 USA crime thriller by Tom DeSimone.
Refuge From The Storm - 2012 USA drama by Elias Acosta.
- Refuge From The Storm: A New Beginning
Refuge From The Storm is a 2012 USA drama by Elias Acosta. Starring Michael Madsen, Kristen Quintrall and Jane Santos.
 Rated PG-13 for some disturbing thematic material, violence, sexuality and
brief drug use. The film was edited prior to release and resubmitted to the MPAA without change to the rating or reason.
Regenerator - 1990 Italy / USA Sci-Fi horror by George Eastman See
Metamorphosis |
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice - 2008 Canada horror by Lucifer
Valentine See Self Banned List: ReGOREgitated Sacrifice |
v Rei Rei
- Utsukushiki sei no dendôshi: Rei Rei
- Rei Rei: Missionary of Love
Rei Rei Versions
8s |  | 55:22s | 1993 Japan anime by Yoshiko Yamamoto The
BBFC cut 8s when submitted for the 1996 Kiseki video. Presumably the same version was carried forward to DVD Thanks to Bleach:
- At 42 mins - After woman`s legs are held by tentacles, remove sight of:
- tentacle mauling her breast
- tentacle ripping over blouse and exposing breasts
- tentacle penetrating her.
The uncut region 1 DVD is available via US Amazon |
v Reign of Assassins
- 2010 China action film by Chao-Bin Su.
Reign of Assassins is a 2010 China action film by Chao-Bin Su. With Michelle Yeoh, Woo-sung Jung, Xueqi Wang.
 There is an Uncut Asian version and a cut International Version.
v Reign Over Me
 Reign Over Me
|  | 119:23s | 2007 US drama by Mike Binder. With
Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle and Jada Pinkett Smith.
 Passed 15 uncut for:
- 2007 Sony R2 DVD
- 2007 cinema release
From IMDb: A scene removed from the UK version of the film is the montage of scenes with Angela Oakhurst (Liv Tyler) consoling Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) with the original version of Love, Reign o'er me playing in the background. The
BBFC certified running time suggests an uncut version. Perhaps it was cut after it was submitted to the BBFC |
Reindeer Games - 2000 US action film by John Frankenheimer See
Deception |
v Reinventing Marvin - 2017 France gay drama by Anne Fontaine.
- Marvin ou la belle éducation
- Marvin
Reinventing Marvin is a 2017 France gay drama by Anne Fontaine. Starring Finnegan Oldfield, Grégory Gadebois and Vincent Macaigne.
 BBFC cuts were required for 15 rated cinema release and DVD in 2018.
Summary Notes A young man runs away from his family to become an actor.
 compulsory cuts
cut: | 6s | run: | 113:29s | pal: | 108:57s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 for sexual violence, strong language, sex, nudity after 6s of BBFC compulsory BBFC cuts for:
- 2018 Peccadillo Pictures video
- 2018 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
- Cuts required to remove potentially indecent images of a child in accordance with the Protection of Children Act 1978.
The BBFC further commented in board meeting minutes: Reinventing Marvin is a French drama submitted for cinema classification which features a scene in which the central character is subjected to a sexual assault by an
older boy at school. The Head of Compliance requested proofs of age for the actors involved, which confirmed the central character is played by an actor who was 15 at the time of filming while the older boy is played by an actor
who was 18. The scene was viewed again by the President and Chief Executive who concluded that the scene includes a potentially indecent image of a child within the meaning of the Protection of Children Act 1978. Accordingly, a
cut was required. The company appealed against the proposed cut, submitting documentary proof that included parental consent and information about the child protection steps taken on set. The scene was
viewed again by the President, Chief Executive, Head of Compliance and Compliance Manager in the light of those further assurances. However, it was concluded that the fact the film makers did not intend to create an indecent image does not alter the fact
of the indecency of the image in question. The cut was upheld and has now been made.
v Rekka
- 2016 India action film by Rathina Shiva.
 Rekka is a 2016 India action film by Rathina Shiva. Starring Kishore Kumar G, Sathish
Krishnan and Lakshmi Menon.
 BBFC category cuts were required for a 2016 12A rated cinema release Versions
 category cuts 51s |  |
140:04s | UK: Passed 12A for moderate action violence, discriminatory language after 51s of BBFC category cuts for:
The BBFC commented:
- Company chose to remove a scene of strong violence in order to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
Summary Notes A lawyer kidnaps a young woman without meaning to.
The Reliant - 2018 USA action film by Paul Munger.
 The Reliant is a 2018 USA action film by Paul Munger. Starring Eric Roberts, Kevin
Sorbo and Brian Bosworth.
 Rated R for some violence. The producer's weren't impressed with rating and decided to appeal the decision, presumably seeking a PG-13 rating. Presumably the appeal
was not upheld as the MPAA noted that the rating and reason were unchanged. Later on the MPAA announced that an edited version is now rated PG-13. Summary Notes Economic collapse
causes widespread rioting and social unrest, leaving a lovesick 19-year-old girl struggling to care for her siblings in a stretch of woods bordered by lawless anarchy, wondering why a good God would let this happen.
v Remember Me
 Remember Me
 uncut |  PG-13 |
~113:00s =~108:00s | Remember Me is a 2010 US romantic drama by Allen Coulter. With Robert Pattinson, Emilie de Ravin and Caitlyn Rund.
US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
|  advised category cuts |  |
107:38s | UK: Passed 12/12A after BBFC suggested category cuts were implemented for:
- 2010 E1 DVD/Blu-ray
- 2010 E1 R2 DVD
- 2010 E1 Online
- 2010 cinema release
The BBFC commented: This film was originally shown to the BBFC in an unfinished version. The BBFC advised the company that the film was likely to receive a 15 classification but that the requested 12A certificate
could be achieved by making cuts in two sequences.
- The company were asked to remove a strong verbal sex reference (to being sodomised') and
- to reduce a scene of strong violence in which the hero continues to beat a man who has already
been knocked to the ground.
When the finished version of the was submitted, these changes has been made and the film was classified '12A. |
v Remember the Titans
 Remember the Titans
BBFC uncut |  | 108:45s | 2000 US drama by Boaz Yakin The BBFC passed the Theatrical Version PG without cuts for the 2001 cinema release and 2001 Buena Vista DVD/Blu-ray
There is also a US Director's Cut with 6 minutes of deleted scenes restored See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com The uncut region 1 DVD is available at
US Amazon The uncut region 1 DVD is available via
UK Amazon |
Remembrance of Things Fast
 Remembrance of Things
32s |  | 60:56 | 1995 release by John Maybury |
v Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins - 1985 USA action crime comedy by Guy Hamilton.
- Remo Unarmed and Dangerous
- Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous
- Remo: The Adventure Begins...
- Remo: The First Adventure
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins is a 1985 USA action crime comedy by Guy Hamilton. Starring Fred Ward, Joel Grey and Wilford Brimley.

Cut by the BBFC for 1986 15 rated cinema release and VHS. Cuts waived for the 15 rated 2005 DVD. Uncut and PG-13 rated in the US. Summary Notes An officially "dead" cop is
trained to become an extraordinarily unique assassin in service of the US president. An NYPD cop is 'killed' in an accident. The death is faked, and he is inducted into the organization CURE, dedicated to preserving the
constitution by working outside of it. Remo is to become the enforcement wing (assassin) of CURE, and learns an ancient Korean martial art from Chiun, the Master of Sinanju. Based on the popular pulp series "The Destroyer," by Richard Sapir and
Warren Murphy.
run: | 116:08s | pal: | 111:29s |
| UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence
after previous BBFC cuts waived for:
- 2005 MGM R2 DVD titled Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
|  cut
cut: | 35s | run: | 115:07s | pal: | 110:31s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 after 35s of BBFC category cuts for:
- 1986 Rank VHS titled Remo Unarmed and Dangerous
- 1986 cinema release titled Remo Unarmed and Dangerous
From IMDb. The BBFC cuts were:
- Edits to kicks and blows during the opening fight scene
v The Ren & Stimpy Show - Fake Dad
 The Ren
& Stimpy Show - Fake Dad
3:02s |  | 20:30s
| by Bob Camp (Paramount Home
Entertainment (UK)) Cut in 2006 with the following BBFC comment: Cut required to remove a sequence in which the subject of hanging is presented as comedic, fun and risk free, on the grounds of potential harm to the likely
audience |
v Ren & Stimpy Show Seasons 1 & 2: Out West
 Ren & Stimpy Show Seasons 1 & 2: Out West
3:02s |  | 20:30s | by Bob Camp (Paramount Home Entertainment)
Cut when submitted in 2006 with the following BBFC statement: Cut required to remove a sequence in which the subject of hanging is presented as comedic, fun and risk free, on the grounds of potential harm to the likely audience.
The BBFC have incorrectly listed the cuts under the episode, Fake Dad Thanks to David from www.lyris-lite.net where full details of the
cuts are described: A pre-cut version was submitted with cuts inflicted for TV running time reasons. The entire Hanging Song sequence as illustrated below has been deleted by the BBFC
 The American version called Ren & Stimpy Uncut
ended up being cut, but the cuts were there by accident because the people mastering the discs used master tapes that had been cut to make room for commercials on American TV. The cuts on the US discs are mainly long-running scenes, not cuts for
But the British discs look like they've been made from these already time-cut masters and then had the BBFC's handiwork applied... it's not going to be pleasant.
I've been working with the creator of the show (John Kricfalusi)
and the DVD mastering team to identify all of the cuts to the US version to get them all restored for a future Ultimate Ren & Stimpy DVD box set. Update: The BBFC have just responded to a fairly
lengthy questioning regarding these issues which has been posted on www.lyris-lite.net |
v Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé - 2023 US music documentary by Beyoncé, Ed Burke
 Renaissance: A
Film By Beyoncé is a 2023 US music documentary by Beyoncé, Ed Burke Starring Beyoncé, Blue Ivy Carter and Diana Ross

Pre-cut for a BBFC 15 rated cinema release. Summary Notes Beyoncé in performance at her record-breaking RENAISSANCE World Tour and the creative mastermind behind it.
 uncut |
 | US: Uncut and MPA Unrated: From IMDb: Several uses of 'cunt' during the song PURE/HONEY as well as 57 frequent uses of fuck,
42 shit, 40 bitch and 30 nigga. |  pre-cut
cut: | | run: | 169:28s | pal: | 162:41s |
|  | UK: A cut pre-cut version was BBFC 15 rated for strong language:
- 2023 Trafalgar Releasing cinema release (rated 27/11/2023)
The BBFC commented:
There is strong language ('fuck', 'motherfucker'), as well as milder terms such as 'bitch', 'whore', 'shit', 'ass' and 'God'. There are also uses of reclaimed racial language ('nigga', 'negro').
Thanks to Scott: This concert film apparently contains use of the c-word in its original form, hence the Aus OFLC rating it MA15+ for Strong coarse language, however it seems the word has been removed from the UK release as the BBFC
have given it a 15 for just strong language rather than very strong. Listed as uncut on the website, so presumably it was pre-cut by the distributor in a failed attempt to get a 12A. |
v Rendu
- 2006 India comedy by Sundar C.
v Renegade
- 1987 Italy action comedy adventure by Enzo Barboni (as EB Clucher).
Renegade is a 1987 Italy action comedy adventure by Enzo Barboni (as EB Clucher). Starring Terence Hill, Robert Vaughn and Ross Hill.
 Cut by the BBFC for a 15 rated VHS in 1988
Summary Notes Renegade Luke has been living an easy life so far, travelling through the southwest with his horse Joe, making money by running small-time scams. All this comes to an end when he
encounters Moose, an imprisoned convict with a young son. Moose makes Luke an offer: move into his property and become the legal guardian of his son, and in return he won't get his friends to make legal trouble for Luke. Things don't go smoothly for the
drifter and the boy at first, but gradually they come to settle into their new situation.
cut: | 34s | run: | 92:31s | pal: | 88:49s |
sub: | 89:21s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 after 34s of BBFC category cuts:
- 1988 Vestron Video International VHS
The sight of a butterfly knife has been cut from two scenes. See article from movie-censorship.com |
v Renfield
- 2023 US comedy horror by Chris McKay
 Renfield is a 2023 US comedy horror by Chris McKay Starring Nicolas Cage, Nicholas
Hoult and Ben Schwartz

Cut in Australia for an MA15+ rating. Uncut elswhere and 15 rated in the UK. Summary Notes Dracula's henchman and inmate at the lunatic asylum.
|   Ireland
| UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong
bloody violence, gore, language, drug misuse:
Ireland: Passed 16 uncut for bloody violence and detailed depiction of injury and severed limbs throughout. Strong language throughout and some scenes and depictions of drugs.
|  cut |  Australia
| Australia: Cut for an MA15+ rating Thanks to Ben: The Classification Board classified Renfield R 18+ with consumer advice of High impact blood and gore on 27 March 2023. An application for a modified
version of the film was classified MA 15+ for Strong blood and gore, violence and coarse language on 14 April 2023.
v Reno 911!: Miami
- Reno 911!: Miami: The Movie
Reno 911!: Miami Versions
 uncut | 
 Unrated | 80:00s | 2007 US comedy by Robert Ben Garant The BBFC passed the US Unrated Version 15 uncut for the 2007
Paramount DVD. The Unrated Version features a little extra nudity and a couple of minor new scenes. See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com The uncut region 2 DVD is available at
UK Amazon The uncut region 1 DVD is available at
US Amazon |
 |   R Rated
| 80:33s =77:20s | The BBFC passed the US R Rated Theatrical Version 15 without cuts for the 2007 cinema release. |
Renovation - 2018 Brazil gay comedy drama short by Fábio Leal. See
Hardcore 18s List: Renovation |
v The Replacement Killers - 1998 USA action crime thriller by Antoine Fuqua.
 The Replacement Killers is a 1998 USA action crime thriller by Antoine
Fuqua. Starring Yun-Fat Chow, Mira Sorvino and Michael Rooker.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Cut. Summary Notes John Lee is the best hitman money can buy. But when John refuses to kill because of the seven year-old son of his
target, John's bosses send someone after John to kill him and then take his place in the ring of hitmen. John then teams up with Meg Coburn to help him escape these "Replacement Killers."
 Extended Cut | 
 Unrated | 92:07s | UK: The Extended Cut was passed 18 uncut for:
US: The Extended Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
The extended material is only additional plot but it helps fill out the characters a bit. See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com |  Theatrical Version |
| 83:56s | UK: The
Theatrical Version was passed 18 without cuts for:
- 1999 Columbia/TriStar DVD
- 1998 cinema release
v Repo Man
- 1984 USA crime comedy by Alex Cox.
 Repo Man is a 1984 USA crime comedy by Alex Cox. Starring Harry Dean Stanton, Emilio
Estevez and Tracey Walter.
Uncut by film censors but there exists an iconic BBC TV version where motherfucker is overdubbed with melonfarmer Summary Notes Young punk Otto becomes a repo man after helping to
steal a car, and stumbles into a world of wackiness as a result.
 uncut | 
 | 92:09s | UK: Passed 18 uncut for
- 2012 Eureka Masters of Cinema [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2012 Eureka Masters of Cinema Steelbook Edition [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] RB Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
- 2003 Universal R2 DVD
1987 CIC VHS
- 1984 cinema release
Germany: Uncut for:
US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated
- 2013 Criterion [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] RA-Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2013
Criterion [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] R1 DVD at US Amazon
- 2006 Universal
Collector's Edition R1 DVD at US Amazon
|  cut |  |
96:34s =92:42s | UK: The inspirational TV Version is released for:
- 2012 Eureka Masters of Cinema [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2012 Eureka Masters of Cinema Steelbook Edition [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] RB Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated
- 2013 Criterion [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] RA-Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2013
Criterion [Uncut + Melon Farmers TV Version] R1 DVD at US Amazon
This is the legendary variant, prepared by Alex Cox for a BBC showing which incorporates deleted material and surreal overdubs in place of profanity. In particular, 'melonfarmer' for 'motherfucker' |
v Repo Men
- 2010 US/Canada action thriller by Miguel Sapochnik
Repo Men is a 2010 US/Canada action thriller by Miguel Sapochnik Starring Jude Law, Forest Whitaker and Alice Braga
 Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended/Unrated Version. Both versions were 18
rated by the BBFC in 2010 but the Theatrical Version was 15 rated in 2022. Summary Notes Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around
a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.
 Unrated Version
run: | 119:36s | pal: | 114:49s |
| UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut
for strong bloody violence:
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
The Unrated Version has extended plot scenes along with a couple of extensions to violent scenes. See pictorial cuts details from
movie-censorship.com |  Theatrical Version
run: | 111:02s | pal: | 106:36s |
 | UK: The Theatrical Version was passed15 uncut for injury detail, language, sexual images, violence, drug misuse:
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence:
- 2010 Universal R0 Blu-ray
- 2010 Universal R2 DVD
- 2010 cinema release
v The Reptile - 1966 UK horror
by John Gilling.
 The Reptile is a 1966 UK horror by John Gilling. With Noel Willman, Jennifer Daniel and
Ray Barrett.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1966. This cut versions seems to have been distributed ever since and is the best available. Summary Review: A Little Hammer Gem The
production was filmed back to back with The Plague of the Zombies, and used many of the same sets, including exterior shots in the grounds. It also shared the problems of a low budget. When his brother Charles Spalding
mysteriously dies, Harry Spalding and his wife Valerie decide to move to the inherited cottage in a small village in the country. They are coldly received by the locals. Harry and Valerie find that the locals are being killed by some snake and they feel
threatened. A tight and effective picture. There is a lovely sense of mystery dripping throughout the piece, and it's real nice to see a Hammer film being driven by its characters. The
performances from the cast are uniformly strong. The Reptile is a little Hammer gem waiting to be discovered.
 best available
 | UK: Presumably the cut Cinema Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
- 2012 Studio Canal R2 DVD/RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2006 Optimum R2 DVD
- 1984 Lumiere VHS
This is a newly restored version so will surely be the best available. However Hammer have put out a call trying to locate lost or censored footage from the following scene:
- An extended knife in neck/snake bite scene (this is thought to exist, but no known evidence).
This rather suggests that this is the footage censored from the 1966 cinema release and that it is still missing from home video releases US: Presumably it is the cut Cinema Version is MPAA Unrated for:
|  cut
cut: | | run: | | pal: | | sub:
| 90:05s |
|  | UK: Passed X (16) after BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC cut was described in The DarkSide magazine as:
- a gloating close-up during the lancing of a snake bite
v Reptilicus
- 1961 Denmark / USA action Sci-Fi horror by Sidney W Pink (as Sidney Pink).
 Reptilicus is a 1961 Denmark / USA action Sci-Fi horror by Sidney W Pink (as Sidney
Pink). Starring Bent Mejding, Asbjørn Andersen and Povl Wøldike.
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'A' rated 1963 cinema release. Uncut and PG rated for 2016 DVD. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US. Summary Notes A portion of the tail of a
prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it
difficult to kill.
v Requiem for a Dream
- 2000 USA drama by Darren Aronofsky.
 Requiem for a Dream is a 2000 USA drama by Darren Aronofsky. With Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly.
Widely distributed in the uncut Director's Cut format but there is a cut US R rated version. Summary Notes The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island individuals are shattered when
their addictions become stronger.
Requiem for a Vampire - 1971 French horror film by Jean Rollin.
- Vierges et vampires
- Caged Vampires
- Caged Virgins
- The Crazed Vampire
- Crazed Virgins
- Dungeon of Terror
- Requiem pour un vampire
- Sex Vampires
- Virgins and Vampires
- Virgins
and the Vampires
Requiem for a Vampire is a 1971 French horror film by Jean Rollin. With Marie-Pierre Castel, Mireille Dargent and Philippe Gasté.
 Banned in the UK in 1972. Then heavily cut by the BBFC for VHS and DVD.
Uncut in the US. Summary Review: Highly recommended No one would be expecting a meaningful social commentary from a film with this title, but please bear in mind when watching that this a Jean Rollin
film, so don't expect a meaningful story either. This is mad, it has kinky lesbians and they're vampires. Happy days! It's quite light hearted for a Rollin flick and is at the fast end of his snail like pacing, but that
isn't saying much on either count. It's no Daughters of Darkness either, so don't try to make sense of it, you'll end up as bonkers as Rollin. Instead laugh at crap vampires and revel in the kink fest in the dungeon. It's
bloody great and is a bona fide Eurotrash classic. Highly recommended. Versions
v The Rescuers - 1977 USA
family animation fantasy by John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman...
 The Rescuers is a 1977 USA family animation fantasy by John Lounsbery, Wolfgang
Reitherman... Starring Bob Newhart, Eva Gabor and Geraldine Page.
Never cut per se but animators had a bit of fun adding naked boobs in a small subliminal shot Summary Notes Two mice of the Rescue Aid Society search for a little girl kidnapped by
unscrupulous treasure hunters.
v Reservoir Dogs
- 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino.
 Reservoir Dogs is a 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino.
Starring Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth and Michael Madsen.
Never cut by censors but the film was briefly informally banned in the UK from 1993 until 1995 due to a controversy about video violence at the time. See
BBFC Case Study from bbfc.co.uk See
Reservoir Dogs, and how it was 'banned' in the UK on video from filmstories.co.uk
Summary Notes Six criminals, who are strangers to each other, are hired by a crime boss, Joe Cabot, to carry out a diamond robbery. Right at the outset, they are given false names with the
intention that they won't get too close and will concentrate on the job instead. They are completely sure that the robbery is going to be a success. But, when the police show up right at the time and the site of the robbery, panic spreads amongst the
group members, and two of them are killed in the subsequent shootout, along with a few policemen and civilians. When the remaining people assemble at the premeditated rendezvous point (a warehouse), they begin to suspect that one of them is an undercover

UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence:
UK: The Original Version was passed 18 uncut for:
- 2013 cinema release
- 2012 Lions Gate Tarentino XX (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
- 2010 Optimum R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
- 2009 Lions Gate RB Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
- 1996 Polygram VHS
1995 Pioneer LaserDisc
- 1995 Polygram VHS
- 1992 cinema release
US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated for:
|  uncut
|  | UK: The Special Edition was passed 18 uncut for:
- 2004 Momentum Special Edition R2 DVD
See article from dvdcompare.net . The Special Edition has minor differences to dialogue
- Missing dialogue Mr White: I think he just passed out.
- Mumbled dialogue Mr Blonde: "Joe"
|  banned |  banned |
UK: The film was informally banned from a video release from 1993 to 1995 See article from bbfc.co.uk
The work was submitted in 1993 for its home video classification, but the video release would be delayed until 1995 because of the introduction of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill in 1993 and its lengthy passage through
Parliament. In response to concerns about the effects of media violence, largely in the wake of the James Bulger murder in 1993, part of the Bill's remit was to make amendments to the Video Recordings Act 1984, under which
the BBFC had been appointed as the statutory regulatory body for video. It also established within the VRA a specific harm test. This harm test required the BBFC to pay special regard (among the other relevant factors) to any harm that
may be caused to potential viewers or, through their behaviour, to society by the manner in which the work deals with [such issues as] criminal behaviour [and] violent behaviour and incidents . Reservoir Dogs was
finally granted an uncut 18 video certificate in May 1995, a considerable time after its video release in all the other major international markets, which did not prove too disconcerting for Tarantino who was reported to be delighted that the
delay had given the film an extended theatrical life in the UK.
The Resident - 2011 UK/USA mystery thriller by Antti Jokinen See Hammer
Films List |
v Resident Evil
- 2002 UK / Germany / France / USA action Sci-Fi horror by Paul WS Anderson.
 Resident Evil is a 2002 UK / Germany / France / USA action Sci-Fi horror by
Paul WS Anderson. Starring Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez and Ryan McCluskey.
 Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Despite suggestions of an uncut
version, the R rated version has been distributed worldwide since. This cut version is 15 rated in the UK. Promotional Material Something rotten is brewing beneath the industrial mecca known as
Raccoon City. Unknown to its millions of residents, a huge underground bioengineering facility known as The Hive has accidentally unleashed the deadly and mutating T-virus, killing all of its employees. To contain the leak, the governing supercomputer,
Red Queen, has sealed all entrances and exits. Now a team of highly-trained super commandos including Rain (Michelle Rodriguez - The Fast and the Furious, Girlfight), Alice (MillaJovovich - The Fifth Element) and Matt (Eric Mabius - Cruel Intentions)
must race to penetrate The Hive in order to isolate the T-virus before it overwhelms humanity. To do so, they must get past theRed Queen's deadly defenses, face the flesh-eating undead employees, fight killer mutant dogs and battle The Licker, a
genetically mutated savage beast whose strength increases with each of its slainvictims. Versions
 best available  cut
cut: | | run: | 100:30s | pal: | 96:29s |
| UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 15
without BBFC cuts for:
US: Cut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2020 Sony Resident Evil Collection R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2017 Sony Pictures
Home Entertainment R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
From IMDb: The U.S. release had some violence censored to avoid an 'NC-17' rating. Paul W.S. Anderson has indicated in various interviews that an 'uncut version' with several minutes of extra footage, including gorier scenes and more
character development, will be released in the future as a possible DVD release. No sign of this as yet though. |
Resident Evil: Apocalypse - 2004 Germany/France/UK/Canada/USA action sci-fi by Alexander Witt.
 Resident Evil: Apocalypse
is a 2004 Germany/France/UK/Canada/USA action sci-fi by Alexander Witt. With Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory and Eric Mabius.
 Exists as a theatrical version and an extended version
 Extended Version
|   Germany
 Japan | US: The Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
- 2020 Sony Resident Evil Collection [Theatrical + Extended versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon
Germany: An Extended Version was passed 18 uncut for:
Japan: The Extended Version has also been released in Japan. See pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com : There is nothing
contentious in the 3:50s of extra material added for the extended version. However it does add a bit if humour to the film which helps. |  Theatrical Version
| UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15
without BBFC cuts for:
- 2007 R0 Blu-ray
- 2005 R2 DVD
US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2020 Sony Resident Evil Collection [Theatrical + Extended versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon
Resident Evil: Afterlife - 2010 Germany/France/UK action adventure by Paul WS Anderson.
 Resident Evil: Afterlife is a 2010 Germany/France/UK action
adventure by Paul WS Anderson. With Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller.
 The film didn't trouble the UK or US censors but there exists an
international version where the CGI blood letting is reduced. Promo After a one-woman assault on the Umbrella Corporation's fortress, Alice's (Milla Jovovich) superhuman abilities are neutralized.
Now, fleeing the Undead masses created by the T-virus, Alice reunites with Claire Redfield (Ali Larter) and her brother, Chris (Wentworth Miller). Together they take refuge with other survivors in an abandoned prison, where a savage zombie mob stands
between them and the safety of "Arcadia." Escaping these bloodthirsty mutants will take an arsenal. But facing off with Albert Wesker and the Umbrella Corporation will take the fight for survival to a new level of danger.
v Resident Evil: Retribution - 2012 Germany/Canada/USA/France action Sci-Fi horror by Paul WS Anderson.
 Resident Evil:
Retribution is a 2012 Germany/Canada/USA/France action Sci-Fi horror by Paul WS Anderson. Starring Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory and Michelle Rodriguez.
Uncut in the US and UK. There was talk of an extended cut but so far this has not yet appeared
v Resort to Kill
Resort to Kill Versions
19s |  | 104:10s | 1994 Mexico/US action film by Dan Neira The BBFC cut the 1994 Lazer video by 19s.
- Cuts to several views and uses of throwing stars
- Cut to the sight of a butterfly knife
- A double ear clap has been cut
The uncut region 0 DVD is available at US Amazon Review from
US Amazon : Unpretentious Overall, I think that this is a
great movie when you judge it for what it was. An action movie with a lot of fight scenes and it doesn't pretend to be anything else. Both Piper and Chiba were great in the fight scenes, and had the script although could
have been a bit better, wasn't actually that bad. |
Respectable: The Mary Millington Story - 2016 UK biography by Simon Sheridan. See
Hardcore 18s List: Respectable: The Mary Millington Story |
v The Restless Breed - 1957 USA western by Allan Dwan.
 The Restless Breed is a 1957 USA western by Allan Dwan. With
Scott Brady, Anne Bancroft and Jay C Flippen.
 Unknown BBFC cuts for cinema release. Cut by the BBFC for animal cruelty in 2013. Summary Notes Educated but
hot-headed Mitch Baker travels to the border town of Mission intent on avenging the death of his secret service father at the hand of contraband gang leader Newton.
v Restless Souls
- The Sex Files: Restless Souls
Restless Souls Versions
v Retribution
- 1987 USA horror mystery by Guy Magar.
 Retribution is a 1987 USA horror mystery by Guy Magar. Starring Dennis
Lipscomb, Leslie Wing and Suzanne Snyder.
 Cut in the US for an R rating. This cut version was passed 18 uncut for 1987 cinema release but was significantly cut for VHS in 1988 and 1991. Summary
Notes At Halloween George Miller jumps down from the roof of a hotel. But he's rescued and survives. In psychiatry the young Dr. Jennifer Curtis cares for him and gives him back his will to live. However he suffers
from terrible nightmares. Back home, he discovers in the newspaper that his dreams, in which he forces other people to kill themselves in most cruel ways, seem to be reality. It is a little known, rare
classic. If you enjoy the horror genre, and have not yet seen this classic- try and get a copy. It is an absolute must see for ALL horror enthusiasts.
run: | 108:56s | pal: | 104:35s |
|  Germany | Germany: The EMS release is uncut for:
The unrated version of the death scenes can be seen in a video from YouTube |
cut: | 7s | run: | 108:52s | pal: | 104:31s |
| UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 without
BBFC cuts:
US: Cut and MPAA R rated for:
- Code Red 25th Anniversary Edition R0 DVD
The censored footage is included as a DVD extra See pictorial cuts details from
movie-censorship.com . The R Rated version is cut by about 7s:
- Slightly toned down shot of Sally cutting her belly open and then 2 shots of Sally's intestines hanging out have been replaced by facial reaction shots
- Slightly toned down scene of Johnny being sawn apart inside a pigs body
- Scene of
Joe severing his hand with a blow torch has been reduced
- A shot of Joe's head being crush by a fork lift truck has been removed
|  1:24s  7s
cut: | 1:31s | run: | 107:13s | pal: | 102:56s |
|  | UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 after a further 1:24s of BBFC cuts for:
- 1991 Polygram VHS
- 1988 Lazer VHS
From IMDb. The BBFC cuts were to:
- shots of Sally stabbing herself in the stomach
- Joe's death inside a pig carcass in a slaughterhouse
- edits to a man's hand being severed with a blow torch
- shots of Vito being shot, covered in petrol and set alight
v Retro Puppetmaster
- 1999 USA Sci-Fi horror romance by David DeCoteau (as Joseph Tennent).
Retro Puppetmaster is a 1999 USA Sci-Fi horror romance by David DeCoteau (as Joseph Tennent). Starring Greg Sestero, Brigitta Dau and Stephen Blackehart.
The International Version is uncut and 15 rated for UK video. The US DVD release was shortened for reasons of pace. The CGI effects were upgraded for US Version on Blu-ray. Summary Notes
It's 1892 and Sutekh is hopping mad. It seems a 3,000 year old Egyptian sorcerer has stolen one of the God's secrets of life - that of instilling the souls of the dying into inanimate things. Sutekh raises three mummified former high
priests, led by the villainous "First Servant", and charges them with recovering both the Sorceror and his secret. There is no lack of victims for the 3 high-faluting, stylish villains as they pursue their prey to 19th century Paris, and the
very young puppeteer, Andre Toulon. Toulon runs a puppet theatre in the heart of Paris, and meets the sorcerer (the mysterious Afzel) when he is found by the lovely Swiss Ambassador's daughter Ilsa, after being nearly killed. It is there and then that we
find the seed of things to come, and the origin of the Puppetmaster series of tales. Versions
v Return Engagement
 Return Engagement
16s |  | 108:50s | 1995 release by Joe Cheung |
v The Return of a Man Called Horse
 The Return of a
Man Called Horse
17s |  | 120:05s | Submitted in 2005 Cuts were required to
remove scenes of actual animal cruelty (horses being tripped to fall forwards). |
Return of a Stranger
 Return of a Stranger
 uncut |  | 61:12s
| 1961 UK crime thriller by Max Varnel The BBFC waived their cuts for the 12 rated 2010 Pegasus DVD. The uncut region 2 DVD is available at
UK Amazon | cut |
 | | The BBFC cut the 1961 cinema release. The submitted running time was noted as
63:55s = 61:22s |
The Return of Frank James
 The Return of Frank James
5s |  | 92:29s | 1940 US western by Fritz Lang The BBFC
cut 5s from the 1998 CIC Video
| cut |  | | The BBFC cut the 1940 cinema
release |
The Return of Kekkou Kamen
 The Return of Kekkou Kamen
2:22s |  | 42:04s | 1996 release by Nobuhiro Kondo 2:03s
pre-cut and an additional 19s cut by the BBFC |
v The
Return of Ringo - 1965 Italy / Spain action western romance by Duccio Tessari.
The Return of Ringo is a 1965 Italy / Spain action western romance by Duccio Tessari. Starring Giuliano Gemma, Fernando Sancho and Lorella De Luca.
 BBFC category cuts were required for an 'AA' rated cinema release in 1970.
Uncut for 12 rated Blu-ray in 2018. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary Notes Once again billed as Montgomery Wood, Giuliano Gemma plays a civil war soldier who returns to his family land to find
his family decimated, his property taken over by a family of Mexican bandits and his fiancee about to marry the Mexican gangster behind all this. Bent on revenge, he goes undercover disguised as a Mexican and discovers he has a daughter
The Return of Swamp Thing - 1989 USA action comedy horror by Jim Wynorski.
- Return of Swamp Thing
- A Volta do Monstro do Pântano
The Return of Swamp Thing is a 1989 USA action comedy horror by Jim Wynorski. Starring Dick Durock, Heather Locklear and Louis Jourdan.
 Initially BBFC category cuts were required for a 12 rated 1989 cinema
release. The film was then released 15 uncut on VHS. By 2004 the rating was lowered to 12 uncut for DVD. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US. Summary Notes The Swamp Thing returns to battle the evil
Dr. Arcane, who has a new science lab full of creatures transformed by genetic mutation, and chooses Heather Locklear as his new object of affection.

UK: Passed 12 uncut for some moderate violence for:
- 2017 Screenbound Pictures R2 DVD at UK Amazon
- 2010 Optimum Releasing video
- 2004 Prism Leisure Corp PLC video
UK: Passed 15 uncut for:
- 1997 Imagine Home Entertainment VHS
- 1991 Polygram VHS titled Return of Swamp Thing
- 1990 Medusa Communications VHS titled Return of Swamp Thing
US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
|  category cuts
cut: | 2:34s | run: | 84:35s | pal: | 81:12s |
sub: | 87:09s |
|  | UK: Passed 12 after 2:34s of BBFC category cuts for:
- 1989 cinema release titled Return of Swamp Thing
Thanks to Ben. The BBFC cuts list specified the following cuts for a 12 rating adding up to 2:34s: Reel 1:
- Reduce to establishment only sight of mutant monsters suffering in cages, and
- remove entirely sight of cockroach monster on operating table and its subsequent execution in electrocution
Reel 3:
- Reduce sexual attack on blonde woman, cutting at point when bearded man starts to unbuckle his trousers and resuming on conversation between man and woman by lift.
- Remove heavy swipe to face
with baseball bat by swamp monster and subsequent blow to stomach with same bat.
Reel 4:
- Considerably reduce fight between Egghead Man and Swamp Monster, particularly three heavy blows to stomach of Egghead Man.
- Remove sight of Swamp Thing putting grenade in guard's trousers.
Return of the Blind Dead - 1973 Spanish/West German zombie film by Amando De Ossorio. See
Return of the Evil Dead |
Return of the Dragon - 1972 Hong Kong martial arts film by Bruce Lee. See
Way of the Dragon |
v Return
of the Evil Dead - 1973 Spanish/West German zombie film by Amando De Ossorio.
- El Ataque de los muertos sin ojos
- Attack of the Blind Dead
- Return of the Blind Dead
Return of the Evil Dead is a 1973 Spanish/West German zombie film by Amando De Ossorio. With Tony Kendall, Fernando Sancho and Esperanza Roy.
 Cut for US release and further cut by the BBFC for cinema and VHS. The BBFC
cuts were waived for 2005 DVD. The uncut Spanish Version is available Unrated in the US Summary Review: Give it a Chance Amando de Ossorio-this Portugese director was responsible for several zombie
movies in the early 70's. This is another horror picture about undead Templar Knights. Some of the ideas are laughable and the ending is weak. Despite of these faults this film is still
entertaining. The plot is interesting, the location sets are nice and there's also a little bit of blood. I loved especially the-young-girl-between-the-living-dead sequence. Give this movie a chance.
Return of the Jedi - 1983 Sci-Fi action film by Richard Marquand
The Return of the Living Dead - 1985 US comedy horror by Dan O'Bannon.
 The Return of the
Living Dead is a 1985 US comedy horror by Dan O'Bannon. With Clu Gulager, James Karen and Don Calfa.
 Soundtrack variations only, otherwise uncut.
 Original Soundtrack | 
| 86:35s | UK: Version with the original soundtrack
passed 15 uncut for:
- 2012 Second Sight [Original + Remixed soundtrack] Steelbook Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
UK: Version with original soundtrack passed 18 uncut for:
- 1992 Tartan VHS
- 1985 Cinema Release
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2016 Shout! Factory Collector's Edition RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
Fans of the film consider the original soundtrack to be the 'proper' version. |  Remixed Soundtrack |
 | 87:28s | UK: Version with the re-mixed soundtrack passed 18 uncut for:
- 2002 MGM R2 DVD
- 1985 Vestron VHS
From IMDb. The soundtrack was re-mixed for US DVDs as follows:
- The Damned song, Dead Beat Dance, which played to introduce the punk kids driving in Suicide's car, was removed for copyright reasons.
- The Tar Man's voice has been re-recorded in a more guttural tone. However, the original Tar Man
voice can be heard briefly during the closing credit sequence.
- The send more cops zombie has been re-recorded with a lower voice.
- The Tall Boys song Take a walk has been removed, now you only hear it for a few seconds with
no vocals.
- The song Burn the flames playing over Frank's suicide has also been shortened.
|  Workprint | | | There is also a workprint that
features an addition 20 minutes of footage. |
v Return of the Living Dead II
- 1988 USA comedy Sci-Fi horror by Ken Wiederhorn.
 Return of the
Living Dead II is a 1988 USA comedy Sci-Fi horror by Ken Wiederhorn. Starring James Karen, Thom Mathews and Michael Kenworthy.
 There are no censorship issues with this release beyond noting that US DVD
releases have been re-scored for copyright reasons.
v Return of the Living Dead III - 1993 USA / Japan Sci-Fi horror romance by Brian Yuzna.
 Return of the
Living Dead III is a 1993 USA / Japan Sci-Fi horror romance by Brian Yuzna. Starring Kent McCord, James T Callahan and Sarah Douglas.
 Uncut and 18 rated for UK VHS and DVD. Cut for an R rating in the US but
the Unrated Version is uncut. Promotional Material A young man uses a secret government chemical and program to reanimate his dead girlfriend, and helps her as she consumes the only thing that will
nourish her-human brains. Versions
 uncut | 
 Unrated | 92:57s | UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for:
- 2017 Lionsgate video
- 2001 VCI R2 DVD at UK Amazon
1994 High Flyers VHS
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
- 2016 Lionsgate Collector's Edition (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
|  18s |  |
~97:00s =~93:00s | US: The US R Rated version is cut by 18s. The cuts for an R rating are detailed at IMDb:
- deleted the majority of the film's gore from the opening lab sequence,
- heavily reduced shooting of the storekeeper,
- removed scenes where a cop's eye is punctured with a crowbar
- removed closeups of Julie's self-mutilation
with a wire spring and a piece of glass,
- reduction to the infamous ripped lip sequence.
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com |
Return of the Magnificent Seven - 1966 Spain / USA action western by Burt Kennedy. See
Return of the Seven |
v Return of the Overfiend: Episode 4
of the Overfiend: Episode 4
8:07s |  | 41:31s | Japanese anime by Hideki Takayama/Gary
Wicks/Barry McCormick (Kiseki Films) Cuts as described by a BBFC examiner: Take the 'Rape of Elektor' sequence we cut from Overfiend 4. This is a scene of sustained anal and oral rape, mutilation and much worse in which the
woman is crying repeatedly for the demons to stop. When you show somebody a scene like this there is often very little argument whether we should censor it or not. There may well be an audience which is mature enough to watch this and appreciate and
understand the scene in the way the filmmakers intended. But our concern is that this is presented in a very titillating manner which is not appropriate for an audience in their mid-teens. There is no sense of horror or disgust at what the woman is going
through; the way it is shot and designed invites the audience to take pleasure from the scene. And scenes like this --multiple rape, gang rape, sexualised violence --are about all we ever cut from anime. If there was a scene like this in a live action
film, we would probably hand it over to the police. |
v Return of the Seven
- 1966 Spain / USA action western by Burt Kennedy.
- Return of the Magnificent Seven
- El regreso de los siete
Return of the Seven is a 1966 Spain / USA action western by Burt Kennedy. Starring Yul Brynner, Robert Fuller and Julián Mateos.
 Uncut for an 'A' rated cinema release but cut for PG rated home video on
grounds of animal cruelty. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary Notes Chico, one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven, has set down roots in the village that they had defended in the
first film. One day, the village is raided by fifty gunmen under the employ of rancher Lorca. Lorca's bandits abduct all of the village's men to be used as slave labor, leaving the women and children behind. Chris, the former leader of the Seven, is
sought out by Chico's wife Petra for help, and thus assembles a new Seven to come to the village's rescue once again.
v Return of the Street Fighter - 1974 Japan action crime drama by Shigehiro Ozawa.
Return of the Street Fighter is a 1974 Japan action crime drama by Shigehiro Ozawa. Starring Shin'ichi Chiba, Claude Gagnon and Masafumi Suzuki.
Uncut and 15 rated in the UK. Uncut and X rated in the US. There is also a heavily cut R rated version Summary Notes Takuma "Terry" Tsurugi returns. In
this sequel, he sets out to bust up a phony charity put together by the Yakuza.
Uncut Version
| UK: A Passed 15 uncut for:
- 2023 Arrow Video The Street Fighter Trilogy (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2004 Optimum R2 DVD
US: Uncut and MPAA X Rated/Unrated for:
- 2019 Shout! Factory [The Street Fighter Collection] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
R Rated Version
|  | 79:07s | US: There is also a heavily cut R rated version |
v Return of the Tiger
v Revenge
- 1971 UK crime thriller by Sidney Hayers.
- Inn of the Frightened People
Revenge is a 1971 UK crime thriller by Sidney Hayers. Starring Joan Collins, James Booth and Ray Barrett.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated 1971 cinema release. Summary Notes After returning home from the funeral of their youngest daughter, who was brutally raped and murdered, a family tries
desperately to put the tragedy behind them. After discovering that the man suspected of the crime has been released by police due to lack of evidence, and with the help of a friend whose daughter was also killed by the suspect, a plan is hatched to
"teach the guy a lesson". Unfortunately the plan is ill conceived and hastily executed with unexpected and disasterous results for all concerned.
 best available
cut: | | run: | 89:26s | pal: | 85:51s |
| UK: Presumably the cut UK cinema version was passed 18
for strong violence, revenge theme and references to paedophilia for:
- 2016 Network RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2006 DD Home Entertainment
[Full Frame] video
UK: Passed X after BBFC cuts for:
v Revenge
- 1990 USA / Mexico action crime romance by Tony Scott.
Revenge is a 1990 USA / Mexico action crime romance by Tony Scott. Starring Kevin Costner and Anthony Quinn and Madeleine Stowe.
 The Director's Cut is shortened in the name of faster pacing. The producer's Cut is
longer and was selected for theatrical release/ Summary Notes Michael "Jay" Cochran has just left the Navy after 12 years. He's not quite sure what he's going to do,
except that he knows he wants a holiday. He decides to visit Tiburon Mendez, a powerful but shady Mexican businessman who he once flew to Alaska for a hunting trip. Arriving at the Mendez mansion in Mexico, he is immediately surprised by the beauty and
youth of Mendez' wife Miryea. Their attraction to each other is undeniable, but Cochran is aware that Mendez is a powerful, vindictive, and very possessive man who does not tolerate betrayal.
v Revenge in the House of Usher - 1983 Spain / France horror by Jesús Franco.
The Revenge of Frankenstein - 1958 UK horror by Terence Fisher.
The Revenge of Frankenstein is a 1958 UK horror by Terence Fisher. With Peter Cushing, Francis Matthews and Eunice Gayson.
 Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release. Uncut on home video, 15
rated on VHS, but 12 rated on DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary review: Very highly regarded Baron Frankenstein escapes from the guillotine and goes to Germany. There, he names himself Dr.
Stein and plans to restart his experiments by using parts of dead bodies. Cushing's performance as the obsessed doctor is magnificent. Francis Matthews as his impressionable assistant, and Michael Gwynn as the monster are also
good. Terence Fisher shows why he's Hammer's finest director. Hammer films have a great style that is very easily to like and it makes for fun viewing. The film is very highly regarded.
 | UK: Passed 12 uncut for:
UK: Passed 15 uncut with all previous BBFC cuts waived for:
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
The running time is short compared with the original cinema submission PAL equivalent of 89:50s. Maybe it has somehow been double speeded up on PAL/NTSC conversions. |
|  | UK: Passed X (16) after BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC cuts were:
- Reel 2. Removed shot of Frankenstein dropping Karl's brain from a pan into a jar of fluid
The Revenge of Spartacus - 1964 Italy adventure by Michele Lupo.
The Revenge of the Blood Beast - 1966 UK / Italy horror thriller by Michael Reeves (as Mike Reeves).
Revenge of the Bogeyman - 1983 US horror film by Bruce Star. See
Bogeyman 2 |
v Revenge of the Bushido Blade
- 1980 USA action war adventure by jay wertz
 Revenge of the
Bushido Blade is a 1980 USA action war adventure by jay wertz Starring Cameron Mitchell, Leo Fong and Chanda Romero
 A 2021 Blu-ray release is noted as an uncut version but it is no clear
which previous versions have been cut.
v Revenge of the Living Dead Girls - 1987 France horror by Pierre B Reinhard (as Peter B Harsone).
- Revenge of the Living Dead
- La revanche des mortes vivantes
Revenge of the Living Dead Girls is a 1987 France horror by Pierre B Reinhard (as Peter B Harsone). Starring Cornélia Wilms, Kathryn Charly and Anthea Wyler.
Exists as a Horror Version and an Erotic Version. The latter was heavily cut by the BBFC for an 18 rated VHS in 1995 but was passed 18 uncut for 2021 home video. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary Notes
Promoted as France's first gore film, Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (La revanche des mortes-vivantes) is a consumate shocker of horror and sex that as grown into a legend as being one of the sickest and most
perverse of zombie films.
Erotic Versions
Horror Version
Revenge of the Nerds - 1984 USA comedy by Jeff Kanew.
 Revenge of the Nerds is a 1984 USA comedy by Jeff Kanew. Starring Robert Carradine, Anthony Edwards and Timothy Busfield.
Uncut and 18 rated for 1984 cinema release and the follow up VHS. The film was modified for 15 rated DVD in 2003 to remove a real phone number on a For Rent sign. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes When lovable nerds Gilbert and Lewis embark on their freshman year at Adams College, little do they realize the dangers that await them. They are beset by taunting from the jocks of
Alpha Beta fraternity, which only worsens when the jocks accidentally burn down their house and toss the freshmen out of the freshmen dorm. To make matters more problematic, Lewis develops a crush on pretty Betty Childs, popular sorority sister and
quarterback's girlfriend. Joined by the aptly named Booger and the violin-playing Poindexter, the nerds soon realize they must form their own fraternity in self-defense. Soon the tables are turned as the nerds employ high-tech warfare against the
jocks.... but can they really succeed and make a difference?
Revenge of the Ninja - 1983 US action film by Sam Firstenberg.
Revenge of the Ninja is a 1983 US action film by Sam Firstenberg. With Shô Kosugi, Keith Vitali and Virgil Frye.
The film was significantly cut by the BBFC for X rated 1983 cinema release and 18 rated 1986 VHS. The BBFC waived its cuts for 2011 DVD. In the US the R rated version is cut, but the Unrated Version is uncut. Summary
Review: Lost Classic An influential work that may be the pinnacle of the American ninja genre. A legendary ninja Cho Osaki (Sho Kosugi) is forced to flee Japan when all of his
family bar his infant son and his Mother are mercilessly executed. Arriving in America Cho looks to establish a new life for his and his family and settle down. But when a string of mysterious murders point towards Cho his ninja identity is compromised
and he discovers that he is being hunted by a deadly enemy. There are some great stunts from Sho who in one chase scene is hanging on to the back of a van and takes a nasty tumble to the climax of the film, the great
skyscraper roof-top duel with his American partner; this scene is probably responsible for a lot of fans claiming it to be the best Ninja film ever made. Versions
| UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong
violence after the BBFC waived their cuts for:
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
|  57s  cut
cut: | 57s | run: | 83:33s | pal: | 80:12s |
| UK: The cut US VHS was passed 18 after a
further 57s of BBFC cuts for:
From IMDb. The US VHS cut scenes include:
- In the opening scene when Sho Kosugi's family is murdered, a ninja throws a star at his older son. As he falls, you see a close-up of the star stuck in his head.
- When Sho Kosugi stabs Brayden in the stomach, blood spurts out for about a good
5-10 seconds before Sho slices his mask in half.
- Towards the end, when Brayden (evil ninja) hears someone in the stairwell. In the cut version, all you see is Brayden open the door and throw a smoke bomb. The un-cut version has the scene
followed by Brayden slicing up both men, including cutting off one of their hands.
- The last cut scene is when Brayden comes down through the ceiling and stabs two guards in the head with mini-spears.
The BBFC added their usual cuts at the time for martial arts weaponry:
- Among the footage removed were all shots of throwing stars and nunchakus,
- plus additional cuts to kicks and blows
- a deleted blowpipe scene
- a deleted fight in the gymnasium.
From the running time it appears that the final result is similar to the cinema version as cut just by the BBFC. |  cut
cut: | 5:57s | run: | 83:48s | pal: | 80:27s |
|  | UK: Passed X (18) after 5:57s of BBFC cuts for:
v The Revenger
 The Revenger
v The Revengers - 1972
USA / Mexico western by Daniel Mann.
v The Reverend - 2011 UK
horror by Neil Jones.
v Revolution
 Director's Cut | 
 PG-13 | 110:44s | 1985 UK/Norway war drama by Hugh Hudson. With Al Pacino, Donald Sutherland and Nastassja Kinski.
UK: The Director's Cut/Revisited Version was passed 12 uncut for:
- 2012 BFI [Theatrical + Director's Cut] Dual Format RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
US: The Director's Cut/Revisited Version is MPAA PG-13 rated for:
The Theatrical Version was a notable flop and has been 'revisited' by the director. Hugh Hudson excised 10 minutes of footage and added a voice over by Al Pacino |
 Theatrical alternative | 
 | 120:58s | UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12 uncut for:
- 2012 BFI [Theatrical + Director's Cut] Dual Format RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed PG uncut for:
- 1986 Warner VHS
- 1985 cinema release
v The Rhythm
Section - 2020 UK action mystery thriller by Reed Morano.
The Rhythm Section is a 2020 UK action mystery thriller by Reed Morano. Starring Blake Lively, Sterling K Brown and Jude Law.
 Passed 15 uncut for cinema release in 2019. A month later it was
resubmitted in a slighter shorter version with the same rating and advice. MPAA R rated in the US but it is not known which version was submitted. Summary Notes Blake Lively stars
as Stephanie Patrick, an ordinary woman on a path of self-destruction after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. When Stephanie discovers that the crash was not an accident, she enters a dark, complex world to seek revenge on those
responsible and find her own redemption. Based on the novel by Mark Burnell, from director Reed Morano ("The Handmaid's Tale") and the producers of the James Bond film series, The Rhythm Section also stars Jude Law and Sterling K. Brown.
cut: | 3s | run: | 109:27s | pal: | 105:04s |
|  | UK: A shorter re-edited version was passed 15 for strong language, violence, brief drug misuse:
|  uncut
run: | 109:30s | pal: | 105:07s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong language, violence, brief drug misuse:
v Ricco
- Ajuste de cuentas
- Cauldron of Death
- Gangland
- Mean Machine
- Ricco the Mean Machine
- The Dirty Mob
- Un tipo con una faccia strana ti cerca per ucciderti (Italy)
Ricco Versions
 uncut |  Unrated |
~89:00s | 1973 Italy/Spain crime drama by Tulio Demicheli. Wiht Christopher Mitchum, Barbara Bouchet and Malisa Longo.
The US release is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
See review from IMDb : Entertaining and schlocky Christopher Mitchum
is Ricco, a pretty boy with a blonde fringe fresh out of prison who sets out to avenge the death of his father, who was murdered 2 years ago in by his competitor in the Italian mafia underworld, Don Vito. As if that wasn't enough, slick Don Vito even
stole his girl-friend. Don Vito is a slick Italian mafia boss type with a moustache. He owns a soap factory, says stuff like don't you know by now I hate soap... and men that sweat and turns his own men into it when
they fail him. If you sleep with his sultry girl-friend you get castrated in graphic detail, fed your own penis then you're thrown in a tank full of acid (that's how he turns people into soap). Now for the sleaze. It comes
in the form of the drop dead gorgeous Euro babes Barbara Bouchet and Malisa Longo. We get get close ups of Bouchet's ass and breasts while she walks, she has a striptease scene on the hood of a car, she's lucky enough to bed Ricco and is her all around
cute self. Longo in the role of Don Vito's girlfriend spends most of the movie scantily clad and seduces Don Vito's underling in a very sexy scene. The first half of the movie is so delightfully cheesy that I kept
wondering where's Joe Bob Briggs when you need him. The second one is more gritty and sadistic with a graphic castration scene and lots of gunplay. The sleaze has a steady presence throughout and so does the silly dialogue.
Ricco is by no means a profound crime drama but it's entertaining and schlocky enough to warrant a viewing or two. Fans of 70's Italian crime b-movies will lap it up and ask for more. |
 cut |  | |
Passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC noted the submitted running time as 93:03s = 89:20s PAL |
v Richie Rich's Christmas Wish
- Richie Rich: A Christmas Story
Richie Rich's Christmas Wish Versions
4s |  | 84:20s | 1998 US children's video |
v Ricochet
- 1991 US action film by Russell Mulcahy.
 Ricochet is a 1991 US action film by Russell Mulcahy. With Denzel Washington, John
Lithgow and Ice-T.
Cut by the BBFC for cinema and VHS, but less cut on DVD. Uncut in the US Versions
v Riddick
- 2013 USA/UK action Sci-Fi thriller by David Twohy.
 Riddick is a 2013 USA/UK action Sci-Fi thriller by David Twohy. With Vin Diesel, Karl
Urban and Katee Sackhoff.
Exists in a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut Promotional Material Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, RIDDICK (Vin Diesel) fights for survival
against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants
them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance...
 Director's Cut |  | 121:33s
| UK: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence and strong language for:
- 2014 Entertainment One [Theatrical + Extended ] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 13th January 2014
See article from collider.com . Director David Twohy explained that the extra
material in the director's cut adds details to advance the background of the mythology on Riddick's planet. See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com : The longer version does make the film somewhat more structured and round. |
 Theatrical Version | 
 | 113:45s | UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence and strong language
- 2014 Entertainment One [Theatrical + Extended ] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 13th January 2014
- 2014 Entertainment One R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 13th January
US: Rated R For strong violence, language and some sexual content/nudity. |
Ride the High Country - 1962 USA western by Sam Peckinpah.
Ride the High Country is a 1962 USA western by Sam Peckinpah. Starring Joel McCrea, Randolph Scott and Mariette Hartley.
 BBFC cuts were required for an A rated 1962 cinema release. Uncut and PG
rated for 1996 VHS. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary Notes Aging ex-marshal Steve Judd is hired by a bank to transport a gold shipment through dangerous territory. He hires an old partner, Gil
Westrum, and his young protege Heck to assist him. Steve doesn't know, however, that Gil and Heck plan to steal the gold, with or without Steve's help. On the trail, the three get involved in a young woman's desire to escape first from her father, then
from her fiance and his dangerously psychotic brothers.
v Rider on the Rain
- 1970 France / Italy crime mystery thriller by René Clément.
- Rider in the Rain - Le Passager De La Pluie
- Le passager de la pluie
Rider on the Rain is a 1970 France / Italy crime mystery thriller by René Clément. Starring Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland and Marlène Jobert.
 BBFC category cuts were required for an 'AA' rated cinema release in 1970.
Home video releases in French and English language versions have all been 18 uncut. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US. Summary Notes A beautiful young woman in the South of France
is raped by a mysterious masked assailant. She shoots him dead soon afterwards and dumps his corpse in the sea. Soon an American investigator turns up who seems to know what she has done.
French Language Version
English Language Version
run: | 113:53s | pal: | 109:20s |
| UK: The English Language Version
was passed 18 uncut for:
- 2009 Optimum R2 DVD
- 1988 Embassy VHS
The shorter running time is down to the quicker delivery of lines rather than anything being cut . |
v Riders of Destiny
 Riders of Destiny
4s |  | 54:48s | 1933 US western by Robert N Bradbury This John Wayne film was re-released in 2004 by Delta Music. The video had increased running time but suffered BBFC cuts with the following statement:
Compulsory cut required to sight of horse being ridden off cliff . The same scene was cut from the Classic video release of 2005 (5s) and the WHE International Release of 2006 (4s) |
|  | 49:17s | The Cinema release and video versions from 1986 to the
Cinema Club release of 2003 were all uncut |
v The Rifleman - 2019
Latvia war historical drama by Dzintars Dreibergs.
The Rifleman is a 2019 Latvia war historical drama by Dzintars Dreibergs. Starring Oto Brantevics, Raimonds Celms and Martins Vilsons.
 Exists as a Theatrical Version and an extended Director's Cut. Both were 15
rated by the BBFC. Summary Notes The love story of the sixteen-year-old Arturs gets interrupted by the First World War. After losing his mother and his home, he finds some
consolation in joining the army, because this is the first time the Russian Empire permits national battalions. However, war is nothing like Arturs imagined - no glory, no fairness. It is brutal and painful. Arturs is now completely alone as the war
takes the lives of his father and brother. Also, no progress is made in the promised quick resolution of the war and timely return home. Within the notion that only he alone cares about returning home and that his homeland is just a playground for other
nations, Arturs finds strength for the final battle and eventually returns home to start everything from scratch, just like his newly born country.
 Director's Cut
run: | 123:06s | pal: | 118:11s |
|  | UK: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, injury detail:
|  Theatrical Version
run: | 108:37s | pal: | 104:16s |
|  | UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, injury detail:
- 2020 Parkland Pictures R2 DVD at UK Amazon
- 2020 Parkland Pictures VoD
- 2020 cinema release
v Righting Wrongs
- 1986 Hong Kong action comedy by Corey Yuen
- Above the Law
- Zhi fa xian feng
Righting Wrongs is a 1986 Hong Kong action comedy by Corey Yuen Starring Biao Yuen, Cynthia Rothrock and Melvin Wong
 The film exists in 4 versions. The original Hong Kong cut, Righting Wrongs, an English
language version called Above the Law. A Singapore cut and an Integral version including all existing material. There are 4 alternative endings. The BBFC cut the English language version for 18 rated VHS but the 2022 Bu-ray release is uncut.
Summary Notes Yuen Biao plays Jason Chan a lawyer, angry at the way the law seems to protect the bad guys, he decides to take the law into his own hands when a key witness and his entire family
are murdered. but Cindy Si is soon on his case and it all spirals into a situation only a few will s...
English Version
v Riki-Oh: The Story Of Ricky - 1991 Hong Kong / Japan action comedy horror by Ngai Choi Lam (as Simon Nam).
 Riki-Oh: The Story Of
Ricky is a 1991 Hong Kong / Japan action comedy horror by Ngai Choi Lam (as Simon Nam). Starring Siu-Wong Fan and Mei Sheng Fan and Ka-Kui Ho.
 Released uncut on DVD in 2002 with a BBFC 18 rating. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
v The Ring!
 The Ring!
56s |  | 58:38s | 1996 release by Mike Ellison |
v Ring of Fire
 Ring of Fire
19s |  | 92:44s | 1991 US action film by Richard W. Munchkin &
Rick Jacobson The BBFC cut 19s from the 1991 VPD video and 2001 Prism DVD
- Head butts deleted in a ring fight
- Nunchukas deleted from street fight
The uncut region 0 DVD is available via US Amazon The uncut region 0 DVD is available
via UK Amazon See
review from IMDb : Mindless action Despite the fact that this is just yet
another mindless kung-fu action movie, isn't that part of the culture of the late 80s early 90s? It is a snapshot of American culture and dreams in that time era. The movie centers around two kick boxing gangs, what more do you want? Cheesy plot outline,
mindless action that makes you wish you could fight like that, and a predictable ending with a cool training sequence. All of the ingredients that made us love movies like Rocky . I think movie goers should lighten
up and enjoy these kind of films more. Even though they aren't through provoking, not every movie can be, it still entertains you if you have a light heart going in. |
v Ring of Spies
- 1964 UK drama by Robert Tronson.
Ring of Spies is a 1964 UK drama by Robert Tronson. Starring Bernard Lee, William Sylvester and Margaret Tyzack.
 Cut by the BBFC for 1964 cinema release. Probably the same version released
on 2014 DVD. Promotional Material There have always been spies men and women who have pried for patriotism, for religion, for love... or for money. This intriguing drama is based on the true story
of the Portland spy ring an unlikely Soviet operation active in southern England from the late 1950s until January 1961 when the core members were arrested. Directed by TV drama veteran Robert Tronson, Ring of Spies stars Bernard Lee
(best known as Ian Fleming s M ) William Sylvester, Thorley Walters and BAFTA winners Margaret Tyzack and David Kossoff. It is presented here in a brand-new digital transfer.
An antiquarian bookseller and his wife; a disgruntled,
hard-drinking naval clerk and the lonely secretary he recruits; a polished Soviet agent who assumes the identity of a dead Canadian citizen: the players in a familiar Cold War story of hidden cameras, dead-letter drops and a long-range radio calling
Moscow Central. A duel between Soviet intelligence and British counter-espionage, and a trade in deadly secrets directed from a bungalow in suburban Ruislip, hidden for years from unsuspecting neighbours and British spycatchers...
v The Ring Two - 2005 USA
horror mystery by Hideo Nakata.
- Samara
- The Ring 2
- Samara: Ring 2
The Ring Two is a 2005 USA horror mystery by Hideo Nakata. Starring Naomi Watts, David Dorfman and Sissy Spacek.
 The Theatrical Version was cut in the US for an MPAA PG-13 rating. This
version was released in the UK for cinema and DVD with a 15 rating. There is also a US uncut MPAA Unrated version. Summary Notes A high school student named Jake tries to make his girlfriend Emily watch
a cursed tape. But then Jake finds out that Emily covered her eyes and didn't watch the tape, and then Jake is killed by Samara Morgan (from the first The Ring movie). Rachel Keller learns of Jake's death and finds his twisted body in the back of an
ambulance. Rachel then realizes she once again has to save her son Aidan from Samara the evil ghost child.
 Unrated Version |  Unrated |
127:54s =122:47s | US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
|  Theatrical Version  cut
| 104:52s | UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 15 for strong supernatural horror and threat without BBFC cuts for:
- 2005 Universal video
- 2005 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version was cut for a US PG-13 and for timing reasons See pictorial cuts details from
movie-censorship.com |
v Rings of Fear
- 1978 Italy/West Germany/Spain mystery thriller by Alberto Negrin.
- Red Rings of Fear
- Virgin Terror
- Trauma
- Enigma Rosso
Rings of Fear is a 1978 Italy/West Germany/Spain mystery thriller by Alberto Negrin. With Fabio Testi, Christine Kaufmann and Ivan Desny.
 Cut by the BBFC for cinema and VHS. The pre-cert video was uncut though.
Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US Summary Notes A detective investigating the murder of a teenage girl begins to focus his suspicions on the three girlfriends of the victim, who call themselves "The
Inseparables." This rather obscure giallo is relatively tame in terms of gore, but still retains a sense of creepiness. Add some high-grade nudity from some VERY beautiful actresses, a bizarre method of interrogation (choking
the suspect while on a wild roller-coaster ride!), and a perfectly functional Fabio Testi performance in the lead and you have an uneven but creepy giallo.
v Riot
 cut |  R Rated |
~96:00s | 1969 US prison drama by Buzz Kulik. With Jim Brown, Gene Hackman and Mike Kellin.
The US release is uncut and MPAA R Rated for:
Review from US Amazon : Fine Escape Film Riot is a
good action film about Jim Brown and Gene Hackman staging a riot in prison in order to allow a distraction so they can escape through underground tunnels. Brown and Hackman are great in this and the suspense of the last 30
minutes is killer! I rank this one up there with Escape From Alcatraz . A must see for all fans of escapism movies. | cut |
 | | Passed X (16) after BBFC cuts for:
The submitted running time was noted as 96:31s |
v Riptide
8:15s |  | 51:04s | 1996 release by John Travis |
v Rise
Rise Versions
 uncut | 
 Unrated | 116:50s | 2007 US/New Zealand horror by Sebastian Gutierrez. With Lucy Liu, Michael Chiklis and Carla Gugino.
The Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for:
The US releases is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
There is also significantly shortened US R Rated Version. See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com |
v The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer - 1970 UK comedy by Kevin Billington.
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer is a 1970 UK comedy by Kevin Billington. Starring Ann Beach, Desmond Walter-Ellis and Peter Cook.
 BBFC category cuts were required for an 'AA' rated cinema release in 1970.
Uncut and 15 rated for DVD in 2007. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US. Summary Notes Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses
this as a springboard to get into politics, and in the mini-skirted flared-trousered world of 1970 Britain starts to rise through the Tory ranks.
Rise of the Footsoldier - 2007 UK crime action biography drama by Julian Gilbey.
The Rise of the Phoenixes - China historical TV series
The Rise of the Phoenixes is a China historical TV series Starring Kun Chen, Hong Yuan and Ni Ni.
 The BBFC Annual report covering 2018 says that the VoD release had cuts for
a horse being tripped and made to fall on its neck, but these cuts are not recorded in the BBFC database.
v Rising Damp
- 1980 UK comedy by Joseph McGrath (as Joe McGrath).
 Rising Damp is a 1980 UK comedy by Joseph McGrath (as Joe McGrath). Starring Leonard Rossiter, Frances de la Tour and Don Warrington.
Cut by the BBFC for an A rated 1979 cinema release. The same version was later released with a PG rating on VHS and DVD. Summary Notes Stingy English landlord Rigsby manages to scam
his lodgers Cooper, an arts student, and Philip, an African jock, making both pay for a room they must share. However Rigsby's favorite lodger, miss Jones, now flirts with both boys rather then the old goat, despite his pitiful attempts to be generous.
Crossed by her still overprotective dad, she actually prefers an affair with slick veteran Seymour, who is really only interested in her money.
 category cuts  best available
| 94:23s | UK: The cut
cinema version was passed PG without further BBFC cuts for:
- 2003 ITV R2 DVD at UK Amazon
- 2000 Carlton R2 DVD
- 1986 Channel 5 VHS
UK: Passed A (PG) after category cuts for:
v Rising Damp: Stand Up and Be Counted - episode of a 1975 UK TV comedy by Ronnie Baxter.
 Rising Damp: Stand Up and Be Counted is a episode of a 1975 UK TV comedy by Ronnie Baxter. With Leonard Rossiter, Richard Beckinsale and Frances de la Tour.
Summary Notes It's election time and true blue Rigsby will be voting Conservative whilst the boys are flying the flag for Labour. Ruth is a floating voter. All three candidates visit
the house, Rigsby antagonizing the Labour man by suggesting that he is a homosexual with a Filipino house-boy whilst Ruth scares off the Liberal hopeful by making advances at him. Finally the Conservative candidate comes in and, after his dog has fouled
the carpet, he tells Rigsby he plans to knock his house down.
 | 24:19s | UK: A pre-cut version was passed PG uncut for mild sex references for:
Thanks to Gary: This episode was first broadcast on 17th January 1975. It featured a dishonest Labour Party political candidate called Pendry. Labour MP Tom Pendry successfully sued Yorkshire TV for libel and the
original broadcast taped was apparently wiped. The episode survives as a NTSC-format tape returned from Canada. For repeat showings and DVD release, Pendry's name on election banners has been electronically blurred out and the credits remade to rename
the character as Labour Candidate .
v Risky Business
- 1983 USA crime comedy romance by Paul Brickman
 Risky Business is a 1983 USA crime comedy romance by Paul Brickman
Starring Tom Cruise, Rebecca De Mornay and Joe Pantoliano
 Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut with a variant ending. The film
was BBFC 18 rated until downrated to 15 for 2024 Blu-ray. Summary Notes A suburban Chicago teenager's parents leave on vacation, and he cuts loose. An unauthorised trip in his
father's Porsche means a sudden need for lots of money, which he raises in a creative way. UK: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong sex, sex references, nudity, language:
- 2024 Spirit Entertainment/Criterion Collection (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
released on 29th July 2024
v The Rite of
Spring - 1995 UK horror by Michael J. Murphy
 The Rite of Spring is a 1995 UK horror by Michael J. Murphy Starring James Reynard, Timur Kocak and Lisa Fornara

Exists in 2 versions. See 2022 Powerhouse Films Magic, Myth & Mutation Limited Edition R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon #ad Summary Notes
A young woman with powerful psychic abilities sets in motion prophecies that could signal the end of man.
The Rites of Frankenstein - 1972 Spain/France horror by Jesus Franco See
The Curse of Frankenstein |
v Rituals
- 1977 Canada / USA adventure thriller by Peter Carter.
Rituals is a 1977 Canada / USA adventure thriller by Peter Carter. Starring Hal Holbrook, Lawrence Dane and Robin Gammell.
 Uncut and MPAA R rated for theatrical release but also released in a
cut TV version. Summary Notes Five doctors go on vacation deep in the Canadian wilderness. After all but one pair of the party's shoes disappear, the remaining shoed camper
decides to hike out and go look for help. Soon after he leaves, however, his four companions realizes that something is very wrong when someone leaves a decapitated deer head just outside their camp. Even though they still don't have their shoes, they
decide to follow their friend's trail out of the woods, but their path is blocked by someone who doesn't want to see them leave the forest alive.
v The River - 1984 USA drama by Mark
The River is a 1984 USA drama by Mark Rydell. Starring Mel Gibson, Sissy Spacek and Shane Bailey.
 BBFC category cuts were required for a PG rated 1985 cinema release. Uncut
and 15 rated on home video. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US. Summary Notes Farming family battles severe storms, a bank threatening to reposses their farm, and other hard times in a battle to save
and hold on to their farm.