A Ma Soeur! is a 2001 French/Italian/Spanish drama by Catherine Breillat. With Anaïs Reboux, Roxane Mesquida and Libero De Rienzo.
Passed 18 uncut by the BBFC for cinema but was cut for DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Banned by the Canadian province of Ontario from 2001 until 2003.
Cut required to scene of sexual assault on young girl to address the specific danger that video enables the scene to be used to stimulate and validate abusive action.
Further details were supplied after an email query to the BBFC:
The cinema version was passed '18' uncut following expert legal advice. Nevertheless
the Board was concerned by the film's climactic scene, which shows an under-aged girl - played by a 13 year old actress - being raped. Our legal advice confirmed that the scene was not indecent within the meaning of the Protection of Children Act 1978
and the Board therefore agreed to pass the scene intact.
The Board also took the opinion of a leading consultant clinical psychologist at the time of the original cinema submission. He expressed a concern that, in his clinical experience, the
rape sequence could potentially be used by paedophiles to 'groom' their victims. The Board was satisfied, however, that this concern about potential abuse was minimal in the context of an adult cinema release where the possibility of children being taken
to the cinema for grooming was remote.
Videos, by contrast, are more easily accessible for personal use by abusive individuals and the risk of the video's use for grooming was felt to be far higher. Furthermore, the potential for the scene to be
played repeatedly and out of context on video concerned the Board far more so than on film. It was felt therefore that, on video, the scene presented a particular problem as both stimulus material and to validate abusive behaviour. The Board's concerns
were confirmed by a further opinion from a second consultant psychologist specifically in relation to the video release, which echoed the opinion of her colleague. The scene was therefore removed in its entirety on video.
Note that the 15 rated UK release is due to one of the commentary extras being 15 rated rather than being an uncut version of the film.
The BBFC cinema cuts to 2 uses of 'fuck' still apply. The extended version introduces a
3rd occurrence of 'fuck'. This has been allowed to remain and is noted in the BBFC consumer advice.
The Extended Cut provides many extensions to flesh out the narrative and reduce the overly frantic pace of the Theatrical Version. The
'fucks' in Adios, motherf*** , removed from the Theatrical Version, have not been re-integrated into the movie but there's a one scene that now features an additional 'fuck'.
US: The Extended Cut including the BBFC cuts is MPAA Unrated for:
2010 20th Century Fox Unrated Extended Cut Blu-ray at US Amazon
The BBFC cuts have been adopted for worldwide release including the US.
Theatrical Version
advised cuts
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12/12A for moderate violence and language and implied strong language after BBFC
suggested cuts for:
2010 20th Century Fox R2 DVD
2010 cinema release.
The BBFC commented:
Two reels from this film were originally shown to the BBFC in unfinished form to consider language issues. The company were advised that two inadequately obscured uses of motherfucker would
result in a 15 classification rather than the requested 12A . When the finished version of the film was submitted for formal classification, the two uses of the term had been further obscured and the film was classified 12A .
US: The BBFC suggested cuts have been adopted for all worldwide releases including the US
PG-13 rated Theatrical Version.
Universal decided to use the master of the German TV versions for the release of the third season box-set.
Unfortunately, these versions are sometimes censored and also offer have an inferior image quality.
Aadhavan is a 2009 India action film by K.S. Ravikumar
A long version was passed 15 uncut for the 2010 Ayngaran DVD.
The BBFC noted: This DVD version of the film, which is longer and includes stronger
violence than that in the '12A' rated theatrical release, was passed '15' for strong action violence.
160:13s =153:48s
A Short Version was passed 12A without cuts
for the 2009 cinema release
Aadupuliyattam is a horror drama by Kannan Thamarakkulam. Starring
Jayaram, Ramya Krishnan and Om Puri.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release.
category cuts 27s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, horror after 27s of BBFC category cuts for:
2016 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to remove scenes of strong violence (in this case, a woman cutting her throat and a man being slashed by a sword), and strong horror images (in this case, a decaying corpse), in order to achieve a 12A
classification. An uncut 15 was available.
Aarambam is a 2013 India action drama by Vishnuvardhan. With Ajith Kumar, Aarya and
Cut by the BBFC for a 12A rated cinema release.
category cuts 5:00s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence and threat after 5:00s of BBFC category cuts for:
2013 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Prior to formal submission, the company made a number of reductions to violent elements throughout, in an attempt to achieve a 12A classification (the uncut version of the film had previously been classified 15). However, additional
cuts were required to further reduce several violent scenes, in order to secure the requested 12A classification. A 15 classification without cuts was available.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence and threat for:
2013 cinema release but this version was not release in favour of a cut 12A version
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray