The Eagle has Landed is a 1976 UK war film John Sturges. With Michael Caine, Donald Sutherland and Robert Duvall.
Not cut by censors but exists in 3 versions, Short, Theatrical , Extended.
Summary Notes
1943, The war is entering its final stages and Germany is teetering on the brink of defeat. An increasingly unhinged Hitler, orders a mission to have British Prime
Minister Sir Winston Churchill kidnapped and brought to Germany. The plan seems ludicrous in the extreme, but a message sent from a German spy in the Norfolk countryside makes one German officer realize that such a mission may just feasible.
Different pre-title sequence with Himmler arriving at the castle seen in the opening credits. Himmler, Canaris and Hitler exit a meeting, where Himmler suggests the feasibility study of the Churchill kidnap plot to Canaris. This runs into the title
After the scene between Radl and Canaris, Radl goes to his own office to find his doctor waiting for him. A conversation follows which suggests that Radl is terminally ill.
Extension of the scene between Devlin and Joanna Grey
where she gives him money for the trucks, warns him about stolen petrol and they toast the success of the mission. This is followed by Devlin riding through the village on his motorcycle, across the marsh, arriving at his cottage and looking around. This
runs into the scene of Devlin arriving at the village pub.
After the scene in the dunes between Devlin and Molly Prior, there is a scene between Steiner and Von Neustadt at the airfield where they discuss their chances of success.
scene runs into Devlin arriving at his cottage. He is joined by Molly Prior. They talk and Devlin reads poetry to her.
After Devlin takes delivery of the trucks, he re-enters the cottage to find Molly there. She confronts him, mistakenly
thinking he is a black marketeer. These two scenes make more sense of her later declaration of love for Devlin to Arthur Seymour.
Directly after Himmler rips up Radl's letter, there is a short scene with Father Verecker reading a newspaper in
the vestry of the church. He is surprised by Laker Armsby who enters via the tunnel (used by Devlin and Steiner later). This basically explains where it comes and goes to.
shortened US Version
UK: A shortened US Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
2000 Carlton VHS
1985 Channel 5 VHS
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed A
without BBFC cuts for:
Earth to Echo is a 2014 USA Sci-Fi adventure by Dave Green. Starring Teo Halm, Astro and Reese Hartwig.
MPAA Rated PG For some action and peril, and mild language.
The film was
edited just prior to release and resubmitted to the MPAA. The MPAA noted that the content is different from the previously submitted PG rated version under title Echo in October 2013. The changes did not result in a rating change nor a change of rating
v The Earthling - 1980
Australia / USA adventure drama by Peter Collinson.
The Earthling is a 1980 Australia / USA adventure drama by Peter Collinson. Starring
William Holden, Ricky Schroder and Jack Thompson.
Exists as an Original US Version and an Extended International Version
Summary Notes
Foley has been on the move all his life. Tired of drifting, he wants to spend his last days in an isolated Australian valley where he grew up. On his difficult journey he meets Shawn, a little desperate city-boy whose parents were killed in an accident
in this remote inhospitable territory. Being unable to accompany the boy back to the civilized world he reluctantly takes him with him on his trip to that valley and teaches him in a rugged way how to survive ...
Extended Version
US: The Extended International Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 KL Studio Classics [US + International Versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
Both versions are successful, so it's hard to name a clear
favourite, especially since there is a lot of alternative material and exclusive scene material available. The international version makes the impression that it is a little bit rounder.
Original Version
UK: The Original US Version was passed PG
1986 Rank Video Library VHS
US: The Original US Version is uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
2019 KL Studio Classics [US + International Versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
Earthquake Bird is a 2019 USA crime romance by Wash Westmoreland. Starring Alicia Vikander, Riley Keough and Jack Huston.
Rated R for some sexuality, full nudity, violence and brief language. The film was resubmitted before release. Previously it was rated R for some sexuality, full
nudity and brief language. So it seems the violent scene was added.
Summary Notes
A young woman living in Tokyo becomes the prime suspect in a horrific murder when her friend goes
missing in the wake of a tumultuous love triangle.
Eastern Condors is a 1987 Hong Kong action war drama by Sammo Kam-Bo Hung. Starring Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Biao Yuen and Haing S Ngor.
Passed 18 after cuts for animal cruelty for cinema, VHS and DVD. The BBFC
cuts were waived for 18 rated Blu-ray in 2019
Summary Notes
A motley group of Asian prisoners held in the US are given one chance for freedom. They are to go deep into Vietnam and
destroy a secret depot of missles that the US left behind during the pull-out. The group, led by Lt. Lam and convict Tung, hook up with a trio of female freedom fighters and a happy go lucky martial artist named 'Rat'. The entire group is captured by the
VC because one of them is a double agent, but they escape, cross an un-crossable bridge, and get to the secret base just ahead of the VC. By this point nearly all of the original group is dead, and it's up to Tung and Rat to fight the VC's leader, a
bizarre giggling man who's lightning fast with martial arts.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence with previous BBFC cuts waived:
2019 Eureka [Three Films With Sammo Hung] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 23rd September 2019
UK: Passed 18 after 22s of BBFC cuts:
2001 Medusa Comms. & Marketing [Dubbed/UKVV as cut,Widescreen/Dubbed/UKVV as cut] video
The BBFC commented:
Cuts were required to sight of snake's head being pulled off.
UK: Passed 18 after 11-23s of BBFC cuts:
1996 M.I.H.K.VHS
1987 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were again to the killing of the snake
Easy Rider is a 1969 USA adventure drama by Dennis Hopper.
Never cut by
film censors but has a connection in that Peter Fonda says that the US film censor's moralising over The Trip inspired him to write the classic Easy Rider.
The Director's Cut features five new scenes, for example a new scene with an argument between Liz and David, which motivates their break up later and another scenes deepens the figure of Delia, but generally these new scenes aren't that
139:53s =134:17s
The Theatrical Version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for:
Eaten Alive is a 1980 Italian Cannibal film by Umberto Lenzi. With Robert Kerman, Janet Agren and Ivan Rassimov.
The BBFC have made extensive cuts to all UK releases. Uncut and MPAA
Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Pure Italian sleaze
Eaten Alive is one of the sicker entries in the much beloved cannibal genre. Mangiati Vivi follows the exploits of one Sheila
Morris (Janet Agren) as she attempts to find out what happened to her sister Diana (Paola Senatore). She is put in touch with American expatriate Mark (Robert Kerman), a guy who will help find Diana Morris for the right price.
What follows is pure Italian sleaze as Mark and Sheila tramp through the jungle. They finally stumble into Jonas's purification village. Then the film gets nasty. There's also a tribe of dangerous cannibals nearby, a tribe
that nearly finished off Mark and Sheila on their journey into the village.
Lenzi throws out a bit of everything, not only recreating the Jim Jones massacre on a small scale, but also subjecting us to cannibal atrocities.
The final scenes, with Diana Morris and cannibal film regular Me Me Lai falling prey to the cannibals, ranks right up there with anything you see in Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust. This stuff is so deeply disturbing and shockingly realistic, at
least in certain parts, that one boggles over how something like this ever got made.
92:21s =88:39s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2018 Severin Films Re-mastered Limited Edition R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
Severin Films Re-mastered R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
UK: The cut cinema version was passed 18 after 5:43s of BBFC cuts (5:42s from the cinema version + an additional 1s) for:
1992 Vipco VHS
1987 Elephant VHS
The Additional BBFC cut was:
The additional 1 sec cut was to remove the penetration of the crocodile's head with a knife.
85:21s =81:56s
UK: Passed X (18) after 5:42s of BBFC cuts for:
1981 cinema release
From IMDb. The cinema cuts were:
Cut killing of a crocodile with a knife
Cut killing of a monkey by a snake
Cut scene showing 2 cannibals eating arm and breast of female corpse
Nudity has been cut from a scene with Mowara (Me Me Lay) stripped and moved to
an altar in the cult's village. Then extensive cuts to her multiple rape
Cut fight between a snake and a mongoose
A scene showing naked Sheila being undressed, bedded and assaulted by Jonas with a bloody dildo has been replaced with a
short clothed version
Cut castration and skewering of a native man
Cut scene showing an iguana slit open and skinned.
Cut scene of a snake attacking a raptor
Cuts to a scene showing Diana being stripped, hit and raped
by Karim
Cut scene with a man's ear being severed and eaten.
Cuts to a scene where cannibals feast on Diana's breast and Mowara's neck and then the rest while Mark and Sheila flee.
Eaten Alive - 1976 US horror by Tobe Hooper. See
Death Trap
Latest Film News
News Monday 19th December...
Cuts and Bans
Vampire Circus 1972 UK horror by Robert Young, cut by the BBFC in 1972, just released on UK Blu-ray.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray