Zabriskie Point is a 1970 USA romance by Michelangelo Antonioni. With Mark Frechette, Daria Halprin and Paul Fix.
From IMDb. MGM president Louis F. Polk was so worried about the controversy surrounding the original release of the film, particularly the threat of an X rating, that he invoked the studio's right to the final cut and ordered Antonioni
to eliminate anything that might be potentially controversial. Thus, the riots, the love-ins, and numerous other scenes and fragments of scenes were removed, leaving only seventy minutes. The film was deemed unreleasable and written off as a loss but was
saved when Polk was replaced by James T. Aubrey, who thought highly of the film and restored all but one of the cut scenes. It was a final shot of an airplane sky-writing the phrase Fuck You, America , that didn't find its way back into the film.
The film was subsequently cut by the BBFC for 1970 UK cinema release. Later it was released uncut on UK 15 rated home video.
There are 2 versions, the song that's playing when Daria drives away at the very end is either the continuation of a
Pink Floyd song or else a Roy Orbison song.
Summary Notes
An epic portrait of late Sixties America, as seen through the portrayal of two of its children: anthropology student Daria (who's helping a
property developer build a village in the Los Angeles desert) and dropout Mark (who's wanted by the authorities for allegedly killing a policeman during a student riot)...
Pink Floyd Version
UK: The Pink Floyd Version was passed 15
uncut for strong sex, strong language for:
UK: The Roy Orbison Version was passed 15 uncut for
1986 MGM VHS
UK: The Roy Orbison Version was passed X (16) after BBFC cuts for:
1970 cinema release
The film was submitted twice to the BBFC in March and then July of 1970. The film was cut in January but it is not clear what cuts apply to the July submission which required no further BBFC cuts.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno is a 2008 USA comedy romance by Kevin Smith. Starring Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks and Craig Robinson.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. The cut version was then distributed
worldwide and was given an 18 rating in the uK. The film was banned in Malaysia, Thailand and Trinidad and Tobago
Summary Notes
Zack and Miri are two lifelong platonic friends who
make an adult film to pay the rent of their apartment. With their friend Delaney, the couple set out for auditionees for their porn film, but in the process of filming, they realize they feel more for each other than they had before.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for very strong language and sex
references and strong sex:
The film was submitted to the MPAA and received an NC-17 rating. The producers made cuts hoping for an R rating but again received an NC-17 rating. The film makers won an appeal and this second submission was downrated to R.
The movie's original
poster was deemed too explicit by the MPAA, and was banned in the U.S., because it suggested the characters on the posters are engaging in oral sex. It featured two separate images of Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks, who are fully clothed, and the back of
the actors' heads close to each other's crotch.
A few cinemas in Utah also took it on themselves to refuse to play the movie
Malaysia: Banned Thailand: Banned Trinidad and Tobago: Banned
Zack Snyder's Justice League - 2021 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Zack Snyder See
Justice League
v Zathura - 2005 USA family action comedy by Jon Favreau.
Zatoichi and the Fugitives is a 1968 Japan action adventure drama by Kimiyoshi Yasuda. Starring Shintarô Katsu, Kayo Mikimoto and Kyôsuke Machida.
BBFC animal cruelty cuts were required for 15 rated Blu-ray in 2019.
Summary Notes
Blind masseur and master swordsman Zatoichi becomes involved with a gang of bandits hiding out in a small village. While they hide in the attic of a silk mill, they
manipulate the corrupt chief official of the town. Simultaneously Zatoichi tries to rescue a young woman from the sweatshop conditions of the mill. Eventually he must confront not only the leaders of the town but the outlaw gang in battle.
UK: Passed 15 for strong violence, sexual threat after 4s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
Zero Dark Thirty is a 2012 USA thriller by Kathryn Bigelow. Starring Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton and Chris Pratt.
Zero Dark Thirty portrays the hunt and killing of Osama Bin Laden. In order for screenwriter Mark Boal to be able to speak with a Navy Seal (among others), some passages had to be removed from the original script because the CIA said
they were false. This led to the removal of a scene at the beginning of the script in which Maya (Jessica Chastain) actively takes part in the torture of a suspect. The CIA said that this wasn't correct. Also, another torture scene in which a prisoner is
threatened by an aggressive dog was scrapped. The CIA declared that they did not use this method even though it wasn't forbidden by the US military. Furthermore a scene in Islamabad where a drunken officer shoots with his AK47 in the air for fun has been
Summary Notes
Maya is a CIA operative whose first experience is in the interrogation of prisoners following the Al Qaeda attacks against the U.S. on the 11th September 2001. She is a reluctant
participant in extreme duress applied to the detainees, but believes that the truth may only be obtained through such tactics. For several years, she is single-minded in her pursuit of leads to uncover the whereabouts of Al Qaeda's leader, Osama Bin
Laden. Finally, in 2011, it appears that her work will pay off, and a U.S. Navy SEAL team is sent to kill or capture Bin Laden. But only Maya is confident Bin Laden is where she says he is.
Zero Day is a 2002 USA drama by Ben Coccio. Starring Cal Robertson, Andre Keuck and
Serataren Adragna.
The UK 18 rated DVD of 2006 was cut to remove a detailed description of building explosive devices and avoiding capture. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
High school friends Andre Kriegman and Cal Gabriel declare war on their classmates and plan a terrifying assault on their high school. As they begin the deadly countdown to their final act of revenge, the two start a video diary to
explain their feelings and chronicle their mission.
Zog And The Flying Doctors is a 2020 UK children's cartoon comedy by Sean Mullen Starring Lenny Henry, Patsy Ferran and Daniel Ings
Submitted twice with different running times and BBFC consumer advice. It isn't clear if this implies different versions.
Summary Notes
Pearl and Gadabout are now a flying doctor trio, caring for creatures including a mermaid, a unicorn and a sneezy lion. However when bad weather forces them to land at the
palace, Pearl is locked up by her uncle, the king.
UK: Passed U uncut for very mild injury detail, threat, violence:
2021 cinema release
2021 Universal video
UK: Passed U uncut for very mild violence, rude humour:
Zoltan: Hound of Dracula is a 1977 USA / Italy horror by Albert Band. Starring José Ferrer, Michael Pataki and Jan Shutan.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1976. Uncut and 18 rated on
VHS, the uncut and 15 rated on DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: A Fun Bad Film
Cheaply made horror film from the 70's that is surprisingly better than
you might initially expect.
The film opens in Romania as soldiers uncover the underground tomb of the Dracula family. A soldier pulls the stake out of a puffy sheet in an opened casket and is soon bit to death by a giant
of a hound. This is Zoltan and he soon pulls the stake out of his master - not Dracula but his servant - and the two begin a trek to the United States to turn the last surviving family member into their undead master.
plot sounds ridiculous - and it is, but it strangely works as reasonable entertainment. The actors are all decent with Jose Ferrer lending cachet and clout as Branco. He does a fine job bringing some much needed credibility. The odd servant is played by
none other than Reggie Nalder who just looks evil and up to no good. Throughout the movie he commands Zoltan telepathically. The rest of the cast is serviceable as well. Michael Pataki is believable as the last member of Castle Dracula and even plays the
count in a flashback sequence.
The dogs do a good job and the director Albert Band, despite a lack of any sizable budget and some real poor lighting, creates just enough suspense and tension to keep this dubious project
somewhat afloat. Don't expect any real scares, but there are a few scenes that are well-shot: the dogs attacking the small rented cottage and the dogs attacking the car are just a couple to mention.
A fun, bad film from
the only decade where something like this could and would have been made.
Zombie Creeping Flesh is a 1980 Italy/Spain horror by Bruno Mattei. With Margit Evelyn Newton, Franco Garofalo and Selan Karay.
Pre-cut for violence cinema release. Further shortened for brevity for 1982 VHS which was later banned as a video nasty in 1983. Unbanned and uncut in 2002. Uncut in the US
Summary Review: Awful but lots of Fun
A tough female reporter and her cameraman boyfriend team up with a four-man commando unit in the New Guinea jungle whom are fighting flesh-eating zombies.
Sure it has an amazingly inept Ed
Wood-ian sort of quality... ok yes, it IS in fact a terrible film, but it does have a lot going for it.
The film remains totally enjoyable and even has a certain lovable quality. It's lots of fun and there's never a dull
There are some truly effective Zombie sequences. The scenes involving the zombie priest at the mission, the zombie kid coming to life in his fathers arms, the dead native coming to life after his funeral ceremony .
Last but not least, the gore. As the producers said, without blood and entrails, a film like this would be pointless. This film will make your stomach turn. The use of real raw meat and pig guts definitely helped Hell of the
Living Dead live up to the splatter genre and then some. The extreme close-ups of maggots crawling through rotting flesh and a native picking them off and eating them were absolutely nasty! Also there are some well done exploding zombie heads.
2013 Blue Underground Midnight Movies 9 Double Feature R0 DVD titled Hell of the Living Dead
at US Amazon
2007 Blue Underground R1 DVD titled Hell of the Living Dead at US Amazon
UK: A pre-cut version with about a minute of violent scenes removed was passed X (18) without further BBFC cuts for:
1982 cinema release (unreleased)
However the distributors felt that the film was too long and decided not to release this version but to shorten it.
Shortened Version
UK: Informally banned by the BBFC for:
1993 Video Gems VHS
James Ferman refused to view a 1993 submission from Video Gems. This was during the Jamie Bulger moral panic and Ferman advised that it was not a good time to release a video nasty.
UK: The significantly shortened and pre-cut cinema version was released on video for:
1982 Merlin VHS
The video was released in October 1982 and was banned as a video nasty in July 1983 after being successfully prosecuted in Brighton. It was dropped from the list in July 1985.
The Zombie Dead is a 1981 Italy horror by Andrea Bianchi. Starring Karin Well, Gianluigi Chirizzi and Simone Mattioli.
Massively pre-cut and further cut by the BBFC for 1986 VHS. Uncut for 2002 DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US although there is also a release missing a few frames.
Summary Review
Professor Ayres discovers a secret in an ancient stone and when he opens a crypt, he revives zombies that kill him. He had invited three couples to visit him in his manor to reveal his discovery. However, they never get around to meeting the professor. Out of the blue, the zombies attack them and they seek shelter in the mansion. The creatures put the manor under siege while they protect themselves trying to survive to the horde of zombies.
A well liked zombie film with a minimalist plot about a professor who incants a few mystic rituals awakening a hoard of zombies who attack his mansion and its house guests.
The effective make up seems to
trump the acting, script and special effects. Fast pacing and lots of gore/nudity seem to have won reviewer's hearts.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC
cuts waived for:
From IMDb. The DVD releases from Shriek Show and Italian Shock are both missing a brief 4-second shot of a man turning around and falling back against a shutter.
pre-cut 10:06s
UK: A version pre-cut by 10:06s was passed 18 after a further 3:11s of BBFC cuts for:
Zombie Flesh Eaters is a 1979 Italian horror film by Lucio Fulci With Tisa Farrow and Ian McCulloch.
Heavily cut by the BBFC for 1979 cinema release. Banned as a video nasty in 1983. Cut by the BBFC from 1992 to 1999. BBFC uncut since 2005. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Horror Classic
Strangers looking for a woman's father arrive at a tropical island where a doctor desperately searches for the cause and cure of a recent epidemic of the undead.
This is a horror classic of Lucio
Fulci with a simple, but interesting screenplay. The unforgettable story begins like Nosferatu, with an empty boat arriving in a harbor with a zombie instead of a vampire; shows the naked body of two beautiful actresses, Auretta Gay and Olga Karlatos; is
very gory, with a death that slightly recalls the famous scene of Buñuel in "Un Chien Andalou", when the zombie perforates the eye of Paola Menard; and has a very scary and impressive make-up, with zombies eating human flesh and biting
and killing people.
The sister of Mia Farrow, Tisa Farrow, has a good performance in this cult-movie.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong gory
violence and horror after all previous BBFC cuts waived for:
Note that the 2012 Arrow Blu-Ray disc included in Steelbook and Special Editions erroneously omits 6s immediately after the opening credits when the zombie carrying boat first comes into view. Replacement disks were provided.
UK: Vipco's 'Extreme Version' was passed 18 after 23s of BBFC cuts but with some cuts waived for:
2010 Cornerstone Flesh Eaters Collection Boxset R2 DVD at UK Amazon
1999 Diskline/Vipco VHS
It was felt that the video could have been released uncut in 1999 but nominal cuts were made to ensure that the version was different to that successfully prosecuted as obscene a few years earlier. A rather mythical rule was quoted that
obscene videos couldn't be passed uncut for 10 years after the prosecution.
The retained cuts were:
4s of deletions from Paola Mernard (Olga Karlatos) having her eye pierced by a splinter of wood
14s cut from the body of Paola being eaten by zombies
UK: The cut cinema version was passed 18 without further BBFC cuts for:
1996 Vipco VHS
1992 Sachs Nicam VHS
The Vipco release was misleadingly described as 'complete'. The supposed justification was that it suffered no further cuts for home video and was the 'complete' cinema version. Other videos at the time were being further cut
for home video.
UK: The uncut version was then released on pre-cert video for:
1981 Vipco VHS
Vipco issued the "strong uncut version" in 1981 at a premium price which then got put on the Video Nasties list in October 1983. It stayed on the list throughout the
panic so became one of the collectable DPP 39s
UK: The cut Cinema Version was released on pre-cert video for:
Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 is a 1988 Italy action horror by Lucio Fulci, Claudio Fragasso... With Deran Sarafian, Beatrice Ring and Ottaviano Dell'Acqua.
Shortened for European and UK release. No further cuts by the BBFC. Uncut
in the US
Summary Notes
When a terrorist's body, infected with a stolen chemical, is recovered by the US military, the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing the virus/bacteria into the
atmosphere over a small island. Soon the infected populace mutate into flesh-hungry zombies, and a trio of soldiers on leave must team up with a group of tourists and board themselves up in an abandoned hotel as they try to fend off the agile and
aggressive living dead.
94:51s =91:03s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2018 Severin Films Limited Edition RA Blu-ray titled Zombie 3 at US Amazon
2018 Severin Films R0 DVD titled
Zombie 3 at US Amazon
Zombie Flesh Eaters 3 is a 1988 Italy horror by Claudio Fragasso. With Jeff Stryker, Candice Daly and Massimo Vanni.
There is an Original Version and a Director's Cut
Director's Cut
UK: BBFC details not yet published for:
2018 88 Films R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 22nd October 2018
It has not yet been confirmed but 88 Films have probably picked up the recent US Severin release which features the Director's Cut. This features a little extra plot.
From pictorial version details at . The German Export/Japanese VHS
Version runs 7:40s longer with additional plot. The additional material is not vital but one scene adds a bit of extra explanation about the house barricade.
Original Version
The Original Version was passed 18 uncut for:
2010 Cornerstone Zombie Flesheaters Collection R2 DVD at UK Amazon
Zombie Holocaust is a 1980 Italy horror by Marino Girolami (as Frank Martin). Starring Ian McCulloch, Alexandra Delli Colli and Sherry Buchanan.
Uncut by the BBFC since 2000 18 rated VHS. Previously self censored for pre-cert VHS during the video nasties panic. It was seized by the police but never became an official video nasty. There is a shortened US version named Dr Butcher
MD. The uncut version in the US is titled Zombi Holocaust. There is also an Extended Version.
Promotional Material
A macabre mix of the classic Italian cannibal and zombie cycles, ZOMBI HOLOCAUST
features Euro-exploitation stalwart Ian McCulloch (CONTAMINATION) as an academic who heads to a remote Caribbean island to research an intriguing murder-mystery. Once there, he and his team (which includes the beautiful Alessandra Delli Colli from THE
NEW YORK RIPPER) are shocked to discover that the tropical abode is home to a mad surgeon who is creating zombies out of the local flesh-feasting natives! Also known as DOCTOR BUTCHER MD, and heavily indebted to the work of Lucio Fulci and George Romero,
this superb bout of splatter carnage comes from the golden age of Italian gore.
Extended Version
Extended Version
US: The Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 Severin Films [Zombie Holocaust + Doctor Butcher + Extended Version] (RA) Blu-ray at US
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and
therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
UK: Thanks to Briantree who notes that there was a 1982 uncut VHS release, presumably the Original Version
US Version/Dr Butcher MD
shortened US Version
US: The US Version titled Dr Butcher MD is a US re-edit that some narrative scenes for pacing reasons
but adds an extra scene. It is MPAA R rated for:
2016 Severin Films [Zombie Holocaust + Doctor Butcher + Extended Version] (RA) Blu-ray at US
From IMDb. The US version was re-edited and altered by distributor Aquarius Releasing Inc. and re-titled Doctor Butcher, M.D. . Among the changes:
A new, completely pointless and unrelated opening title sequence featuring a zombie rising from a grave, which is actually taken from an unfinished anthology Tales To Rip Your Heart Out.
The bulk of the original serious-sounding
musical score was overlapped with a cheesy and a wonderfully irritating synthesizer one.
Some dialogue and character development were deleted for pacing reasons.
Even though the Doctor Butcher version is cut, there is
an extra five minute sequence that takes place after Peter kills the sneaking zombie with an evanrude. In this scene, Peter and Lori are trying to get back to Obrero's hut. As they're walking, Lori falls into a trap, just missing a set of bamboo
stakes sticking upward. As Peter attempts to pull her out, he sees two cannibal tribesmen and tells Lori to stay where she is and he hides behind a nearby tree. As the two cannibals see Lori in the trap, Peter runs out and hits one cannibal in the back
of the head with a large stick, knocking him into the bamboo stakes. He then faces off with the remaining cannibal and beats him multiple times with the same large stick. He then finally gets Lori out and they continue to walk in search of Obrero.
Zombie Island Massacre is a 1984 USA horror by John N Carter. Starring David Broadnax, Rita Jenrette and Tom Cantrell.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1996. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Americans on vacation in the Caribbean take a tour of a nearby island at night and watch a
local voodoo ritual. Soon after, they find themselves stranded on the island and under attack by unseen foes. One by one they meet violent ends.
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2020 Vinegar Syndrome R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo at US Amazon
2020 Vinegar Syndrome
Amazon Prime VoD [US only] at US Amazon
At 17.5 mins - After couple witness voodoo ceremony and make love on the ground, scene was cut away after first blow to man's head in close up removing the second and third blows to his bloodied head.
v Zombie Lake
- 1981 France / Spain horror by Jean Rollin (as JA Laser) and Julian de Laserna (uncredited).
Zombie Lake is a 1981 France / Spain horror by Jean Rollin (as JA Laser) and Julian de Laserna (uncredited). Starring Howard Vernon, Pierre-Marie Escourrou and Anouchka.
UK and US releases are uncut, but there is also a version with nudity replaced by clothed shots.
Summary Notes
In a small village, somewhere in France, German soldiers, killed and
thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WW II, come back.
UK: The Unclothed Version was passed 18 uncut for strong language, moderate sex and violence for:
Zombie Nosh is a 1988 USA horror by S William Hinzman. With S William Hinzman, John Mowod and Leslie Ann Wick.
Cut by the BBFC for VHS but uncut on DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
A group of college students on an overnite hayride come across a group of maneating zombies.
They must fight for their lives while trying to escape and warn the authorities.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous cuts
waived for:
Zombies is a 2006 USA horror drama by JS Cardone. Starring Lori Heuring, Scout Taylor-Compton and Chloë Grace Moretz.
Generally available as uncut Unrated but there is also a US R rated version
Summary Notes
Karen, Sarah, and Emma Tunney are all moving to a small town in Pennsylvania where, unknown to them, in 1913, a horrid mine accident trapped dozens of children alive, underground. But
there's a problem. They're still alive.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence for:
Zoolander is a 2001 Germany / USA comedy by Ben Stiller. Starring Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Christine Taylor.
Originally R rated by the MPAA, but the film was subsequently cut, and
after an appeal achieved a PG-13 rating. This version has been distributed worldwide since. There is an alternative version of the titles though. 12/12A rated by the BBFC for all UK releases. The film was banned in Malaysia, Iran and also banned for a
while in Singapore.
Summary Notes
Derek Zoolander is VH1's three time male model of the year, but when Hansel wins the award instead, Zoolander's world becomes upside down. His friends disappear, his
father is disappointed in him, and he feels that he's not good as a model anymore. But when evil fashion guru Mugatu hires Zoolander, he thinks his life has turned back round again, that is until he finds out that Mugatu has actually brainwashed him to
kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Can Zoolander and his new friends find out how to prevent the incident before it's too late?
best available
UK: The cut US PG-13 version was
passed 12A/12 for moderate bad language, drug and sex references without further BBFC cuts for:
2016 Universal [Zoolander 1+2] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
The MPAA made cuts to a scene of an orgy between Stiller, Christine Taylor, Owel Wilson, Hansen, some New Zealand tribal warriors, and some Finnish midgets!. The cuts parts included the characters rubbed soil to each other and an orgy sequence with a
US: Originally rated MPAA R but the producers wanted a PG-13 so made cuts
Asian Version
Malaysia: Banned by the
film censors who took offense at a joke about killing the country's prime minister
Zootopia is a 2016 USA children's cartoon by Byron Howard, Rich Moore... Starring Idris Elba, Ginnifer Goodwin and Jason Bateman.
Each world region has a variant version using animals and voices pertinent
to each locale.
The original script contained events called "taming parties" in which predatory animals were fitted with shock collars and were shocked whenever they had the urge to eat another animal. Co-director Byron Howard said: It
stuck around a very, very long time because we found it emotionally compelling. However, in the end, they decided against it because of the allusions to the horrors of WW-II.
From IMDb:
Moosebridge's portrayal differs based on each region's version of the film. In the American, British, Canadian, French, and Russian versions, he remains a moose. In the Brazilian version, he's a jaguar named Onçardo Boi Chá, voiced by Brazilian
journalist Ricardo Boechat who anchors Jornal da Band on Rede Bandeirantes. In the Japanese version, he's a tanuki/japanese raccoon dog. In the Australian and New Zealand versions, he's a koala named David Koalabell, voiced by Australian entertainer
David Campbell. In the Chinese version, he's a panda. In the UK Version, Peter Moosebridge was renamed Moosos Alexander and was voice by Veesos Alexander
Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain is a 1983 Hong Kong action horror fantasy by Hark Tsui. Starring Biao Yuen, Hoi Mang and Adam Cheng.
Exists as a Hong Kong Version and an International Version.
Summary Notes
A college student (Yuen Biao) at a university in Canada is a fencing champion and when he has an accident one
day, he "dreams" of being transported to ancient China and enters a conflict on Zu, the Magic Mountain. At the end of the story, he regains consciousness (this is in the longer English international version). The first and shorter version is
about a warrior (Yuen Biao) who has become disillusioned with the constant civil wars in China and goes to the Magic Mountain. There he encounters ghosts and devils, and also good masters and their disciples who are out to stop the Blood Monster and his
demons from destroying the world.
Hong Kong Version/ Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain
Hong Kong Version
UK: The original Hong Kong Version
was previously passed PG uncut for:
2020 Eureka [Hong Kong + International Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
UK: BBFC details not yet published for the International Version for:
2020 Eureka [Hong Kong + International Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
From IMDb. The international English language version, Zu Time Warrior, adds a bolt-on wraparound segment filmed in Canada with Yuen Biao as a modern day fencing champ transported via his dreams while in a coma to the Oriental fantasy setting of the
film and awakening from the coma at the end.
The Zu: Time Warrior cut deserves at least some respect as an official re-edit. The story was altered to have a strong romantic element, and bits of the Hong Kong version were dubbed so the original meaning was altered,
Zulu is a 1964 UK war drama by Cy Endfield. Starring Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins and Ulla Jacobsson.
BBFC cuts were required for a 'U' rated cinema release in 1964. All home
video releases are PG rated.
Summary Notes
Two Lieutenants, Chard of Engineers and Bromhead find that their 140 man contingent in Natal has been isolated by the destruction of the main British Army
column and that 4,000 Zulu warriors will descend on them in hours. Each has a different military background in tactics and they are immediatly in conflict on how to prepare for the attack. Nearly a third of the men are in the infirmary, as the welsh
company tries to somehow survive with no help in sight. Based on a true story.
UK: Passed PG uncut for moderate battle violence for:
2007 cinema release
UK: Passed PG uncut for:
2014 Paramount Home Entertainment R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2014 Paramount Home
Entertainment R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2014 Paramount Home Entertainment VoD [UK only]
at UK Amazon
When released in Apartheid South Africa in 1964 the film was banned for black audiences (as the
government feared that its scenes of blacks killing whites might incite them to violence), apart from a few special screenings for its Zulu extras in Durban and some smaller Kwazulu towns.
Latest Film News
News Monday 19th December...
Cuts and Bans
Vampire Circus 1972 UK horror by Robert Young, cut by the BBFC in 1972, just released on UK Blu-ray.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray