Wages of Fear is a 1977 USA action adventure drama by William Friedkin. With Roy Scheider, Bruno Cremer and Francisco Rabal.
The European version titled Wages of Fear was shortened. The US version titled Sorcerer is complete
Summary Notes
A group of outcasts from different backgrounds and nationalities are
forced by misfortune to work in an oil-drilling operation in South America. When fire breaks out of control, four of the outcasts are given the opportunity to earn enough money to get out by transporting six crates of unstable dynamite through miles of
jungle in two ancient trucks.
US Version
UK: The longer US Version was passed 15 uncut
for strong violence, injury detail for:
2017 Entertainment One RB Blu-ray titled Sorcerer at UK Amazon
2017 cinema release titled Sorcerer
US: The preferred longer US Version is uncut and MPAA PG rated for:
1971 US/Philippines horror by Stephanie Rothman with Michael Blodgett and Sherry Miles.
The US release is uncut and MPAA Unrated for;
2011 Shout! Factory Vampires, Mummies and Monsters Collection R1 DVD titled The Velvet Vampire via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
2007 Cheez Flicks R1 DVD titled The Velvet Vampire
Summary Review: Psychedelic 70's vampire film
Celeste Yarnell wanders through the Southern California desert (in a dune buggy) as the mysterious Diane LeFanu. After inviting a swinging couple (Michael
Blodgett & Sherry Miles) to her desert home for a weekend, the couple are soon pulled into Diane's bizarre psychedelic bloodsucking world.
The film is very slight on the gore front and has a few topless scenes on the sex
The film seems to have a found a few fans who appreciate the psychedelic sound and visuals but many reviewers report that they found it very tedious.
79:02s =75:52s
Passed 18 after 33s of BBFC cuts for
1984 cinema release titled The Waking Hour
Released uncut on pre-cert video for:
1983 Cyclo VHS titled The Waking Hour
1983 Prime Time/CBS Fox VHS titled The Waking Hour
Walk a Tightrope is a 1965 USA / UK crime romance by Frank
Nesbitt. Starring Dan Duryea, Patricia Owens and Terence Cooper.
BBFC category cuts were imposed for a 1963 A rated cinema release.
Summary Notes
Ellen (Patricia Owens) is happily married and very much in love with Jason (Terrence Cooper), but she is being blackmailed by her former husband as their annulment had never gone through.
She sets up a complex plan with a hired gunman, Lutcher (Dan Duryea), to kill the ex-husband when he comes for some more money, but the current husband comes in unexpected and Lutcher, not knowing one from the other, kills him. Oops!
UK: An unknown version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for mild violence for:
A Walk Among the Tombstones is a
2013 USA action crime drama by Scott Frank. Starring Liam Neeson, Ruth Wilson and Dan Stevens.
BBFC advised category cuts were made for a 15 rated cinema release and home
Promotional Material
Private investigator Matthew Scudder (Liam Neeson) is hired by a drug trafficker to find those responsible for the kidnap and murder of his wife.
Following the
trail Scudder uncovers some dark secrets leading him to think that his employer’s wife was not the first victim and her murderers are going to strike again. Can he stop them before they claim another victim?
Hopefully the BBFC advised cuts haven't found their way into the US release.
advised category cuts
UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence, sexualised violence, very strong
language after BBFC advised category cuts were made for:
2015 Entertainment One RB Blu-ray
2015 Entertainment One R2 DVD
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
This work was originally seen for advice. The company was advised that the film was likely to receive an 18 certificate but that their preferred 15 classification could be achieved by making cuts to reduce a scene of sexualised
threat and to remove an accompanying aggressive use of very strong language directed at a woman. When the finished version of the film was submitted for formal classification, edits had been made to this scene. The formal submission was consequently
rated 15.
Walkabout is a 1971 UK adventure drama by Nicolas Roeg. With Jenny Agutter, David
Gulpilil and Luc Roeg.
Uncut by the BBFC albeit after an appeal against proposed cuts for the 1971 cinema release. There exists a shortened version in the US, although the Unrated version is uncut.
Summary Notes
A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where they are, get stranded in
the Outback by themselves while on a picnic. They only have with them the clothes on their backs - their school uniforms - some meagre rations of nonperishable food, a battery-powered transistor radio, the son's satchel primarily containing his toys, and
a small piece of cloth they used as their picnic drop-cloth. While they walk through the Outback, sometimes looking as though near death, they come across an Australian boy who is on his walkabout, a rite of passage into manhood where he spends months on
end on his own living off the land. Their largest problem is not being able to verbally communicate. The boy does help them to survive, but doesn't understand their need to return to civilization, which may or may not happen based on what the Australian
boy ends up ...
UK Version/Director's Cut
Director's Cut
UK: The UK Version/Director's Cut was passed 12 uncut for nudity, animal killing, infrequent strong language:
Walker is a 1987 USA / Mexico / Spain historical western biography by Alex Cox. Starring Ed Harris, Richard Masur and Rene Auberjonois.
All UK releases cut for animal cruelty.
Summary Notes
William Walker and his mercenary corps enter Nicaragua in the middle of the 19th century in order to install a new government by a coup d'etat. All is being financed by an American multimillionaire who has his own interest
in this country.
compulsory cuts 6s
submitted 90:39s
UK: Passed 18 after 6-10s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2003 Universal video
1988 CIC Video VHS
1988 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor required to remove 3 shots of cruelty to an animal (horse fall) in accordance with the Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act 1937.
Missing two explicit and gory zombie bites in the scene where the camp is attacked near the end. One of these - where a young woman is bitten in the throat, with screams and gushing blood.
The Walking Dead: Season 2 is a 2011 US horror TV series
US and UK home video releases are uncut.
In article from
movie-censorship.com it is noted that there trivial extra shots in the US TV version likely to be attributed to working around advert breaks.
The Walking Dead Season 6 is a 2015 US horror TV series
Episode 16 has an alternative version with strong language and Episode 10 was also cut for language when shown on TV.
Summary Notes
Sheriff Deputy Rick Grimes gets shot and falls into a
coma. When awoken he finds himself in a Zombie Apocalypse. Not knowing what to do he sets out to find his family, after he's done that he gets connected to a group to become the leader. He takes charge and tries to help this group of people survive, find
a place to live, and get them food. This show is all about survival, the risks, and the things you'll have to do to survive.
Alternative Extended Version
UK: The alternative version of episode
16 was passed 18 uncut for strong sustained threat, bloody violence for:
2016 Entertainment One [Original + Alternative Version] RB Blu-ray at UK
See Episode 16: pictorial cuts from movie-censorship.com . The Season finale was reworked with 23 extra utterances of the word 'fuck' and its
variations. A good example being a scene with the alternative dialogue line:
I'm gonna beat the holy fuck-fucking-fuckedy-fuck (hell) outta one of you.
The Walking Dead Season 8 is a 2017 US TV horror fantasy by Michael E
Satrazemis, John Polson, Michael Slovis... Starring Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride.
Season 8 has extended episodes for
Alternative Extended Version
UK: The Extended Versions of Episodes 5,6,8,14,15,16 were passed with an aggregate 15 uncut for:
2018 Entertainment One [Original + Extended Episodes] RB Blu-ray at UK
Note the Blu-ray is 18 rated for one of the unextended original episodes
The BBFC lists the following extended episodes:
Extended Episode 5 - The Big Scary U (53:01s cf 49:41s)
Extended Episode 6 - The King The Widow and Rick (44:21s cf 43:30s)
Extended Episode 8 - How It's Gotta Be (60:10s cf 59:46s)
Extended Episode 14 - Still Gotta Mean
Something (52:47s cf 49:06s)
Walking Tall is a 1973 USA action crime biography by Phil Karlson. Starring
Joe Don Baker, Elizabeth Hartman and Leif Garrett.
Uncut and X rated for 1973 cinema release but was cut for 18 rated VHS in 1988. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Based on the life of
Tennessee sheriff Buford Pusser whom almost single-handily cleaned up his small town of crime and corruption, but at a personal cost of his family life and nearly his own life.
Walking the Edge is a 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel Starring Nancy Kwan, Robert Forster and Joe Spinell
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1986. Later uncut and 15 rated for 2023 Blu-ray
Summary Notes
A Los Angeles taxi driver picks up a woman in his cab, not knowing that
she's on a suicidal revenge mission. He manages to escape with her before getting killed, but deranged gangsters are searching for them.
The Wanderers is a 1979 USA drama by Philip Kaufman. Starring Ken Wahl, Karen Allen and John Friedrich.
Gay insults and strong language were dropped as a result of preview
screenings but the film was never cut by censors in the UK and US. The Preview Version surfaced in a 2017 US Blu-ray release.
Summary Notes
Set against the urban jungle of 1963 New
York's gangland subculture, this coming of age teenage movie is set around the Italian gang the Wanderers. Slight comedy, slight High School angst and every bit entertaining with its classic 1950's Rock n' Roll soundtrack such as "Walk Like a Man", "Big
Girls Don't Cry" by The Four Seasons and "My Boyfriend's Back" by The Angels. Focusing around a football game where the different gangs play with and against each other, then at its grand finale, come together in a mass of union to defend their honour
and their turf. Nostalgic stuff and above all a Rock n' Roll retrospective on a grand musical era. Timeless.
Preview Version
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2017 Kino Lorber [Theatrical Version + Preview Version] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
The producers seem to have had a bit of a rethink about its gay characters as these were dropped as a result of preview screenings. See version details
from movie-censorship.com :
The Preview Cut contains a lot of new scenes that should be pretty interesting for fans.The Theatrical Version lacks gay people getting insulted and Turkey's bias is crystal clear in the
Preview Cut. When the Ducky Boy sees him in front of the church, he offers him a blowjob in the Preview Cut. The Ducky Boy repeats the word blowjob
The Preview Version also contains additional strong language and a scene where Chubby drops a
bowing ball on another guy's hand.
Theatrical Version
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong language and violence:
War Dog is a 1987 Sweden action war thriller by Björn Carlström and Daniel Hübenbecher. Starring Timothy Earle, Gunnar Ernblad and Bengt Fridh.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1987 and 18 rated DVD in 2003. Cut
in the US for an MPAA R rating. The film was released uncut in Germany.
Summary Notes
Charles Stewart (Earle) is a Vietnam vet who wants answers about his brother Rick's death. He
teams up with Dean Daniels (Ernblad), a reporter interested in missing Vietnam soldiers. It turns out the evil Spacek (Fridh) started a training camp in South Africa to pump out Super Soldiers. These brainwashed, emotionless, unstoppable killing machines
are now on the loose.
Germany: Uncut for:
Get the Movie R0 DVD
UK: Passed 18 after compulsory BBFC cuts:
2003 Pegasus R0 DVD
The BBFC noted that the cuts list was the same as for the 1987 VHS release but were implemented differently.
The War Lord is a 1965 USA drama by Franklin J Schaffner (as Franklin Schaffner). Starring Charlton Heston, Richard Boone and Rosemary Forsyth.
The 1965 cinema release was cut by the BBFC for an A rating. Presumably uncut since 2010 DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
A knight in the service of a duke goes to
a coastal villiage where an earlier attempt to build a defensive castle has failed. He begins to rebuild the duke's authority in the face of the barbarians at the border and is making progress until he falls in love with one of the local women.
UK: Passed PG uncut for moderate
violence and occasional moments of bloodshed for:
This seems a minute shorter than the original 1865 submission to the BBFC. But on the other hand, the credits were later updated so it is hard to read to much into the timings
War of the Arrows is a 2011 South Korea historical war film by Han-min Kim. With Hae-il Park, Seung-yong Ryoo and Moon Chae-Won.
The BBFC cut horse falls from the UK release of the Theatrical Version.
There is also a longer Korean Version.
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 after 5s of BBFC cuts for:
2012 Showbox Blu-ray
2012 Showbox R2 DVD
The BBFC commented;
A cut was required to remove sight of unsimulated animal cruelty (in this case a cruel and dangerous horsefall, showing a horse falling forward onto its head and neck)
~128:00s =~122:00s
Kr: There is also an Extended South
Korean Version running about 6 minutes longer
See pictorial cuts details from
movie-censorship.com . This version adds violence presumably cut from the Theatrical Version. However most of the additional material is plot which does not significantly change the movie.
Warhead is a 1996 USA action thriller by Mark Roper. Starring Frank Zagarino, Joe Lara and Elizabeth Giordano.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1999. Uncut and 18 rated for 2002 DVD.
Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Terrorists seize an American nuclear missile site and threaten to launch the missiles at Washington unless the President resigns
immediately and $1 billion is placed in a Swiss account in 8 hours.
Warlock is a 1989 US fantasy by Steve Miner With Julian Sands, Lori Singer and Richard E. Grant.
A violent scene was removed prior to US R rated theatrical release. This
version was further cut for European cinema release and home video. This version was 15 rated in the UK. The US version was later released in the UK in 2011 with a 12 rating.
Summary Review: Fine Writing
A warlock flees from the 17th to the 20th century, with a witch-hunter in hot pursuit.
Though underwhelming in its production values, Warlock manages to outshine its contemporaries through fine writing,
directing, and above all, acting.
UK: A re-edited/extended US version
was passed 12 without BBFC cuts for moderate horror and violence:
The scene in the theatrical trailer involving the Warlock as the satanic messiah was cut after negative reactions from test screenings. The channeler's death was originally much more violent. The scene
involved a topless Mary Woronov being frozen after the devil's eyeballs emerged from her breasts. The Warlock then stomps her to pieces to free them. After the wrap up, the scene was redone as what remains in the film.
pre-cut 45s
UK: The cut US version was further cut for the European Export Version which was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
The Warlords is a 2007 Hong Kong / China action war drama by Peter Chan and Wai Man Yip. Starring Jet Li, Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro.
Exists as the Original Hong Kong Version and a shortened International
Version. The Internatiosn Version was cut by the BBFC for 2008 cinema release and 2009 DVD.
Summary Notes
It's a heroic tale of three blood brothers and their struggle in the midst of war and political
upheaval. It is based on "The Assassination of Ma," a Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) story about the killing of general Ma Xinyi. The story was filmed by Zhang Che in 1973 as The Blood Brothers.
The Warrior is a 2001 South Korea / China action war drama by Sung-su Kim. Starring Woo-sung Jung and Ahn Sung-ki and Jin-mo Ju.
Exists as an Originla Version and a shortened International Version. The latter was cut
for animal cruelty by the BBFC.
Summary Notes
In 1375, China was in chaos between Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. Coryo (an ancient kingdom of Korea then) sent a delegation of many
diplomats, soldiers and a silent slave to make peace with the new Chinese government. However, this delegation got charged as spies and sent in exile to a remote desert. On the way the group came across a Yuan troop, and the Coryo soldiers managed to
survive the battle. They began the journey toward the faraway home country, where they met the Yuan troop again. When they found out the Yuan troop kidnapped a Ming princess, they decided to rescue her so that they could get a ship to go home. Then the
battle began...
Original Version
Original Version
The Original Version is uncut
International Version
International Version best available
US: The shortened International Version is MPAA R rated for:
UK: The shortened International Version was passed 18 after 27s of BBFC cuts for animal cruelty:
2003 Medusa R2
The BBFC commented:
Cuts required to sight of real animal cruelty (horses being forcibly tripped) in accordance with BBFC policy, in line with the terms of the Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act
The cuts play havoc with a couple of scenes in this UK release (so it may better to get the uncut but abridged region 1 DVD available at
US Amazon )
The 132 minute version (127 in PAL) is a shortened edit that
has been criticised for losing characterisation and continuity. The complete version runs at 158 minutes.
The Warrior is a 2022 India action drama by N. Linguswamy Starring
Aadhi, Bharathiraja and Rk Rakesh Boro
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A cinema release in 2022.
Summary Notes
When Satya raises his voice against Guru, the latter revolts and bashes the former to hell. Satya makes a comeback as a cop to take revenge on Guru and put an end to his
crime in Kurnool city.
category cuts
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, bloody images, threat after an estimated 7s of BBFC cuts:
2022 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The distributor chose to make changes to the film to achieve their preferred 12A category. Sequences of bloody violence were removed,
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence, bloody images:
The Warriors is a 1979 US action thriller by Walter Hill Starring Michael Beck, James
Remar and Dorsey Wright
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
Cyrus, the leader of the most powerful gang in New York City, the Gramercy Riffs, calls a
midnight summit for all the area gangs, with all asked to send nine unarmed representatives for the conclave. A gang called The Warriors are blamed for killing Cyrus as he gives his speech. They now have to cross the territory of rivals in order to get
to their own 'hood. The Warriors slowly cross the dangerous Bronx and Manhattan territories, narrowly escaping police and other gangs every step of the way.
2023 Arrow [Theatrical Version + Director's Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo at US Amazon
The Director's Cut has been decorated with the addition of a comic strip introduction to Greek warriors and comic strip style inserts at scene changes. No changes to the live action though. See
pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed X for
2001 Paramount R2 DVD
1987 CIC VHS
1979 cinema release
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2023 Arrow [Theatrical Version + Director's Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo at US Amazon
Thanks to Philip. From IMDb:
On UK VHS releases for copyright reasons the song Nowhere To Run , played by the female DJ, was replaced by I Am A Warrior.
In the scene where the
gangs are tooling up and searching New York for The Warriors a song plays called Nowhere To Run by Arnold McCuller However on a UK CIC VHS it was a song called Just a Fugitive by Alan Brackett.
UK: The
theatrical version broadcast on 5 Star in 2021 suffered dialogue cuts, some minor ones for swearing but the main one being a potential offensive word, ie:
A Warrior's Tail is a 2015 Russia children's cartoon by Maksim Fadeev. Starring Maksim Chukharyov, Konstantin Khabenskiy and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.
BBFC category cuts were required for a PG rated 2016 cinema release.
Summary Notes
An international animation project that is coming out in Russian and English languages. It is a fairytale about a grand life journey of a 10-year old boy Savva devoted to help his Mom and
fellow village people to break free from the vicious hyenas. Trying to escape from hyenas Savva finds himself in a magical world he had only heard stories of.
category cuts 1s
UK: Passed PG for mild fantasy violence, threat, rude humour, mild bad language after 1s of BBFC category cuts for:
2016 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove a single use of strong language ('motherfucker') in order to achieve a PG classification. A 15 uncut was available.
The Watch is a 2012 USA comedy Sci-Fi film by Akiva Schaffer.
Marketed with a
banner saying: 'Caution: Lewder, Cruder and Ruder' as if this was an Unrated Version or extended cut. However this seems a clever ploy as it is just the standard theatrical version
Watchmen is a 2009 USA action Sci-Fi mystery by Zack Snyder. Starring Jackie Earle Haley,
Patrick Wilson and Carla Gugino.
Exists in 3 versions, the Theatrical Version, the Director's Cut and the Ultimate Version
Summary Notes
In a gritty and alternate 1985 the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered an investigation into the killer is initiated. The
reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so discover a deeper and far more diabolical plot.
Version details from US Amazon. The director's cut runs about 25
minutes longer, and incorporates more elements from the comics, adds more violence, as well as more shots of Dr. Manhatten's schlong. Some of the previous scenes are reworked with additional dialogue.
Overall, the storyline and conversations are
better fleshed out, and this version is truer to the comics. The largest additional addition is that of Hollis Mason's death.
Rorschach gets additional dialogue, some straight from the comics.
When Rorschach searches the Comedian's apartment shortly after the opening scene, he encounters two cops still stationed there. He fights briefly with them before jumping
back out the window.
Conversation between Dan and Rorschach (beans scene) is extended.
All flashbacks extended, with the exception of Sally's.
Dr. Manhatten discussing the symbol on his forehead. Additional questions in the
face to face with Dr. Manhatten. Dan and Hollis watch Dr. Manhatten go crazy on their TV set.
Laurie getting interrogated by the military as they try to determine Dr. M's whereabouts (on Mars). Alessandro Juliani's scene has been reinserted. He
plays one of the scientists who bursts in during the interrogation of Laurie to tell the military that they've located Dr. M on Mars.
Probably the biggest addition is the depiction of Hollis Mason's death at the hands of the knot heads.
Interestingly, the death is done from poor Hollis' POV, where he imagines himself fighting the gangsters of the 1940s. He delivers left and right hooks to Captain Evil, before being done in by "Moloch". The score for the death scene is very
Dan taking revenge on an isolated knot head at a bar, post Hollis' death. It's a brutal revenge.
The shootout by hired hitman Roy Chess is much more brutal- e.g. more blood and gore, fingers blown off.
between Dr. Long and Rorschach is extended.
Longer jail-break scene with arguments between Rorschach and Laurie. Prison guards open fire on Dan's ship.
Longer conversation between Dr. M and L on Mars.
Riot scene is longer with
more conversation between the Comedian and the rioters.
Agent Forbes (Fulvio Cecere) has a larger role as the government agent in charge of handling all the Watchmen.
Ultimate Version
Ultimate Version
UK: The Ultimate Cut was passed 18 uncut
for strong bloody violence:
2019 Paramount Home Entertainment R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2019 Paramount Home Entertainment R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: There is also an extended version titled The Ultimate Version.
Watership Down is a 1978 UK / USA animation adventure thriller by Martin
Uncut and U rated by the BBFC for many years. Perhaps the BBFC's bloodiest, albeit animated, U rated film. It is surely one of the BBFC's most controversial ratings. The U was finally uprated to PG for video and cinema release
in 2022.
v Waterworld
- 1995 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Kevin Reynolds.
Waterworld is a 1995 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Kevin Reynolds. Starring Kevin Costner, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Dennis Hopper.
Never cut by film censors. The producers shortened the film against the
wishes of the Director for theatrical release. The deleted material was restored for an extended TV version, but suffered cuts for the likes of strong language. An uncut extended version was released in Europe and has been tagged as the Ulysses Cut.
Summary Notes
The polar ice caps have melted, and the earth is covered by water. The remaining people travel the seas, in search of survival. Several different societies exist. The
Mariner falls from his customary and solitary existence into having to care for a woman and a young girl while being pursued by the evil forces of the Deacon.
Ulysses Cut
Extended Ulysses Cut
UK: The Extended Ulysses Cut
was passed 12 uncut for moderate violence, bloody injury detail, sexual threat:
2023 Arrow Video [4K Theatrical Version + Blu-ray TV Cut + Blu-ray Ulysses Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo
at UK Amazon #ad
2018 Arrow Limited Edition [ Theatrical + Ulysses
Cut + TV Cut] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: The Extended Ulysses Cut is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2023 Arrow Video [4K Theatrical Version + Blu-ray TV Cut + Blu-ray Ulysses Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo
at US Amazon #ad
2019 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical Version + Ulysses Cut] RA
Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 3rd December 2019
2018 Arrow Limited Edition [
Theatrical + Ulysses Cut + TV Cut] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
fan-edit cut of the 1995 movie Waterworld is now available as an official Blu-ray release. The original Ulysses cut was crowdsourced using extra scenes from various TV broadcasts and publicly shared on The Pirate Bay more than a decade ago. The Blu-ray
has been released by Arrow Film, but whether the original editor is aware of it is unknown.
Waterworld is known for its many different versions, but this one never officially aired anywhere. It was created by a fan who, together
with others, set out to make the longest uncensored edit of Waterworld possible.
The origin of this fan-edit, well documented by the Unheard Nerd, started in 2005. A user of the Original Trilogy forum asked if anyone had access to
the 40 minutes of Waterworld material that appeared in an ABC broadcast. This generated a long thread where users shared and compared different versions of the film.
In 2006, a user named Mcfly89, showed his interest in the
project. Mcfly89 later took the lead and after crowdsourcing copies of different broadcasts, he set out to combine these into a long uncensored edit of Waterworld.
The project progressed slowly and by November 2007 the name
Ulysses was first mentioned. This title refers to the unnamed mariner played by Kevin Costner. He's given this name toward the end of the film in a scene that was taken out of the theatrical version.
With a name for the project,
Mcfly89 continued his work. Helped by other members, who also assisted with an appropriate DVD-cover, the fan-made DVD was ready by the summer of 2008. Despite a temporary outage on The Pirate Bay, Mcfly89 managed to upload a torrent for the Ulysses cut
to the site on July 28th, exactly thirteen years after the original premiere.
Many Waterworld fans welcomed the Ulysses release and it was even extended by Zaaacharias a few years later. It's not clear whether the original makers
were happy with it. Film fans generally see fan-edits as important preservation projects, but copyright holders have gone after such releases as well.
Fast forward another decade and now the Ulysses cut has been released
legitimately on a Blu-Ray disc put together by Arrow Films. The movie company used the name of the cut, but it was obviously reconstructed from original footage, not the broadcasts that were used in the fan-edit.
It would probably
be an interesting read or feature to know how between Universal, Arrow and Mcfly89 The Ulysses Cut has eventually arrived as a 1080p edition. The story is quite remarkable already but we believe that Arrow Films missed a major opportunity here. But
perhaps the full story will come out one day, in another decade or so.
A young couple becomes embroiled with the personal problems of another couple on a yacht moored off Sicily during a turbulent weekend of fun, games, sex games, betrayal, spouse abuse, and murder.
An early lurid exploitation gem from the future director of Cannibal Holocaust.
The female leads, Dionisio and Turner aren't shy and jump into their roles, including some lesbian scenes, with enthusiasm.
The film's low budget and locations work together to create a unique charm. The soundtrack and wardrobes also contribute to the film's retro allure.
UK: passed
18 after 1:04s of BBFC cuts for:
1988 Sheptonhurst VHS
91:55s =88:14s
UK: passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
1976 cinema release
v Waxwork
- 1988 USA / West Germany / UK comedy horror by Anthony Hickox.
Waxwork is a 1988 USA / West Germany / UK comedy horror by Anthony Hickox. Starring Zach Galligan, Deborah Foreman and Jennifer Bassey.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1988 cinema release and follow up VHS. The
BBFC cuts were waived for 18 rated 2001 DVD. UK releases are based on the uncut Unrated Version with the film being cut in the US for an R rating.
Summary Review
A waxwork museum comes to town, and a
mysterious man invites some teens to come to a special showing at midnight. Once inside, while viewing different exhibits, the scenes come alive and the viewer is sucked into the story being portrayed.
All in
all, this plays more like a comedy than a horror film, but the violence, when it appears, is so over-the-top that splatter fans won't be too disappointed.
UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut after previous BBFC cuts waived for:
Way of the Dragon is a 1972 Hong Kong martial arts film by Bruce Lee. With Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Nora Miao.
Heavily cut by the BBFC for X rated UK cinema release and 18 rated VHS.
Uncut for 18 rated DVD but old cuts crept back into the Universal DVD. Passed 15 uncut for 2023 UK cinema release.
Summary Review: Recommended
This is the story about Tang Lung (Bruce Lee), who visits
a Chinese Restaurant in Rome to help out against thugs that are trying to take it over.
This is possibly the best movie Bruce ever appeared in. It has a much-more-consistent pace, and Bruce not only shows his lighter side
but gets to show what he is really made of, particularly in the climactic classic fight against Chuck Norris (look at the speed of those kicks!).
Definitely recommended, even if you're not a Bruce Lee fan.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence:
2023 Arrow Films cinema release
UK: Passed 18 uncut after the BBFC waived their cuts for:
2023 Arrow Bruce Lee At Golden Harvest R0 4K Blu-ray/(RB) Blu-ray Combo at UK Amazon #ad
2023 Arrow Bruce Lee At Golden Harvest (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad r
Mediumrare RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
Medusa/E1/Hong Kong Legends 30th Anniversary Tribute R2 DVD
2001 Medusa/E1/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
The 2023 Golden Harvest set also includes a 100:11s Japanese version but the only differences are in the music soundtrack and in different credits
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2020 The Criterion Collection Bruce Lee Greatest Hits RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
The Way We Were is a 1973 US romance by Sydney Pollack Starring Barbra
Streisand, Robert Redford and Bradford Dillman
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version.
Summary Notes
During post-WWII McCarthyism, a diametrically opposed couple come together only to find out that
genuine friendship and physical attraction is not enough to overcome fundamental societal beliefs.
Extended Version
US: The Extended Version MPAA PG rated for:
2023 Sony 50th Anniversary Edition [Theatrical + Extended Versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray