The Baader Meinhof Complex is a 2008 Germany / France / Czech Republic action crime biography by Uli Edel. Starring Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu and Johanna Wokalek.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended TV Version.
Summary Notes
Germany in the 1970s: Murderous bomb attacks, the threat of terrorism and the fear of the enemy inside are
rocking the very foundations of the yet fragile German democracy. The radicalised children of the Nazi generation lead by Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof and Gudrun Ensslin are fighting a violent war against what they perceive as the new face of fascism:
American imperialism supported by the German establishment, many of whom have a Nazi past. Their aim is to create a more human society but by employing inhuman means they not only spread terror and bloodshed, they also lose their own humanity. The man
who understands them is also their hunter: the head of the German police force Horst Herold. And while he succeeds in his relentless pursuit of the young terrorists, he knows he's only dealing with the tip of the iceberg.
Extended TV Version
Germany: There also exists an Extended TV Version broadcast n 2 parts.
Baaghi is a 2016 action thriller by Sabir Khan. Starring Shraddha Kapoor, Tiger Shroff and
Sudheer Babu Posani.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 2016 12A rated cinema release.
category cuts 26s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, injury detail after 26s of BBFC category cuts for:
2016 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to remove strong violence (in this instance focus on bloody injury, limbs being broken, and blood spurts) in order to obtain a 12A classification. A 15 without cuts was available to the company.
Baaghi 3 is a 2020 India action film by Ahmed Khan. Starring Tiger Shroff, Shraddha
Kapoor and Riteish Deshmukh.
Summary Notes
Ronnie and Vikram are brothers who share an unbreakable bond. Their journey
begins when a certain turn in events, leads Vikram to travel. On this trip, he gets kidnapped by people. Ronnie witnesses his brother getting beaten and kidnapped, Ronnie will do whatever it takes to destroy anyone and anything that stands in the way of
Vikram's safety. Ronnie goes on a rampage of destruction to see his brother safe, even if it means that he independently has to take on an entire country.
advised category cuts 143:00s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, threat after BBFC advised pre-cuts:
2020 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
This film was originally seen for advice. The company was advised it was likely to be classified 15 but that their preferred 12A classification could be achieved by removing and/or reducing various scenes of strong bloody violence.
When the film was submitted for formal classification, these changes had been made and it was classified 12A.
Baaji is a 2019 Pakistan drama by Saqib Malik. Starring Osman Khalid Butt, Nayyar Ejaz and
Mohsin Abbas Haider.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2019.
category cuts
UK: Passed 12A for moderate bad language, sex references after 1s of
2019 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove a scene of drug misuse in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
Summary Notes
Baaji takes the audiences on a journey filled with glamour, romance, scandal and intrigue. The film also pays a tribute to the classic social dramas of Pakistani cinema of the 1960s
and the 1970s, while also finding inspiration from the golden era of Hollywood of the 1940s and 1950s.
Baba Yaga is a 1973 Italy Giiallo by Corrado Farina. With Carroll Baker, George Eastman and Isabelle De Funès.
Cut for cinema by the BBFC and by the MPAA. The Director restored cut footage for Reloaded/Redux 18 rated 2008 DVD.
Summary Review: Surreal Tangents
Strange things have been happening
to Valentina, a young and beautiful professional photographer, ever since she made the acquaintance of Baba Yaga, a mysterious older woman who gave her a lift home late one night.
This movie has just confused the hell out of
everybody since it's based on a comic strip Valentina few outside of Italy have read and few in Italy probably understood. Valentina is a photographer who through the agency of a magic camera falls under the spell of a strange lesbian witch, Baba
Yaga. That's the basic plot, but it goes off on so many bizarre and surreal tangents that the movie itself is almost impossible to describe.
This movie definitely isn't for everybody, but if you're on this site reading this review
I expect you'll probably like it.
Reloaded Version
UK: The Reloaded version was passed 18 uncut for strong nudity, sex and implied sexual violence :
For this
2009 release the film has been re-cut by Farina himself, returning the majority of the deleted materials to their rightful locations, most notably with a politically driven pre-credits graveyard sequence, of which the chances of being warmly received in
the USA are about nil.
Most of the other material that was deleted either underscores the lesbian elements or can simply be seen as padding.
The two censor-mandated full frontal nudity cuts
have also been restored. It would be unfair to claim that the reinstating of these scenes turns a flawed film into a masterpiece, but they do make the film slightly more cohesive as a whole, and lead to certain scene transitions seeming a little less
US: The Original Version is cut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 Blue Underground Killer Thrillers (RA) Blu-ray
2012 Blue Underground R0 Blu-ray
2003 Blue Underground R1 DVD
This version seems also to be missing full frontal shots of Carroll Baker and Isabelle De Funès. The 2016 Blu-ray release offers cut and delted scenes as extras.
UK: The Original Version was passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
1974 cinema release titled Baba Yaga, The Devil Witch
The BBFC cuts were:
Two full frontal shot of Carroll Baker were deleted
Disputes at the production company saw material deleted at odds with the wishes of the director.
Baby Blood is a 1990 France horror by Alain Robak. Starring Emmanuelle Escourrou, Christian Sinniger and Jean-François Gallotte.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Later released uncut and MPAA Unrated
Promotional Material
It's Time to Feed the Baby! It is a voracious parasite from the dawn of creation, surviving centuries in search of the one thing it needs: to be born of a human. But when this
cunning creature slithers inside a sexy circus performer (voluptuous French starlet Emmanuelle Escourrou, Lady Blood), it demands gallons of fresh blood to grow stronger. Now this reluctantly expectant mommy and her chatty mutant fetus are off on a
cross-country killing spree, where pre-natal care means violent carnage and the ultimate mother's milk is Baby Blood!
Baby boom czyli
Kogel Mogel 5 is a 2024 Poland comedy by Anna Wieczur-Bluszcz Starring Maciej Zakoscielny, Katarzyna Skrzynecka and Aleksandra Hamkalo
are no censorship issues with this release beyond noting noting a difference in running time noted by the BBFC and IFCO.
Summary Notes
Piotrus - together with his wife, mother-in-law and
Leopold - moves to a new home: a historic manor house. And Marlenka decides to find a suitable ancestor for her family who will fit into the elegant residence... Agnieszka, in turn, is pursuing a career at the university, but ri...
UK: Uncut and BBFC 12A rated for strong language, moderate sex references, sexual violence references:
Baby Love is a 1968 UK drama by Alastair Reid. Starring Diana Dors, Linda Hayden and Troy Dante.
Cut by the BBFC for 1968 cinema release. Presumably the cuts have persisted
ever since. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Libidinous 15 year old English schoolgirl Lucy finds her single mother dead. They never had a good relationship, but this still unbalances
her. She moves in with the family of her mother's old friend. She hates him and seduces his wife.
US: Unconfirmed but the running time suggests that the US R rated version is uncut. Maybe best avoided
with issues about Linda Hayden's age.
compulsory cuts
UK: Presumably the cut cinema
version was passed 18 for:
The cuts were releated to a nude scene by Linda Hayden who explained in a 2011 intrerview that she auditioned for the part wehn 15: was very much a sex-type movie, that was the fashion. And my screen test I
did topless, because that was the scene with the elderly man who played the part, Keith Barron. When she came into the study. So it was all quite near the knuckle. And there was a big to-do about that and my parents were asked did they mind (that she
auditioned naked).
Babylon 5: Messages from Earth is a 1996 USA TV action Sci-Fi adventure by Michael Vejar. Starring Bruce Boxleitner, Claudia Christian and Jerry Doyle.
Cut by the BBFC for PG rated 1997 VHS.
Summary Notes
Sheridan discovers a terrifying new alliance between the Shadows and another race.
UK: Passed PG after 3s of BBFC cuts for:
1997 Warner VHS
The BBFC cuts were:
During pre-credits, when man and woman are chased through metal grid, remove all sight of man wielding chainsticks.
v Babylon A.D.
- 2008 France/UK action Sci-Fi adventure by Mathieu Kassovitz.
Babylon A.D. is a 2008 France/UK action Sci-Fi adventure by Mathieu Kassovitz. With
Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh and Mélanie Thierry.
The Theatrical Version was cut in the US for a PG-13. The uncut version is the Unrated Extended Version
Summary Notes
Veteran-turned-mercenary Toorop takes the high-risk job of
escorting a woman from Russia to America. Little does he know that she is host to an organism that a cult wants to harvest in order to produce a genetically modified Messiah.
uncut Extended Version
UK: The Canal Studio Version or Extended Edition or Raw & Uncut Version or Harder Cut was passed 15
uncut for strong language and moderate violence for:
The BBFC explained the differenced between the versions:
Babylon A.D . is an adaptation of Maurice G. Dantec's science fiction novel Babylon Babies . It is set in a post-apocalyptic society and tells the
story of Toorop; a veteran soldier turned mercenary who is hired to transport a young girl from Russia to Canada.
This DVD version has been passed 15 because of at least eight uses of strong language and moderate
violence. Guidelines for 15 allow frequent use of strong language (eg 'fuck') , unlike guidelines for 12 or 12A where the use of strong language must be infrequent .
The versions for the
cinema and another DVD release were passed 12A and 12 , respectively, because they were identical in content, in containing only one use of strong language and moderate violence.
In all other respects, this
version is the same as the other two. This work also contains frequent use of moderate language – including bitch , shit and arse . The moderate violence featured is of the standard action movie fare and includes explosions,
impressionistic fight scenes and gun battles. There are occasional bloody moments including a brutal cage fight between the main character and a vicious gladiator and another scene which features a slow-motion bullet entering the body of woman. These
moments in the work are infrequent and do not linger on bloody injuries. Their inclusion is largely mitigated by the fantastical science-fiction context and well-contained within 15 guidelines which say that violence may be strong but may not
dwell on the infliction of pain or injury .
At 32 mins - The finding of two little boys in joke hanging was reduced by removing initial long shots and close ups of faces, resuming on long shots of twins in doorway with boys` feet dangling foreground.
At 38 mins - In scene by swimming
pool, all close ups of coiled orange cable, plug-in socket, cable uncurling, and plug pulled out of socket were removed.
At 66 mins - Shot of black gloved hands twisting and banging man`s head against balustrade was removed.
At 79 mins
- After oriental twins kick man behind them, the attack with repeated kicks on two other men was removed, resuming on corridor shot.
At 81 mins - When black twins take turns to punch man in face, blows were reduced to one punch only.
Back in Action is a 1994 US action film by Steve DiMarco & Paul Ziller. With Billy Blanks, Roddy Piper and Bobbie Phillips.
Originally banned by the BBFC for 1984 VHS but later rated 18 after massive
cuts. The BBFC waived its cuts for 2004 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US,
Summary Review: A definite winner
The sister of a former US Green Beret, is involved in a love affair with a mobster,
endangering seriously her life. His brother will make his best efforts to save her from her boyfriend and his friends. But perhaps tough cop Rossi could help him... or stop him.
Good chemistry between the two leads, Lots of
action. A definite winner.
This is an excellent "B" movie. Blanks and Piper work really well together. The story is decent. But story doesn't count, action does. And there is more than enough action to keep people happy. Blanks and
Piper are good in the numerous fight scenes.
Overall a really good movie that any action fan should check out.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts
waived for:
UK: Passed 18 after a total of about 9:00s of cuts for:
1994 Guild VHS
The BBFC commented:
The distributors resubmitted the video shorn of 7.5 minutes of the most brutal violence, after which a further 1.5 minutes was cut by the Board, removing most of the
remaining kicks to the head and face, the smashing of heads against walls, floors and pillars, the biting of ears and glamorising of weaponry.
T wo of the rejected videos in 1994 (the other is Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor ) featured karate but each went beyond acceptable standards in the quantity and intensity of potentially lethal kicks to the head and bone-crunching blows and twists to the limbs, back and neck. Since this form of macho heroics is likely to appeal to teenagers with a record of violent offending, cuts did not seem a practical proposition. The Board has always been concerned about films in which heroes meet viciousness with viciousness, inflicting pain and injury on others as if it were the only remedy for villainy.
Back To the Future Part II is a 1989 USA comedy Sci-Fi adventure by Robert Zemeckis. Starring Michael J Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson.
Uncut by the BBFC and MPAA but was briefly cut for streaming.
Summary Notes
Marty McFly has only just gotten back from the past, when he is once again picked up by Dr. Emmett Brown and sent through time to the future. Marty's job in the future
is to pose as his own son to prevent him from being thrown in prison. Unfortunately, things get worse when the future changes the present.
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild language, violence:
2015 cinema release
UK: Passed PG uncut:
2010 Universal Pictures video
2002 Universal Pictures (UK) video
1990 CIC VHS
1989 cinema release
Netflix: Briefly cut for:
2020 streaming
The Netflix cuts were reported as :
A scene has been censored where Marty McFly is seeking to retrieve the Grays Sports Almanac from the younger Biff Tannen in an effort to restore the timeline to its original state. Marty eventually
gets hold of it but finds that it is just a cover that has been used to hide a copy of a men's magazine titled Oh LaLa .
Netfllix originally screened a version cut by about 5 seconds where the rather modest Oh LaLa cover is on screen. The cut
version leaves a rather untidy edit where the audience is left unaware as to why Marty reacts the way he does.
Bob Gale, the writer of the Back to the Future trilogy, asked fans not to be too hard on Netflix, because the censorship came from the
distributor Universal. He explained in an article from :
The fault lies with
Universal, which somehow provided Netflix with an edited version of the movie. I found out about this about ten days ago through an eagle-eyed fanatic, and the studio rectified the error. The version available now is the original uncensored and unedited
version. Apparently, this was a foreign version that neither director Robert Zemeckis nor I knew existed, made to broadcast in some country that had a problem with the cover of Oh La La magazine. I asked that the studio destroy this version. Netflix does
not edit movies, they only broadcast the versions provided by the studios. Therefore, they are not guilty. You can direct your anger against Universal, but I think they will be much more careful in the future and with the future.
The UK Version was passed 12 after cuts suggested by the BBFC for:
2010 Sony R2 DVD
2010 cinema release
Thanks to Gavin Salkeld. The BBFC commented:
The Back Up Plan was seen by a senior examiner in advance of its formal submission and a number of changes were suggested, including the removal of several strong sex references. The film was duly passed '12A'.
Backtrack - 1990 USA action crime comedy by Dennis Hopper (as Alan Smithee). See
Bad - 1977 USA crime comedy horror by Jed Johnson.
Bad is a 1977 USA crime comedy horror by Jed Johnson. Starring Cyrinda Foxe, Matthew Anton and Cathy Roskam.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1977 cinema release. Cut n the US for an
MPAA R rating. A US DVD release in 2009 is reported to be uncut and MPAA Unrated.
Summary Notes
Hazel runs a beauty salon out of her house, but makes extra money by providing ruthless women to do hit
jobs. K.T. is a parasite, and contacts Hazel looking for work when he runs out of money. She is reluctant to use him for a hit, since she prefers using women, but decides to try him on a trial basis. Meanwhile, the local cop she pays off wants an arrest
to make it look like he's actually doing his job, but she doesn't want to sacrifice any of her "associates." Several other side plots are woven in, populated with characters from the sleazy side of life.
The uncut region 2 DVD is available at UK
Amazon The uncut US Blu-ray is available via UK Amazon
The uncut region 1 DVD is available at US Amazon The uncut US Blu-ray is
available at US Amazon
The Entertainment in Video version was cut when submitted in 1995
Cut by 3s for the cinema
version and 20s for video. The BBFC site suggests that the cuts were the same for both versions so perhaps different implementations of the required cut.
BBFC cut one shot, nine minutes in: Bubby is sitting in a chair, tugging at a string which is around his cat's neck. The cat seems to be resisting, which is presumably why the BBFC considered that it was distressed, making the shot fall foul of the
Animals Act.
This cut unfortunately removed the following dialogue: Bubby: Where cat from? Mother: Outside .
This blurred a plot point, as this was the first indication that there is an "outside".
v Bad Boys
- 1983 USA crime thriller by Rick Rosenthal.
Bad Boys is a 1983 USA crime thriller by Rick Rosenthal. Starring Sean Penn, Reni Santoni
and Jim Moody.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Shortened Version.
Summary Notes
Chicago crime kid Mick O'Brien has been sent to a juvenile prison for vehicular manslaughter. Most unfortunately,
the person he kills is the kid brother of his nemesis Paco Moreno, who vows revenge by raping Mick's girlfriend. Paco is caught and sent to the same prison where he re-works his revenge plan, and Mick has no choice but to defend himself.
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for:
Bad Dreams is a 1988 USA horror thriller by Andrew Fleming. With Jennifer Rubin, Bruce
Abbott and Richard Lynch.
The film was cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Then cut by the BBFC for VHS. The BBFC cuts were waived for 18 rated 2018 DVD/Blu-ray. There is an original ending featured amongst DVD extras,
Summary Notes:
Underrated Entertainment
In the mid-'70s, a cult group called Unity Field commits mass suicide, but a young girl survives. After being in a coma for thirteen years she wakes up in a psyche
ward, not remembering the incident. The psychiatrist tries to help her remember, but she begins seeing the leader of the cult talking to her from the grave, and the other members of her therapy group begin to commit suicide around her. Or is it suicide?
Bad Dreams is very much a product of the 80s and horror filmmaking style at that time. The film tell the story of the sole survivor of mass suicide at an interesting hippielike commune/cult led by a David Koresh type
Yet Bad Dreams is a cut above most others for many reasons. The film is filled with surrealistic arresting images-in particular, the house where the mass suicide took place is an intriguing looking building, tragically beautiful. The
acting is better than in most horror films. Jennifer Rubin is especially good. In short, Bad Dreams is a must see.
best available
~84:00s =~81:00s
UK: Passed 18 for strong bloody violence with previous BBFC cuts
waived for:
Director Andrew Fleming battled the MPAA over the scene where one of the characters is rammed by a car. It was originally much bloodier, but he says the U.S. ratings board threatened to slap the film
with an X rating.
UK: Passed 18 after 0:22s of BBFC cuts for:
1989 CBS/Fox Video Video
Cuts details from IMDb:
to remove closeup shots of self-mutilation with a knife and a scalpel
to reduce a scene where a man is repeatedly hit by a car.
It has been shown on Zone Horror and others uncut uncut suggesting that the BBFC would now waive the cuts
Inmates at a women's prison run by a corrupt warden and her gang of sadistic guards plan a breakout.
If you want some 80s NYC sleaze, you can't go wrong with this. Sporting a
lo-fi BASKET CASE aesthetic, BAD GIRL'S DORMITORY is rife with dirty NYC alleys, grimy apartment buildings, and basements with peeling paint. I love it. The acting is universally bad but lead Zuris, who looks a bit like Marilyn Chambers, is actually
pre-cut 33s
A version notes as pre-cut by 33s was passed 18 without further BBFC cuts for:
A movie that keeps you in suspense from
it's very beginning deserves to be called "excellent".
Rob Lowe's magnificent performance as a charismatic player is so convincing you may notice at the end that you have not even moved while watching it...
James Spader's roll as a decent hard working professional who innocently finds himself, suddenly involved in a homicide case, is terrific as well. Love, sex, passion, hate...and even murder are perfectly combined in this
Bad Lieutenant is a 1992 US crime thriller by Abel Ferrara Starring
Harvey Keitel, Brian McElroy and Frank Acciarito
Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for 1992 cinema release. The video release got caught up in the video nasties moral panic and was cut for BBFC 18 rated VHS release in
1995. It was released uncut for BBFC 18 rated DVD in 2009. The film was once banned in Ireland. The film was uncut and MPAA NC-17 rated in the US but there was also a cut version for release in Blockbuster video rental stores.
Summary Review: It doesn't come much better
While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his
ways and find forgiveness and redemption.
Sometimes your need to explore the bad. Not sugar coat it, not make it all-right-in-the-end feelgood hollywood crowd-pleasing, but take a character and a situation and follow them
both through to their rightful conclusion. And make no mistake, this is totally about badness - Keitel's character is as corrupted to the core as a human being can be. And we witness it all close up.
This film will take
you way beyond your comfort zone - but is a tour de force of vital, raw cinema. I still shudder now when recalling it and how I felt at the ending. It doesn't come much better than this.
Bad Luck Banging Or Loony Porn is a 2021 Romania/Luxembourg/Czech Republic/Croatia/Switzerland/UK comedy drama by Radu Jude Starring Katia Pascariu, Claudia Ieremia and Olimpia Malai
The film was passed 18 by the BBFC with the note that it contains string real sex. It seems that the real sex caused problems for US distribution so it was cut.
Summary Notes
Emi, a school teacher, finds her career and reputation under threat after a personal sex tape is leaked on the Internet. Forced to meet the parents demanding her dismissal, Emi refuses to surrender to their pressure. Radu Jude
(Aferim!) delivers an incendiary mix of unconventional form, irreverent humor and scathing commentary on hypocrisy and prejudice in our societies.
Original Version
UK: Passed 18 uncut with a BBFC trigger warning for strong real sex, nudity, sexually abusive behaviour, very strong language:
2021 Sovereign Film Distribution Limited VoD
2021 cinema release
cut US Version
US: Cut for US theatrical distribution
From IMDb. To get a public screening in the U.S., the
distributor of the film decided to remove 20 minutes of footage from the film. As a result, the film will run for only 86 minutes in U.S. screenings.
v Bad Man's River
- 1971 Spain / Italy / France comedy western by Eugenio Martín (as Gene Martin).
Bad Man's River is a 1971 Spain / Italy / France comedy western by Eugenio Martín (as Gene Martin). Starring Lee Van Cleef, James Mason and Gina Lollobrigida.
BBFC category cuts were made for an A rated 1971 cinema release. Possibly this cut version was was rated 12 for 2000 DVD. Uncut for 12 rated 2003 DVD. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Robber Roy King loses his wife, Alicia, to revolutionary Montero. Despite their rivalry they collaborate in an attempt to rob the Mexican government of one million dollars.
UK: A version noted as a 're-edited version' was passed 12 uncut for:
Bad Moon is a 1996 USA horror by Eric Red. Starring Mariel Hemingway, Michael Paré and Mason Gamble.
Cut in the US to achieve an R rating. In the UK the same cut version was rated 18 for 1997 VHS. There also exists a Director's Cut but it doesn't restore the material originally cut for an R rating
Summary Notes
One man's struggle to contain the curse he hides within... and his last-ditch attempt to free himself with the love of family. But when it looks as if he is losing his battle, and endangering all he holds most dear, the
family dog, Thor, is the last hope for his family's survival... and the end to his Werewolf curse.
Director's Cut
best available
Cut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 Shout! Factory [Theatrical + Director's Cut] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
The film was originally cut to avid an X rating with a few seconds of sex and gore being cut from the opening scene. Later a Director's Cut surfaced but it did not include the material that was censored for an R rating. The Director's Cut includes
about 34s uncontentious material that were not in the Theatrical Version. The extra material adds little to the film.
The film was much derided for its lame werewolf transformation effects at the opening of the film. Although a better version is
available as provided in the disk extras the footage isn't of good enough quality to insert back into the film.
Theatrical Version
UK: Presumably the Cut US R rated version was
passed 18 without further BBFC cuts for:
1997 Warner Home VHS
US: Cut for an MPAA R rating for:
2016 Shout! Factory [Theatrical + Director's Cut] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
cinema release
From IMDb:
The movie was originally given an NC-17, mostly for the opening sex scene and for violent content. A few seconds of sex and gore were cut from the opening scene and the movie was given an R rating.
v Bad Santa
- 2003 Germany/US crime comedy drama by Terry Zwigoff
Bad Santa is a 2003 Germany/US crime comedy drama by Terry Zwigoff Starring Billy Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac and Lauren Graham
After the Theatrical Version, The 99-minute 'Badder Santa' version was assembled by the studio without any input from the director. The 88-minute 'Director's Cut' was
assembled and approved by Zwigoff.
Summary Notes
A miserable conman and his partner pose as Santa and his Little Helper to rob department stores on Christmas Eve. But they run into
problems when the conman befriends a troubled kid.
Director's Cut
Director's Cut
Bad Santa is a 2003 US/Germany comedy by Terry Zwigoff. With Billy Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac and Lauren
From IMDb. The unrated cut includes the following changes:
There's an alternate take of Willie leaving the mall at the start of the movie with a more vulgar exchange with the security guard. Willie retorts that his penis as the only content of his pants and asks whether the guard wants
to see it.
There's a whole new subplot at the beginning of the movie with Willie stealing a car and robbing someone's house, and then going to a strip club and bringing a stripper home before hearing the phone
message telling him it's that time of year again.
There is more footage of Willie having sex in the dressing room.
The pinball scene with the underage girl is extended with more
There's more swearing and berating in the food court scene.
There's some more footage of Willie yelling at The Kid after losing a game of checkers.
The jacuzzi sex scene is slightly longer.
The scene with Willie confronting a security guard outside the mall is extended.
A small extension of the Granny
Death scene.
An extended car death scene.
A longer shoot out at the mall
UK: The pre-cut Unrated Version was passed 15 uncut for:
DVD Compare reports that the UK DVD release is basically the Unrated Version but is missing the mention of Willie's penis in the opening exchange with the security guard.
Theatrical Version
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version is BBFC 15 rated with a trigger warning for strong language, sex, sex references, discrimination:
2023 Park Circus cinema release (rated 10/11/2023)
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
Bad Santa 2 is a 2016 USA comedy by Mark Waters. Starring Billy Bob Thornton, Kathy Bates and Tony Cox.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an MPAA Unrated Extended Version.
Summary Notes
Fueled by cheap whiskey, greed and hatred, Willie teams up once again with his angry little sidekick, Marcus, to knock off a Chicago charity on Christmas Eve.
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version was passed 15 uncut for strong language, sex references, sex for:
2017 Entertainment One UK video
US: The Extended Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2017 Broad Green Pictures [Theatrical + Unrated Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
The Unrated version features 2:34s of additional material and is slightly preferred as some of the jokes are a little coarser.
Theatrical Version
The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for strong language, sex references, sex for:
Bad Taste is a 1987 New Zealand comedy Sci-Fi horror by Peter Jackson. Starring Terry
Potter, Pete O'Herne and Craig Smith.
Uncut in the UK and US. It was cut by the Australian censors but was still banned in the state of Queensland. The film was finally released uncut in Australia in
Summary Notes
Derek and his friends must investigate the missing people in a small village. Then they find out its human formed aliens that are really big headed monsters
that used all the people in the small village into their snack burgers. Now, Derek must save the day and the world with his chainsaw before the meat eaters strikes the whole planet. Will Derek kill all the aliens?
UK: Passed 18 uncut:
1993 Polygram VHS
1989 Colourbox VHS
1989 cinema release
Australia: The censors board cuts were waived in 2004
Australia's OFLC administered to it only amount to a little over a
minute. Even so, they removed some of the most outlandish examples of gore in the film, such as when the half-headless alien wanders around, the repeated nailing into the alien's foot, or the gun barrel sticking through and firing out of the alien's
torso. It's mostly the money shots to these gruesome setups, but it's also no coincidence that most of these moments are the film's most beloved scenes.
Queensland Film Board of Review got cold feet and decided to pull the film from theaters after it had been out for only three weeks.
The ban resulted in the disbanding of the Queensland Film Board of Review. Both the New
Zealand Film Commission and Australia's official classification board thought it was unprofessional and offensive that Queensland's film board would still go on to ban a film that they had already administered edits toward. The home video release was one
of the final videos in Australia to have BANNED IN QUEENSLAND printed on it.
See pictorial version details from . The Unrated
version contains more strong language and a not so sexy Timberlake/Diaz sex scene. Worth having but not quite the 'raunchy' version promised.
R Rated
91:51s =88:11s
The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without cuts for strong sex references and language, drug use and moderate nudity for:
Bad Timing is a 1980 UK mystery thriller by Nicolas Roeg. With Art Garfunkel, Theresa
Russell and Harvey Keitel.
Re-edited to separate a juxtaposed image of a child with an image of lovemaking. This cut has persisted into all subsequent releases.
Summary Notes: A Darkly Erotic Study
The setting
is Vienna. A young American woman is brought to a hospital after overdosing on pills, apparently in a suicide attempt. A police detective suspects foul play on the part of her lover, an American psychology professor. A darkly erotic study of several
rather unsympathetic characters.
The cut is in the scene where Linden (Art Garfunkel) is giving a lecture. At one point he juxtaposes an image of lovemaking with a shot of a child, the first spy . This was re-edited into separate shots due to concerns
about the Child Protection Act, and all versions available are the re-edited version. You can spot the rather ragged edit if you know it's there.
Bagdad Cafe is a 1987 West Germany comedy drama by Percy Adlon. Starring Marianne Sägebrecht, CCH Pounder and Jack Palance.
The original German version was shortened for the US version.
Summary Notes
Out of Rosenheim (Bagdad Café) is a look into the minds and lives of some people most of us have met but few of us know much about. This movie exemplifies how one person in the right place can affect a
community of lives. The Adlons seem to express the view that all change and "magic" comes from hard work and mutual acceptance. A well-crafted view of the lives of tourists everywhere and the difficulties they can face. A Whimsical and lovingly
Photographed look at the vast wasteland that is too often ignored by much of humanity.
German Version/Out of Rosenheim
German Version
UK: The German Version was passed 12 uncut for infrequent strong language for:
2018 Studiocanal 30th Anniversary Edition RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2018 Studiocanal 30th Anniversary Edition R2 DVD at UK Amazon
See article from . The German version includes about 16:30s of
material in the following additional scenes:
Jasmin's husband backs the car several times to that wreck the beginning.
When sheriff comes to check Jasmin, Rudi first goes for breakfast but then chances his mind and follows Brenda and the sheriff to Jasmin's room. The shopping list
that Jasmin writes is shorter in Bagdad Cafe.
When Jasmin cleans Brenda's office, there is no toying with the baby before cleaning.
There are fewer scenes where Jasmin poses for Rudi in Bagdad Cafe.
The scene where Jasmin and
Brenda cuts the woman's hand is shorter in BC.
Jasmin shows her new tattoo to truck drivers in Out of Rosenheim before she make magic tricks in the cafe.
The scene where they hang up the painting of Jasmin is shortened.
Jasmin comes back she also meets Sal Jr. and the baby in OOR.
The magic stick scene is different in each version.
Brenda meets Sal at the cafe after the magic scene.
Brenda gives a tiny kiss to Jasmin after the magic tricks.
US Version/Bagdad Cafe
US Version
UK: The shortened US version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for:
Baise-moi is a 2000 France crime drama by Virginie Despentes and Coralie. With Raffaëla Anderson, Karen Lancaume, Céline Beugnot.
Cut by the BBFC for 2001 cinema release and 2002 DVD, but uncut on 2013
DVD. The BBFC notes that the film contains real sex. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Banned in Australia
Summary Review: Crude but exhilarating
Two young women, marginalised by society, go on a
destructive tour of sex and violence. Breaking norms and killing men - and shattering the complacency of polite cinema audiences.
People comparing Baise-Moi to Thelma and Louise and finding it wanting by comparison
are missing the point. Baise-Moi has much more in common with films like Natural Born Killers and Rafal Sielinski's Fun , and viewers who won't enjoy the nasty music, nasty violence and nasty sex should stick to safe, predictable
Hollywood production-line films. For those with stronger stomachs, this will be a cult film to watch repeatedly.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for sexual violence,
real sex and very strong language with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
BAISE-MOI is a subtitled French feature in which two young women, marginalised by society and troubled by their experiences of rape, prostitution and pornography, meet by chance and embark on a
violent killing spree. It was originally cut at 18 for both cinema and video release in 2001. This DVD re-release is rated 18 uncut for sexual violence, real sex and very strong language.
A brutal rape scene occurs early in the
film, with two women being abducted by a group of men and taken to an abandoned warehouse. There, one of the women struggles and cries out as she is hit, forcibly stripped and raped. The other woman remains passive, refusing to respond to the rapists.
The scene includes nudity and an explicit close shot of real penetration. However, neither the nudity nor the real penetration are portrayed as sexual or titillating. On the contrary, the rape is presented as violent and horrific, and, in this context,
the shot of penetration reinforces the violation and brutality. In a later scene a man is anally penetrated with a gun. Again, the act is clearly one of violence and it relates back to the earlier rape. Neither sequence makes sexual or sadistic violence
appear normal, appealing or arousing. There is never any suggestion that the victims enjoy the experience, and the audience is led to identify and empathise with the victims, not the perpetrators.
BAISE-MOI contains additional
scenes of strong sex, including real oral sex and penetration, as the young women are seen with clients or men they meet on their journey. These scenes, like the scenes of sexual violence, reflect the gritty reality of the character's lives and
Ballerina is a 2016 France / Canada family musical animation by Eric Summer and Éric Warin. Starring Elle Fanning, Dane DeHaan and Maddie Ziegler.
The word 'bitch' is missing from UK U rated releases. The uncut version is
PG rated. Localised versions have been released for the UK and US and this may explain the different U and PG rated versions.
Summary Notes
Set in 1879 Paris. An orphan girl dreams of becoming a
ballerina and flees her rural Brittany for Paris, where she passes for someone else and accedes to the position of pupil at the Grand Opera house.
UK: An uncut version was passed PG for infrequent mild bad language for:
2017 Entertainment One UK video
The BBFC Insight includes the following comment about the PG rated version that is not in the U rated version.
There is a single use of mild bad language ('bitch') in the lyrics of a song playing in the background of
one scene.
UK: A cut Edited Version was passed U uncut for mild threat for:
Cut in 2006
with the following BBFC comment: The cuts were Cuts for Category. Distributor chose to make cuts to remove sight of bloody injuries and weapons
Bamboo Gods and Iron Men is a 1974 Philippines/USA action crime
comedy by Cesar Gallardo. With James Iglehart, Shirley Washington and Chiquito.
Cut by the BBFC for 1974 cinema release. uncut in the US
Summary Notes
The Jefferson's honeymoon night in Hong Kong will be troubled by a number of people wishing to get hold of a Bouddha statuette that the husband offered her when window-shopping that day. When the going gets rough, it
helps that Cal Jefferson is a top American boxer...
Bamboo House Dolls is a Hong Kong prison drama by Chin Hung Kuei. With Birte Tove, Lieh Lo and Hsieh Wang.
Banned by the BBFC for 1975 cinema release. Not released in the UK since.
Summary Review: Done Very Well
A nurse in a Japanese women's POW camp during World War II masterminds an escape.
I bought this film on DVD and expected an over-the-top, Women In
Prison exploitation ride that would have me guffawing and slapping my knee as I had a good old time watching the girls get taken advantage of. It's a guy thing. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that BHOD kept me glued to the screen from
beginning to end. It's an exploitation film no doubt, but it's done very well!
The female prisoners are very attractive, and the actors portraying the villains are really digging into their roles. The sex scenes, while violent,
are choreographed very well, and are done tastefully. Many of the erotic scenes have a comedic nature, and are welcome pauses in an otherwise non-stop action fest.
Bandra is a 2023 India action thriller by Arun Gopy Starring Tamannaah Bhatia, Dileep and
Mamta Mohandas
category cuts were required for a 12A cinema release in 2023.
Summary Notes
Director Sakshi stumbles upon a tragedy: the suicide of a Bollywood icon. As she unravels the past, it unveils
the tale of a man with a mysterious past whose life took a dramatic turn when the queen of Bollywood entered his world.
category cuts
UK: BBFC 12A rated with a trigger warning for moderate violence, injury detail, suicide references with a
trigger warning for moderate violence, injury detail, suicide references after BBFC cuts:
2023 RFT FILMS cinema release (rated 09/11/2023)
The BBFC commented:
The distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence in order to achieve a 12A rating. An uncut 15 rating was available.
The Banker is a 1989 USA thriller by William Webb. Starring Robert Forster, Shanna Reed and Duncan Regehr.
Extensively cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1990 but these cuts were
waived for 2004 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
High-priced prostitutes are being systematically murdered, their corpses mutilated, and a bizarre South American
symbol painted in blood is found at the scene. The cop investigating is out to solve the crime before his ex wife, a reporter, becomes the next victim.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts waived:
2004 Bellevue/Scanbox Entertainment R0 DVD at UK Amazon
UK: Passed 18 after 2:38s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
1990 RCA/Columbia Pictures VHS
Thanks to Scott who obtained the extensive BBFC cuts list and adds comments:
Apparently one of a young Quentin Tarantino's favourite films while he worked at a video store, this thriller featuring a killer whose weapon of choice is
a crossbow was submitted while Ferman was still on a post-Rambo campaign against glamourisation of weapons in films. It goes without saying that it didn't fare well upon its arrival at the BBFC.
At 3 mins Reduce eroticisation of sex/murder linkage by removing copulation section on long sex scene with focus on torsos thrusting.
At 4 mins After abridged sex scene on bed, reduce
glamorised use of crossbow to kill woman by removing sight of it lifted fully into frame by man and of its laser-beam tracing up woman's arm as well as of man aiming bow at her, resuming on shot of beam point on her shoulder and rising as she reacts;
then reduce firing of bow to brief flash shot by removing both start and and end of shot together with next shot of crossbow put down and knife raised, resuming on boy on bike.
At 29½ mins As killer threatens woman
on roof, reduce glamorisating shots of crossbow shape to minimum (retaining shots of it raised like rifle), first by removing sight of it lifted into frame near statue and carried across room, resuming with it below frame in order to see him reach bottom
of stairs, then removing sight of him climbing stairs with bow in shot, resuming on woman on roof.
At 30½ mins After killer throws envelope at woman and she starts to bend out of shot, remove sight of him lowering
and aiming bow and then firing to kill her, resuming as he lowers bow and mutters foreign incantation (with the effect that he seems merely to begin the hunt and will kill he later off screen before body is taken from water).
At 42 mins Reduce eroticisation of next female victim by removing sight through window of bra being taken off, resuming as camera moves past wall to see couple fall on bed; then reduce sex scene by removing next tight 2-shot of sex
entirely together with shot of detective which precedes it, resuming on next sight of him at desk.
At 63 mins Reduce glamorised sight of crossbow shape during manhunt to visuals essential to plot, starting after shot
of moon by (a) removing sight of youth rising from bush with bow, resuming as he moves behind bush to mask it again; then (b) after close-up of killer's painted face, remove sight of youth emerging from shrubbery with bow, resuming after next
close-up of killer to see youth in close shot running; (c) remove shot of sparse shrubs with crossbow lowered into fame from right as killer carries it, resuming as he masks it, and then (d) cutting away again as he unmasks bow, resuming on youth
entering close shot from left; (e) remove shot of killer in woods flaunting bow, resuming as shape is masked in shadow by his move to bushes, but (f) cutting away again as crossbow is lifted into shot, resuming on close shot of youth moving
right; (g) after youth fires at misty figure, remove shot of him running forward flaunting bow, resuming on cut to looser shot with bow, indistinct; (h) after he gets into car and looks around, remove sight of crossbow entering shot from right as
killer jumps down into frame, resuming on static killer about to speak; (i) after youth says, "Gimme another chance," remove medium close shot of killer raising bow and dialogue which follows, resuming just before he says, "Oh, all
right"; and (j) remove shot of killer silently taking aim, resuming on youth about to scream.
At 77½ mins When killer ambushes young policeman in woman's house, reduce clear sight of crossbow by removing
beginning of shot as it is lifted up, resuming on it held vertically to mask shape, and end of shot as it is twisted to camera and aimed; also, after he fires, remove shot of bow being lowered as he smiles.
At 85½
mins In climactic chase, reduce to a few frames shot of killer swinging round with bow on stairs, and after brief sight of him aiming, remove tight shot of bolt being fired, resuming to see bolt hit wall but cutting away before shadow of crossbow appears
above it to resume on rooftop.
At 86 mins In final confrontation on roof, after woman call "Dan!" remove mid-shot of killer aiming bow, resuming on policeman shouting, "Osborne!", and later after
policeman says, "Ask me if I care," remove shot of woman together with mid-shot of killer aiming, resuming on woman about to say, "Well, do you care?"
The Banker is a 2019 USA drama by George Nolfi. Starring Nicholas Hoult,
Samuel L Jackson and Anthony Mackie.
Originally MPAA R Rated for brief strong language, but the producers decided to appeal, presumably seeking a PG-13 rating.
The producers won the appeal and The
Banker is now rated PG-13 for some strong language including a sexual reference and racial epithets, and smoking throughout.
Summary Notes
The Banker is based on the true story of two
African American entrepreneurs (Jackson and Mackie) who, during the 1950s, hired a working-class white man (Hoult) to pretend to be the head of their business empire while they posed as a janitor and chauffeur.
range from an undercover police video at a strip club to a shark attack on a student, from a collapsing tower at a Deep Purple concert in Chile to several scenes of police brutality in South America. The most
gruesome scene involves a woman who, in a hurry to get wherever she needed to go, accidentally jogs into a speeding train.
The main consideration for the Board was the question of harm referred to above. In short, does the work have the
potential for anti- social influence?
In the Board's view it does. It is a compilation of scenes of extremely violent death, injury and mutilation, many of
which are repeated in slow-motion. The commentary draws attention to the grislier aspects and in effect invites enjoyment at human suffering. The inclusion also of sex scenes reinforces the impression that the purpose of the video is to provide
entertainment. There is no attempt to justify the images by placing the incidents in any other journalistic or educational context. Whatever current relevance the images might have had when they were originally photographed has been lost in the general
compilation of horrors. The Board is conscious that a particular genre that has always been identified as entirely unacceptable is that of so-called 'snuff movies'. Their main identifying feature is that at least one of the participants is actually
killed. Banned from Television is only different in that, instead of a death being created for the work, actual death and injury is collated from a wide range of pre-existing sources to create the work.
The Board has concluded that the video is potentially harmful because of the influence it may have on the attitudes and behaviour of a significant proportion of likely viewers. The instinct of
concern and compassion for the suffering of others is a basic social necessity. So is respect for the dignity of real human life. By presenting actual human death and mutilation as entertainment, the work, in the Board's view, has the potential to erode
these instincts. There is a danger of it falling into the hands of young and impressionable persons (whatever its classification) and of some significant brutalising effect on their attitude to human life and pain.
The Board has considered the possibility of cuts as a remedy for these difficulties. It has concluded, however, that they would be unlikely to modify the tone and effect of the work
Banning is a 1967 USA romance by Ron Winston. Starring Robert Wagner, Anjanette Comer and Jill St John.
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'A' rated cinema release in 1967.
Summary Notes
A playboy golf pro down is on his luck. Kicked off the circuit for alleged cheating he is forced to hustle for a living. Moving from one Country Club to another, he uses his talents to
hustle golf and women while trying to stay one step ahead of an irate loan shark.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for sexual threat for:
2018 Universal Studios Limited VoD
category cuts
submitted 101:34s =97:30s
UK: Passed A (PG) after BBFC category cuts for:
1967 cinema release
v Barb Wire
- 1996 USA action Sci-Fi film by David Hogan.
Barb Wire is a 1996 USA action Sci-Fi film by David Hogan. Starring Pamela Anderson,
Amir AboulEla and Adriana Alexander.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. An extended version was later released uncut and MPAA Unrated. The cut R rated version initially rated 15 by the BBFC for 1995
cinema release but was 18 rated for home video. In the UK the uncut version was released on 1996 18 rated VHS but hasn't been seen since. It seems that the Unrated footage is only available in low resolution so will not be likely to appear on future
Blu-ray releases.
Summary Notes
In the early 21st century, the USA is in the wake of the Second Civil War. The whole country is in a constant state of emergency. What was formerly called the American
Congress now rules the country with fascistic methods. There is only one free city left, Steel Harbor, a coastal California industrial town which is headquarters for the resistance. This is the home town of Barb Wire, owner of the Hammerhead nightclub.
As times aren't good, Barb has a second job. She's a bounty hunter and you probably wouldn't want her after you. Barb's credo is to never take sides for anybody and that's the only way to survive these days in the crime-ridden streets of Steel Harbor.
One evening, her former lover Axel Hood appears at the club asking for a favor to help him and his lover Cora D flee the country to Canada, Barb suddenly finds herself to be key player on high political stage. Now she has to take sides.
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version was passed 18
uncut for:
1996 Polygram VHS
US: The Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Extended pre-credits scene showing more of Barb stripping in a club. This scene also extends into the credits.
More of the dancing half naked lesbians in a night club
Theatrical Version
UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
2017 Mediumrare RB Blu-ray
2008 Universal R2 DVD
2006 Universal R2 DVD
UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
1995 cinema release
US: The cut Theatrical Version is MPAA R rated for:
2019 Mill Creek Entertainment RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
It seems that the extra nude scenes in the Unrated Version are only available in standard definition and so do not look good if spliced into a Blu-ray. So Blu-ray releases look destined t continue to be released with the Theatrical Version.
v Barbarella
- 1968 France/Italy fantasy adventure by Roger Vadim.
Barbarella is a 1968 France/Italy fantasy adventure by Roger Vadim. With Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law and Anita Pallenberg.
Cut in the US for an MPAA PG rating but home video releases are uncut even if still claiming to be PG rated.
Summary Notes
The year is 40,000. After peaceful floating in zero-gravity,
astronaut Barbarella lands on the frozen planet Lythion and sets out to find renowned scientist Durand Durand in the City of Night, Sogo, where a new sin is invented every hour. There, she encounters such objects as the Excessive Machine, a genuine sex
organ on which an expert artist of the keyboard, in this case, Durand Durand himself, can drive a victim to death by pleasure, a lesbian queen who can make her fantasies take form in her Chamber of Dreams, and a group of ladies smoking a giant hookah
which dispenses Essence of Man through a poor victim struggling in its glass globe. You can not help but be impressed by the special effects crew and the various ways that were found to tear off what minimal clothes our heroine seemed to possess.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for infrequent sexualised nudity and moderate sex references for:
Note that US DVD releases claim to be PG Rated when they are not. The 1977 cinema release was cut for a PG and the PG tag has persisted ever since even though home video releases are all uncut and really should be labelled as Unrated.
Barbed Wire Dolls is a 1976 Switzerland crime horror thriller by Jesús Franco. With Lina Romay, Paul Muller and Monica Swinn.
Originally banned by the BBFC for cinema release in 1976, but unbanned a year later after significant cuts. Less cut for 2004 DVD. Uncut in Switzerland. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Comical,
disorienting and depressing
Women in Prison movies come in several styles, ranging from tongue-in-cheek camp to disturbingly sadistic shockfests. Barbed Wire Dolls is a Jess Franco flick, so, as expected, it
doesn't really fit into any pigeonhole.
Watching Frauengefangnis is like performing an experiment on yourself. The painfully slow pace, downbeat soundtrack, eternal scenes of pointless verbal abuse, mock torture, and
idiotic dialog gradually turn your brain into glue. The movie is so sleazy, depressing, and confusing, that it's almost unwatchable in one sitting.
Cuts required to remove explicit sight of sexual activity (digital penetration) in order to achieve an 18 classification. An R18 uncut was not available for this non-sex work.
The explicit
imagery was not deemed to have a sufficient narrative justification in the Jess Franco work Barbed Wire Dolls, which blurred the line between erotic drama and sex work.
The BBFC kindly provided a further clarification:
According to our Guidelines, you cannot show unsimulated sex at '18' if it is a 'sex work' (ie a work whose main purpose is to sexually arouse). Real sex in a 'sex
work' makes it 'R18'. However, this Jess Franco film is not a 'sex work'.
According to our Guidelines, explicit real sex may only be shown at '18' if (i) it is not a sex work (see above) and (ii) the sex is exceptionally justified by context.
In this case the Board did not feel that the explicit sex was exceptionally justified by context so it was not judged acceptable at '18'. Of course, the explicit sex could have been permitted at 'R18' on its own. However, an 'R18' without cuts was
not a realistic option in this case, not so much because it wasn't a sex work but because the violence and sexual violence that we permitted at '18' would not be permissible at 'R18'. So, if we had permitted the explicit sex at 'R18' (which we could
have) we would have had to make additional cuts for 'R18' (to violence and sexual violence) that would not have been required at '18'.
UK: Passed X (18) after heavy BBFC cuts for:
1977 cinema release titled Caged Women
Banned by the BBFC for:
1976 cinema release titled Caged Women
v Barbie
- 2023 UK/US comedy fantasy by Greta Gerwig
Bare Behind Bars is a 1980 Brazil Women in Prison film by Oswaldo de Oliveira. With Maria Stella Splendore, Marta Anderson and Danielle Ferrite.
Banned by the BBFC in 1994. Unbanned in 2010 but hardcore still cut. Uncut
in the US
Summary Review: Tongue-in-cheek
It is more laugh-out-loud funny than erotic. It is very tongue-in-cheek and doesn't take itself seriously for an instant. The acting is deliberately bad,
over-the-top and cartoonish. And that is actually its saving grace, because it makes you laugh at the silliness of it all.
Just sample the scene of the horny inmates using a makeshift pulley to slowly winch a dildo in
between their cells at night. Then there's the infamous pineapple dildo.
Thankfully the women in this prison are almost all deliciously hot and spend most of the time happily naked. And that includes the guards.
To top it off, this version comes with hardcore elements fully integrated into the whole. The X-rating is justified. We are treated to blowjobs, dildo insertions, strap-on action, and full penetrative sex.
~95:00s =~91:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2013 Blue Underground Bad Girls Behind Bars Collection R0 DVD at US Amazon
Alternative Cinema/Blue Underground R1 DVD via US Amazon
UK: Passed 18 after 1:35s of BBFC cuts for:
2010 Arrow R0 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to make cuts to remove explicit sight of unsimulated sexual activity (in this case, sight of fellatio and vaginal penetration by penis and dildo) in order to achieve an 18 classification. An uncut R18
classification was available.
The BBFC further commented in the 2010 Annual Report:
Bare Behind Bars is a Brazilian sexploitation film set in a women's prison run by a sadistic female warden. Under current Guidelines the scenes of sexual violence
are no longer considered a harm risk. The film does not endorse sexual violence. Bare Behind Bars is a film which is showing its age, and the representations lack credibility by contemporary standards.
Scenes of real sex,
however, were not contextually justified and cuts were required to those scenes before the film could be passed at the 18 classification.
A short version was banned by the BBFC for:
1994 Redemption VHS
The BBFC commented:
A Women's prison video in which the female prisoners were coerced, degraded and brutalised. Bare Behind Bars was more insidious (than Sadomania) in its degradation, since inmates were portrayed as
a herd, indistinguishable in their nakedness like animals in a cage. Imprisoned physically and psychologically, they were sexual objects, not subjects, instinctual creatures for whom sex remained the only release. Its appeal rested primarily on the
spectacle of naked women en masse, at the mercy of cruel authority, the meagre narrative moving through image after image of violation - by sex, by medical examination, by crude sex toys, by razor blades, by rats. If the film lacks the peaks of evil or
atrocity that characterise Sadomania, it substitutes a relentless reduction of all that is human or valuable in these woman as individuals. It distorts the way women are thought of by the male viewer in his search for sexual gratification, reinforcing
myths about female sexuality which must be damaging to the viewers, to their future sexual partners, and, by extension therefore to society. The Board will continue to apply the harm test to material of this sort.
unsuccessful appeal against this decision was heard by Video Appeals Committee in 1995.
Bare Breasted Countess - 1973 French/Belgian erotic horror by Jess Franco. See
Female Vampire
Bare Fist: The Sport that Wouldn't Die is a 1997 UK documentary by David Monaghan. With Jamie McLean, Lenny McLean.
Banned twice by the BBFC for 1996 and 1999 VHS.
Summary Notes
About the life of the fighter Lenny McLean, as seen through the eyes of his only son, Jamie.
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1999 Media Systems Data VHS
The BBFC commented :
A documentary about the illegal sport of bare-fist fighting was felt to devote far too much of its time to selling and demonstrating the pleasures of gross violence.
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1996 NTV Entertainment VHS
The BBFC commented :
The main consideration for the Board was the question of harm. In short, does the work have the potential for anti- social influence?
The video is concerned with the illegal sport of bare-knuckle fighting. To the extent that it sets out to make a reasoned case for legalising the sport, the Board has in principle no basis for concern. However, the video
also includes a number of lengthy sequences of illegal fighting as well as instruction in achieving lethal effects (notably how to lace bandaged fists with glass fragments and other sharp material). These have the effect of promoting gross violence and
selling its pleasures. The extent of the use of the illegal fighting sequences also far outstrips any reasonable justification based on the need to make a case for legalisation.
Over a period of time, the Board
has made a number of recommendations to the video's producer. These have been designed to allow the work to make a legitimate argument on behalf of bare-knuckle fighting, while reducing (and in extreme cases, removing) those elements which are directly
promotional of illegal or harmful activity. The producer has been unable to accept the Board's proposals. The video, in its present form, is therefore not suitable for classification.
Barely Lethal is a 2015 USA action comedy adventure by Kyle Newman. Starring Sophie Turner, Samuel L Jackson and Jaime King.
Originally rated R for sexual material and teen drinking but the studio was not impresses and decided that it would appeal to the C.A.R.A. Appeals board.
The Appeals Board agreed with the appeal and re-rated the same version, PG-13 for
sexual material, teen drinking, language, drug references and some action violence.
The Barn is a 2016 USA horror by Justin M Seaman. Starring Mitchell Musolino, Will Stout and
Lexi Dripps.
The 2019 US DVD is MPAA Unrated and described itself at the Extended Cut.
Promotional Material
It's Halloween
1989 and best friends Sam and Josh are just trying to enjoy their last Devil's Night before graduating high school. Trouble soon arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn
and awakening the evil inside. Now it's up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defeat the creatures that lurk within The Barn... The film stars Mitchell Musolino, Will Stout, Lexi Dripps, Cortland Woodard, Nikki Darling, Nickolaus
Joshua with Linnea Quigley (Night of the Demons and Return of the Living Dead) and Ari Lehman (the first Jason Voorhees from 'Friday the 13th'). Featuring an original score by Rocky Gray the former member of Grammy award-winning goth/rock group
Baron Blood is a 1972 Italy / West Germany horror by Mario Bava. Starring Joseph Cotten, Elke Sommer and Massimo Girotti.
Cur in the US for an MPAA PG rating but the uncut version is available
also. Uncut and 15 rated in the UK.
Summary Notes
A young man, Peter, returns to Austria in search of his heritage. There he visits the castle of an ancestor, a sadistic Baron who was cursed to a
violent death by a witch whom the Baron had burned at the stake. Peter reads aloud the incantation that causes Baron Blood to return and continue his murderous tortures.
UK: Italian/Export Version was passed 15
uncut for:
2019 Arrow Macabre Visions Limited Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2018 Arrow Video [Italian + Export + US Theatrical Versions] RB Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
1993 Redemption Films VHS
US: The Export Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2012 Kino Lorber films RA Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 11th December 2012
UK: US Version included for:
2018 Arrow Video [Italian + Export + US Theatrical Versions] RB Blu-ray at
UK Amazon
There's not an entry in the BBFC database for the US Version but its probably in with the DVD extras.
US: Cut for a MPAA PG rated theatrical release
article from . When the film was released in the US by American International Pictures, some takes of violent scenes (e.g. the killing of
the doctor) have been softened, the order of some scenes shuffled, and music rescored by Les Baxter.
Barood - 1998 India release by Pramod Chakravorty
Basic Instinct is a 1992 France / USA mystery thriller by Paul Verhoeven. Starring Michael Douglas, Sharon Stone and George Dzundza.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Later released uncut and MPAA Unrated. Always uncut and 18 rated in the UK.
Summary Notes
A former rock star, Johnny Boz, is brutally killed during
sex, and the case is assigned to detective Nick Curran of the SFPD. During the investigation, Nick meets Catherine Tramell, a crime novelist who was Boz's girlfriend when he died. Catherine proves to be a very clever and manipulative woman, and though
Nick is more or less convinced that she murdered Boz, he is unable to find any evidence. Later, when Nilsen, Nick's rival in the police, is killed, Nick suspects of Catherine's involvement in it. He then starts to play a dangerous lust-filled mind game
with Catherine to nail her, but as their relationship progresses, the body count rises and contradicting evidences force Nick to start questioning his own suspicions about Catherine's guilt.
The BBFC refused to cut a single frame of Basic Instinct, which featured knickerless Sharon
Stone un-crossing her legs. Instead it was declared a must-see film.
One censor called it a gripping piece of hokum which bounces the eyeballs from the very start with a scorching sex scene .
Criticism that the 1992 thriller was pornographic was simply brushed aside.
One examiner added: No the plot doesn't bear too much analysis -- but who cares when one is sitting on the edge of the seat for two hours.'
US: Avoid the US R Rated version which has been cut by 46s.
The cuts for an MPAA R rating were:
The cut R version loses sight of Catherine straddling Johnny, as well as reducing her breast nudity after she ties him to the headboard. Johnny's murder is also heavily reduced, losing all sight of the ice pick penetrating his nose and profile shots
of his heavily-bloodied torso as he is stabbed repeatedly. The cut version elects instead to play the murder mostly off-screen, focusing instead on Catherine's body.
The R-rated version of the Nick and Beth rough sex scene is much tamer and cuts
the scene by around half, eliminating both the sight of Nick removing Beth's underwear and entering her from behind; reducing Nick's thrusting into her and Beth pleading with him to stop and generally reducing Nick's rough treatment of Beth as they have
The most heavily-cut scene (and the most problematic for the MPAA) is the lengthy initial sex scene between Nick and Catherine. Many changes were implemented here.
The last scene edited for an R rating was the murder of Gus in the
elevator. The differences are extremely minor, with three or four frames having been removed for the R-rated version during the stabbing sequence.
v Basic Instinct 2
- 2006 UK / Germany / Spain / USA crime mystery thriller by Michael Caton-Jones.
Basic Instinct 2 is a 2006 UK / Germany / Spain / USA crime
mystery thriller by Michael Caton-Jones. Starring Sharon Stone, David Morrissey and David Thewlis.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Some cuts were restored for the Unrated
Summary Notes
Crime novelist Catherine Tramell is living in London, and becomes the center of police investigation (yet again) when her football player boyfriend drowns in a car accident and it
is revealed that he was already dead because of a drug overdose before Tramell drove the car into water. Police psychoanalyst Dr. Michael Glass is called for examining Tramell, and is intrigued by the seductive and manipulative woman. On the other hand ,
his friend Det. Roy Washburn is sure Tramell is guilty. Tramell asks Glass to treat her for her 'risk addiction' problem, and with each therapy session , Glass gets more and more suspicious about her intentions. As more and more murders are committed,
including that of Glass's ex-wife, Glass becomes obsessed with proving Tramell's guilt even though the evidence is contradictory .
UK: The UK release proclaims that it is the Unrated version and this is confirmed in
article from . But there is no mention of this release in the
BBFC database.
The cut R Rated version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for strong sex for:
2006 EIV R2 DVD
2006 cinema release
US: It is reported that 3 scenes were totally removed from the film to achieve an MPAA R rating. These scenes have never surfaced since. The scenes were:
an orgy sequence,
a threesome and
a scene where Catherine is raped by Michael Glass
In addition 2 scenes were trimmed by about 2 minutes for an R rating. The cut scenes were:
trims to the sex scene with Michael & Michelle
trims to the sex scene with Michael & Magda
These 2 scenes were restored to their complete glory for the Unrated Version.
Basket Case is a 1982 US comedy horror by Frank Henenlotter. With Kevin Van
Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith and Beverly Bonner.
Cut by the BBFC for cinema release, further cut for 1987 VHS. Uncut since 1999. Originally MPAA Unrated in the US but later was R rated.
Summary Review: Cult horror trash classic
It's gory with really cheesy 80's special effects. However, it is an interesting idea. The two brothers are clearly deeply connected to each other (or, at least they were...). The emotional conflict between the two (particularly the more
able brother's desire to date) is intense and understandable.
Overall, it's one of those films that you probably should watch. Get a friend who won't hate you when it's over, come to an agreement that this is
intentionally quite trashy, and have fun watching a truly original, truly bizarre flick.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
2016 Second Sight [Basket Case: The Trilogy] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2012 Second Sight Trilogy Steelbook R0 Blu-ray via UK Amazon
UK: Passed 18 after 35s of video cuts beyond the 1:09s cinema cuts for:
1987 Palace VHS
From IMDB:
The scene where Duane watches a kung-fu film is missing shots of 'chain-sticks' from the kung-fu film itself.
The second doctor's death scene is missing a shot of him spitting blood as well as the climatic shot of blood splashing on his
The death of the female vet shortens shots of Belial clawing her face, the terminating shot of the scene showing the vet with scalpels sticking in her face is deleted.
Shots of the noisy neighbour being clawed to death by Belial
are cut; this sequence was originally intercut with two other scenes making the editing at this point awful due to these cuts.
The infamous scene where Belial 'romances' Duane's girlfriend is the worst to suffer cuts- after she wakes up the
entire scene has been removed bar a brief shot of her being strangled. In addition the shot of Belial on top her dead body and Duane's attempts to pull him off her is missing.
The Basketball Diaries is a 1995 USA crime sport biography by Scott Kalvert. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Lorraine Bracco and Marilyn Sokol.
Generally passed 18 uncut but was pre-cut and 18 rated for a VHS release in
1996 when there were censorship sensitivities about the Dunblane killings. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Film adaptation of street tough Jim Carroll's epistle about
his kaleidoscopic free fall into the harrowing world of drug addiction. As a member of a seemingly unbeatable high school basketball squad, Jim's life centers around the basketball court and the court becomes a metaphor for the world in his mind. A best
friend who is dying of leukemia, a coach ("Swifty") who takes unacceptable liberties with the boys on his team, teenage sexual angst, and an unhealthy appetite for heroin -- all of these begin to encroach on young Jim's dream of becoming a
basketball star. Soon, the dark streets of New York become a refuge from his mother's mounting concern for her son. He can't go home and his only escape from the reality of the streets is heroin for which he steals, robs and prostitutes himself. Only
with the help of Reggie, an older neighborhood friend with whom Jim "picked up a game" now and then, is he able to begin the long journey back to sanity.
Batla House is a 2019 India action thriller by Nikkhil Advani. Starring John
Abraham, Nora Fatehi and Mrunal Thakur.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A cinema release in 2019.
Summary Notes
This film is
based on the real-life incident of 'Batla House Encounter', officially known as Operation Batla House, to the silver screen. The incident took place on September 19, 2008, against Indian Mujahideen (IM) terrorists in Batla House locality in Jamia Nagar,
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, injury detail after 7s of
2019 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The distributor requested cuts to achieve their desired category. Cuts were made to scenes of strong bloody violence in order to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
Batman - 1989 USA / UK action adventure by Tim Burton.
Batman is a 1989 USA / UK action adventure by Tim Burton.
cut by UK or US censors but made a little UK censorship history on August 22nd when it was awarded the first official BBFC 12 rating. Note that Madame Sousatzka was selected as the first 12 rated cinema release trial. It was officially rated 15 but was
given a trial 12 certificate just for London.
The Batman is a 2022 US action mystery drama by Matt Reeves Starring Zoë
Kravitz, Robert Pattinson and Barry Keoghan
Passed PG-13 uncut in the US and is BBFC 15 rated in the UK. However Belfast Council overrode the BBFC rating and applied a local 15A certificate for Belfast screenings.
Batman Returns is a 1992 USA / UK action crime fantasy by Tim Burton. Starring Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito and Michelle Pfeiffer.
The film was cut in the US to achieve a PG-13 rating. The film was further cut by the BBFC for a 12 rated cinema release in 1992 and the follow up VHS. It was less cut for 12 rated DVD in 2006. The film was finally released without
BBFC cuts for 15 rated Blu-ray in 2008 and finally rated 12A for 2019 cinema release.
Summary Notes
In the sewers of gotham city to the rooftops of the gotham city the penguin wants
to know where he came from well in his villain ways catwoman plans to kill rich man of gotham max shreak but as he battles with millionaire Bruce Wayne both ladies men have their own secrets Bruce Wayne is back as Bat man trying to stop the penguin Max
is helping penguin steal gotham city while selina Kyle/catwoman tries to help penguin not knowing her man murder target also her murder is helping him but all four men have their goals taking gotham from crime winning gotham city assassination for two
men and more money to be gotham citys number one rich man.
best available
UK: Passed 12A uncut for moderate violence, injury detail, sex
references, threat, sexual threat:
2019 cinema release
UK: Passed 15 uncut with previous cuts waived for:
Thanks to Cameron. See article from . The film was cut in the US to achieve a PG-13 rating,
By late spring of
92, Tim Burton was still dickering with the Motion Picture Association of America over bits of violence too vivid for a PG-13 rating (among other moments, a sweeping master shot of a circus-gang member setting Gothamites on fire had to go).
UK: Passed 12 after 7s of BBFC cuts with some previous cuts waived for:
2005 Warner R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Compulsory cut required to remove a potentially dangerous imitable technique
Catwoman places an aerosol in a microwave but not in the UK version as we may be stupid enough to copy this idea.
Note that the 2005 DVD still carried a 15 rating due to DVD extras being 15 rated.
Thanks to Adam, Oct 2007: The version playing on FilmFour is uncut and shows Catwoman putting a couple of aerosols in a microwave.
UK: Passed 15 after 9s of BBFC cuts for:
1994 Warner VHS
1992 Warner VHS
UK: Passed 12 after 9s of BBFC cuts for:
1992 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
Catwoman places an aerosol in a microwave but not in the UK version as we may be stupid enough to copy this idea.
A clown swinging on chainsticks during in attack on Batman has also suffered. The BBFC refuse to allow the sight of chainsticks
regardless of their usage.
Batman Forever is a 1995 USA / UK action fantasy adventure by Joel Schumacher.
Starring Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey.
Extensive BBFC category cuts were made for PG rated cinema release and VHS. Uncut and 12 rated on DVD and Blu-ray. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Batman must battle Two-Face and The Riddler with help of an amourous psychologist and a young circus acrobat who becomes his sidekick, Robin.
Batman and Robin is a 1997 USA / UK action Sci-Fi film by Joel Schumacher. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell.
There's no official record of any cuts to this movie.
Reported Cuts
Frosby commented:
I have seen both Region's 1 and 2 of this film and found at cut of
about 5 to 10 seconds where George Clooney and Arnie tug and tussle for Mr Freeze's ice weapon, Clooney says to Mr Freeze didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with guns and cuts straight to batman lifting freeze in the air with the barrel
of the gun.
Following attacks from politicians
on violent films aimed at children, Warner Brothers. pushed the release date back and recut the film to a tamer version, toning down some of the violence in the original cut sent out in screener tapes.
Batman Begins is a 2005 US/UK action film by Christopher Nolan
Never cut in the UK or US
Sound cuts?
An article on the BBFC's now defunct student's website SBBFC noted:
The sound editing was altered following a BBFC 'advice viewing'. The sounds of
crunchy implied headbutts were reduced to lessen the impact of the violence which enabled the work to be granted a 12A certificate.
However this article appears to be erroneous. Gavin explains:
My friends
and I checked with the BBFC and the film is definitely NOT cut in any way. The info on SBBFC is incorrect. Just to be clear - the UK version is NOT edited, and all sound effects are loud and clear. I have also compared the waveforms of the R2 DVD to the
R1 edition and they are identical.
Batman V
Superman: Dawn of Justice is a 2016 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Zack Snyder. Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams.
A cut version was rated PG-13 in the US for Theatrical Release. There also exists an R rated Ultimate Edition Extended Cut for home video. Both versions were 12/12A rated by the BBFC.
Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked,
Gotham City's own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis' most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises,
putting mankind in greater danger than it's ever known before.
Special Edition
uncut Special Edition
UK: The Ultimate Edition Extended Cut was
passed 12 for moderate violence, threat, infrequent strong language for:
2016 Warner [2D Extended Cut + 4K Theatrical Version] 4k R0 Blu-ray at UK
Amazon released on 1st August 2016
2016 Warner [2D Extended Cut] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon released on 1st August 2016
The BBFC commented that Extended Cut contained more violence than the Theatrical Version, but was at the same level of violence, and so was passed with the same rating.
US: The Ultimate Edition was rated R for sequences
of violence.
The extra material is mostly dialogue and the R rated additions are just about a little added intensity rather than any significant rework as a more adult feature.
version] is a half-hour longer, and some of that additional material is some of the stuff we took out for the rating. I was like, Cool, I can put it back in for the director's cut. There was nothing by design. This was the material I just put back
in, and then when [the MPAA] looked at it again, they were like, Oh, now the movie's rated R. And, by the way, it's not a hard R. There's no nudity. There's a little bit of violence. It just tips the scale.
The extra footage included in the Batman v
Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition makes it a slightly different movie, but not enough to likely change anyone's mind.
The additional footage isn't lumped into one particular place, but rather is spread out throughout the
Like most director's cuts, the Ultimate Edition has several sequences that are easily forgotten and simple to see why they ended up chopped from the finishing product. In contrast, there are two scenes which take on new
the Ultimate Edition is rated R, mostly for slightly more violence. There's also an extended make-out scene and a gratuitous bare ass in the shower.
UK: The 2D and 3D Theatrical Versions, cut in the US for a PG-13 rating were passed 12A for moderate violence, threat without further BBFC cuts for:
2016 Warner 3D R0 Blu-ray
2016 Warner R2 DVD
2016 cinema release
Complaints to the BBFC, outlined in the BBFC Annual Report covering 2016:
The BBFC received ten complaints about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice regarding threat, violence and the dark tone of the film. Moments of
threat include characters being held at gunpoint, and some nightmarish dream sequences.
The BBFC responded that the violence and tone sit within a known fantasy context consistent with both BBFC Classification Guidelines and past
instalments of the Batman series at the 12A classification. There is limited detail of injury in the film and, in the few moments where injury is seen, there is no emphasis on either injuries or blood.
US: The Theatrical
version was rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action throughout, and some sensuality.
category cuts
India: Cut for a U/A rating
Indian film censors at the CBFC spotted some 'fleeting nude figure' that
had to be cut.
Battle at Bloody Beach is a 1961 USA war drama by Herbert Coleman. With Audie Murphy, Gary Crosby and Dolores Michaels.
Cut by the BBFC for 1961 cinema release. Cut again for 2013 DVD for animal
cruelty. Uncut in the US
Summary Notes
This is only the second Audie Murphy movie set in WWII after his autobiographical "To Hell and Back." Here Murphy steps out of his usual kid-Western role
to play a civilian working for the Navy helping supply guerilla insurgents in the Philippines. His sole motive is not politics nor bravery, but to find his bride from whom he was separated during the Japanese invasion two years before.
Battle Creek Brawl is a 1980 USA/Hong Kong action comedy by Robert Clouse. With Jackie Chan, José Ferrer, Kristine DeBell.
Cut by the BBFC for an AA rated cinema release in 1980 and 15 rated VHS
and DVD.
Summary Review: Not Another Dragon
A young Asian American martial artist is forced to participate in a brutal formal street-fight competition. The fights turn out well and they really utilize
Jackie's abilities as a martial artist and a stuntman. The film made over 8 million dollars at the box office and disappointed Fox, since it didn't really reach the fame of Enter The Dragon
Battle Doll Angelic Layer I Don't
Want To Lose! I'm Believing In Hilaru
by Hiroshi Nishikiori
Cut in 2006
with the following BBFC comment: Company chose to remove some uses of derogatory language referring to mental and physical disability for PG category
The 10 minutes longer unrated version is compared with
the Theatrical Version
8'03: the score continues to its original ending for 25 seconds with extra footage of General Aldo approaching on a horse.
13'37:the chase of the teacher of the apes is longer by 20 seconds.
26'57: the mutant chief is walking around
in his HQ and has more dialogue (30 sec)
29'38: the entry into the forbidden city of the ape scout party with Caesar is 40 sec longer with more dialogue.
34'32:the escape from the forbidden city shows more footage and dialogue of the
42'06:the scene were Cornelius is "shot" by a human boy is beginning earlier, making it clear that the shooting is a game - which makes more sense since no mutant party had yet approached the ape city (15 sec).
46'47:Extra scene: the mutant chief tells his lieutenant to fire an atomic missile on Ape City when he give the signal. This adds to the tension, and it is odd that this element was left out. (1'16)
56'43:the assault by the mutants is shown 45 sec longer. (In this sequence there are three more smaller cuts that reduce the battle scene by 40 additional sec and there is no musical score.)
1'02'18: Extra scene where the mutant chief
calls "Sergeant York". (1 min)
1'07'57: again, parts of the assault are cut by almost 40 sec.
1'08'50: there are additional shots and dialogue before the mutants lay the smoke screen.
1'09'29: 15 sec extra of the
1'10'00: more battle footage cut. (20 sec)
1'16'00: the scene were Aldo kills the mutant chief and his followers in the school bus was cut in the Theatrical version.
1'22'10: the fight between Aldo and Caesar is longer.
1'24'00: Extra scene where the advisor talks the mutant lieutenant out of firing the atomic missile. (only with this sequence reinserted the odd cut from the Caesar conversation with the humans to the ending sequence makes a little more sense
and looks better)
The cut Theatrical Version was passed PG
without BBFC cuts for:
2003 20th Century Fox DVD R2 DVD
1988 Film and Video VHS
1973 cinema release
The theatrical version cut to obtain a US PG-13 rating
Battle Girls: Time Paradox is a
animation video by Hideki Okamoto. Starring Brittney Karbowski (voice), Shelley Calene-Black (voice) and Emily Neves (voice).
Cut by the BBFC for a 15 rated 2015
DVD. Uncut in the US.
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2013 Section 23 R1 DVD
compulsory cuts 8s
submitted 164:17s
UK: Passed 15 for strong violence, sexualised nudity after 8s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2014 MVM [Dubbed] video
The BBFC commented:
Cut required to remove a scene in which the nudity of a character who is presented as under 16 is presented in a sexualised manner. Cut required in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, policy and the Video Recordings Act 1984.
Battle Royale is a 2000 Japan action film by Kinji Fukasaku. With Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda and Tarô Yamamoto.
Released as a Director approved Theatrical Version and an Extended Version. Both were 18 rated by the BBFC.
There's been a persistent rumour that Battle Royale was officially banned by the U.S. government. This is nonsense, but even
Anchor Bay's press release alludes to it, although it blames civic groups for keeping the film off the American market for so long.
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version/Special
Edition/Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut for for strong bloody violence:
2021 Arrow Limited Edition [2 versions Battle Royale in 4K + 2 versions of Battle Royale 2 in Blu-ray] R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo
at UK Amazon #ad
2021 Arrow Limited Edition [2 versions Battle Royale + 2 versions
of Battle Royale 2] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2010 Arrow
Limited Edition (Theatrical + Extended ) R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2010 Arrow Limited Edition (Theatrical + Extended ) R0 DVD
at UK Amazon
2004 Palisades Tartan R0 DVD
2002 Palisades Tartan R0 DVD
US: The Special Edition is MPAA Unrated for:
2012 Anchor Bay (Theatrical + Extended for both BR I & BR II) RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
2012 Anchor Bay Complete Collection (Theatrical + Extended for both BR I & BR II) R1 DVD
at US Amazon
The 2002 Special Edition is an extended version. It was said to be a request by fans, and is not the Director Approved version, despite being claimed as such on US releases. See
pictorial version details from
Theatrical Version
UK: The Director's preferred Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence:
Battle Royale 2 is a 2003 Japan action Sci-Fi thriller by Kenta Fukasaku and Kinji Fukasaku. Starring Tatsuya Fujiwara, Ai Maeda and Shûgo Oshinari.
Uncut and BBFC 18 rated in two versions, Revenge and Requiem. A nominal BBFC cut can be discounted as it just an incorrect translation of the BBFC rating into Japanese.
Summary Notes
Three years after the events in "Battle Royale," Shuya Nanahara (Tatsuya Fujiwara)is a well-known terrorist bent on bringing down the government. In response, they order the creation of the "Battle Royale 2" program, and send a class of junior-high students to catch and kill him.
Revenge Version
UK: The Extended Version/Revenge Version/Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut albeit with 8s of BBFC cuts noted for:
2021 Arrow Limited Edition [2 versions Battle Royale in 4K + 2 versions of Battle Royale 2 in Blu-ray] R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo
at UK Amazon #ad
2021 Arrow Limited Edition [2 versions Battle Royale + 2 versions
of Battle Royale 2] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
However these cuts can be discounted. The BBFC commented on the 8s cut:
One cut was required to remove the Japanese text and English subtitle which state: "This film is restricted to aged 15 and over," in order to avoid confusion.
The Battleship Island is a 2017 South Korea action historical drama by seung-wan ryoo... Starring Jung-min Hwang, So Ji-seob and Song Joong-ki
There is a cut and shortened International Version and also a full length Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
During the Japanese colonial era, roughly 400 Korean people,
who were forced onto Battleship Island ("Hashima Island") to mine for coal, attempt to a dramatic escape.
Director's Cut
FSK 18 Germany
Germany: The Director's Cut is available on Koch Films Blu-ray
The Director's cut features
more scenes showing the inhumane treatment of workers requiring an 18 rating in Germany. The longer version adds extra plot details too that add content to the film and so the Director's Cut is the preferred version of the film. See
version details from
International Version
UK: The shortened International Version was passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence, gory injury detail, language:
Battlestar Galactica is a 1978 USA TV action Sci-Fi by Richard A Colla and Alan J Levi. Starring Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict.
Exists as a theatrical version and an extended but cut TV version.
Summary Notes
The leaders of the Twelve Colonies of Mankind are making plans to sign a peace treaty with their mortal enemies, the Cylon Empire. On the eve of the ceremony, the Cylons
betray the pact and destroy most of the Colonies and their entire fleet. Under the command of Commander Adama, the battlestar Galactica leads the remaining Colonial ships into space and seeks out a lost thirteenth colony, which turns out to be Earth.
Along the way, the Colonials encounter various races (both friendly and hostile), the legendary human warrior Commander Cain, and the planet Kobol, the motherworld of all the Colonies. All the while, the Cylons - under the command of human traitor Count
Baltar - closely pursue this fugitive fleet across the universe.
Theatrical Version
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild violence and sex references:
2023 Universal Pictures Home Entertainment R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
The Theatrical version was shorter in terms of plot but contains violent scenes that were not included in the TV version.
TV Version
UK: The extended TV version was passed PG uncut for mild horror, violence and sexual innuendo:
2004 Universal Pictures (UK) video
The Extended TV version has additional plot compared with the theatrical version but is missing some violence, presumably censored for TV,
Note that the TV Version also exists with a 148 minute running time as the TV broadcast was split into 3
episodes and the additional running time is accounted for by 3 sets of credits instead of 1.
A Bay of Blood is a 1971 Italian horror by Mario Bava. With Claudine Auger, Luigi Pistilli and Claudio Camaso.
Banned by the BBFC for 1972 cinema release, then banned on VHS as a Video nasty in 1983. Unbanned but cut by the BBFC from 1994 until 2000. Uncut by the BBFC since 2010. The US R rated version is uncut.
Summary Review
: Granddaddy of all slasher movies
Bay of Blood is often called the "Granddaddy of all slasher movies". After watching Bay of Blood you can definitely see where Friday the
13th (made in 1980) got a lot of it's ideas. Saying that, Bay of Blood does not possess the single element that defined the slasher film, the indestructible, omnipresent killer.
The movie succeeds almost entirely thanks to Mario Bavo,
who serves as both director and cinematographer, with his typical stylish flare which heavily influenced the great Dario Argento, his eye appealing use of color and interesting editing techniques, which include a lot of blurry dissolves give Bay of
Blood an almost dream-like, surrealistic feel.
UK: Passed 18 with BBFC cuts waived for:
2019 Arrow Macabre Visions Limited Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Arrow/ArrowDrome [English + Italian Version] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2010 Arrow [English + Italian Version] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
2010 Arrow [English + Italian Version] R2
DVD at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated for:
2013 Kino [English + Italian] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
There is an English language version and an Italian language version. Dialogue scenes were shot twice but there is no real difference between the two beyond the language.
The first murder of a teenage girl loses 2s in 2 cuts, the first of her throat being cut from behind and the other of a graphic hatchet blow to the head.
21s (nearly the entire scene) is cut from a boy dying with a machete embedded in his
3 cuts totally 9s diminish the death of couple impaled with a spear whilst making love. We love the blood welling from the wounds and their writhing whilst impaled.
2s When Federica gets beheaded, the tracking shot of her neck
spilling blood is missing.
11s has been cut from the death of Simon being forced up a wall by a spear impaled in his stomach.
UK: Released
uncut on pre-cert video for:
1983 Hokushin VHS
The uncut version titled Blood Bath was released on the Hokushin label in February 1983 and was listed as a video nasty in March 1984. It stayed on the list throughout, so became one of the
collectable DPP39s
Baywatch is a 2017 USA comedy by Seth Gordon. Starring Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron and Alexandra Daddario.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Cut.
Devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchannon butts heads with a brash new recruit. Together, they uncover a local criminal plot that threatens the future of the Bay.
Extended Cut
UK: The Extended Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong language, crude
humour, nudity, violence for:
2017 Paramount [Theatrical Version + Extended Cut] (R0) 4k Blu-ray at UK
2017 Paramount [Theatrical Version + Extended Cut] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
US: The Extended Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2017 Paramount [Theatrical Version + Extended Cut] RA 4k Blu-ray at US Amazon
Paramount [Theatrical Version + Extended Cut] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray