The Black Alley Cats is a 1973 US action film by Henning
Schellerup. With Sunshine Woods, Sandy Dempsey and Charlene Miles.
Banned by the BBFC for 1984 cinema release. Uncut in the US.
Crude and Tasteless
Wanting revenge on a street gang for a rape attack, four young girls get together, take kung-fu lessons, learn how to shoot, form a gang called the Black Alley Cats and
search out the gang that attacked them.
It's all very cheap, crude and tasteless but the background music during the lengthy sex scenes should be of interest to fans of lounge/psych music.
BBFC cuts required to the UK cinema and video releases of 2000.
Encountered problems with the US censors and had to be cut to achieve an R rating as described below. I am not sure which version was released in the UK but it seems to be a minute longer
than the US R Rated version.
Black And White is a star-studded tale of rich white kids in New York City who become obsessed with uptown hip-hop culture and eventually find themselves entangled in a murder
The scene that aroused the MPAA's concern opens the film. Bijou Phillips, Kim Matalova, and rapper Power, from the Wu-Tang Clan are getting it on in a sexy three-way make-out scene in the woods in Central
Park. Unbeknownst to them, a group of boys look on. There's something dark and brooding about the setting, but all three members of this menage are clearly willing participants.
The producer speaks of the MPAA: First
they say 'The scene in the park with the guy and two girls is problematic.' While they won't say 'This is what we want you to do,' of course they mean that without that scene the movie would get its R-rating. The rating was unfair. They wanted us to cut
the scene and the director wasn't willing to do that.
The uncut and cut versions end up being very similar: a little less kissing between the two girls, the camera doesn't linger on an exposed bottom for quite so long
there, and instead of tweaking her partner's nipple, one of the women now cups the breast instead.
All are minor changes, and the gist of the scene is still there, but nonetheless, it's been changed. Moreover, the changes
appear to be arbitrary: three seconds of girls kissing is OK, seven seconds is not. Handling a breast one way is fine, but touching it another way is taboo.
Black and White is a 2014 USA drama by Mike Binder. Starring
Kevin Costner, Gillian Jacobs and Jennifer Ehle.
Rated R for brief strong language . However the producers successfully appealed to the C.A.R.A. Appeals board, and the film was re-rated PG-13 for brief
strong language, thematic material involving drug use and drinking, and for a fight
Summary Notes
A grieving widower is drawn into a custody battle over his granddaughter, whom he helped raise her
entire life.
Inspector Tellini investigates serial crimes where victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open with a sharp knife.
Paolo Cavara's brilliant Giallo The Black Belly Of The Tarantula
is definately special. The film contains a beautiful (Euro Babe) cast, that would please James Bond afficianados everywhere. It contains three Bond Girls in one film! The wonderful Claudine Auger ( Thunderball ), Barbara Bouchet ( Casino
Royale ), and Barbara Bach ( The Spy Who Loved Me ), all lending shady perversity to the proceedings.
The title refers to the sadistic means in which a killer is performing on his prey. An acupuncture needle is inflamed
with a paralysing poison that the killer inserts into the neck of his victim
Highly recommended to those who love weird and twisted little masterpieces that come from Italy. And the music score is to die for
Black Caesar is a 1973 USA action crime thriller by Larry Cohen. Starring Fred Williamson, Gloria Hendry and Art Lund.
The US Theatrical Version is missing a downbeat coda.
Summary Notes
Tommy Gibbs is a tough kid, raised in the ghetto, who aspires to be a kingpin criminal. As a young boy, his leg is broken by a bad cop on the take, during a payoff gone bad. Nursing his vengeance, he rises to power in
New York City's Harlem. Angry at the racist society around him, both criminal and straight, he sees the acquisition of power as the solution to his rage. He performs a free-lance hit on a Mob contract to attract the attention of the head of a Mafia
family. Reluctantly accepted into 'The Family,' he grows increasingly autonomous and aggressive, eventually starting a gang war.
In the original theatrical version, when a wounded Tommy Gibbs is seen wandering in the slums at
the film's conclusion, the film fades to the New York skyline with the caption AUGUST 22, 1972 appearing and then the end credits.
However, on European prints and the version issued by MGM on VHS and DVD, they included a scene
where a street gang robs, beats, and leave Tommy for dead and then the usual skyline fade and credits.
According to Larry Cohen on the DVD commentary, he was surprised MGM used the European film negative for the DVD release.
Therefore, the current MGM version is labeled as an accidental director's cut.
v Black Candles
- 1982 Spain horror mystery drama by José Ramón Larraz (as Joseph Braunstein).
Black Candles is a 1982 Spain horror mystery drama by José Ramón Larraz (as Joseph Braunstein). Starring Helga Liné, Vanessa Hidalgo and Jeffrey Healey.
A short version was passed for 1983 cinema release titled Hot Fantasies, this is lacking some of the horror elements. Later the full version was cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1995 under the title Black Candles. Uncut and MPAA
Unrated in the US. There is an alternative version called Naked Dreams that has deleted some sex scenes.
Summary Review: Sexploitation
A young woman travels with her partner to
England on the unexpected death of her brother. Staying with her sister-in-law, she finds her companion soon drawn into a satanic cult based in the house whose rites seem to centre somewhat on large-scale sexual congress.
poor horror film with even worse cliched ending, why the 3-star rating then? Simple. If you're looking for sexploitation in a satanic cult-themed horror film, you've hit the jackpot with BLACK CANDLES. It is surprisingly wall-to-wall sex-scenes (have
your finger on the fast-forward button ready when the 'tender love scene' involving a goat appears).
Overall, 3-stars. But honestly, add 1-star on the strength of BLACK CANDLES alone if you enjoy softcore in your horror. Subtract 1-star from the
3-star rating if you actually want a good horror film with a decent ending that doesn't jerk you around.
Black Christmas is a 1974 Canada horror mystery thriller by Bob Clark. Starring Olivia Hussey, Keir Dullea and Margot Kidder.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated 1975 cinema release. Uncut and 18 rated on home
video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Lively characters
It's time for Christmas break, and the sorority sisters make plans for the holiday, but the strange anonymous phone calls are
beginning to put them on edge. When Clare disappears, they contact the police, who don't express much concern. Meanwhile Jess is planning to get an abortion, but boyfriend Peter is very much against it. The police finally begin to get concerned when a
13-year-old girl is found dead in the park. They set up a wiretap to the sorority house, but will they be in time to prevent a sorority girl attrition problem?
I suspect the 18 rating is caused by the
frequent use of the C word in the obscene phone calls. There is little gore or blood and without the language this could easily have been rated 15.
Well worth purchasing for fans of a well made, well paced horror drama which keeps the viewer
engaged with lively characters and a suspense filled plot.....
UK: Passed 18 uncut for very strong language
and strong sex references for:
2023 101 Films Bob Clark Horror Collection Limited Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2017 101 Films R0 Blu-ray/(R2) DVD Combo at UK Amazon
The Black Dragon Revenges the Death of Bruce Lee is a 1975 Hong Kong / USA action drama by Chin-Ku Lu (as Tommy Loo Chung). Starring Ron Van Clief, Charles Bonet and Phillip Ko.
Cut by the BBFC for 1976 cinema release. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
Three rival gangs embark on a search for Bruce Lee's handwritten "finger fighting"
manual. (Josiah Howard, "Blaxploitation Cinema: The Essential Reference guide.")
~90:00s =~86:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2017 The Film Detective Special Edition (RA) Blu-ray titled The Black Dragon's Revenge at US Amazon
Black Eagle is a 1988 USA action drama by Eric Karson. Starring Shô
Kosugi, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Doran Clark.
Exists as a a Theatrical Version and an extended Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
One of the US Air Force's most modern tactical aircrafts, a F-100 with a new laser guidance system,
crashes into the sea near Malta - a region where the Soviet forces are highly present, too. The CIA immediately sends out their best secret agent Ken Tami to salvage the system before it falls into enemy hands. To ensure his loyalty, they bring his two
young sons to a nearby hotel on the island. Ken Tami's tough opponent is KGB agent Andrei.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut/Extended Version was passed 15 uncut for frequent moderate violence for:
2015 101 Films Limited video
1988 cinema release
US: T he Director's Cut/Extended Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2018 MVD Rewind Collection [Theatrical + Director's Cut] (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo at US
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for:
1993 Polygram VHS
1989 Video Programme Dists VHS
US: T he Theatrical Version is MPAA R rated for:
2018 MVD Rewind Collection [Theatrical + Director's Cut] (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo at US
v Black Easter
- 2021 USA children's action adventure by Jim Carroll
The hardcore version was submitted by Optimum Releasing in 2008. It suffered 1:39s of BBFC cuts. In order to obtain an '18' certificate six cuts for sexual detail were required. An 'R18' certificate was available without the
"hard" print contained a brief sequence of shots of explicit penetration during the scene in which Emanuelle and Gianni first make love. These shots were performed by doubles, not by Angelo Infanti and Laura Gemser, neither of which were
informed of this addition at the time.
One extra shot was also included during the tribal dance scene of many tribesmen running their hands over Emanuelle's body as she lies on the ground.
The hardcore
version/Integrale is available on the Italian DVD
The previously cut version was
re-submitted in 1995 by Lumiere Pictures. Extra detail presented in the widescreen format led to an additional 30s of BBFC cuts over and above the pre-cut 1:28s
The cinema version of 1976 and the Warner Home Video of 1987 were both cut by 1:28s
In her one and only screen appearance, the insanely voluptuous Sharon Lesley takes over the role of Emanuelle, who's now confined to a Manhattan psychiatric clinic with an acute case of
amnesia, depraved fantasies and Daddy-delusions of the highest order. Her doctor attempts to unravel a Freudian check-list of incestuous hunger, lesbian-longings, misplaced aggressions and errant nymphomania before her traumas take permanent hold.
Sharon Lesley is a marvel to behold - a pretty face, gorgeous eyes, absolutely perfect natural breasts, a bubble-butt, curvaceous to the Nth degree. And she looks fantastic in the stylings of those wicked 70's when she's not
The film revolves around a family of women living in Egypt. The mother (Nieves Navarro) spends her time getting it on with her native manservant and a handsome, much younger spiritual guru
(Al Zombie Cliver). The older daughter gets off on teasing and tormenting the manservant when her mother's not busy with him. The younger daughter Laure (Annie Belle) also shows up, apparently returning from school. Finally, you have
friends of the family played by real-life couple, Laura Gemser and Gabriele Tinti. Gemser is playing a character called Emanuelle , but she doesn't seem like the same chirpy, world-renowned photojournalist Emanuelle she plays in all the
other movies.
Needless to say much softcore sex ensues--which is really the only reason watch this. Gemser looks very lovely, but she is not as good as she usually is.
A short version
was passed 18 after 1:52s of BBFC cuts for:
Black Friday is a 2004 India action crime drama by Anurag Kashyap. Starring Kay Kay Menon, Pavan Malhotra and Aditya Srivastava.
Banned by Indian courts in 2005 until it was unbanned in 2007. The 2007 UK cinema release was cut for animal cruelty.
Summary Notes
A dramatic presentation
of the bomb blasts that rocked Bombay on March 12, 1993, displays the police investigation, amidst allegations of human rights violations, led by DCP Rakesh Maria, in tracking down the suspects, especially Bashir Khan. Bashir managed to elude authorities
by re-locating to Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and West Bengal, after finally being apprehended in Bombay. His confession and subsequent flashbacks showcases the apathy shown by authorities who refused to intervene during the destruction of the
sacred Babri Masjid by Hindu Kar Sevaks, and the inability of the police to fulfill their mandate and protect the vulnerable, forcing many to flee to other locations.
UK: Passed 18 for strong violence and very strong language after 17s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
2007 Adlabs Films (UK) [Subtitled] video
The BBFC commented:
Cut was required to sight of real animal cruelty (cockfighting), in accordance with BBFC Policy.
India: The 2005 cinema release was blocked by Bombay High Court. The producers appealed at the Supreme Court but the High Court order was upheld.
The movie was unbanned and released on video in 2007.
The Black Gestapo is a 1975 USA crime thriller by Lee Frost Starring Rod Perry,Charles Robinson,Phil Hoover
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1987. Uncut and 18 rated for 2007 DVD.
Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
General Ahmed has started an inner-city People's Army to try and relieve the misery of the citizens of Watts. When the locals are
put under increasing pressure by Mafia thugs, Ahmed's ... See full summary »
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong language, sex
references and one scene of sexual violence:
Black Gravel is a 1961 West Germany drama by Helmut Käutner. Starring Helmut Wildt and Ingmar Zeisberg and Hans Cossy.
The film was controversial in Germany and was cut for general release. The film was restored to its original version in 2016.
From IMDb:
Shortly after its general release, the film was changed from its premiere cut. Due to complaints by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, two scenes were shortened in which a character is revealed to be a Holocaust
survivor and an antisemitic slur is used against him. The ending was also changed and is much less dark: in the shortened cut, both Inge and Robert survive. The premiere cut was restored during the film's digital restoration in 2016.
Promotional Material
"In this gripping Cold War noir, tensions simmer between residents of a small German village and the soldiers of a U.S. military base. Postwar economic hardship has
turned the town of Sohnen into a vice district. The women serve as entertainment for the GIs, while the men struggle for survival in the black market. Helmed by Helmut Käutner (Port of Freedom), Black Gravel is hardboiled cinema at its most cynical,
recalling such white-knuckle thrillers as Henri-Georges Clouzot's The Wages of Fear and Jules Dassin and A.I. Bezzerides's Thieves' Highway. Upon its initial release, Black Gravel was criticized for its honest depiction of lingering antisemitism--and the
film was re-edited for general release. This Kino Classics edition presents both the uncensored "Premiere" cut and the revised "Distribution" version, both meticulously restored by the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.
Premiere Version
UK: Uncut and BBFC 12 rated with a trigger warning for moderate sex references, violence, threat, language, racism:
2024 Radiance Films Blu-ray (rated 19/06/2024)
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2020 Kino Classics [Premiere + Theatrical Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
Kino Classics [Premiere + Theatrical Versions] R1 DVD at US Amazon
cut Theatrical Versions
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2020 Kino Classics [Premiere + Theatrical Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
Kino Classics [Premiere + Theatrical Versions] R1 DVD at US Amazon
v Black Gunn
- 1972 UK / USA action crime thriller by Robert Hartford-Davis.
Black Gunn is a 1972 UK / USA action crime thriller by Robert Hartford-Davis. Starring Jim Brown, Martin Landau and Brenda Sykes.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1973 cinema release. Uncut and 18 rated on
home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
A successful and popular nightclub owner who believes financial independence is the path to equality and success, must act as a go-between for
militant-minded brother and the white gang syndicate hisbrother has attacked and robbed. Their involvements lead to a breathless race course chase, the destruction of a dopepusher and a violent waterfront climax.
Black Hawk Down is a 2001 USA / UK war historical drama by Ridley
Scott. Starring Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor and Tom Sizemore.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version.
Summary Notes
Action/war drama based on the best-selling book detailing a near-disastrous mission in Somalia on October 3, 1993. On this date nearly 100 U.S. Army Rangers, commanded
by Capt. Mike Steele, were dropped by helicopter deep into the capital city of Mogadishu to capture two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord. This led to a large and drawn-out firefight between the Army Ranges, US Special Forces, and hundreds of Somali
gunmen; resulting in the destruction of two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters. The film focuses on the heroic efforts of various Rangers to get to the downed black hawks, centering on SSG Eversmann, leading the Ranger unit Chalk Four to the first black hawk
crash site, Chief Warrant Officer Durant who was captured after being the only survivor of the second black hawk crash, as well as many others who were involved.
Extended Version uncut
UK: The Extended Version was
passed 15 uncut for:
2007 Sony [Theatrical + Extended Versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon
Black Heat is a 1976 USA action crime drama by Al Adamson. Starring Timothy Brown, Russ Tamblyn and Jana Bellan.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1981. Cut again for 18 rated
VHS in 1986. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Kicks Carter, a streetwise Las Vegs cop, is out to shut down an upscale hotel that is actually a front for a host of
illegal activities. A gang headed by the scuzzy Ziggy is running everything from gun-running and loan-sharking to prostitution and drug-dealing, and a beautiful but nosy reporter keeps getting in Kicks' way.
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2020 Severin Films Al Adamson Collection Limited Edition RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
Black Knight is a 2001 US comedy fantasy by Gil Junger Starring Martin Lawrence, Marsha Thomason and Tom Wilkinson
BBFC category cuts were required for PG rated cinema and DVD releases in 2002 and 2003.
Summary Notes
Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After sustaining a blow to the head, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England.
UK: BBFC PG rated
for some mild language, violence, and sexual references for some mild language, violence, and sexual references after BBFC cuts:
2003 Twentieth Century Fox Home Ent. DVD (DVD Director's audio commentary\nUKCV as cut\n rated 23/01/2003)
2002 Fox Pathe Home Entertainment DVD (UKCV as cut\n rated 13/11/2002)
2002 20th Century Fox Film Co. cinema release (rated 14/12/2001) titled
The Black Knight
The BBFC commented:
The distributor chose to cut sight of a potentially dangerous imitable technique (spray from an aerosol can ignited with a lighter) in order to achieve a PG classification. A 12 without cuts was
available to the distributor
Black Mama, White Mama is a 1973 USA / Philippines crime thriller by Eddie Romero. Starring Pam Grier, Margaret Markov and Sid Haig.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1974, 18 rated VHS in 1986
and then again in 1998. Uncut on 18 rated DVD/Blu-ray since 2004. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
When two troublemaking female prisoners (one a revolutionary, the other a former
harem-girl) can't seem to get along, they are chained together and extradited for safekeeping. The women, still chained together, stumble, stab, and cat-fight their way across the wilderness, igniting a bloody shootout between gangsters and a group of
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2016 Arrow Video (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon titled Black Mama, White
2004 MGM R2 DVD at UK Amazon titled Black Mama, White
Black Market of Love is a 1966 West Germany crime film by Ernst Hofbauer Starring Uta Levka, Astrid Frank and Claus Tinney
Banned by the BBFC for 1967 cinema release.
Summary Notes
Harald and Rolf lure young women with newspaper adds promising a lucrative future as dancers. Once the girls get hooked they are drugged to submission.
Black Mask is a 1996 Hong Kong action comedy by Daniel Lee. With Jet Li, Ching Wan Lau and Karen Mok.
Cut in Hong Kong for its theatrical release. This was then shortened for the export version which was passed 18 by the BBFC for UK home video. The uncut Hong Kong version was later released. The restored Hong Kong cuts were also
restored to the Export Version resulting in the Extended Export Version. The longest version is the Taiwan Version which restores deleted scenes from a Workprint.
Taiwan Version
UK: BBFC details not yet published for :
2024 Eureka Limited Edition [Uncut Hong Kong + US Export + Taiwan Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at
UK Amazon #ad
US: The Taiwan Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2024 Eureka Limited Edition [Uncut Hong Kong + US Export + Taiwan Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US
Amazon #ad
Taiwan: There are several versions of this film with the release from Taiwan being the longest However some of the additional material is extracted from a workprint and the quality is not good.
Germany: An Extended Export Version has been released which patches in violence that was cut from other
versions but the shortened plot scenes remain shortened.
UK: The English Language Export Version was
passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
024 Eureka Limited Edition [Uncut Hong Kong + US Export + Taiwan Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at UK
Amazon #ad
2001 BMG R0 DVD
1998 BMG VHS
US: The US Version is MPAA R rated for:
2024 Eureka Limited Edition [Uncut Hong Kong + US Export + Taiwan Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US
Amazon #ad
There have been significant changes with plot scenes being removed for brevity. Violence is also missing as the version was sourced from a cut version.
uncut Hong Kong Version
Hong Kong
US: The Hong Kong Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2024 Eureka Limited Edition [Uncut Hong Kong + US Export + Taiwan Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US
Amazon #ad
UK: BBFC details not yet published for :
2024 Eureka Limited Edition [Uncut Hong Kong + US Export + Taiwan Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at
UK Amazon #ad
Hong Kong: The film was later released uncut on Hong Kong Home Video and French DVD.
cut Hong Kong Version
Hong Kong
Hong Kong: The film was cut for Theatrical Release
Black Moon Rising is a 1986 US action film by Harley Cokeliss. With Tommy Lee Jones, Linda Hamilton and Robert Vaughn.
Cut by the BBFC for the 18 rated cinema release and VHS. Uncut on 15 rated
Summary: Entertaining
Master thief Sam Quint (Academy Award winner Tommy Lee Jones), hired by the government for a high-level job, hides a computer disc containing vital evidence in a sleek
experimental supercar known as The Black Moon.
Black Moon Rising is a formulaic and predictable but nevertheless entertaining and fast-paced thriller based on a story originally written by no less than John Carpenter.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for infrequent strong violence and language with previous cuts waived for:
2019 Arrow Video Special Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Lions Gate Home Video (not yet released)
UK: 18 uncut but no record of this in the BBFC database for:
Black Nativity is a 2013 USA musical music drama by Kasi Lemmons.
Starring Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett and Jennifer Hudson.
There exists a Theatrical Version and an uncontroversial Extended Musical Version
Summary Notes
A street-wise teen from Baltimore who has been raised by a single mother travels to New
York City to spend the Christmas holiday with his estranged relatives, where he embarks on a surprising and inspirational journey.
Extended Musical Version
US: The Extended Musical Version is uncut for:
2014 20th Century Fox [Theatrical + Extended] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 7th
October 2014
2014 20th Century Fox [Theatrical + Extended] R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 7th October 2014
Theatrical Version
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild threat and very mild language
2013 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA PG rated for:
2014 20th Century Fox [Theatrical + Extended] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 7th
October 2014
2014 20th Century Fox [Theatrical + Extended] R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 7th October 2014
Black Panther is a 2018 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Ryan Coogler. Starring Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan and Lupita Nyong'o.
Uncut in the UK and US but cut in India.
Summary Notes
After the events of Captain America: Civil War, King T'Challa returns home to the reclusive, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to serve as his country's new leader. However, T'Challa soon finds that he is
challenged for the throne from factions within his own country. When two foes conspire to destroy Wakanda, the hero known as Black Panther must team up with C.I.A. agent Everett K. Ross and members of the Dora Milaje, Wakandan special forces, to prevent
Wakanda from being dragged into a world war.
At the domestic screening of the film, fans were
quite enraged that the word 'Hanuman' was muted from the film. The Jabari tribe in the film, that enters the first death challenge, worships an ape god called Hanuman sharing a name with an Indian monkey god as per the comic books. But this reference was
omitted from the screening.
While many felt that this was CBFC's doing, our sources have told us that it is not CBFC who muted the word Hanuman but it's the distributors of the movie in India who decided to do this.
v The Black Room -
1983 USA horror thriller by Elly Kenner and Norman Thaddeus Vane.
The Black Room is a 1983 USA horror thriller by Elly Kenner and Norman Thaddeus Vane. With Stephen Knight, Cassandra Gava and Jimmy Stathis.
Passed X uncut for 1983 cinema release but the follow up pre-cert VHS
release from the same year was seized by police. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
A room gets put up for rent following the mysterious murder of its previous tenant. When an
apartment-hunting man sees the deal the brother and sister landlords are offering, he immediately puts down the first month's rent and starts spending his days there, even though he has a home to spend his nights at with his wife. When he comes home, he
tells his wife about the fantasies he has of having sex with various women each day in his new apartment. His wife goes along with it for a while, but when she discovers that her husband's stories are much more than just fantasies, she starts to do some
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter, and
so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
Black Sabbath is a 1963 Italy/UK/France horror by Mario Bava. With Michèle Mercier, Lidia Alfonsi and Boris Karloff.
Uncut by censors, but the order of the 3 tales was changed, along with
plot changes, for the English Language/AIP Version
Summary Notes
A trio of atmospheric horror tales about: A woman terrorized in her apartment by phone calls from an escaped prisoner from her past; a
Russian count in the early 1800s who stumbles upon a family in the countryside trying to destroy a particularly vicious line of vampires; and a 1900-era nurse who makes a fateful decision while preparing the corpse of one of her patients - an elderly
medium who died during a seance.
Italian Language Version/European Version
Italian Version
UK: The Italian Language Version was
passed 15 uncut for moderate sexualised threat and violence for:
2019 Arrow Macabre Visions Limited Edition [Italian + English Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at UK
2017 Arrow [Italian + English Versions] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2014 Kino Lorber [Black Sunday + Black
Sabbath] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
From IMDb. The order of the segments was rearranged by AIP for the English-language release. The original ordering was: The Telephone, The Wurdalak, and The Drop of Water. In addition, The Telephone was re-dubbed and slightly
re-cut by Bava at AIP's request to create a supernatural angle and disguise the lesbian overtones of the story.
Black Sunday is a 1960 Italy horror by Mario Bava. With Barbara Steele, John Richardson and Andrea Checchi.
Banned by the BBFC in 1961. European Version (Mask of Satan) was uncut. US
Version (Black Sunday) was cut.
Summary Review: Wonderful black and white film
A vengeful witch and her fiendish servant return from the grave and begin a bloody campaign to possess the body of the
witch's beautiful look-alike descendant.
Italian director Mario Bava exploded onto the horror scene with Black Sunday. The movie succeeds fantastically at conveying a bleak atmosphere of horror.
Mask of Satan/ European Version
Mask of Satan
UK: The European Version/Mask of
Satan was passed 15 uncut for:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [9 films of Mario Bava including Mask of Satan + Black Sunday] (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
2013 Arrow [Mask of Satan + Black Sunday + I
vampiri] RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
See article from . The shorter re-edited US print
which was missing 3:17s of violence and dialogue including.
A kiss was cut as Asa in a coffin kisses Dr Kruvagan after asking for his blood
A cut scene of an eye gouging as part of a procedure to extract the soul
The burning of Vajda was reduced
uncontroversial dialogue scenes were
also cut
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1961 cinema release titled Black Sunday
It is not clear what version was banned. It was titled Black Sunday so perhaps Black Sunday refers to an English language version. It may even have been uncut.
The Black Torment is a 1964 UK horror mystery by Robert Hartford-Davis. Starring Heather Sears, John Turner and Ann Lynn.
Cut by the BBFC for its 1964 and 1970 UK cinema release. These cuts seem to
have persisted into all home video releases since, albeit with the rating reducing from X down to 12.
Summary Notes
A lord returns to his manor with his new wife, to hear rumors that he had already
secretly returned and had committed several murders. Has he lost his mind, or is something dark afoot ?
best available
cinema submitted 87:23s
UK: The cut UK cinema version was passed 12 for moderate violence without further BBFC cuts for:
UK: The cut UK cinema version was passed 15 without further BBFC cuts for:
1985 Stablecane VHS
UK: Cuts still required for an AA (14) rating for:
1970 cinema release
UK: Passed X (16) after compulsory BBFC cuts for:
1964 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
The opening pre credit sequence introduced the film with a woman being strangled in the woods. The BBFC truncated the scene at the point where a man in black stretches his hands out towards the woman's throat. The BBFC cuts list reads: Remove all
shots (in the pre-credit sequence) from the moment the man stretches out his hand towards his victim
US: The cut UK cinema version is MPAA Unrated for:
A Black Veil For Lisa is a 1968 Italy / West Germany thriller by Massimo Dallamano. Starring John Mills, Luciana Paluzzi and Robert Hoffmann.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1969. Uncut and 15 rated
for 2018 home video.
Summary Notes
When a possessive narcotics detective strongly suspects that his young beautiful wife is cheating on him, he hires a professional hitman to bump her
off. All the while trying to solve a string of strange murders.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for brief sexualised nudity with previous BBFC cuts waived:
Black Venus is a 1983 Bahamas/US romance by Claude Mulot Starring Josephine Jacqueline Jones, José Antonio Ceinos and Emiliano Redondo
All UK releases for cinema, VHS and DVD have been cut by the BBFC and are 18 rated.
The film is uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
French director Claude Mulot helmed this retelling of a Balzac-inspired tale of a struggling sculptor obsessed with a
beautiful Caribbean muse in late 19th century Paris.
Mulot must have had a real budget to work with because it's all up on the screen; sumptuous gowns, top hats and tuxedos with tails, manor houses, cobblestone streets, carriages,
ballroom dancing, a classy sounding score, and a bevy of beautiful unclothed females. Jones shows off her achingly beautiful body several times, and virtually all of the women in the cast strip naked at one time or another. Look for 1963's British sex
scandal icon Mandy Rice Davies as one of Venus's benefactors. Mulot uses the camera and the storyline to spice up the sex scenes much more than the expected contorted positions and exaggerated huffing-and-puffing. His choice of a character's voice-over
works quite well to move Black Venus along for its 80-minute running time.
As an example of what softcore porn can aspire to and be in an age of Skinemax flicks, it's well worth checking out.
The BBFC cut 1:06s from the 1994 Imperial Entertainment video
The US DVD release was also
heavily cut for an R rating with appreciably different cuts to the UK version which turns out to be the most complete.
In the opening scene where Sweet (Matthias Hues) attacks a group of thugs the UK version is the most complete. In the UK version when Hues lifts up and headbutts a thug the camera pans down the thugs face revelaing blood pouring from his mouth. In
the US DVD the scene cuts away before the camera reaches his mouth. The DVD is also missing several punches to the next thugs ribs. The thug lying on the bed who gets his arm broken is cut indentically in both versions.
The scene where Dillon
(Don Wilson) enters the dead prostitutes room is cut in the UK version. In the DVD we see a close up shot of the woman lying on the bed which is cut from the UK tape.
The scene where the thugs attack Shanna's house is cut on the DVD. The knife
wielding thug that attacks Dillon get his arm broken in the UK tape before he is thrown through the table. On the DVD the arm break is missing.
The scene where Sweet attacks the two men on the street has been cut for the UK version. We should
see Sweet lift up the first thug and headbutt him but this is missing from the UK tape (but surprisingly a photo of that exact scene is printed on the back of the tape).
The scene where Sweet kills Dillons partner is cut on both versions. Close
up punches to the face have been cut from the UK version. Sweet breaking the mans neck has been cut differently on both versions. In the UK version Sweet grabs the mans head and says 'Time to...' but the remaining dialogue (presumalby 'Time to die') is
missing and the man is lying on the floor with his neck broken. The DVD is also missing the neck break but all of the 'Time to die' dialogue is also missing.
The final martial arts scene in Dillon's apartment has been cut differently in both
versions. All scenes showing Nunchaku sticks have been cut from the UK version. Various snippets of martial arts have been cut from both versions. The scene showing Sweet impaled on a sword has been cut from the DVD. In the UK version the camera pans
down showing Sweet staggering about with the sword impaled through his chest and blood pouring from his mouth. The DVD cuts away before the camera reaches Sweet's chest.
Blackenstein is a 1973 USA horror by William A Levey. Starring John Hart,
Ivory Stone and Joe De Sue.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a longer Video Version
Promotional Material
You may have heard of this
infamous Blaxploitation/Horror hybrid, but the real story is even more bizarre: In 1973, criminal-lawyer-turned-wannabe-monster-movie-mogul Frank R. Saletri wrote and produced this grindhouse hit about a Black soldier mortally wounded in Vietnam,
transformed into a rampaging monster by an L.A. mad scientist. Almost a decade later, Seletri himself would be murdered gangland-style in a crime that remains debated and unsolved to this day. John Hart (TV's "The Lone Ranger "), 40s Hollywood
starlet Andrea King (THE BEAST WITH FIVE FINGERS) and even former mob moll/stripper Liz Renay (DESPERATE LIVING) star in this jaw-dropper directed by William A. Levey (THE HAPPY HOOKER GOES TO WASHINGTON)
Video Version
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2017 Severin Films [Theatrical + Video Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 30th
May 2017
2017 Severin Films [Theatrical + Video Version] R0 DVD at US Amazon released
on 30th May 2017
Note that the Video Version is of significantly inferior quality to the Theatrical Version.
The Video Version appears to be some kind of preview version. There are numerous differences, most of the cuts being made for pace reasons only. A lot of shots are slightly shorter, there are some recuts and there is some
new footage as well. The most striking difference is probably the additional footage in the Theatrical Version: Eleanor is being examined by Dr. Stein who realizes his serum does not work any longer.
shortened Theatrical Version
US: Shortened and MPAA R rated for:
2017 Severin Films [Theatrical + Video Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 30th
May 2017
2017 Severin Films [Theatrical + Video Version] R0 DVD at US Amazon released
on 30th May 2017
v Blackhat
- 2015 USA action crime mystery by Michael Mann.
Blackhat is a 2015 USA action crime mystery by Michael Mann. Starring Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis and Manny Montana.
Exists as a US Version, a cut International/European Version and a Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
Set within the world of global cybercrime, Legendary's "blackhat" follows a furloughed
convict and his American and Chinese partners as they hunt a high-level cybercrime network from Chicago to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Jakarta.
Director's Cut
US: A Director's Cut premiered on the US festival circuit during 2016
From IMdb:
Michael Mann premiered the Director's Cut during a retrospective of
his films at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on February 10, 2016. This version is three minutes longer than the theatrical release, and opens with the hacking attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, rather than the Hong Kong nuclear plant attack, which
has been moved to the middle of the film. Some scenes and dialogue exchanges have also been cut or shortened.
pre-cut European Version
UK: The European/International Version was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, sex for:
2023 Arrow Video Limited Edition [US + International Versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2023 Arrow Video Limited Edition [US + International Versions] R0 Blu-ray at UK
Amazon #ad
See article from . The European Version is 32 seconds shorter after a little background information about a suspect has been
removed. Allegedly, he has ties to a latino gang. It is not clear whether this is for legal reasons or else the gang named is not meaningful to Europeans.
US Version
UK: The US Version is uncut and BBFC 15
rated for strong violence:
2023 Arrow Video Limited Edition [US + International Versions] R0 4K Blu-ray
at UK Amazon #ad
2023 Arrow Video Limited Edition [US + International Versions] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon #ad
Blackout is a 1978 France / Canada action thriller by Eddy Matalon.
Starring James Mitchum, Robert Carradine and Belinda Montgomery.
Promotional material for a 2019 release speaks of itself as the uncut
version. It is not yet clear which version has been cut.
Summary Notes
Thriller about four sadistic criminals who, after escaping during a transfer, take over a posh Manhattan
apartment complex and start looting and terrorizing its occupants during New York City's famous 1977 blackout.
v Blackout
- 2007 US thriller by Rigoberto Castañeda.
Blackout is a 2007 US thriller by Rigoberto Castañeda. With Amber Tamblyn, Aidan Gillen and Armie Hammer.
Cut by the BBFC for 2008 18 rated DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Mostly Thumbs Down
Three people from different walks of life find themselves trapped inside a
stalled elevator. What at first seems like an inconvenience rapidly escalates into a nightmare.
Mixed reviews with most giving it the thumbs down. A couple of reviewers were intrigued by the concept of the film though.
Cuts were required to remove scenes of sexualised violence (including images of scalpel held near woman's breast, which is then used to cut around her nipple in a torture sequence)
sexual violence (during a torture sequence). [A rape scene has been deleted where the victim is horribly slashed before being raped by a man who had covered himself in salt]
Blackout is a 2012 UK action thriller. With Christopher
Eccleston, Olivia Cooke and Dervla Kirwan.
Summary Notes
A council man becomes increasingly disillusioned over the years, but a heroic act gets him approval
and becomes a front-runner for the mayor-ship of Manchester while trying to keep his own secrets buried.
UK: A re-edited version of Episode 3 was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, language and brief strong sex for:
The Blackout is a 2019 Russia action thriller by Egor Baranov Starring Aleksey Chadov, Pyotr Fyodorov and Svetlana Ivanova
The original Russian version runs for approx. 153 minutes. For the export version the
running time was reduced to approx. 127 minutes. Additionally, there is a 6-part TV version which runs for approx. 296 minutes.
Summary Notes
No meteorites hit Earth, no
terrorists put the world in danger, no atomic war was started, but something did go wrong. Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from
the Space. What military forces find outside the Ring is shocking. There are dead corpses everywhere: in stores, in cars, on roads, in hospitals and railway stations. Who or what is destroying all life on Earth? How long will the last outpost of mankind
Original Version
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence, sexual violence, language, sex:
2019 cinema release
shortened International Version
Sweden: The International Version has been significantly shortened
Blacula is a 1972 USA horror thriller by William Crain. Starring William Marshall,
Vonetta McGee and Denise Nicholas.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1973 cinema release. Uncut and 15 rated on home video. Uncut and PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Interior decorators buy the coffin of an African
prince bitten by Dracula centuries before and bring it back to Los Angeles. The African prince starts feeding his hunger while following a woman who looks like his departed wife.
An absolute hoot from start to finish, this
Blaxploitation riff on Bram Stoker's seminal Gothic horror has William Marshall's African Prince unintentionally offending the original Count Dracula, consequently becoming the titular vampire and running amok in 1970s LA.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong horror for:
2009 Eureka Blacula Complete Collection RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo
at UK Amazon
2008 Optimum [Dracula + Scream
Blacula Scream] R2 DVD is available at UK Amazon
A Blade in the Dark is a 1983 Italy giallo by Lamberto Bava. Starring Andrea Occhipinti, Anny Papa and Fabiola Toledo.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS. Uncut on home video since 2001. Uncut and
MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Highly recommended
A killer stalks a composer staying at a posh Tuscany villa while writing the score to a horror film which has an incriminating clue to the
killer's identity.
This is a brilliant. I consider it to be a true masterpiece. This film is like a whodunnit, only with good gore scenes, nothing over-the-top but more violent than most films take it. Tensely built up and a
few moments that will make you jump.
If you watch Scream then you will see how they stole a lot of ideas from this film, seeing as how Kevin Williamson wrote that I'm not at all surprised.
Highly recommended.
UK: The longer Italian Version was passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
The film was originally shot for Italian television. However, the final cut of the film ended up for theatrical release, at least in its English language form. This version was uncut in terms of being a final director's cut for international
However, a longer version running existed in Italian. The extra footage doesn't add much in the way of plot development or gore, but it does achieve a more layered, character-motivated approach than the consumer friendly earlier cut.
Some of the restored scenes include Bruno making a pay booth call to Julia's boss, more atmospheric night scenes of Bruno exploring the house, a longer build up to the second murder, and several extra red herring bits involving Stanko Molnar as the
groundsman, fondling scissors and generally acting suspiciously.
UK: The shorter English Version was passed 18 after 1:50s BBFC cuts for:
UK: Passed 18 after 9s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
1997 M.I.H.K. VHS
The BBFC cuts were:
At 23 minutes. After man turns wagon around in overhead shot, remove all sight of blindfolded horse galloping through brick wall to emerge on other side, resuming on man's face.
Blade Runner is a 1982 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by Ridley Scott. Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer and Sean Young.
The US Theatrical Version was cut for violence to address viewer antipathy for pre-release screenings. These cuts were not applied to the International Release. A few years later the film was revised in response to this success of
a bootleg workprint sold as a Director's Cut. The tacky happy ending was removed along with the film noir commentary to create the 1992 Director's Cut, but the cut violence was not restored. Finally the cut violence was restored to the Director's Cut to
create the truly uncut, 2007 version called the Final Cut
Promotional Material
Visually spectacular, intensely action-packed and powerfully prophetic since its debut, Blade Runner dazzles in
Ridley Scott's definitive Final Cut, including extended scenes and special effects. In a signature role as 21st-century detective Rick Deckard, Harrison Ford brings his masculine-yetvulnerable presence to this stylish noir thriller. In a future of
high-tech possibility soured by urban and social decay, Deckard hunts for fugitive, murderous replicants -- and is drawn to a mystery woman whose secrets may undermine his soul.
Final Cut
UK: The Final Cut was passed
15 uncut for strong violence for:
BLADE RUNNER is a well known science fiction film which was first released in 1982. This version was passed '15' for some strong violence, including bloody gun shot impacts. As in other versions of
the work, this was thought to be containable at '15', as none of the violence contravenes the BBFC guidelines at '15' which state that violence 'may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury'.
BLADE RUNNER also includes one
muffled use of strong language, brief nudity and mild sex references.
Thanks to Gavin Salked for the notes about the various versions of Blade Runner.
The Final Cut was released in 2007. It starts with the Director's
Cut and restores the violence originally deleted from the US Theatrical Version (which stayed deleted in the Director's Cut).
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed
15 without cuts for:
2014 Warner 30th Anniversary Edition [All 5 versions] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2007 Warner Ultimate Collectors Edition R2 DVD via UK Amazon
2006 Warner Remastered R2 DVD
1999 Warner R2 DVD
1993 Warner VHS
1992 cinema release
When director Ridley Scott learned that theaters were running a workprint billed as a director's cut in 1991 without his permission, he insisted to Warner Bros. that he actually be given the opportunity to make a proper director's cut.
initially wanted to begin with the roughly finished workprint, and add to it scenes he felt were needed, particular the unicorn sequence.
However, due various factors (not least of all some miscommunication between the people involved), the Director's
Cut that was released in 1992 ended up being rather hastily created by starting with the US Theatrical Version, stripping away the narration and happy ending and inserting the unicorn dream sequence. The violence cut for the US Theatrical Version
remained cut in the Director's Cut.
This was released on VHS and Laserdisc in the 1990s, and later on DVD in 1999.
Because the Director's Cut was such a rush job, it was not really a true director's cut. It was put together by film archivist
Michael Arick, working against a very strict time limit, based on notes from Ridley Scott. Whilst Scott approved this cut, it was not his ultimate or preferred version, although he did endorse it as being better than the theatrical
versions. This eventually led to the release of The Final Cut, which took a total of seven years or so to finally come together.
UK: The Workprint was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for
2014 Warner 30th Anniversary Edition [All 5 versions] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2007 Warner Ultimate Collectors Edition R2 DVD via UK Amazon
The workprint was released billed as a director's cut in 1991 without Ridley Scott's approval or permission. This at least spurred the release of an official Director's Cut
UK: The International Theatrical Version was passed 15 without cuts for:
2014 Warner 30th Anniversary Edition [All 5 versions] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2007 Warner Ultimate Collectors Edition R2 DVD via UK Amazon
1986 Warner VHS
UK: The International Theatrical Version was passed AA (14) without cuts for:
1982 cinema release
The uncut version of the time was released outside of the US as the International Theatrical Version. Ironically, this International Theatrical Version went on to become the most widely available cut of the film on US VHS and LaserDisc when the film
was released for home video, unrated, in the 1980s (for one, it was released on Criterion's Laserdisc; again unrated).
UK: The US Theatrical Version was
passed 15 without BBFC cuts for
2014 Warner 30th Anniversary Edition [All 5 versions] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2007 Warner Ultimate Collectors Edition R2 DVD via UK Amazon
US: The US Theatrical Version was MPAA R Rated
US test audiences were shown the proposed theatrical version. The film makers came to the conclusion that viewers objected to the graphic violence and so cuts were made resulting in the
cut US Theatrical Version. The cuts were not however applied to the International Theatrical Version.
Thanks to Dave. The cuts for US audiences were:
The death of Priss is much less violent. The uncut version shows Ford shooting her three times or so and the camera really lingers on her blood oozing body which is graphic to see. However this was reduced for the US Theatrical Version
US Theatrical Version deletes Roy's killing of his genetic creator by pressing his fingers into the eye sockets showing graphically blood and brain matter squirting out for several seconds.
Roy's self mutilation showing the nails going into his
hands is shown in less detail.
Blade Runner 2049 is a 2017 UK / USA / Canada Sci-Fi
thriller by Denis Villeneuve. Starring Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas.
Uncut in the UK (15) and US (R), but cut in India to remove nudity and to
blur the sight of bottles of spirits. An FSK 12 rating in Germany caused a little controversy as a few cinema goers considered the rating too low.
Summary Notes
Thirty years after the events of the
first film, a new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society into chaos. K's discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD blade
runner who has been missing for 30 years.
The Unrated Edition reinserts 2 major scenes amounting of 10 minutes. The first one is an exchange between Drake and Danica where both shared their past including Drake being there during the crucification. He then seduces her. The other one
is right after the final fight between Drake and Blade. The doctors were about to perform an autopsy on Blade when he just simply gets up as if resurrected and leaves the morgue. However, the fate of the doctors were not revealed.
unrated extended edition also has a very different and much more ambiguous ending than the theatrical release.
The consensus is that the extra material does not contribute to the film
BBFC uncut
The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for the 2004 cinema release and 2005 EIV DVD
Blair Witch is a 2016 USA horror thriller by Adam Wingard.
Film distributors in Australia appealed against the MA15+ (15A) rating from the Classification Board. Presumably the distributors were hoping for an M (PG-15) rating as per the original film in the series, Blair Witch Project. The Review Board agreed with the Classification Board and the original rating and consumer advice is maintained
The Blair Witch Project is a 1999 US horror mystery by Daniel Myrick,
Eduardo Sánchez Starring Heather Donahue, Michael C. Williams and Joshua Leonard
Always uncut. There also exists variants via a workprint, screener version and
festival cut suggesting a little late tinkering with the film prior to release.
Summary Notes
Three film students vanish after traveling into a Maryland forest to film a documentary
on the local Blair Witch legend, leaving only their footage behind.
Theatrical Version
UK: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong language and moderate horror:
2024 Second Sight Films [Theatrical Version + 2 variants] Limited Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK
Amazon #ad
2024 Second Sight Films [Theatrical Version + 2 variants] (RB) Blu-ray at
UK Amazon #ad
The most striking difference is actually that the interview with the man in the yellow hat is missing from the workprint. This makes the ending seem even more mystical.
Blakes 7: Space Fall is a 1978 UK TV Sci-Fi episode by Pennant Roberts. Starring Gareth Thomas, Sally Knyvette and Paul Darrow.
BBFC category cuts were required for a PG rated single episode 1990 release on VHS.
although the same scene was left uncut for an omnibus VHS release in 1986. Uncut and PG rated since 2004 DVD.
Blank is a 2019 India action thriller by Behzad Khambata. Starring Sunny Deol, Karan
Kapadia and Karanvir Sharma.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2019.
Summary Notes
A suicide
bomber loses his memory and has a bomb attached to his heart. It is up to the police officers to prevent this bomb from taking innocent lives.
UK: Passed 12A after 8s of BBFC category cuts:
2019 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to make reductions to moments of strong violence in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
v Blastfighter
- 1984 Italy / France action crime mystery by Lamberto Bava (as John Old Jr).
Blastfighter is a 1984 Italy / France action crime mystery by Lamberto Bava (as John Old Jr). Starring Michael Sopkiw, Valentina Forte and George Eastman.
Cut by the BBFC for 1986 VHS. Uncut for 2015 UK home video. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
A former policeman sets out to unleash violent vengeance upon deer poachers
when they rape and kill his long lost daughter.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence,
sexual violence with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
Blastfighter was passed uncut after previous cuts to sexual violence from the 1980s were no longer judged necessary under the BBFC's current Guidelines.
Blaxploitation! is a documentary video by Phil Escott. Starring
Mikel Koven.
Cut by the BBFC for 2015 video.
compulsory cuts 3s
UK: Passed 15 for strong sex, violence after 3s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2015 Arrow Film Distributors video
The BBFC commented:
Company was required to remove a potentially indecent image of a child (in a clip taken from 'Sweet Sweetback's Baad Asssss Song'). Cut required in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, policy and the terms of the Protection of Children
Act 1978.
v Blazing Magnum
- 1976 Italy / Canada / Panama crime mystery thriller by Alberto De Martino (as Martin Herbert).
Blazing Magnum is a 1976 Italy / Canada / Panama crime mystery thriller by Alberto De Martino (as Martin Herbert). Starring Stuart Whitman, John Saxon and Martin Landau.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated 1976 cinema release and 18 rated 1987 VHS. Later uncut and 18 rated for 2023 Blu-ray. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
An Ottawa police
captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal. So desperate is he for revenge that he begin to use his own brutal methods to find the killer. Soon he discovers that not everything is what he thought
it was.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for sexualised
violence, nudity:
Blind Date is a 1984 USA / Greece horror thriller by Nico Mastorakis. Starring Joseph Bottoms, Kirstie Alley and James Daughton.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut
Summary Notes
A man goes blind when remembering his lost girlfriend, but the doctors can't find anything wrong with his eyes. They fit him with an experimental device which allows him to see with
the aid of a computer interface and brain electrodes. Meanwhile, a taxi driver is taking young women up to their apartments, giving them gas, and performing a little fatal amateur surgery on them. Their paths inevitably converge, and the blind man must
try to stop the psychopath.
Director's Cut
Director's Cut
UK: BBFC details not yet published for the Director's Cut:
Blind Fury is a 1989 USA action crime comedy by Phillip Noyce. Starring Rutger Hauer, Terry O'Quinn and Brandon Call.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 15 rated cinema release in 1990. The
cuts were restored for the subsequent 18 rated video release but a further cut was ordered re bomb making instructions. The film is uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Nick Parker was a
Vietnam vet who was blinded during the war. He was found by one of the local tribes, who taught him to enhance his remaining senses and to expertly wield a sword. On his return to the United States, he goes to visit an old Army buddy, Frank Devereaux,
but discovers that he and his wife are divorced, and Frank no longer lives there. What they don't know is that Devereaux was playing in a crooked casino in Reno and accumulated a large debt. The casino boss is willing to forgive his debt if he does
something for him: Devereaux is a chemist, and they want him to make designer drugs. In order to make sure he does it, they try to kidnap his son. But Nick is there, and Nick saves the boy. Thus begins a road trip to Vegas to protect the boy and save his
friend, with the boss' henchmen in pursuit.
UK: Passed 18 after 4s of BBFC compulsory BBFC cuts for:
2018 Mediumrare (RB) Blu-ray
2018 Mediumrare R2 DVD
2018 Mediumrare Amazon Prime VoD [UK only]
1990 RCA/Columbia VHS
The video was upgraded to an 18 and the fight cuts were restored. However a new cut was ordered to remove a reference to the use of detergent in the making of a bomb. The BBFC cuts list read:
At 61m - In scene in cable car, remove blond man's phrase: Gasoline mixed with detergent.
BBFC category cuts
UK: Passed 15 after 22s of BBFC BBFC category cuts for:
1990 cinema release
Thanks to Tim. The BBFC cuts were:
Reel 5 - During fight in corridor between swordsman and two gunmen, reduce sight of sword held across man's mouth.
Reel 5 - Near end of fight in darkened room between swordsman and two
gunmen, reduce sword slashes to held man to one only, and remove all sight of sword placed under man's crotch and then moved upwards.
Blind Terror is a 1971 UK mystery thriller by Richard Fleischer. Starring Mia Farrow, Dorothy Alison and Robin Bailey.
The film exists as a UK/European Version, Blind Terror and a US Version
titled See No Evil.
Summary Notes
Sarah is a blind girl who has returned to her home, a country manor in which all of the occupants are dead. She unknowingly sleeps overnight, among a houseful of
corpses, arising the next morning to quietly creep out of bed, in order not to awaken the other members of the household.
US Version
UK: The US Version was passed 15 uncut for:
2020 Powerhouse Films Standard Edition [US Version + European Version] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon released on 25th May 2020
2017 Powerhouse Films [US
Version + European Version] R0 Blu-ray/R0 Combo at UK Amazon
Columbia/Tri-Star Home video titled See No Evil
UK Version
UK: The UK Version was passed 15 uncut for:
2020 Powerhouse Films Standard Edition [US Version + European Version] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon released on 25th May 2020
2017 Powerhouse Films [US
Version + European Version] R0 Blu-ray/R0 Combo at UK Amazon
Video Collection International VHS
1986 RCA/Columbia Pictures VHS
UK: The UK Version was passed X (18) uncut for:
1971 cinema release
Strangely the running time of the UK cinema version best matches the US version.
Blindman is a 1971 Italy/1971 western by Ferdinando Baldi. With Tony Anthony, Ringo Starr and Lloyd Battista.
Banned but resubmitted and cut for an X rated 1972 cinema release. Uncut in
the US.
Summary Review:
A Great Movie
A blind, but deadly, gunman, is hired to escort fifty mail order brides to their miner husbands. His business partners double cross him, selling the women to
bandit Domingo. Blindman heads into Mexico in pursuit.
This is currently a comic book western. But that doesn't mean that it's bad! It's a great movie and it's violent for a movie made in 1971, one scene at the end is really
A great music score by Stelvio Cipriati, good action scenes and an amazing Tony Anthony makes it to one of the better spaghetti westerns. Don't miss!
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray