Udhayam NH4 is a 2013 India action thriller by MS Manimaran. Starring Siddharth,
Kay Kay Menon and Ashrita Shetty.
BBFC category cuts for a 12A rated 2013 cinema release
Summary Notes
The movie story is set against the backdrop of the National Highways leading to Bangalore.
category cuts
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, threat and drug use after 2:19s of BBFC category cuts for:
2013 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to remove moments of violence and drug use in order to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
The BBFC further explained in the 2013 Annual Report:
Udhayam NH4 contained a scene in which a woman snorts cocaine in a bathroom and some moments of strong violence. The distributor chose to remove these scenes to
achieve its preferred 12A classification
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence, threat and drug use for:
2013 cinema version not released
The film was first submitted and was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, threat and drug use. The distributors had a quick rethink and opted for a cut 12A version.
Ukryta Siec is a 2023 Poland thriller by Piotr Adamski Starring Magdalena
Kolesnik, Andrzej Seweryn and Piotr Trojan
are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
Young journalist Julita Wójcicka is investigating the mysterious death of a television celebrity. He believes that what the
services classify as an unfortunate accident was in fact a precisely planned crime. Every step that brings Julita closer to discovering the truth puts her i...
UK: BBFC 18 rated with a trigger warning for sexual violence, child sex abuse with a trigger warning for
sexual violence, child sex abuse after BBFC cuts:
This work required compulsory cuts to potentially indecent images of children. Cuts were made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, policy, and the Protection of Children Act 1978.
Ireland: Uncut and IFCO 16 rated with a trigger warning for strong language, strong
violence, strong sex scenes, references to suicide and child pornography:
The Ultimate Fighting Championship I is a 1993 US sport film by Mark Lucas Starring Royce Gracie, Gerard Gordeau and Ken Shamrock
Heavily cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1995.
Summary Notes
The Ultimate Fighting Championship debuts, as eight fighters enter the Octagon for a one-night tournament
to determine the superior fighting style, including Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, and Gerard Gordeau.
Cut when
submitted in 2003 with the following justification: Cut to easily imitable and potentially lethal technique (the tying of a plastic bag around a competitor's head) on the grounds that likely viewers or others may suffer harm.
The BBFC added in an email:
The Board looks very closely at images that might convince children that potentially lethal acts are easily reversed. Such acts include climbing into domestic machinery, such as washing
machines; playing with electrical appliances, or nooses, etc. Asphyxiation with a plastic bag obviously falls in to this category. While a more experienced and sophisticated viewer (such as you or I) might recognise that the Ric Flair sequence is only
play, and may result in dire consequences if copied in real life, younger viewers are not always so able to 'reality test'. Younger children, especially, have a tendency to act out or play, as a means of discovering and experiencing things. Adults can
more easily project likely outcomes, based on their wider and lengthier experiences. Children cannot predict the consequences of actions so easily.
We know that the wrestling genre has a considerable audience with younger boys (as low as junior
school age) and although a work may be classified at 15 or 18, some parents and carers choose to ignore this. We would be in dereliction of one of our professed aims and responsibilities, therefore, if we were to pass this work out uncut at any category.
It is a well known fact that children have died in accidents involving plastic bags and the relevant industries have taken measures to prevent this. If any child were to result in harm as a result of copying something they had seen in a videotape, such
as the action discussed, it would be a terrible tragedy. I am sure that you would agree that the loss of some personal freedom, ie cuts, is a small price to pay for the greater good.
Ulysses is a 1967 UK / USA drama by Joseph Strick. Starring Milo O'Shea, Barbara Jefford and Maurice Roëves.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1967. Uncut and 15 rated for
home video releases in 1996 and 2004. The film was notably banned in Ireland from 1967 until 2000.
In an article from faroutmagazine.co.uk it
is contended that this film was one of the first worldwide cinema releases that feature the word 'fuck' whilst also being approved by film censors. This fact seems to be open to debate considering that the strong language was actually censored by the UK
film censor. However if one allows local authority censors to count under the terms of the statistic then indeed it would seem that this may be the first censor approved film to feature the word 'fuck'.
Dublin; June 16, 1904. Stephen
Dedalus, who fancies himself as a poet, embarks on a day of wandering about the city during which he finds friendship and a father figure in Leopold Bloom, a middle-aged Jew. Meanwhile, Bloom's day, illuminated by a funeral and an evening of drinking and
revelry that stirs paternal feelings toward Stephen, ends with a rapprochement with Molly, his earthy wife.
The shorter running time seems explained by the removal of a 6 minute opening blank screen with just a musical overture.
IMDb notes: In the theatrical version, the Nighttown sequence began with a white super reading reading Nighttown scrolling
across the screen. The DVD release omits the super.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for:
1996 Lumiere Pictures VHS
The running time suggests that this is the uncut Theatrical Version as submitted to the BBFC in 1967.
Theatrical Version
UK: It is reported that the film was released
uncut with an x (18) certificate for:
1970 cinema release
This is not reported in the BBFC database though. Perhaps there was some sort of informal reassessment when the cinema certificates were changed in 1970. The 16+ X certificate was replaced with an 18+ certificate at that time.
UK: The film
was widely released 18 uncut on local authority X ratings, eg Manchester Council for
1967 cinema release
These uncut releases meant that the film was first film officially released in the UK which featured the word 'fuck'.
UK: Passed X (16) after compulsory cuts for:
1967 cinema release
From IMDb:
When the film was submitted to the BBFC in 1967 when they requested 29 cuts to remove strong language and crude sexual references from Molly's final soliloquy.
In response director
Joseph Strick replaced all the offending footage with a blank screen and a bleep or high pitched shrieking sound,
It is reported in some reference sources that the BBFC responded to Strick's highlighting of cuts by changing their
minds and approving an uncut release. In fact it seems that the BBFC cuts stood but many local authorities overruled the BBFC cuts with their own local X ratings for an uncut release. Furthermore it seems that the BBFC may have encouraged the councils to
take this course.
In an article from faroutmagazine.co.uk it is contended that this film was one of the first worldwide cinema releases that
feature the word 'fuck' whilst also being approved by film censors. This fact seems to be open to debate considering that the strong language was actually censored by the UK film censor. However if one allows local authority censors to count under the
terms of the statistic then indeed it would seem that this may be the first censor approved film to feature the word 'fuck'.
New Zealand
Ireland: Banned from 1967 until it was unbanned in September 2000.
The film was however shown in Ireland without a certificate in cinema clubs.
The film was banned mainly because of the Molly Bloom soliloquy which
was deemed too pornographic for the tender ears of Irish filmgoers.
New Zealand: Mixed audiences were bizarrely banned, but the film was still screened for single sex audiences.
Ulzana's Raid is a 1972 USA western adventure by Robert Aldrich. Starring
Burt Lancaster, Bruce Davison and Jorge Luke.
There is a Robert Aldrich Director's Cut which was shown in the US. Burt Lancaster re-edited the film for the first European releases. The BBFC cut the film for violence for an X rated 1973 cinema release. These cuts were restored for
VHS but new cuts for horsefalls were then required. In 2003 the Director's Cut was submitted for DVD but again the animal cruelty cuts were required.
Summary Notes
Report reaches the US cavalry that the
Apache leader Ulzana has left his reservation with a band of followers. A compassionate young officer, Lieutenant DeBuin, is given a small company to find him and bring him back; accompanying the troop is McIntosh, an experienced scout, and Ke-Ni-Tay, an
Apache guide. Ulzana massacres, rapes and loots across the countryside; and as DeBuin encounters the remains of his victims, he is compelled to learn from McIntosh and to confront his own naiveté and hidden prejudice.
Robert Aldrich Version
Germany: The German release is uncut and includes all the horse falls (with English soundtrack) for:
Australia: The Australian DVD release from Universal is the uncut Aldrich version.
UK: The Robert Aldrich Version was passed 15 after 17s of BBFC cuts for:
2003 Universal R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Cuts required to sight of illegal horse falls
The UK DVD (and previous VHS) were cut by the BBFC to remove various horse falls. The cuts are very noticeable and render some scenes nonsensical. They are as follows:
when the Indians shoot the horse of the trooper rescuing the boy
two horse falls removed when Burt Lancaster uses a rifle to bring down two Indians, including Ulzana's son
The subsequent return of fire in which Lancaster's horse is
brought down
At the end, when the Indians attack the wagon party, they direct two horses into a small canyon and bring them down with a rope stretched across the trail.
From IMDB:
There are two versions of this film, Robert Aldrich's print (RA) and Burt Lancaster's (BL) print.
There are many subtle differences between the two although the overall
running times are similar and most of the changes involve alterations of shots or lines of dialog within scenes.
The major differences versions are:
The Aldrich version has an opening scene (before the credits) showing Ulzana leaving the reservation. This is missing from the Lancaster print.
The BL version deletes almost all shots of
Burt Lancaster's Indian woman - played by Aimee Eccles
The BL version has a scene showing the two troopers pursuing the wounded Indian, The off-screen Indian kills one of them with rifle fire and the survivor rides
away. This is missing from the RA print therefore creating more ambiguity as to what actually happened when the survivor returns.
The scene in which the rape victim plunges herself in the river is longer in the RA
version and she refers to herself trying to wash it off . In the BL version, the scene is abridged to suggest only suicide.
UK: The Robert Aldrich was passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
1973 cinema release
There were cuts for violence including:
the shots of Willy Rukeyser's mutilated body
the scene where the Indians throw the trooper's severed heart to each other the
Note that a 16mm version distributed to cinema clubs does not have the BBFC cuts.
UK: Thanks to Gary Couzens. The Aldrich version has been shown several times by the BBC since 1979, with the horsefalls intact but with cuts to violence made
for the first showing, which was at 9.25pm on BBC1 on 24 September 1979.
The National Film Archive's copy is the BBC's print and unfortunately still has the BBC's cuts in it.
Burt Lancaster Version
UK: The Burt Lancaster Version was passed 18 after 45s of BBFC cuts for:
1985 CIC VHS
The cuts for violence were restored but the video was cut of 45s of horse falls.
v Un Flic
- 1972 France / Italy crime thriller by Jean-Pierre Melville.
Un Flic is a 1972 France / Italy crime thriller by Jean-Pierre Melville. Starring Alain Delon, Richard Crenna and Catherine Deneuve.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1971. Uncut and 12 rated
on home video. Uncut and PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Bank robbery in small town ends with one of the robbers being wounded. The loot from the robbery is just an asset for the
even more spectacular heist. Simon, gang leader and Paris night club owner, must also deal with police comissaire Edouard Colemane, who happens to be his good friend.
The cuts are similar for all UK video releases. The cuts were:
The confrontation between Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal) and the numerous people in the work shop has been censored by 5 seconds. The scene were one person gets cut up his inside thigh, then under his arm is eliminated. Also trimmed is the person who
gets pushed near to the saw we don't see him being kneed in the groin forcing him upwards onto the saw which cuts into his right shoulder.
The fight with the last mercenary before Strannix has him have his Adam's apple ripped out.
final fight between Casey and Strannix (Tommy Lee Jones) has also been shortened we don't see the result of the eye-gouging.
Thanks to Chris. E4 showed an uncut version of Under Siege with Steven Segal last night (04/12/06) All of the cuts stated on your site were included. Does this mean we can see an uncut version on DVD soon?
Under Siege 2 is a 1995 US action film by Geoff Murphy. With Steven Seagal, Eric Bogosian and Everett McGill.
Cut in the US to achieve an R rating. This version was passed uncut for UK
cinema release but the BBFC made many cuts for 18 rated home video.
Summary Notes
Casey Ryback hops on a Colorado to LA train to start a vacation with his niece. Early into the trip, terrorists board
the train and use it as a mobile HQ to hijack a top secret destructive US satellite.
Canada: The following additional scenes were spotted in the 13 rated Canadian cinema version
during the fight with a terrorist where Ryback cuts the terrorist's wrist, the fight concludes with Ryback stabbing the terrorist in the neck which is why you see blood on the terrorists chin and sweater when he falls out of the cupboard.
Also, during the climatic fight with the lead terrorist at the end Ryback forces the terrorists face onto a hot cooker (no cooking was being done!) This is just before they fall down the stairs. This is why the terrorist has a large red mark on his left cheek when you look at him lying down after falling down the stairs.
There is also much more to the final fight in the downstairs kitchen.
It is speculated that this is additional footage cut by the MPAA for an R Rating.
best available
99:39s =95:40s
The R rated version was released uncut without a BBFC rating for:
2012 Warner Steven Seagal Collection R0 Blu-ray via UK Amazon
There's no sign of the extended or uncut version being released on DVD, so for the moment this is the best available.
Thanks to Mukesh, April 2009:
Also shown in the R Rated Version on the UK Sci-Fi Channel
Thanks to Andrew Oct 2006:
Shown on UK Bravo TV in the R Rated Version so perhaps a film where the BBFC have given an informal nod towards an uncut release
UK: The R Rated Version was passed 18 after 2:01s of BBFC cuts for:
1999 Warner R2 DVD
1999 Warner VHS
1996 Warner VHS
The BBFC commented:
Macho heroics were the order of the day in Steven Seagal's Under Siege 2, but the violence seemed too pervasive and gloating foy any category lower than 18, despite
the distributor's willingness to cut. On video, however, the same relish for violence, most of it by the hero himself, could not be sanctioned at any category, and heavy cuts were made for 18. In retrospect, it might have been more satisfactory on film
and video to have reduced the violence even further for the 15 requested.
The BBFC cuts were:
After Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal) takes a knife from a mercenary we don't see the one second shot of the slash that he makes to his wrist.
When the mercenaries are told to sweep the train for an intruder and proceed to check the
roof of the train, Ryback kicks someone off the front of it, however we don't see a brief close up of the top half of him being dragged along.
Dramatic cuts to the scene when Ryback throws the makeshift bomb at the top of the stairs which is
caught by a mercenary, who goes up in flames, we don't see him then knock into another mercenary who also sets alight, after they stagger about for a quite a few seconds, some others try to put them out with coats while Penn (Everett McGill) has another
method and shoots one of them in the back before they use extinguishers.
The first mercenary down the stairs who gets shot by a flare and ignites, omits the shots of him falling all the way down, who then stands up and is then kicked by Ryback,
knocking the guy backwards hitting a doorway before falling out.
Next mercenary down the stairs who confronts Ryback we don't see him thrown into the side of the train, then have both his wrists broken before being suddenly brought to his knees.
When Ryback is hanging onto the side of the cliff and jumps across to the mercenary who drops a line next to him, after hitting him a few times we don't see Ryback swinging the rope smashing the guys face into the cliff.
When mercenary
(Peter Grene) sneaks up behind the porter Bobby Zecks (Morris Chestnut), with which Ryback sneaks up behind him, after he flips him to the ground we should see his head being forced back, breaking his neck, hence Bobby's expression and the line Oh
shit, you're definitely a bad mother fucker .
When Ryback is in the carriage full of hostages we should have another few seconds of the knife that he throws into a mercenary's neck and then him slowly falling to the ground.
Ryback says he's coming to get his niece now to Penn, and mercenery (Patrick Killpatrick) says to him looks like you've fucked up old man, I say it's time to cut and run , in this country we only get a glimpse of the mercenary removing
a knife from his trousers and attempt to stab Penn, who then in a split second removes the knife and stabs him in the front of the neck, who then falls to the ground.
When Ryback notices the grenade trap and sets it off he is attacked by another
mercenary, when they are rolling about on the floor Ryback breaks his arm.
Close up of the knives that Ryback and Penn use before they fight.
Don't hear the sound effect of Penn having his neck broken after Ryback does the deed.
Once inside the helicopter after the trains crash into each other, Ryback closes the door on Danes fingers severing them as he slowly falls into the fire ball below, before going up in flames.
The Undertaker is a 1988 USA horror by Franco Steffanino. Starring Joe Spinell,
Rebecca Varon and Patrick Askin.
Exists as an uncut version and a re-cut censored version.
Promotional Material
For years Roscoe (Joe Spinell) has
been the town undertaker. However, inside his funeral home, he's been amassing a bloody collection of human souvenirs, which he uses in unspeakable acts of violence and perversion. When some townspeople begin to disappear under strange circumstances,
Roscoe's nephew starts to grow suspicious of the goings on at his uncle's funeral parlor. As he gets closer to the truth, he inadvertently begins putting the lives of those around him at risk, as well as his own...
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2017 Vinegar Syndrome (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) Combo at US Amazon
Underworld is a 2003 UK / Germany / Hungary / USA action fantasy by Len Wiseman. Starring Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman and Shane Brolly.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Cut with no censorship
issues for either.
Summary Notes
A war has been raging between the Vampires and Lycan for centuries, Selene (Beckinsale) is a death dealer, assigned to hunt down and eradicate the last of the Lycan.
When she comes across Michael Corvin (Speedman) who holds the key to end the war she must decide where her allegiances will lie.
Extended Cut
UK: The Unrated/Extended Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong violence and language for:
2007 Entertainment in Video [Theatrical + Extended] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 Sony [Theatrical + Extended Versions] (RA) 4k Blu-ray/Blu-ray Combo at US Amazon
There is more insight in the relationship between Erika and Kraven, some more of Michael's history and a little more shooting, but none of this is necessary to understand the movie better. Some of the extra material was surely correctly dropped for reasons of pacing and there is no difference to the overall level of violence
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for strong violence and language for:
2007 Entertainment in Video [Theatrical + Extended] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2005 Entertainment in Video [Theatrical Version only] R2 DVD at UK
Underworld U.S.A. is a 1961 USA crime thriller by Samuel Fuller. Starring Cliff Robertson, Dolores Dorn and Beatrice Kay.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1961. Uncut and 12 rated
for 2018 home video.
Summary Notes
Fourteen-year-old Tolly Devlin sees four hoods beat his father to death. Twenty years later, the killers have risen to the top of the crime syndicate and Tolly has a
plan for revenge.
UK: Passed 12 uncut for moderate violence, drug references for:
Unearthly Stranger is a 1964 UK Sci-Fi film by John Krish. Starring John Neville, Philip Stone and Gabriella Licudi.
BBFC category cuts for an A rated cinema release in 1964
Summary Notes
Dr. Mark Davidson (John Neville) government scientist meets a mysterious woman and is married quickly. He knows little of her past. His government superiors want to know more about his wife and certain strange
attributes, "She never blinks", and slipping up by taking hot pans out of ovens bare handed without being burned point towards his wife more than she appears. But it turns out she actually does love her husband scientist so her superiors kills
her and set out to kill Davidson.
category cuts
best available
UK: Presumably the cut cinema version was passed PG uncut for mild fantasy violence, threat for:
Unfriended: Dark Web is a 2018 USA horror by Stephen Susco. Starring Betty Gabriel, Colin Woodell and Rebecca Rittenhouse.
There are no censorship issues with this release. The film has two alternative endings.
The film was submitted in 2 versions, both rated R for some disturbing violence, language and sexual references. These are 2 alternative ends
and as a marketing gimmick, it is random as to which ending theatre goers will see.
Unhinged is a 1982 US horror by Don Gronquist. With Laurel Munson, Janet Penner and Sara
Uncut by the BBFC for an 18 rated 1983 cinema release. Banned as a video nasty in 1983. Uncut for DVD since 2004.
Summary Review :
Check it out
Three college girls on their way to
a jazz festival crash their car in the isolated woods during a rainstorm, and are taken in by a mysterious family in an old mansion. Little do the girls know, the family has a dark, murderous secret.
Of course the acting is
second rate and mundane in places, of course the camera work is shoddy, of course the direction is somewhat inept and the script is tacky. But it was made on a tight budget for crying out loud. In fact, I'll gladly offer a billion quid to anyone who can
name me just one perfectly directed slasher film.
Nevertheless, there are more upsides than downsides to this movie: the violence can be quite shocking in places (especially the machette killing) which happens off screen
but is still relentless and brutal. The synth music is eerily brilliant and the overall brooding atmosphere makes you think twice about visiting the toilet for a while.
C heck it out - it's a really good horror film.
UK: 88 Films announced in July 2014 that the company will re-release Unhinged on DVD
The Unholy is a 1988 USA horror by Camilo Vila. Starring Ben Cross, Hal Holbrook and Ruben Rabasa.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1988 cinema release and follow up VHS. Uncut
on 18 rated DVD since 2002.
Summary Notes
In New Orleans, a series of horrific murders of priests are occurring around the city's Catholic churches. The diocese calls in Father Michael (Cross) to fight
the powerful demon, known as Daesidarius, or The Unholy. The Father's faith is tested almost to the breaking point as the demon - disguised as a stunningly beautiful lady - attempts to seduce Father Michael into breaking his vows. Father Michael soon
learns how the Unholy works - by murdering the sinner in the act of sinning, then sending that person's soul to Hell. Will this one priest's inner strength be enough to stop this monster - or will he join the ranks of the other ill-fated priests?
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence, horror :
The Unholy Rollers is a 1972 USA action comedy drama by Vernon
Zimmerman. With Claudia Jennings, Louis Quinn and Betty Anne Rees.
Cut by the BBFC for 1974 cinema release. Uncut in the US
Summary Notes
Karen wants more action out of life and quits her job at the cannery to become a skater in the roller derby. She
encounters friction from the other skaters - especially Mickey, the current number one star of the team. Karen proves herself a feisty competitor but refuses to be a team player. As she skates her way to roller stardom, she incurs the wrath of jealous
team members and the owner of the team.
R rated
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2013 Shout! Factory R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 10th December 2013
Uninvited is a 1988 USA Sci-Fi horror by Greydon Clark. Starring George Kennedy, Alex
Cord and Clu Gulager.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an International Version
Promotional Material
At a secluded biochemical lab, which runs cruel tests on animals, a seemingly innocent looking
cat has just escaped, but beneath its furry exterior, a terrifying monster has been seeded, emerging to brutally maim and kill anyone it finds threatening. Discovered by a group of teenage spring breakers and brought aboard a luxury yacht bound for the
Cayman Islands, the cuddly fluff ball quickly begins gnawing away at the ship's guests and crew. But to make matters even worse, it's soon revealed that the cruise's host, a renowned multimillionaire, is in fact on the run from the law and won't return
the boat to shore, killer mutant cat be damned!
International Version
US: The International Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Vinegar Syndrome [Theatrical + International Versions] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US
2019 Vinegar Syndrome Amazon Prime VoD [US only] at US Amazon
The International Cut features exclusive footage including a topless scene with Suzanne and an alternate ending. The version is also missing scenes including detail the prehistory in which the cat breaks out of the laboratory and an additional attack
in which two truck drivers are killed.
US Version
UK: Passed 18 uncut:
1988 Braveworld VHS
US: The US Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Vinegar Syndrome [Theatrical + International Versions] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US
Germany: There is also a German release of the uncut NC-17 Version (as well as a cut FSK 18 rated version)
US: See
pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com . The Theatrical Version
suffered 33s of cuts mainly due to bloody shootings in a brothel being toned down by reducing blood an injury.
Hyams : Yeah, there is an NC-17 cut. The one that's On-Demand and in theaters is R. When they fight in the sporting goods
store and he nails him with a bat, what did you see?
Collider : I think we see his face cave in a little bit. But the thing I remember most is the reaction shot of the girlfriend where she's looking at the main character
and thinking, Oh... this guy might be less safe than anyone else around me.
Hyams : Right. So, you might have seen the R cut.
Collider : What's in the NC-17 version there?
Hyams : In the NC-17 version, at least in that scene in particular -- and that's just one moment -- you literally like half of his face fly off.
Collider : Yeah, I mostly remember the girl. But I
figured you would have gotten the NC-17 for the scene where there's the naked guy who gets shot and stabbed a bunch of times.
Hyams : Yeah, somehow the guy's naked frontal didn't bother them. We had to take out one... that
scene in the brothel, there were a bunch of cuts to that. I would say that there were cuts made to every action scene in the movie. Some of them not so drastic, most of them not so drastic. Just little bits here and there, maybe not lingering on
something for so long. what [the MPAA] had said to me was that, outside of a few very specific images we had to get rid of, it was mostly just about the accumulation of the violence.
Collider : Yeah. It's grueling at a
point. But it's never grueling in a way that made me want to stop watching. I wanted to find out what happened next. But it was an endurance test on some level.
Hyams : Right, right. So the NC-17 version might be a slightly
greater endurance test. But it plays pretty much the same. We showed the NC-17 version at Fantastic-Fest. But the Blu-Ray will be the unrated version.
v Unleashed
- 2005 France/USA/UK action crime thriller by Louis Leterrier.
A Long Version was passed 15 uncut for the 2010 Ayngaran DVD.
106:16s =102:01s
A Short Version was cut by 25s for a 12A for the 2009 cinema release.
The distributor chose to remove one shot in order to receive a 12A category. The shot removed depicted a police suspect involuntarily urinating while under interrogation. An uncut 15 was available.
Back in the 1800's a lady gives birth to a monster. They decide that the baby is too ugly to name, therefore the monster is known as the Unnamable . The creature brutally
slaughters his family, and gets trapped in a vault. Go ahead to 1998, and some college students have heard the story about the unnamable and want to check out the vault...
Pros: Cast is game, especially Mark Kinsey Stephenson who
sinks his teeth into the role. Eerie score. Spooky location and atmosphere. Moves along at a decent pace. Writer/director/co-producer Jean-Paul Ouellette does a pretty good job of creating suspense. Impressive monster suit, not to mention frightening.
Also some realistic gore effects. Made with an obvious affection for the source material.
Cons: Really thin of plot, which hurts the pacing a little. An abundance of cliche's. A bit dated.
Unplanned is a 2019 USA drama by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon. Starring Ashley
Bratcher, Brooks Ryan and Robia Scott.
A religious film campaigning against abortion. The film was turned down for distribution in Canada. Anti abortionists called this out as censorship, but maybe the
distributors simply didn't want to get involved with this incendiary religious debate.
Unsane - 1982 Italy horror mystery thriller by Dario Argento. See Tenebrae
Unthinkable is a 2010 USA thriller by Gregor Jordan. Starring Samuel L Jackson, Carrie-Anne Moss and Michael Sheen.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version
Summary Notes
A convert to Islam sends the U.S. government a tape showing him in three nondescript storage rooms, each of which may contain a nuclear bomb set to detonate in less than a week.
Helen Brody, an FBI agent in L.A., is tasked with finding the bombs while a CIA "consultant," known as H, interrogates the suspect who has allowed himself to be caught. The suspect, whose wife and children have left him and disappeared, seems to know
exactly what the interrogation will entail. Even as H ratchets up the pressure, using torture over Brody's objection, the suspect doesn't crack. Should H do the unthinkable, and will Brody acquiesce? Is any Constitutional principle worth possible loss of
Extended Version
UK: Passed 18 uncut for very strong images of torture:
The Untold Story is a 1993 Hong Kong crime comedy drama by Danny Lee, Herman Yau Starring Anthony Chau-Sang Wong, Danny Lee and Emily Kwan
The film was unavailable for many years in the UK with the assumption that the BBFC would never pass it. The BBFC offered a cut release in 2005 but the distributor didn't take this up. The video was finally passed 18 uncut in 2023. Uncut and
MPAA Unrated in the US. The film was also cut in Hong Kong.
Summary Review: Unpredictable, daring, extreme
This story concerns a serial killer posing as a restaurant proprietor who goes into
violent rages and indulges in sadistic acts.
For those of you looking for something to disturb you, seek this out. It's not an atypical story by any means, but the murder scenes are pretty grisly. It's not quite all out
gore, but it's pretty disturbing in that you're just not used to this kind of stuff.
One guy gets chopped up into dim sum. In another sequence, a family gets hacked to pieces...you ever notice in Hollywood where murdered
children get killed offscreen? Not here. There's also a graphic rape scene involving chopsticks that ain't exactly feminist-friendly.
It's rare you see a horror film provoking anything more than laughter nowadays. This one
is all out, gung-ho savagery. What's even weirder is the moments of slapstick that pop-up whenever the cops are in a scene. A strange way to lighten the darker scenes, but, that's Asian cinema for you...unpredictable, daring, extreme and the polar
opposite of Western filmmaking.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for sexual violence,
strong bloody violence, threat, gore:
UK: The film was unavailable for many years in the UK with the assumption that the BBFC would never pass it.
Thanks to Scott.The BBFC offered a cut release in 2005 but the distributor didn't take this up. The BBFC explained:
A work called THE UNTOLD STORY co-directed by Danny Lee and Herman Yau was submitted in 2005 for classification. The film was discussed across the Board, and cuts were requested under the Board's sexual violence policy to a scene of
sexual assault. The work was never classified as the distributor - according to our records - did not respond to the request for cuts within the allotted time scale. The work was withdrawn after there was no further response from the distributor to a
reminder sent to them.
Up! is a 1976 USA comedy by Russ Meyer. With Edward Schaaf, Robert McLane, Elaine Collins.
Summary Review :
Entertaining Movie!
A German (Nazi) type person is killed after someone slips a piranha into his bathtub. Undercover agent Margo Winchester makes her entrance by jogging down the highway. She is nearly raped and killed by one of the
locals. She soon gains the confidence of the locals and begins investigating the murder.
A very good movie on the Russ Meyer scale. I only wish the Raven De La Croix had made more movies.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2005 Arrow Russ Meyer Collection R2 DVD at UK Amazon
At 20 mins - Reduce sexual assault and rape on river bank as follows:
1) when man chases woman across stream, reduce sight of him beating her unconscious; 2) when he drags her semi-clad body onto river bank, remove sight of him removing
her trousers and gazing at her nude body; 3) when he parts her legs in long shot, remove all forcible sex, resuming as she regains consciousness and resumes the fight.
At 59 mins - When woman sitting on bar teases man in check shirt into
violent assault, reduce rape sequence as follows:
1) after blond man grabs long-haired woman and throws her down on table, remove close ups of bared breasts and sight of underwear being torn off, resuming on reverse shot of man's back between
woman's legs; 2) after man removes braces, remove close up of woman's reaction and screams and shot of penis dangling between legs, resuming long shot of figure walking towards isolated telephone box; also remove all close ups of rape victim's face
(eight in total)
The UK cinema and 1998 Arrow video versions were cut by 26 secs
by the BBFC to reduce shots of Bob kissing Margaretta's groin area during the opening lovemaking scene. The cuts were expanded to 1 min 17 secs for the 1999 Cinema Club release which deleted the entire scene.
The 1987 VPM version was titled:
Confessions of an Odd-Job Man
The Upside is a 2017 USA comedy drama by Neil Burger. Starring Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston
and Nicole Kidman.
Originally produced by the Weinstein Company with an MPAA R rating in mind. The company was bankrupted in the wake of the #MeToo affair and the film was bought out.
The new company then cut it down to PG-13 for its US releaase.
Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend is a 1989 Japanese anime by Hideki Takayama. With Christopher Courage, Rebel Joy and Bill Timoney.
The International Version merges the 3 original episodes (Birth of the Overfiend, Curse of the Overfiend and Final Inferno) into a feature length film and was cut to remove (pixellated) hardcore elements. This was released in teh US
with an MPAA NC-17 rating. This was further cut by the BBFC for an 18 rating. The Perfect Collection is uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review : Best anime stories ever
Probably one of the best anime stories ever. Not for kids or the squeamish though. Tells a very good story and worth adding to your collection.
This ones been around for a while, and will continue to live on.
Its notoriety lies
in its extreme violence and visceral visuals. The film's women get the worst treatment; female students are lecherously lensed, starting with scenes of half-clothed locker room horseplay and continuing in excessive up-skirt shots. Maimed and mutilated
female bodies randomly litter the background of other scenes. Perhaps the most prominent atrocities are the repeated scenes of rape, with the film's most infamous attack featuring phallic tentacles accosting and probing an unwilling victim. This
tentacled violation, which occurs in an early scene, is often cited as the representative moment of this feature-length depravity.
Urotsukidoji was initially released in three parts, between 1987 and 1989, as an original video animation (or OVA),
ie it was not made as a broadcast TV series.
The first part was released in the US edited into a feature length film after 30 minutes of censor cuts for material deemed too extreme for the US. It ended up being rated NC-17. The film gained a
reputation as the cinematic obscenity that forged the stereotype that All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles .
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Central park Media Perfect Collection R0 DVD via US Amazon
The collection has uncut versions of Urotsukidoji 1-3. Part 4 is slightly cut and missing the alternate ending.
cut 3m
US: Cut and MPAA NC-17 rated:
The film was cut to remove the pixellated hardcore elements.
Urotsukidoji 2: Legend of the Demon Womb is a 1993 Japanese anime by Hideki Takayama. With Christopher Courage, Rebel Joy and Bill Timoney.
A movie length version was created from the TV episodes and contains re-drawn unpixellated sex scenes. This was significantly cut for UK VHS release in 1993.
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Central park Media Perfect Collection R0 DVD via US Amazon
The collection has uncut versions of Urotsukidoji 1-3. Part 4 is slightly cut and missing the alternate ending.
pre-cut version was passed 18 after a further 3:12s of BBFC cuts for
1993 Manga VHS
The cuts are:
Missing are scenes of hardcore, oral sex and masturbation,
Missing scenes of sexual violence
Masked multi orifice rape by tentacled monsters.
Also cut to a mention of penetration by mechanical devices.
Urotsukidoji 3: Return of the Overfiend is a 1993 Japan animation horror fantasy by Hideki Takayama. Starring Tsutomu Kashiwakura, Yasunori Matsumoto and Miyuki Matsushita.
Substantially cut for a BBFC 18 certificate. The UK release is in the format of 4 individual episodes complete with plot summary catch-ups rather than being edited into a feature length film.
Summary Notes
As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the
tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an Apocalyptic battle of the Gods
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Central park Media Perfect Collection R0 DVD via US Amazon
The collection has uncut versions of Urotsukidoji 1-3. Part 4 is slightly cut and missing the alternate ending.
53:48s 51:13s
UK: Episode 1 was passed 18 after 3:31s of BBFC cuts for:
2000 Paradox/Revelation R0 DVD
1994 Kiseki/Manga VHS
Submitted twice. It looks a like a heavily pre-cut version was submitted and then a month later an uncut version was submitted but subject to BBFC cuts, but still ended up longer than the original submission.
UK: Episode2 was passed 18 after 7:22s of BBFC cuts for:
2000 Paradox/Revelation R0 DVD
1994 Kiseki/Manga VHS
Submitted twice. It looks a like a heavily pre-cut version was submitted and then a month later an uncut version was submitted but subject to BBFC cuts, but still ended up longer than the original submission.
The cuts were for blurred hardcore sex
scenes featuring some imaginative sexual violence.
6:28s 6:25s
40:41s 41:59s
UK: Episode3 was passed 18 after 3s of further BBFC cuts for:
2000 Paradox/Revelation R0 DVD
UK: Episode3 was passed 18 after 7:22s of BBFC cuts for:
1994 Kiseki/Manga VHS
The cuts were for blurred hardcore sex scenes featuring some imaginative sexual violence.
41:21s 41:31s
UK: Episode4 was passed 18 after 8:07s of BBFC cuts for:
2000 Paradox/Revelation R0 DVD
1996 Kiseki/Manga VHS
1995 Kiseki/Manga VHS
The cuts were for blurred hardcore sex scenes featuring some imaginative sexual violence.
Urotsukidoji 4: Infernal Road is a 1994 Japan animation Sci-Fi horror by Hideki Takayama. Starring S Watkins, Robert Blue and Bat Mackeral.
The original was made up of 3 episodes. Episode 1 was banned by the BBFC in 1996 and 2000, Episode 2 was never submitted and Episode 3 was cut by the BBFC for 2001 DVD
Summary Notes
It is the age of the Overfiend, and flesh-hungry monsters rule the Earth. Immortal half-demon Amano Jyaku travels the wasteland, witness to the rape and torture of the human race. The last hope for humanity is the demonic Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's natural enemy. Will the world survive their final battle?
UK: Episode 1 (Secret Garden) was banned by the BBFC for:
2000 Paradox/Revelation R0 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Throughout the work, there are realistic animated representations of children involved in sexual acts and perceived as sexual objects, or witnessing sexual
acts. The Board's concern about the attractiveness of such material to paedophiles, and the appeal of the cartoon style to young children who would thereby be more vulnerable to its use by paedophiles to entice them, was confirmed by advice from a
Consultant Clinical Psychologist. It is therefore unsuitable for classification under the Video Recordings Act 1984.
Before rejection, the Board carefully considered whether
cuts would remove the dangers. However, they would have to be so extensive that no viable version of the work would remain. Indeed, it is doubtful if any version of the work would be acceptable.
UK: Episode 1 (Secret Garden)
was banned by the BBFC for:
1996 Kiseki /Manga VHS
The BBFC commented:
Rejected on the grounds of its pornographic treatment of sexual violence. This involved children in the abuse and physical mutilation of women. in one scene a
boy of 10 or 11 years old is sexually assaulted by two naked women and saves himself by tearing them apart, stripping the flesh off one and ripping the other's buttocks apart. Children become voyeurs of adult sex, instigating and viewing orgies and
applauding the rape of pubescent children. As so often in Manga cartoons, these are tentacled multi-orifice rapes by lecherous monsters, which the Board found depraving and corrupting.
UK: Episode 3 (Quest's End) was passed 18 after 2:31s of compulsory BBFC cuts for:
2001 Paradox/Revelation Films DVD
The BBFC commented:
Cuts required to remove sight of tentacular rape and breast groping
Used Cars is a 1980 US comedy by Robert Zemeckis Starring Kurt Russell, Jack Warden and Gerrit Graham
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'AA' rating in 1980. 15 rated and uncut on home
video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
When the owner of a struggling used car lot is killed, it's up to the lot's hot-shot salesman to save the property from falling
into the hands of the owner's ruthless brother and used-car rival.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray