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Two elusive video nasties are set to be released soon by US Severin

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Link Here10th November 2021
Poster Drop Dead Dearest 1978 Murray Markowitz I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses is a 1978 Canada mystery drama by Murray Markowitz
Starring Elke Sommer, Donald Pilon and Chuck Shamata IMDb

Briefly banned as a video nasty in 1984. A cut version was released on VHS in 1984 and 1986.

Thanks to Richard:

I saw this video from YouTube about the BeyondFest Festival. At the end (at 41m32s) they show a brief video clip of what US Severin are releasing in 2022, the pool scene in a red tint is from I Miss You. I got out my VHS rip to check and it's the same.

Delirium is a 1979 USA thriller by Peter Maris.
Starring Turk Cekovsky, Debi Chaney and Terry TenBroek. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020   IMDb

Banned as a video nasty in 1983 until 1985. Passed 18 after BBFC cuts for 1987 18 rated VHS. Not released in the UK since.

This film is also set to be released by US Severin in the next few months.



Suffer Little Children...

Gav Crimson details the overblown press coverage of the seizure and legal actions against a horror film featuring child actors at the time of the Video Nasties moral panic

Link Here4th January 2021
Suffer, Little Children DVD Suffer Little Children is a 1983 UK video horror by Alan Briggs.
Starring Colin Chamberlain, Ginny Rose and Jon Hollanz. Melon Farmers linkYouTube icon BBFC link 2020 IMDb
The film was cut for an unofficial BBFC 18 rating issued prior to the implementation of the VRA. The film was seized by the police anyway and the film got caught up in the tabloid hysteria around the video nasty era. The film was passed 18 uncut for UK DVD release in 2017.

The DVD version has a significant number of variations from the VHS. version.

See Gav Crimson's detailed history of the censorship of Suffer Little Children and the timeline of newspaper coverage .

Summary Notes

This amateur video production, (not particularly well regarded), is claimed to be a reconstruction of events involving child demonic possession which took place at 45 Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey, England in August 1984. None of these events were reported to the press though, not the to mention the fact that the film was conceived and shot in 1983, well before the supposed baseline event.

The video was submitted to the BBFC for a pre-VRA unofficial rating in December 1984. The BBFC asked for about 2 minutes of cuts. However the distributors suffered a police raid on the day after the submission and the police seized the film. The police seemed to think that the uncut version was illegal and would not give the distributors the opportunity to implement the cuts that would make it legal. The DPP considered the film for 3 months before deciding that no further action would be taken as long as the film was only distributed in the BBFC approved version. The film was caught up in press frenzy at this time, with the inevitable calls for a ban and worse.

Video Nasties

Shock Horror

Prior to the establishment of UK state censorship implemented in the Video Recordings Act of 1984, censorship was in the realms of the courts and the Obscene Publications Act.

This required the courts to apply the test of whether videos were likely to "deprave and corrupt" the viewer.

The Director Of Public Prosecutions (DPP) maintained a list of those videos that were felt likely to be found obscene by the courts and hence worthwhile prosecuting.

Of course, the real drivers behind the moral panic were the UK press led by the ever obnoxious Daily Mail. Not to mention a few politicians who felt they could make a name for themselves.

Several versions of the video nasty list were published with videos added and removed  over the period 1983-1985.

72 videos were listed at least for a while.  Another couple of films can stake a claim via a shared name with listed films.

39 made it through to the end, and these became known as the DPP39s.

 These 39 titles became the most sought after collectibles.

Some videos were seized under an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and therefore subject to seizure in return for the confiscation being the end of the matter. Victims were therefore able to avoid the possibility of fines and jail under a full obscenity trial. The authorities benefited from being able to continue imposing their 'not very obscene' definitions of obscenity without worrying about them being challenged in court. This arrangement has allowed the OPA to persist for many years even where the material targeted has absolutely no chance of 'depraving' or 'corrupting' anyone.

Melon Farmers Pages
Video Nasties News
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Section 3 Seizures List

Cinema Bans: BBFC
Video Bans: BBFC
Videos Bans: Self Censored


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