Attack of the Robots is a 1966 France / Spain comedy Sci-Fi film by Jesús Franco (as J Franco and Jesus Franco). Starring Eddie Constantine, Françoise Brion and Fernando Rey.
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
A mad scientist uses his army of mechanical monsters to control people who have Type O blood.
The Awful Dr Orlof is a 1962 Spain/France horror thriller by Jesús Franco. With Conrado San Martín, Diana Lorys, Howard Vernon.
Widely distributed in a shortened French Version. The BBFC further cut this by 37s. The BBFC later waived these cut for 2017 video. The Spanish Version turned up on German DVD in 2013, it is a longer but clothed version.
Summary Notes:
Dr. Orlof, a former prison doctor, abducts beautiful women from nightclubs and tries to use their skin to repair his daughter's fire-scarred face. He is assisted by Morpho, a deformed monstrosity who
delights in biting his victims. However a young police inspector and his ballerina girlfriend are onto his sadistic practices.
In the European version, there's a few [breast] shots here and there. Hysterically awful at times but
so lovable as a relic of a bygone genre. The music is a cacophonus clanging that just adds to the lurid aura of Morpho stalking the women as his master waits nearby. Delicious b&w photography is preserved wonderfully on DVD.
This movie is a CLASSIC of its genre and a must have for collectors.
Spanish Version
cut Spanish version
Germany: The longer Spanish Version is uncut for:
2013 ELEA-Media Limited Edition [Spanish + French Versions] R2 DVD via UK Amazon
Note that this version has an English soundtrack where it coincides with the European Version. The extra 11 minutes of material has the original Spanish soundtrack. It is not clear about subtitles for this extra material. Maybe none or maybe German.
Although the Spanish Version has more plot details, its is a clothed version missing the bare breasts of one of Orlof's victims
Barbed Wire Dolls is a 1976 Switzerland crime horror thriller by Jesús Franco. With Lina Romay, Paul Muller and Monica Swinn.
Originally banned by the BBFC for cinema release in 1976, but unbanned a year later after significant cuts. Less cut for 2004 DVD. Uncut in Switzerland. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Comical,
disorienting and depressing
Women in Prison movies come in several styles, ranging from tongue-in-cheek camp to disturbingly sadistic shockfests. Barbed Wire Dolls is a Jess Franco flick, so, as expected, it
doesn't really fit into any pigeonhole.
Watching Frauengefangnis is like performing an experiment on yourself. The painfully slow pace, downbeat soundtrack, eternal scenes of pointless verbal abuse, mock torture, and
idiotic dialog gradually turn your brain into glue. The movie is so sleazy, depressing, and confusing, that it's almost unwatchable in one sitting.
Cuts required to remove explicit sight of sexual activity (digital penetration) in order to achieve an 18 classification. An R18 uncut was not available for this non-sex work.
The explicit
imagery was not deemed to have a sufficient narrative justification in the Jess Franco work Barbed Wire Dolls, which blurred the line between erotic drama and sex work.
The BBFC kindly provided a further clarification:
According to our Guidelines, you cannot show unsimulated sex at '18' if it is a 'sex work' (ie a work whose main purpose is to sexually arouse). Real sex in a 'sex
work' makes it 'R18'. However, this Jess Franco film is not a 'sex work'.
According to our Guidelines, explicit real sex may only be shown at '18' if (i) it is not a sex work (see above) and (ii) the sex is exceptionally justified by context.
In this case the Board did not feel that the explicit sex was exceptionally justified by context so it was not judged acceptable at '18'. Of course, the explicit sex could have been permitted at 'R18' on its own. However, an 'R18' without cuts was
not a realistic option in this case, not so much because it wasn't a sex work but because the violence and sexual violence that we permitted at '18' would not be permissible at 'R18'. So, if we had permitted the explicit sex at 'R18' (which we could
have) we would have had to make additional cuts for 'R18' (to violence and sexual violence) that would not have been required at '18'.
UK: Passed X (18) after heavy BBFC cuts for:
1977 cinema release titled Caged Women
Banned by the BBFC for:
1976 cinema release titled Caged Women
v The Blood of Fu Manchu
- 1968 Spain / West Germany / UK / USA crime adventure by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco).
The Blood of Fu Manchu is a 1968 Spain / West Germany / UK / USA crime adventure by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco). Starring Christopher Lee, Richard Greene and Howard Marion-Crawford.
Suffered BBFC category cuts from its 1996 cinema release until 2007 when it was passed 15 uncut for 15 rated DVD.
Summary Notes
Fu Manchu is hidden with his evil daughter Lin Tang in
a lost city he has found in the jungles of South America. He discovers a poison deadly for men through kiss and he abducts ten women to infect them with the poison to destroy his enemies. Then he sends one woman to London to kiss his greatest enemy, the
Scotland Yard agent Nayland Smith. Nayland is blinded by the poison and his friend Dr. Petrie travels with him to the jungles in South America to seek out Fu Manchu expecting to find an antidote. They team up with agent Carl Jansen and soon they learn
the scheme of Fu Manchu for world domination.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for
moderate nudity and violence for:
2020 Powerhouse Films The Fu Manchu Cycle (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2007 Studiocanal R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 30th April 2007
UK: Passed 15 after 1:46s of BBFC category cuts for:
1994 Lumiere VHS
Thanks to Vincenzo. The BBFC cuts were:
At 29 mins - The scene showing a woman screaming, followed by shots of semi-naked woman in chains in cells, was reduced.
At 57 mins - The scene where a woman is led to a cell, chained to the
bars, has her breasts forcibly exposed and is then menaced by a snake was reduced.
At 88 mins - A shot showing a snake being killed [crushed by falling rubble] was removed.
category cuts
UK: Passed A (PG) after BBFC category cuts for:
1998 cinema release
Thanks to Vincenzo. The BBFC cuts were:
Reel 2 - Remove all shots and sounds of tortured girls including the naked girl before Lin Tang enters.
Reel 3 - Considerably shorten the whole episode in which Sancho's men attack a village
and assault the women or make love to them.
Reel 3 - Remove the shot of Uma when her breasts are partly visible.
Reel 4 - Remove "Doubtless he is proud of being a man."
v The Bloody Judge
- 1970 Liechtenstein/Italy/Spain/West Germany horror by Jesus Franco.
The Bloody Judge is a 1970 Liechtenstein/Italy/Spain/West Germany horror by Jesus Franco. With Christopher Lee, Maria Schell and Leo Genn.
Exists in several cut versions, some with violence cut, some cut for
nudity. A composite of these versions was created which is uncut. The BBFC has never cut the film itself though.
Summary Review: Educational
This is an amazing movie. It's basically an exploitation
movie with the production values of an historical drama. The acting is outstanding, particularly Christopher Lee and Maria Rohm.
Blue Underground have put together a magnificent print, taking elements from the various
released and unreleased versions of the movie to produced an excellent film that's never existed in this form before.
Given the patchwork history it seems like the movie should be a mess, but it all hangs together very
Uncut Composite Verions
UK: The Fully Restored European
Composite Version is uncut but there's no sign of a BBFC database entry yet for:
This is
a composite of the English dubbed export version and the edit of the film prepared for the German market. This version does not have the scene of Maria Rohm attempting drowning and being rescued within the film (scene now a DVD extra). It does have a
scene in which Maria Rohm is forced by prison guards to lick the blood of a naked female prisoner hanging down from a ceiling. It also has the unclothed version of the barn sex scene.
pre-cut Export Version
UK: The cut English Dubbed Export Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
2000 Cinema Club R2 DVD
1999 Salvation R2 DVD
See version details from . This is a cut 'clothed' version
with nudity replaced by clothed scenes and violence missing or obscured
pre-cut German Version
UK: The heavily cut German Version was passed AA without BBFC cuts for:
1974 cinema release
v The Castle Of Fu Manchu
- 1969 UK / West Germany / Italy / Spain / Liechtenstein / Turkey crime horror adventure by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco)
The Castle Of Fu Manchu is a 1969 UK / West Germany / Italy / Spain / Liechtenstein / Turkey crime horror adventure by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Christopher Lee,Richard Greene,Howard Marion-Crawford
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
The evil mastermind Fu Manchu plots his latest scheme to basically freeze over the Earth's oceans
with his diabolical new device. Opposing him is his arch-nemesis, Interpol's very British Dr. Nayland Smith.
UK: Passed PG uncut for Contains mild violence and threat:
2020 Powerhouse Films [The Fu Manchu Cycle] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2007 Optimum Releasing video
UK: Passed PG uncut:
2004 Warner [The Blood + the Castle of Fu Manchu] R2 DVD at UK Amazon #ad
Celestine, Maid at Your Service is a 1974
France comedy by jesús franco (as clifford brown) Starring Lina Romay, Howard Vernon and Olivier Mathot
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
The police raid a brothel and a prostitute (Lina Romay) escapes into the countryside. The woman, Celestine, ends up at a rich folks house where she ends up sleeping with two of the servants who then get her a job as a
v Count Dracula
- 1970 Spain / West Germany / Italy / Liechtenstein horror by Jesús Franco (as Jesse Franco).
Count Dracula is a 1970 Spain / West Germany / Italy / Liechtenstein horror by Jesús Franco (as Jesse Franco). Starring Christopher Lee, Herbert Lom and Klaus Kinski.
The US PG rated version is cut. Other versions are uncut except a gypsy
scene that is missing from some variants.
Summary Notes
Jess Franco's version of the Bram Stoker classic has Count Dracula as an old man who grows younger whenever he dines on the blood of young
2015 Severin Films (RA) Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Note the scene with the gypsy woman begging for the return of her baby seems to be missing from some versions.
US: There is US version cut for a PG rating. From IMDB:
A 90-minute US version
has the church-choir music removed from the climactic scenes, and tighter editing of those scenes. German DVD includes the scene of a gypsy woman begging for the return of her baby, deleted from the US version.
Countess Perverse is a 1974 France horror thriller by Jesús Franco. With Alice Arno, Howard Vernon, Kali Hansa.
The Director's Cut is the original version before Franco tried various
edits to try and sell it. An Italian version include hardcore inserts with Alice Arno and Lina Romay whilst a French hardcore version featured Monica Swinn and Pierre Taylou. Franco later remade this film in 1997 as Tender Flesh.
Review: Sordid flesh festivities
Two wealthy aristocrats lure a virginal girl to a Spanish island for a night of sex, death and cannibalism.
Half the film is devoted to Sapphic sessions and
sordid flesh festivities just shy of pornography. Franco is the ultimate cinematic voyeur and his films appeal to those with voyeuristic tendencies, and what they always lack in plot development offer prurient interest and degenerate lust as
Franco stable mate Howard Vernon's back as his usual creepy self, the baron chef with unusual culinary skills and a smile that would make your skin crawl.
All in all, I found this to be a
really enjoyable watch
The tag, Director's Cut means that it is the original film before Franco started to splice in hardcore inserts. Normally these are a bit of a negative, but when they involve Lina Romay I think I would prefer the version with the inserts.
Sexy Nature
Italy : The Italian version titled Sexy Nature includes hardcore inserts featuring
Alice Arno and Lina Romay. One scene is included at a more logical point in the film than the French version
Les croqueuses
France : The French version titled Les croqueuses features illogically order
hardcore inserts and an extra plot element that turned the whole film into a dream.
Curse of Frankenstein is a 1972 Spain/France horror by Jesus Franco. With Alberto Dalbés, Dennis Price and Howard Vernon.
A clothed version was passed 15 uncut for 2006 DVD. The Unclothed Version
was passed 18 uncut for 2017 DVD and Blu-ray. Previously the film was seized by the police during the video nasties panic.
Summary Notes
Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant Morpho are killed just as they
bring their creation to life. The monster is taken by Cagliostro and he now controls the monster and plans to have it mate and create the perfect master race.
Franco's obsessions with S&M and naked women provide a spice to a
very tired tale.
Unclothed Version
Unclothed Version
UK: The Unclothed Version was passed 18 uncut for sexualised violence, nudity for:
2017 Nucleus Films [Nude + Clothed Versions] (RB) Blu-ray/(R2) DVD Combo at
UK Amazon
France: The French Unclothed or Hot Version has nude scenes mostly filmed as alternative takes from the Clothed Version
UK: The Unclothed Version was released on pre-cert VHS for:
1981 Go VHS titled The Erotic Rites of Frankenstein
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were
'obscene', and therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
Clothed Version
Clothed Version
UK: The Clothed Version BBFC was passed 15 without cuts for:
2017 Nucleus Films [Nude + Clothed Versions] (RB) Blu-ray/(R2) DVD Combo at UK Amazon
2006 Tartan R2 DVD titled Curse of Frankenstein
2014 VoD at YouTube titled La maldición de
The Death Avenger of Soho is a 1972 West Germany / Spain / UK crime horror mystery by Jesús Franco (as Jess Frank) Starring Horst Tappert,Fred Williams,Barbara Rütting
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
A London slasher pack the suitcases of his victims before stabbing them to death in this
adaptation of Edgar Wallace's 'Secret of the Black Suitcases.'
Death Whistles the Blues is a 1964 Spain crime drama by Jesús Franco. Starring Conrado San Martín, Danik Patisson and Perla Cristal.
There are no censorship issues with this film. The film was
distributed only in Spain and France. Franco remade this film in 1973 as Kiss Me, Killer
Summary Notes
Vogel, an important trafficker, betrayed two of his accomplices, Castro and
Smith. The first was shot by police, while the latter was imprisoned. Fifteen years later Smith comes back for revenge.
v Demoniac
- 1979 Spanish/French horror by Jess Franco.
Demoniac is a 1979 Spanish/French horror by Jess Franco. With Lina Romay, Catherine Lafferière and Jesus Franco.
Banned by the BBFC from 1985 until 2003 when it was passed 18 after 2:25s of cuts. The BBFC cuts were waived for 2017 DVD. The film started out as Sexorcism/Exorcism and was significantly reworked reworked with new material to become
El Sadico de Notre-Dame. The legacy is that there are now multiple versions with different mixes of sex and violence including a hardcore version.
Summary Review : Good but Not Great
Exorcism is a good but not great film. Like so many of Franco's films EXORCISM is at once brilliant and amateurish.
Franco stars as a kinky priest who serves GOD by ridding the
world of sinners with his Sword of the Lord. His best moments are shared with his lover/partner Lina Romay. It's always interesting to watch the couple interact together especially during sadistic scenes.
it's strong scenes of violence EXORCISM is not a gory film. The bloodiest scenes involve the beheading of a pigeon and the removal of a woman's entrails. Franco claims (on the commentary track) that the pigeon is a special effect. I seriously doubt that
what Franco says is true.
Exorcism Version uncut
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong sexualised violence, sex, nudity, with all previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2017 Screenbound/Black House Films R2 DVD at UK Amazon
Thanks to Mark. The budget DVD label Boulevard Entertainment accidentally released the full uncut version. The release was a port of the Synapse R1 DVD including alternate footage and a commentary. The UK DVD is actually supposed to be a
release of another film under the same title on a double bill with 976-Evil 2
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2018 Severin [The Sadist of Notre Dame] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 3rd April
2018 Severin [The Sadist of Notre Dame] R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 3rd April
Exorcism (Synapse's
version) is entirely new 94 min transfer from available materials from Eurocine of Paris . It's considered the most coherent of all possible versions. It contains none of the hardcore footage and does not use any of the footage added in 1979-80
for the reworked El Sadico de Notre-Dame -version. However, there are gore scenes and explanatory scenes that are missing from all other versions. So this is the complete gore version, with some softcore.
UK: Passed 18 after BBFC cuts of 2:25s for:
2003 Arrow R2 DVD titled Demoniac
The cuts were for sexual violence:
2 mins: cuts to shot of naked woman stabbed and having a knife run over her body
29 mins: cuts to shot of naked woman who has been stabbed
39 mins: cuts to the evisceration of one of Vogel's victims
48 mins: cut to shot of
naked woman being slapped by Vogel
80 mins: cut to woman being bitten and threatened with a knife.
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1994 Redemption VHS titled Demoniac
The BBFC commented :
This was another shocker from the 70s, from a film-maker most of whose cinematic work appeared to revel in the tying up and abusing of naked women. Here their bodies
were liberally splashed with blood, stage blood, in rituals acted out as a turn-on for audiences in search of sexual arousal. Later each evening, we see the rituals re-enacted sadistically and homicidally by a criminal psychopath (played by the
film-maker himself), whose deeds perform the same function as the video viewer. The Board considered whether cuts could make such a work acceptable, but given its multifarious images of women stripped, inverted, bound, gagged, manacled at ankles and
wrists, with blood smeared on bodies, especially breasts, and with blades driven into flesh, we concluded that cuts would have been so extensive as to leave little of the misogynistic framework intact. This might have been no loss on artistic or social
grounds, but it would have left an unviable video commercially.
Twenty years ago Redemption Films
released Succubus and I received a written warning from the British Board of Film Classification, that Jess Franco was a director whose films the BBFC regarded as bordering on criminal. I was told that were I to attempt to release other films by him or
to bring them into the country there would be consequences... A year later I submitted Demoniacs and Sadomania and both were categorically banned with the implicit threat that by pushing the work of Jess Franco I was, indirectly, championing criminal
sexual material and that if I continued I too would face not civil, but criminal proceedings.
The BBFC said of DEMONIAC:
... The Board has never granted a BBFC certificate to any film or video which
seeks to encourage sexual sadism, and this film is clearly sadistic in that it seems 'to have no purpose or justification other than to reinforce or sell the idea that it can be highly pleasurable to inflict injury, pain or humiliation (often in a sexual
context) on others' (Home Office Report on Obscenity and Film Censorship, Williams, HMSO, 1979)....|
...The work of this particular film maker has often fallen well outside the parameters of BBFC standards because of the
manner in which it presents scenes of vicious sexual violence or of violence to women in a sexually arousing context, offering little pleasure to the viewer other than a conscious vicarious gratification of misogyny. Where such emotions focus on the
harming of others, the Board must always consider drawing a line, as we have in refusing a video certificate to DEMONIAC .
Redemption Films challenged the banning of these films, along with Bare Behind Bars legally, and lost.
We then sought and won leave to judicially review the BBFC's entire operation, a massive undertaking and one which would, had we pursued it, opened up all the machinations of the BBFC's internal workings to public scrutiny, however, we ran out of money
and had to wait until our battle over pornography several years later to finally oust the BBFC chairman James Ferman which in turn heralded in a period of more liberal censorship.
The Demons is a 1972 France/Portugal horror by Jess Franco. With Anne Libert, Britt Nichols and Doris Thomas.
Banned by the BBFC for 1972 but the GLC awarded a local X rating for
screenings in London. The video was seized by the police during the video nasties moral panic in the early 80s. The Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut by the BBFC for 2008 DVD. The longer French Version was passed 18 uncut for 2017 Blu-ray. There is also
a short US Version.
Summary Review : A decent effort
The UK DVD of the Demons by Redemption is 103 minute directors cut restored by Franco in 2003 and is longer than the previous
UK VHS release (which ran for less than 80 minutes). It is a decent effort not as good as some of Franco's earlier work but definitely better than the stuff he directed in the early 80's for Eurocine. Some scenes are in French without English subtitles!
French Version
Extended French Version
UK: The Extended French Version was passed 18 uncut for strong sex, nudity, violence for:
2017 Nucleus Films [Extended French Version + English Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
This version makes extensive improvements especially in audio synchronisation and restoring missing dialogie
Thanks to Richard and @NucleusFilms. The UK Blu-ray release includes a short 8 seconds long scene (originally in German) where Kathleen is
begging with Judge Jeffries just before being asked to undress. The scene is NOT in the US Blu-ray, which is also missing an optical effect of the woman's face dissolving into the skull.
UK: A shortened English
language version was released on pre-cert video for:
1981 Go VHS
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and therefore
subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
The Devil Came From Akasava is a 1971 West Germany / Spain / Portugal adventure thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Frank) Starring Fred Williams,Soledad Miranda,Horst Tappert
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is
stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!
UK: Passed 15 uncut for Contains moderate sex and violence:
The Devil's Island Lovers is a 1973 France / Spain women in prison drama by Jesús Franco (as Jesus Franco) Starring Andrés Resino, Geneviève Robert and Dennis Price
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
A lawyer finds out that a young couple convicted of murder was in fact framed for the crime and goes to the
prison with the hope of freeing them and learns the events that happened to the two from a fellow prisoner who helped them escape.
French Version
France: There is also a more erotic French Version
The French Version includes some additional (also explicit) footage and extended
versions of selected scenes, but is actually slightly shorter in running time. This is mainly because the opening scenes (Governor Mendoza confessing to lawyer Linsday from his deathbed) are not included.
Spanish Version
UK: The Spanish Version was passed 15 uncut for moderate violence and threat:
Diamonds of Kilimandjaro is a 1983 France / Spain action horror romance by jesús franco (as c. plaut), olivier mathot (uncredited)... Starring Katja Bienert, Antonio Mayans and Aline Mess
There is an Original Version and an extended Export Version. The US MVD release of the Extended Version has reported issues with how it works round print damage.
Summary Notes
A group of adventurers head to a primitive tribe in Africa to find a treasure of diamonds and a beautiful white girl who was lost years ago and was made the tribe's goddess.
Export Version
US: The Export Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated:
2006 Shriek Show [Jungle Girls triple bill] (R1) DVD at US Amazon
The US Blu-ray by Mvd Classics is based on the Extended Version, but the transfer
apparently had a few flaws, which were concealed by recycling senseless footage from other parts of the film.
Dr Jekyll's Mistresses is a 1964 Spain / Austria / France Sci-Fi horror by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franck) Starring Hugo Blanco,Agnès Spaak,Perla Cristal
Exists as an extended Spanish Version, the Original French Version and an erotic French Version with added nudity. It looks likely that it was the Erotic Version that was passed 15 by the the BBFC and the Original French Version that
was passed 12 by the BBFC.
Summary Notes
A mad scientist creates a hideous monster to carry out his murderous plans.
Erotic French Version
UK: The Erotic French Version was passed 15 uncut:
French erotic version has a nude insert during the first murder, a version of
the striptease with topless footage, and an arbitrarily inserted sequence of another victim getting out of a bath before being murdered
Original French Version
UK: The Original Frech Version was passed 12 uncut for moderate violence, scene of drug misuse:
Dracula: Prisoner Of Frankenstein is a 1972 Spain / France / Liechtenstein / Portugal horror by Jesús Franco Starring Dennis Price, Howard Vernon and Paca Gabaldón
A long version was passed X for 1971 cinema release. A clothed Spanish Version has been released on home video and is 15 rated in the UK.
Summary Notes
Dracula kills
another innocent victim and Dr. Seward decides it's time to wipe him off the face of the earth. Armed with a hammer and a wooden stake, he arrives at Castle Dracula and duly dispatches the vampire Count. Next day, however, Dr. Frankenstein arrives with
his assistant, Morpho, and a large crate containing the monster. Using the blood of a pub singer who has been abducted by his creation, the doctor brings Dracula back to life and uses him for his own ends.
UK: The Spanish Version was passed 15 uncut for moderate sexualised horror:
2006 Tartan [Dracula: Prisoner of Frankenstein + The Curse of Frankenstein] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
This is a clothed version. IMDb notes that there are stills featuring nudity but no version with nudity has been released on home video
UK: An unknown long version was passed X (18) uncut:
1971 dubbed cinema release titled Dracula V Frankenstein
v Dracula's Daughter
- 1972 France / Portugal horror mystery by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco).
Dracula's Daughter is a 1972 France / Portugal horror mystery by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco). Starring Britt Nichols, Anne Libert and Alberto Dalbés.
Never cut by the BBFC or MPAA but disk extras reveal that there is less sexy alternative footage available. It is not clear if this footage has been used in any releases.
Summary Notes
A young woman visits her gravely ill grandmother at the family estate. On her death bed, the old woman reveals to her granddaughter the family curse: they're all vampires. The young woman decides to move into the estate
with her uncle and her cousin, and soon finds herself falling victim to the curse.
v Eugenie
- 1970 West Germany / Spain / Liechtenstein horror drama by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco)
Eugenie is a 1970 West Germany / Spain / Liechtenstein horror drama by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Maria Rohm,Marie Liljedahl,Jack Taylor
There are no censorship issues with this release. 18 rated in the UK, X
rated in the US.
Summary Notes
An innocent girl goes to spend the weekend on an island with a woman and her brother, but soon she finds herself entangled in a web of dream-like sexual
The film was later remade as Cocktail Special in 1978
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong sexualised violence:
2017 Screenbound [Dubbed] video titled Eugenie De Sade
Eugenie De Sade is a 1973 Liechtenstein / France thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Soledad Miranda,Paul Muller,Andrea Montchal
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, has been living with her stepfather, Albert since her mother
died when she was a baby. He is a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to him. He notices this, and
eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong sexualised violence:
2017 Screenbound Pictures Ltd [Dubbed] video titled Eugenie De Sade
Female Vampire is a 1973 French/Belgian erotic horror by Jess Franco. With Lina Romay, Jack Taylor and Alice Arno.
Cut by the BBFC for VHS and DVD until 2002. Passed 18 uncut for 2017 DVD. There's a non-sex Erotikill Version, a softcore version, and a hardcore inserts version titles Les Avaleuses.
Germany: The hardcore version is available on X Rated Kult Video
UK: The Softcore Version was passed 18
uncut for strong sex, nudity, sexual violence with all previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2017 Screenbound/Maison Rouge Films R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2012 Redemption [softcore + Erotikill] R1 DVD
at US Amazon
US Image R0 DVD
US: The Erotikill horror version is MPAA Unrated for:
2012 Redemption [softcore + Erotikill] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
2012 Redemption
[softcore + Erotikill] R1 DVD at US Amazon
This version is missing the erotic elements
UK: The softcore version was passed 18 after 1:51s of BBFC cuts for:
2002 Arrow R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Cut required to remove sight of non-consenting woman being stripped and forced to engage in sex with two other women
UK: The Softcore Version was passed 18 after 6:12s of BBFC cuts for:
1994 Redemption VHS
The softcore version has been well hacked by the BBFC but the film is notable because they missed a bit. One of the sex scenes retains about 1s of unsnipped fellatio.
Fifteen Year Old Captain is a 1974 France / Spain action adventure by Jesús Franco Starring José Manuel Marcos, Edmund Purdom and Marc Cassot
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Dick Sand travels aboard the "Pilgrim" when, following dramatic events, the ship becomes without a captain. Fate has it so that, to keep all sailors in peace, he shall command the ship. All accept this
arrangement, even Negoro - whose resentment will add treachery to circumstances already difficult to take the ship to safe harbour. To a point the task may prove impossible...
v The Girl From
Rio - 1969 West Germany / Spain / USA / UK action adventure by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco)
The Girl From Rio is a 1969 West Germany / Spain / USA / UK action adventure by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Shirley Eaton,Richard Wyler,George Sanders
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
Sumuru, the beautiful leader of the all-female kingdom of Femina, plans to use her women to take over
the world.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for Contains strong violence, threat and nudity:
Golden Jail is a 1976 France / Belgium crime film by jesús franco (as adolf m. frank), marius lesoeur Starring Roger Darton, Evelyne Scott and Alice Arno
There are no censorship issues with this release. Franco directed only a few striptease scenes just to pad out the film
Hot Nights of Linda is a 1975 France/Italy drama by Jesús Franco. With Alice Arno, Lina Romay and Pierre Taylou.
The baseline version is softcore but there is an extended hardcore version
with the main stars going a bit further. Franco remade the film as Sexy Sisters in 1977.
Summary Notes
A young woman is hired to care for an elderly man who lives on an island off the Greek coast. When
she arrives there the man warns her that his daughters are evil and dangerous. The woman discovers that one of the daughters is a crazed nymphomaniac who pursues, and seduces, everyone in the house, including her crippled sister.
Hard Banana Version
US: The hardcore version/Hard Banana Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated rated for:
2013 Severin Films [hardcore + softcore] R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Note that the hardcore version is limited to the first 2500 copies.
Hardcore sex inserts were filmed by Jess Franco himself. It's definitely something of a curiosity
with extended masturbation and sex sequences featuring the stars, not stand-ins.
Softcore Version
US: The softcore version is uncut and MPAA Unrated rated for:
2013 Severin Films [hardcore + softcore] R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo at US Amazon
How to Seduce a Virgin is a 1974 France erotic drama by Jesús Franco. With Alice Arno, Robert Woods and Howard Vernon.
Banned by the BBFC for cinema in 1974 and not released since. Released
uncut in the US 2013. The film was remade as Erotic Symphony in 1979.
Promotional Material
The beautiful Countess Martine de Bressac is released from the expensive asylum where she was incarcerated
after castrating her former lover. She returns to her luxurious villa on the coast and goes at once down into her private underground dungeon. It's here that she indulges herself in the perverse sexual practices that give her life meaning, surrounded by
the bizarre human statues of her previous victims. Her husband, Charles, feeds his wife's sick fantasies, aware that she is his meal ticket to a life of luxury. He announces that he has a new game for her - they will befriend and seduce the young and
virginal daughter of a rich neighbor. But things do not go exactly as planned... Games of decadence and debauchery lead to mayhem and murder.
From cult director Jess Franco. His most outrageous film.
The Jaguar is a 1963 Spain western by Jesús Franco Starring José Suárez,Sylvia Sorrente,Todd Martin
There are no censorship issues with this film. The film was
distributed only in Spain and France.
Summary Notes
Saltierra storms the hacienda of ruling Colonel Mendoza and kills everyone inside except for Mendoza's son Jose, who escapes.
Several years later, Saltierra controls of the area, but he's constantly sabotaged by a band of revolutionaries led by a man known as "The Jaguar."
v Kiss Me Killer
- 1977 France crime film by jesús franco (as roland marceignac)...
Kiss Me Killer is a 1977 France crime film by jesús franco (as roland marceignac)... Starring Alice Arno, Lina Romay and Olivier Mathot
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
A deadly look into the savage world of gangsters. The aftermath of a holdup turns into a game of deceit and doublecross. A vengeful woman brings about the destruction of the entire gang of ruthless killers. The film
was a remake of Franco's 1962 film Death Whistles the Blues
v Kiss Me Monster
- 1969 Spain / West Germany horror mystery adventure by Jesús Franco
Kiss Me Monster is a 1969 Spain / West Germany horror mystery adventure by Jesús Franco Starring Janine Reynaud,Rosanna Yanni,Adrian Hoven
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1994. Uncut for 15 rated DVD in 2005. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Blue Underground proudly presents
these psychedelic spy spoofs featuring the bold and beautiful detective duo The Red Lips! KISS ME, MONSTER finds the girls moonlighting on a striptease world tour - but no sooner do they hit the stage than the girls are up to their pasties in stiffs,
Satanists and Sapphic sadists, all after a secret formula for human clones! But if The Red Lips can get to it first, will they still be able to survive the dangers lurking around every corner?
UK: Passed 15 uncut for moderate violence and nudity
with previous cuts waived:
Les chatouilleuses is a 1975 France comedy western by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown) Starring Lina Romay, Fred Williams and Olivier Mathot
There is a sexier edit called Le sexy goditrici
Summary Review
Silly but entertaining sex comedy from Jess Franco set in Central America. The story revolves around four prostitutes (including Lina Romay, Pamela Stanford) who are on the run from a group of bandits
and hide in a convent pretending to be nuns. The film runs a very short 63-minutes, which is just about right since we mainly get comedic sex scenes involving the four girls trying to sleep their way out of trouble. There are also countless lesbian
scenes and Franco certainly knows how to shoot these and make them very erotic.
v Les ebranlées
- 1972 France crime drama by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown)
Les emmerdeuses is a 1976 France action crime comedy by Jesús Franco
(as Clifford Brown) Starring Lina Romay, Pamela Stanford and Willy Braque
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
Pina and Tina, two cabaret
artists with a passion for espionage and theft, discover that a carpet seller named Kashfi has some extraordinary diamonds stolen from the millionaire Radeck.
v Les gloutonnes
- 1975 France fantasy adventure drama by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown)
Les gloutonnes is a 1975 France fantasy adventure drama by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown) Starring Wal Davis, Alice Arno and Robert Woods
There are no censorship issues for this film
According to legend, a group of women escaped from Atlantis just before the destruction of the continent. They took refuge on a mysterious island, and founded a kingdom. Men who dared approach the island, were
devoured by these sexually voracious Atlanteans, and thus they were called "gobblers".
Lorna the Exorcist is a 1974 France horror by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown). Starring Pamela Stanford and Guy Delorme and Lina Romay.
There are several French language versions of various lengths, and also an Italian
hardcore version that includes additional (and not director approved) material by an Italian director.
Summary Notes
The businessman Patrick takes his wife Marianne and daughter
Linda on a vacation. Patrick's old friend Lorna shows up just in time for Linda's 18th birthday and takes demonic, sexual possession of the girl's body and soul.
Lucky, the Inscrutable - 1967 Spain / Italy / West Germany action adventure thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco)
Lucky, the Inscrutable is a 1967 Spain / Italy / West Germany action adventure thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Ray Danton,Barbara Bold,Dante Posani
There are no censorship issues with this film. The film was distributed only in Spain, France, Italy and Germany.
Summary Notes
An American secret agent is
sent to Europe to track down a ring of counterfeiters. His investigation takes him from Rome to Albania, where he gets involved with a sexy Albanian police commissioner.
The Lustful Amazon is a 1974 France adventure by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown) Starring Wal Davis, Alice Arno and Robert Woods
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
In medieval France, traveler Pygar tells he-man Karzan (Maciste in the French version) of his recent journey
to a place called Antigua, and of its entire community of Amazons.
UK: Passed
X (18) uncut:
1974 cinema release
v The Mark of
Zorro - 1975 France / Spain action western romance by marius lesoeur (as james gartner), jesús franco (uncredited)...
The Mark of Zorro is a 1975 France / Spain action western romance by marius lesoeur (as james gartner), jesús franco (uncredited)... Starring Clint Douglas, Monica Swinn and Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
In nineteenth-century California, two children listen to the adventures of a grandfather who fought against
the Yankee invaders. At that time a mysterious man, dressed in masked black, appeared.
Marquis de Sade's Justine is a 1969 Italian horror by Jesus Franco. With Klaus Kinski, Romina Power and Maria Rohm.
A short version was cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release. It is uncut on home vide and is uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US
Summary Review : Pretty Tame
Justine tells the tale of two beautiful sisters, Juliette, an amoral nymphomaniac, and Justine, who seeks a life of chastity and virtue. Unfortunately for Justine, while her depraved sister finds nothing but success and happiness, she suffers constant despair and abuse, being raped, tortured, whipped, and accused of theft amongst umpteen other disasters during her turbulent young life.
This tale isn't bad, and fairly explicit, for the late 60's, but is still pretty tame, by today's standards. It has a weird appearance by Jack Palance, as a mad monk. Also, a limited appearance by the late Klaus Kinski.
Midnight Party is a 1976 Belgium / Spain / France crime comedy drama by jesús franco (as james gardner), julio pérez tabernero (as tawer nero) Starring Lina Romay, Olivier Mathot and Claude Boisson
Exists in several versions.
Summary Review
Sylvia, a stripper attends a night party where the theme is a mock spy adventure. Unfortunately, she soon finds herself
involved in a real espionage adventure when she is chased by Radeck, Agent 008. She hooks two playboys and ends up with an invitation to their midnight orgy. Her communist rock star bearded lover shows up in her dressing room and starts shouting slogans.
Her husband pays her a visit. And then she talks directly to the camera, explaining to the viewer she has to get dressed for the party.
The are several fairly explicit softcore scenses featuring the lovely Lina Romay.
Night Of The Assassins is a 1974 Spain crime horror mystery by Jesús Franco Starring Alberto Dalbés, Evelyne Scott and William Berger
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
Horror mystery about the residents of a Louisiana castle who are being murdered by a masked killer. When the
family arrives for the reading of Marion's will, his wife is strapped to the face of a cliff and drowned by the tide. More murders follow, and as Inspector Bore (Vicente Roca) investigates, he discovers some dark secrets in the family's past.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for moderate violence, threat and nudity:
2006 Tartan [Night of the Assassins + Devil's Island Lovers] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
Night Of The Eagles is a 1989 France / Belgium war drama by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Christopher Lee, Ramon Estevez and Mark Hamill
There are no censorship issues with this release.
Promotional Material
From the studio that brought you ZOMBIE LAKE and PANTHER SQUAD and the director of FEMALE VAMPIRE and BARBED WIRE DOLLS, comes Jess Franco's NIGHT OF THE EAGLES, a stark WWII drama starring iconic genre actors
Christopher Lee (HORROR OF DRACULA, THE BLOODY JUDGE) and Mark Hamill (STAR WARS). Lee plays Strauss, a wealthy German businessman whose comely, loving daughter Lillian (Alexandra Ehrlich) is torn between two lovers, Peter (Hamill) and Karl (Ramon
Estevez, brother of Charlie Sheen). Unable to choose between her paramours, Lillian's life changes forever when her beaus are shipped off to fight on the frontlines and she is forced to take a job as dancehall singer in a sordid nightclub. With her
country and its people torn to pieces by the ravages of war and her once prosperous father relegated to poverty and despair, Lillian must make unthinkable choices in the name of survival.
A sober, sophisticated and far less exploitative latter-day
offering from Franco, NIGHT OF THE EAGLES (also released as FALL OF THE EAGLES and WAR SONG) is one of Eurocine's most ambitious pictures, made shortly after the studio's perverse 1988 Franco masterpiece FACELESS, and boasts handsome production design,
authentic costumes, bloody battles and a magnetic supporting performance by Lee as a man who helplessly watches as his dreams unravel.
Nightmares Come at Night is a 1970 Liechtenstein crime horror drama by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Diana Lorys,Paul Muller,Jack Taylor
There are no censorship issues with this release.
Summary Notes
In Zagreb, the striper Anna de Istria works in a sleazy cabaret. She is seduced by the blonde
Cynthia Robins that invites her to move to her house. Ana is disturbed by nightmares, where she kills a man with a spear, and Cynthia calls Dr. Paul Lucas to treat Ana. Meanwhile, a couple that lives in the house next door spies the movement in Cynthia's
The film was remade in 1972 as The Sinister Eyes of Dr. Orloff
99 Women is a Liechtenstein/Spain/Italy/West Germany/UK prison film by Jesus Franco. With Maria Schell, Luciana Paluzzi and Mercedes McCambridge.
Banned in the UK by the BBFC and later cut. Uncut elsewhere as the Director's Cut. There is also a French Version with hardcore inserts.
Summary Notes: A bit disappointing
The newest batch
of detainees arrives at a remote women's prison. The fortress-like prison is ruled with an iron hand by Thelma Diaz (Mercedes McCambridge), a woman who has no qualms against death or torture. But when a new state official takes notice of the body count
coming out of the prison, Diaz must prove her ability and hide the truth. As the powers that be turn up the pressure it sets up a daring escape by several of the ladies.
"Women in prison" flicks can be a mixed bag. Many offer the usual
softcore action (usually of the lesbian variety) and / or nasty torture sequences that often exploit. But 99 Women doesn't really offer too much of either. 99 is actually more artistic than most of the "W.I.P." films that I've
seen and as a result it comes off as a bit bland. The photography is fine but with most of the action taking place indoors the camera-work is not flashy. The acting is pretty decent but the script is a bit "talky" in an unnecessary way.
The softcore action is not awfully titillating since many of the scenes are shot in an "artistic" fashion the X-rated version does offer some hardcore inserts but you can easily tell they were added much latter since
they don't match. "99 Women" has some style but not a lot of substance. A bit disappointing.
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 Blue Underground Limited Edition [Director's Cut + Hardcore Version] (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo
at US Amazon
2016 Blue Underground [Director's Cut only] (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo
at US Amazon
2013 Blue Underground Bad Girls Behind Bars Collection R0 DVD
at US Amazon
The Other Side of the Mirror is a 1973 Spain / France / Portugal horror drama by Jesús Franco Starring Emma Cohen, Robert Woods and Françoise Brion
Exists as the original version and a hardcore version that was released in France in 1975
under the title Le Miroir Obscene. The porn scenes featured Lina Romay and her then husband Ramon Ardid.
Summary Notes
Annette and Mary are sisters who are very close after their
mother's death. Anetta suffers a tragedy on the eve of her wedding: her sister commits suicide out of jealousy. This becomes a nightmare for her when she begins to see her in all the mirrors making signs. The father, Howard, incites him to an
unprecedented massacre. In this way, Ana will kill all men who feel sexually attracted to her by fulfilling the wishes of the late father. An emotional crisis that is torn between death and pain expressed in the reflection of the windows.
Pick Up Girls is a 1981 Spain action comedy by Jesús Franco. Starring Miguel Ángel Aristu, Albino Graziani and Lorna Green.
Cut by the BBFC for an 18 rated 1983 cinema release and again for 1987
Summary Notes
Private eye Al Crosby is paid by millionaire Harry Feldman to take his place at a meeting with Emilio, a gangster. He is drugged and photographed in
compromising positions by two hookers, Suzy and Bijou, then he is nearly killed by Mrs. Feldman. Al tries to blackmail Mrs. Feldman, and he is beaten up by three women and forced to tell of Harry's whereabouts, leading to Harry's murder. Al enlists the
help of Harry's mistress, Coco, plus Suzy and Bijou whom Al gets out of prison, to expose Mrs Feldman as having inherited money by devious ways and being a brothel owner. The woman then offers them cash and tickets to Mexico in return for their help in
setting up a forth man.
UK: Passed 18 after 2:44s of BBFC cuts:
1987 Atlas VHS
The running time suggests that these video cuts are in addition to the cinema cuts. Or maybe this is a shortened version for another reason
UK: Passed 18 after 3:45s of BBFC cuts :
1983 cinema release
v Red Lips
- 1960 Spain crime comedy thriller by Jesús Franco.
Residence for Spies is a 1966 Spain / West Germany action adventure thriller by Jesús Franco Starring Eddie Constantine,Diana Lorys,Anita Höfer
There are no censorship issues with this film. The film was
distributed only in Spain and France. An English language version was created but never shown.
Summary Notes
Ms. Pendleton is the commander-in-chief of a women's training camp for
western spies, recently established in Turkey. CIA agent Leyton receives a mission, to discover and destroy an ennemy group operating in the vicinities of that residence. He will manage, with the help, and sometimes extra zeal, of a number of the young
women recruits.
Rififi in the City is a 1963 Spain / France crime thriller by Jesús Franco Starring Fernando Fernán Gómez, Jean Servais and Laura Granados
There are no censorship issues with this film. The film was
distributed only in Spain, France and Italy.
Summary Notes
In an unnamed Central American state on the eve of a crucial election, a young police informer working for police officer Miguel Mora bent on
uncovering the shady works of popular politician Maurice Leprince is killed. However, thugs working for Leprince began to be killed one by one as well...
Robinson and His Tempestuous Slaves is a 1972 West Germany / France / Israel comedy adventure by Jesús Franco (as Frank Hollmann) Starring Yehuda Barkan, Andrea Rau and Anne Libert
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1973.
Summary Notes
Meet Poor old Mr Robinson who is so bored at home with his terrible and an annoying house wife
and her Mother. At work One day, he decides to retire from urban life and spend the rest of his time with three very nice girls on an island. But beware! there's awful cannibals.
UK: Passed X (18) after BBFC cuts:
1973 cinema release
v Sadisterotica
- 1969 West Germany / Spain comedy mystery thriller by Jesús Franco
Sadisterotica is a 1969 West Germany / Spain comedy mystery thriller by Jesús Franco Starring Janine Reynaud,Rosanna Yanni,Chris Howland
The International Version was 18 rated by the BBFC for VHS but was rated 15 for 2005 DVD. There is a longer Spanish Version with extended dialogue scenes.
Summary Notes
"Red Lips" are two female detectives trying to find missing models and dancers. A pop artist called Klaus Thriller and his werewolf-like assistant, Morpho, are the main suspects.
UK: The International Cut was passed 15 uncut for Contains
moderate nudity and violence:
She Killed in Ecstasy is a 1971 West Germany / Spain horror by Jesús Franco (as Frank Hollmann) Starring Soledad Miranda,Fred Williams,Paul Muller
There are no censorship issues with this release
Summary Notes
A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos,
considering it too inhumane. His wife then seeks revenge on those who drove her husband to his death by luring each member of the committee into compromising situations and then killing them one by one.
Shining Sex is a 1977 Italy / France / Belgium / Switzerland adult Sci-Fi thriller by Jesús Franco (as Dan L Simon). Starring Lina Romay, Evelyne Scott and Monica Swinn.
Uncut and MPAA Unrated for US DVD and Blu-ray in 2020. Previously only
released as a shortened French version. Uncut and 18 rated in the UK for 2021 home vide with the BBFC noting that it contains strong real sex.
Promotional Material
One of the most provocative
films of writer/director Jess Franco's career has been virtually impossible to experience in its complete and uncut form… until now. Lina Romay is at her most explicitly seductive as an exotic dancer whose body is inhabited by a being from another
dimension to explore desire, depravity and death, while Uncle Jess himself portrays a wheelchair-bound psychic obsessed with the paranormal. Shot on location in the seaside resort of La Grande Motte, Evelyne Scott (DEVIL'S KISS), Monica Swinn (BARBED
WIRE DOLLS) and Olivier Mathot (THE SADIST OF NOTRE DAME) co-star in this 1975 Eurociné production.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for
strong real sex, nudity, sexualised violence:
Previously available only in a shortened French version or as a censor-fogged Japanese bootleg. Now scanned from the original negative for the first time ever anywhere.
The Silence of the Tomb is a 1976 Spain horror mystery by Jesús Franco Starring Alberto Dalbés, Glenda Allen and Mario Álex
There are no censorship issues with this film.
Summary Notes
An actress and her entourage spend a weekend on an island in the Atlantic. First her child is abducted, then a killer starts to eliminate the rest of the group one by one.
Sinner: The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac is a 1973 France drama by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown) Starring Montserrat Prous, Anne Libert and Francisco Acosta
There are no censorship issues with the standard version. There is also a French hardcore version.
Summary Notes
Linda Vargas picks up Ortiz in a bar where she works in a
lesbian show with Maria Toledano. She seduces him, phones the police and kills herself. Ortiz is held on suspicion of her murder.
Succubus is a 1968 West Germany / Spain / Portugal horror by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring Janine Reynaud,Jack Taylor,Adrian Hoven
The original version was filmed in German. An English language version was
created and released in the US in 1971. This US Version was significantly edited and was X rated by the MPAA. The US Version was passed X uncut for 1973 cinema release and 18 uncut on home video. The film was once banned in Finland and was unreleased in
Spain after censorship troubles.
Summary Notes
Janine Reynaud stars as a nightclub stripper who free-floats through a spectral 60's landscape littered with dream-figures, dancing
midgets and bizarre S&M games.
US Version
UK: The US Version was passed 18 uncut for Contains strong sex:
Tender and Perverse Emanuelle is a 1973 France mystery thriller by Jesús Franco (as J.P. Johnson) Starring Norma Kastel, Jack Taylor and Lina Romay
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1994.
Summary Notes
A Whodunit from the great! The investigation into the suicide of a young woman found dead at the bottom of a
cliff uncovers many lovers of both sexes, including her Brother's sister and her psychiatrist, a weird tale of absolute power and love
UK: Passed 18 after 1:11s of BBFC cuts for:
1994 Redemption VHS
Thanks to Peter. The BBFC cuts are:
At 67 mins - In sex scene, remove all sight of man's erection and woman masturbating him and of man's hand in woman's crotch.
Vampiresas 1930 is a 1962 Spain / France musical comedy
by Jesús Franco. Starring Mikaela, Antonio Ozores and Lina Morgan.
There are no censorship issues with this film. It was only distributed
in Spain, Portugal and France.
Summary Review: There are no vampires in this film
I quite enjoyed this early, non-horror outing from Franco until about half way through when it suddenly
lurched into a comedy-thriller narrative. Up to that point it had been a quite amusing romantic comedy based around the last days of silent cinema: the performances were engaging and the frequent musical numbers pretty.
v Vampiros Lesbos
- 1971 West Germany / Spain horror drama by Jesús Franco (as Franco Manera)
The Vengeance of Dr. Mabuse is a 1972 West Germany / Spain crime Sci-Fi horror by Jesús Franco (as Jess Frank) Starring Fred Williams,Jack Taylor,Ewa Strömberg
Never cut by film censors, but maybe this is because it has not been widely distributed.
Summary Notes
Dr. Mabuse and his accomplices steal all kinds of
attributes from a National Research Institute in order to complete his own evil mind-control ray.
v Venus In Furs - 1969 UK / Italy / West Germany thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco)
Venus In Furs is a 1969 UK / Italy / West Germany thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Franco) Starring James Darren,Barbara McNair,Maria Rohm
Not to be confused with Massimo Dallamano's film from the same year with the same title. Passed 18 uncut for UK video release in 2007.
Summary Notes
In Istanbul, a
j musician pulls the body of a young woman from the surf. He remembers her from the night before, when he saw her at a party, and later watched as she was brutally attacked by the party's host and 2 of his friends. A woman walks into his apartment who
looks like, the murdered woman, who wants to take vengeance on those who killed her.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for Contains strong sexualised nudity and one scene of sexualised violence:
A Virgin Among the Living Dead is a 1971 French/Italian film by Jess Franco. With Christina von Blanc, Britt Nichols and Rosa Palomar.
Exists as a Director's Cut and a Producer's Cut. The Director's Cut suffered BBFC cuts for 18 rated VHS and 2002 DVD but the 2017 DVD is uncut. The Director' Cut is MPAA Unrated in the US. There are also reports of a hardcore version
with additional footage featuring Alice Arno.
Summary Notes: Visually stunning
A girl arrives from London to visit her estranged relatives in a remote castle for the reading of her father's will. After
a while she discovers that they are all in fact dead and her decision to live with them turns into a nightmare. Unable to leave she's drawn into a macabre underworld through visions of nude satanic rituals and her own impending sacrifice.
The movie is very stylish as is typical with Franco's work, but also rather visually stunning, with the shots of the lush forest surrounding the chateau.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut
for strong sexualised violence for:
2017 Screenbound Pictures/Black House Films R2 DVD at UK Amazon
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2013 Redemption Re-mastered Edition [Directors + Producers Cuts] RA Blu-ray via UK Amazon
and at US Amazon titled Christina: Princess of Eroticism
2013 Redemption
Re-mastered Edition [Directors + Producers Cuts] R1 DVD at US Amazon titled Christina:
Princess of Eroticism
Producer's Cut
UK: The Producers Cut was passed 18
without BBFC cuts for:
1985 Careyvision VHS
US: The Producer's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2013 Redemption Re-mastered Edition [Directors + Producers Cuts] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon titled
A Virgin Among the Living Dead
2013 Redemption Re-mastered Edition [Directors + Producers Cuts] R1 DVD
at US Amazon titled A Virgin Among the Living Dead
The Producer's Cut splices in zombie footage from Franco's Zombie Lake.
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 after 1:19s of BBFC cuts for:
2002 Arrow R2 DVD
1994 Redemption VHS
The BBFC cuts were
The rape sequence preceding the satanic ritual has been partially deleted.
US: The Zombie 4: A Virgin Among the Living Dead suffered cuts to the Satanic ritual and lost the Christina von Blanc's nude scenes
Maybe this is also the cut UK version
Japan: The version has
found some extra sexy footage for a garden orgy. But then censors it by obscuring genitalia
v Virgin Report
- 1972 West Germany / Spain comedy horror drama by Jesús Franco (as Jess Frank)
Virgin Report is a 1972 West Germany / Spain comedy horror drama by Jesús Franco (as Jess Frank) Starring Hans Hass Jr., Eva Garden and Ingeborg Steinbach
Promotional meterial
Take a tantalizing tour around the world through the bedrooms of history! Shot in exotic locales with a stunningly beautiful and sexy
international cast, Virgin Report is one of the finest and wildest of the successful "Sex Report" films made in Europe during the 1970s. Experience the expression of love from the age of gods and demons to our own modern era, with stops along
the way to peer at medieval convents, exotic wedding night rituals, adolescent experimentation, and much, much more! Featuring the luscious Britt Nichols (Tombs of the Blind Dead), Christina von Blanc (A Virgin among the Living Dead), Eva Garden
(Swinging Wives), and horror favorite Howard Vernon (The Awful Dr. Orlof), this delicious dish of delights rips away the chaste clothing of civilized society to expose the naked, unbridled truth of love and lust!
Women Behind Bars is a 1975 French/Belgian sexploitation film by Jess Franco With Lina Romay, Martine Stedil and Nathalie Chape.
Banned as a video nasty in 1984 but otherwise not released until uncut 18 rated DVD in 2017. Uncut and MPAA unrated n the US.
Summary Review: Naked Isn't a Problem
A small-time hood
attracts the attention of the law with an insurance scam and diamond theft, but things become even more interesting when his moll murders him and is slammed behind bars where she faces all manner of electric shock treatments to various parts of her
There's tons of nudity, a lesbian scene and a couple torture sequences but this is still fairly clear for a Franco WIP film.
Romay has never been accused of being a good actress but she fits her role
fine here and she's certainly cute so watching her naked isn't a problem.
X312 - Flight to Hell is a 1971 West Germany / Spain action crime thriller by Jesús Franco (as Jess Frank) Starring Thomas Hunter,Gila von Weitershausen,Hans Hass Jr.
Uncut and 18 rated for UK home video in 2004. There's a Spanish version that has deleted a nude lesbian scene featuring Annamaria Vidal.
Summary Notes
A plane
leaving the turmoil of a South American country in the midst of a revolution crash-lands in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. Among the passengers are a corrupt banker who is smuggling diamonds out of the country, a reporter, a mysterious beauty and a shady
flight attendant. The survivors find themselves up against not only the dangers of the jungle itself but a band of headhunters and a gang of revolutionaries who are looking for the smuggled diamonds.