Braceface: One Teeny Tiny Problem is a Canada / USA children's TV cartoon comedy Starring Marnie McPhail,Alicia Silverstone,Vince Corazza
BBFC category cuts were required for a PG rated DVD release in 2009.
Summary Notes
Growing up is never easy, and no one is learning that faster than 12 year-old
Sharon Spitz, voiced by actress Alicia Silverstone. Sharon faces the challenges of adolescence, eighth grade, and living with a mouth full of metal! Unfortunately, she finds herself dealing with mysterious mishaps caused by her braces. Despite the mayhem
that follows in her wake, Sharon always walks away from trouble smiling - with a tin grin, of course!
category cuts
UK: Passed PG after 4s of BBFC category cuts for:
2009 Freemantlemedia R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove an offensive term about disability ( spaz ) in order to achieve a PG classification. An uncut 12 classification was available.
Brahms: The Boy II is a 2020 USA horror mystery thriller by William Brent Bell. Starring Katie Holmes, Owain Yeoman and Ralph Ineson.
Presumably it was the Director's cut that was originally submitted to the
MPAA for a PG-13 rating. Prior to release, the film makers had a rethink and made the film a little more creepy for the Theatrical Version but still with a PG-13 rating. The BBFC passed the Theatrical Version 15 uncut for 2020 cinema release and home
video. The Director's Cut was later released on German Blu-ray.
Summary Notes
After a family moves into the Heelshire Mansion, their young son soon makes friends with a life-like
doll called Brahms.
Director's Cut
Germany: The Director's Cut was
passed FSK 16 uncut:
2020 Koch Blu-ray
US: The Director's Cut was rated PG-13 for violence, terror, brief strong language and thematic elements. This version hasn't been released in the US though.
Presumably this is the original version submitted to the MPAA. It seems that the film makers had a bit of
a rethink and made it a little more creepy for the theatrical version. Nothing category changing though.
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for
strong supernatural threat, violence, disturbing images:
2020 Entertainment in Video (RB) Blu-ray titled Brahms: The Boy 2 at
UK Amazon
2020 Entertainment in video R2 DVD titled Brahms: The Boy 2 at UK Amazon
2020 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version was rated PG-13 for terror, violence, disturbing images and thematic elements.
Brain Damage is a 1988 USA comedy horror by Frank Henenlotter. Starring
Rick Hearst, Gordon MacDonald and Jennifer Lowry.
Originally cut for an R rated release in the US. Later the uncut Unrated version was released in the US. This Unrated version was cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1988
cinema and VHS releases. The uncut version was later passed 18 uncut for 2007 for DVD.
Summary Notes
A normal, average guy who lives in New York City becomes dependent on an evil, disembodied brain. The
brain feeds the guy a narcotic substance in exchange for his unwilling assistance in obtaining the brains of innocent victims for sustenance. This turns into a tour of circa-1980s underground NYC clubs, backlots, and other seedy locations. One scene
features the band Swimming Pool Cues playing the song "Corruption."
UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 for
strong bloody violence and sexual images, with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2020 Arrow Special Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2017 Arrow Limited Edition
(RB) Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 after 18-22s of cuts for:
1988 Palace VHS
1988 cinema release
Note. The BBFC cut 18s from the cinema release. The distributors cut 22s before submitting the video. Presumably the same cuts have been applied.
Thanks to Andy:
I've seen this version many times and can confirm
that the ear pulling scene was not cut, the cuts were to the nightclub fellatio scene, were all shots of the groin area were removed.
Brain eating thing, Elmer, is seen emerging from a guys fly at the nightclub as if for a blow job
A girl is forced to take Elmer in her mouth again as if for a blow job
Blood is seen coming from the girl mouth soon followed by her
Elmer with brain in tow then withdraws back to the guy's trousers
Braindead is a 1992 New Zealand comedy horror by Peter Jackson. With Timothy Balme, Diana PeƱalver and Elizabeth Moody.
Never cut by the BBFC. Massively cut in the US for an R Rating. There is a
US Unrated Version that has been shortened rather than censored.
Summary Notes
A psychological thriller from the writer of the original "Twilight Zone!" In a showdown of man vs. machine,
Martin plunges into a chaotic nightmare trying to save his mind from the megalomaniacal corporation!
European Version
European Version
UK: The Full European Version was passed 18 uncut for:
Brainscan is a 1994 Canada / USA / UK comedy Sci-Fi horror by John Flynn. Starring
Edward Furlong, Frank Langella and T Ryder Smith.
Uncut and 18 rated for 1994 cinema release. The follow up VHS was cut for a 15 rating. These cuts were waived for 15 rated DVD in 2005.
Summary Notes
A lonely teenage horror-movie
fan discovers a mysterious computer game that uses hypnosis to custom-tailor the game into the most terrifying experience imaginable. When he emerges from the hypnotic trance he is horrified to find evidence that the brutal murder depicted in the game
actually happened -- and he's the killer.
Set in the cliched world of teenage geeks, computer games and rock music. Very much a B movie that hit the mark. The character Trickster perhaps makes the movie.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong
language and violence for:
The murder of a balding man loses several stabs in the. a death struggled, the knife being pulled out, the knife being used to sever the victim's foot, and then a pan across the bloody aftermath of the corpse.
Bram Stoker's Burial of the Rats - 1995 US/Russia TV horror by Dan Golden See
Burial of the Rats
Bram Stoker's Dracula - 1992 USA horror romance by Francis Ford Coppola. See
Dracula (1992)
v Brannigan - 1975 UK / USA action crime comedy by Douglas Hickox.
Brannigan is a 1975 UK / USA action crime comedy by Douglas Hickox. Starring John Wayne, Richard Attenborough and Judy Geeson.
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'A' rated cinema release in 1975.
The film was released 15 uncut for home video. The film is uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Jim Brannigan is sent to London to bring back an American mobster who is being held for
extradition but when he arrives he has been kidnapped which was set up by his lawyer. Brannigan in his American Irish way brings American law to the people of Scotland Yard in order to recapture this mobster with both A price tag on his head and a stuffy
old London cop to contend with.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for infrequent strong
violence for:
Bashed, Battered and Bruised is a Brave, Bashed, Battered and Bruised
Banned by the BBFC for 1997 video release.
Promotional Material
A collection of unpleasant moments when
professional fighters mis-time moves and end up doing horrible injuries to themselves or their opponents. Amongst the injuries and casualties are enough broken bones, blood and bruising to keep and A+E department busy for a month. There is also a bonus
feature which shows a man taking on 40 men in a row in a bare-knuckle contest.
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1997 Visual Corporation VHS
The BBFC commented:
A film in the guise of a sporting documentary about karate, was actually selling the pleasures of gross violence through its unrelenting focus on the infliction of injury and pain.
Braveheart is a 1995 USA action war biography by Mel Gibson. Starring Mel
Gibson, Sophie Marceau and Patrick McGoohan.
Cut for an MPAA R rating. This was then further cut by the BBFC for cinema, VHS and DVD. The BBFC cuts were waived for 2009 Blu-ray.
Summary Notes
William Wallace is a Scottish rebel
who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace's father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free
Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce.
Mel Gibson implemented cuts to remove copious bleeding from sword and axe wounds in the battle scenes to achieve a US R rating.
UK: The cut US Theatrical Version was passed 15 after 2s of further BBFC category cuts for:
1996 Fox Guild VHS
1995 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
The front view of Wallace's (Mel Gibson) revenge cutting of the magistrate's throat, has been substituted for a less graphic side shot to obtain a 15' cert from the BBFC. The death of Wallace's wife has not been cut as widely mis-reported.
See the BBFC cuts in an episode of Quick Trims on YouTube
Brawl Busters - 1978 South Korea action adventure by Jeong-yong Kim. See
The Dragon from Shaolin
Brawl in Cell Block 99 is a 2017 USA action crime thriller by S
Craig Zahler. Starring Jennifer Carpenter, Vince Vaughn and Tom Guiry.
Uncut and 18 rated for UK cinema released and 2017 DVD and Blu-ray. The
BBFC later passed a 15 rated cut version. The film is uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
A former boxer-turned-drug runner lands in a prison battleground after a deal gets deadly.
UK: Passed 15 for strong violence, threat, language, injury detail, sex and drug references after 44s of BBFC category cuts for:
2018 Universal Pictures International Entertainment [Some Cuts Substituted] video
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to reduce or remove moments of stronger. sadistic violence and injury detail in order to achieve a 15 classification. An uncut 18, in line with previous versions of the work, was available.
The DVD and Blu-ray has already be released in uncut 18 rated DVD and Blu-ray form. It is not yet clear where this cut 15 rated version will be used.
v Brazil
- Brazil is 1985 UK Sci-Fi fantasy by Terry Gilliam.
Brazil is a Brazil is 1985 UK Sci-Fi fantasy by Terry Gilliam. With Jonathan Pryce, Kim
Greist and Robert De Niro.
Always uncut and 15 rated in the UK. The US suffered a shortened
theatrical version, and a further shortened Sid Sheinberg Edit. Later the uncut version version was released in the US and labelled the Director's Cut.
European Version
UK: The European Version was passed 15 uncut for:
2014 20th Century Fox Steelbook R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
See article from . The US Director's Cut is equivalent to the
European version but with minor extra footage:
An extended opening sequence, with the titles over a cloudy background from NeverEnding Story, perhaps omitted in Europe for copyright reasons
The scene in which Spoor answers the phone in Sam's apartment is slightly longer with extra
US Theatrical Version shortened
US: The US Theatrical Version was shortened on commercial grounds
Sid Sheinberg Edit shortened
US: There is also a shortened Sid Sheinberg Edit/Love Conquers All Version. This was a further shortened studio
edit and was contested by the director.
Break is a 2009 Germany horror by Matthias Olof Eich. Starring Lili Schackert, Esther MaaĆ and Ralph Willmann.
Cut by the BBFC for 2012 DVD. Uncut in Austria.
Summary Notes
The sudden break in the relationship with her boyfriend leaves Sarah Carter devastated. So her 3 friends
Rose, Clare and Anna decide to cheer her up by taking her on a trip in the Canadian woods. While on their way to the secluded lake where the four want to spend the weekend, they meet charming hiker Eric, who nearly immediately falls for Clare's sparkling
personality. Still, it's a girl-only weekend and the young women can't wait to go skinny dipping. The beautiful lake, warm summer weather and some cool beer soon have the group forgetting about their big city problems - until Anna trips over a pile of
Austria : Uncut for the Blu-ray and DVD released by NSM Records
UK: Passed 18 for strong gore, violence and sexual violence after 53s of BBFC cuts for:
2012 Trinity R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Company was required to remove elements of nudity from a scene of sexual violence that eroticise sexual violence in a potentially harmful manner.
The Break is a 1962 UK crime thriller by Lance Comfort Starring Tony
Britton,William Lucas,Eddie Byrne
Cut by the BBFC for an A rated cinema release in 1963. The same version was released DVD with a PG rating
Summary Notes
A dangerous prisoner, Jacko Thomas, overpowers
his police guard and jumps from a speeding train in the Dartmoor countryside. In the ensuing fight Jacko kills the guard.
UK: The cinema version was passed
PG without further BBFC cuts for:
Breakfast at Tiffany's is a 1961 US comedy drama by Blake Edwards
With Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard and Patricia Neal.
Cut by the BBFC for an A rated 1961 cinema release. The cuts have persisted ever since and were extended to the entire stripper scene for UK 1995 VHS and 2001 cinema release. The cut version of the stripper scene was restored for DVD
and Blu-ray
best available
submitted in 1961 114:47s =110:12s
UK: An Extended Version (presumably the 1961 cut cinema version) was passed PG without BBFC
cuts for:
Remove shots of a stripper's leg as the camera pans up her body
It is thought that the cut material has been lost
From IMDb. This version includes revealing footage of the nightclub stripper that was previously left out of the earlier DVD and video releases. Presumably this does not include the shots cut by the BBFC in 1961 which have reportedly been lost
presumably the 1961 cut cinema version is MPAA Unrated for:
2013 Paramount [Audrey Hepburn Collection] RB Blu-ray at US Amazon
2013 Paramount
[Audrey Hepburn Collection] R2 DVD at US Amazon
UK: A shortened version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for:
2001 cinema release
1995 CIC VHS
Distributors left out footage of the nightclub stripper
Breakheart Pass is a 1975 USA western mystery by Tom Gries. Starring Charles Bronson, Ben Johnson and Richard Crenna.
BBFC category cuts for an A rated 1975 cinema release and 1987 VHS. Uncut on DVD since 2002. Uncut in the US.
Summary Notes
Train with medical supplies and small U.S. Army unit is
heading through Rocky mountains towards plagued Fort Humboldt. Among its passengers are territory governor, priest, doctor and U.S. Marshal with his prisoner, John Deakin. However, nothing on that train is what it seems.
UK: Passed PG uncut for:
2018 Eureka Entertainment RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
Breaking Bad is a 2008 USA TV crime series. With Bryan Cranston, Anna
Gunn and Aaron Paul.
Summary Notes
A high school chemistry teacher turns to a life of crime in order to secure his family's financial
Season 3. Thanks to Daniel:
The season 3 episode I.F.T. - which stands for I fucked Ted
- was edited for broadcast in the US on AMC to omit the expletive from an important dialogue exchange at the end of the episode. The region 1 release lists that fact that it contains 3 uncensored episodes , but the UK version features the same
censored version that AMC broadcast despite the fact that the language would not have caused a problem on UK at all, even on television.
What makes this more annoying is that the expletive is included in the English subtitle track
and the French dub track is also intact.
Season 3 has subsequently been issued on Blu-ray, but there doesn't seem to be any indication that the edits have been restored.
Seasons 4 and 5 (part 1) seem to be
okay, but I still don't see why UK viewers should have to put up with US TV censorship at all on a format that does not require it.
Breaking In is a 1989 USA comedy adventure by Bill Forsyth Starring Burt Reynolds,Casey Siemaszko,Sheila Kelley
Cut by the BBFC for 15 rated VHS in 1991 and 1992. Uncut for 15 rated DVD in 2004. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Professional thief Ernie takes Mike on
as an apprentice, but while Mike clearly has "larceny in his heart", it will take him a long time to get as good as Ernie.
Breaking In is a 2018 USA thriller by James McTeigue. Starring Gabrielle Union, Billy Burke and Richard Cabral.
Cut in the US for an MPAA PG-13 rating. US home video versions feature the uncut version labelled as an MPAA Unrated Director's Cut. All UK releases are the uncut version which was passed 15 by the BBFC.
Summary Notes
A woman fights to protect her family during a home invasion.
Director's Cut
Director's Cu
UK: Passed 15 uncut for sustained threat, strong violence for:
Jesse has to get out of Las Vegas quickly, and steals a car to drive to L.A. On the way he shoots a police man. When he makes it to L.A. he stays with Monica, a girl he has only known for a few days. As the film progresses, the police
get closer to him, and the crimes escalate.
UK: Passed 15 uncut:
2001 MGM Home Entertainment (Europe) video
UK: Passed 18 uncut:
1983 cinema release
UK: Passed 18 after 24s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
1986 Rank Video Library [1983 version] VHS
The BBFC cuts were:
Footage of Richard Gere breaking into a car by forcing the window and then hotwiring the ignition with the aid of a small piece of metal has been excised.
Later on he breaks into Valerie Kaprisky's flat using the lock pick, but the details
are again cut.
v Brick Mansions - 2014 France / Canada action crime drama by Camille Delamarre.
Brick Mansions is a 2014 France / Canada action crime drama by
Camille Delamarre. Starring Paul Walker, David Belle and RZA.
Summary Notes
An undercover Detroit cop navigates a dangerous neighborhood that's surrounded by a containment wall
with the help of an ex-con in order to bring down a crime lord and his plot to devastate the entire city.
There is an extended version with a higher age rating being released in Germany. The extended version is 9 minutes longer than
the Theatrical Version.
The Bride of Frank is a 1996 US comedy horror by Steve Ballot
With Morgan Tara, Frank Meyer and Johnny Horizon.
Heavily cut by the BBFC for 2005 DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US
Summary Review: Fake Blood
The plot is at the kindergarten level. It's just a crazy man killing people in gory
methods, often doing obscene things with the corpses. His "friends" help him along the way and participating in one murder during his birthday party.
The cinematography is terrible. Basically, it has a lot of fake blood, fake wounds,
ripped out eyes, and several fake penises. A bad movie.
and man penetrating the eye socket of a woman, having
removed her eye.
Cuts are made on grounds of potential harm and potential obscenity, for unjustified sexual detail, and sexual violence.
The BBFC seemed to have spoiled the joke of the films synopsis: All Franks wants is
true love. But you better not mess with Frank, because if he tells you, I'll cut off your head and shit down your neck, he ain't kidding.
2009 20th Century Fox DVD was passed uncut by the BBFC but the certificate was raised to a 12.
The BBFC explained their decision: BRIDE WARS is a comedy starring Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway, who play two women who have been
friends since childhood. They find their friendship tested to the limit when their weddings are booked on the same day due to a mix-up. The DVD release was classified '12' for moderate language and sex references.
BRIDE WARS contains two uses of
moderate language - an aggressive use of 'bitch' to describe a female character and a character saying 'Mother F' when she hears her wedding date has been double booked. Though the latter is only an implied swear word, these moments of dialogue were too
strong to be contained at 'PG'. At 'PG' the BBFC's Guideline state that there should be 'mild bad language only'. In addition mild language in the film includes the use of "ass", "God", "damn", "fricking" and
"bitchy", the last used without aggression.
The mild sex references include an extended comedic sequence in which a woman visits a strip club for a hen party, and dances with male dancers on stage. They wear sparkly shorts and she joins
them to dance in hotpants. There is no nudity during the sequence. Dialogue also includes references to a character being "too sexy" and brief verbal references to sleeping with people. These sex references could have been contained under the
BBFC's Guidelines at 'PG' which state that 'sexual activity may be implied, but should be discreet and infrequent. (There should be) mild sex references and innuendo only'.
The uncut region 2 DVD is available at
UK Amazon for release on 18th May 2009 The uncut region 1 DVD is
available at US Amazon or release on 28th April 2009
The 2008 cinema
version has dialogue cuts to achieve a PG rating.
The BBFC explained their decision: BRIDE WARS is a comedy starring Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway, who play two women who have been friends since childhood. They find their
friendship tested to the limit when their weddings are booked on the same day due to a mix-up. The film was classified 'PG' for mild language and sex references.
Language in the film includes the use of "ass", "God",
"damn", "fricking" and "bitchy", the last used without aggression. At 'PG' the BBFC's Guideline state that there should be 'mild bad language only', and the dialogue heard in BRIDE WARS does not go beyond the limit of that
The mild sex references include an extended comedic sequence in which a woman visits a strip club for a hen party, and dances with male dancers on stage. They wear sparkly shorts and she joins them to dance in hotpants. There is no
nudity during the sequence. Dialogue also includes references to a character being "too sexy" and brief verbal references to sleeping with people. The BBFC's Guidelines at 'PG' state that 'sexual activity may be implied, but should be discreet
and infrequent. (There should be) mild sex references and innuendo only'. The references in BRIDE WARS are mild and discreet enough to pass at PG, with no verbal discussion of sexual activity carried out with any clear or obvious detail.
v Brides of Blood
- 1968 Philippines / USA Sci-Fi horror by Gerardo de Leon and Eddie Romero.
Brides of Blood is a 1968 Philippines / USA Sci-Fi horror by Gerardo de Leon and Eddie Romero. Starring Kent Taylor, Beverly Powers and John Ashley.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1969. Uncut for 15 rated DVD
in 2003. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
Natives of a tropical island have to contend with man-eating plants and animals, mutations caused by radioactivity. Virgin
sacrifices become the norm. A small group of interlopers become caught up in the mayhem.
UK: Passed 15 uncut:
2003 Cinema Club R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 14th July 2003
The Brides of Fu Manchu is a 1966 UK / West Germany crime adventure by Don Sharp. Starring Christopher Lee, Douglas Wilmer and Heinz Drache.
BBFC category cuts were required for a U rated cinema release in 1966,Later uncut and U rated on home video. There is also a shorter German Version.
Summary Notes
Fu Manchu and his army of henchmen are kidnapping the daughters of prominent scientists and taking them to his remote island headquarters. Instead of asking for ransom, Fu demands that the fathers help him to build a death ray, which
he intends to use to take over the world. But Fu's archenemy, Sir Denis Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard, is determined not to let that happen.
Original Version
UK: Passed U uncut for mild violence and scary moments:
2022 Powerhouse Films [with and without prologue] (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2003 Momentum Pictures video
UK: Passed U uncut:
1991 Warner Home VHS
IMDb notes that the BBFC cuts were waived for this release and also that this version has an extra prologue reprising the last scene from the Face of Fu Manchu
A Bridge Too Far is a 1977 USA / UK war historical drama by Richard
Attenborough. Starring Sean Connery, Ryan O'Neal and Michael Caine.
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'A' rated cinema release in 1977.
Later passed 15 uncut for home video bt with one of the cuts creeping back into the 2001 DVD. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
The true story of Operation Market Garden, the Allies
attempt, in September 1944, to hasten the end of WW2 by driving through Belgium and Holland into Germany. The idea was for US airborne divisions to take the towns of Eindhoven and Nijmegen and a British airborne division, reinforced by a Polish airborne
brigade, to take the town of Arnhem. They would be reinforced, in due course and in turn, by the British XXX Corps, land-based and driving up from the British lines in the south. The key to the operation was the bridges, as if the Germans held or blew
them, the paratroopers could not be relieved. Faulty intelligence, Allied high command hubris and stubborn German resistance would ensure that Arnhem was a bridge too far.
UK: A pre-cut version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
2001 MGM video
The 2001 MGM DVD has Elliott Gould yelling Roll it fellas rather than the original line Roll the fuckers. The other example of strong language was included in the film.
UK: Passed A (PG) after BBFC category cuts for:
1977 cinema release
The cuts were:
Elliott Gould yelled Roll it fellas rather than the original line Roll the fuckers.
When James Caan threatens the doctor: I'll fucking blow your head off, the word 'fucking' is missing
Cut sight of soldier with
bloodied neck falling dead across a dead soldier with guts exposed.
Cuts to two soldiers shot in the head as they wade across a river.
Pre-cut in the UK for strong language. Uncut in the US but it is presented
in a variant US Version
Summary Notes
Bridget Jones is an average woman struggling against her age, her weight, her job, her lack of a man, and her many imperfections. As a New Year's Resolution,
Bridget decides to take control of her life, starting by keeping a diary in which she will always tell the complete truth. The fireworks begin when her charming though disreputable boss takes an interest in the quirky Miss Jones. Thrown into the mix are
Bridget's band of slightly eccentric friends and a rather disagreeable acquaintance who Bridget cannot seem to stop running into or help finding quietly attractive.
Cutting Edge
UK category cuts to the cinema release and DVD. See Quick Trims on YouTube By Gavin Salkeld
Before you rush to buy the US DVD, there are subtle differences between the same scenes in the USA and UK versions of the movie. This includes not only different takes of the scene, but sometimes different dialogue. For example, one version of the
first job interview has a question about "the El NiƱo phenomenon", others have a question about Microsoft. In addition, during the credits, the USA version has a home movie of Mark Darcy's 8th birthday party with the young Bridget. The
UK version has interviews with the various characters about the new relationship between Bridget and Mark.
pre-cut 1s
UK: A pre-cut version was passed 15 for strong
language and sexual references, and one scene of moderate violence for:
2001 Columbia/Tri-Star R2 DVD
2001 Universal R2 DVD
2001 cinema release
2001 cinema release
The pre-cut was to ensure that the film was 15 rather than 18 rated:
The dialogue Careful, you ham fisted cunt! is overdubbed ham fisted cow! .
The film was submitted twice for cinema release, perhaps something to do with the alternative version of the credits
Although the word 'cunt' was pre-cut from the main feature it appeared on the commentary track. So the DVD had to be re-released in
2002 with an officially recorded BBFC cut. The BBFC commented:
Cut required to remove the word cunt from the line ham fisted cunt and from the director's commentary to make the work suitable for the 15 category given to previous, pre-cut video versions.
The Brigand of Kandahar is a 1965 UK historical adventure by John Gilling. Starring Ronald Lewis, Oliver Reed and Duncan Lamont.
BBFC cuts were required for a U rated cinema release in 1965. Presumably
the same version was submitted for BBFC PG rated DVD release in 2011 and 2024 Blu-ray.
Summary Notes
In 1850, a British garrison defends Fort Kandahar on the North West Frontier
of British India. Lieutenant Case is a mixed race British officer under the command of Colonel Drewe. Case is despised by his colonel and a few jealous fellow officers for being part-native. However, due to his background, Case is useful to the British
who use him to infiltrate the local tribes. The tribes, united under a war chieftain named Ali Khan, have been fomenting revolt against the British colonial forces. Disguised as a native, Lieutenant Case collects valuable intelligence for his regiment.
Unfortunately, during a spying mission, Case and a fellow officer, Captain Connelly are discovered. Case escapes under the cover of darkness but Connelly is captured. On his return to Fort Kandahar, Case is accused of deliberately abandoning Connelly to
the enemy and of cowardice as he made no attempt to rescue Connelly. The love affair between Connelly's wife and Case is well-known at the fort and many officers ...
best available cut
UK: Presumably the cut cinema version was
passed PG uncut for mild violence:
Brightburn is a 2019 USA Sci-Fi horror thriller by David Yarovesky. Starring Elizabeth Banks, David Denman and Matt Jones.
BBFC advised category cuts were required for a 15 rated cinema and home
video release in 2019. The uncut version is available on an HMV exclusive release. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
What if a child from another world crash-landed on
Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?
uncut US Theatrical Version
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong gory
violence, injury detail for
2019 Sony HMV exclusive [uncut on 4K Blu-ray, cut on Blu-ray] R0 4k Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo]
Nordic: The Nordic release is uncut and 15/16 rated for:
2019 Sony [English audio + English subtitles] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: Rated R uncut for horror violence/bloody images, and language.
2019 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment R0 4k Blu-ray at US Amazon
2019 Sony
Pictures Home Entertainment R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
2019 Sony Pictures Home
Entertainment R1 DVD at US Amazon
Ireland: Passed 18 uncut for: very strong gory violence with injury detail, strong language
2019 video
Ireland: Passed 16 uncut for: very strong gory violence and psychological threat:
2019 cinema release
The running time exactly matches the cut UK cinema running time but the IFCO category comments better match the uncut version.
UK Version category cuts
UK: The UK Theatrical Version was passed 15 for strong gory injury detail, violence, language after BBFC advised category cuts adding up to a 17s difference in running time:
2019 Sony RB Blu-ray
2019 Sony R2 DVD
2019 Sony VoD
2019 cinema release
The languages available on the cut UK Blu-ray suggest that Italy/Ireland/UK have the cut release whilst the rest of Europe has the uncut version.
The BBFC commented:
This film was originally seen for advice at which stage the company was informed it was likely to be classified 18 uncut but that their preferred 15 classification could be achieved by making reductions to two scenes featuring both
strong gory images and a dwelling on the infliction of pain and injury. When the film was submitted for formal classification these scenes had been acceptably reduced.
The BBFC further commented in its annual report covering 2019:
The advice viewing identified a dwelling on pain and bloody injury in two scenes, one in which a woman removes a glass shard from her eye and the other
in which a man attempts to hold his shattered jaw in place. We advised the distributor that the detail in these scenes would result in the film being rated 18, and we recommended changes for 15, which the distributor made.
The Bronx Warriors is a 1982 Italy Sci-Fi film by Enzo G. Castellari. With Mark Gregory, Fred Williamson and Vic Morrow.
Shortened for an R rated theatarical release in the US. This version was
further cut by the BBFC for 18 rated cinema release and VHS. An extended version was released uncut for 18 rated 2003 DVD and later downrated to 15 for 2010 DVD. The extended version was also used for DVD releases in teh US.
Summary Review
: Cult classic
17-year-old Mark Gregory stars as Trash, leader of The Riders - a motorcycle gang that survive in the Bronx of the future. Crime has supposedly risen to such impossible heights
that the police have abandoned the Bronx to its own devices - the gangs now rule the streets.
Originally made in Italian (although filmed in the Bronx) as I Guerrieri del Bronx , this cult classic was later dubbed into English. Only
recently released in its uncut version, it was notorious for its violence and suffered extensive cuts in both its original UK and US releases. It also featured a lot of real Hell's Angels as the supporting bikers.
It has
to be said that these days the violence in it looks quite restrained and won't shock as many as it once did. Suspension of disbelief is definitely required in order to deal with gangs who roller skate or tap dance, but the imagery of it all remains quite
From IMDB. Cuts aside this is also a longer version restoring uncontroversial scenes:
A longer scene of the Riders discovering the body of Chris by the pier.
After Sandy and Speedy's cremation all the Riders take a handful of cremated ash and throw it into the river in a ritual.
A conversation between Anne and Trash
on the beach, just before she is kidnapped by the Zombies, where she says she wants to leave because she feels responsible for all the deaths that have happened and Trash makes a speech about how "death is part of life, we live with it and it's
scent gets on our skin". (This also makes Anne's dying words to Trash make a lot more sense at the film's close).
US Theatrical Version
UK: The shortened US Theatrical Version was
passed 18 after 12s of BBFC cuts for:
1993 Simitar VHS
1986 EIV VHS
1983 cinema release
From IMDb:
Cut to edit the killing of the tramp and a man's face being hit with a baseball bat.
Bronx Warriors 2 is a 1983 Italian Sci-Fi by Enzo G. Castellari. With Mark Gregory, Henry Silva and Valeria D'Obici.
Cut by the BBFC for an 18 rated 1985 cinema release. BBFC cuts were waived
for a pre-cut 2003 DVD. Finally uncut and 15 rated for 2009 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Review from IMDB: That delinquent Trash person
The semi-tough, actually rather effeminate Mark
Gregory is back as that delinquent Trash person in Bronx Warriors 2, which in my opinion bests the original. It's faster-paced, with more action and more dead bodies, and Mark Gregory's acting has even improved.
story gleefully ups the bleakness quotient, with most of the Bronx gangs having retreated into subterranean hideouts as Disinfestation Annihilation Squads raze the blighted neighborhoods to make way for fascistic urban renewal. Anybody who's seen the
first Bronx Warriors knows Trash isn't going to put up with that.
If you're in the mood for a cheap 80s action flick that delivers the goods, Bronx Warriors 2 has more than enough gun battles, flamethrowers, exploding
miniatures, people dying and flying through the air in slow motion, and scatological dialogue to satisfy.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for:
2010 Argent/Shameless R0 DVD titled Escape from the Bronx at UK Amazon
2009 Argent/Shameless Trilogy R0 DVD titled
Escape from the Bronx at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2018 Blue Underground [ Post-Apocalyptic Collection] R0 DVD titled Escape from the Bronx
at US Amazon
UK: A pre-cut version was passed 18 for strong language and violence with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2003 Michael Lee/Vipco R2 DVD
From IMDb:
The Vipco DVD release of Bronx Warriors 2 is the most complete British release yet including the previously snipped Shotgun Butt in Helmet Visor and Hostages Rigged with Bombs scenes, plus the slightly longer flame deaths. It is however marginally
trimmed in the opening minute with the first victim (comes flying out of a second floor window during the opening credits). We do not see the Disinfestors then give him a good hiding unlike previous releases where they beat him unconscious. for:
88:56s =85:23s
UK: Passed 18 after 11s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
1985 cinema release
From IMDb:
Cut to the "hostages rigged with bombs" sequence (originally a hostage deliberately ran at a Disinfestor so the bomb goes off in his face)
Strike hitting a Disinfestor in the helmet visor with his shotgun butt causing his face to
turn to red mush.
The Brood is a 1979 Canada horror by David Cronenberg With Oliver Reed and Samantha Eggar.
The cinema release and VHS videos were cut by 36s in the US to achieve an
R rating. The uncut version turned up in time for DVD.
Summary Notes: Cronenberg gets noticed
The Brood was David Cronenberg's third feature release and the film that got him noticed outside Canada
and the horror genre. With heavy weight actors Oliver Reed and Samantha Egger, Cronenberg's excellent script and a story more psychological than outright horror, though there are a few gory scenes, Cronenberg was onto a winner.
This is a film that stays with you long after the final credits have rolled. Get this DVD now! it should be in your collection.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon is a 1972 Italy/UK war biography by
Franco Zeffirelli. With Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker and Leigh Lawson.
Exists in 2 very different versions, the International Version and the
Original Italian Version
Summary Notes
This is a dramatization of events in the life of St. Francis of Assisi from before his conversion experience through his audience with the pope, including his
friendship with St. Clare.
UK: The International Version was passed PG uncut for mild nudity and violence for:
UK: The International Version was passed U uncut for:
1973 cinema release
From IMDb:
The Italian version runs 14 minutes longer, has a different score (no Donovan) and is totally recut, almost to the extent of being a different
film. The film is not a flashback, it begins as the boys travel to an attic where they've acquired suits of Armour, then into the credits, then an extended ride through the fields with totally different dialogue. Different scenes, shots and dialogue
Brotherhood of Blades is a 2014 China action film by Yang Lu. Starring Chen Chang, Shih-Chieh Chin and Dong-xue Li.
BBFC cuts were required for animal cruelty. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the
Summary Notes
This is a movie set in the late Ming Dynasty. The 3 main characters are all elite guards for the palace. One of their fellow guardsmen goes bad. His former companions must now forget
their bond and apprehend him. But are they being lured into a larger conspiracy against their emperor?
~111:00s =~106:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated
compulsory cuts 5s
UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence after 5s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2017 Second Sight Films (RB) Blu-ray
2017 Second Sight Films R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Compulsory cut required to remove a scene of animal cruelty (a horse being tripped)
Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield is a 2017 China action historical drama by Yang Lu. Starring Chen Chang, Mi Yang and Yi Zhang.
BBFC animal cruelty cuts were required for a 15 rated video release in 2017.
Summary Notes
In the Ming dynasty of China, Shen Lian (starring Chang Chen), a secret police of corrupt
government, is trapped by the conspiracy on a mission. To prove the innocence, he seeks the truth with a girl called Bei Zhai (starring Yang Mi).
compulsory cuts
UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence after 11s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2017 Thunderbird Releasing [16:9] video
The BBFC commented:
Compulsory cuts required to remove scenes of animal cruelty (horses being tripped)/
The BBFC commented further in its annual report covering 2017:
The DVD release of the Chinese action drama Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield features scenes in which horses fall in a potentially
dangerous manner after appearing to be tripped.
Brotherhood of the Wolf is a 2001 France horror by Christophe Gans With Samuel Le Bihan and Mark Dacascos.
There are 3 versions , The Director's Cut, the UK Version and the US Theatrical Version. The differences are uncontroversial and none of the versions particularly stand out from the others
Summary Notes
In 18th century France, the Chevalier de Fronsac and his native American friend Mani are sent by the King to the Gevaudan province to investigate the killings of hundreds by a mysterious beast.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed
15 uncut for strong violence, injury detail, sexual violence, threat, sex:
2023 Studiocanal [Director's Cut + UK? Theatrical Version] R0 4K Blu-ray / R0 Blu-ray Combo (
at UK Amazon #ad released on 15th May 2023
2023 Studiocanal
[Director's Cut + UK? Theatrical Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 15th May 2023
Studiocanal Director's Cut R2 DVD at UK Amazon #ad released on 15th May 2023
US: The International Version/ Director's Cut/Extended Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2023 SHOUT! FACTORY Collector's Edition R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo at US Amazon #ad
The differences between the 3 versions are uncontentious. Just different opinions on the best cut. From IMDb:
The extended version of the film contains five deleted scenes, commented on by director Christophe Gans, that were cut from
the movie for reasons of pacing or character continuity:
An extended version of the fight sequence the opens the film between Mani (Mark Decascos) and the highwaymen. In the extended version, Fronsac (Samuel le Bihan) ends up assisting Mani in defeating them. In the film version, Mani fights alone.
A raven assists Mani in finding the body of a shepherdhess, the beast's most recent victim. In the film, the body is found much later on than when this scene would have led the audience to believe.
Sardis (Jean-Francois Stevenin) warns
Fronsac about continuing his affair with Marianne (Emilie Dequenne), saying that he doubts Fronsac has the moral character required to be with such a woman.
A tender scene between Fronsac and Marianne on a frozen pond covered in fog.
scene set in La Teissier's where Sylvia (Monica Bellucci) reveals to Fronsac that the rooms in the bordello are equipped with two-way mirrors. She shows him a room where a friend of the Morangais family is involved in a bizarre sadomasochistic encounter.
UK Version
UK: The UK Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
Professional motorcycle racer Bud Clay heads from New Hampshire to California to race again. Along the way he meets various needy women who provide him with the cure to his own loneliness, but only a certain woman from his past will
truly satisfy him.
Difficult to take seriously as drama, Vincent Gallo's strangled lonely-guy odyssey was a must-see for its extended Chloƫ Sevigny blow job
Cannes Version
France: Premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in a version that was 26 minutes longer
than the Theatrical Version. The film got better reviews in the shorter theatrical version so that seems to be the definitive version. Note that the Cannes Version and Theatrical Version have exactly the same sex scenes.
UK: Passed 15 for frequent moderate action violence after 34s of BBFC cuts for:
2012 Firefly Video
The BBFC commented:
Cuts required to remove footage of animal cruelty (in this case a distressed and injured bull staggering, collapsing and convulsing on the ground, and sight of two captured animals fighting [a bird
and a snake]).
The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 without further BBFC cuts for the 2009/10
Universal DVDs
distributor cut
79:06s =75:56s
The distributors also issued a pre-cut 15
rated cinema version to extend their box office reach. This versions is identified as the Snipped version.
The BBFC commented:
This film was originally shown to the BBFC in an unfinished version. The BBFC advised the company
that the film was likely to receive an '18' classification but that the requested '15' certificate could be achieved by making changes to three scenes. In particular the BBFC suggested that the company remove the majority of a montage of exaggerated
sexual activity between Bruno and his boyfriend; Bruno comically miming fellatio and anilingus as he pretends to have oral sex with a deceased person with whom he is in contact through a medium; and sex between couples at a swingers' party and aggressive
sexual dialogue at the same party. When this version of the feature was submitted these changes had been made and the film was classified '15'. A previous version of the feature was submitted without these changes and was classified at '18'.
The BBFC explained their 15 rating:
BRUNO is a satirical comedy in which Sacha Baron Cohen plays gay Austrian fashion show presenter Bruno, who falls into disgrace and travels to the States in an attempt to achieve fame. This film was classified '15' in accordance
with BBFC Guidelines, for strong language and strong sex references.
At '15', the Guidelines state 'There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, 'fuck'). This film contains a number of examples of this language.
The BBFC's
15 Guidelines on sex note that 'sexual activity may be portrayed but without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour'. Amongst other references and scenes Bruno contains implied anal penetration with a champagne bottle;
clothed acting out of various sexual positions; and Bruno being comically whipped by a dominatrix. In all cases strong detail is omitted.
distributor cut
81:16s =78:01s
Just before the cinema release the distributors further cut references to Michael
Jackson over sensitivity of his recent death.
The BBFC Commented: Following the death of pop star Michael Jackson, the company chose to remove a sequence involving the star's sister, LaToya, which includes references to her late
brother. Otherwise, the work remains identical to the previously classified '18' version.
The BBFC explained their 18 rating:
BRUNO is a satirical comedy in which Sacha Baron Cohen plays gay Austrian fashion show
presenter Bruno, who falls into disgrace and travels to the States in an attempt to achieve fame. This film was classified '18' in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, for strong sex and strong sex references. At '15', the Guidelines state that 'sexual
activity may be portrayed but without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour'. Both the scenes of strong sex and the sex references were considered by the Board to go beyond the '15' level, but acceptable at the adult
'18' category. There are three strong sex scenes in the film. The first one features a montage of exaggerated sexual activity between Bruno and his boyfriend. The second shows Bruno comically miming fellatio and anilingus as he pretends to have oral sex
with a deceased person with whom he is in contact through a medium, while the third scene features sex between couples at a swingers' party, with sexual detail obscured.
The film also contains some uses of strong language.
Rated R
82:32s =79:14s
The 2009
cinema release was passed without BBFC cuts but the distributors submitted the US R rated version cut to avoid an NC-17 rating.
Brutalization - 1973 Netherlands/Belgium crime thriller by Fons Rademakers. See
Because of the Cats
The Brute is a 1977 UK crime drama by Gerry O'Hara Starring Sarah Douglas, Julian Glover and Roberta Gibbs
Cut by the BBFC for 1977 cinema release. An uncensored version was created for export.
Powerhouse Films have promised an uncut pre-release UK restoration presumably without the BBFC cuts.
Summary Notes
Glamour model Diane Shepherd gets routinely beaten by her husband
Tim, who accuses her of infidelity. When she can't take it anymore, she finds shelter with photographer Mark and his girlfriend Carrie. They introduce Diana to Millie, who is in a similar situation. Meanwhile, Tim informs Diane that if she doesn't come
back to him, he will see that he gains custody of their son Timmy.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with a BBFC trigger
warning for strong violence, threat, domestic abuse, sexual violence:
2022 Powerhouse Films [Uncut Pre-release UK Version + uncut Export Version] (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon #ad
It is not clear which version was submitted to the BBFC.
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2024 Powerhouse Films US Limited Edition (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
UK: Passed X (18) after BBFC cuts:
1977 cinema release
From IMDb:
Was met with considerable controversy in the UK media when first released in 1977 due to its graphic depiction of domestic violence & physical spousal abuse.
short version
US: A short version was rated R for domestic violence, sexuality and some language
Brute Corps is a 1971 USA action drama by Jerry Jameson. Starring Paul
Carr, Joseph Kaufmann and Jennifer Billingsley.
Banned by the BBFC for 1972 cinema release and not released since. Cut for US R rating but the Unrated version is uncut.
Summary Notes
A couple runs into a strange Marine camp where
soldiers perform training exercises. The girl gets tormented, and the guy goes after them.
A beautiful hitchhiker and a draft dodger travel to Mexico and encounter a pack of mercenaries awaiting their next
mission in Central America. A terribly psychotic merc takes a liking to the girl which sets the couple on a brutal and violent course of torture and rape. Gritty and exciting, this one is not for the faint of heart.
Brutes and Savages is a 1978 USA documentary by Arthur Davis. With Arthur Davis and Richard Johnson.
The cut original version was seized by police during the video nasty panic. There is an uncut Uncivilized Version released in the US.
Summary Notes
Fascinated by forbidden rituals and
ceremonies, world explorer Arthur Davis takes a crew with hidden cameras to Africa and South America to secretly record the beauty and horror of the "law of the jungle". BRUTES AND SAVAGES is the filmed document of his death-defying adventures.
Shocking, brutal and repulsive, this film mixes bizarre authentic footage with incredibly exploitive (and often hilarious) "re-enactments" of his findings. Animal sacrifices, bizarre tribal ceremonies, mating rituals and even brain surgery.
UK: The Cut Version was released on pre-cert video for:
1980 Derann VHS
When first released in US theaters in 1978, Brutes and Savages was cut down to avoid problems with the censors.
In the UK the video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims
admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter, and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time. See list of videos seized during the video nasties panic
B'Twixt Now and Sunrise is a 2022 US comedy horror by Francis Ford Coppola Starring Val Kilmer, Bruce Dern and Elle Fanning
B'Twixt Now and Sunrise (The Authentic Cut) is a 2022 shorter re-cut of the movie Twixt
released in 2011.
Summary Notes
A struggling horror writer visiting a small town on a book tour gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a young girl. That night in a dream,
he is approached by a mysterious young ghost named V.
Authentic Version
US: The Authentic Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2023 Agfa (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad titled B'Twixt Now and Sunrise
Original Version
UK: Widescreen version Twixt was passed 15 uncut for
strong horror and bloody images:
Buck Rogers
in the 25th Century is a 1979 USA action Sci-Fi TV pilot by Daniel Haller. Starring Gil Gerard, Erin Gray and Pamela Hensley.
BBFC category cuts were required for 1979 cinema release. The rating became 15 uncut for 1987 VHS and then PG uncut for 2004 DVD. Uncut and pG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
In 1987, Captain William "Buck" Rogers pilots his space shuttle Ranger 3 on a mission but a meteor storm freezes him into an orbit that returns him to Earth - 500 years later. In 2491, his shuttle is found and captured by
the Draconian flagship, under the command of Princess Ardala and her second-in-command Kane. Reviving him, they return him to Earth after secretly planting a homing beacon aboard his shuttle to track a path through Earth's defense barrier. Buck is under
arrest and learns that Earth has been rebuilt over the centuries in his absence following a nuclear holocaust. Buck Rogers must adjust to the 25th century, and convince the Terrans that the Draconians are secretly planning to conquer Earth.
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild horror and violence:
2018 Fabulous Films Complete Collection (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 2nd April 2018
The Blu-ray set was packaged with a 15 rating for unknown reasons
The theatrical version of the pilot episode of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was rated A in the UK in 1979, and was actually cut - the bit where Buck kicks the second Tigerman in the nuts.
Post-VRA, it was released on VHS uncut, but with an extremely overzealous 15 certificate, even though it often played on TV at mornings and afternoons.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 3 Dead Man's Party
is a 1998 episode of the US action horror TV series by James Whitmore Jr. Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon and Alyson Hannigan.
Cut by the BBFC for 12 rated 2000 DVD. Uncut on US and UK TV.
Buffy is back
home, to her mother Joyce's great relief, which calls for a dinner invitation for the while gang, but the mood remains gloomy, despite her resuming the main slaying tasks although for the others things can't just return to their former state, not in the
least because the obviously amused principal Snyder pays no attention to pleas to take Buffy back (mother's threat to take the case to the mayor even has an inverse effect), while Buffy still dreams of Angel. After a dead cat found in the Summers
bookcase, other stinking corpses come to life again, a phenomenon which must have something to do with a the mysterious Nigerian mask with lighting red eyes mother Joyce bought.
In Dead Man's Party, at around the 35m mark, Giles (played by Anthony Stewart Head) is in his car. He is trapped by marauding zombies and his car keys
are outside on the road, dropped after a tussle with one of the zombies. So, in order to flee, Giles hotwires his own car. The BBFC cut about 2s to remove the hotwiring moment (when Giles pulls-out the wires from underneath the glove box, and touches
them together to start the car's engine).
The DVD removes this, but E4 are showing the uncut original broadcast version. I also believe a head-butt has been removed from the DVD edition, but this also remains in the E4 broadcast
UK: Uncut on late night BBC2
Thanks to Daniel:
This episode was broadcast on TV uncut when it was shown on BBC2.
On the whole, the BBC were fairly restrained with
the scissors screening Buffy until the seventh season, which they maimed because of the high level of violence involving knives which coincided with news reports of several high profile stabbings of teenagers.
They did repeat
all the episodes uncut in a late night slot a month or so later.
The BBC only ever cut one episode of Buffy in a late night slot, and that was to delete a use of the word "Spaz" said in a comedic context. I'm guessing
The Idiots would not be a big hit at the BBC.
Channel 4 broadcast the spin off series Angel , and all but destroyed it with terrible maiming cuts. One particular episode concerning the possession of a child earned
an "18" certificate from the BBFC (I think C4 showed it at 5:05 pm with cuts in excess of 6 minutes).
UK: Passed 12 after 8s of BBFC cuts for :
2000 20th Century Fox R2 DVD
The BBFC cuts were:
one for violence, a neck break (to get a 12);
the other for an imitable technique, hot wiring a car
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 6 Bargaining Part
1 is a 2001 episode of the US action horror TV series by David Grossman. Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon and Emma Caulfield Ford.
Pre-cut prior to be passed 12 without BBFC cuts for 12 rated 2003 DVD.
Uncut in the US.
Buffy is dead, and the Scooby Gang must do the best they can without her. But concern about the way she died leads Willow to believe that she may have been pulled into a hell dimension. Unable to bear the thought of their friend
enduring eternal torment, Willow, Xander, Anya, and Tara decide to perform a resurrection spell that will bring Buffy back from the dead.
In Bargaining
- Part One, at around the 30m mark, Willow (Alyson Hannigan) is preparing a magic spell in a field, and a fawn walks onto screen. She grabs it, stabs it and bleeds it out. The UK DVD editions were pre-cut by Fox, who presumably felt it better that they
cut the scene entirely, rather than have the BBFC potentially risk asking them to remove stuff.
On the DVD you see the fawn being grabbed, and Willow suddenly grabbing and thrusting a dagger that lies to her left (screen-right),
but whilst you see the fawn struggle before dying, you don't see the actual mutilation of it. There is then a noticeable audible jump, and we see Willow conclude the spell, with blood all over her hands.
Now with E4, it's a hybrid
version that is being broadcast. The scene is uncut, in that there are no audio jumps - as it was originally intended and broadcast, however, once Willow grabs the dagger and thrusts it, the image has been ever-so-slightly reframed, and zoomed-in, so you
can see just moments of the fan thrashing about (its head pops into the bottom part of the screen a couple of times), but the not sight of the dagger actually killing it, nor it dying from the wound, and nor then the sight of the dead carcass. Then when
the scene changes to Willow with blood on her hands, the framing is back to how it should be.
UK: A pre-cut European version was passed 12 without BBFC cuts for:
Bugs Bugs is a 1990 USA horror by Brian Yuzna. Starring Clint Howard, Neith Hunter and Tommy Hinkley.
Summary Notes
A female reporter investigates the death of a woman who, on fire, leapt off of a building to her death. Her investigation leads her to discover the existence of a strange cult dedicated
Egyptan god Isis--and the cult wants her as its new queen.
compulsory cuts 8s
submitted 85:49s
UK: Passed 18 after 8s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
Bull is a 2019 USA drama by Annie Silverstein. Starring Rob Morgan and Amber Havard and
Yolonda Ross.
Cut by the BBFC for 15 rated Blu-ray in 2020 on grounds of UK child protection law.
Summary Notes
In a near-abandoned subdivision west of Houston, a wayward teen runs
headlong into her equally willful and unforgiving neighbor, an aging bullfighter who's seen his best days in the arena; it's a collision that will change them both.
UK: BBFC 15 rated for strong language, drug misuse, sex for strong language, drug misuse, sex after BBFC
2020 Sony DADC Europe Blu-ray (16:9 rated 24/08/2020)
The BBFC commented:
Cut required to remove potentially indecent images involving children (a 15-year-old actress simulating masturbating a 17-year-old actor).
Bullet To Beijing is a 1995 Canada/UK/US/Russia action
thriller TV Movie by George Mihalka Starring Anatoly Kulbitsky, Shaughan Seymour and Michael Caine
Exists as an Original TV Version and a shortened video version.
Summary Notes
Retired British spy Harry Palmer is called back into service to prevent North Korea from getting its hands on a deadly virus called "The Red Death".
TV Version
Canada The TV Version was released for:
Lions Gate Special Edition R0 DVD
shortened video version
UK: The shortened video version was BBFC 15 rated:
Bullhead is a 2011 Belgium/Netherlands crime drama by Michaƫl R. Roskam Starring Matthias Schoenaerts, Jeroen Perceval and Jeanne Dandoy
The BBFC 15 rated cinema release was pre-cut for real sex on TV. BBFC 15 rated video eleases are uncut.
Summary Notes
Sint-Truiden, Belgium. Jacky, a young cattle farmer
who is constantly pumped on steroids and hormones, is approached by a veterinarian to make a deal with a notorious beef trader.
UK: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong language, violence and sex references:
Speaking for Soda, We even went so far as to optically censor a scene in the film
Bullhead (featuring penetration in a porno playing on a TV) specifically so we could get a 15 in cinemas; only when we submitted the uncensored version for DVD/BD, we still got a 15!
Bully is a 2011 USA documentary by Lee Hirsch. Starring Ja'Meya Jackson, Kelby Johnson and Lona Johnson.
Originally R rated for strong language. The distributors appealed the
decision but lost their case, so the strong language was cut for a PG-13 rating. The film hasn't been released in the UK.
Summary Notes
A documentary on peer-to-peer bullying in schools across America.
US: The Unrated Version was
originally R Rated but surrendered this to enable an unrated, but limited, release in theatres. The producers appealed against the R Rating which was based on 6 uses of the word 'fuck'.
After the appeal was turned down and the distributors cut the film for a PG-13 rating. The 6 'fucks' were whittled down to 3, and in particular, 3 or the more aggressive uses were removed from a scene on a school bus
v Bumblebee
- 2018 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Travis Knight.
Bumblebee is a 2018 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Travis Knight. Starring Hailee Steinfeld, Justin Theroux and Angela Bassett.
The distributor made category cuts to achieve a PG rated cinema release in
2018 and home video releases in 2019. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US. Presumably the cut UK version was eventually passed PG in Australia after an appeal against an M rating.
Summary Notes
On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred
and broken. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow VW bug.
UK: Passed 12A uncut for moderate fantasy violence:
2018 cinema release unreleased as the distributors preferred a cut PG version
US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for sequences of sci-fi action violence:
Australia: Passed M (PG-15) for Moderate impact violence, mild impact themes, language Very mild drug use, sex:
2018 cinema release unreleased as the distributors preferred a lower rating
Ireland : Passed 12A uncut for moderate violence
It is not entirely clear whether the UK cut or uncut version were submitted but the timing of the submission and runtime suggest the uncut version. Either way the distributors
appealed the 12A in the hope of a PG but lost their case and the 12A stands.
UK: Passed PG for moderate fantasy violence, mild sex references, injury detail, language after
about 6s of pre-cuts:
2019 Paramount Home Entertainment R0 4k Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on
13th May 2019
2019 Paramount Home Entertainment R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
released on 13th May 2019
2019 Paramount Home Entertainment R2 DVD at UK Amazon
released on 13th May 2019
2018 cinema release
Australia: Presumably the cut UK version submitted and passed M (PG-15) for Moderate impact violence, mild impact themes, language Very mild drug use, sex:
The distributors were hoping that this cut version would achieve a PG so
appealed this decision.
The distributors won the appeal and so the pre-cut version of the film has been passed PG for mild science fiction violence, mild themes, some scenes may scare young children f or:
Bumfights: Cause for Concern Volume 1 is a Bumfights: Cause for Concern Volume 1 With Donald Brennan, Donny and Rufus
Banned by the BBFC for 2003 DVD.
Released uncut
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
2003 Fabulous Films DVD
The BBFC commented:
Bumfights - Cause for Concern consists substantially of camcorder footage of homeless people ('bums') being abused, assaulted, and humiliated.
These scenes are intercut with footage of street brawls and soft pornography.
Under the Video Recordings Act 1984 the Board must have special regard to any harm to those likely to view a video and to any harm to society through the behaviour of
those viewers afterwards. The Act singles out particular elements as being potentially harmful including criminal behaviour and violent behaviour or incidents. The BBFC guidelines for '18' rated works state that the Board may "cut or reject... any
detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts which is likely to promote the activity" (page 16). The Board's guidelines for violence also state as particular concerns "callousness towards victims, encouraging aggressive attitudes [and]
taking pleasure in pain and humiliation" (page 9). In the Board's view, the video breaches these guidelines by exploiting the physical and other vulnerabilities of homeless people.
The Board considered the possibility of cuts. However, given
the extent of the unacceptable material, cuts were not considered a viable option on this occasion.
The Bunny Game is a 2010 US crime horror by Adam Rehmeier. With Rodleen
Getsic, Norwood Fisher and Gregg Gilmore.
Banned by the BBFC for 2011 DVD. Uncut in the US
Summary Notes
A prostitute looking for her next meal hitches a ride with a trucker that leaves her praying for her next breath.
Rodleen Gestic's performance was amazing. She was physically branded, and abused for real in front of the camera, so it is impossible to fault her commitment. Similarly at times Renfro was genuinely convincing as a lunatic. However,
the film has many flaws. The editing is so quick that for whole sections of the film, individual scenes last 3-5 seconds. I just found it distracting from an already weak story.
I have just wasted seventy six minutes of my life. I
have a duty to warn everyone as a potential viewer to avoid this mess at all costs.
The BBFC has rejected the sexually violent DVD The Bunny Game . The film follows a female prostitute who hitches a lift with a truck driver. The truck driver kidnaps
the woman, restrains and forcibly strips her, and proceeds to physically and sexually abuse and humiliate her. The abuse of the kidnapped woman takes up the greater part of the film.
The Board's Guidelines state A strict policy
on sexual violence and rape is applied. Content which might eroticise or endorse sexual violence may require cuts at any classification level. This is more likely with video works than film because of the potential for replaying scenes out of context.
Any association of sex with non-consensual restraint, pain or humiliation may be cut . The principal focus of The Bunny Game is the unremitting sexual and physical abuse of a helpless woman, as well as the sadistic and sexual pleasure the man derives
from this. The emphasis on the woman's nudity tends to eroticise what is shown, while aspects of the work such as the lack of explanation of the events depicted, and the stylistic treatment, may encourage some viewers to enjoy and share in the man's
callousness and the pleasure he takes in the woman's pain and humiliation.
David Cooke, Director of the BBFC said:
It is the Board's carefully considered view that to issue a certificate to
this work, even if confined to adults, would be inconsistent with the Board's Guidelines, would risk potential harm within the terms of the Video Recordings Act, and would accordingly be unacceptable to the public.
The Board considered whether its concerns could be dealt with through cuts. However, the pervasiveness of the abuse makes it very difficult to deal with The Bunny Game by means of cuts. If the company would like to attempt to cut this
work in order to submit it in a reduced form, they are entitled to do so, but the Board can offer no assurances that such re-editing would be successful.
The decision to reject The Bunny Game was taken by the Director, David Cooke
and the Presidential Team of Sir Quentin Thomas, Alison Hastings and Gerard Lemos.
The decision means that the film cannot be legally supplied anywhere in the UK.
The original Bunnyman completely recut, approx. 25% of the film is new footage (incorporating deleted scenes and new VFX), and the score is being completely redone. These changes go
way beyond a simple directors cut, however it's not an entirely new film either. These changes will make Bunnyman : Grindhouse Edition the definitive version of the original Bunnyman film.
Regular Version
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence, gore and scene of sexual violence:
2012 Lace Digital Media Sales/101 Films R0 DVD at UK Amazon
The 'Burbs is a 1989 USA comedy by Joe Dante. With Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern and Carrie
Cut by the BBFC for a PG rated cinema and VHS release. Uncut for DVD but with a 12 rating. Uncut and PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
An overstressed suburbanite and his
paramilitaric neighbor struggle to prove their paranoid theory that the new family in town is a front for a cannibalistic cult.
UK: Passed 12 uncut for moderate violence after previous cuts waived for:
The Burning is a 1981 US/Canada slasher by Tony Maylam With Brian Matthews and Leah Ayres.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1981 cinema release. Released uncut on
pre-cert video but this then got banned as a video nasty. BBFC required further cuts for 18 rated 1992 VHS. Later uncut for DVD and Blu-ray. In the US the Unrated Version is uncut but the R rated version is cut.
Summary Review
: Must Have
A former summer camp caretaker, horribly burned from a prank gone wrong, lurks around an upstate New York summer camp bent on killing the teenagers responsible for his disfigurement.
I personally love the killer in the woods slashers the best and this is the perfect premise. This film starts as a flashback "of course"... The kids at a summer camp play a trick that goes terribly wrong on Cropsy the mean
spirited grounds keeper and he is burned beyond recognition,
Flash back to the woods "summer camp " Cropsy returns to the scene of the crime to wreak havoc and spill PLENTY of blood. This is a MUST HAVE for slasher fans.
UK: The cut Cinema Version was further cut by 9s by the BBFC for:
1992 Vipco VHS
The total BBFC cuts were:
An attack on a prostitute loses 2 shots out of 3 of sheers stabbed into her stomach and of the girl in pain.
A girl in an open shirt is slashed in the neck. The BBFC cut a follow on scene showing blood flowing down her partially naked
In the scene on the boat where Eddie gets his fingers removed with the garden shears, the BBFC cut the follow up shot of the boy looking at the bleeding stumps.
A few seconds later a boy being killed by being stabbed with
sheers in his neck loses a close up of the stabbing and the sight of him coughing up blood.
There is a shot missing of a girl with a gaping wound in her forehead.
UK: Thorn EMI tried to replace rental videos with the BBFC cut cinema version but most shops stuck with the uncut version.
UK: Thorn EMI initially released the pre-cert video uncut for:
1983 Thorn EMI VHS
The uncut version of the video was banned as a video nasty in October 1983. It remained on the list throughout the scare and so became one of the collectable DPP39s
UK: Passed X (18) after 10s of BBFC cuts for:
1981 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
An attack on a prostitute loses 2 shots out of 3 of sheers stabbed into her stomach and of the girl in pain.
In the scene on the boat where Eddie gets his fingers removed with the garden shears, the BBFC cut the follow up shot of the boy
looking at the bleeding stumps.
A few seconds later a boy being killed by being stabbed with sheers in his neck loses the sight of him coughing up blood.
Burnt By the Sun is a 1994 Russia / France war historical drama by Nikita Mikhalkov. Starring Nikita Mikhalkov, Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Oleg Menshikov.
A shortened International Version was released at the cinema and on VHS in 1995. Later the full length version was released on DVD.
Summary Notes
Russia, 1936:
revolutionary hero Colonel Kotov is spending an idyllic summer in his village with his young wife and six-year-old daughter Nadia and other assorted family and friends. Things change dramatically with the unheralded arrival of Cousin Dmitri from Moscow,
who charms the women and little Nadia with his games and pianistic bravura. But Kotov isn't fooled: this is the time of Stalin's repression, with telephone calls in the middle of the night spelling doom - and he knows that Dmitri isn't paying a social
Original Version
UK: The Original Version was passed 15 uncut for strong language and a suicide theme:
2008 Second Sight R2 DVD titled Burnt By the Sun - Soleil Trompeur at
UK Amazon
Businessman - Guns Don't Need Agreements is a 2012 India action drama by Puri Jagannadh Starring Mahesh Babu, Kajal Aggarwal and Prakash Raj
India the theatrical release received cuts before being granted an A (Adult) certificate. Some strong language was bleeped and body exposure during songs was blurred.
Summary Notes
arrives in Mumbai to revive the mafia and ends up making enemies who threaten his life.
CBFC cuts
UK: Presumably it is the cut Indian version that is BBFC 15 rated for strong bloody violence:
2023 Radha Krishna Entertainments cinema release (rated 13/10/2023) titled Business Man
The BBFC comments on the bleeped strong language so the British release is presumably the cut Indian theatrical version
UK: Presumably it is the cut Indian version that is BBFC 15 rated:
Buster is a 1988 UK crime comedy romance by David Green Starring Phil Collins, Julie
Walters and Larry Lamb
The original UK release was 15 rated for 1988 cinema and 1989 VHS release. The film was shortened in the US and was MPAA R rated. The shortened version was also 15 rated for 2003 UK DVD.
Summary Notes
Ronald Christopher "Buster" Edwards (Phil Collins) is a small time crook who pulls a big time job. When he finds that the Police will not let the case drop, he goes into hiding and can't contact his wife and
child. He arranges to meet them in Mexico where he thinks they can begin again, but finds that he must choose between his family and freedom.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for brief nudity:
2021 4Digital Media Ltd video
UK: Passed 15 uncut:
2001 Columbia/Tri-Star Home video
1992 Video Collection International VHS
1989 Vestron Video International VHS
1988 cinema release
shortened US Version
UK: The shortened US Version was passed 15 uncut:
2003 ILC Prime Ltd video
US: Shortened for MPAA R rated release.
From IMDb:
The U.S. release was shortened to 94 minutes by its U.S. distributor, Hemdale Films. The subsequent video release by HBO Home Video was based on this edited version. A
more recent release by MGM Home Video includes the complete film uncut.
But I'm a Cheerleader is a 1999 USA comedy romance by Jamie Babbit. Starring Natasha Lyonne, Clea DuVall and Michelle Williams.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Uncut and 15 rated in the UK. The cut
US version was released in the UK in 2020 still with a BBFC 15 rating.
Summary Notes
Megan is an all-American girl. She's a cheerleader and has a boyfriend, but she doesn't like
kissing him very much, and she's pretty tactile with her cheerleader friends, and she only has pictures of girls up in her locker. Her parents and friends conclude that she *must* be gay and send her off to "sexual redirection" school, full of
admittedly homosexual misfits, where she can learn how to be straight. Will Megan be turned around to successful heterosexuality, or will she succumb to her love for the beautiful Graham?
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong language, sex references:
2021 Lionsgate video
UK: Passed 15 uncut for occasional coarse language and strong sex references.:
2001 Metrodome Distribution video
2001 cinema release
US: Initially passed NC-17 uncut but the producers subsequently cut the film for an R rating
R Rated Version cut
UK: The cut US version was passed 15 without further BBFC
cuts for:
2019 Lionsgate video
US: Cut for an MPAA R rating,
From IMDb. Two scenes were removed from the movie to obtain a R rating. The two scenes were:
There was a much more longer version of fully clothed Megan masturbating.
The sex scene between Megan and Graham was toned down because it was much too explicit and would have caused the movie to receive a NC-17 rating.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is a 1969 USA crime western biography by George Roy Hill. Starring Paul Newman, Robert Redford and Katharine Ross.
Uncut for 1969 cinema release and VHS releases but animal cruelty cuts were required by the BBFC for 2018 cinema release. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Butch and Sundance are the two leaders of the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang. Butch is all ideas, Sundance is all action and skill. The west is becoming civilized, and when Butch and Sundance rob a train once too often, a special posse begins
trailing them no matter where they run. Over rocks, through towns, across rivers, the group is always just behind them. When they finally escape through sheer luck, Butch has another idea, "Let's go to Bolivia". Based on the exploits of the historical
compulsory BBFC cuts 1s
110:18s =105:53s
submitted 110:19s =105:54s
UK: Passed PG for moderate violence after 1s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
2018 cinema release
UK: A pre-cut version was released for:
2013 20th Century Fox RB Blu-ray
This version is not reported in the BBFC database though.
The BBFC commented:
Cut required to remove a scene of deliberate animal cruelty staged for the film (an animal being tripped using wires in a dangerous fashion).
Thanks to Barton who reports that:
The horse trip was simply not spotted until 2001 when a documentary was submitted to the BBFC in which the director admitted he used trip wires to achieve a particular fall. The BBFC told Fox they
wouldn't be able to pass it uncut again. Indeed the UK Blu-ray is also cut, although Fox pre-cut it.
UK: Passed PG uncut for moderate violence and mild sex references and language:
The Butcher is a 1975 USA horror by Jack Collins and Jim Feazell. Starring John King III, Herschel Mays and Christian Feazell.
Originally uncut and MPAA R rated in the US. 2 or 3 years after release the
producers added a new scene to pep up the nudity quota. The film was heavily cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1986.
Summary Notes
A drifter/hitman is hired by a local business
man to kidnap the local oil baron. The hitman had been reared in squalor, suffering the abuses of his whoring mama. When the baron escapes his assistant must chase him while the hitman takes care of a few loose ends.
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2020 Dark Force [Gates of Hell + Psycho from Texas] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
Presumably this release include the added scene of barmaid Linea Quigley being forcibly stripped
UK: There were 2 pre-cert VHS releases from Apple and AD but it is not clear what version were released.
Originally MPAA R rated without the stripped barmaid scene
UK: Passed 18 after 5:20s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
Due I sense
to laziness, cheapness or incompetence on Bronx Video's behalf, rather than a deliberate attempt to defy the BBFC, their release of Psycho from Texas sure looked uncut to me. The only scene in the film that could have warranted that level of censorship
-- in which the Psycho from Texas forces a barmaid to strip, then pours beer over her- being left intact.
Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker - 1982 USA horror by William Asher. See
Nightmare Maker
1993 Hong Kong action film by Maichael Mak. With Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Jimmy Lin and Michelle Yeoh.
Passed 18 after 7s of BBFC Cuts for:
2002 MIA R2 DVD
However MIA seem to have forgotten to implement this cut. The BBFC commented: Compulsory cut required to sight of real animal cruelty (deer shot with arrow).
It seems likely that the Hong Kong Version was submitted
which has 40s removed from the end of the film to make the ending less downbeat.
There is an uncut Taiwan Version that features the complete ending.
The Bye Bye Man is a 2016 USA horror thriller by Stacy Title. Starring
Douglas Smith, Lucien Laviscount and Cressida Bonas.
The MPAA originally awarded an R rating but the producers opted to cut the film for a PG-13 rating. Presumably the R rated Version became the Unrated Version released on Blu-ray only.
Summary Notes
When three college students move into an old house off campus, they unwittingly unleash a supernatural entity known as The Bye Bye Man, who comes to prey upon them once they discover his name. The friends must try to save each other,
all the while keeping The Bye Bye Man's existence a secret to save others from the same deadly fate.
~100:00 =~96:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2017 Universal [Theatrical + Unrated] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
The film was originally rated R for bloody horror violence, language and some sexuality. The distributors surrendered the uncut R rating in favour of a cut PG-13 rating. Presumably it was the R rated version that became the uncut Unrated version on
See pictorial cuts from : 3:24s of cuts for violence to obtain an PG-13 make quite a detrimental impact on the early
killings. So the uncut, Unrated Version is easily the best.
cut 3:24s
UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 15 for strong sustained threat, violence, gory images for without further BBFC cuts for:
2017 Entertainment in Video (RB) Blu-ray
2017 Entertainment in Video R2 DVD
2016 cinema release
US: Cut and MPAA PG-13 rated for terror, horror violence, bloody images, sexual content, thematic elements, partial nudity, some language and teen drinking.
An original 18 rating was
downrated to 15 after a successful appeal by the distributor.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for very strong language, strong violence for:
2015 cinema release
Previously the same version was passed 18 for very strong language. The BBFC commented:
This work was originally classified 18 without cuts on 30 March 2015. This determination was formally reconsidered by the BBFC at
the request of the submitting company. The BBFC carefully considered the arguments put forward by the submitting company, looked again at the relevant submitted material, and concluded that a revision to the original determination was appropriate.
Latest Film News
News Monday 19th December...
Cuts and Bans
Vampire Circus 1972 UK horror by Robert Young, cut by the BBFC in 1972, just released on UK Blu-ray.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray