Aindhaam Thalaimurai Sidha Vaidhiya Sigamani is a 2014 India comedy by LG Ravichandar. Starring Bharath Srinivasan, Nandita and Karunakaran.
BBFC category cuts for 12A rated 2014 cinema release
category cuts 1:00s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, sex references, moderate bad language after 1:00s of BBFC category cuts for:
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove images of strong violence (blows to faces with knees and elbows, and a man's arm being broken) to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
A large proportion of the film consists of soundies - short black & white films made for an early kind of video jukebox . So we get to see Fats Waller doing the title song, for instance. But
there are also pieces from sound shorts, and features - an eclectic collection, from both sides of the Atlantic.
Interspersed between the musical numbers there are rather tame and clumsy vintage porn films. Surreal!
UK: Released on pre-cert video:
1979 Intervision VHS
UK: A shorter, presumably cut version was passed X (18) for:
1976 cinema release
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1974 cinema release
v Akhil
- 2015 action comedy drama by V V and Vinayak.
Akhil is a 2015 action comedy drama by V V and Vinayak. Starring Akhil Akkineni,
Sayyeshaa Saigal and Rajendraprasad.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated 2015 cinema release
category cuts 22s
UK: Passed 12A for infrequent strong language, moderate violence, injury detail after 22s of BBFC category cuts for:
2015 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The company chose to reduce scenes of strong violence (removing sight of blood spurts as characters are impaled on a tree branch, or punched or hit in the face with a shovel) in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was
v Aladdin
- 1992 USA family musical animation by Ron Clements and John Musker.
Aladdin is a 1992 USA family musical animation by Ron Clements and John Musker. Starring Scott Weinger, Robin Williams and Linda Larkin.
Uncut for theatrical release but cut for VHS after song lyrics were claimed
to be offensive. Further cuts were made for DVD after unlikely claims of a subliminal message. The subliminal message cuts were restored for 2015 Blu-ray.
Summary Notes
When a street urchin vies for the
love of a beautiful princess, he uses a genie's magic power to make himself off as a prince in order to marry her.
Diamond Edition best available
US: A pre-cut version is MPAA Unrated for:
2015 Walt Disney Diamond Edition R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
The DVD cuts to remove a subliminal message were reversed for the US Diamond Edition in 2015.
The Arabian Nights lyrics are still cut this release includes the improved graphics changes from the 2004 DVD.
cut Platinum Edition
UK: A pre-cut version was assed U without BBFC cuts for:
2013 cinema release
2004 Buena Vista Home Entertainment video
The Arabian Nights lyrics are still cut but there were now further cuts for 'offence'. The original version contained the Aladdin's line to Raja who is growling at him:
Good tiger, take off and go,
However, after the film was released on home video, many began to speculate that the line was some sort of subliminal message meaning:
Good teenagers take off their clothes,
For the DVD release, this line was omitted, presumably to prevent any further speculation.
The 2004 Platinum Edition introduced some graphical enhancements, the
ending credits are sped up to make space for restoration credits. After the End Title Duet "A Whole New World" (Aladdin's Theme) is over and the credits are finished, Genie has an extra goodbye line over the closing logo
cut VHS Version
UK: A pre-cut version was assed U without BBFC cuts for:
1996 Buena Vista Home VHS
1994 Buena Vista Home VHS
From IMDb. The lyrics of the opening song, Arabian Nights , were changed for the video release due to pressure from US Arabs who were offended by the original lyrics. The original lyrics were:
Where they cut off
your ear if they don't like your face. It's barbaric, but hey it's home."
The new lyrics are: "
Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense, it's barbaric, but hey it's home.
The original version of "Arabian Nights" is on the film's original soundtrack album.
After its premiere the film was cut by approximately 26 minutes. It wasn't until 1992 that these non contentious scenes were restored for release on LaserDisc and
VHS. But no sign of a DVD featuring the Director's Cut.
The following scenes were added back:
The original overture, intermission, theatrical trailer, and end themes
The "Jefferson Speech" extended between Col. Travis & Cap. Dickinson
The death of Emil Sand
Conversation between Col. Travis & Col.
Bowie regarding Col. Fannin
The death of the Parson and Scotty
Crockett's prayer following Parson's & Scotty's death
The "Philosophical Debate" when the Alamo defenders talk about God
More complete
"Gunpowder Raid" scene
Crocket''s night with Senora
Senora's brief scene with a fleeing young woman
Birthday Party for Dickson's child
Bonham's original report to Travis
A slightly different Crockett
death scene.
A shorter version became the standard
and was released for the 1993 Warner video and 2000 20th Century Fox DVD with no BBFC cuts.
An English soldier (Cliver) returns home from the Zulu war with the daughter of a tribal king (Gemser) as his slave (a gift that he was given for saving the kings life).
Not at all pleased with being a slave, the Ebony princess plots her revenge starting with the seduction of the mistress. Jealousy spreads like wildfire and before you know it, she has turned the household into a lustful frenzy of sex and hatred.
This film is actually far more twisted than it sounds. One of the more disturbing moments being a sequence about the filming of an inquisition-themed porno that turns into the sadistic rape of a lesbian / virgin by the filthy and
none too bright gardener.
Sporting tons of full-frontal nudity, simulated lesbian and straight sex and some hard-core (as seen in an old stag film), this has the sleazy goods atmospheric setting, and is definitely
passed 18 after
1:45s of BBFC cuts for:
2001 Nouveaux R2 DVD
1995 Jezebel VHS
Presumably it was the hardcore stag film that had to go.
Alex Cross is a 2012 USA crime thriller by Rob Cohen. With Tyler Perry, Matthew
Fox and Rachel Nichols.
The film was cut in the US for an MPAA PG-13 rating. No further BBFC cuts for a 15 rating in the UK.
UK: The
cut Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for strong violence and threat for:
2012 cinema release
See article from . Director Rob Cohen confirmed in an interview
that the film had been cut to achieve a PG-13 rating:
There was trimming that needed to be done, but I was very conscious of it. You've got unrelenting violence and intensity, as they say. I love unrelenting intensity.
You have to know, up front, what their bugaboos are, and you have to do the dance. I knew that, when you take a scantily clad girl and tie her up with her own stockings, and she's thinking she's going to have some rough trade sex, you're already in
very dangerous territory with the MPAA, so I shot extra stuff and it wound up being cut back. I looked into that world of S&M and B&D, in my own life, and it's erotic. The whole thing is great, cinematically. I definitely made the scene about
control and not about sex. We went back and forth on that sequence, two or three times, and then got the PG-13.
v Alexander
- 2004 Germany/USA/Netherlands/France/UK/Italy action war romance by Oliver Stone.
Alexander is a 2004 Germany/USA/Netherlands/France/UK/Italy action war romance by Oliver
Stone. Starring Colin Farrell, Anthony Hopkins and Rosario Dawson.
Exists in 4 versions: Theatrical Version, Director's Cut, Final Cut and
Ultimate Cut
Summary Notes
Alexander, the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians he leads his Army across the then known world venturing
further than any Westerner had ever gone all the way to India.
Ultimate Cut
US: The Ultimate Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2014 Warner Home Video [ Ultimate Cut + Theatrical Version] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
See article from . Oliver Stone talks of creating a fourth
version for 2013:
On Alexander, I released a shorter version [in theaters] because of Warner Brothers issues. And I [was] also rushed. [When] I released the director's cut -- it wasn't called a director's cut . It
was called The Final Cut because [earlier] there was a rushed director's cut that I was responsible for. My third version three years later in 2007 was called A Final Cut and I actually added forty some odd minutes -- which I think makes
the film better.
I've been asked by Warner Brothers because they did so well with The Final Cut . They actually sold more than a million copies. They've asked me to go back next year and do a fourth version.
I want to cut it down now because I added too much. I want it to come back a little bit. There's some trimming [needed].
The main difference in this
Ultimate Cut versus the theatrical version is that Stone has re-edited the film so that instead of a straight-forward story there are now a lot of flashbacks
Final Cut
UK: Alexander Revisited/The Final Cut
was passed 15 uncut for:
Alfie Darling is a 1975 UK comedy drama by Ken Hughes. Starring Alan Price, Jill Townsend and Paul Copley.
Cut by the BBFC for 1975 X rated cinema release, 1987 18 rated VHS and 2007
15 rated DVD.
Summary Notes
Alfie Elkins (Alan Price) returns, up to his old womanizing ways, until he meets his match in a sophisticated Magazine Editor Abby Summers (Jill
Townsend). His pursuit is complicated by his encounter with Norma (Sheila White) and the fact that a jealous husband won't let him forget about his time with his wife Fay (Dame Joan Collins).
best available
UK: The cut cinema version was passed 15 for moderate sex and frequent moderate sex references:
Alice In Wonderland is a 1976 US adult comedy by Bud Townsend.
With Kristine DeBell, Bucky Searles and Gila Havana.
Mostly softcore but contains a little hardcore. This was cut by the BBFC for 1977 cinema release and 1987 VHS
Summary Review: Wonderful
An infectious happy film from the golden age of
porn. Especially commendable to see the talented and very attractive Kristine DeBell get involved in a little hardcore. Not really full on, but the near mainstream quality of the film makes the few hardcore scenes that little bit more worthwhile.
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2007 Subversive [softcore + hardcore versions] R0 DVD
69:51s =67:03s
UK: The softcore version was passed 18 after further cuts of 2:30s by the BBFC for:
1987 Independent VHS
72:15s =69:22s
UK: The softcore version was passed X (18) after further cuts by the BBFC for:
Alice Sweet Alice is a 1976 USA horror mystery thriller by Alfred Sole. With Linda Miller, Mildred Clinton and Paula E Sheppard.
Uncut for 1977 cinema release. Cut by the BBFC for animal cruelty in 1998 VHS and 2003 DVD. Passed 18 uncut by the BBFC since the 2014 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Promotional Material
When ten-year-old Karen (Brooke Shields in her first screen appearance) is killed in church on the occasion of her first communion, her seemingly innocent older sister Alice (Paula Sheppard) becomes the prime suspect. Matters
become complicated as more of Alice s family members are attacked, along with residents of her apartment building. Can a twelve-year-old girl be capable of such mayhem, or is someone else with a vicious plan destroying her family?
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong gory violence and horror with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2019 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + TV versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
UK: The Holy Terror TV is included on the BBFC 18 rated disk for:
2019 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + TV versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
See article from . Ths edits for the TV version are totally trivial with just one substantive difference showing a less bloody
shot of a man with a very bloodied face.
UK: Passed 18 after 3-8s of compulsory BBFC cuts for:
2003 Salut DVD
1998 Tartan VHS
The cuts were:
The Tartan Terror release is cut by 3 seconds, due to the Animals Act: a shot of Paula Sheppard swinging a cat by the neck, and a close-up of it struggling. Admirably, these cuts are detailed on the video sleeve.
UK: Released uncut on pre-cert video for
1982 VCL VHS titled Communion
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and therefore
subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
Holy Terror TV Version
TV Version Holy Terror
US: The TV Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + TV versions] RA Blu-ray titled Holy Terror at
US Amazon
Alien is a 1979 US Sci-Fi by Ridley Scott. With Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt and John
Never cut. The Theatrical Version was originally rated 18 by the BBFC but was reduced to 15 in 2019. The tighter Director's Cut was rated 15 in 2003 and the Theatrical version was rated 15 in 2019. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong horror, violence, language:
2019 20th Century Fox 40th Anniversary Edition [Theatrical + Director's Cut] RB 4k Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
2019 20th Century Fox 40th Anniversary Edition
[Theatrical + Director's Cut] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2019 20th
Century Fox 40th Anniversary Edition R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2013 20th Century Fox Alien
Anthology Limited Collector's Edition RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2013 cinema release
2010 20th Century Fox Alien Anthology R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
Note that there is an 18 rated commentary track 2003 which bumped the overall rating of releases to 2013 up to 18.
This commentary track was downgraded to 15 for the 2019 release. However the 2019 releases are still sold
with an 18 rating because they include the same 18 stamped disks as the previous releases. Even the 4k Blu-ray package is 18 rated because although the 4k disk is stamped 15, the package includes the 18 stamped Blu-ray disk.
The Director's Cut was passed 15 for Strong Violence and Horror for:
2019 40th Anniversary home video releases shared with the UK.
Ireland: The Director's Cut package including extras was passed 18 for:
2003 DVD
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA R Rated for:
2014 20th Century Fox 35th Anniversary RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
2010 20th
Century Fox Alien Anthology RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
From version details on IMDb . Ridley Scott, for the Director's Cut, slashed 10 to 15
seconds off many scenes, which he felt dragged on a little too long. The result is a tighter, more tense version. Overall the Directors cut is 47s shorter than the Theatrical Version
Extra scenes in the Director's Cut:
Lambert slapping Ripley in the face before being restrained by Parker and Brett outside the infirmary.
Brett's blood falling on Parker as he is carried off by the Alien into the heating ducts.
Ripley finding Brett and Dallas
cocooned while trying to make it to the shuttle craft.
Kane pulls out and sets down a weapon of some kind while investigating the alien eggs.
Also included in the Director's Cut is a scene where the crew listen to the alien signal and
discuss the nature of the planet just before they prepare to land.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for strong horror, violence, language
2019 20th Century Fox 40th Anniversary Edition [Theatrical + Director's Cut] RB 4k Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
2019 20th Century Fox 40th Anniversary Edition
[Theatrical + Director's Cut] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
cinema release
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for:
2013 20th Century Fox Alien Anthology Limited Collector's Edition RB Blu-ray at UK
Examiners found themselves weighing up whether to pass the film
AA , which would have made the film available to those aged 14 and up or X for 18 years and over. In the end the film was passed X in line with other horror films of the time such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Ireland: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 for Strong horror and graphic injury for:
2019 40th Anniversary home video releases shared with the UK
1997 VHS
Previously it was 18 rated.
v Alien 3
- 1992 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by David Fincher.
Alien 3 is a 1992 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by David Fincher. Starring Sigourney
Weaver, Charles S Dutton and Charles Dance.
The theatrical version has always been uncut. There also exists a Special
Edition that restores several deleted scenes
Summary Notes
After escaping from the alien planet, the ship carrying Ellen Ripley crashes onto a remote and inhabited ore refinery. While living in the ore
refinery until she is rescued by her employers, Ripley discovers the horrifying reason for her crash: An alien stowaway. As the alien matures and begins to kill off the inhabitants, Ripley is unaware that her true enemy is more than just the killer
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for:
This is a substantially different cut of the film presented more as an interesting DVD extra more than an alternative version of the film. See further
details on IMDb
Thanks to Cameron. There is also substantial amount of extra material that did not make the final cut for one reason or another. See
article from for comprehensive details:
Alien 3 had an incredibly troubled development, and even after the
final shooting script had been decided upon, the screenplay underwent at least 11 different drafts during the course of production. In addition to the frequent rewrites during filming, the movie underwent substantial restructuring in post-production
following criticism received in test screenings.
Perhaps the most notable alterations made during the film's fraught production centered on the prisoner Golic , who was originally involved in a significantly more extensive subplot
regarding his reverence for the Dragon . His actions in the latter half of the film and the manner of his death underwent drastic changes as the script was repeatedly revised, only for much of the material actor Paul McGann filmed as the character to be
deleted from the final cut during editing (the extended Special Edition would later reinstate much of McGann's performance). Along with Golic, the fates of several other major characters in the movie similarly changed several times before the film was
Alien: Covenant is a 2017 USA / Australia / New Zealand / UK
Sci-Fi thriller by Ridley Scott. Starring Katherine Waterston, James Franco and Michael Fassbender.
Uncut in the US and UK but the film was cut in China. In addition to a
few bloody scenes, a gay kiss scene between two synthetic androids David and Walter (both played by Michael Fassbender) was removed, making the film six minutes shorter than the US version.
Alien Contamination - 1980 Italian horror by Luigi Cozzi See
Alien From L.A. is a 1988 US/South Africa comedy Sci-Fi adventure by
Albert Pyun Starring Kathy Ireland, William R. Moses and Richard Haines
BBFC category cuts were required for PG rated VHS in 1986. Uncut and PG rated in the
Summary Notes
A young woman with a childish voice travels to Africa looking for her missing archaeologist father, and stumbles into a strange subterranean civilization.
Cuts required to four rape scenes to remove graphic pornographic detail from animated depictions of rape and sexual assault. With these cuts made an R18 was available to the distributor. Distributor
chose to cut two further shots of explicit sexual detail in a consensual sex scene in order to achieve an 18.
Alien: Resurrection is a 1997 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Starring Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder and Dominique Pinon.
Uncut in the UK and US. There is an Extended Version but the director
prefers the Theatrical Version
Summary Notes
200 years after her death, Ellen Ripley is revived as a powerful human/Alien hybrid clone who must continue her war against the Aliens.
Special Edition
UK : The Special Edition is a longer version with additional background provided for fans of the movie.
The director is said to prefer the Theatrical Version.
James Cameron's original version was too long for the producing studio so it demanded several cuts to tighten the plot. So Cameron went to the cutting room, again, and lost more than 15 minutes of footage. It was mostly character development of
Ripley or background information about what had happened to Newt's parents. But also some of the action got cut out.
Cut in 2006 with the following BBFC comment: Distributor chose to cut a scene of moderate violence and tonal intensity (an extract from the film The Transporter) in order to achieve a PG classification
All Eyez on Me is a USA music biography by Benny Boom. Starring
Demetrius Shipp Jr, Danai Gurira and Kat Graham.
Cut before US release apparently to removed some drug use.
Summary Notes
A chronicle of the life of rapper
US: Cut and MPAA R rated for language throughout, drug use, violence, some nudity and sexuality.
The MPAA noted:
Edited for re-rate. Content is different from
r rated version bulletin #2445 (10/5/16). Only this edited version is rated.
US: Previously uncut and R rated for language and drug use throughout, violence, some nudity and sexuality. So it
seems that some drug use has been edited out.
All Ladies Do It is a 2003 Italy drama romance by Tinto Brass. With Sara Cosmi, Massimiliano Caroletti, William De Vito.
The English language version was pre-cut for a BBFC 18 rated video release
in 2001 and then uncut and BBFC 18 rated since 2013. The Director's Cut was released MPA Unrated in the US.
Promotional Material
Diana (Claudia Koll) and Paolo (Paolo Lanza) are
happily married despite her much greater sexual appetite: he s content to simply listen to the stories of her various adventures. But when she has an affair that s much too close to home, he throws her out, and she moves into a Venetian flat to embark
upon an erotic voyage of discovery, while at the same time trying to win him back.
Loosely inspired by the Mozart opera Così fan tutte (the title is a direct translation), the film tackles a crucial question: why
shouldn't women enjoy the same sexual freedom that they've long had to tolerate in their men? Especially when they have such shapely and inviting rears?
Once again, Tinto Brass proves his unmatched skill at balancing
eroticism and humour in this lively and beautifully photographed comedy, both wittier and more sexually explicit than the average softcore romp.
Director's Cut
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is MPA Unrated for:
2024 Cult Epics [Tinto Brass Maestro Vol 2] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
This film is certainly more graphic than you'd expect from standard softcore -- the women spread their legs, there's fairly graphic anal fingering and a
brief hardcore scene involving a home movie. But the film doesn't quite go all the way -- while the men sport solid erections, these are all prosthetics (something else that Meyer also used in his later films) and so the sex scenes that they appear in
are not real . But of course they are supposed to be the real thing, and so the line is rather blurred (and to confuse things more, there is a brief blowjob scene during the rave party that might be genuine). It's curious (but appreciated) that
All Ladies Do It -- surely a sex work by their own standards -- has been passed uncut in a longer version than previously seen.
All Quiet on the Western Front is a 1979 USA / UK TV war drama by Delbert Mann. Starring Richard Thomas, Ernest Borgnine and Donald Pleasence.
A shortened theatrical version was rated PG for UK cinema and home video
but there is also a longer Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
Paul Baumer is a young German who, along with his graduating high school classmates, enlist in the German Imperial Army during the First World
War. Originally thinking war would be a great adventure, Paul and his friends discover exactly the opposite as the war drags on and one by one the members of the class are killed in action until only Paul remains.
Director's Cut
UUS: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2015 Shout! Factory / Timeless Media R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 14th July 2015
2015 Shout! Factory / Timeless Media VoD [US only] at US Amazon
Theatrical Version
UK: A shortened theatrical version was passed PG uncut for:
2000 Carlton video
1986 Channel 5 VHS
UK: A shortened version was passed 'A' (PG) uncut for:
All the Colours of the Dark is a 1972 Italy / Spain horror thriller by Sergio Martino. Starring George Hilton, Edwige Fenech and Ivan Rassimov.
Exists as an original Italian Version and a shortened US Version.
Summary Notes
Jane lives in London with Richard, her boyfriend. When she was five, her mother was murdered, and she recently lost a baby in a car crash. She's plagued by nightmares of
a knife-wielding, blue-eyed man. Richard, a pharmaceutical salesman, thinks the cure is vitamins; Jane's sister Barbara, who works for a psychiatrist, recommends analysis; a neighbor Jane's just met promises that if Jane participates in a Black Mass, all
her fears will disappear. Jane tries the Mass, but it seems to bring her nightmares to life. Is there any way out for her short of death or a living Hell?
Original Version
UK: The Original Italian Version was passed 15
uncut for strong violence, sex, nudity:
All the Money in the
World is a 2017 USA crime historical mystery by Ridley Scott. Starring Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Spacey and Michelle Williams.
The film was edited prior to release but this didn't change the rating or
reason. It was rated R for language, some violence, disturbing images and brief drug content.
A beautiful young martial arts expert stops a vicious street gang from robbing her grandparents' house. The gang marks her for murder, but her grandparents are killed instead. The girl sets out
to take her revenge on the gang.
Cheap little actioner is a swell ride for fans of films about chicks who kick ass. There's enough sleazy action and jiggly feminine exposures to keep most trash film lovers pleasantly amused.
All Together Now is a 1970 US erotic drama by William Louis Allan Starring Arianna, Thomas Baker and Robert Corder
Banned by the BBFC for 1970 cinema release.
Summary Notes
An early example of Cannon's arty softcore productions.
Marsha's immature, animalistic husband neglects and mistreats her. She is driven to embark on an affair with a romantic Frenchman, but
this likewise ends unhappily. Floundering, she sets out to write a series of love and sex novels.
She consults a woman doctor who is considered an authority on the subject of sexuality, and the doctor promptly seduces her. She
uses her experiences as the basis for her novels but is finally unable to continue writing; and she takes her own life.
Alligator is a 1980 USA horror by Lewis Teague. Starring Robert Forster, Robin Riker
and Michael V Gazzo.
BBFC category cuts were required for an A rated 1982 cinema release. Uncut and 15 rated for home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
A baby alligator is flushed
down a Chicago toilet and survives by eating discarded lab rats, injected with growth hormones. The small animal grows gigantic, escapes the city sewers, and goes on a rampage.
Alligator is an over the top, ridiculous and fun
man vs. beast horror movie. Think a B-movie version of Jaws if he were on steroids and able to jump out of the water and run through the streets looking for food.
For the viewer that likes his horror gory Alligator has
significant bright red blood splattered about as the beast chomps away and devours his victims throughout the city neighbourhoods and sewers.
UK: Passed A (PG) after BBFC cuts for category for:
1982 cinema release
Thanks to Vince:
I remember this cinema film being advertised as an AA but the distributors got cold feet and released it as an A (with cuts). The quad poster had a white sticker over one of the A's on it!. These BBFC
category cuts were.
Reel 1 - Opening sequence in which alligator attacks trainer was reduced, removing close-ups of alligator biting man. - Sight of dismembered leg was reduced to flash shot only. Reel 3 - Sequence
of alligator tearing policeman's leg off as he hangs onto car door was reduced. Reel 4 - Sequence in which small boy is thrown into swimming pool was reduced by removing his look of fear when he sees the alligator. - Dialogue What the fuck was
removed. Reel 5 - Sight of man struggling as he is pulled into boat and alligator biting his legs off was reduced. - In garden party attack, shot of maid in alligator's jaws was removed, as was sight of maid with bloody face and sight of man in
white jacket being eaten. - Killing of Mayor, was reduced by removing sight of his bloody face against car window and shot of him in alligator's jaws. - Smashing of car with Slade inside was considerably reduced, in particular shot of bloody leg
hanging from car and shots of him holding bloody head and blood on window were removed.
Almost Famous is a 2000 USA comedy music adventure by cameron crowe Starring Billy Crudup, Patrick Fugit and Kate Hudson
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Bootleg Cut.
Summary Notes
The early 1970s. William Miller is 15-years old and an aspiring rock journalist. He gets a job writing for Rolling Stone magazine. His first assignment: tour with the band Stillwater and write about the
experience. Miller will get to see what goes on behind the scenes in a famous band, including the moments when things fall apart. Moreover, for him, it will be a period of new experiences and finding himself.
Bootleg Cut
UK: The Extended
Version/Director's Cut/Untitled Bootleg Cut was passed 15 uncut for:
Almost Human is a 1974 Italy action crime thriller by Umberto Lenzi. Starring Tomas Milian, Henry Silva and Laura Belli.
Uncut and 18 rated in the UK for 2011 DVD. The film was re-worked in the US
and was released with an MPAA R rating.
Summary Notes
A psychotic small-time criminal realizes that the everyday robberies, rapes and murders he commits aren't making him all that
much money, so he figures to hit the "big time" by kidnapping the daughter of a rich man.
Italian Version uncut
UK: The Italian Version was passed 18 uncut for strong sexual violence and sexualised violence:
The US theatrical version, which was revised by the US producer/distributor Joseph Brenner. The film
was advertised as a horror movie with newly designed posters, using Giulio's madness as a hook.
v Aloft
- 2014 USA / Spain / France drama by Claudia Llosa.
The film was first rated R for sexuality and language. The some months later, but still before US release, it was resubmitted and this time rated R for language and some sexuality.
Commentators and early reviews noted that
sex scenes seemed to be excessive. It would seem that these scenes have been editted out or reduced prior to US release.
Alone in the Dark is a 1982 USA horror thriller by Jack Sholder.
Starring Jack Palance, Donald Pleasence and Martin Landau.
Uncut by the BBFC for 18 rated cinema release in 1982. However BBFC cuts were required for 18 rated VHS in 1987. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Thanks to a major
power cut, a gang of psychopaths breaks out of the Haven maximum security mental institute in order to lay siege to the psychiatrists who have tormented them over the years with their bizarre theories...
Alone In The Dark is a 2005 Canada/Germany/US action horror by Uwe
Boll Starring Christian Slater, Tara Reid and Stephen Dorff
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut
Summary Notes
A detective of the paranormal slowly unravels mysterious events with deadly results.
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated.
From IMDb:
The German DVD release of
the Director's Cut has additional gore scenes (e.g. Miles is now brutally killed on screen instead off screen as seen in the theatrical version) and a new martial arts fight scene. The love scene between Christian Slater and Tara Reid has been removed.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for
strong bloody violence:
2005 Technicolor/ Entertainment One R2 DVD
US: The Theatrical Version is MPAA R rated for violence and language
v Alpha
- 2018 USA family adventure drama by Albert Hughes.
Alpha is a 2018 USA family adventure drama by Albert Hughes. Starring Kodi Smit-McPhee, Natassia Malthe and Leonor Varela.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
An epic adventure set in the last Ice Age, ALPHA tells a fascinating, visually stunning story that shines a light on the origins of man's best friend. While on his first hunt with
his tribe's most elite group, a young man is injured and must learn to survive alone in the wilderness. Reluctantly taming a lone wolf abandoned by its pack, the pair learn to rely on each other and become unlikely allies, enduring countless dangers and
overwhelming odds in order to find their way home before winter arrives.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 12 uncut for
moderate threat, injury detail:
2019 Sony [Director's Cut + Theatrical Version] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: The Extended Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2018 Sony [Extended + Theatrical versions] R0 Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
The Director's Cut is the better version. The grittiness had been toned for the Theatrical Version
perhaps with a family audience in mind. The Director's Cut puts scenes back in the correct order and drops the tacked on happy ending.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12A/12 uncut for moderate threat, injury detail
2019 Sony [Theatrical Version only] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2018 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version was passedPG-13 for some intense peril.
2018 Sony [Theatrical version only] R1 DVD at US Amazon
Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Road Chip - Look For It
Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Road Chip
Alvin y las ardillas 4
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip is a 2015 USA family animation comedy by Walt Becker. Starring Bella Thorne, Kaley Cuoco and Anna Faris.
BBFC category cuts were required for a U rated cinema release in 2016.
Summary Notes
Through a series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon and Theodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose to his new girlfriend in Miami...and dump them. They have three days to get
to him and stop the proposal, saving themselves not only from losing Dave but possibly from gaining a terrible stepbrother.
category cuts
91:52s =88:12s
UK: Passed U uncut for mild comic violence, very mild bad language
2016 Twentieth Century Fox video
2016 cinema release titled Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Road Chip
The BBFC commented in the the Annual Report covering 2016:
In the family comedy Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip there was a single use of mild bad language when the film was originally submitted to the
BBFC. The distributor requested a U classification, so we wrote a cuts list requiring the removal of the term 'crap' in order for the work to be classified at the most junior category. The use of the word 'crap' was changed to 'crud' -- a term acceptable
at U under current BBFC Classification Guidelines
US: Rated PG for some mild rude humor and language
Presumably the resubmission to the BBFC was related to a new version also being resubmitted to the
UK: The BBFC found the use of the word 'crap' unacceptable for a U rating when first submitted
US: Originally rated PG for some mild rude humor but was replaced by an edited version before release.
Amar Akbar Anthony is a 2015 drama by Nadirshah. Starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Jayasurya and Indrajith.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 2015 12A rated cinema release
category cuts 2:53s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, threat, sex and drug references after 2:53s of BBFC category cuts for:
2015 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to make cuts to elements of strong violence (revenge mob violence; broken bottles and rocks used as weapons; focus on strong impact blows, limb breaks and bloody injury detail) to achieve a 12A certificate. A 15
without cuts was available.
The Amazing Transplant is a 1970 US mystery fantasy by Doris Wishman Starring João Fernandes, Linda Southern and Larry Hunter
Heavily cut by the BBFC for 18 rated DVD release in 2005. The Unrated Special Edition
from Something Weird is missing a couple of scenes seemingly at the behest of the director
Summary Review
In the world of exploitation cinema, Doris Wishman was a trailblazer. She also was
slightly nuts. So it's only natural that she would be the one with the [moxy] to make "The Amazing Transplant," the first penis transplant movie. Nerdy Arthur never had much luck with the ladies, but lately he's raping women.... The reason?
That brand new penis he got (in a bloodless surgery) also gave him a new fetish that makes him lose control when he sees women wearing gold earrings! As if the story wasn't odd enough, the uninitiated might find Wishman's style a bit jarring. All dialog
is post-dubbed so, in an apparent effort to avoid troublesome lip-synching, Doris tries not to turn the camera on anyone who's supposed to be speaking.
In addition to Wishman's hypnotically surreal narrative, check out the included
trailers to Wishman movies like "Deadly Weapons," "The Immoral Three" and her sickest movie, "Love Toy." Topping off this DVD trashfest are a couple of shorts, "Penis Facts" and a Navy sex hygiene film that's
surprisingly explicit --and hilarious.
Summary Notes
A seemingly pleasant fellow, Arthur goes berserk and rapes any woman in front of him wearing gold earrings. One woman tells the
investigating detective (who is Arthur's uncle) she was raped, and flashes back to an erotic love making scene. Another one, a lesbian, relates a story ...
US: The Special Edition is Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2022 American Genre Film The Films of Doris Wishman (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story is a 1985 Italian adventure by Mario Gariazzo. With Elvire Audray, Will Gonzales and Dick Campbell.
Cut by the BBFC for VHS and 2003 DVD. Uncut for 2013 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Original
A young woman seeks vengeance and finds love when her parents
are killed in the Amazon and she is taken prisoner by an indigenous tribe of headhunters.
I have almost all of the cannibal movies ever made and this is one of the most original.
A girl takes a boat voyage
with her parents, aunt and uncle. Her parents are killed with blowguns. A tribe of natives takes the girl captive and a warrior takes a particular liking to her, but it is said he killed her parents.
The girl is modestly hot and
topless through most of it. This is a must-see for fans of cannibals.
America 3000 is a 1986 USA action adventure sci-fi by David Engelbach. With Chuck Wagner, Laurene Landon, William Wallace.
Cut by the BBFC for cinema and VHS. Uncut in the US
Summary Notes:
Enjoyably Bad
In Colorado, 900 years after a nuclear war in the
USA, the mankind is back to the stone ages. Only Korvis and a friend are intelligent enough to flee and found a tribe of their own. Will they manage to teach the women love to men again?
This movie really is dumb and silly but in
an enjoyable sort of way.
~94:00s =~90:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
2013 Shout! Factory 4 Sci-Fi Movie Marathon at US Amazon
American Assassin is a 2017 USA action thriller by Michael Cuesta. Starring Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton and Taylor Kitsch.
Uncut in the US and UK but cut n India for an adults only 'A. rating.
Summary Notes
Twenty three-year-old Mitch
lost his parents to a tragic car accident at the age of fourteen, and his ]girlfriend to a terrorist attack just as they were engaged. Seeking revenge, he is enlisted by CIA Deputy Director Irene Kennedy as a black ops recruit. Kennedy then assigns Cold
War veteran Stan Hurley to train Mitch. Together they will later on investigate a wave of apparently random attacks on military and civilian targets. The discovery of a pattern in the violence leads them to a joint mission with a lethal Turkish agent to
stop a mysterious operative intent on starting a world war in the Middle East.
UK: Rated 18 uncut for strong sadistic and bloody violence
US: Rated R uncut for strong violence
throughout, some torture, language and brief nudity.
India: Passed A [adults only] after CBFC cuts
The CBFC cuts were:
'Motherfucker' is still a taboo term. It will always be the same, says a CBFC source referring to the word that was ordered out.
American Dragon is a 1994 Hong Kong action film by Siu-Hung Leung (Tony Leung). Starring Mark Cheng, Steven Darrow and Alex Fong.
Pre-cut for the 18 rated VHS and DVD.
Promotional Material
Tony Leung directs this heroic bloodshed movie. After years of busting the Triads on the back streets of Hong Kong, legendary cop Tony Lam is out for a new life. On his way to paradise he stops off in another hell hole
- New York City. He has flown into an urban jungle where an assassination squad want him dead and the FBI want him alive. Now it's time for him to mix fire with fury on the mean streets.
American Gangster is a 2007 USA / UK crime biography by Ridley Scott. Starring Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe and Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version.
Summary Notes
Following the death of his employer and mentor, Bumpy Johnson, Frank Lucas establishes himself as the number one importer of heroin in the Harlem district of Manhattan. He does so by
buying heroin directly from the source in South East Asia and he comes up with a unique way of importing the drugs into the United States. As a result, his product is superior to what is currently available on the street and his prices are lower. His
alliance with the New York Mafia ensures his position. It is also the story of a dedicated and honest policeman, Richie Roberts, who heads up a joint narcotics task force with the Federal government. Based on a true story.
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version was passed 18
2019 Universal [Theatrical + Extended versions] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2008 Universal [Theatrical + Extended versions] R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
US: The Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Universal [Theatrical + Extended versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon
From version details on IMDb.The extra material includes:
A flashback with Frank Lucas and Bumpy Johnson on a boardwalk
A short scene showing Richie Roberts acquiring office space for his new narcotics task force (this added scene follows immediately after Toback assigns Roberts to head up the
federal investigation using honest cops of Roberts' choice
A nighttime scene where Roberts and his team tail a drug pusher with a stash of Blue Magic to an auto body shop; the next morning, Spearman strikes a deal with the shop owner
"Scott" over the phone, which leads up to Roberts under disguise dropping off $20,000 to get a supply of Blue Magic
In the Bronx, right after Spearman drops off Roberts and informs him that he'll circle the block, an extended scene
takes place where Roberts sees both Scott take off in his Jeep and Spearman getting blocked by a broken-down truck, unable to reach Roberts. In desperation, Roberts stops a yellow cab and shows his badge, argues with the uncooperative cabbie to use it,
and eventually decks the cabbie in the face to take control of the cab and quickly pursues the escaping drug pusher, ending with Roberts following the unsuspecting Scott on foot.
After the Christmas visit with Charlie Williams, there's an
extended scene with Frank and Eva back at their home, where Frank reminisces how Bumpy gradually stayed more and more at home towards the end of his life because of constant police surveillance. He then asks Eva if she wants to go out, nevertheless.
An extended ending in 1991 where Lucas upon release from jail is picked up by Roberts, and the two make their way towards the intersection of 116 St. and Frederick Douglass Blvd, conversing while drinking lattes.
American Gothic is a 1988 UK / Canada horror by John Hough. Starring Sarah Torgov, Terence Kelly and Mark Erickson.
Uncut and 18 rated for 1987 cinema release but 18 rated and cut for the
follow up VHS. Later uncut again on 18 rated DVD in 2005. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
When six friends fly off on a weekend getaway and are suddenly plagued by engine trouble,
they're forced to land on a remote island. Looking for shelter, they're grateful to encounter Ma and Pa and their children - an eccentric family living in the island's backwoods. But what begins as simple hospitality turns into a terrifying race for
survival as the friends start disappearing one by one ... and turning up dead.
"American Gothic" is an unusual horror thriller in the simple way that it is character-driven - it doesn't care about suspense and does
NOT go overboard in the gore department - although it lapses into Body Count Movie cliches.
Rod Steiger as usual is given an opportunity to go wildly over the top, and Yvonne DeCarlo, a.k.a. Lily Munster, is on hand as his
wife. These two veterans tend to act rings around their younger co-stars.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence with previous BBFC video cuts waived for:
American Horror Story: Episode 1 is a 2011 USA Sci-Fi horror mystery by Ryan Murphy. Starring Connie Britton, Dylan McDermott and Evan Peters.
Cut by the BBFC for instructional suicide technique
Vivien and Ben Harmon and their daughter Violet relocate to Los Angeles from Boston and buy a large old house. As required by law, the real estate agent discloses that the previous occupants were the victims of a
murder-suicide. The Harmons think nothing of it and concentrate on repairing their marriage that has come under strain following Vivien's miscarriage and Ben's subsequent infidelity with one of his students. Ben is a psychiatrist and will meet his
patients in the house. They meet the neighbors, the eccentric Constance and her daughter Adelaide. Vivien also hires a housekeeper, Moira, but Ben and Vivien don't quite see the same person when they look at her. Violet is bullied at school and befriends
one of her dad's patients who has serious psychological problems. Strange events begin to occur.
UK: Passed 18 for strong horror and self-harm images after 5s of BBFC cuts for:
2012 20th Century Fox Season 1 RB Blu-ray
2012 20th Century Fox Season 1 R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Cut required to remove potentially harmful dialogue describing a particular suicide technique.
The horse may have already bolted though, the episode has been broadcast
numerous times on TV in its uncut form.
The Unrated Version features a couple more sexy scenes and more incidental nudity but this doesn't add up to much. The Unrated Version is 5:21s longer than the R Rated version.
R Rated
The cut R Rated version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
American Ninja is a 1985 USA action romance by Sam Firstenberg. Starring Michael Dudikoff, Steve James and Judie Aronson.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1985 cinema release and further cut for the
subsequent VHS. Uncut since 18 rated 2001 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review : Holds up well
American soldier, obviously very skilled in martial arts, single-handedly takes on
mercenaries in the Philippines.
For being 20 years old this movie holds up remarkably well.
New recruit Michael Dudikoff unwillingly gets mixed up in some illegal arms transaction between crooked Army brass and a group of
ninjas. He also accidentally arouses the lustful attention of the Colonel's hot tan daughter!
Some reviewers mention this as a "guilty pleasure" I disagree. With great fight scenes, icky sound effects every time somebody
gets stabbed, a fun story and a energetic performance by Steve James there's no way you can classify this as a guilty pleasure. It's too good for that.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts
waived for:
2015 88 Films [American Ninja 1 only] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2015 88 Films
[American Ninja 1-4] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
A scene showing Joe retrieving a throwing star from one dead ninja and using it to kill another has been cut.
A fight between Curtis and a bad guy is missing the bad guy's balls being painfully squeezed.
2 more throwing stars used
by Joe are deleted even though they miss their target.
UK: Passed 18 after 11s of BBFC cuts for:
1985 cinema release titled American Warrior
1985 cinema release titled American Ninja
Thanks to Scott. The film was originally submitted as American Ninja but the distributors changed their mind and re-titled it to American Warrior for its UK cinema release.
The BBFC cuts
The sight of throwing stars was banned at this time
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation is a 1987 USA action drama by Sam Firstenberg. With Michael Dudikoff, Steve James and Larry Poindexter.
Cut by the BBFC from 1987 until the cuts were waived for 2006 DVD. Uncut in the US.
Summary Review: Must Have Bad Action Films
On a remote Caribbean island, Army Ranger Joe Armstrong
investigates the disappearance of several marines, which leads him to The Lion, a super-criminal who has kidnapped a local scientist and mass-produced an army of mutant Ninja warriors.
American Ninja 1, 2 & 3 represent
everything that bad, low-budget action movies should be: negligible plotting, lame dialogue, wooding acting, and plenty of semi-believable martial-arts action.
Not that plot really matters, since it's interrupted about every five
minutes for a fight scene. Dudikoff and the other guy can't really act, but they can fight, and that's all that really matters. No self-respecting fan of bad action should be without this DVD.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence with
previous cuts waived for:
2015 88 Films [American Ninja 2 only] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2015 88 Films
[American Ninja 1-4] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
American Ninja 3:
Blood Hunt is a 1989 USA/Canada/South Africa action drama by Cedric Sundstrom. With David Bradley, Steve James and Marjoe Gortner.
A pre-cut version was passed 18 for VHS. The film was later passed uncut on
15 rated DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Lower quality
Jackson is back, and now he has a new partner, karate champion Sean, as they must face a deadly terrorist known as The
Cobra , who has infected Sean with a virus.
I don't know why Dudikoff quit, but I wish that it hadn't happened. Not that I dislike David Bradley, but Dudikoff is just a better actor, without doubt. On the contrary, Bradley is
better in the fighting scenes, which (as always) makes up an important part in the movie.
American Ninja 3 has much of the same as in the two first movies, but with lower quality.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence
2015 88 Films [American Ninja 3 only] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2015 88 Films
[American Ninja 1-4] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
American Ninja 4: The Annihilation is a 1990 USA action drama by Cedric Sundstrom. Starring Michael Dudikoff, David Bradley and James Booth.
Cuts were required for a BBFC 18 rated VHS release in 1991. Uncut and BBFC 15 rated by 2015. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review
CIA agent Sean Davidson and his sidekick
Carl are sent into the stronghold of sadistic British ex-soldier Mulgrew to rescue some Delta Force commandoes who have been captured and tortured. When Sean, Carl and pretty doctor Sarah run into some problems, Peace Corps vet Joe Armstrong is lured out
of retirement to stop Mulgrew's plan to explode a nuclear device in New York City.
Say what you want but I love this movie. After all, who doesn't love story's where a few brave warriors defeat all odds and
the enemy to save the day!
Obviously not an Academy Award winner, but who cares. This is a total guy film. Not to forget, the late Robin Stille is a very attractive addition to the story.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence with previous video
cut waived and previous distributor pre-cuts reinstated for:
2015 88 Films [American Ninja 4 only] RB Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
2015 88 Films [American Ninja 1-4] RB Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
UK: A pre-cut version was passed 18
after 1s of further BBFC compulsory cuts for:
1991 Pathe VHS
The 1991 UK video version was pre-edited by the distributors to remove all footage of nunchakus and throwing stars, and then cut by a further 1 second by the BBFC to delete an ear clap.
American Ninja V is a 1993 US action comedy romance by Bob Bralver Starring David Bradley, Lee Reyes and Anne Dupont
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS release in 1993. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Here we get the "PG-13/Karate Kid wanna-be" version of American Ninja. David Bradley (American Ninja 3 & 4) returns but this time he plays a
different character.
Another bummer is that now the great fight sequences are gone. The fights from the previous Ninja instalments are more tamed down, kid friendly battle scenes with Hiro making stupid comments every now
and then.
It's as if the filmmakers were targeting fans of the Karate Kid series instead of fans the violent R-Rated American Ninja franchise. Mistake.
American Pie is a 1999 USA comedy by Paul Weitz and Chris Weitz (uncredited). Starring Jason Biggs, Chris Klein and Thomas Ian Nicholas.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Later released in an uncut Extended Version which is MPAA Unrated. Both Versions are 15 rated in the UK without BBFC cuts.
Summary Notes
Jim, Oz,
Finch and Kevin are four friends who make a pact that before they graduate they will all lose their virginity. The hard job now is how to reach that goal by prom night. Whilst Oz begins singing to grab attention and Kevin tries to persuade his
girlfriend, Finch tries any easy route of spreading rumors and Jim fails miserably. Whether it is being caught on top of a pie or on the Internet, Jim always ends up with his trusty sex advice from his father. Will they achieve their goal of getting laid
by prom night? Or will they learn something much different?
Unrated Version
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version/Unseen
Edition/Ultimate Edition/Unrated Version was passed 15 uncut for:
From IMDb. The Unrated version contains extra/variant scenes:
A slightly different version of Jim humping the pie. The theatrical release included Jim's father catching him with the pie while standing near the counter in the kitchen. The unrated version shows Jim's father catching him laying on top of the pie
on the bar in the kitchen.
An extra, more explicit shot of Kevin and the cup of beer. In the unrated version, the cup with semen in it is clear. In the R-rated version, the cup is slightly tinted yellow to make the semen less visible.
More graphic pages from "The Sex Bible".
More moaning from Vicki while Kevin puts the Bible to use.
Approximately 5 more seconds of Nadia pleasuring herself on Jim's bed.
Theatrical Version
Theatrical Version
UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
See version differences from . The Unrated
version features a few slightly ruder scenes but it doesn't really seem that these would cause many problems to the censors.
R Rated
UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
The Extended
Cut includes 3:40s of additional material over and above the US Unrated Version. There are 8 extra scenes including the pop tarty scene where contestants have to flash their breasts when they get an answer wrong. This scene is a DVD extra in the
US Unrated release.
American Psycho is a 2000 USA crime drama by Mary Harron. Starring Christian Bale, Justin Theroux and Josh Lucas.
The film was originally cut in the US for an MPAA R rating but the uncut
version was released worldwide and on home video.
Summary Notes
Patrick Bateman, a young, well to do man working on wall street at his father's company kills for no reason at all. As his life progresses
his hatred for the world becomes more and more intense.
Uncut Version
UK: The Unrated Version was
passed 18 uncut for:
2015 Lions Gate Home Entertainment RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2012 Universal [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Universal [Theatrical + Extended] R1 DVD at US Amazon
See article from . The 62s of additional material is
nothing controversial, just dialogue and a few more shots of Ali Cobrin's breasts.
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
2012 Universal [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-Ray at UK Amazon
An American Werewolf
in Paris is a 1997 UK / Netherlands / Luxembourg / USA / France comedy horror romance by Anthony Waller. Starring Tom Everett Scott, Julie Delpy and Vince Vieluf.
Uncut in the UK and US. There also exists a longer workprint version
Summary Notes
The daughter of the werewolf from AWIL is alive and living in Paris where her mother (from the first
film) and stepfather are trying to overcome her lycanthropic disease. A trio of American tourists on a thrill seeking trip around Europe manage to stop her from plunging to her death from the top of the Eiffel tower and are embroiled in a horrific but
often hilarious plot involving a secret society of werewolves based in the city and a drug which allows werewolves to change at any time... This time there's no need for a full moon...
Amityville II: The
Possession is a 1982 US/Mexican horror by Damiano Damiani. With James Olson, Burt Young and Rutanya Alda.
Summary Review:
Repulsive little flick
A family moves into their new home, which proves to be evil, resulting in the demonic possession of the teenage son. Only the local priest can save him.
Amityville II: Possession is actually
one impressively repulsive little flick, trafficking as it does in a massively dysfunctional family, incest, bloody murder, demonic possession, priests neglecting needy parishioners to go romping off on a hunting expedition, heads exploding like rotten
melons, and lots of nasty creepy slimy things factory designed to go bump in the night.
I wasn't expecting anything at all from Amityville 2, so imagine my surprise when I found a full-bore, absolutely relentless, tastily atmospheric little
horror flick that practically exuded evil through its pores: Amityville 2: Possession is certainly not for the fainthearted.
R rated
104:30s =100:19s
UK: Thanks to MM. The 2004 Sanctuary Special/Collector's Edition
DVD is now uncut restoring the cuts to the killing of Burt Young. But there's no BBFC record of an uncut version. Maybe a PAL import:
Amityville: The Awakening is a 2016 USA horror thriller by Franck Khalfoun. Starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bella Thorne and Jennifer Morrison.
The film was cut for an MPAA PG-13 rating for disturbing horror violence
and terror, suggestive images, brief language and thematic material.
It was previously submitted a few months earlier under the title Amityville: The Reawakening and was rated R for strong horror violence and for language.
The Amorous Prawn is a 1962 UK comedy by Anthony Kimmins. Starring Ian Carmichael, Joan Greenwood and Cecil Parker.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 1962 U rated cinema release. The
short running time suggests that these cuts have persisted to the U rated 2001 and 2016 DVDs.
Summary Notes
General and Lady Fitzadam live at a remote army outpost in Scotland, their last assignment
before the General retires. The General is sent abroad and in his absence, Lady Fitzadam decides to convert their spacious estate into a fishing resort for American tourists.
category cuts
best available
submitted 91:07s =87:28s
UK: Presumably the cut cinema version was passed U for mild comic innuendo, mild bad language for:
Amsterdamned is a 1988 Dutch action film by Dick Maas. With Huub Stapel,
Monique van de Ven and Serge-Henri Valcke.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1989 cinema release and VHS. Uncut since 2009 15 rated DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Aquatic serial killer
A mysterious diver
hiding in Amsterdam's canal system embarks on a rampage of gruesome murders, terrifying city officials and leaving few clues for the city's best detective.
Dutch director Dick Maas clearly has a flair for entertainment. This
serial killer film is lifted above the norm by a series of fantastic sequences; from creepy murder scenes to a hilariously over the top speed boat chase through the canals of Amsterdam, Amsterdamned is a delight to watch from start to finish.
Dick Maas bombards the audience with stunning location shots, deliriously entertaining sequences and some very sinister moments of horror to ensure that Amsterdamned never becomes trite or dull - and besides, every time there's
a danger of the film going downhill, our competent director is on hand with another grisly murder sequence! The atmosphere is always foreboding as it is made clear that the murderer could strike at any time.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong language
and violence after previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2017 Blue
Underground (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) Combo at US Amazon
UK: Passed 18 after 6s of BBFC cuts for
1989 Locus VHS
1989 cinema release
Thanks to Bleach:
At 52 mins -When knife protrudes through rubber dinghy on which woman is sunbathing, a zoom in to close up of knife between woman's parted legs, pantied crotch to camera, was removed.
v Amuck
- 1972 Italy mystery thriller by Silvio Amadio.
Amuck is a 1972 Italy mystery thriller by Silvio Amadio. Starring Farley Granger, Barbara Bouchet and Rosalba Neri.
Cut by the BBFC for 1972 cinema release under the title Hot Bed of Sex. The
BBFC cuts were waived for 18 rated 2017 Blu-ray. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. There also exists a shortened version titled Leather and Whips
Promotional Material
It was for her part in classic
Italian shockers like BLACK BELLY OF THE TARANTULA and DON T TORTURE A DUCKLING that cemented Barbara Bouchet s status as one of the most libidinous icons of Euro-cult cinema. Happily, Silvio Amadio's saucy thriller AMUCK! fits snugly into this
giallo-centric category too, and here Bouchet stars as Greta; a nubile young secretary under the recent employment of the cravat-wearing Richard (Farley Granger ROPE). Partial to the occasional bout of swinging along with his wanton wife Eleanora
(Rosalba Neri SLAUGHTER HOTEL), Richard also seems to harbour a dark secret: the mysterious whereabouts of his missing former assistant, Sally, whom Greta knows very intimately indeed...
96:27s 98:16s
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong sex, nudity, sexual violence with
previous BBFC cuts waived for:
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray