Road House is a 1989 US action film by Rowdy Herrington. With Patrick Swayze,
Kelly Lynch and Sam Elliott.
Uncut for UK 18 rated cinema release. Cut by the BBFC for for 18 rated VHS. Uncut on 18 rated DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US
Summary Notes
Dalton is the Cooler
in bars; He backs up and directs the bouncers. He takes a job in a Road House that has gotten far too rough. His attempts to clean things up put him in conflict with Brad Wesley, the town bully and rich person. Things heat up.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous
video cuts waived for:
UK: Passed 15 after 15-24s of BBFC cuts for category for:
1999 MGM R2 DVD
1998 Warner VHS
1995 Warner VHS
The BBFC cuts were:
Rape of Jessica Lange was reduced and re-edited for video. The BBFC considered the scene too strong for a 15 and too traumatising for girls of this age.
Distributors MGM used the cut UK version for all European VHS and DVD releases.
Category Cuts 3s
138:53s =133:20s
UK: Passed 15 after 3s of BBFC cuts for
category for:
Robin Hood is a 2010 US/UK action film by Ridley Scott. Cate Blanchett and
Matthew Macfadyen.
The film was cut in the US for a PG-13 rated theatrical release. Blood spurts were restored for the MPAA Unrated Director's Cut, but some were missed. These have been restored for the Director's Cut release in Germany. All versions are
rated 12 by the BBFC.
The US and UK Director's Cut releases do not fully restore blood splatters cut for the Theatrical Version. Perhaps down to poor engineering of the seamless branching used to implement the 2 versions on the same disk
UK: The Theatrical Version was
passed 12 without BBFC cuts for:
Robin Hood: Prince
of Thieves is a 1991 USA action romance by Kevin Reynolds. Starring Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio.
The Theatrical Version was cut by the BBFC for PG rated cinema release, VHS and DVD. The Extended Version was also cut for DVD in 2003. The Extended Version was passed 12 uncut for Blu-ray in 2009. Presumably the Theatrical Version
will be passed uncut for this release.
The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US whilst the Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated.
Summary Notes
When Robin and his
Moorish companion come to England and the tyranny of the Sheriff of Nottingham, he decides to fight back as an outlaw.
Channel 5 showed what looked like the uncut version post-watershed in May 2014. C
The additional material for the Extended Version is non-contentious. The Extended Version adds a darker, rather evil background to Alan Rickman's Sheriff of
Nottingham character. Commentators have suggested that this material was dropped from the Theatrical Version as it was too dark for a family release, and also rather let Alan Rickman steal the show from Kevin Costner.
category cuts
UK: The Extended Version was passed PG after 28s of BBFC category cuts with some previous cuts waived for:
2003 Warner R2 DVD
The total cuts for this release were:
The hand amputation scene in the introduction has been reduced as per the cinema version
Dialogue edited, Christian Slater's cry of Fuck me, he made it to Blimey, he made it when Robin swings onto the battlements.
Sheriff stabbing his sword into a victim's belly is missing a close up of the stabbing and blood oozing from the wound.
Previously three shots of Little John's son, Wulf, choking on his noose were removed. But this time the BBFC asked for
further cuts to hangings: Remove eight medium/close shots of struggling boy hanging. Remove sight of struggling men hanging, in long shot and medium shots.
A sequence where the Sheriff is spreading Marian's legs trying to take her in the
wedding scene has been removed.
Theatrical Version
Theatrical Version
UK: BBFC details not yet ublished for the Theatrical Version:
2022 Arrow Limited Edition [Theatrical + Extended Versions] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
released on 28th November 2022
US : The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated.
category cuts
UK: A Closed Caption widescreen version of the Theatrical Version was passed PG after 3s of further BBFC category cuts on
top of the 33s of previous video cuts now totalling 36s for:
1995 Warner Home Video Video
The BBFC asked for a further 3s of cuts for the 1995 Warner video:
When Little John chases Will Scarlet and throws him to ground revealing lash marks on his body, remove John's exclamation 'Bugger me'
category cuts
UK: Passed PG after the BBFC required a further 18s of category cuts on top of the 14s of cinema cuts totalling 32s of
cuts for:
1991 Warner VHS
The BBFC originally cut down the hand amputation for cinema but now feel that they did not cut enough as judged by the number of complaints received from parents. On the video release, the distributors removed all of the build up to the amputation as
it was felt that the anticipation of the act causes a lot of the terror. All details of the hand after amputation has also been excised.
The additional video cuts were:
The hand amputation scene in the introduction was further reduced with sight of the amputated hand being removed along with screams from the victim
Robin Hood knocks a prison guard onto a stack of hot coals. The initial sight of the guard
falling onto the coals and catching fire was retained, but the following shot of him rolling off of the coals and screaming was removed
The bloodied face of a soldier was removed after being hit in the face by Robin using a crossbow
Little John's remark of,
Well, I'll be buggered! was eliminated from the end of his fight with Robin
The Sheriff stabbing his sword into a victim's belly is missing a close up of the stabbing and blood oozing from the wound.
The witch Mortianna uses her
nail to cut into her arm to draw blood as part of a ritual. The close-up of this act was removed.
Dialogue is missing, where a disciple of the Sheriff is lewdly provoking Marian: I have never seen the breasts of a noble lady before
Three shots of Little John's son, Wulf, choking on his noose were removed
A sequence where the Sheriff is spreading Marian's legs trying to take her in the wedding scene has been removed.
In the climatic fight the sights of a bloody
dagger being withdrawn and then being held out were removed
The sight of Mortianna's bloody face was removed.
category cuts
UK: Passed PG after 14s of BBFC category cuts for:
1991 cinema release
The cinema cuts were:
The hand amputation scene in the introduction has been reduced
Dialogue edited, Christian Slater's cry of Fuck me, he made it to Blimey, he made it when Robin swings onto the battlements.
Robocop is a 1987 USA action crime film by Paul Verhoeven. With Peter Weller, Nancy
Allen and Dan O'Herlihy.
The Theatrical Version was cut for an R rating. This cut version was
released in the UK without further BBFC Cuts. The cuts were restored for the Director's Cut released in the US and UK. There is also a TV version that has been released on home video.
Summary Notes
In a
dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.
Thanks to Ben who found the following in the Arrow Video booklet of Robocop:
In 1990, Paul M. Sammon and executive producer Jon
Davison set about searching for the 35mm elements needed to restore Verhoeven's original X-rated cut, a quest Sammon detailed in a Video Watchdog article published in 1995.
According to Sammon's article, which detailed how the
restoration of the X-rated footage was a lengthy five-year process exacerbated by the concurrent Chapter 11 bankruptcy of Orion Pictures, the original camera negatives of the altered sequences were deemed lost after a widespread search by the filmmakers
and the studio.
Finally, the minute of gorier material was ultimately restored via the discovery of a lower-generation positive film element, and released to the public in the form of a laserdisc distributed by the Criterion
Collection in May 1995.
This reassembled X-rated cut, rebranded as the Unrated Director's Cut, has since overtaken the R-rated cut as the 'default' version available on subsequent home video formats, remastered again for DVD in
2001 and Blu-ray in 2007 and 2014.
Theatrical Version
UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18
without BBFC cuts for
2022 Arrow Video [Theatrical Version + Director's Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [Director's Cut + Theatrical Version + TV Version] (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
violence and gore, in combination with scenes of drug use, pushed Robocop clearly into the 18 category in 1987. The strong comic book influence was recognised, as was the clear distinction between good and bad, with a hero always on the side of right
giving the film a firm moral base .
Overall, the slightly offbeat and tongue-in-cheek tone of the film serves to ameliorate the loving care and attention with which Verhoeven treats the violence. Robocop
(1987) was passed 18 uncut for theatrical release, and all subsequent video, DVD and Blu-ray releases have been passed 18, uncut.
Cut by about 40 seconds to achieve a US R rating. Verhoeven has said that the film had to be resubmitted
somewhere between 12 and 17 times to inch towards the required R rating with fragments removed at a time. He further maintains that the cuts actually rendered the film's violence more disturbing than the over-the-top kind in his original edit. The UK
adopted this version without further cuts.
ED 209 shooting the executive loses a 5s shot of him being riddled with bullets, and the whole sequence of him being excessively 'perforated' on the Delta City model
Murphy shooting a gangster in the leg is originally shown in close-up (1s)
20s is lost from Murphy's murder which has been extensively recut: We lose the sight of his bloody stump as he holds it up, (replaced with a shot of Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith)), 1s of the shooting off of his whole arm has been replaced with a
shot of a gun, two brief shots of him being riddled with bullets have been cut, as was a sequence (10s) where he screams, and Boddicker lights a cigarette. The glorious sequence at the end of the scene (crane shot around to the back of Murphy's head) has
been replaced by several shots of Boddicker and Murphy in close-up.
High shot lasting 7 seconds at the end were Lewis (Nancy Allen) sits beside what's left of Murphy.
Boddicker being killed by Robocop loses 2s of front views of blood
spurting out of his mouth and neck.
TV Version
UK: The cut TV Version appears on 18 rated
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [Director's Cut + Theatrical Version + TV Version] (RB) Blu-ray at
UK Amazon
US: The TV Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [Director's Cut + Theatrical Version + TV Version] RA Blu-ray at US
Robocop 2 is a 1990 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by Irvin Kershner. Starring Peter
Weller, Belinda Bauer and John Glover.
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. This was then further cut by the BBFC for 1990 cinema release, and even further cut for VHS. The BBFC cuts were waived for DVD.
Summary Notes
corrupt businesswoman seeks to disable Robocop in favor of her own model of cyborg.
From Cutting Edge. The US cuts for an MPAA R rating were:
The killing of Duffy, the corrupt police officer, was slightly reduced to remove the focus on his torso being sliced open with a scalpel.
UK : The cut cinema version was passed 18 after a further 4s of BBFC cuts for:
1994 4 Front VHS
1991 Virgin VHS
The additional BBFC cuts were:
Cuts were inflicted in the first TV commercial showing how to break into a car. The TV commercial is a spoof though, advertising a vehicle security system called MagnaVolt that fries wannabe thieves.
UK : The cut US R rated Version was passed 18 after 31s of further BBFC cuts for
1990 cinema release
The BBFC made 9 cuts.
During the opening scene showing hookers attacking a man, the stiletto high heel piercing of an eye has been cut
Cain shooting a female drug factory worker hiding in his car.
Robocop rubbing Duffy's face into broken glass in the
games arcade.
Cain tortures a police officer but we don't see the scalpel piercing his chest and don't hear his cries (a single cut of 12s)
During the raid on the drug plant a crook is shot by the female police officer. At least 2
bullets hitting him have vanished. In the uncut version Robocop also kills one more man
In the death scene of Caine's girl friend, we don't see Robocop snapping her neck
v Robocop 3
- 1993 USA action crime thriller by Fred Dekker.
2009 Japan action comedy by Noboru Iguchi. With Asami, Yoshihiro Nishimura and Naoto Takenaka.
The Theatrical Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
2010 Showbox RB Blu-ray
2010 Showbox R2 DVD
There is also a longer Japanese language version featuring 2 extra bloody scenes. It is unlikely that these extra scenes were omitted for censorship reasons though. See
pictorial version details from
Robot Jox is a 1989 USA action Sci-Fi film by Stuart Gordon. Starring Gary Graham, Anne-Marie Johnson and Paul Koslo.
Exists in the US in 2 versions, a cut PG version and an uncut PG-13
version. Presumably it was the uncut version that was 15 rated in the UK.
Summary Notes
It is post-World War III. War is outlawed. In its place, are matches between large Robots called Robot Jox. These
matches take place between two large superpowers over disputed territories. The main character Achilles is a pilot in one of the large Robots. The plot revolves around him and a match for the state of Alaska.
UK: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong violence, injury detail:
Robot Dreams is a 2023 Spain/France animation drama by Pablo Berger Starring Ivan Labanda, Tito Trifol and Rafa Calvo
category cuts were required for a distributor requested BBFC PG rated cinema release in 2024.
Summary Notes
Based on the popular graphic novel by the North American writer Sara Varon,
ROBOT DREAMS tells the adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in NYC during the '80s.
category cuts by substitution
UK: BBFC PG rated for mild rude humour for mild rude humour after BBFC category cuts:
2024 Artificial Eye Film Co. cinema release (rated 30/01/2024)
The BBFC commented:
The company obscured rude gestures in order to achieve their preferred category of PG. An uncut 12A classification was available.
Thanks to Jon:
The BBFC were initially set to give the film an uncut 12A rating. However, when Artificial Eye heard the film was going to be a 12A, it was Artificial Eye who said they wanted a PG, because the film would be ideal for younger kids, as the film was due to be released during the February school Half-Term. It was at that point, that the BBFC stated to Artificial Eye, that if they wanted a PG, the middle finger gesture would need to be removed.
Artificial Eye went back to the director, explained the situation, and between him and Artificial Eye, they agreed that the best solution would be to animate a black rectangle over the offending moment, so that adults would still
get the joke, but kids would not, and the censorship would appease the BBFC without any cuts being made to the film's duration.
The animators added-in the black rectangle, the film was resubmitted, and the film was passed with the
new censored middle finger scene as a PG.
The film could easily have been left uncut with a 12A, and it would not have affected anything. But the distributor stupidly wanted a kid-friendly rating, despite the fact most kids
couldn't follow the film and didn't find it especially entertaining. So Artificial Eye really ballsed-up here.
Thanks to Scott, Jake and Chris.
The rude gesture was in fact the robot showing his middle finger when
copying members of a street gang. The director was involved in deciding how to obscure the gesture by covering it up. The solution to cover up the gesture with a black strip proved more than acceptable as it gets a laugh from viewers realising that the
robot is making the gesture and that this has been censored.
Ireland: The cut UK version was IFCO G rated for consumer advice: explores themes of friendship and loss with positive resolution:
Robotrix is a 1991 Hong Kong Sci-Fi adult comedy by Jamie Luk. With Amy Yip, Chikako Aoyama and David Wu.
The Hong Kong Version is Cat III uncut but was cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1987 VHS and again for 2013 DVD. The film was passed 18 uncut for 2021 Blu-ray. IMDb notes that the Taiwanese/Singapore release includes an extra comic plot
that reportedly doesn't work well for western viewers.
Summary Review: Robo Cop Meets Charlie's Angels
A science fiction, action, adult comedy is a definite beer and snacks movie. Although it may not
be to everybody's taste, it's a fun movie for the most part (as is the case with many HK films, the humour can border on the tasteless).
The basic premise of the film is that a rather fetching and sexy lady agent has her
mind transferred into the body of a robot following a shooting, thus becoming the ultimate sexy super-hero. Imagine Robocop meets Charlie's Angels with an adult touch and you've got the idea!
And Amy Yip is
Taiwan/Singapore Version
Taiwan/Singapore version
The Taiwan/Singapore Version has an extra comic plot that reportedly doesn't work well for western viewers.
UK: The Hong Kong Version was passed18 for strong bloody violence and strong sex after 2:45s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2013 Medium Rare R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
Compulsory cuts were required to remove two scenes of eroticised sexual violence.
The two scenes being referred to are:
A villainous robot proves too rough for a prostitute bar girl who objects. The robot pins her against a wall and throttles her to death whilst continuing to pound away.
A villain forces a long fellatio session on the scientist Dr. Sara in
her laboratory. Jokily filmed as if it were a porn film with oral sex and frequent changes of position.
UK: The Hong Kong Version was passed18 after 3:23s of BBFC cuts for:
The Rock is a 1996 US action film by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage and Ed
Uncut by the BBFC for cinema and DVD but it was cut for VHS.
Summary Notes:
A mild-mannered chemist and an ex-con must lead the counterstrike when a rogue group of military men, led by a
renegade general, threaten a nerve gas attack from Alcatraz against San Francisco.
Sean Connery was adapting his violent talents to the modern mode, throwing knives, breaking necks and spraying bullets into the feet of opposing soldiers in the action
adventure The Rock, which was cut by 15s to preserve its 15 on video. Since violent blows are brief, cuts to remove them can be brief but their excision makes a significant difference, It would be interesting to speculate why screen heroes of the
nineties have become so coldly callous. One day, perhaps the question may be answered by social historians, but it is a trend that sits rather oddly with Britain's new culture of compassion.
The BBFC cuts were:
Confrontation in the morgue where John Patric Mason (Sean Connery) knife-throwing into a soldier's neck is totally eliminated, along with the line 'you must never hesitate'.
Connery shooting a guard in the foot is trimmed.
A 2
second zoom of the above soldier when the generator falls on him after Mason shoots it.
Connery breaking a guard's neck loses the sound of the breaking.
The gun battle near the end has been trimmed for blood letting, when Major Tom
Baxter (David Morse) gets shot in the stomach and General Francis X. Hummel (Ed Harris) receives a hit to his left shoulder.
Australia: The Theatrical and following up VHS release were MA15 + rated and cut. The first DVD release featured the cut UK version and was also MA15+ rated.
Forget about Britney Spears
and Mandy Moore's brand of bubblegum pop music and their equally bland movies - they don't hold a candle to the unbridled power of those punk rockers from New York City, the Ramones!
From B-movie veterans like Paul (Eating
Raoul) Bartel and Mary (Death Race 2000) Woronov to newcomers (at the time), P.J. (Halloween) Soles and Dey (Strange Invaders) Young, the entire cast has a lot of fun spouting the film's wonderfully inspired cornball dialogue ( If you don't like it,
you can put it where the monkey puts the nuts. ). The Ramones are good sports and mumble their way through the film and truly coming alive during the music sequences. The movie rightfully cements their reputation as legends.
Rock n Roll High School embodies the essence of the punk rock music that made the Ramones famous. The film is bursting with youthful energy, a dose of good ol' fashion anarchy and is loads of fun to watch. These are also the
ingredients that made Rock n Roll High School a cult film. It was a commercial and critical failure upon its initial release but repeated midnight screenings, coupled with steady appearances on TV, have helped the film endure over the years.
Rock of Ages is a 2012 USA comedy drama musical romance by Adam Shankman.
With Julianne Hough, Diego Boneta and Tom Cruise.
There are 2 versions, a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version
Promotional Material
Rock of Ages tells the story of small town girl Sherrie and city boy Drew, who meet on the Sunset
Strip while pursuing their Hollywood dreams. Their rock n roll romance is told through the heart-pounding hits of Def Leppard, Joan Jett, Journey, Foreigner, Bon Jovi, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon, Pat Benatar, Twisted Sister, Poison, Whitesnake,
and more.
UK: The Extended Version was passed 12 uncut for one use of strong language and moderate sex references
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/ R2 DVD Combo at
UK Amazon
2012 Warner Online
US: The Extended Version is MPAA R Rated for some sexual content:
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/ R1 DVD Combo at US
Amazon released on 9th October 2012
See pictorial version details from . The Extended
Version features mostly uncontroversial material including a longer version of the interview between Jaxx and the Rolling Stone reporter which is now way too long. There's also a new sexy dance scene between Cruise and Hough. A strong scene that was in
danger of stealing the show.
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12 uncut for one use of strong language and moderate sex references for:
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/ R2 DVD Combo at
UK Amazon
Cut when submitted in 2008 with the following BBFC comment: The distributor choose to make one cut in order to obtain a '12A' classification. The cut was made to a partially spoken use of strong
language. An uncut '15' was available.
A month later the film was resubmitted without cuts: After classification, the company decided to make dialogue changes to the work in reel three prior to release and submitted
another version.
Stupid kid climbs in a tumble dryer and goes for a spin in his fantasy world of being an astronaut. The BBFC thinks that young children may be stupid enough to copy this antic.
v Rocketman
- 2019 UK / USA musical music biography by Dexter Fletcher.
Rocketman is a 2019 UK / USA musical music biography by Dexter Fletcher. Starring
Bryce Dallas Howard, Taron Egerton and Richard Madden.
There was a debate in the US about cuts for a PG-13 rating but the film ended up as MPAA R rated. It was then 15 rated in the UK. The debate was reprised in Australia
where the distributors appealed an MA15+ and won their case for a lesser M rating. Cut in Russia and Malaysia. Banned in Samoa.
A musical fantasy about the fantastical human story of Elton John's breakthrough years.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for drug
misuse, sex, very strong language:
2019 Paramount [with sing-along version] RB 4k Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2019 Paramount [with sing-along version] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2019 Paramount [with sing-along version] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2019 Paramount Amazon Prime VoD [UK only] at UK Amazon
2019 cinema release
US : Rated R for language throughout, some drug use and sexual content
The film-makers behind the Elton John musical fantasy Rocketman clashed with Paramount over a naked sex romp featuring Taron Egerton and Richard Madden.
Paramount Pictures demanded that Rocketman director Dexter Fletcher and producer Matthew Vaughn cut a 40-second scene that depicts Elton John and one-time lover and manager John Reid, writhing on a bed. Fully exposed white derrieres are on display, but the nude escapade is tastefully done.
It was reported that Paramount was forcing the director to cut the scene for an American PG 13 rating, maybe with an eye on repeating the success of the similarly sanitised gay sex in the Freddie Mercury biopic Bohemian Rhapsody .
However it
seems that the film makers won the argument as the film ended up with an R rating that confirms the sexual conten
Australia: Initially the Classification Board passed the film MA15+ uncut for strong coarse language.
issues requiring an MA15+ over an M rating were related to strong language rather than the gay themes, and in particular the a single use of the word 'cunt'.
The distributors appealed the MA15+ rating and won their case as the Review Board reduced the
rating to M for mature themes, drug use, sex scene and frequent coarse language'. The Review Board explained its decision:
It is the view of the Classification Review Board that the dramatic biographical context
does mitigate the impact of the language, and specifically, the one instance of the use of strong coarse language.
Films classified M are considered suitable for mature audiences. It is for the above reasons, that the Review Board
has decided that the contextual singular use of a strong coarse word can be accommodated at the M classification on this occasion.
The other frequently used coarse words are routinely accommodated at the M classification level.
unfinished version
Australia: Prior to the submission of the final version, an unfinished version was submitted and passed MA15+ for strong coarse language
v Rocky IV
- 1985 USA sport drama by Sylvester Stallone.
Rocky IV is a 1985 USA sport drama by Sylvester Stallone. Starring Sylvester Stallone and Talia Shire and Burt Young.
The BBFC uprated the film from PG to 12A for 2020 cinema release.
Director Sylvester Stallone produced a PG-13 rated Director's Cut in 2021, whereas the original was PG rated. The Director's Cut was passed 12A for UK cinema release in 2021.
Summary Notes
Rocky Balboa accompanies his friend Apollo Creed to the ring in a boxing match against a Russian Boxer named Ivan Drago. Drago is too strong for Creed, and unfortunately kills him in his match. Balboa blames himself for Creed's death
and is determined to defeat Drago in a boxing match. He gains the help of Creed's former manager, Duke and travels to U.S.S.R. to take on Drago.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut: is uncut
and BBFC 12 rated for moderate violence, injury detail:
2023 MGM [Rocky 1-4 + Rocky IV Director's Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
Rocky Balboa is a 2006 USA action sport drama by Sylvester Stallone Starring Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Tarver and Milo Ventimiglia
as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut
Summary Notes
Thirty years after the ring of the first bell, Rocky Balboa comes out of retirement and dons his gloves for his final fight
against the reigning heavyweight champ Mason 'The Line' Dixon.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut: is
uncut and BBFC 12 rated for moderate violence, injury detail:
2024 Warner Bros [Theatrical Version + Director's Cut] R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo
at UK Amazon #ad
Rocky Handsome is a 2016 India action crime thriller by Nishikant
Kamat. Starring John Abraham, Shruti Haasan and Nishikant Kamat.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 15 rated 2016 cinema release.
Summary Notes
When a drug mafia abducts an eight-year old, her dearest man sets out on a mission with a view of
returning the compliment.
category cuts 5:01s
UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence, threat, injury detail, drug use after 5:01s of BBFC category cuts for:
2016 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to reduce a scene of strong violence in order to obtain a 15 classification. An uncut 18 classification was available.
The BBFC commented in its annual eport covering 2016:
The Hindi language action thriller Rocky Handsome, in which an agent takes on a drug cartel that has kidnapped a young girl, required cuts for 15 to substantially
reduce a scene in which the hero repeatedly stabs several men. Strong violence in several other fight scenes, as well as strong injury detail, and a scene of drug misuse, means the film is classified 15. An 18 classification without cuts was available to
the distributor.
Except for a few more or less irrelevant extended plot scenes and one single extended shot of naked breasts there is nothing special about the new footage. Jane Lynch as the formerly drug addicted leader of the program gets
a few more scenes of screen time, and also the affection that "Sturdy Wings"-permanent user Martin has for her only really gets clear in the Unrated version.
The uncut region 1 DVD is available at
US Amazon The uncut US Blu-ray is available at
US Amazon The uncut region 1 DVD is available via
UK Amazon The uncut US Blu-ray is available via
UK Amazon
R Rated
98:46s =94:49s
The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without cut for the 2008 cinema release and 2009 Universal DVD/Blu-ray
ROLE MODELS is a comedy about two energy
drink salesmen who get in trouble with the law but are given the opportunity to avoid jail by performing community service as 'big brother' mentors to a pair of problem kids. The film was classified '15' for strong language and crude sexual references.
Numerous uses of strong language go beyond what is allowed by the Guidelines at '12A' which state that 'The use of strong language (eg 'fuck') must be infrequent', but present no problems at '15' where the Guidelines allow for 'frequent use of
strong language'. The film presents various verbal and visual sex references, including occasional female breast nudity, which are strong and sometimes crude, and which occur in the comic context of two grown - but somewhat immature - men who are asked
to deal with the natural immaturity of two young boys. Their comments between themselves and with the two children have some emphasis on sexual matters and rely on a degree of crude bad taste for their comic impact. However, the Guidelines at '15' allow
for 'strong verbal references to sexual behaviour' and also for nudity in a sexual context provided it does not contain 'strong detail'. There is also a scene in which the audience sees a crude line drawing, made by one of the boys (a ten-year-old), of a
male figure with an exaggeratedly erect penis and a woman with comically large breasts. The detail in the drawing has no anatomical accuracy and is only on screen for a few seconds.
The film also contains several references to drug misuse and one
scene in which a joint is being smoked. The references are made by a character who has actually recovered from her drug habit and is now trying to help wayward children. Her comments have a certain self-regarding tone ( Sure, I could be doing cocaine,
but the kids come first ) which is intended as part of the film's comedy, but they carry a clear anti-drugs message.
v Rollerball - 1975 USA action Sci-Fi film by Norman Jewison.
Rollerball is a 2002 USA / Germany / Japan action Sci-Fi film by
John McTiernan. Starring Chris Klein, Jean Reno and LL Cool J.
The US Theatrical Version was cut for a MPAA PG-13 rating. Otherwise an
uncut R rated version was distributed uncut for all home video releases
Summary Notes
Johnathan Cross, a lover of extreme sports, is recruited by Alexi Petrovich to star in his sportive invention,
Rollerball. Johnathan accepts and learns the ropes of Rollerball: The players are on Rollerblades, trying to bring a heavy metal ball into a high goal. Also, there are motorcyclists around to bring momentum to the players. Oh yes, and there are no rules
in the game. During his skyrocketing career, Johnathan has to experience what Alexi has found out: Blood brings more viewing pleasure to the audience. So, Alexi starts to bribe members of the different teams to cause more trouble than necessary on the
field, and the viewers love it. Only a little later, Johnathan's life is already in extreme danger as well as those of his friends and teammates. In a final game, Johnathan and his team have to fight for mere survival against their real opponent - their
boss Alexi Petrovich.
After disastrous test screenings the producers decided to try a PG-13 rated release and made several edits. One example was a locker room scene with a
little topless action. The girls were digitally covered up by bras and shadows.
The recent DVD appears to be
missing a 1 second close-up on a dead man's face, bloody and with his eyes open, right after his death at the end of the film.
Also, after the rollercoaster disaster, the Italian versions has two more shots of motionless bodies lying on the floor
between the rest of the broken carriages, and the public's screams are repeated twice.
Rolling Thunder is a 1977 action revenge film by John Flynn. With William Devane, Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Haynes.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1977. Uncut and 18 rated on DVD and Blu-ray. The film was banned in New Zealand from 1978-1989.
Summary Review: Outright mayhem
war hero William Devane receives a generous local gift during ceremonies in his Texas hometown. Later on, a bunch of good old boys come to rob him of the gift. They torture him and off his family in the process.
The remaining 70
or so minutes of the film detail Devane's search for the killers and his revenge. He takes up with a lonely woman during the search while teaching himself to use a shotgun with his new mechanical hand (he lost the real one in the torture-robbery-murder
back home.)
Anyone that likes either of the main actors (Wiiliam Devane or Tommy Lee Jones), high class violence, or revenge films will enjoy this movie.
Rolling Vengeance is a 1987 Canada action drama by Steven Hilliard Stern (as Steven H Stern). Starring Don Michael Paul, Lawrence Dane and Ned Beatty.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1988. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
A man is out to kill a bunch of rivalries who killed his innocent mother and the mother of their kids in a car that was destroyed and got pushed down to the bushes, now he wants revenge
building up a massive monster truck also known as the "ROLLING VENGEANCE"
92:09s =88:28s
US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2017 Kino Classics (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon released on 17th October 2017
Kino Classics R1 DVD at US Amazon released on 17th October 2017
compulsory cuts 21s
submitted 87:48s
UK: Passed 18 after 21s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
Roman J. Israel, Esq is a 2017 USA crime drama by Dan Gilroy. Starring Denzel Washington, Colin Farrell and Carmen Ejogo.
From IMDB. After a presumably disappointing premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, the film was re-cut by director Dan Gilroy and star Denzel Washington. The new version is 12 minutes shorter than the festival premiere.
In addition to dropping some scenes, the film now features different music on the soundtrack (replacing a number of songs) and moves a scene depicting Roman and Israel going to a Lakers game at the Staples Center to an earlier point in the story.
v Romance
- 1999 France drama by Catherine Breillat.
Romance is a 1999 France drama by Catherine Breillat. With Caroline Ducey, Sagamore
Stévenin and François Berléand.
Passed 18 uncut for 1999 cinema release complete with real sex. Cut for 2000 DVD but these BBFC cuts were waived for 2014 home video release. Uncut and Unrated in the
Summary Review : Such a Good Film
Although deeply in love with her boyfriend - and indeed sleeping in the same bed with him - a schoolteacher cannot handle the almost complete
lack of intimacy he will allow.
Excellent cinematography and a bleak script; by far the best film I saw last year, and probably the best I'll see again this year.
With the exception of one or two scenes, the
sex in the film is not very explicit, even including the more racy fellatio scenes.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong real sex, sexual violence, very strong language with previous video
cut waived:
Although the BBFC passed the film uncut for British cinemas, they required 1 second to be removed from the video version. The cut to the UK video and DVD versions removed a brief close-up of a man ejaculating onto a woman's stomach. This occurs at
the end of a fantasy brothel sequence, and is followed by a jump-cut to a similar shot of ultra-sound gel being squirted onto Caroline Trousselard's stomach. Without the first shot, however, the effect is lost in the UK version.
Romeo Akbar Walter is a 2019 India action thriller by Robbie Grewal (as Robby Grewal). Starring John Abraham, Mouni Roy and Jackie Shroff.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2019.
Summary Notes
During the India-Pakistan war of 1971, an Indian banker is recruited by RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) for a covert operation deep inside Pakistan.
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, occasional bloody images after 2:11s of BBFC category cuts:
2019 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove scenes of strong violence in order to obtain a 12A Classification. Cuts made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy. An uncut 15 was available.
Romeo Must Die is a 2000 US action thriller by Andrzej Bartkowiak. With Jet Li, Aaliyah and Isaiah Washington.
BBFC Category cuts for 15 rated cinema and home video releases. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
In this modern day Romeo and Juliet, kung fu action star Jet Li plays
Romeo to hip-hop singer, Aaliyah Haughton's Juliet. Li is an ex-cop investigating the murder of his brother, who had ties with the Chinese mafia in America. Aaliyah plays the daughter of the American mob boss. Neither side approves of their romance, so,
obviously, kung fu action ensues, with a soundtrack by Aaliyah.
UK: Passed 15 for strong language and violence after 30s of category cuts for:
2001 Warner R2 DVD
2000 cinema release
An uncut 18 rating was available. The category cuts were for violence:
A kneecapping by gunshot.
The sight of blood spurts removed from when "Mac" is shot twice in the chest.
In the final fight between Jet Li and Russell Wong, a throat punch and kick to back of head have been cut. Also shots
of a red hot bowl being kicked onto Jet's chest and the pressing of the bowl onto his hands have been reduced. A close-up shot of Wong digging his fingers into Jet's burned hand wound are gone, along with a head-butt and several kidney punches.
Romper Stomper is a 1992 Australia crime drama by Geoffrey Wright. Starring Russell Crowe, Daniel Pollock and Jacqueline McKenzie.
Passed 18 uncut by the BBFC for 1982 cinema release and home video. However
the film was banned by Glasgow Council for screening at the 1993 Glasgow Film Festival.
Summary Notes
Nazi skinheads in Melbourne take out their anger on local Vietnamese, who are
seen as threatening racial purity. Finally the Vietnamese have had enough and confront the skinheads in an all-out confrontation, sending the skinheads running. A woman who is prone to epileptic seizures joins the skins' merry band, and helps them on
their run from justice, but is her affliction also a sign of impurity?
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence, sex and language:
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion is a 1997 USA comedy by David Mirkin. Starring Mira Sorvino, Lisa Kudrow and Janeane Garofalo.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12 rated cinema release. Uncut and
15 rated on VHS and DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Romy and Michele have been through it all, including being tortured by the Popular crowd when in high school. When they receive
word of a 10 year reunion, they come to realize their lives aren't as impressive as they'd like them to be. Instead of staying home they go to the reunion with business outfits, cell phones, and one heck of a bogus success story.
The Rookie is a 1990 USA action crime comedy by Clint Eastwood. Starring Clint Eastwood,
Charlie Sheen and Raul Julia.
Cut for a 15 rated UK cinema release in 1991. Uncut and 18 rated on UK home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Nick Pulovski is a cop, who is presently assigned to the auto theft division and who for the most part of his career has not done anything worthwhile. But when he discovers that a man named Strom is the brains behind a major car theft
and chop shop ring, he sees this as his opportunity to do something. After his partner is killed, the case is then transfered to homicide, so he is taken off the case. And he is assigned a new partner, David Ackerman. a cop who has just recently been
promoted to detective. But Pulovski feeling as if Strom is his decides to continue pursuing him but Ackerman who tries to play by the rules is not sure what to do, and he is also a little afraid cause of a childhood incident.
Rorschach is a 2022 India action thriller by Nissam Basheer Starring Mammootty, Grace
Antony and Asif Ali
category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2022.
Summary Notes
The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from
someone who has destroyed him deeply
UK: Passed 12A with a BBFC trigger warning for moderate violence, injury detail, threat, sexual threat, suicide references after
BBFC cuts:
2022 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence, injury detail and threat in order to receive their preferred 12A classification. An uncut 15 rating was available.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence, injury detail, threat:
Rory Gallagher:
Irish Tour '74 is a 1975 music documentary film by Tony Palmer. Starring Rory Gallagher, Lou Martin and Rod De'Ath.
BBFC category cuts for a U rated 1975 cinema release. Presumably passed 12 uncut for 2014 Blu-ray.
Promotional Material
This Special Edition 3DVD set brings together two concerts and a documentary featuring the legendary Rory Gallagher. Irish Tour 74 is a film by acclaimed director Tony Palmer, which follows Rory on a tour of both the
Republic and Northern Ireland at the height of the troubles. Ghost Blues , directed by Ian Thuillier, is the story of Rory Gallagher from his early days with Taste, through his solo success and on to his tragic early death at the edge of just 47. Live In
Cork captures Rory s return to his native city for his first live performance in several years towards the end of his career. This set is a fantastic addition to any Rory Gallagher fan s collection.
UK: Presumably passed 12 uncut for infrequent strong language for:
2014 Sony/Eagle Rock R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 13th October 2014
UK Censorship History
Previously cut for a U rating for 1975 cinema release.
The film originally proved problematic for the UK censors and the rape scene was toned down by the BBFC for the cinema release with edits made to remove dialogue and shots of Rosemary's legs being bound.
The Prowler is an overlooked horror film from that golden age of
slasher films of the late 70s and early 80s. The film is directed by Joseph Zito who has special effects wizard Tom Savini to thank for the film's best scenes.
The Plot of this film is very similar to My Bloody Valentine. We have a brutal act of
violence taking place many years ago. We have the first big social event scheduled in several years on the very grounds where the trouble took place. And we have a spooky killer chopping up victims left and right. Only instead of full mining gear, our
Prowler is dressed in WWII era military fatigues.
The gore is by far the best thing this film has going for it. There are some DISGUSTING killings which look very much like they could be the real thing. Our killer loves to use his bayonet, a
pitchfork, and a sawed-off double barrel shotgun on his victims. Most of the killings in the version I have are not mere snippets of knives piercing flesh. You see the killer slice and penetrate these victims until they aren't breathing any more. There
is a tidal wave of blood spilled in this film. They saved the best for last, when we see just what a blast from a shotgun at point blank range can do to someone's face.
The film has some glaring dead spots, too. Character
development is nearly non-existent, and the motivation behind the carnage is not defined by any logical means. Let me put it this way; I have absolutely NO IDEA why the killer committed these murders. I wonder if the writers even knew.
Gore fans
will definitely need to see the uncut version of this film at some point in their lives. See this film out of a sense of duty, but don't expect a true classic.
A cut
version, presumably the cut cinema version was released for:
Rude is a 1995 Canada crime drama by Clement Virgo. Starring Maurice Dean Wint, Rachael
Crawford and Clark Johnson.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1997 VHS. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US
Summary Notes
This is the Easter weekend.
In an inner city project, three people struggle against their demons and try to find redemption. They are Maxine, a window dresser depressed since she had an abortion and lost her lover ; Jordan, a boxer who has indulged in gay-bashing ; and 'The
General', a drug dealer turned artist.
2008 Mexico/US comedy drama by Carlos
Cuarón. With Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna and Guillermo Francella .
The BBFC cut a 5s scene of cock fighting from:
2009 Optimum Online
2009 Optimum R2 DVD
2009 cinema release
The BBFC explained their 15 rating:
The film was classified at 15 thanks to multiple uses of strong language. The BBFC's Guidelines at 12A only allow for the infrequent use of strong language; use of
strong language is frequent here. There is also a sex scene involving some breast nudity that would have been too explicit within the Guidelines at 12A.'
The Rules of Attraction is a 2002 USA / Germany comedy romance by
Roger Avary. Starring James Van Der Beek, Ian Somerhalder and Shannyn Sossamon.
Uncut for cinema but cut for DVD. The 2009 Blu-ray is accidentally uncut. In the US the R rated version is uncut but the NC-17 version is uncut.
Summary Notes
The incredibly spoiled
and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate.
Thanks to Daniel. As of 2014 the BBFC have confirmed that the cut has not been waived and that this uncut version should not be distributed. The distributors have been informed some time ago, but the Blu-ray is still on sale at Amazon.
Presumably the opportunity to buy this uncut version is now time limited.
UK: The NC-17 Version was passed 18 uncut for:
2003 cinema release
UK: The NC-17 Version suffered 1:34s of BBFC cuts for:
2003 Warner R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
A cut was required to a scene in which a teenage girl slits her wrists, on the grounds that the technique used is not widely known and is potentially more likely to result in death than the more
common method.
Thanks to Daniel: Rewriting the Rules of Attraction
The video version was cut to remove a shot of Teresa Wayman cutting her wrist lengthwise with a razor because the BBFC
considered it instructional depiction of a potentially lethal suicide technique. The shot in question only lasts a few seconds, so the distributor removed it and then slowed down the remaining footage to cover the gap left by the deleted shot and allow
the Harry Nillson song Without You to play as it does in the uncut version. As a result the BBFC list a substitution cut of 1 min 34 seconds, the total amount of footage slowed to accommodate the cut.
The BBFC's
intervention did not really lessen the power of this crucial scene, but unfortunately when the film was screened recently on Film Four, whoever prepared the film for broadcast misunderstood the technical aspects of this cut, and instead removed the
entire 1 minute 34 seconds the BBFC appeared to mandate deleting the suicide scene in almost its entirety. Accidental though it seems to be, it' a crippling cut
110:10s =105:46s
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts
2002 cinema release which was unreleased in favour of the NC-17 version
The film student lingers a little longer when filming Lauren with puke on her back. The cuts are also applied to the same scene in a flashback later on.
Pictures in a porn magazine have been blurred.
Shots of from a porn movie have
had nudity deleted
The 'dressed to get laid party' loses shots of nudity amongst the party goers
The Ruling Class is a 1972 UK musical comedy drama by Peter Medak. Starring Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim and Arthur Lowe.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1972 cinema release. The cuts have persisted to all releases since. There also exists a shortened version.
Summary Notes
A member of the House of Lords
dies in a shockingly silly way, leaving his estate to his son. Unfortunately, his son is insane: he thinks he is Jesus Christ. The other somewhat-more respectable members of their family plot to steal the estate from him. Murder and mayhem ensues.
best available
153:59s =147:49s
submitted cinema 154:53s =148:41s
UK: The cut cinema version was passed 15 for strong sex
references and one scene of hanging without further BBFC cuts for:
Rumble in the Bronx is a 1995 Hong Kong/Canada action crime comedy by Stanley Tong. With Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Françoise Yip.
Shortened for international release. The UK VHS and DVD was further cut for violence. The UK Blu-ray is the shortened version but without BBFC cuts
Promotional Material :
Keong comes
from Hong Kong to visit New York for his uncle's wedding. His uncle runs a market in the Bronx and Keong offers to help out while Uncle is on his honeymoon. During his stay in the Bronx, Keong befriends a neighbor kid and beats up some neighborhood thugs
who cause problems at the market. Meanwhile, one of those petty thugs in the local gang stumbles into a criminal situation way over his head. Blinded by greed, his involvement draws his gang, the kid, Keong, and the whole neighborhood into a deadly
crossfire. When the lazy cops fail to successfully resolve matters, Keong takes things into his own hands. Needless to say, much spectacular kung-fu and outrageous action sequences follow....
Asian Version
Asian Version
Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan: The longer Asian Version is uncut, albeit with variations
US Version
shortened US Version
UK: Shortened US Version: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for
strong violence, brief sexual threat:
2023 Warner Bros Entertainment UK Blu-ray (rated 31/05/2023)
UK: The shortened US Version was released without the previous BBFC cuts but this version is not recorded in the BBFC database for:
From IMDb. The American version of Rumble In The Bronx is shorter that the original Hong Kong one. Here's what's the USA version is missing:
The HK version opens with Jackie already in the airport. The US version runs the opening credits over footage of his plane arriving in New York.
The scene in the HK print where 2 local punks, a Chinese and a black guy, extort some money
before helping themselves to some goodies from beside the cash register is cut from the US version.
The dialogue scene between Jackie and Anita Mui at Uncle Bill's wedding is shortened in the US version, and the performance of the wedding duet
from 'Princess Chang Ping', by Tung Biu and Carrie Cain Sparks is missing.
In the HK print, after Jackie trashes the first bunch of punks in the market, he delivers a lecture, in Cantonese, on Chinese martial Arts, which Anita Mui then declines
to translate to the Western store workers.
In the HK print, the morning after Jackie is sliced up by the broken bottles he returns to the market. There he confronts the same punks who extorted money from Uncle Bill, and sees them off with a mean
stare. However, when the biker gang arrive, Jackie, apparently intimidated, calls the police rather than fight them himself. This whole sequence is cut from the US version.
A scene in which the same two extortionists return to the market and
Anita Mui tries, in vain, to scare them away with a mean look is cut from the US print.
In the HK print, after Jackie trashes the street gang at their clubhouse, he delivers an impassioned speech telling them to do something worthwhile with
their lives. This is shortened in the US version.
UK: The shortened US Version was passed 15
after 42s of BBFC cuts for:
2011 Optimum R2 DVD
2002 Buena Vista R2 DVD
1987 Buena Vista VHS
The BBFC felt that the uncut 15 for the cinema version was too lenient and imposed cuts for home video release. The cuts were:
A dare devil escape sequence showing Jackie Chan ducking flying glass from bottles smashed with a bat was cut in fear of imitation of using broken glass as a weapon.
Rummy is a 2014 India drama by Balakrishnan. With Vijay Sethupathi, Prabhakar and
BBFC category cuts for 2014 cinema release
category cuts 19s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence after 19s of BBFC category cuts for:
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove a moment of strong violence (a man being hit in the face with a wrench, in slow motion, resulting in blood spraying from his mouth) in order to achieve a 12A classification. Cut made in accordance with BBFC
Guidelines and policy. An uncut 15 classification was available.
Run & Gun is a 2021 US action thriller by Christopher Borrelli Starring Richard Kind,
Angela Sarafyan and Janel Parrish
Exists as an original version and a Director's Cut. Both were MPA R rated for violence and language.
Summary Notes
Set in the ruins of the Salton Sea and follows Ray, a former criminal evading a series of ruthless killers led by eccentric mob boss, Grayson. Ray finds refuge with a mysterious good Samaritan, but it soon becomes apparent, however, he
has walked into the nest of someone even more dangerous than the killers pursuing him.
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is MPA R rated for violence and language.
original version
US: The original version is MPA R rated for violence and language.
BBFC required no cuts of the 2008 DVD but it is not clear if this was the pre-cut cinema version
The distributors noted the 2007 cinema release as pre-cut and the BBFC required no further cuts:
Run Fat Boy Run is a comedy
about an emotionally confused man who leaves his pregnant bride-to-be at the altar and years later realises that he really should have married her. The film was classified '12A' for strong language and moderate sex references.
BBFC Guidelines at
'12A' state that 'The use of strong language (eg 'fuck') must be infrequent'. Run Fat Boy Run contains three uses of strong language which were considered sufficiently infrequent to be acceptable at '12A' in a feature film of this length. A
similar number of uses have been permitted in previous '12A' films such as Terminator 3 . The film also contains some moderate sex references (including a fleeting reference to a 'threesome', which is not elaborated upon, and references to
'erectile dysfunction') but these were considered sufficiently lacking in detail to be acceptable at '12A' where ''Sex references may reflect what is likely to be familiar to most adolescents but should not go beyond that is suitable for them'.
Run Fat Boy Run also features some moderate language (eg 'prick'), some mild natural nudity and mild comic violence.
Run Sweetheart Run is a 2022 US horror thriller by Shana
Feste Starring Ella Balinska, Pilou Asbæk and Clark Gregg
Originally released in 2020. Reshoots were made in 2022 and the MPA rating
description noted that some sexual references had been removed.
Summary Notes
After what seems to be an innocent date, Cherie now faces a night of terror when her date hunts her down
and tries to kill her. She now must run for her life throughout the city and escape his grasp.
Reshot version
US: The film was reshot in 2022 and MPA R rated for horror violence, bloody images, language,
some sexual references and brief nudity.
Original version
UK: The original version
is uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong threat, bloody violence, sexual threat, language:
2020 Universal Studios VoD (rated 21/04/2020)
US: The film was originally MPA R rated in 2020 for horror violence, bloody images, language, sexual references and brief nudity.
UK: Passed 15 after BBFC suggested cuts for category were implemented for:
2010 E1 Online
2010 E1 R2 DVD
2010 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
This film was originally shown to the BBFC in an unfinished version. The BBFC advised the company that the film was likely to receive an 18 classification but that the requested 15
certificate could be achieved by making cuts in one sequence, to remove sight of two teenage girls sniffing glue. When the finished version of the film was submitted, all sight of glue sniffing had been removed and the film was classified 15 .
Rundown - 2003 USA action adventure comedy thriller by Peter Berg See
Welcome to the Jungle
Rush: Cinema
Strangiato 2019 is a 2019 music film by Dale Heslip. Starring Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart.
Exists as an original version and a Director's Cut
Summary Notes
The Holy Trinity of Rock returns to the big screen on Wednesday, August 21, when the first "Annual Exercise in Fan Indulgence" Cinema Strangiato brings Rush fans together in movie
theatres worldwide. Featuring R40+, this global fan event will give audiences a special look into some of the best performances from R40 LIVE, including songs such as "Closer to the Heart", "Subdivisions", "Tom Sawyer" and more, as well as unreleased
backstage moments and candid footage left on the cutting room floor. R40+ also includes unseen soundcheck performances of the fan-favorite "Jacob's Ladder", exclusive new interviews with Tom Morello, Billy Corgan, Taylor Hawkins, producer Nick
Raskulinecz, violinist Jonathan Dinklage and more. As a special bonus, fans will get a glimpse into the madness and passion that went in to the making of Geddy Lee's new book, Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book of Bass - featuring a brand-new interview from
the man himself.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong language:
Russian Roulette is a 1975 UK / Canada crime thriller by Lou Lombardo. Starring George Segal, Cristina Raines and Bo Brundin.
Rated 'A' uncut for 1975 cinema release but cut for 15 rated VHS in 1986.
Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
During the 1970s, on the eve of Soviet leader's official visit to Canada, the Soviet Ambassy alerts the Canadian authorities to the
existence of a Latvian immigrant who may plan to kill the visiting Soviet leader.The Soviets explain that Latvian immigrant Rudolf Henke is bitter over Latvia's treatment by the USSR and that he may attempt to assassinate the visiting Soviet leader in
Vancouver, Canada. The Soviets request that Henke be kidnapped by the Canadian police to prevent him from any wrongdoing. Commander Petapiece of the Special Branch of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police assigns Corporal Tim Shaver to kidnap Rudolf Henke.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray