Prank is a 2016 Canada comedy drama by Vincent Biron. Starring Alexandre Auger, Eric K
Boulianne and Normand Daoust.
BBFC cuts were required for 15 rated VoD release in 2017.
Summary Notes
Stefie, a lonely young boy, is approached
by Martin, Jean-Sé and Lea to record their daily pranks with his cellphone. The four prankmeisters decide to set up an antic that goes beyond anything they've done so far... But who will be the victim? PRANK is a funny and cruel coming-of-age story about
friendship, peer pressure and the loss of innocence.
compulsory cuts 24s
UK: Passed 15 for strong language, sex references, nudity, drug misuse after 24s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
Cuts were required to remove sight of a young child in the same frame as pornographic images playing on a television screen.
The BBFC further commented in its annual report covering 2017:
The Canadian comedy drama Prank features a scene in which a family watch a home video of a children's dance show which is interrupted by a fetish
pornographic film that has been recorded over it. The young daughter, who is clearly played by a child actor, watches the video with her family and although the scene was likely to have been filmed without the pornographic images on the television screen
(which would have been added in post-production), the impression given of a child appearing in the same frame as a sex work was sufficient for cuts to be required.
v Pranks
- 1982 US slasher by Jeff Obrow & Stephen Carpenter.
Pranks is a 1982 US slasher by Jeff Obrow & Stephen Carpenter. With Laurie Lapinski, Stephen Sachs and David Snow.
The cut R rated version was banned in the UK as one the celebrated video
nasties. It was later released on VHS and DVD after BBFC cuts. A Director's Cut turned up in the US in 2011.
Summary Review : Typical Slasher Stuff
Another 80's college film in
which all the "students" look older than expected. This is typical slasher stuff, with overly dramatic music that sounds ripped off from Psycho . Don't expect anything earth-shattering; you do get a cheapie, yet solid release for fans of
80's slasher/horror.
Expect a low budget, some bad acting, and if those are things you are able to tolerate then Pranks ain't half bad. Best served with lots of beer and a roomful of friends.
~88:00s =~84:00s
US: The Directors Cut is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
If you think you've seen this film totally uncut... think again! Synapse Films is presents The Dorm that Dripped Blood in a never-before-seen alternate version containing additional
scenes, extended gore sequences and a different sound mix.
This transfer was created from the only existing 35mm answer print of the original Directors' Cut entitled Death Dorm , a version of the film thought to have been lost for over
thirty years.
The uncut version should run for about 98:27s but Amazon notes the release at ~92:00s. The Arrow release promotional material says that this release is based on the US Unrated version but the running time is then
Greece: There are reports of an uncut Greek VHS
94:29s =90:42s
US: The R rated version is cut by about 4 minutes
compulsory cuts 3:43s
UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 after 3:43s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
1986 Video Programme Dists VHS
1986 cinema release
From IMDb:
The film's UK home video release was cut by nearly four minutes. Any shots in which throwing stars and nunchaku are used were removed, as well as several scenes of bloody violence and Aiko's rape scene.
Predator is a 1987 US action film by John McTiernan. With Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl
Weathers and Kevin Peter Hall.
Originally passed 18 uncut by the BBFC but a heavily cut German version was distributed 2001-2003 with an 18 rating. Downgraded to an uncut 15 in 2013. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
A team of special force ops, led by a tough but fair soldier, Major "Dutch" Schaefer, are ordered in to assist CIA man, George Dillon, on a rescue mission for potential survivors of a Helicopter downed over remote South American
jungle. Not long after they land, Dutch and his team discover that they have been sent in under false pretenses. This deception turns out to be the least of their worries though, when they find themselves being methodically hunted by something not of
this world.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong bloody
violence, sex references, language for:
2017 cinema release
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong bloody violence, strong language and sex references for:
2013 20th Century Fox [3D + 2D] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
2018 20th Century Fox 3 movie Collection RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
2014 20th Century
Fox [3D + 2D] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2010 20th Century Fox Ultimate Hunter Edition
RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
UK: The heavily cut German Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for
2003 20th Century Fox R2 DVD
2001 20th Century Fox R2 DVD
Thanks to Luis Canau. The German censors cut the film to avoid indexing:
23:43 - Dutch (Schwarzenegger) fires a mortar into a hut - we don't see a man projected into the air
24:06 - Similar shot, with a scream being affected by the edit
24:16 - 6 shots cut, removing a man in flames shot by Dillon (Carl
Weathers), followed by him warning Dutch of an enemy, which is then shot by both (a shot presented the soldier being pierced by bullets, from behind)
24:40 - When the helicopter in which the Russians where about to escape is blown away, we don't
get to see a man falling out, in flames
24:51 - After an explosion, a scene is cut in which two men are projected in the air, falling down on the water
25:17 - A soldier on a tree is shot by a machine gun. Two shots of him falling down
are cut, including one with him partially burning
25:27 - Billy (Sonny Landham) shots two soldiers, amongst explosives. One is burned by the flames, but we don't see any of this;
25:45 - The famous "stick around!" scene is
removed. Three shots are cut: the enemy approaches from behind, Dutch turns around and throws the knife, and then says the one-liner. They left the enemy entering the frame though. The audience should think it's one of the good guys following the leader?
We can still hear part of the scream that Schwarzenegger makes while he throws the weapon;
1:08:22 - When Mac (Bill Duke) is killed by the predator we don't get to see a shot taken from a low angle, in which his head is dripping blood and his
body jerks;
1:10:10 - Other famous shot is almost totally removed: when Dillon's arm falls to the ground we don't see two shots of it still firing the machine gun and a third shot, in the middle, of his face reacting to the pain. There's only a
brief moment of the arm hitting the ground left.
v Predator 2
- 1990 USA action Sci-Fi horror by Stephen Hopkins.
Predator 2 is a 1990 USA action Sci-Fi horror by Stephen Hopkins. Starring Danny Glover, Gary Busey and Kevin Peter Hall.
The film was originally cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. The cuts have
persisted to all releases since and is the best available. The film suffered category cuts in Australia for an M rating, but was passed uncut at R18+ and later MA15+.
Summary Notes
LAPD lieutenant Mike
Harrigan and his cocky detective partner Jerry Lambert soon realize that what seemed a bloody feud between voodoo high priest King Willie's Jamaican gangs and Ramon Vega's Colombian drug gang is actually the work of a scary third party. Peter Keyes's
federal team shields the crime scene even for the LAPD. BUt after forensics proves it must be an alien, who keeps making victims, the chase brings them all together.
Australia: The R rated Version was passed MA15+ uncut for:
2005 Fox Special Edition R4 DVD
Australia: The R rated Version was passed R18+ uncut for:
2000 Fox R4 DVD
1990 cinema release. Unreleased as distributors made cuts for an M rating
category cuts ~45s
Australia: The R rated Version was passed M after further OFLC category cuts for:
1991 Fox VHS
1990 cinema release
The OFLC category cuts were:
2 shots showing bad guys snorting cocaine
an exchange between Harrigan and his boss loses the line: Which means you're cutting off my dick and shoving it up my ass. Also 'Goddammit' is shortened to
A sacrifice scene was shorn of a stabbing, a man being riddled with bullets and another being gored with a claw. The aftermath of the violence is missing a shot of a skinned victim hanging upside down.
Predators - 2010 USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Nimród Antal.
Premature Burial is a 1962 USA horror thriller by Roger Corman. With Ray Milland, Hazel Court and Richard Ney.
Cut by the BBFC for 1962 cinema release. Uncut on home video. Uncut in the US.
Summary Review: Fun and Macabre
Guy Carrell apparently overcomes his all-consuming fear of being
buried alive but soon becomes obsessed again, building a crypt designed to guarantee that he will not fall prey to his most dreaded nightmare. Trying to prove that he has been cured of his phobia, he opens his father's tomb and is shocked into a
catatonic state. His worst fears are realized as he is lowered into a grave and covered over.
A fun, macabre journey into madness with a superb actor, Ray Milland, at the helm.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for:
2015 Media Sales/Final Cut Entertainment R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2005 Optimum Roger
Corman Collection R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2015 Kino Lorber R1 DVD
at US Amazon released on 12th May 2015
2002 MGM (Masque of Red Death + Premature
Burial) R2 DVD via US Amazon
submitted 80:31s =77:18s
UK: Passed X (16) after BBFC cuts for:
1962 cinema release.
From IMDb:
Remove all shots of maggots being poured out of the poison-cup
Remove all shots of earth being shovelled onto Emily in the coffin
Remove all shots of Doctor trying to uncover Emily's body and face when she lies buried, and the shot
of her face when it is first seen stained with earth.
Premutos: The Fallen Angel is a 1997 Germany comedy horror by Olaf Ittenbach Starring André Stryi, Christopher Stacey and Ella Wellmann
Exists as an Extended Director's Cut and the Original Version. The film has notably never been released in the UK.
Summary Notes
Premutos is the first of
the fallen Angels, even before Lucifer. His Goal is to rule the world, the living and the dead. His son should pave the way for him and appears arbitrary throughout human history and is then recognized as some kind of monster. In the present time, a
young man living in Germany begins to suffer from visionary flashbacks - of the lives he lived in the past as Premutos' son! He remembers how he appeared in the middle age, when mankind suffered from pestilence and during WWII in Russia. On his (earthly)
father's birthday, a case containing some strange old book and a yellow potion is found in their garden, which was hidden by some peasant in 1943, who experimented with witchery in order to re-animate his deceased wife. Whe the young man gets in touch
with the book and some of the yellow potion, he mutates into a monster and awakens an army of zombies, ready to bring back the fallen Angel Premutos and to disturb the little birthday party...
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2021 Unearthed Records [Director's Cut + Original Version] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
Presumed Innocent is a 1990 USA crime mystery thriller by Alan J Pakula.
Starring Harrison Ford, Raul Julia and Greta Scacchi.
Cut by the BBFC for a 15 rated 1990 cinema release. The cuts were retained for subsequent home video releases and the rating was also increased to 18.
Summary Notes
When the female
deputy prosecutor R.K. Sabich had an affair with is murdered, he is chosen to lead the investigation. However, when he digs too deeply, he finds himself framed for the murder.
Pretty Baby is a 1978 US drama by Louis Malle Starring Brooke Shields,
Keith Carradine and Susan Sarandon
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1978. The cinema release was locally banned by Cardiff Council. All home video releases are uncut. BBFC 18 rated for video.. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review:
A Difficult Story
A pre-teen girl grows up in a house of prostitution in the Storyville section of New Orleans in 1917.
A beautifully filmed movie which tells a difficult
story with a subtlety and power.
The movie is quite revealing about the business of prostitution during that time, but it is never exploitative and gives one the sense of how it really was, and what might happen to
children born into prostitution.
Malle's dispassionate take on all of this outraged viewers a quarter-century ago, but it all seems rather tame today.
UK: Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for child prostitution theme:
2007 Paramount Home Entertainment DVD (rated 14/02/2007) at UK Amazon
UK: Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for:
1987 CIC VHS (rated 04/09/1987)
The BBFC commented:
Examiners considered that, given that legal cuts had been required in 1979, it might be necessary for the same cuts to be implemented for 1987 video classification. However,
examiners also expressed scepticism about whether the cuts were really necessary, suggesting they might have been an overly cautious response to the new legislation. At least one examiner even floated the idea of passing the video 15 uncut, given
its visual discretion.
James Ferman sympathised with the suggestion that the original cuts should now be waived and showed the video to the Board's President and Vice Presidents. Ultimately it was concluded that All
admire the film and support waiving the original film cuts . Accordingly, Pretty Baby was classified 18 uncut for video release, with the previous cinema cuts waived, on 4 September 1987.
Although this permitted
the existing pre-cert VHS copies to remain on the shelves, no fresh release of Pretty Baby took place on VHS.
UK: The 1981 pre-cert VHS was released uncut.
It was noted as significant that it
was never prosecuted under the 1978 Protection of Children Act.
UK: The cut X rated 1979 cinema release was banned by Cardiff Council
UK: Passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
1979 cinema release
James Ferman said he was forced to make minor edits under the 1978 Protection of Children Act:
Reel 4 - 6s deleted in the scene in the bathroom, delete moment where Madame pulls away towel which Violet is holding in front of her for modesty, and cut straight to close-ups of Violet and man looking at each other
Reel 5 - Delete full-length nude shot of violet posing for Bellocq on the sofa. In fact after representations from director Lous Malle, this second cut was reduced to optically darkening Violet's public area so that nothing
could be seen.
Prey is a 1978 UK Sci-Fi horror by Norman J Warren. Starring Barry Stokes, Sally Faulkner and Glory Annen.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1977. The film was released
in the US with sex scenes cut for an R rating. This cut US version was released on pre-cert VHS and ended up being seized by the police during the video nasties panic. The BBFC cinema cuts were applied to this cut US version for BBFC approved VHS in 1986
and 1995. An extended but still incomplete version was released on DVD in 2004 with previous BBFC cuts waived. The film was restored and complete for MPAA Unrated DVD/Blu-ray in 2018
Summary Notes
Jessica awakens when an alien spacecraft lands nearby. After dispatching a young couple, the alien assumes the identity of the recently dispatched young man. Jessica and her possessive lover Josephine invite "Anders" in when it appears he's hurt. Soon Jessica becomes suspicious of Josephine's overbearing ways, and relies more on the alien for support, but his purpose on earth remains unclear.
UK: BBFC details not yet published for:
2019 Powerhouse Bloody Terror set R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: A fully restored and uncut version is MPAA Unrated for:
2018 Vinegar Syndrome RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
See video from YouTube. Vinegar Syndrome restored censored material from a scene where Anders feasts on flesh from the neck of a girl.
(Thanks to Colin for the lead)
UK: An extended but still short version
was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for strong violence, sex and nudity with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2004 Anchor Bay Video
US: An extended but still short version is MPAA Unrated for:
2009 Redemption R1 DVD
Some material has been restored but it is still incomplete
UK: cut US version was passed 18 after the same 11s of BBFC cuts as the cinema version for:
1995 Arthouse VHS
1986 Stablecane
UK: The cut US version was released on pre-cert VHS for:
1981 Vampix VHS
The film got caught up in the video nasties panic end ended up being seized by the police. There was no follow up and the film was never listed as an official video nasty.
US: The erotic scenes were cut in the US for an R rated release.
UK: Passed X (18) after 11s of BBFC cuts for:
1977 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
Cut to reduce shots of Anders feasting on a girl's body.
v The Prey - 1984 USA
horror by Edwin Brown (as Edwin Scott Brown).
The Prey is a 1984 USA horror by Edwin Brown (as Edwin Scott Brown). Starring Debbie Thureson, Steve Bond and Lori Lethin.
The US Theatrical Version is the director approved version and is uncut and
MPAA R rated in the US. The producers made their own longer version for international release. In the UK this was rated 18 uncut for 1986 VHS and again for 2019 Blu-Ray. The US Theatrical Version was rated 15 rated for 2019 Blu-ray. In creating the
International version from the US Version, extra material was added but also some scenes were removed. Arrow generated a longer composite version by aggregating all the footage from the US and International versions.
Summary Notes
Six campers jaunt off to North Point, where they're promptly stalked and killed by a ghoulish man who ultimately is just looking for a little love.
Composite Cut
UK: The Composite Cut was passed 18 uncut for
strong sex, nudity, violence:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [US Theatrical + International + Composite Versions] (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [US + International + Composite Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
In creating the International version from the US Version, extra material was added but also some scenes were removed. Arrow generated a longer composite version by aggregating all the footage from the US and International versions.
International Version
UK: The International Version was passed 18 uncut
for strong sex, nudity, violence:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [US Theatrical + International + Composite Versions] (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
UK: Presumably this is the International Version that was passed 18 uncut:
1986 Video Programme Dists VHS
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [US + International + Composite Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
From IMDb:
The producers made a new longer cut of the film for international release. This includes a lengthy flashback sequence (originally intended to open the film) that replaces the Monkey's Paw campfire story. In this version, Joel
tells the story of a charismatic gypsy named Marco who seduces a local married woman named. This results in a baby and a violent train of events after Mary claims to have been raped.
US Theatrical Version
UK: The US Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for
strong violence, nudity:
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [US Theatrical + International + Composite Versions] (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
US: The original director approved US Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated
2019 Arrow Limited Edition [US + International + Composite Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
This is a cheaply made, entirely predictable, badly directed movie that features some of the worst acting ever
put straight to video. The scenes where Maxwell Caulfield laments his killed family are so bad they end up being hilarious. There is no revenge movie cliché that is left out here.
Pride is a 2014 UK comedy drama by Matthew Warchus.
The film has not been cut
by film censors but the US DVD/Blu-ray covers were edited to remove all references to homosexuality, in particular removing a gay protest banner and deleting the word 'gay' from the description that the heroes were 'gay activists'.
In Turkey in 2018,
Ankara authorities banned a LGBT group from screening Pride at a cultural event and the film was again banned in 2023 for gay events.
Priest is a 2011 USA action Sci-Fi horror by Scott Stewart. Starring Paul Bettany, Cam
Gigandet and Maggie Q.
In the US the cut Theatrical Version is MPAA PG-13 rated. There is also an Unrated Version. Both versions were 12/12A rated by the BBFC.
Summary Notes
A priest disobeys church law to
track down the vampires who kidnapped his niece.
Unrated Version
UK: Presumably the Alternative Version is the Unrated Version that was passed 12 uncut for moderate violence,
horror and one use of strong language for:
1981 UK biography by Christopher Miles. With Ian McKellen, Janet Suzman and Ava Gardner.
An abridged version was passed 15 uncut for:
2002 C'Est La Vie R2 DVD
1993 Mayfair VHS
From IMDb:
Also released in an abridged version lasting 94 minutes. As well as inevitable cutting of some material the shortened version also rearranges the placement of some of the flashback sequence and ends with Lawrence's
death excluding the New Mexico epilogue.
Primitive London is a 1965 UK documentary by Arnold L Miller. Starring David Gell, Bobby Chandler and Terry Dene.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated 1965 cinema release. Uncut and 15 rated on home video from 2009.
Promotional Material
The sensational follow-up to London in the Raw, Primitive
London sets out to reflect society's decay through a sideshow spectacle on 1960s London depravity and manages to outdo its predecessor.
Here, we confront mods, rockers and beatniks at the Ace Café, cut some rug with obscure beat band The
Zephyrs, smirk at flabby men in the sauna and goggle at sordid wife-swapping parties as we discover a pre-permissive Britain still trying to move on from the post-war depression of the 1950s.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong sexualised nudity, violence and sexual threat for:
The Prince is a 2019 Chile/Argentina/Belgium gay prison drama by Sebastián Muñoz Starring Juan Carlos Maldonado, Alfredo Castro and Gastón Pauls
The film hasn't troubled film censors but it did offend Amazon Prime and so it was banned on that service.
Summary Notes
A '70s-set homoerotic prison drama based on
a low-circulated pulp novel, tracking the sexual, often-violent and eventually murderous experiences of 20-something narcissist Jaime.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for sexual violence, strong sex, nudity, gory injury detail:
The Prince has been banned from Amazon Prime UK after distributor Peccadillo Pictures was informed the movie contained offensive content that clashed with the streamer's guidelines.
Distributor, Peccadillo's MD Tom Abell said:
We have been trying to overturn their decision without avail and cannot understand why, when we have overwhelming support from all other platforms, they have taken this stance.We cannot deny that The Prince has some
explosive and bold scenes but this is what makes it stand out and is such an enjoyable and admired film. It certainly contains nothing that hasn't been seen before in a prison drama and pales in comparison to scenes in many of Amazon's own productions.
We are something of a loss to explain the situation.
Amazon seems happy enough to continue selling the BBFC 18 rated DVD though.
The Prince And The Pauper is a 2022 UK/US children's comedy drama by Richard Fleischer Starring Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch and Mark Lester
Exists as an International Version and a shortened US version titled Crossed Swords.
Summary Notes
Tom Canty (Mark Lester) is a poor English boy who bears a remarkable
resemblance to Edward, Prince of Wales (Mark Lester) and son of King Henry VIII (Charlton Heston). The two boys meet and decide to play a joke on the court by dressing in each other's clothes, but the plan goes awry when they are separated and each must
live the other's life.
US Version
US: The shortened US Version, Crossed Swords is MPAA PG rated
2021 Kl Studio Classics [US Version (HD) + International Version (SD)] (RA) Blu-ray at US
Amazon #ad
This version was shortened by various action scenes that are not absolutely
necessary for further understanding. The cuts are well placed and do not stand out. Alternative footage has also been used in two places.
International Version
UK: The International Version was passed PG uncut for
moderate violence:
Prince of Darkness is a 1987 US horror by John Carpenter. With Donald Pleasence, Lisa Blount and Jameson Parker.
Mostly uncut and 18 rated in the UK except a 2000 release VHS which was cut
for a 15 rating. By 2002 the film was passed 15 uncut. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Creepy and thoughtful
It's dark, creepy and thoughtful and just a step away from being a cult
classic. It's a heady mix of quantum physics, religious doctrine, and questions about the origins of Christ and Satan,
A group of people, college grad students, their professor, and an emotionally shattered priest, are
trapped in an old spooky church with something horrible.
Carpenter has made a nasty, atmospheric, stylish and grippingly effective little horror movie, this is not a movie for the fainthearted. But more to the point, it's
loads of fun
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong gory violence, horror::
The Prince of Tides is a 1991 USA drama by Barbra Streisand. Starring Barbra Streisand, Nick Nolte and Blythe Danner.
There are no cuts issues with this release. The film was rated 15 uncut for 1991 cinema release, and for the follow up home video releases in 1992 and 1995.
Disk Extras
A commentary track version was resubmitted in 2020 for Blu-ray extras and the BBFC decided that film would now be 18 rated, should it be submitted in feature format. The BBFC tweeted:
We changed our guidelines on sexual violence at 15 in 2019. The scene of sexual violence in Prince of Tides is no longer permissible at 15. Therefore the rating has been raised to 18. We have not recently been asked to view the film,
only the audio commentary version.
The 2020 Criterion Blu-ray release was duly 18 rated because of the commentary track, but this rating can surely be ignored because it is just the BBFC virtue signalling about how seriously it is
concerned about sexual violence, rather than a rating based on the explicitness and level of violence of the content.
Princess Madam is a 1990 Hong Kong action by Godfrey Ho. With
Moon Lee, Michiko Nishiwaki, Mike Abbott.
The longer Hong Kong Version suffered 33s of cuts of which 3s were attributable to the BBFC
Hong Kong: The Hong Kong release features 9:21s of uncontentious additional material. See article from
total 33s
pre-cut 30s
UK: 30s were pre-cut from Hong Kong Version which was passed 18 after 3s of additional BBFC
cuts for:
1995 MIA VHS
It looks like shots of cocaine on naked breasts has been pre-cut. The BBFC cut was probably blood on naked breasts during the extraction of a bullet. See
article from
v Prison Girls
- 1972 USA drama by Tom DeSimone (as Thomas De Simone).
Prison Girls is a 1972 USA drama by Tom DeSimone (as Thomas De Simone). Starring Jacqueline Giroux, Annik Borel and Tracy Handfuss.
Banned by the BBFC from a 1973 cinema release. Uncut and X rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Six female prisoners are given a weekend furlough to prepare them for their upcoming parole.
While out, they all have miscellaneous sexual experiences, some good, some bad. One returns to her pimp even though he beats her, one overcomes her frigidity, one gets gang raped, two join in a threesome, and one goes back to her criminal lover shortly
before the police show up.
Prisoners of the Lost Universe is a 1983 UK action Sci-Fi adventure by Terry Marcel. Starring Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz and John Saxon.
BBFC category cuts were required for a PG rated cinema release and VHS.
Hopefully uncut for 2015 home video release.
Summary Notes
Through a series of coincidences, Carrie, Dan and Dr. Hartmann all fall through a teleporter device Hartmann has invented. Transported to a
what appears to be a prehistoric world in a parallel universe and unable to find the Doctor, Dan and Carrie must figure out a way to get back home. Before they can do that, however, they must deal with tribes of savage cavemen, as well as brutal warlord
named Kleel who has taken a liking to Carrie and seems to be unusually well-supplied with Earth technology.
91:00s =~87:00s
UK: hopefully uncut for:
2015 Odeon Entertainment (RB) Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
category cuts 38s
90:10s =86:34s
UK: Passed PG after 38s of BBFC category cuts for:
UK Stunt film by Lee Dainton & Matthew Ryan (Black
Diamond Films)
Cut when submitted in 2004 with the following BBFC comments: Cuts required to remove sequences of real assault, public nudity, defecation and urination. Cuts required on the grounds of potential harm to likely
audience and others by imitation. Cuts also required in line with UK laws relating to public indecency and assault.
Ptitchard vs Dainton had cuts to remove sight of glasses being broken over heads. This was not just because of concerns about
imitation but also because the film makers may have commissioned a real criminal offence in the UK in order to produce the sequence.
Although there are no constraints on nudity at '18', the BBFC will not classify material
which is the result of the commission of a criminal offence in the UK. This policy takes into account the new offence of 'exposure' under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, which came into force in 2004. The BBFC already had an established policy on public
nudity in line with the broader common law misdemeanour of 'indecent exposure'. On these grounds, cuts were made to public nudity in Pritchard Vs Dainton, which contained full frontal nudity as men ran along public streets.
v Private
- 2003 Italy Erotic film by Tinto Brass.
Private is a 2003 Italy Erotic film by Tinto Brass. With Sara Cosmi, Massimiliano Caroletti and William De Vito.
A softcore version was passed 18 by the BBFC. US releases feature the
Director's Cut
Summary Review: As Expected
Private is a collection of six stories based on the joys of sexuality and the eroticism of a new generation of women.
Tinto Brass'
movies are sexually laced, and by design whimsical. Within minutes after the introduction end you can expect to see a nude female in a risque scene, which is typical of a Tinto Brass movie. That is exactly what I was expecting from Private, and that is
exactly what I received.
Director's Cut
~90:00s =~86:00s
US: The Italian language Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2014 Cult Epics Tinto Brass Maestro Of Erotica Cinema (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
A Private Collection is a 1973 France documentary short film by Walerian Borowczyk. Starring André Pieyre de Mandiargues.
The pre-cut Theatrical Version was banned by the BBFC for 1977 cinema
release although further cuts qualified it for an X rating later in the same year. The Theatrical Version censors real sex via masking by the narrator's carefully placed finger. The uncut Oberhausen Cut reveals what's behind the masking, but real
bestiality has proved too much for modern day censors and so has been cut from recent German and 2014 UK releases.
Summary Notes
A witty and eye-opening tour through Borowczyk's own collection of
vintage erotica. Originally intended as part of his 'Contes immoraux', it was released first as a separate short, and is therefore marks the turning-point between Borowczyk's career as a highly-regarded animator and surrealist filmmaker, and his
subsequent career in the sexploitation field.
The Oberhausen Cut Uncut
The Oberhausen Cut is longer and was shown at the short
film festival in that city in 1973.
The Oberhausen Cut pre-cut
best available
UK: A pre-cut version of The Oberhausen Cut was passed 18 for strong sex, sexual violence, explicit sexual images without further BBFC cuts for:
The Theatrical cut and Oberhausen cut were both passed in 2014 as components of The Short Films directed by Walerian Borowczyk and included as extras on the Arrow dual-format release of Immoral Tales .
See further details about the version's in review from
In the theatrical cut, when we see some
vintage erotic photographs, the film's narrator André Pieyre de Mandiargues' finger obscures some of the more explicit details, which include images of penetration, but these are uncovered in the Oberhausen Cut.
The main difference is towards the end
when a children's cartoon is intercut with footage from the turn of the twentieth century depicting genuine bestality between a woman and a dog. This was pixelated in the German Blu-ray edition of Immoral Tales and replaced by a black screen in Arrow's
edition, so as to comply with the laws concerning extreme pornography .
Theatrical Version pre-cut
UK: The pre-cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 for strong sex,
sexual violence, explicit sexual images without further BBFC cuts for:
2014 Arrow Film Distributors [Part Subtitled] video
The Theatrical Version sees explicit sex masked from view (See The Oberhausen Cut cut above for further details).
UK: Further pre-cuts were made for a version passed X (18)
without BBFC cuts for:
1977 cinema release
UK: The pre-cut Theatrical Version was banned by the BBFC for:
1977 cinema release titled Une collection particulaire
Private Lessons is a 1981 USA comedy by Alan Myerson. With
Sylvia Kristel, Howard Hesseman and Eric Brown.
Cut by the BBFC for child protection issues. Some, but not all, nudity of Sylvia Krystal features a body double.
Summary Notes
An immigrant housemaid seduces a 15-year-old boy and
later fakes her own death as part of his chauffeur's blackmail plot. Troubles arise when the two start to fall in love.
Private Lessons is one of the top grossing independent films of all time pre-Miramax.
Private Lessons was released in 1981, starring Sylvia Kristal, Eric Brown, and Howard Hessman. Private Lessons was the first in a genre of soft core, teenage, wet dream, pictures.
US: Some DVD releases are reported to feature a version with Sylvia Krystal nudity replaced with a body double others have pixellated the nudity.
Summary Notes
But just to let you
know, it has been altered from the version, which is on VHS tape. It has also been revealed that Silvia Kristal had a body double, her name is Judy Helden. However, Ms. Helden only appears in two scenes in the movie, and they are not the famous scenes
which those of us in the 35 to 40 age group, who love the movie all know. Miss Helden's scenes appear towards the end of the movie, where we see aroused nipples on a breast, in one shot of the backside that does not match up with Sylvia Kristal's.
UK: BBFC 18 rated with a trigger warning for child sexual
abuse after compulsory BBFC cuts:
2024 Media Sales UK Blu-ray (rated 22/05/2024) titled PRIVATE LESSONS
Presumably the cuts are along the lines of the previously cut UK releases.
The BBFC commented:
This work required compulsory cuts to indecent images of children.
The plot centres
on a ruse in which an older woman working as a housekeeper seduces a 15-year-old boy in an attempt to steal his father's money. There are scenes in which the woman takes advantage of the boy's sexual curiosity and manipulates the feelings that he
develops for her, leading to the two being intimate and eventually sleeping together. In one sequence, a woman feigns death during sex with the teenager, which includes bloody detail. The latter and other sexual scenes place emphasis on female breast and
buttock nudity. Other sexually abusive and sexist behaviour involves teenage boys leering at women, sometimes in states of undress, through bedroom windows, binoculars and from photographs. Although the treatment of these issues can be considered as a
reflection of the time period in which the film is set, the behaviour is not clearly condemned.
UK: Passed 18 after 3:20s of previous BBFC cuts were repeated prior to submission for:
2006 Cinema Club Video
No further BBFC cuts were made when re-submitted in 2006. However the version submitted was pre-cut to eliminate the same material as the previous version. The increased running time is additional, uncontentious footage.
UK: Passed 18 after
3:20s of BBFC cuts for:
1992 Braveworld VHS
1987 CIC VHS
1982 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
Cuts were made in several scenes under the Protection of Children Act. Basically every shot where you could see Kristel's nudity and the boy in the same shot was removed. The scenes affected were the striptease, the bath scene and the two sex scenes.
In the storyline the boy was meant to be 15 years old
UK : The 1983 Pre-cert CIC VHS has been reported as less cut but the 1982 release is the same running time as
the cut cinema version.
Private Obsession - 1995 US erotic thriller by Lee Frost See
Watch Me
Private Property is a 1960 USA crime drama by Leslie Stevens.
Starring Kate Manx, Corey Allen and Warren Oates.
Banned by the BBFC in 1961. Not released in the UK since. Released in the US in 2016 on MPAA Unrated Blu-ray/DVD Combo.
Summary Notes
Duke and Boots, two young thugs, hold up a California gas-station owner. Duke, viral and savage, taunts the slower and psychologically-confused Boots because he has never made a sexual conquest. Duke offers to seduce a woman for Boots
and the pair force a passing motorist to pursue a sports car driven by Ann Carlyle, the lustful wife of a insurance-company executive who has some desires of her own not being met by her husband.
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 Cinelicious Pics (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo at US Amazon
Problem Child 2 is a 1991 USA family comedy by Brian Levant. Starring John Ritter, Michael Oliver and Jack Warden.
BBFC cuts were required for a PG rated cinema release in 1991 and PG rated VHS in 1992. The BBFC cuts were waived for DVD in 2006 still with a PG rating. Uncut and
PG-13 rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Junior's back in his first adventure since his last! Junior and Ben move to Mortville which seems like the perfect town to live in. The Healys
have a nice new house--and Junior get's a cool new room! And young women have formed a line at Ben's door in order to get a piece of him (romantically).
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild comic violence, language:
2020 Media Sales UK video
UK: Passed PG uncut for comic violence and mild language with previous cuts waived:
[7 mins] In gas barbecue grill scene, after sight of propane gas cylinders, remove all sight of boy's hand turning on gas valves and then man reaching for matches under grid, resuming to see actual blast.
[35½ mins] In doormat electrocution sequence, remove sight of mat being moved under tap water and made wet in sink and all later shots of puddle outside on doormat to remove instructive detail that links water and electricity
(inter-cut footage of bell re-wiring may remain).
[41 mins] After elderly man pulls out his belt, remove all sight of boy twirling chain sticks, resuming on man flying out bedroom window.
UK: Passed PG after 24s of BBFC category cuts:
1991 cinema release
The VHS cuts list also applied to the cinema version but presumably these were implemented differently.
The Prodigal Boxer is a 1972 Taiwan/Hong Kong action drama by Yang-Ming Tsai Starring Fei Meng, Lin-Lin Li and Yasuaki Kurata
Exists in two versions.
Summary Notes
A gifted but proud young martial arts student injures and kills an opponent. In retaliation , his father is killed. The young
student vows revenge and begins to prepare for his epic face-off.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for moderate violence:
2021 VCI Entertainment The Basher Box Set R0 4K Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon #ad
The offending scene depicted a character entering some premises by use of that
good old 1970s TV cliche the credit card! The BBFC demanded that this should be cut as it depicted the use of what they termed "criminal technology".
Profile In Anger is a 1984 Hong Kong action thriller by Ka-Yan Leung Starring Ka-Yan Leung, Pat Ha and Damian Lau
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated cinema release in 1984.
Summary Notes
A vicious gang captures a man who tried to seek vengeance against them. Mistaking the man's friend, successful architect Leung, for his accomplice, they brutally murder Leung's fiancee. Enraged Leung continues his
friend's brutal revenge.
Project A is a 1983 Hong Kong action comedy by Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung Kam-Bo (uncredited). Starring Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo and Biao Yuen.
Uncut un the UK on DVD but there also exist shortened versions
Summary Notes
In late 19th Century Hong Kong the British may rule the land, but the pirates rule the waters. Reluctantly, the Coast Guard is given money to fight these pirates, but the pirates themselves have many
contacts (that is, bribed officials) in the government, and seek to thwart the Coast Guard's efforts to eliminate them. One Coast Guard officer is Dragon Ma, who is determined that his beloved Coast Guard will not be made fools of.
UK: Passed 12 without BBFC cuts for:
2018 Eureka Entertainment Ltd (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2012 Showbox/Cine
Asia/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD
2002 Medusa/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD
UK: Passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
1984 cinema release
UK: An unknown version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for:
1989 VPD VHS
shortened 7:52s
97:51s =93:56s
US: There is also a shorter US Version.
See pictorial version details
from . The approx. 8 minutes shorter version mainly lacks ridiculous comedy scenes. The abduction of Samo Hung is missing because Mahjong is not
familiar to a Western audience.
Project A II is a 1987 Hong Kong action comedy by Jackie Chan. With Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung and Rosamund Kwan.
BBFC category cuts for a PG rated 1988 cinema release. A short version was
passed 15 for 1988 VHS then uncut since 1999 VHS. Not cut by censors in the US but there is a shortened version.
Summary Notes
Dragon is now transferred to be the police head of Sai Wan district, and
has to contend with a gangster kingpin, anti-Manchu revolutionaries, some runaway pirates, Manchu Loyalists and a corrupt police superintendent.
100:54s =96:52s
UK: Passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
2018 Eureka Entertainment Ltd (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2012 Showbox/Cine
Asia/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD at UK Amazon
Project Wild Thing is a 2013 UK family documentary adventure by David
Bond. With Michael Depledge, Susan Greenfield and Jay Griffiths.
BBFC category cuts for a PG rated cinema release.
Summary Notes
David Bond is concerned. His kids' waking hours are dominated by a cacophony of marketing, and a screen dependence
threatening to turn them into glassy-eyed zombies. Like city kids everywhere, they spend way too much time indoors - not like it was back in his day. He decides it's time to get back to nature - literally. In an attempt to compete with the brands, which
take up a third of his daughter's life, Bond appoints himself Marketing Director for Nature. Like any self-respecting salesman, he sets about developing a campaign and a logo. With the help of a number of bemused professionals, he is soon selling Nature
to British families. His humorous journey unearths some painful truths about modern family life. His product is free, plentiful and has proven benefits - but is Nature past its sell-by date?
R Rated
~87:00s =~83:00s
US: Hopefully uncut (but not confirmed) and MPAA Unrated for:
UK: Passed PG for mild language and sex references after BBFC category cuts for:
2013 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The distributor chose to fully obscure one use of strong language in order to achieve a PG classification.. A 12A classification without cuts was available.
The BBFC added in its
2013 Annual Report
Strong language was also an issue with the documentary Project Wild Thing, which deals with the subject of children losing their connection with nature in modern society. In the film, the director
attempts to promote the benefits of the natural world to children and their parents.
During one scene he becomes frustrated as he rehearses a speech and uses strong language, which again had been bleeped by the film makers,
but insufficiently well. The company chose to obscure the word more completely, resulting in a PG classification for mild bad language and infrequent mild sex references.
Project X is a 2012 US comedy by Nima Nourizadeh. With Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper and
Jonathan Daniel Brown.
There is a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version with a little extra nudity.
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version is released for drug use, strong sex references, and very strong language:
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at
UK Amazon
US: The Extended Version is MPAA R Rated for:
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
See pictorial cuts details from . The Unrated
Version adds some extra partying with a few more breasts being revealed along with a bit of gross behaviour. Nothing too controversial though.
Theatrical Version
UK: The
Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for drug use, strong sex references, and very strong language for:
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/R2 DVD at UK
The BBFC commented in a Podcast that the 18 rating was required as teenage characters partook in copious amounts of drugs with absolutely no negative consequences.
US : The Theatrical Version is MPAA R Rated for:
2012 Warner [Theatrical + Extended] R0 Blu-ray/R1 DVD at US Amazon
A shot of the janitor's pacemaker bloodily exploding out of his chest is trimmed.
When the principal cuts off his finger, the shot is trimmed of blood squirting, and a shot of the finger falling to the ground in slow-mo is replaced by a
close up of the principal's reaction.
A shot of Alex standing up and his flag falling down is cut completely
During the locker room confrontation - "kicked your ass" is changed to "kicked your butt"
alternate shot of the teacher screaming is used; in the original it shows a closer shot with blood squirting on his face.
A brief shot of blades coming out the back of the teacher's head is lost completely.
Cuts to overhead shot of
couple having sex. The original showed a side view with one of Mary Lou's breasts exposed and then a rotating overhead shot, matching the rotation of the overhead burial shot which exposed both of Mary Lou's breasts.
Overdubbling of guidance
counselor's profanity including a couple of "fricks" and "wearing his teeth for earrings".
An alternate shot of Shane's heart coming through the back of the couch is used which is less gory. The original adds a quick close up
of the the heart in Mary Lou's hand which is much bloodier and does not show him Shane screaming.
A "You silly bitch" is inaudible and an alternate shot is used where Alex says "you bitch" rather than "you fucking
Prometheus is a 2012 US Sci-Fi thriller by Ridley Scott.
There was
much talk of a Director's Cut with the director being put under pressure to get a low rating, at least for the Theatrical Version. However the first batch of DVD/Blu-ray feature only the Theatrical Version and Ridley Scott now seems to be playing down
the idea of a Director's Cut.
The Promise is a 2005 China / South Korea / USA action fantasy drama by Kaige Chen. Starring Cecilia Cheung and Dong-gun Jang and Hiroyuki Sanada.
Cut and shortened for international release. The Original Hong Kong Version contains a little extra sex and violence.
Summary Notes
When the world was young, laid a
Kingdom between the Land of Snow and the Barbarian Territory where gods and men lived side by side and promises were lies. When the poor and starving orphaned girl Qingcheng meets the Goddess Manshen, she accepts to become the wealthy beauty of beauties
with the curse that she would lose every man she loves, unless three things happen: snow falls in the spring, time moves backwards and the dead comes back to life.
UK: The shortened International Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
The Promised Land is a 1975 Poland drama by Andrzej Wajda. Starring Daniel Olbrychski, Wojciech Pszoniak and Andrzej Seweryn.
There exists an Original Version and a Director's Cut.
Summary Notes
At the turn of the century, Lodz, Poland was a quick-paced manufacturing center for textiles, replete with cutthroat industrialists and unsafe working conditions. Three young friends, a Pole, a Jew and a German, pool
their money together to build a factory. The movie follows their ruthless pursuit of fortune.
Following the original theatrical release the was made into a mini series for Polish TV. The director was obviously impressed by the TV version and he re-cut the film using some of this TV footage to replace the original footage. This Director's Cut
is significantly shorter than the original version.
Original Version
UK: The Original Version was passed 15 uncut for strong gory images and sex for:
Promises..... Promises! is a 1963 USA comedy drama by King Donovan. Starring Jayne Mansfield, Marie McDonald and Tommy Noonan.
Noted as the first US mainstream film to feature nudity since the introduction of the Hays Code. The film was released in a period when the code was still nominally in force but enforcement was in decline by 1963. The film included 3 topless scenes with
Jayne Mansfield.
The film was inevitably banned by the BBFC, first and in 1963, and again in 1967. The BBFC relented by 2011 when it was released with an uncut 15 rating for 2011 DVD.
Summary Notes
After a drunken spree on a cruise ship, two women discover that they're pregnant, and set out to find who the fathers are.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for scenes of sexualised nudity:
Property of the State is a 2016 UK biography by Kit Ryan. Starring Elaine Cassidy, Aisling Loftus and Patrick Gibson.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 2017 15 rated cinema release.
Summary Notes
Based on the true story that gripped Ireland in the 1990's, Property of The State tells of a
disturbed young man by the name of Brendan O'Donnell. Seen through the eyes of his sister Ann Marie, piece by piece she threads together the events that ultimately lead to the harrowing murders of a young mother, her child and a local priest in the
forest of East Clare, Ireland. Ann Marie lived through it all. As the loving sister of a loving brother, she became the sister of a murderer and the sister of a man described as the most evil man in Ireland. She had not committed a crime, yet many saw
her guilty by association.
category cuts 34s
UK: Passed 15 for strong language, violence, sexual violence, threat, suicide references after 34s of BBFC category cuts for:
2017 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to remove bloody detail from a suicide scene in order to achieve a 15. An 18 uncut was available.
v Prophecy
- 1979 USA Sci-Fi horror thriller by John Frankenheimer.
The Prophecy is a 1995 US action horror thriller by Gregory Widen Starring Christopher Walken, Elias Koteas and Virginia Madsen
Exists as a US Version and a European Version titled God's Army.
Summary Notes
At the scene of a bizarre murder, L.A. homicide detective Thomas Dagget discovers a lethal heavenly prophecy now being fulfilled on earth. Yet in his fight to stop the forces of
evil, led by the powerful angel Gabriel, Dagget finds an unlikely ally in an elementary school teacher. Together they race against time and terror to save the world as we know it.
A dramatised documentary about prostitution in late 70s/early 80s Britain, was originally passed X on film in 1980, with cuts to explicit sight of a man being masturbated
while visiting a massage parlour. It is a bleak scene with no particular sexual charge. Under current Guidelines, this illustration of the unglamorous reality of the sex trade could now be passed uncut for DVD release at 18.
Promotional material:
Fully Uncut
Tony Garnett, one of British television's most critically acclaimed figures, has been responsible for producing some of the most radical and controversial UK drama, and is associated with ground-breaking
directors such as Ken Loach.
His directorial debut, Prostitute, is the tale of two women - Sandra (Eleanor Forsythe), an ambitious but nai ve Birmingham working girl who moves to London with the hopes of securing
wealthier patrons, and Louise (Kate Crutchley) her social worker friend who is fighting to change the antiquated and hypocritical prostitution laws. As both strive to achieve their goals, a cold dose of reality dashes their hopes, and the built-in biases
against women in society are unmasked. This frank and controversial expose' is finally presented here fully uncut and uncensored.
97:17s =93:24s
UK: Passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
1980 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
To delete explicit sight of a man being masturbated while visiting a massage parlour.
The Protector is a 1985 Hong Kong/US police actioner by James Glickenhaus. With Jackie Chan, Danny Aiello and Sandy Alexander.
Cut for a US R rating and further cut by the BBFC for cinema and VHS. The
Unrated US Version was then passed uncut by the BBFC for 2007 DVD. Later the film was re-edited by Jackie Chan for the Hong Kong Market.
Summary Review: Not a Successful US Intro for Jackie Chan
Wong is a New York City cop whose partner is gunned down during a robbery. Billy and his new partner, Danny Garoni are sent to Hong Kong to investigate a kidnapping. Once in Hong Kong, the pair causes no end of trouble for both drug kingpin Mr. Ko and
the local authorities.
It is open to debate but the Hong Kong seems to be generally preferred. See below.
UK : The Unrated US Version was passed 18
uncut for strong violence :
2019 88 Films [Unrated US Version + Hong Kong Version] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2012 Showbox/Cine Asia/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
2007 Contender/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD
UK: The R Rated US Version was passed 18 without BBFC
cuts for:
cuts to criminal being electrocuted on pinball machine
cuts to shooting of Michael
Hong Kong Re-edited Version
UK: BBFC details for the Hong Kong version have not yet been published
2019 88 Films [Unrated US Version + Hong Kong Version] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
From IMDb:
Dissatisfied and immensely disappointed with the US Version, Jackie Chan went back and re-shot and added new sections of the film for the Hong Kong Version, including the addition of a whole new subplot. But he removed all of
the nudity from his version.
Prozzie is a 1983 USA / West Germany crime horror romance by Ulli Lommel. Starring Suzanna Love, Robert Walker Jr and Jeff Winchester.
Seems to have been cut in the US at some point but recent worldwide
releases have been uncut.
Summary Notes
An American engineer in London, who is helping to dismantle the London Bridge to be transported to Arizona, strikes up an acquaintance with
a young British woman. Several years later he happens to be at the bridge's new location and sees the woman again--but this time she's a real estate agent, doesn't have a British accent and doesn't recognize him.
UK: P assed 18 uncut for:
2016 88 Films R0 Blu-ray titled Prozzie at UK Amazon
2020 Vinegar Syndrome (RA) Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
The promotional material reads: presented in its completely uncensored version for the first time on disc. Maybe Vinegar Syndrome hadn't spotted the UK B release from 88 films.
US: There seems to have been a cut version released in the US presumably cut for an MPAA R rating.
Psych-Out is a 1968 USA music thriller by Richard Rush. Starring Susan Strasberg, Dean Stockwell and Jack Nicholson.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1972 cinema release. Later uncut on VHS and
DVD albeit with a missing scene on DVD, similarly for the US MPAA Unrated release. The Director's Cut was issued on US Blu-ray in 2015 and is MPAA Unrated.
Summary Notes
Jenny, a deaf runaway who has
just arrived in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district to find her long-lost brother, a mysterious bearded sculptor known around town as The Seeker. She falls in with a psychedelic band, Mumblin' Jim, whose members include Stoney, Ben, and Elwood. They
hide her from the fuzz in their crash pad, a Victorian house crowded with love beads and necking couples. Mumblin' Jim's truth-seeking friend Dave considers the band's pursuit of success "playing games," but he agrees to help Jennie anyway.
The Olive Films Blu-ray contains the longer Director's Cut with about 14 minutes of additional
footage. The main extra scenes are:
Accompanied by the song Incense and Peppermints, the scene in which posters for Stoney's concert are being hung up is much longer in the Director's Cut.
A trip with several naked women is back in the movie
As is Jenny's fashion
The extra material is worth having. It does not add any relevant plot details but it adds to the psychedelic atmosphere which is the essence of the film.
Psyche 59 is a 1964 UK romance by Alexander Singer. Starring Curd Jürgens, Patricia Neal and Samantha Eggar.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1963. BBFC 12 rated for
2019 Blu-ray.
Summary Notes
Alison Crawford lives a comfortable life with her husband Eric and their two children. Alison is blind and she knows that her illness is not physical but
psychosomatic. She had a fall at their second home and woke up unable to see. She has no recollection of losing consciousness or what may have happened immediately prior to that. Her vivacious younger sister Robin accompanies her to their country home
where they are soon joined by Eric and a family friend, Paul. Eric and Robin had long ago had a fling but she was quite young at the time and he settled on the older Alison. As memories return to her, Alison recalls what is she saw the night she went
UK: Passed 12 uncut for moderate sex references, threat, violence, discriminatory references:
Psychic Killer is a 1975 USA horror thriller by Ray Danton (as Raymond Danton). Starring Paul Burke, Jim Hutton and Julie Adams.
Uncut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1978 cinema release and 2000 DVD. Pre-cut
for 1992 VHS. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Mental patient Arnold Masters, hospitalized for a murder he didn't commit, learns astral projection--the art of leaving one's physical body
and transporting the soul someplace else--from a fellow inmate. Upon his release, Arnold uses his new powers to bump off the people he holds responsible for his arrest, his mother's death while he was imprisoned and the price of meat! Lt. Morgan and Lt.
Anderson are the cops on his trail, while his caring shrink, Dr. Scott, tries to prevent any more deaths.
Psycho is a 1960 US thriller by Alfred Hitchcock. With Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh and
Vera Miles.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in 1960. Separately cut for US release but these cuts have persisted into all worldwide VHS and DVD releases since. The Extended Director's Cut was first released on German Blu-ray, and
then released in the US on 4K Blu-ray and Blu-ray in 2020.
Summary Notes
A Phoenix secretary steals $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the run and checks into a remote motel
run by a young man under the domination of his mother.
Extended Version
UK: The uncut extended version is BBFC aggregate 18 rated:
2023 Arrow Video The Psycho Collection [Psycho I - IV] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK
Amazon #ad
2023 Arrow Video The Psycho Collection [Psycho I - IV] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Germany: The Extended Director's Cut was released on:
Turbine Legacy Collection R0 Blu-ray
US: The Extended Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2021 Universal Pictures [Theatrical + Extended Version] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
2020 Universal Alfred Hitchcock Classics Collection [with uncut and cut versions of Psycho] R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo
at UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
2020 Universal 60th Anniversary Edition [with uncut and cut versions] R0
4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo at UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
2020 Universal 60th Anniversary Edition [with uncut and cut versions] R0
Blu-ray at UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
TV: The uncut version has been shown on TV
From on article at it seems that TV versions shown on BBC and German RTL are more complete than worldwide cinema/DVD releases. In particular the extra footage is:
Norman Bates monitors Marion through the hole a bit longer. She takes off her bra, followed by another shot of Normans face in a close up. After that, we see Marion again, taking the bra off completely. [still preserving her modesty though]
After Norman Bates has carried Marion's body out of the bathroom, the shot of him looking at his bloody hands is a bit longer. His bloodied hands make another re-appearance before he washes them in the bathroom
cut reclassified R rated Version
UK: The cut reclassified R Rated Version was
passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
2023 Arrow Video The Psycho Collection [Psycho I - IV] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2023 Arrow Video The Psycho Collection [Psycho I - IV] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2021 Universal Pictures
[Theatrical + Extended Version] R0 4K Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
2013 Universal Vol 1 [7
films] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2012 Universal Masterpiece
Collection R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2010 Universal
2010 Universal Blu-ray
2010 Universal DVD
2003 Universal DVD
1999 Columbia/TriStar DVD
1998 cinema release
1986 CIC VHS
US: The cut reclassified R Rated Version was released for:
2019 Universal House of Hitchcock Collection RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
Universal Psycho 1-4 Collection R1 DVD at US Amazon
Psycho II is a 1983 USA horror mystery thriller by Richard Franklin. With Anthony
Perkins, Vera Miles and Meg Tilly.
The theatrical version was cut for gore. Uncut on DVD, but versions have been spotted with missing nudity
Summary Notes
Now declared legally sane, Norman Bates is released from a
mental institution after spending 22 years in confinement over the protests of Marion Crane's sister Lila Loomis, who insists that he's still a killer and that the court's indifference to his victims by releasing him is a gross miscarriage of justice.
Norman returns to his motel and the old Victorian mansion where his troubles started, and history predictably begins to repeat itself.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
2023 Arrow Video The Psycho Collection [Psycho I - IV] R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2023 Arrow Video The Psycho Collection [Psycho I - IV] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Psycho Lover is a 1970 USA crime horror by Robert Vincent O'Neill (as Robert Vincent O'Neil). Starring Lawrence Montaigne, Jo Anne Meredith and Elizabeth Plumb.
Banned by the BBFC for 1971 cinema release. Cut in Australia for an R rated cinema release in 1978. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes
A psychiatrist plots to murder his
wife, but with a new twist: he will brainwash a patient he is treating into committing the crime.
Two scenes at 2m and 14m involve Marco raping and killing women. The latter also shows him having sex with the body. Cuts
would probably have been made to one or both of these attacks. Two other women are attacked at 34m and 77m, but neither result in onscreen rape or murder.
Psychomania is a Psychomania is a1972 UK biker horror film by Don Sharp. With Nicky Henson, Mary Larkin and Ann Michelle.
Cut by the BBFC for 1972 X rated UK cinema release. Passed 15 uncut for
2016 DVD/Blu-ray. Cut and uncut versions exist is the US.
Summary review: Ridiculous
A gang of young people call themselves the Living Dead. They terrorize the population from their small town. After an
agreement with the devil, if they kill themselves firmly believing in it, they will survive and gain eternal life. Following their leader, they commit suicide one after the other, but things don't necessarily turn out as expected.
This film is hindered by a weak script and quite apathetic acting, but somehow it's ridiculousness makes the film work.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for moderate violence, imitable behaviour, suicide
references with previous BBFC cinema cuts waived for:
Reel 1 - Remove the sequence showing the cyclists wrenching a car's wing mirrors off and breaking a car's windows.
Reel 2 - Remove sequence where cyclists kick down a row of warning cones.
Reel 4 - Shorten the sequence where a girl motor-cyclist runs down a pram in a super-market.
I presume these cuts were for antisocial behaviour the BBFC didn't want to encourage, even in a film passed for eighteens and over. In the last scene, the woman who is knocked over's knickers are visible, but I doubt the
BBFC considered that sexualised violence.
The Psychopath - 1973 USA crime thriller by Curtis Harrington. See The Killing Kind
Pudsey the Dog: the Movie
is a 2014 UK comedy by Nick Moore. Starring Olivia Colman, David Walliams and Izzy Meikle-Small.
BBFC category cuts for a U rated 2014 cinema release
Summary Notes
A heartwarming, quintessentially British adventure for all the family, PUDSEY THE DOG: THE MOVIE follows cheeky London stray dog, Pudsey, who is quite happy being a lone ranger, looking out for number one, until he
meets siblings Molly (Izzy Meikle-Small), George (Spike White) and Tommy (Malachy Knights). After losing their father, their mother Gail (Jessica Hynes) is moving the family to the sleepy village of Chuffington and Pudsey tags along, to the dismay of
their landlord, Mr. Thorne (John Sessions), and his cat Faustus. As Pudsey starts to settle in with the family and realize what he was missing when he was alone, he stumbles across Thorne's evil plan and he determines to save them and the whole village.
category cuts 10s
UK: Passed U for mild comic slapstick, very mild bad language after 10s of BBFC category cuts for:
2014 Entertainment One R2 DVD
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove a single use of mild bad language ('bugger') in order to obtain a U classification. An uncut PG classification was available.
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild bad language for:
2014 cinema release. Unreleased in favour of a cut U rated version
The film was originally passed PG uncut but the distributor preferred a cut version and so resubmitted the film with view to accepting cuts for a U
Puli is a 2015 India fantasy by Chimbudeven. Starring Vijay, Sudeep and Sridevi.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A cinema rating in 2015.
Summary Notes
A young man travels back in time machine to a fantasy kingdom to save its queen from the tyrant
commander Sudeep.
category cuts 9s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, occasional gory moments after 9s of BBFC category cuts for:
2015 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The distributor chose to remove sight of both a blood spurt and a bloody incision across the front of a throat-cutting victim's neck in order to achieve a 12A classification. The cut was made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and
policy. A 15 uncut was available to the distributor.
Pulimurugan is a 2016 action film by Vysakh. Starring Mohanlal, Kamalinee
Mukherjee and Jagapathi Babu.
BBFC cuts were required for 12A rated cinema release in 2016.
compulsory cuts 30s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, threat, occasional bloody moments, drug references after 30s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
2016 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to remove two moments of strong bloody violence (blade embedded in man's head, accompanied by blood spurt, and bloody bullet impact to chest) in order to achieve a 12A classification. A 15 classification was available
without these cuts. Additionally, compulsory cuts were required to a scene of cockfighting.
Up to date advice suggests such specific visual details do not in themselves provoke a harmful response which would justify intervention at the adult category. In line
with similar decisions in recent years, Pulp Fiction was passed at 18 without cuts.
US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated for:
2012 Lions Gate Tarentino XX (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
2011 Miramax/Lionsgate Award Winning
Collection R1 DVD at US Amazon
2002 Miramax Collector's Edition
UK: Passed 18 after 3s of BBFC cuts for:
2008 Buena Vista Collector's Edition R2 DVD
2008 Disney R2 DVD
2002 Buena Vista Collector's Edition R2 DVD
2001 Buena Vista R2 DVD
2000 Buena Vista VHS
1995 Buena Vista VHS
The BBFC explained: the cut:
The video of Pulp Fiction arrived for classification in April 1995. The scene involving the injecting of heroin by Vincent was more of a concern on video, where it could be replayed
repeatedly and out of context.
3 seconds were reframed on the Buena Vista video versions of 1996 to remove a close up of heroin injection. The BBFC cut this on the grounds of potential harm to viewers: the injection image is
known to be hypnotically seductive to some potentially addictive young people and is nearly an advertisement for the pleasures of heroin injection.
The BBFC requested the scene be reframed to ensure sight of the needle
entering the vein was off-screen.
A comment from a BBFC examiner speaking about censorship issues with the UK cinema
release reveals BBFC examiners profoundly disagree with the apparent decision of French censors to take out a shot of John Travolta high whilst driving his car after injecting heroin.
v Pulse
- 2006 USA Sci-Fi horror thriller by Jim Sonzero.
Pulse is a 2006 USA Sci-Fi horror thriller by Jim Sonzero. Starring Kristen Bell, Rick Gonzalez and Christina Milian.
Cut in the US for a PG-13 rated theatrical release. All worldwide releases
and MPAA Unrated home video releases re all uncut. The uncut version was 15 rated in the UK for cinema and video.
Summary Notes
The hacker Josh invades the computer of Douglas Ziegler, who is developing
a powerful wireless signal, and accidentally releases a mysterious force that takes the will to live of human beings, generating a suicide epidemic and increasing the force. His girlfriend and student of psychology, Mattie, sees each one of their common
friends die and the destruction of the modern world, and together with her new acquaintance Dexter, they try to plan a virus developed by Josh in the network to shutdown the system and save mankind.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for sustained horror and strong language:
The Punisher is a 1989 Australia / USA action crime thriller by Mark
Goldblatt. Starring Dolph Lundgren and Louis Gossett Jr and Jeroen Krabbé.
The Theatrical Version was cut in the US and further cut by the BBFC. The BBFC cuts
were waived in 2013. Uncut in Germany
Summary Notes
Based on the Marvel Comic, Dolph Lundgren is Frank Castle an ex-cop who lives in the sewers and acts as judge, jury, and
executioner to the city's criminals in retaliation for the unpunished murders of his wife and kids. Frank's ex-partner Jake (Louis Gossett Jr.) finally catches up with the vigilante as he tries to stop the Japanese mob, which is trying to take over the
city's mafia operation.
UK: The cut US Theatrical Version was passed
18 after a further 1:21s/1:14s of cuts for:
1990 RCA/Columbia VHS
1990 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were:
An early fight is missing a double ear clap
Two shots of men being hit in the throat by a thrown knife are missing
Cuts to a scene showing Castle decimating a bar with a machine gun and grenades
A fight in a restaurant is
missing hands being pinned by blades
Lady Triad putting a gun in a Mafioso's mouth and then pulling the trigger gives the impression of being cut to remove the results of the wound
The scene of the Punisher breaking a girls neck has
been shortened
Various sights of weaponry are cut, including a spiked ball, a crossbow, a harpoon and blades in a shoe
Thanks to MM, May 2007: Zone Thriller
The version shown on Zone Thriller although longer than the BBFC version (restoring a few bits of violence & the lengthy destruction of the casino) it still lost among other things a few
bits of violence on the boat. (Hand-severing, man hit with chain, harpoon to a mans eye & a shot of a spiked ball flying through the air before it hits another man)
v The Punisher
- 2004 USA / Germany action crime adventure by Jonathan Hensleigh.
The Punisher is a 2004 USA / Germany action crime adventure by Jonathan Hensleigh. Starring Thomas Jane, John Travolta and Samantha Mathis.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Version but the Theatrical
Version is preferred.
Summary Notes
Special agent Frank Castle had it all: A loving family, a great life, and an adventurous job. But when his life is taken away from him by a ruthless criminal and his
associates, Frank has become reborn. Now serving as judge, jury, and executioner, he's a new kind of vigilante out to wage a one man war against those who have done him wrong.
Punjab 1984 is a 2014 drama by Anurag Singh. Starring Sonam Bajwa, Arun
Bali and Daljinder Basran.
BBFC category cuts for a 12A rated 2014 cinema release
category cuts 28s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate bloody violence after 28s of BBFC category cuts for:
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Company chose to reduce a scene of violence (a man's face being held down in sand, in order to suffocate him) in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
Puppet on a Chain is a 1970 UK/Netherlands action thriller by Geoffrey Reeve Starring Sven-Bertil Taube, Barbara Parkins and Alexander Knox
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'AA' rated cinema release in 1970.
Cuts were also made for the clothed US version.
Uncut and 15 rated on home video.
Summary Notes
Following a triple professional hit a U.S. agent arrives in Amsterdam to
investigate a heroin smuggling ring. He finds a city rife with drugs and a police force unable or unwilling to do much about it. With his incognito female fellow agent the American is soon stirring things up.
Unclothed Version
UK: A short version was passed 15 with previous BBFC cuts restored for:
US: Passed AA (14) after BBFC cuts for category for:
1970 cinema release
From IMDb. The cuts were:
Some topless nudity
shots of a man's bloody face during a hotel fight
Tim comments:
These cuts are typical for an AA in its first year or two of existence when the BBFC seemed to treat AA films as if it was an old A rating by cutting all clear shots of topless nudity (Red Sun and Cat
O'Nine Tails had similar cuts). The entire introduction of the AA was problematic with distributors and exhibitors complaining about it for about 2-3 years.
cut US Version
US: The US
Theatrical Version was cut and MPAA PG rated:
Scorpion R0 DVD
Note that the unclothed club scene is included in the disk extras.
A topless scene in a club was replaced with a clothed version.
Puppetmaster is a 1989 US horror by David Schmoeller. With Paul Le Mat, William Hickey and Irene Miracle.
Cut for an MPAA R rating but the Unrated Version is uncut in the US. The
Unrated Version was cut by the BBFC for VHS and the cut R rated version was released on UK DVD.
Summary Review: Great Fun
Neil Gallagher found the secret to Toulon's puppets who come to life and then
killed himself. Alex and his psychic friends come to investigate and are stalked by Toulon's puppets who have a variety of strange traits including a drill for a head and the ability to spit up leeches.
My first thoughts as I
inserted the disc was that it'd be a cheesy, laughable pile of 80's horror rubbish. So I was in for a pleasant surprise. If you can get past the initial presentation of the movie (it feels every bit as low-budget as it is), you'll find it to be creepy,
intriguing, and above all, great fun.
The puppets themselves could have been a whole lot worse. The effects are hardly Lord Of The Rings, but through a strange combination of live-action and extremely well-animated stop-motion, the
puppets don't make you cringe every time they show up on screen. They're probably better actors than some of the live actors even, it's difficult to tell who's more wooden. But it's hardly a character-driven story. It's an unusual story nonetheless, and
it definitely interested me enough to watch it right through - and then pick up the first sequel!
Pure Luck is a 1991 USA crime comedy mystery by Nadia Tass. Starring Martin Short, Danny Glover and Sheila Kelley.
BBFC category cuts were required for 1992 VHS. The cuts were waived for PG
rated DVD in 2016. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
The daughter of a wealthy businessman has disappeared in Mexico, and all the efforts to find her have been unsuccessful. A
psychologist, knowing that the girl has an ultra bad luck, persuades her father to send to Mexico one of his employees, an accountant with super bad luck, to find her. Perhaps he will be lucky, and his bad luck could help to find the unlucky girl...
UK: Passed PG uncut for infrequent moderate violence, mild bad language for:
Pushpa is a 2021 India action adventure thriller by Sukumar Starring Allu Arjun, Fahadh Faasil and Rashmika Mandanna
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2021.
Summary Notes
Story of Pushpa Raj, a lorry driver in Seshachalam forests of South India, set in the backdrop of red sandalwood smuggling. Red Sandalwood is endemic to South-Eastern Ghats
(mountain range) of India.
Category cuts
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, threat, occasional bloody images, brief drug misuse after BBFC category cuts:
2021 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to make to remove or reduce moments of violence and injury detail in order to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence, injury detail:
2021 cinema release unreleased in favour of a cut 12A rated release
v Pussy Talk
- 1975 France adult comedy fantasy by Claude Mulot (as Frédéric Lansac).
Pussy Talk is a 1975 France adult comedy fantasy by Claude Mulot (as Frédéric Lansac). Starring Pénélope Lamour, Béatrice Harnois and Sylvia Bourdon.
The softcore version was banned by the BBFC for 1976 cinema release but given a GLC London certificate. Later the softcore version was further cut for 2000 DVD.
Summary Review: Good piece of cinema
Le Sexe Qui Parle is in that rare class of rather famous films which actually happen to be really good pieces of cinema. Penelope Lamour stars as a woman who discovers that her vagina has developed both a life and voice of
its own. This soon becomes a problem for not only her, but her philanthropist husband as well...As the vagina becomes more and more vocal (no pun intended), it ends up causing more and more trouble.
Narratively speaking,
Le Sexe Qui Parle is flawed with a fair amount of noticeable continuity errors, and the rushed ending does leave a bit to be desired in terms of resolution of the plot.
On the other hand, technically speaking, Le
Sexe...has the look of any classy French production, hardcore or otherwise, from the period. The cinematography and general look of the film are both first rate, and the original musical score is quite an incredible mix of easy listening pieces and
classy jazz/disco sounding tunes.
The Pussycat Syndrome is terrific
fun, an exploitation film that is highly enjoyable from beginning to end that does not insult the intelligence of the viewer. Ajita Wilson and Tina Eklund are a perfect pair of opposites cast as fashion models who, in between assignments, decide to
travel around sunny Greece, picking up male hitchhikers, swimming nude, meeting a rich man and his frigid artist wife and having a torrid lesbian three-way with the aforementioned wife, suddenly no longer frigid -- the usual antics one would expect in
Greece. There's also a beauty contest in which Ms. Wilson is a shoo-in while Ms. Eklund spends 90 percent of the film stark naked, and boy does she look terrific this way! Both actresses turn in effortlessly good performances. Clearly they were having
fun during the filming. There are two hardcore scenes in the uncut version of the film, one of which has our two heroines and their two current men of the hour having lots of carnal fun while the track "Let's Do It" playfully romps in the
background. A more romantic, piano-based theme is played often on the soundtrack and it is very pleasing to the ear. No, this is not a deep, intellectual viewing experience, but if you are looking for fun for fun's sake, you can't go wrong with this
film. Enjoy!
cuts restored in 2006 for a 15 rated video/DVD
Cut when submitted for a cinema release in 2006 with the following BBFC comment: Distributor chose to remove shots of bloody body with glass embedded in it in order to achieve a '12A'. A '15' without cuts was
Latest Film News
News Monday 19th December...
Cuts and Bans
Vampire Circus 1972 UK horror by Robert Young, cut by the BBFC in 1972, just released on UK Blu-ray.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray