No Blade of Grass is a 1970 USA Sci-Fi drama by Cornel
Wilde. With Nigel Davenport, Jean Wallace and John Hamill.
Cut by the BBFC for cinema release and again for VHS. Uncut in the US.
Summary Notes
A strange new virus has appeared, which only attacks strains of grasses such as wheat and rice,
and the world is descending into famine and chaos. Architect John, along with his family and friends, is making his way from London to his brother's farm in northern England where there will hopefully be food and safety for all of them. Along the way,
they encounter hostile soldiers, biker gangs, and all manner of people who are all too willing to take advantage of travelers for a mouthful of food.
The message is ham-fisted the look is very 1970, and some odd soundtrack choices
were made, but it's a bleak film about the collapse of civilization. But the story's premise is completely plausible and the violence gives depth to the plot and characters.
No Escape is a 1994 USA action drama sci-fi thriller by Martin
Campbell. With Ray Liotta, Lance Henriksen, Stuart Wilson.
BBFC category cuts for 15. Uncut elsewhere
Summary Notes: Interesting Flick
A soldier convicted for murdering his commanding officer is dumped and left to die on a prison island
inhabited by two camps of convicts.
What is it with guys like Ray Liotta and Lance Henriksen? They are great character actors, but once they take the lead, their films seem to be forgotten or ridiculed. No Escape is a
particularly interesting flick considering that both Liotta and Henriksen appear in it. Not to mention Ernie Hudson and Stuart Wilson, who are two other top-notch actors who seem to be stuck in ruts.
No Escape is a 2015 USA thriller by John Erick Dowdle. Starring Pierce Brosnan, Owen Wilson and Lake Bell.
Cut prior to US release.
Summary Notes
In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed.
US: Cut and rated R for strong violence throughout, and for language.
Note: edited for re-rate. Content is different from R rated version, bulletin no. 2331 (7/16/14) rated under the title
"the coup". Only this edited version is rated. Change in rating reason, previously rated R for strong violence including a sexual assault, and for language.
Presumably the sexual assault was cut.
Uncut and rated R for strong violence including a sexual assault, and for language.
No Holds Barred is a 1989 USA action film by Thomas J Wright. With Hulk Hogan, Joan Severance and Kurt Fuller.
Cut by the BBFC for cinema release but uncut for home video
Summary Notes
Rip is the World Wrestling Federation champion who is faithful to his fans and the network he wrestles for.
Brell, the new head of the World Television Network, wants Rip to wrestle for his network. Rip refuses and goes back to his normal life. Still looking for a way to raise ratings, Brell initiates a show called "The Battle of the Tough Guys", a
violent brawling competition. A mysterious man, Zeus, wins the competition. This gets Brell to use him as an angle to get at Rip.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for:
2013 Fremantlemedia/World Wrestling Entertainment RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Cut by the BBFC when submitted in 2007 with the following comment:
Company was obliged to remove sight of a wrestler being choked with an electrical cord. Material removed on the grounds of possible harm to some of the likely audience, that is potential underage viewers in the home.
No My Darling Daughter is a 1961 UK comedy by Ralph Thomas. Starring Michael Redgrave, Michael Craig and Roger Livesey.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 1961 U rated cinema release.
Summary Notes
Juliet Mills plays the vivacious daughter of a wealthy international industrialist who runs away with a playboy millionaire, but falls in love with the hard-working young man who has been
sent to bring her back.
category cuts
best available
cinema submitted
96:21s =92:30s
UK: Passed PG uncut for brief nudity, mild innuendo, drug reference for:
2016 Strawberry Media [Full Frame] video
It is not clear whether 1961 cuts have persisted to this release. BBFC cuts from the this period are more often then not permanent.
No Retreat No Surrender is a 1985 US martial arts film by Corey Yuen. With Kurt McKinney, Jean-Claude Van Damme and J.W. Fails.
The shortened US Version was rated PG by the MPAA. This was then cut by the
BBFC for a 15 rated cinema release in 1986 and further cut for VHS in the same year. There is also an uncut International Version that was 15 rated by the BBFC for 2004 DVD.
Summary Review: Ghost of Bruce Lee
Jason Stillwell, a Bruce Lee fan, is beaten numerous times and trains from the ghost of Lee. Jason then must use his newly acquired skills to save Seattle from a crime syndicate.
film marked the Western debut of future superstar Jean Claude Van Damme but he does not have such a big part as the cover suggests.
The fight scenes are realistic looking and bone crunching. The direction is real good and the acting is okay. A
Hong Kong style movie made in America.
Extended International Version
UK: An Extended International Version was passed 15 uncut with previous cuts waived for:
The cinema cuts still apply. A Bruce Lee poster is unrolled by Kurt McKinney which clearly shows 'The Little Dragon' holding a pair of nunchaku. Two shots of this were cut by the BBFC
Two additional cuts
were made to the fight between Jean-Claude Van Damme and his opponent towards the end of the film. These were: an elbow to the fighter's throat and repeated punches to his stomach.
The cut elbow to the throat was shown in The Best of Martial Arts which has an 18 rating.
UK: The US Version was passed 15 after 7s of BBFC cuts for:
1986 cinema release
The cuts were:
A Bruce Lee poster is unrolled by Kurt McKinney which clearly shows 'The Little Dragon' holding a pair of nunchaku. Two shots of this were ordered cut by the BBFC.
Cut when resubmitted in 2004 with the following BBFC comment: A cut was required to remove sight of actual animal cruelty (in this case the stringing up and cutting open of a live snake)
Entertainment In Video version from 1987 was not cut by the BBFC but it was considerably shorter.
No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers is a 1990 Hong Kong action film by Lucas Lowe (as Lucas Lo). Starring Loren Avedon, Keith Vitali and Joseph Campanella.
Pre-cut for 18 rated 1990 VHS. Uncut and 15 rated for 2004 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Two feuding brothers (one a policeman, the other a martial arts expert)
of different political views, join forces to avenge the death of their father, a retired agent, killed by the mafia.
The studio was said to be concerned that the director's version
may not go down well with the religious. However screenings with test audiences did not convince the studio that was a need for change. So the original director's version got the go ahead. However a disclaimer was added to posters to distance the film
from religious criticism:
The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith
for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the Book of Genesis.
Company chose to remove shots which dwelt on the infliction of injury (in this case focus on a thumb being severed with bloody detail), in order to achieve a 15 classification. An 18 without cuts was available.
Nomad Riders is a 1984 USA action by Frank Roach. With Tony Laschi, Wayne
Chema, Richard Kluck.
Unknown cuts by the BBFC.
Summary Review:
Strangely entertaining
Just a very simple tale of revenge as our hero,
the rather snazzily named (albeit incredibly bland chap) Steven Thrust, seeks retribution against a group of bikers and their employers who murdered his wife and son. It's a very much a by the numbers affair but is nonetheless strangely entertaining as
we get to see the miscreants get their just deserts as the film progresses.
~82:00s =~78:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated rated for:
2013 Vinegar Syndrome [Punk Vacation + Nomad Riders] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
UK: Passed 18 after 1:36s of BBFC category cuts for:
Norman: the Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall
of a New York Fixer is a 2016 Israel / USA thriller by Joseph Cedar. Starring Richard Gere, Lior Ashkenazi and Michael Sheen.
Originally rated R by the MPAA. The producers appealed seeking a PG-13
rating but were unsuccessful. The producers then cut the film seeking a PG-13 but the MPAA again awarded the film an R rating.
US: A cut version was again rated R by the MPAA for some language. The MPAA noted that this was a different version to the original R rated submission.
US: Rated R by the MPAA for some language but the producers decided to appeal the R rating, presumably seeking a PG-13 rating. The appeal was lost and the producer cut the film
North Sea Hijack is a 1980 UK action adventure thriller by Andrew V McLaglen. Starring Roger Moore, James Mason and Anthony Perkins.
BBFC category cuts were required for an 'A' rated cinema release in 1980.
Uncut and 15 rated on home video. Uncut and PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes
A terrorist (Anthony Perkins) holds an offshore drilling rig and production platform for ransom in the
North Sea. Ffolkes (Roger Moore) a wealthy mysogynistic eccentric, volunteers to send his crack team of soldiers in to stop the terrorists. With few other options available, the British Government reluctantly accepts his help.
A Northern Soul is a 2018 UK documentary by Sean McAllister. Starring Steve Arnott and Sean McAllister.
The film was originally 12A rated by local councils for local festival screenings in Hull and Sheffield. However when it was submitted to the BBFC it was rated 15 for strong language.
The film maker Sean McAllister was
unsurprisingly not impressed by the BBFC rating and he set out to convince councils that the non aggressive working class use of the word 'fuck' should not need a 15 rating.
Hull, Lambeth, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Southampton, Hackney, Bradford,
Calderdale, Scarborough and Nottingham agreed with McAllister, and awarded the film a local 12A rating.
It was later revealed that the film contains about 20 uses of the word 'fuck'.
Why is violence OK in a 12A film
-- but not a bit of swearing?
My film-making style is intimate and engaged -- I look for characters whom I film over a long period of time and who let me into their lives fully. Finding people who can articulate their situation is important, and
Steve's dream of helping poor kids in Hull during the city of culture period seemed the perfect opportunity. Steve trusted me and talked openly and honestly. Trust and intimacy are things a documentary film-maker works hard for -- they're not easily won,
and it is also a responsibility.
As a result, Steve speaks to me as he would to a mate -- his language is real and engaging. He uses the occasional F-word, as most of us do in everyday language, but only ever in my company, never
in front of anyone else, and this is never aggressive or sexual.
There is a limited amount of bad language in the film. There are 19 F-words: 14 from Steve, and five that feature in the song Sometimes by Akala, who appears briefly
in the film on stage, singing the lyrics When I feel like / Fuck it, I've had enough. It's the BBFC's job to count them and apparently you're not allowed more than four!
But the point isn't the strong language -- it's about a
voice and the everyday lived reality of someone being censored. It seems absurd that this would be deemed inappropriate for children, while films currently playing at the cinema receive 12A certificates despite gratuitous on-screen violence. Mission
Impossible, 12A, has a scene of someone being shot point blank on camera, for example.
The BBFC commented in its annual report covering 2018:
We classified the film 15 because of around 20 uses of
strong language. While the language in the film is not used aggressively or sexually, our research suggests that a significant proportion of parents are concerned about the normalisation of such language in films. The language in A Northern Soul, is used
casually in conversations, across a relatively short feature (75 minutes), with no particular justification.
Three people wrote to us complaining about the 15 rating for A Northern Soul feeling a 12A would be more appropriate. We
received 45 postcards protesting the 15 rating; however, these had been created and handed out to cinema goers by the filmmakers at screenings and do not provide an accurate representation of broad public opinion.
Summary Notes
A Northern Soul is Hull-born award-winning documentary filmmaker Sean McAllister's take on 2017. It follows struggling factory worker Steve Arnott's dream of bringing hip-hop and rap to the city's estates in a youth
project involving a converted bus.
Local Authority 12A
UK: Many local authorities overruled the BBFC 15 rating and awarded a local 12A rating :
2018 cinema release
Hull, Lambeth, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Southampton, Hackney, Bradford, Calderdale, Scarborough and Nottingham agreed with McAllister, and awarded the film a local 12A rating.
Norwegian Wood is a 2010 Japan romance by Tran Anh Hung. With
Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Rinko Kikuchi and Kiko Mizuhara.
Generally released in a Theatrical Version but there is also a Director's Cut
Summary Notes
Toru recalls his life in the 1960s, when his friend Kizuki killed himself and he grew close
to Naoko, Kizuki's girlfriend, and another woman, the outgoing, lively Midori.
Director's Cut
Netherlands: Released with Director's Cut and Theatrical Version
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong sex and suicide references for:
Not of This Earth is
a quickly made, low budget, R rated, sci-fi movie. It's made very much in the style of the B movies of the 50s and 60s except for the R rating. The R rating comes from several scenes of topless women and some sexual activity. The star of the film is
Traci Lords in her first role in a non-porno film. It is also supposedly the last time she appears topless in any film. I'm sure this is one of the big attractions of the movie to a lot of viewers. She did surprise me though by her acting. It really
wasn't bad.
It is an interesting and fun movie and has some pretty good scenes of it's own. The film has plenty of mistakes and bloopers to look for that were left in due to the low budget.
Not of This Earth is a fun movie that combines some light comedy, horror and sci-fi. The movie is not meant to be taken too seriously. It's best viewed by a non critical eye with the
intent of just having a good time. This can be a really enjoyable and fun modern B movie if watched in the right frame of mind.
Not Tonight, Darling is a 1971 UK drama by Anthony Sloman. With Luan Peters, Vincent Ball and Jason Twelvetrees.
Cut by the BBFC for 1971 cinema release. The same cut version has been used
for 2014 DVD
Summary Notes
A lonely 'Stay-at-Home' Housewife is being watched every night through the bathroom window by a 'Peeping Tom', who is being put up to it by his friend. She eventually finds
out and gets her revenge on them.
UK: Passed 18 for strong sex and nudity after BBFC cuts for:
Nothing But the Best is a 1964 UK comedy by Clive Donner. Starring Alan Bates, Denholm Elliott and Harry Andrews.
Cut by the BBFC for 'A' rated 1964 cinema release. The cuts have persisted onto DVD which was originally PG rated in 2014 before being uprated to 12 in 2024 with previously 'mild bad language' now being considered 'moderate bad
Promotional Material
Black humour and biting social satire combine in this acclaimed feature of 1963, starring Alan Bates as an ambitious young real-estate clerk who s determined to
crawl his way to the top of the social pile; Denholm Elliott is the disreputable aristocrat who teaches him all he needs to know, Millicent Martin the girl he sets out to woo and win. Nothing but the Best is scripted by Oscar winner
Frederic Raphael, who received a Writers Guild of Great Britain Award for his screenplay, with Nic Roeg earning a BAFTA-Award nomination for cinematography. The film is presented here in a brand-new digital transfer, in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect
Jimmy Brewster is a working-class lad using his dynamism, natural cockiness and abundant charm to overcome any obstacles to the champagne lifestyle he craves. He has his sights firmly set on his boss s attractive daughter, Ann, and
finds a perfect mentor in the form of the caddish, crooked Charlie. But just how far is Brewster prepared to go in order to get what he wants?
category cuts
UK: The cut cinema version was BBFC 12 rated for moderate bad language, sex references:
Notorious Daughter Of Fanny Hill is a 1966 USA comedy drama by Peter Perry Jr (as Arthur P Stootsberry). Starring Stacey Walker, William Rotsler and Linda Cochran.
Cut by the BBFC for an 18 rated DVD release in 2006
Summary Notes
Kissy Hill, the daughter of a notorious madam in 19th Century London, follows in her late mother's footsteps with
prositution in catering to various upper class gentlemen.
UK: Passed 18 for strong sex and moderate violence after compulsory BBFC cuts for:
2005 Odeon Entertainment
The BBFC commented:
Compulsory cuts required to two scenes of sexualised violence contrary to the Video Recordings Act 1984 and BBFC guidelines
November Man is a 2014 USA action thriller by Roger Donaldson. Starring
Olga Kurylenko, Pierce Brosnan and Will Patton.
The existing MPAA R rating (for strong violence including a sexual assault, language, sexuality/nudity and brief drug use) awarded in May 20014 was surrendered and the film became Unrated in June 2014.
Now is Good is a 2012 UK romance by Ol Parker. Starring Dakota Fanning,
Josef Altin and Jeremy Irvine.
The BBFC made recommendation for category cuts at the script stage. The adive was heeded and no further cuts were required for 12A rated cinema release in 2012.
Summary Notes
A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of things she'd like to do before passing away. Topping the list is her desire to lose her virginity.
UK: Passed 12A for strong language, drug use, sex references & terminal illness theme after BBFC suggested cuts were implemented for:
2012 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
The BBFC was given a draft script before the film was produced and advised the company that a film of the script would be likely to receive a 15 classification. In order to achieve the
company's preferred 12A classification, the BBFC advised that:
some visual and verbal sex references should be removed,
that sight of potentially harmful behaviour should be removed,
that use of strong language should be reduced, and
that a scene in which drugs are prepared and taken should be substantially reduced.
When the film was submitted for classification, the changes recommended at the script stage had been made and the film was classified 12A.
v Now You See Me
- 2013 France/USA crime mystery thriller by Louis Leterrier.
Now You See Me is a 2013 France/USA crime mystery thriller by Louis
Leterrier. With Jesse Eisenberg, Common and Mark Ruffalo.
Exists in Theatrical and Extended Versions
Summary Notes
An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and
reward their audiences with the money.
Extended Version
UK: The Extended Version was passed 12 uncut for moderate sex references, violence, threat and strong
language for:
2013 Entertainment One [Theatrical + Extended] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2013 Summit Entertainment [Theatrical + Extended] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Presumably the Blu-ray is the Extended Version , the DVD is the Theatrical Version
See pictorial version details from . The 9:27s of extra material is worth having, although some of it just passes more time. It does contain a flash of breasts which may have been cut for
the US PG-13 rating
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed
12 uncut for moderate sex references, violence, threat and strong language for:
2013 Entertainment One [Theatrical + Extended] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2013 Entertainment One R2 DVD
US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
2013 Summit Entertainment [Theatrical + Extended] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Nude for Satan is a 1974 Italian horror by Paolo Solvay. With Rita Calderoni, James Harris and Renato Lupi.
Cut by the BBFC. Uncut softcore original version available in the US.
There is an uncut hardcore version with added inserts available in the Netherlands
Summary Review: Surreal
Italian Gothic horror that tells the tale of a man who stops at a remote castle hoping to get
medical help for an injured woman, only to find the inhabitants mirror the darker sides of the woman and himself.
This is a somewhat surreal Italian exploitation movie and although it does have a plot hidden within it, the
emphasis is firmly upon the entertainment provided by each scene. The exploitation theme is carried out with great enthusiasm with large amounts of nudity, lesbian themes, whipping and even a horny spider, but all somewhat harmlessly.
Visually, the movie is quite classy with good production values and this is a good quality print. Overall whilst this is no masterpiece, it does combine some good moments coherently with surreal elements and it all looks pretty into
the bargain. Collectors of this genre could do much worse than get hold of this, its well above average for this type of movie.
Original Version
US: The Re-mastered Original Softcore Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2014 Redemption [English + Italian Versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
Redemption [English + Italian Versions] R1 DVD at US Amazon
Hardcore Version
Netherlands: There is also an uncut XXX rated version
with hardcore inserts:
The Nude Vampire is a 1970 France horror by Jean Rollin. Starring Maurice Lemaître, Caroline Cartier and Ly Lestrong.
Cut by the BBFC for 1972 cinema release. Passed 18 uncut for all home video
releases. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Sloooooow
Wealthy and decadent industrialist Georges Radamante rules over a strange secret suicide cult and wants to achieve immortality by
figuring out a way to share the biochemistry of a young mute orphaned vampire woman. Complications ensue when Radamante's son Pierre finds out what's going on and falls for the comely lass.
There's not a lot of nudity here at all.
Instead of erotic lesbian vampires with no clothes on; we've got a cumbersome plot about a man who wants to unlock the secret to immortality.
The usual Rollin problems...which are: The subject matter would usually lend for a
visual feast. However Jean Rollin manages to be an ultimate bore when it comes down to the cinematography in this production.
The editing is sloooooow. Do we really need to see a guy walk across a field until he disappears into the horizon? In
an end sequence maybe, however not in the middle of a story that already tends to induce sleep.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
UK: Passed
Suitable for 18 years and over uncut for:
The Nun and the Devil is a 1973 Italy / France drama by Domenico Paolella (as Paolo Dominici) Starring Anne Heywood, Luc Merenda and Ornella Muti
Cut by the BBFC for X rated 1973 cinema release. Later uncut on home video. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review
Kingdom of Naples, 1577: The Roman
Inquisition and the witch hunt are in force and torture is authorized in the trials, while the people live in misery and fear.
The Nun and the Devil is one of the first nunsploitation films. The story is
about the battle of the nuns to become the next mother superior. The nuns will stop at nothing as becoming mother means access to a fortune.
If you have bought this film hoping to see lots of nudity,
torture etc you will be very disappointed as there is only a few topless and very brief torture scenes.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for scenes of
sexualised nudity:
The Nurse is a 1975 Italy comedy by Nello Rossati. With Ursula Andress, Duilio Del Prete and Mario Pisu.
Never cut by the BBFC but has been released in a long and shortened
Summary Notes
As an aging widower begins suffering from heart trouble, his greedy heirs hope to speed him on his way by hiring a super-seductive nurse to get his pulse racing. Their plan
backfires, though, as the young beauty begins to fall in love with the old man.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong sex and sexualised nudity
The Nurse is a 1997 US/Germany horror thriller by Robert Malenfant Starring Lisa Zane, Janet Gunn and John Stockwell
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1997. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the
Summary Notes
When her father kills himself and his family after being named in an embezzlement scandal, nurse Laura Harriman vows revenge on the man responsible. She soon gets
her chance when his accuser suffers a stroke that leaves him paralyzed and mute - the perfect victim. After becoming his private nurse, the "angel of death" sets out on a psychotic killing spree that will complete her descent into madness and
destroy an innocent by one.
Rated R for terror/violence and brief language
Nurse Sherri is a 1978 USA horror by Al Adamson. Starring Geoffrey Land, Jill Jacobson and Marilyn Joi.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Alternate Version with less story but
more nudity. No censor cuts in the UK and US.
Summary Notes
Horror movie about a demented professor of the occult, whose soul jumps into the curvaceous body of Nurse Sherri (Jill Jacobson) shortly
before he dies on the operating table. The possessed lady in white then begins stalking, seducing and kill people - even her boyfriend - until someone puts an end to the madness.
Nurse Sherri/Alternative Version
Alternative Cut
US: The Alternative Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2020 Severin Films Al Adamson Collection Limited Edition RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
2017 Vinegar Syndrome [Theatrical + Alternative versions] (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo
at US Amazon
2007 Retro Shock-O-Rama [Theatrical + Alternate + Five Bloody Graves] R1
DVD at US Amazon
From IMDb. The Alternative Cut is missing a subplot of a cult follower also trying to find the leader's buried body. Instead it offers 4 nude scenes not featured in the longer version.
The Possession of Nurse Sherri/ Theatrical Version
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed X (18)
without BBFC cuts for:
1980 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version is MPAA R rated for:
2017 Vinegar Syndrome [Theatrical + Alternative versions] (RA) Blu-ray/(R1) DVD Combo at US
2007 Retro Shock-O-Rama [Theatrical + Alternate + Five Bloody Graves] R1 DVD at
US Amazon
From IMDb. The longer version features a subplot of a cult follower also trying to find the leader's buried body. However it is missing 4 nude scenes
Cuts to the opening throat slashing of a naked woman in a hotel room.
Cuts to a naked woman being repeatedly dunked into a bathtub and insulted.
Cuts to porn pictures one of which is hanging on a wall.
The complete removal
of a naked woman wearing a pigs mask being stabbed in the genitals
Cuts to the flash back scene where the killer as a young boy is shocked to see his naked mother being stabbed by a killer sitting astride her on the bed.
The stripping
& stabbing of a woman tied to a tree has been removed.
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps is a 2000 USA comedy Sci-Fi romance by Peter Segal. Starring Eddie Murphy, Janet Jackson and Larry Miller.
Exists as a PG-13 rated Theatrical Version and an MPAA Unrated Director's
Cut which includes a little stronger language and sexual references.
Summary Notes
Professor Sherman Klump is getting married. And the Klump family could not be more delighted for
him. But Buddy Love, his Mr. Hyde alter-ego from the first film, is back and trying to make it on his own. Buddy keeps resurfacing in untimely outbursts, and threatening the portly professor's marriage plans to colleague Denise Gaines. Utilizing Denise's
cutting-edge DNA research, Sherman decides to rid himself of his monstrous nemesis -and his disruptive outbursts-once and for all by extracting Buddy's DNA from his system. But Buddy bursts full-bodied into Sherman's world and lays claim to the
professor's astounding invention - a revolutionary youth serum. Desperate to keep it from Buddy, Sherman hides the serum in the Klump family home, thinking it will be safe. Buddy correctly divines where Sherman has placed the serum, but to get it, he has
to deal with the entire Klump family first.
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated:
2019 Shout! Factory [Nutty Professor 1 & 2 Theatrical Versions + Nutty Professor 2 Director's Cut] RA Blu-ray
at US Amazon
The uncensored director's cut does only to a limited extent live up to its name. The language has some more sexual content and the are only minimal scene extensions. Furthermore, the film is only 40 seconds longer in the unrated version. The
remaining 1:20 minutes are outtakes which are found in between the end of the film and the credits.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12
without BBFC cuts for:
Nymphomaniac: Volume 1 is a 2013 Denmark/Germany/France/Belgium/UK drama by Lars von Trier. With Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård and Stacy Martin.
Uncut by UK and US film censors. Exists as a Theatrical Version and a
Director's Cut. The film was banned in Armenia, Romania, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
The Hollywood Reporter says that the prestigious Berlin Film Festival will play host to the world premiere of to the director's cut
version of Nymphomaniac: Volume 1.
The initially reported plan was Nymphomaniac would be cut in two versions. One would be a (digitally faked) hardcore version The other would be a tamer version. However, Joe's odyssey of
sexual adventure ballooned into a running time of over four hours, and from there talk switched from two versions of one film to two volumes divided by chapters.
Von Trier's cut clocked in at over five and a half hours long. From
there, producers were looking to trim Nymphomaniac to four hours, and then split that running time in half for Volumes 1 & 2 . This trimmed producer's cut is what is expected to debut in Denmark on Christmas Day.
The Wall
Street Journal reports that In general, apart from scenes with oral sex, the onscreen activity is not as graphic as in adult fare (In addition, unlike in real porn, body doubles are used). Also, the film often portrays sex as a mechanical, unemotional
act. Von Trier seems to want to show that appetite for sex is human, but that it also sometimes makes humans act inhuman.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut
for strong real sex, very strong language for:
2023 Curzon Film Lars Von Trier A Curzon Collection (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2015 Artificial Eye [Part 1 + Part 2 Director's Cut] (RB) Blu-ray at UK
Amazon released on 11th May 2015
2015 Artificial Eye [Part 1 + Part 2 Director's Cut] R2 DVD
at UK Amazon released on 11th May 2015
Did we really need more? Did we really need to see a graphic self-abortion, male genitals in all manner of pre/post sexual release? Did we need more conversations between Joe and Seligman?
After viewing Lars Von Trier's director's cut of Nyphomaniac, packing in at least 40 more minutes of provocative button pushing, the answer is an enthusiastic Yes!
In the new cut, there is more of the
father figure, we can see how the rest of Joe's life becomes predatory and predestined. We also get more explicit looks at the character's early travails. The train tryst before offers up some hardcore results now. And then there is the abortion. It's
graphic. It's gross. It's gruesome. But it's also a necessary part of Joe's past.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong real sex and very strong language for:
2014 Artificial Eye [The Lars von Trier Collection] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Artificial Eye [The Lars von Trier Collection] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2014 Artificial
Eye [Vol I + Vol II] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2014 Artificial Eye [Vol I + Vol II] R2
DVD at UK Amazon
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented in the 2014 Annual Report:
Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 and Nymphomaniac Vol. 2 both include explicitly presented scenes of unsimulated sex, including oral sex and penetration of the vagina.
Nymphomaniac: Volume 2 is a 2013 Denmark/Belgium/France/Germany/UK mystery drama by Lars von Trier. With Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård and Stacy Martin.
Uncut by UK and US film censors. Exists as a Theatrical Version and a
Director's Cut. The film was banned in Armenia, Romania, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
Summary Notes
The continuation of Joe's sexually dictated life delves into the darker aspects of her adult life and what
led to her being in Seligman's care.
Director's Cut
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18
uncut for strong real sex, strong violence, self-administered abortion for:
2023 Curzon Film Lars Von Trier A Curzon Collection (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
2015 Artificial Eye [Part 1 + Part 2 Director's Cut] (RB) Blu-ray at UK
Amazon released on 11th May 2015
2015 Artificial Eye [Part 1 + Part 2 Director's Cut] R2 DVD
at UK Amazon released on 11th May 2015
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong violence, strong real sex and strong sex references for:
2014 Artificial Eye [The Lars von Trier Collection] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Artificial Eye [The Lars von Trier Collection] R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2014 Artificial
Eye [Vol I + Vol II] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2014 Artificial Eye [Vol I + Vol II] R2
DVD at UK Amazon
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented in the 2014 Annual Report:
Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 and Nymphomaniac Vol. 2 both include explicitly presented scenes of unsimulated sex, including oral sex and penetration of the vagina. In the second of
the two films there were also scenes of sadomasochistic activity, including heavy whipping to a woman's buttocks.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray