He Rides Tall is a 1964 USA western by RG Springsteen. Starring Tony Young, Dan Duryea and Jo Morrow.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated 1964 cinema release. Uncut and PG rated for
2017 VoD.
Summary Notes
It's the last day on the job for Marshal Morg Rocklin who plans to get married. The new Marshal is due in town the next day. Unfortunately, a bunch of troublemakers are in town.
Among them is rancher Joshua McCloud's no-good son who's bringing in a herd of cattle for sale. Immature, spoiled and quick tempered, the McCloud boy gets into an argument with his cowhands in the saloon and shoots one dead. The Marshal tries to arrest
McCloud's son who draws on the lawman and gets killed. Postponing his wedding, the Marshal rides out to break the sad news to old rancher McCloud who has recently taken a young gold-digger wife. The old man drinks too much lately. The Marshal fears the
worst for his meeting with the old rancher who doesn't yet know that his son was killed. To make matters worse, Bart Thorne, the McClouds' head ranch boss hates the Marshal and wants him dead.
UK: Passed PG uncut for mild violence, threat for:
Head Over Heels is a 2001 US romantic comedy by Mark Waters.
With Monica Potter, Freddie Prinze Jr. and Shalom Harlow.
Cut by the BBFC for a 12 rating in 2001. Uncut and PG-13 rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Amanda Pierce is from Iowa and works as a restorer of Renaissance paintings
for the New York Metropolitan Museum. She has just finished another frustrating relationship, when she found her boy-friend with a model on her bed. She decides to move and share a flat with four stupid but nice super-models. She meets Jim Winston, who
lives in front of her window. She falls in love with him. One day, she sees Jim killing a woman - Megan O'Brien - through her window and Amanda and her four roommates decide to investigate what really happened.
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and
therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
From a press release about the release: More Satisfying
Headspace, originally released theatrically in February, 2006, has been updated by director Andrew van den Houten and will actually run five minutes shorter than the
original theatrical version.
I'm thrilled that I'm finally able to make my intended vision of Headspace available to the public, said van den Houten. This director's cut serves the story better while emphasizing the
amazing abilities of everyone involved. When I revisited my first feature, I realized that there was a better, more taut way to present this thriller for a more satisfying experience for the viewer.
R Rated
US: There is also a US Theatrical Version
UK: A longer European Version was passed 15 uncut for:
The producers cut out the very first scene, where
Mickey's mother dies of cancer in hospital and the stress causes a Mickey to have a nosebleed...then, true to his nature, he casually asks the nurse, Does that mean we're goin' on holiday? This scene, and the short injection just after it (In
which Mickey (as a boy) says, Most all of us had a difficult childhood...but I think I got away with it. ) not only sets the tone, but establishes Mickey's character, how he reacts to stressful situations, and serves as foreshadowing for a
similarly stressful moment much later in the film. Bad choice on the production/editor's part.
A long version was passed 15 without cuts for the 1992 CIC video
A short version was passed 15 without cuts for the 1991 cinema release and 1992 CIC video
Heart of Midnight is a 1988 USA horror thriller by Matthew Chapman. Starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Brenda Vaccaro and Jack Hallett.
Cut by the BBFC for 1988 cinema and VHS releases of 1989 and 1996.
Summary Notes
Carol inherits a night club from her weird uncle. She moves into the place, only to find out just how weird her uncle really was. She begins to remember more about her very special
relationship with her uncle as she battles her memories and her surroundings in her new home.
Heart of the Dragon is a 1985 Hong Kong / Japan action crime comedy by Sammo Kam-Bo Hung and Fruit Chan. Starring Jackie Chan, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung and Emily Chu.
There are no censorship issues with this release. According to the director Sammo Hung the original version was the Hong Kong Version and that the the scenes added for the Japanese were in fact deleted scenes.
Summary Notes
Story of a cop who forsakes his dreams of sailing around the world so that he can care for his mentally retarded brother. Innocently caught up in a gangland fight, the brother is kidnapped to force the cop to turn over
a police informant.
Hong Kong Version
UK: The Hong Kong Version was passed 18 uncut for strong violence:
2020 88 Films [Hong Kong + Japanese Versions] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
2011 Cine-Asia/Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD titled Heart of the Dragon at UK Amazon
2004 Medusa Comms. & Marketing video
1999 MIA Video Entertainment VHS titled The First Mission
1998 MIA Video Entertainment [Subtitled, Widescreen] VHS titled
Heart of Dragon
1987 Video Programme Dists VHS titled The First Mission
Japanese Version
UK: BBFC details not yet published for the Japanese Version:
2020 88 Films [Hong Kong + Japanese Versions] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
From IMDb:
The Japanese version has three extra fight scenes, alternate soundtrack featuring Jackie Chan and an out take reel during the end credits. According to the director Sammo Hung the original version was the Hong Kong
Version and that the the scenes added for the Japanese were in fact deleted scenes. The Japanese distributors apparently asked for a version with more action.
scene is removed on all released DVD and High-Def media. After the completion of the end credits, a scene showing Eddie Cantrow's (Ben Stiller) bunkmate at camp saying good night and then snorting cocaine is removed (in reference to the deviated septum
scene in the film)
The Pre-cut version was passed 15 after further BBFC cuts for:
2008 Paramount R2 DVD
2007 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to remove strong visual sex reference, sight of donkey's erect penis in close proximity to woman, to achieve a 15 classification. An 18 uncut was available to the distributor.
The distributor chose to cover up the donkey's erection with a black rectangle on screen.
The BBFC explained further:
THE HEARTBREAK KID is a mix of screwball, farce and sex comedy. It was
passed '15' for very strong language and sex references. BBFC Guidelines on language at '15' state that "the strongest terms (eg 'cunt') will only be acceptable where justified by the context". In the context of this film, that is by a woman,
in pain, to a man and with obvious comic intent it was felt that the word could be passed at that level. The Guidelines for sex at the same category state that "Sexual activity may be portrayed but without strong detail. There may be strong verbal
references to sexual behaviour". The film contains several scenes that portray strong sex play, including sado masochistic acts and bestiality, but all presented in a comic way that avoids strong detail.
THE HEARTBREAK KID also contains hard
and soft drug use, again with an obvious comic intent. The film as a whole does not promote drug use, in line with BBFC Guidelines on drug use in films aimed at fifteen year olds and above.
One scene
is removed on all released DVD and High-Def media. After the completion of the end credits, a scene showing Eddie Cantrow's (Ben Stiller) bunkmate at camp saying good night and then snorting cocaine is removed (in reference to the deviated septum scene
in the film)
Heartbreak Ridge is a 1986 USA action war comedy by Clint Eastwood. Starring Clint Eastwood, Marsha Mason and Everett McGill.
BBFC category cuts were required for 15 rated cinema and VHS releases in
1986 and 1987. Uncut on DVD since 2001. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
1983. Tom Highway is a well-decorated career military man in the United States Marine Corps, he who has seen
action in Korea and Vietnam. His current rank is Gunnery Sergeant. His experiences have led him to become an opinionated, no nonsense man, who is prone to bursts of violence, especially when he's drunk, if the situation does not suit him, regardless of
the specifics or people involved. Because of these actions, he has spent his fair share of overnighters behind bars. Close to retirement, one of his last assignments, one he requested, is back at his old unit at Cherry Point, North Carolina, from where
he was transferred for insubordination. He is to train a reconnaissance platoon. His superior officer, the much younger and combat inexperienced Major Malcolm Powers, sees Highway as a relic of an old styled military.
From IMDb. The Theatrical version included a scene where Gunny Highway stands in front of one of the soldiers at the target practice, forcing him to shoot straight. Reportedly, this scene doesn't appear in the video release.
categor cuts
UK: Passed 15 after 15s of BBFC category cuts for:
1987 Warner Home Video VHS
1986 cinema release
Thanks to Ben and Scott. The BBFC cuts list was:
Reel 1
[opening scene with Eastwood and a bald man] In prison scene after credits, reduce coarseness of dialogue by removing the following: "If you want to pop that puppy's
can, you don't have to grease him that hard, jawhead.", "Ain't gonna be so smart with your balls stuffed in your mouth."
In song
improvised by black singer on coach, remove the words "She used my face as a bicycle seat..."
During their last (botched) operation, Hong Kong cops Chow Yun-Fat and Lui Fong accidentally cause the
slight head injury of a pretty young woman. Because she has entered the country illegally, and has no other place to live, she pretends that she has amnesia and that she thinks Yun-Fat is her husband. He feels guilty about her condition , so he
lets her stay in his house. But there is someone from her past stalking her, with bad intentions...
A Hearty Response is a film that could only have been made in Hong Kong. Is there any other country that would even
attempt to combine pleasant (and often funny) slapstick comedy, sweet romance, heartfelt melodrama, wild/crazy/furious action and sleazy, misogynistic violence in one film? Is there any other film that contains both brutal rape and a scene in which a boy
urinates into the mouth of a man pretending to be unconscious? I would recommend this picture, but with serious reservations, as its schizophrenic nature makes it not for all tastes.
The BBFC cut 2:51s from:
1991 Videosino VHS
Presumably the scene that troubled the censors was where Kwong Sun is held by the people smuggler. He ties her up, tattoos her, and finally rapes her.
v Heat
- 1972 USA comedy romance by Paul Morrissey.
Heat is a 1972 USA comedy romance by Paul Morrissey. Starring Joe Dallesandro and Sylvia Miles and Andrea Feldman.
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1973 and 18 rated VHS in
1991. BBFC cuts were waived for 18 rated VHS in 1996.
Summary Notes
"Heat" is a parody of "Sunset Boulevard." Joey Davis, an unemployed ex-child actor, uses
sex to get his landlady, Lydia, to reduce his rent, and then tries to exert his influence on Sally Todd, who is now washed-up and wasn't even more than slightly important at the height of her career. Sally tries to help Joey, until he realizes that she
just isn't well-connected enough to be of any service to him. The affair is complicated by Sally's psychotic, maybe-lesbian-or-maybe-not daughter Jessica, who tries to muscle in on her mother's relationship with Joey.
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous BBFC cuts waived:
Heat is a 1986 USA action crime thriller by Dick Richards (as RM Richards) and Jerry Jameson (uncredited). Starring Burt Reynolds, Karen Young and Peter MacNicol.
The US Version adds an extra scene to provide a happy ending/ International releases do not have this coda.
Summary Notes
Reynolds plays an ex-soldier-of-fortunish character in Vegas,
taking "Chaperone" jobs, fighting with the mob, and trying to get enough money together to move to Venice, Italy.
International Version
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
1988 Warner Home VHS
1986 cinema release
US Version
US: The US Version is MPAA R rated and has an extra scene to provide a happy ending:
All international releases of HEAT omit the final scene, in which Peter McNicol's character survives his shotgun blast. This happier ending can be found in the US DVD release only
v Heat
- 1995 USA action crime thriller by Michael Mann.
Heat is a 1995 USA action crime thriller by Michael Mann. Starring Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Val Kilmer.
Uncut and 15 rated by the BBFC for all releases. Blu-ray releases include a
couple of minor alterations by the director. The film is uncut and R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Hunters and their prey--Neil and his professional criminal crew hunt to score big money targets
(banks, vaults, armored cars) and are, in turn, hunted by Lt. Vincent Hanna and his team of cops in the Robbery/Homicide police division. A botched job puts Hanna onto their trail while they regroup and try to put together one last big 'retirement'
Definitive Version
UK: The Director's Definitive
Version is uncut for:
The movie offered on the Blu-rays is an altered versions of the theatrical cut, with alterations performed
by director Michael Mann:
At 61:09, in the theatrical version, the shot keeps showing Justine, while the altered version cuts to Vincent who looks pretty bored while his wife is having a monologue. Here, the first part of her line You sift through the detritus... has
been left out.
At 75:28, in the altered version, the small line Ferocious, aren't I? has been removed from the soundtrack
There is no sign of a BBFC database update to reflect these alterations
Theatrical Version
UK: Passed 15 uncut for:
1996 Warner VHS
1996 cinema release
v The Heat - 2013 USA
action crime comedy by Paul Feig.
The Heat is a 2013 USA action crime comedy by Paul Feig. With Sandra
Bullock, Michael McDonald and Melissa McCarthy.
There is an Unrated Cut and an R rated Theatrical Cut
Summary Notes
An uptight FBI Special Agent is paired with a foul-mouthed Boston cop to take down a ruthless drug lord.
UK: The Extended Version was passed 15 uncut for strong language, once very strong, violence
and sex references for (release details unconfirmed):
2013 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: The Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2013 20th Century Fox [Unrated + Theatrical] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Presumably the Blu-ray is Unrated, the DVD is R rated.
See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com . The Extended Version runs 3:12s longer, adding a little humour, and is worth a look. However it does not make a fundamental difference to the film.
R rated
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts for strong language, violence and sex
references for (release details unconfirmed):
2013 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment R2 DVD at UK Amazon
2013 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version is MPAA R rated for:
2013 20th Century Fox [Unrated + Theatrical] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
Le Ly's (Hiep Thi Le) torture scene loses 3s of head jerking from electric shock and the interrogator's knife threat; "Think about what this can do to your body". Also cut is the dialogue; "How will your baby like you with no nipples
or maybe I could cut some skin off your ass and make some sandals".
Still suffering Le Ly's feet are coated with honey so as to attract ants. A 9s shot of her bleeding feet has been deleted.
Not letting up, Le Ly has snakes let
loose amongst her clothing, 11s of Le Ly begging for mercy has been cut.
Le Ly next gets raped but this has been reduced to virtually nothing by the removal of 19s of nudity and views of the attacker.
UK: The Director's Cut/Original Cut/Extended Edition was passed 15 for strong violence, sexual violence, sexualised nudity and language after
59s of BBFC cuts for:
The submission of an uncut version of the film also gave the BBFC the chance to take a fresh
look at the scenes of animal cruelty. The BBFC concluded that the majority of the original cuts were still required under the BBFC policy on animal cruelty, including the cock fight and a number of obviously cruel forwards horse trips. However, the BBFC
also decided that a couple of trips, in which horses were pulled backwards or sideways, were not clearly unacceptable and could well have been achieved without any cruelty. Accordingly, those two brief cuts were waived.
UK: The Original Cut/Extended Edition was passed 18 after 1:14s of BBFC cuts for:
1986 Warner VHS
The BBFC cuts were for animal cruelty were the same as for the cinema release:
A cockfighting scene was cut
Several cruel horse falls were removed
148:11s =142:15s
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:
1981 cinema release
The BBFC cuts were for animal cruelty:
A cockfighting scene was cut
Several cruel horse falls were removed
The Theatrical Version was shortened after a disastrous reception at the US premiere.
Hebbuli - 2017 action drama by S Krishna and Rudresh M Gowda.
Hebbuli is a 2017 action drama by S Krishna and Rudresh M Gowda. Starring Crazy Star V
Ravichandran, Abhinaya Chakravarthy Kechchedeya Kichcha Sudeepa and Amala Paul.
BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release.
category cuts 1:16s
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, threat after 1:16s of BBFC category cuts for:
2017 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Distributor chose to remove sequences of strong violence and bloody detail in order to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
v Hell Baby
- 2013 USA comedy horror by Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon.
Hell Bent For Leather is a 1960 USA western by George Sherman. Starring Audie Murphy, Felicia Farr and Stephen McNally.
BBFC category cuts for a U rated 1960 cinema release. uncut for PG rated 2014 DVD.
Summary Notes
When Clay Santell
stops in the town of Sutterville after having his horse stolen, he is mistaken by townspeople for a murderer named Travers. The townspeople capture Santell, and turn him over to lawman Harry Deckett. Deckett, who is tired of chasing the real Travers,
decides to kill Santell and pass him off as Travers. Santell escapes from Deckett, taking lovely Janet Gifford hostage in the process. Janet comes to believe Santell's story, and helps him in his struggle to prove his real identity.
UK: Passed PG uncut for moderate violence for:
2014 101 Films R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 7th July 2014
UK Censorship History
BBFC category cuts for a U rated 1960 cinema release
Hell in the Pacific is a 1968 USA war adventure by John Boorman. Starring Lee Marvin and Toshirô Mifune.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an alternative version as intended by
director John Boorman
Summary Notes
During World War II, a shot-down American pilot and a marooned Japanese navy captain find themselves stranded on the same small uninhabited island in the Pacific
Ocean. Following war logic, each time the crafty Japanese devises something useful, he guards it to deny its use to the Yank, who then steals it, its proceeds or the idea and/or ruins it. Yet each gets his chance to kill and/or capture the other, but
neither pushes this to the end. After a while of this pointless pestering, they end up joining forces to build and man a raft...
Alternative Ending
~103:00 -~98:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA G rated for:
2017 Kino Lorber [Theatrical + Alternative versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
The Theatrical Version was not as intended by director John Boorman, except for France where it was insisted that the version screened should be director approved. John Boorman's ending was made available as a DVD extra but was not generally used for
the main feature. The US Blu-ray enables the film to be seen in both versions.
[ Spoilers! hover or click text below] The different endings are:
John Boorman's intended ending was for the proponents to get drunk, argue and go their own separate ways. The original distributors, perhaps with propaganda about reconciliation in mind, curtailed this return to hostility with rather abrupt
death and destruction via a bomb attack.
Theatrical Version
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed U uncut for:
Hell Night is a 1981 USA horror thriller by Tom DeSimone (as Tom De Simone). Starring Linda Blair, Vincent Van Patten and Peter Barton.
Uncut in the UK for X rated cinema release in 1981 and on pre-cert video. Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS but later passed 18 uncut for DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Suspense instead of nudity
& gore
Before being able to join Alpha Sigma Rho fraternity and its sister sorority, four pledges must spend the night in Garth Manor, twelve years to the day after the previous resident murdered his entire family.
Some, however, say that one member of the Garth family survived, and still resides somewhere in the now-deserted mansion.
Spooky teen slasher builds up a good amount of atmosphere and delivers suspense
instead of the usual nudity and gore. It also takes the time to build up characterizations for some of its characters. Linda Blair (a highly underrated actress) turns in a very appealing, strong & sexy performance and is supported by a better then
usual cast, including Peter Barton. The finale is especially exciting.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence and horror for:
Hell Prison is a 1973 Italy / USA crime drama by Rino Di Silvestro Starring Anita Strindberg, Eva Czemerys and Jenny Tamburi
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1974. Uncut and 18 rated on
home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Review: Most ridiculous prison riot ever
The WIP subplot comes in when the daughter of kidnapped
Mafia boss goes undercover in a woman's prison to protect and get information from the "new fish" (Jenny Tamburi). However, this surprisingly complex plot still leads to the usual shower scenes, catfights, lesbian groping, and everything else
audiences have come to expect from these type of films.
But as much as I enjoy seeing Tamburi,Strindberg, et. al. butt-naked, there is a total lack of character development in this movie and the acting is very sub-par, which is unfortunate
because Tamburi and Strindberg at least are capable of much better. And aside from his alleged realism, DeSilvestri doesn't demonstrate any real style in any of his films I've seen. I'd maybe recommend this, but it really depends on what your looking
Hell Prison is a 1980 Spain/Italy prison drama by Edoardo Mulargia. With Anthony Steffen, Ajita Wilson and Cristina Lay.
Banned by the BBFC from 1980 cinema release. Later seized by the police
during the video nasties panic. Cut for 1988 VHS. Uncut in the US
Summary Review: Eurotrash
All the girls look sweaty, stinky & dirty as they work, fight and make out with each other. That's about
it for plot until they do escape and most of them get killed. Europeans love those downbeat endings.
It's always nice to see Peter Lorre lookalike Luciano Pigozzi in another piece of low-rent Eurotrash like this. It's OK.
~93:00s =~89:00s
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2009 Shock-O-Rama Women in Prison Triple Feature R1 DVD via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon titled Escape from Hell
This film was later substantially re-cut for the US market with additional footage featuring Linda Blair. See Savage Island
UK: Passed 18 after 3:46s of BBFC cuts for:
1988 Sheptonhurst VHS titled Hell Prison
UK: Released on pre-cert VHS for:
1982 KM VHS
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and
therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
Hell Up in Harlem is a 1973 USA action crime thriller by Larry Cohen. Starring Fred Williamson, Julius Harris and Gloria Hendry.
Cut by the BBFC for an X rated 1876 cinema release. Uncut and 18 rated on
home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Tommy comes from a forced rest period due to injuries suffered in Harlem's gang warfare. With the help of his girl, he will reorganize his
gang, and overcome his rival gang leaders, through extreme acts of violence and death.
Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a 1987 UK horror by Clive Barker. With Doug Bradley, Ashley Laurence and Imogen Boorman.
The heavily cut R rated version was passed without further cuts
for cinema but was cut on VHS and 1999 DVD. The BBFC cuts were waived for the Unrated Version on DVD and Bu-ray
Summary Notes
Kirsty is brought to an institution after the death of her family, where the
occult-obsessive head resurrects Julia and unleashes the Cenobites once again.
2011 Image Midnight Madness Series R1 DVD
at US Amazon
2008 Starz/Anchor Bay 20th Anniversary Edition R1 DVD
Unrated Version Variant
US: There is variant unrated version available.
The main difference is an extra scene in hell where Kirsty finds herself in a
normal-looking room she associates with her childhood; a framed photograph of her parents is displayed on a bureau. She admires the photo and looks yearningly at her mother. After taking a short look around the room, she finds that Julia has replaced her
mother in the photo. Suddenly, it begins to ripple and a bevy of cockroaches burst forth from the frame. Roaches crawl forth from behind the bureau, toppling it, and she screams.
R Rated Version
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 after a further 1:07s of BBFC cuts for:
1999 VCI DVD
1999 VCI VHS
The extra minute over the previous version were said to consist of sound edits
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 after a further 7s of BBFC cuts for:
1990 RCA/Columbia VHS
The video version loses
Shortened scene of razor self-mutilation by a man on a mattress
4s of Julia embracing the self mutilated man in Channard's hospital visit.
cuts to 2 close-ups of a bare-breasted and tied up woman
Sky showed the completely uncut version of Hellbound, May 2003, on Sky 1. It had the razor scenes in it and all other cuts were restored. Same as the US unrated version. Either they didn't know what they were screening or they have more balls than
Channel 4 which showed a totally butchered version last year.
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18
without BBFC cuts for:
2017 cinema release
1989 cinema release
The US R rated version for cinema was cut as follows:
The opening replay of Frank's (Sean Chapman's) final moments from Hellraiser (11s worth) has been replaced by a close-up of Pinhead saying We'll tear your soul apart .
The creation of Pinhead loses 7 shots totalling 6s. ie 2 shots
of hooks digging into the flesh, 4 shots of a razor slitting his scalp and a shot of the final nail being driven deep into his skull.
55s has been deleted from Julia's (Claire Higgins') resurrection; 35s of razor slits, 16s of the victim
crawling across the floor and 4s of Julia feeding from the victim's neck.
The transformation of Channard (Kenneth Cranham) into a cenobite suffers; a 2s loss of an injection of needles, 3s of cheese wire digging into his skin and 4s of a thing
forcing its way into his mouth.
Kirsty's (Ashley Laurence's) encounter with Frank 2 cuts totalling 6s of Frank peeling the skin off his face and a 1s close-up of Julia's hand entering his back to rip his heart out.
Channard's hospital
visit has a 1s cut showing a knife jamming itself into a patients forehead
Channard's battle with the Cenobites loses 3s of a female cenobite's spear wound in the throat and 8s of Pinhead having his throat cut.
The climatic scene of
Channard's death has 2 cuts totalling 3s, ie a shot of his head being torn in half and his body spurting blood.
v Hellboy
- 2004 USA action Sci-Fi horror by Guillermo del Toro.
Hellboy is a 2004 USA action Sci-Fi horror by Guillermo del Toro. Starring Ron Perlman, Doug Jones and Selma Blair.
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a Director's Cut
In the final days of World War II, the Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause. The Allies raid the camp where the ceremony is taking place, but not before a demon - Hellboy - has already been
conjured. Joining the Allied forces, Hellboy eventually grows to adulthood, serving the cause of good rather than evil.
UK: The Director's Cut was passed 12 uncut for moderate fantasy violence and horror for:
2004 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment R1 DVD
at US Amazon
The additional material in the Director's Cut is uncontentious
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12/12A uncut for moderate fantasy violence and horror for:
2004 Columbia/Tri-Star Home video
2004 cinema release
Malaysia: The word 'Hell' was cut from the title by the
local censors of the LBF. The censorship board had stated that it did not want youngsters to hero-worship someone with a devil-sounding name. The film was consequently re-titled to Super Sapiens.
v Hellboy
- 2019 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Neil Marshall.
Hellboy is a 2019 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Neil Marshall. Starring Daniel Dae Kim, Milla Jovovich and David Harbour.
Never cut. BBFC 15 rated in the UK, 16 rated in Ireland, and MPAA R rated in the US. The film is 18 rated in Australia and the distributors failed in attempt to get the rating reduced to 15.
Appeal in Australia
The film censors of the Australian Classification Board rated the film as R18+ (18 in UK terms) for High impact violence, blood and gore.
The Australian distributors felt that a lower rating was a possibility, and appealed to the
Classification Review Board for an MA15+ (15A in UK terms).
However the Classification Review Board disagreed with the appeal and maintained the original rating of R18+ for High impact violence, blood and gore. The Review Board wrote:
A five-member panel of the Classification Review Board has unanimously determined that the film, Hellboy, is classified R 18+ (Restricted) with the consumer advice High impact violence, blood and gore.
In the Classification Review Board's opinion Hellboy warrants an R 18+ classification because the violence has a high impact. The overall impact of the classifiable elements in the film was high. It is the view of the Classification
Review Board that the fantasy context does not mitigate the cumulative impact of the violence on a more vulnerable audience.
Hellmaster is a 1992 USA horror thriller by Douglas Schulze. Starring John Saxon, David Emge and Amy Raasch.
Originally created for theatrical release as Them but was later re-cut for
straight to home video release as Hellmaster.
Summary Notes
A psychotic college professor uses unwitting students as laboratory rats, injecting them with a drug that mutates them into
gory killers.
Original Theatrical Version: Them
US: The Original Theatrical Version Uncut and MPAA Unated for:
2019 Vinegar Syndrome [Them + Hellmaster Versions] R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo titled Them at US Amazon
From Vinegar Syndrome:
HELLMASTER was originally titled THEM, but was subsequently re-edited with new footage also added and released straight to video and cable several years after its initial completion.
Director's Re-cut: Hellmaster
UK: The Director's Re-cut was passed 18 uncut for
strong bloody violence:
2005 ILC Prime video titled Hellmaster
US: The Director's Re-cut is uncut and MPAA Unated for: titled Hellmaster
2019 Vinegar Syndrome [Them + Hellmaster Versions] R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo titled Hellmaster at US Amazon
Cut in
2006 with the following BBFC comment: Company chose to remove an explicit sexual image (still photo of a woman with semen dripping from her chin and man's penis against her mouth) in order to achieve a 12 classification. An R18
without cuts was available
Hellraiser is a 1987 UK horror by Clive Barker. Starring Andrew Robinson, Clare Higgins and Ashley Laurence.
Originally cut to obtain an R rating but the resultant version became the definitive. Cut by the BBFC for video from 1988 to 1999. The UK original cinema version was uncut but the BBFC cut VHS releases until 1999. DVDs are uncut.
Summary Review: Dark Masterpiece
Hellraiser is a dark masterpiece from the twisted world of Clive Barker. Based upon his novel The Hellbound Heart , Barker takes us on a trip where
people desperate for kicks search out for the ultimate thrill. A sleaze ball named Frank buys a gaudy looking Rubik's cube that he bought at a bizarre bazaar. Frank gets more than he bargained for when he some how manages to open it up.
A great
horror flick that'll send legit chills up your spine. This film not only marks Clive Barker's feature length debut but it introduces the world (and pop culture) to Pinhead! If you don't know by now Pinhead is the coldest and coolest fiend to ever come
across the screen in years. He only has an an extended cameo in this one but he'll be back in the latter films. A highly recommended horror classic.
Germany: An extended version was released in Germany for:
2017 Turbine Trilogy (RB) Blu-ray
This version contains 6 extra frames in the scene where Frank is ripped apart from chains, probably restored via the scene setting flashback in the sequel. See
article from movie-censorship.com
Director approved
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong, bloody violence after previous BBFC cuts were waived for:
This version was originally cut by 30s to secure an MPAA R rating but it seems that Barker was generally happy with the result after these cuts, and the current version is his preferred cut. (Possibly after a test screening suggested that the audience
proved hostile to the Cenobite carnage during the assault on Kirsty's room). The cuts were:
S&M spanking between Julia and Frank, a suggestion of anal sex, and a reduction to the of thrusts during the sex scene
One of Julia's victims expecting sex was originally naked but was clothed after censors' intervention
Consecutive hammer blows were reduced from 4 to 3 as Julia murders her 1st victim. The sight of the impact of a hammer blow was deleted.
Shots of Kirsty's fingers entering Frank's stomach were deleted.
Frank being ripped apart with hooks was reduced and a shot of him licking his lips was deleted
UK: Passed 18 after 4s of BBFC cuts for:
1999 VCI P&S R2 DVD
1999 VCI P&S VHS
1991 VCI VHS
1988 New World VHS
During a scene with Julia (Claire Higgins) attacking her first victim with a hammer, the BBFC asked for several cuts:
After second blow with hammer, cut away as stunned man turns into shot before extreme bloodiness of head and face are revealed;
After woman walks forward with hammer, remove sight of man's
pleading, blood-streaked face before she enters shot to mask him, and cut away as his bloody face is revealed right as her arm rises past it, resuming on frontal shot of her swinging hammer;
After he falls into
close-up on floor, reduce sight of his blood-streaked face and shot of her panting in satisfaction, resuming just before she drops hammer.
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth is a 1992 USA / Canada horror by Anthony Hickox. Starring Terry Farrell, Doug Bradley and Kevin Bernhardt.
Cut for a US R rating and passed without further BBFC cuts for 1992 cinema release and VHS. The Directors Cut was passed 18 uncut for 18 rated VHS and DVD.
Summary Notes
Pinhead is
stuck in a block after the Big Confrontation in "Hellbound," The block containing Pinhead and the puzzle cube is bought by a young playboy as sculpture. Pinhead busies himself escaping by getting the playboy to lure victims to his presence so
he can use their blood. Once free, he seeks to destroy the puzzle cube so he need never return to Hell, but a female reporter is investigating the grisly murders and stands in his way.
uncut alternative
UK: The Unrated Version/Director's Cut was
passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline is a 1996 USA / UK Sci-Fi horror by Kevin Yagher (as Alan Smithee) Starring Bruce Ramsay, Valentina Vargas and Doug Bradley
Not cut by censors and only released in one version. However the studio were
unimpressed by the original submission by Kevin Yagher and extensive changes were made prior to release. There exists a partial workprint revealing how the earlier version of the film panned out. See IMDb for further details.
Hells Angels on Wheels is a 1967 USA crime thriller by Richard
Rush. Starring Adam Roarke, Jack Nicholson and Sabrina Scharf.
Banned by the BBFC for 1967 cinema release. Unbanned after cuts for 1977 X rated cinema release. Massively cut for 18 rated 1988 VHS, and slightly less cut for 2005 15 rated DVD. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes: Classic
At first gas station attendant Poet is happy when the rockers gang "Hell's Angels" finally accepts him. But he's shocked when he learns how brutal they are - not even murder is a taboo to them. He gets
himself in trouble when the leader's girlfriend falls in love with him - and he welcomes her approaches.
Anyone with a more than curious interest in the Hells Angels will enjoy this piece of nostalgia. This is one of
the few films to be openly supported by the Hells Angels themselves.
While the story line may seem somewhat dated by modern standards, it does encompass what I feel to be some of the most classic aspects of the Angels
lifestyle of the time. A real treat for the biker movie buff.
The 1988 video version featured a new opening montage of rape and violence scenes which were not in the original cinema print, and these scenes (totalling 11 minutes) were completely removed by the BBFC
also removed shots of kidney punches
during the hotel fight.
Hell'z Windstaff is a 1979 Hong Kong action film by Chun-Ku Lu (as Chun-Ku Lo). Starring Jang-Lee Hwang, Yuen Man Meng and Hoi Mang.
The UK BBFC 18 rated VHS in 1998 was pre-cut for violence and animal
Summary Notes
Two young kung fu experts are terrorized by an evil warlord whose weapon is known as the Hell's Wind Staff. With the aid of an old rival of the warlord,
they train in the Dragon Hands and the Rowing Oar to face off against the deadly Hell's Wind Staff.
UK: A pre-cut version missing 44s was passed 18 without further cuts:
Hemoglobin is a 1997 Canada / USA horror by Peter Svatek. Starring Gillian Ferrabee, Pascal Gruselle and Roy Dupuis.
Generally uncut but there exists a cut US R rated version on VHS.
Summary Notes
A man with an unknown disease travels to an island with his girlfriend where his relatives once lived, hoping to find a cure to his illness. While it was thought that his relatives were
all dead he actually finds them to be living underground. However because they have been inbreeding for all these years they don't look right, plus they have developed a pretty bad eating habit. Will he chose his girlfriend or his people?
Henry & June is a 1990 USA / France biography by Philip Kaufman.
Starring Fred Ward, Uma Thurman and Maria de Medeiros.
Never cut by UK or US censors but lays claim to a little censorship history as the first film to be rated NC-17 by the MPAA.
Censorship History
The NC-17 rating was introduced in September 1990 and Henry and June was released in October 1990 with its previously assigned X rating being substituted with an NC-17 rating. IMDb adds:
This movie
precipitated the creation of the NC-17 MPAA rating, which it earned in place of an X. The two to three second shot of Anaïs Nin (Maria de Medeiros) looking at an explicit illustrated postcard involving a Japanese woman and a squid, less than three
minutes into the opening credits of the film, was the cause of the NC-17 rating.
Henry likes to kill people, in different ways each time. Henry shares an apartment with Otis. When Otis' sister comes to stay, we see both sides of Henry; the "guy-next-door" and the serial killer. Low budget
movie, with some graphic murder scenes.
Henry: Portrait of a serial killer is one of the most disturbing films you are ever likely to see. Not because of any extreme violence or gore, but because of it's very real
premise and it having the objectivity of a documentary. This was one of the first movies of it's time to show serial killers how they really are. They aren't wise cracking geniuses such as Hannibal Lector and the like, they are very cold, detached
individuals who seem indifferent to what they are doing. Henry could be anyone in the street, he could be standing next to you and you wouldn't know what he is, this film is set very much in the real world.
The movies
"hero" is Henry, played brilliantly by Michael Rooker, an exterminator/handyman who drifts from town to town indulging in his uncontrollable need to murder, and he does so, almost as if he isn't aware of what he is doing is wrong. We see Henry
change from polite, if slightly stupid, exterminator to his murderous alter-ego.
All copies of the Arrow 4K and regular Blu-Ray versions are faulty! They contain a picture glitch that occurs for about three seconds around the 28m mark.
The Blu-Ray also has an additional fault, with the transfer of the film being in the incorrect colour range. (It looks bleached-out all the way through the entire film.)
Customers who've bought either version should wait to hear
from Arrow's social media teams on Facebook on how to get their discs repla
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous cuts waived for:
2011 Studiocanal Special Edition RB Blu-ray/R2 DVD Combo at UK Amazon
2003 Optimum R2 DVD
2003 cinema release
UK: Shown uncut with local authority permission but no BBFC certificate for:
1989 cinema release at London's NFT and Scala cinemas
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2016 MPI 30th Anniversary Edition RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
For the 2001 DVD release, the minor cut to the murder of the
TV salesman has been waived. In addition, many of the cuts previously made to the camcorder sequence have been removed, including the re-editing of this scene. Whereas the scene was cut by 24 seconds on film and by a total of 1 minute 11 seconds (plus
reordering) on video, it has now been cut by only 10 seconds in all to remove the sexualised image of the woman victim's breasts being mauled. The opening sequence showing the female corpse on the toilet, has, however, once again been deleted as per the
previous UK film and video releases.
However, the story is not quite that simple. The BBFC only insisted on 27 seconds of cuts (comprising 10 seconds from the camcorder sequence and 17 seconds from the 'corpse on toilet' scene), but
an additional 21 seconds of cuts were in fact made by the distributor. The reason for this lies in the corpse on toilet shot. As stated above, this entire scene was cut from the previous film and video releases. On this occasion, however, the Board
agreed that the beginning of the scene could be left in, showing the camera panning across the room to reveal the corpse on the toilet. The scene could then be cut after the corpse is revealed to remove only the zoom into and pan down the woman's blood
stained body. However, the distributor chose to remove the entire sequence as per the previous film and video releases, rather than merely edit out the last part of the scene. That is unfortunate in one sense but it is, of course, their choice. In fact,
they have probably decided to do it this way because the cut looks too obvious if made in the way we directed, whereas by removing the whole sequence what could have looked rather clumsy actually runs smoothly.
total cuts
pre-cut 38s
UK: The 1:02s cut cinema version was passed 18 a further 51s of BBFC cuts now totalling 1:53s for:
1993 Electric Video VHS
The much delayed video release suffered additional BBFC cuts as follows:
A minor cut of 4 seconds was required for video to the killing of the TV warehouse man. A cut was made after the flex was wrapped round his throat to reduce the number of stabbings with the soldering iron, and resuming on shots of Henry's face.
More significantly, however, additional alterations were required to the camcorder sequence, which had already been cut by 24 seconds for cinema release. Not only were further cuts totalling 47 seconds made to remove violent details of the scene,
particularly the on-screen killings of the mother and son, but the sequence of the scene was also notoriously reordered at James Ferman's insistence. James Ferman insisted that part of the concluding reaction shot of Henry and Otis on the sofa should be
inserted earlier in the 'camcorder' scene. This was intended to interrupt any 'masturbatory potential'.
total cuts
pre-cut 38s
UK: A 38s pre-cut version was passed 18 after a further 24s of BBFC cuts totalling 1:02s for:
1991 cinema release
The total cuts were:
one sequence near the beginning, totalling 38 seconds, had been voluntarily removed by the film's distributor. This showed the corpse of one of Henry's victims seated on a lavatory with her breast exposed and a broken bottle protruding from her blood
streaked face and neck.
The BBFC required 24 seconds of further cuts. These additional cuts were made to the 'camcorder' sequence. Cuts were made to remove the movement of the killer's hand to the female victim's pubic area and to reduce to a
minimum the mauling of her breasts before and after she is killed.
Hercules is a 2014 USA action adventure by Brett Ratner. Starring Dwayne Johnson, John
Hurt and Ian McShane.
The Theatrical Version suffered BBFC advised category cuts for a 2014 12A rated cinema release. The BBFC cuts were adopted for worldwide release. There is also an Unrated Extended Version.
Summary Notes
Fourteen hundred years BCE, a tormented soul walked the earth that was neither man nor god. Hercules was the powerful son of the god king Zeus, for this he received nothing but suffering his entire life. After twelve arduous labours
and the loss of his family, this dark, world-weary soul turned his back on the gods finding his only solace in bloody battle. Over the years he warmed to the company of six similar souls, their only bond being their love of fighting and presence of
death. These men and women never question where they go to fight or why or whom, just how much they will be paid. Now the King of Thrace has hired these mercenaries to train his men to become the greatest army of all time. It is time for this bunch of
lost souls to finally have their eyes opened to how far they have fallen when they must train an army to become as ruthless and blood thirsty as their reputation has become.
US: The Extended Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
2014 Paramount [3D + 2D] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD Combo via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon released on 4th November 2014
2014 Paramount [2D only] RA Blu-ray/R1 DVD
Combo via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon released on 4th November 2014
Note that Extended Cut will be on Blu-ray only and the DVD looks likely to contain the Theatrical Version
See pictorial version details from
movie-censorship.com : The Extended Version adds lots of blood to the fight/battle scenes and makes for a more violent movie that would never have made a PG-13 rating. In
addition the Extended Version adds 3:31s of plot which does not make a lot of difference but helps to explain the conflicts with General Sitacles.
advised category cuts
UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, bloody images, moderate sex references, strong language after BBFC advised pre-cuts for:
2014 Paramount [2D + 3D] Blu-ray
2014 Paramount DVD
2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
This film was originally seen for advice in an incomplete form. The company was informed that it was likely to be classified 15, but that their preferred 12A could be achieved by reducing
some bloody detail in three scenes. When the finished version was submitted for formal classification, those moments had been addressed.
The BBFC further commented in the 2014 Annual Report:
The company
chose to remove bloody detail, such as the focus on a bloody chest wound and a slit throat.
US: The BBFC advised cuts were adopted for the Theatrical Version which was rated MPAA PG-13 for epic battle sequences,
violence, suggestive comments, brief strong language and partial nudity.
Hercules and the Captive Women - 1961 Italy / France action fantasy adventure by Vittorio Cottafavi. See
Hercules Conquers Atlantis
Hercules Conquers Atlantis is a 1961 Italy / France action fantasy adventure by Vittorio Cottafavi. Starring Reg Park, Fay Spain and Ettore Manni.
BBFC category cuts were required for a U rated 1962 cinema release. Uncut on 1986 VHS. Shortened in the US.
Summary Notes
Strong yet sleepy Hercules discovers that the Queen of
Atlantis is plotting to take over the world with superhuman warriors.
The ever intrepid world-trotting hunk of a man Herc (Hercules to those who are not his friends) saves a beautiful maiden from the hands of an evil creature. She
takes him to her home, Atlantis. Herc kicks some butt and saves her from her mother who wants to kill her and from some scary looking blond guys but unfortunately the rest of the inhabitants are destroyed. Do not worry because Herc escapes along with his
son, the maiden and an annoying midget.
Original Version/Hercules Conquers Atlantis
UK: Passed PG uncut for:
1986 Heron VHS
category cuts
UK: Passed U after BBFC category cuts for:
1962 cinema release
US Version/Hercules and the Captive Women
US: The Shortened US Version is MPAA Unrated for:
2021 Film Detective Limited Edition (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad released on 13th April
2021 Film Detective Limited Edition R1 DVD at US Amazon #ad released on 13th
April 2021
Confusingly shortened for US release and titled Hercules and the Captive Women
Hercules in the Center of the Earth is a 1961 Italy / West Germany horror fantasy adventure by Mario Bava. Starring Reg Park, Christopher Lee and Leonora Ruffo.
Exists as a US version, a UK version and a European version.
Promotional Material
Immediately following the success of Black Sunday, Mario Bava was recruited to direct (and
photograph) the second of Reg Park's Hercules films for producer Achille Piazzi. Freely departing from Roman mythology, the film gave Bava the opportunity to reimagine the sword-and-sandal genre. On its surface a jovial comedy adventure, Hercules in the
Haunted World features a striking use of color, which would become one of Bava's directorial hallmarks. But this playful peplum is tinged with a sense of genuine foreboding, voiced by a masked oracle Medea (Gaia Germani) in one of the film's most
stunning sequences. When Hercules descends into the depths of hell and confronts Lico (Christopher Lee), who has the power to call forth corpses from their tombs, the film plunges into the eye-popping, bone-chilling horror for which Bava had recently
become famous.
US Version
US: The US Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Kino Classics [US + UK + European Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon titled Hercules in the Haunted World
2019 Kino Classics Amazon Prime VoD [US only] at US Amazon
US: The UK Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Kino Classics [US + UK + European Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon titled Hercules in the Haunted World
2019 Kino Classics Amazon Prime VoD [US only] at US Amazon
UK: A short version was passed U
1962 cinema release titled Hercules in the Center of the Earth
European Version
US: The European Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
2019 Kino Classics [US + UK + European Versions] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon titled Hercules in the Haunted World
2019 Kino Classics Amazon Prime VoD [US only] at US Amazon
One cut was waived when resubmitted in 2003. The BBFC still cut 0s with the following statement:
Distributor required to cut sight and sound of a wrist break, head butt and double ear clap for 12
Here We Go Around the Mulberry Bush is a 1968 comedy drama by Clive Donner. With Barry Evans, Judy Geeson and Angela Scoular.
Cut by the BBFC for 1967 X rated cinema release. Uncut and 15 rated on home video.
Promotional Material
Based on the novel of the same name by Hunter Davies, this glossy
coming-of-age comedy, directed by Clive Donner ( The Caretaker ), follows the exploits of sex-obsessed Jamie (Barry Evans Adventures of a Taxi Driver, Mind Your Language ) as he attempts to join the Swinging Sixties and lose his virginity
by seducing the local girls.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for moderate sex and sexualised nudity for:
Hero is a 1997 Hong Kong/China action drama by Corey Yuen Starring Takeshi Kaneshiro, Biao Yuen and Jessica Hester Hsuan
Exists as an International Version and an extended Taiwan Version.
Promotional Material
Corey Yuen's remake of Chang Cheh's Boxer From Shantung sees Taiwanese Japanese heart-throb Takeshi Kaneshiro as Ma Wing-jing, a worker from Shantung who rises to the top of the Shanghai triad
International Version
UK: The International Version was passed 15 uncut for
strong bloody violence, injury detail:
Hero of Shaolin is a 1984 Taiwan action film by Mai Chen Jsai. Starring Fei Chan, Shun Chien and Yuen-cheh Chin.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1987 VHS. Uncut for 15 rated 2014 DVD.
Promotional Material
A troupe of monks from the Shaolin Temple embark on a mission to get the Golden Sutra to Tibet after the Shaolin Abbot is killed by their traitorous teacher. They are joined on
their quest by a beautiful, female warrior - with aims to avenge her father's death.
UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence, brief sexual threat for:
2014 Terracotta Distribution R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 10th
November 2014
Heroes Shed No Tears is a 1986 Hong Kong action war drama by John Woo. Starring Eddy Ko, Ching-Ying Lam and Philippe Loffredo.
Uncut and 18 rated on DVD and Blu-ray. Various shortened versions also
exist notably the Hong Kong or International Version which omits the sex scene that John Woo did not like.
There is a documentary explaining how the released version differ from John Woo's workprint. It appears that Korean connections to the film
makers enabled John Woo's version to be released on Korean bootleg VHS, but otherwise this version has not been officiially released.
Summary Notes
The Thai government hires a
group of Chinese mercenaries to capture a powerful drug lord from the Golden Triangle. The mercenaries manage to capture the drug lord, but soon find themselves pursued by his forces, and the forces of a bitter Thai officer. The Chinese mercenaries are
vastly outnumbered, and as their numbers begin to dwindle, their desperation pulls them into a corner as their enemies close in on them.
Korean Version
Korea: John Woo's version of the film was released on bootleg VHS in Korea
UK: The Long Version was previously passed 18 uncut for:
2020 88 Films Limited Edition [Long Version + International Cut] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
UK: The Long Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence:
2006 Contender Entertainment Group video
International Version
UK: The shorter International Version was passed 18 uncut for:
1996 Missing in Action VHS
1996 Missing in Action [Dubbed] VHS
1991 Videosino VHS
There are various shortened versions but the most likely is the Hong Kong Version that omits a drugs based sex scene which the director did not like, but was imposed by the producers for commercial reasons. See
version details from movie-censorship.com
Hidden Rage is a 1988 USA horror thriller by Shuki Levy. Starring Deborah Shelton, Lyman Ward and Tom Dugan.
Banned by the BBFC for 1988 VHS release. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Also banned by the Australian film censor.
Summary Notes
A psycho who has contracted AIDS blames women for his disease, and begins to stalk and kill beautiful girls.
US: MPAA R rated but only released in VHS:
1988 Academy VHS titled Perfect Victims
UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
1988 Braveworld VHS
The BBFC commented:
HIDDEN RAGE was submitted on video in August 1988 and rejected after numerous viewings of it including one involving the president and vice presidents of the BBFC. This video, with its portrait of an
AIDS victim as a twisted and sadistic monster, seemed to the board to be contrived so as to provide titillatory rape sequences for male audiences and cutting was therefore not an option.
Hide and Go Shriek is a 1988 USA horror thriller by Skip Schoolnik. Starring Bunky Jones, Brittain Frye and Annette Sinclair.
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1988 VHS. Uncut and 18 rated for 2004 DVD but
it is not clear whether an R rated or slightly longer Unrated version was submitted.
Summary Notes
A group of teens decide to spend a night at a furniture store the father of one of them owns. A
homeless ex-con security guard is staying the night too. During the night, someone with a taste for cross-dressing breaks in and begins to pick off the teens during a game of hide and seek.
US: The Unrated Version is uncut
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 for sexualised horror and strong language for with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2017 88 Films RB Blu-ray/R2 Combo at UK Amazon titled Hide and Go
2007 Scanbox Entertainment R2 DVD at UK Amazon titled
Hide and Go Shriek
2004 Bellevue Entertainment video titled Hide and Go Shriek
US: A re-mastered version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:
It is not confirmed that all UK releases are the R rated Version but according to Bill Olsen of Code Red the R rated version was latterly used because the cut scenes are not available in high definition.
Hide and Seek is a 1964 UK action crime thriller by Cy
Endfield. With Ian Carmichael, Curd Jürgens and Janet Munro.
Cut by the BBFC for a U rated cinema release in 1964
Summary Notes
A professor of astronomy helping on a missile development program. An old friend of his is a Russian chess champion. The Russian is working with shady businessman Marek and they plan to kidnap the professor and make it
look as though he has defected to the Soviet Union.
category cuts
UK: Presumable the cut cinema version was passed PG without further BBFC cuts for mild violence for:
2014 Network video
UK: Passed U after BBFC category cuts for:
1964 cinema release
UK Censorship History
Cut by the BBFC for a U rated cinema release in 1964
v Hide and Seek
- 2005 USA/Germany horror mystery thriller by John Polson.
Hide and Seek is a 2005 USA/Germany horror mystery
thriller by John Polson. Starring Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning and Famke Janssen.
Exists with 4 different uncontentious endings
Summary Notes
Hide and Seek revolves around a widower and his daughter. They move to upstate and Emily soon creates an imaginary friend named Charlie... but this act takes an unexpected and
terrifying turn, where her father and doctor start to worry about Emily's gruesome habits.
International Version
UK: No BBFC cuts to the 15 rated 2005 cinema release and 2005 20th Century Fox DVD
This is the International
Version with 1 of 4 alternative uncontentious endings
Domestic Version
UK: No BBFC cuts to the 15 rated 2005 cinema release and 2005 20th Century Fox DVD#
This is the Domestic Version
with 1 of 4 alternative uncontentious endings
v High Crime
- 1973 Italy / Spain crime thriller by Enzo G Castellari.
High Crime is a 1973 Italy / Spain crime thriller by Enzo G Castellari. Starring Franco Nero, James Whitmore and Delia Boccardo.
The Original Version was cut by the BBFC for an X rated cinema release in
1974. The BBFC cuts were waived for a 15 rated Export Version in 2019.
Summary Notes
An Italian police inspector matches wits with a powerful European drug ring. As he comes closer to
the top of the underworld organization, his odds of survival decrease.
Export Version
Export Version
UK: The Export Version was passed 15 for strong bloody
violence with previous BBFC cuts waived:
UK: Passed Suitable for 15 years and over uncut for:
2022 Studiocanal Cult Classics (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad released on
6th June 2022
2022 Studiocanal Cult Classics R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 6th June 2022
2019 Studio Canal video
The English Export Version was shortened via various trims, including five minutes of the climax, which changes the outcome for certain characters.
Original Version
Original Version
US: The Original Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:
2024 Blue Underground R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo at US Amazon #ad
High Plains Drifter is a 1973 USA western by Clint Eastwood. With Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom and Marianna Hill.
Cut by the BBFC for 1973 X rated cinema release but uncut on 18 rated home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes
A gunfighting stranger comes to the small settlement
of Lago and is hired to bring the townsfolk together in an attempt to hold off three outlaws who are on their way.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong
violence and sexual violence for:
2014 Universal Blu-ray Collection R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
High School High is a 1996 USA crime comedy romance by Hart
Bochner. Starring Jon Lovitz, Tia Carrere and Louise Fletcher.
Cut by the BBFC for cinema and VHS, later uncut on DVD. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US.
Summary Notes
Richard Clark has just left the well-known Wellington Academy to teach at
Marion Barry High School. Now, he will try to inspire the D-average students into making good grades and try to woo a fellow teacher.
High Tension is a 2003 France horror by Alexandre Aja Starring Cécile de France, Maïwenn and Philippe Nahon
The US theatrical releases was cut for an MPAA R rating. US home video releases are
uncut and MPAA Unrated. Worldwide cinema releases outside the US are generally uncut but cuts were made in South Korea and Germany.
Summary Notes
Best friends Marie and Alexia decide
to spend a quiet weekend at Alexia's parents' secluded farmhouse. But on the night of their arrival, the girls' idyllic getaway turns into an endless night of horror.
UK: Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for strong bloody violence, gore, sexual violence:
2023 Second Sight Films Limited Edition R0 4K Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
US: The Theatrical release was cut by about 2m for an MPAA R rating.
From IMDB:
Lions Gate was originally going to release the film uncut with an NC-17 rating theatrically but theaters were not too happy with the idea so Lion Gate cut about 2 minutes for the US theatrical release to secure a "R" rating. The
changes were:
Alex's father is graphically decapitated with a bookcase, his headless neck spraying blood. In the R-rated version, the initial killing is implicit rather than explicit, and later, during a flashback, his killing is gone.
The scene of the
killer applying a concrete saw to the stomach of the man driving the car was edited shorter
When Alex's mother has her throat slashed, the scene is edited short; most of the arterial spurting, as the killer pulls back her head, is gone. The shot
of her severed hand also is removed, leaving no indication of what exactly happened to her.
The scene where Marie strikes the killer's face in with the barbed wire post is shortened and less explicit; Marie hits the killer fewer times, and there
are fewer details of the killer's wounds shown.
High-Yield Hydroponic Systems is a one-hour video work offering the viewer clear and detailed guidance on the cultivation of cannabis
plants. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, the cultivation of cannabis plants is illegal in the UK (without a license or other authority from the Secretary of State for research purposes), as is the ownership, use and supply of cannabis. Indeed,
although apparently produced in the US, it is made clear during the video that the growing of cannabis is illegal in many parts of the word and advice and tips are offered on how to avoid detection. The intention of the work is clearly to assist people
in breaking the law by giving detailed advice on how to cultivate an illegal drug. The work both constitutes an incitement to commit a criminal offence and, in contravention of the BBFC's Guidelines, promotes and encourages the use of illegal drugs.
The BBFC's Guidelines clearly set out the Board's serious concerns about the portrayal of illegal drugs, particularly when the work in question promotes or encourages their use. The Board's Guidelines clearly state that "No work taken as a whole
may promote or encourage the use of illegal drugs". Furthermore, under the terms of the Video Recordings Act 1984, the BBFC is required, when making a determination as to whether a video work is suitable for classification, to "have special
regard (among the other relevant factors) to any harm that may be caused to potential viewers or, through their behaviour to society, by the manner in which the work deals with [...] illegal drugs" [Video Recordings Act 1984 section 4A(1)].
The Board considered whether cutting the work would be a viable alternative to refusing a classification certificate but found that, because the entire purpose of the video is to assist and encourage in breaking the law, this was not a viable option.
It is our conclusion therefore that this video work is in conflict with the Board's published Guidelines and the requirements of the Video Recordings Act. In line with its specific duties under the Video Recordings Act, the Board is required to
treat material of this kind very carefully indeed and the Board therefore finds this to be unacceptable for a classification certificate to be issued to it.
The special effects sounds have undergone re-recording, including adding the so called buzz the immortals feel when another immortal appears close by.
The chants Kill the MacLeod! at the beginning of the film are removed
The McLeod, this is the Quickening! that Ramirez says when he and MacLeod jump from the cliff is missing,
The I'm alive. I can breathe. Gonna split you in half. that Connor says when he falls from the boat and end up on the sea
floor has been replaced by I'm alive. .
shortened US Theatrical
US: The US Theatrical Version is shortened and R Rated.
France: The French Theatrical Version is based on the US Theatrical Version but it adds a World War II flashback scene and removes shots of detective Bedsoe sitting in his car and spilling coffee on himself. See
pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com
Highlander II: The Quickening is a 1991 France/UK/Argentina action film by Russell Mulcahy. With Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery and
Virginia Madsen.
Special effects were upgraded in 2004. Perhaps most notably the orange shield effect was replaced.
The re-cut Renegade version removes a scene taking place when Connor and Louise are going back to shield control after they go above the
shield in the mountains. This version of the movie cuts directly from them driving the truck in to Connor's final fight with general Katana. In the Renegade version, you see a guard patrolling and Louise distracts him then Connor knocks him out. A couple
of guards open fire on them and they run away, then it cuts to Connor walking in to the final fight.
Renegade Version
109:44s =105:074s
US: Renegade Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
UK: The US Theatrical Version was passed 15 without BBFC cuts:
2001 EIV R2 DVD
1991 EIV VHS
The BBFC website notes that this version is the cut cinema release when clearly it is not, as it is a substantially shortened version. The running time matches uncut PAL releases of this version in other countries so the BBFC cinema cuts seem to have
been dropped.
The US Theatrical Version is substantially edited down compared with the European Theatrical Version for non-contentious pacing reasons.
UK: The European Theatrical Version was passed 15 after 32s of BBFC cuts for:
1991 cinema release
From IMDb. The BBFC cuts were:
Remove shots of a nude woman being attacked by thugs
Reduce scenes of bloodied faces during the tube train sequence.
Highlander III: The Sorcerer is a 1994 Canadian/French/UK action film by Andrew Morahan. With Christopher Lambert, Mario Van Peebles and
Deborah Kara Unger.
US: The US release featuring the Director's Cut is MPAA R Rated for:
Note that the 2005 Dimension DVD with a similar cover claiming to be the Director's Cut is not correct. It contains the European
UK: The European Version was passed 15 after 57s of BBFC for:
1995 EIV VHS
The BBFC cuts are:
When Kane visits the prostitute the UK version ends as she climbs onto the bed, the uncut version has her handing Kane a condom which he chews and spits out before forcing himself upon her.
Also the love scene between Macleod and Deborah
Unger's character has them fully clothed throughout, footage which begins with Macleod removing all her clothing and then an extended sex scene has been removed from the UK video release.
98:31s =94:35s
UK: The European Version was Passed 15 without BBFC cuts for:
The Hills Have Eyes is a 1977 US horror by Wes Craven. With Suze Lanier-Bramlett, Robert Houston and John Steadman.
Cut in the US for an R rating. Further cut by the BBFC for cinema. The cinema version was released on pre-cert video and was seized by police during the video nasties panic. It was cut again but differently, for BBFC approved VHS. The
R rated Version was passed without BBFC cuts for DVD. This is the best available version, with no sign of original US cuts being restored.
Summary Notes
A family going to California accidentally goes
through an Air Testing range closed to the public. They crash and are stranded in a desert. They are being stalked by a group of people, which have not emerged into modern times.
best available
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18 with
all previous BBFC cuts waived for:
2011 Image Midnight Madness Series R1 DVD
at US Amazon
No sign of cuts being restored so it likes like the R Rated Version is the best available
Based on article from
refused-classification.com . From DVD a commentary with Director Wes Craven and Producer Peter Locke. Significant cuts were made to reduce the original X Rating to an R
32min Fred is beaten to death by Jupiter. Peter Locke: We had a lot more of it and we had to cut it back, way back
This is then followed by Big Bob finding Fred's body hanging on the back of the door. Wes Craven: This shot had to
be cut short as I remember
55min 30sec Mars and Pluto kidnap the baby. Peter Locke: This sequence got edited down, and edited down, and edited down for us to get an R
67min Jupiter eats Big Bob's arm and taunts his charred
body. Wes Craven: Yeah, there was a shot where he is gesturing, sticking Bob's own fingers in his face, holding his arm. Peter Locke: He's eating his forearm while he's speaking This scene, really, I remember it so differently. With him
thrusting Bob's arm into his face, and finger into his eye (Jupiter is shown taking a bite from Bob's arm) .There's the one bite we have, but you don't see that Wes Craven: I think they never allowed us to show the arm as severed
83min 30sec Katy hits Jupiter in the back with an axe. Peter Locke: This got edited down to get an R
There is also an alternative ending that looks to have been dropped in
favour of that used for the Theatrical Version.
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18
with cinema cuts waived but with a new 2s video cut for:
1987 Palace VHS
The BBFC cut was
to cut a brief shot of Mars sticking his gun in Brenda's mouth and then pulling the trigger. It doesn't fire though as it is unloaded.
UK: The cut R Rated Version was
further cut by the BBFC for:
1978 cinema release
The cinema release was cut by the BBFC as follows
The sight of a man's ankle after mauling by a dog has been removed.
The sight of a man being repeatedly stabbed at the end of the film was deleted
UK: The cut UK cinema version was released on pre-cert video for:
1981 Jaguar VHS
The video was seized subject to an Obscene Publications Act Section 3 Seizure Order. This is a legal gambit whereby victims admitted that the videos were 'obscene', and
therefore subject to seizure, in return for that being the end of the matter and so avoiding an obscenity trial with the possibility of jail time.
The Hills Have Eyes is a 2006 US horror by Alexandre Aja With Ted Levine, Kathleen Quinlan and Dan Byrd.
Cut in the US for an R rated theatrical release in the US. The Unrated Version is uncut
Summary Notes
A cross-country road trip takes a deadly turn in this chilling remake of Wes
Craven's classic horror film about a stranded family that falls prey to a freakish clan of blood-thirsty mutants in the New Mexico desert. Packed with gut-wrenching gore and heart-stopping suspense, The Hills Have Eyes will keep you on the edge of your
UK: The Unrated Version/Extended Cut was passed 18 uncut for:
UK: The cut R Rated Version was passed 18
without BBFC cuts for:
2014 20th Century Fox Steelbook RB Blu-ray
2006 20th Century Fox Video
2006 cinema release
From Film Focus with spoiler warning. Cut when the MPAA in America came back with the commercial-suicide rating NC-17. Aja said:
What they asked us to cut is basically a couple of minutes of the film.
They cut some close-ups of Big Bob [Ted Levine] burning and his eyes turning white. They cut a close-up of Lynne [Vinessa Shaw] being shot in the head;
the muzzle-flash and the direct impact. It's very brutal. And they cut a shot of the gun being pointed at the baby. They also cut half a minute of the rape scene with Brenda [Emilie de Ravin].
This is a real spoiler; at the end they cut a bit of
Lizard [Robert Joy] being shot. He's supposed to have been shot three times but they cut one of him being shot in the throat. Right now Doug [Aaron Stanford] is only shooting two times. In the original he was also hitting him in the face more. In the
original cut it was more like he was dead so it was really something when you see him stand up again. Now, the way they cut the movie, you can tell he's going to stand up again. That's very stupid and I had a big, big argument with them about that.
The Hills Have Eyes 2 is a 2007 USA horror thriller by Martin Weisz. Starring Daniella Alonso, Jacob Vargas and Michael Bailey Smith.
Exists as a cut Theatrical Version and an uncut Unrated Version.
Summary Notes
A team of trainees of the National Guard brings supply to the New Mexico Desert for a group of soldiers and scientists that are installing a monitoring system in Sector 16. They do not
find anybody in the camp, and they receive a blurred distress signal from the hills. Their sergeant gathers a rescue team, and they are attacked and trapped by deformed cannibals, having to fight to survive.
Unrated Version
UK: The US Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence, gore and sexual violence
His and Hers is a 1961 UK comedy by Brian Desmond Hurst. Starring
Terry-Thomas, Janette Scott and Wilfrid Hyde-White.
Promotional Material
The incomparable Terry-Thomas heads the cast of this rare 1960 domestic farce directed by
Brian Desmond Hurst - best-known for the 1951 box-office triumph Scrooge . Also starring Carry On legends Kenneth Williams, Joan Sims and Kenneth Connor, with early film roles for Oliver Reed and Francesca Annis, His and Hers
is featured here in a brand-new transfer made from original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
Writer Reggie Blake takes an unorthodox approach to his craft, seeking inspiration in the various adventures
suggested by his editor. Blake's latest research trip sees him getting lost in the desert and adopted by a Bedouin tribe; and by the time he finally gets home his personality has been utterly transformed - to the displeasure of his wife, Fran...
UK: Presumable the cut cinema version was passed PG or mild sex references without
further BBFC cuts for:
US: The US Version is cut to tone down the amount of blood in a couple of violent scenes:
Viggo Mortensen breaks the nose of a bad guy. The US version shows the guy on the ground with blood dribbling down his face. In the International Version, the dribble is a gush.
Viggo Mortensen stomps on the throat of one of the bad guys.
The US Version has muted the crunching sound of the neck breaking and shows the guy with blood in his mouth. The International Version includes the neck breaking sound and has the guy coughing and choking on the blood in his mouth.
Director Cronenberg said that in two scenes, the Canadian and international DVD releases will have just a little more blood than the U.S. version, which had to satisfy the MPAA ratings people. I defy anybody to
see the differences. I can't see them, even though I know if you go frame by frame you will. But they're so quick.
The Hit Man is a 1975 USA action crime drama by Fred Williamson Starring Fred Williamson, Roddy McDowall and Stuart Whitman
The US Theatrical Version was cut by the BBFC. The Theatrical Version is
MPAA R rated in the, US but the MPAA Unrated Director's suggests that the Theatrical Version was cut for an MPAA R rating.
Summary Notes
Johnny Barrows, a G.I, is dishonorably
discharged from the army after striking his commanding officer. When he returns home, he is mugged and thrown in jail. Down on his luck and with no money, he gets a job at a gas station run by a racist jerk. After a while, he beats him up and is thrown
in jail again. Shortly after, a mobster hires him as a mafia hit man because of his military training and he now gets caught in the middle of a rival gang war between two families.
Director's Cut
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated:
Code Red DVD
IMDB compared the Director's Cut to the Theatrical Version:
The graphic sex scene with Johnny and Nancy is intact.
Killings are more bloodier
The climatic karate fight with Johnny and O'Malley is much longer. Before Nancy is killed by the landmine in the Malibu mountains, an ascending aerial
shot of her and Johnny is shown. The telephone call that Johnny gives Nancy is also shown before his showdown with O'Malley instead of after.
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 after 24s of BBFC cuts:
1987 M.P.V. VHS titled The Hit Man
UK: An unknown short version was passed 18 after BBFC cuts:
1987 Network Distribution VHS titled Street Warrior
While driving through the New Mexico Desert during a rainy night, the college students Jim Halsey and his girlfriend Grace Andrews give a ride to the
hitchhiker John Ryder.
The remake of this classic psychological horror thriller turned out to be FAR better than we expected.
The theme is the same. A nice young couple stop to help a stranger on a deserted
highway, and from that moment on their uneventful, suburban, kids-in-college lives unravel at an horrific pace. Sean Bean play The Hitcher himself with studied menace (and a fair approximation of an American accent). The film clips along at a fair pace
-- it is more heavily action-oriented than the old version, all against the magnificent backdrop of the New Mexico landscape.
83:55s =80:34s
UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody
violence after BBFC category cuts for:
2007 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
Following advice by the BBFC the distributor elected to make minor cuts to the strongest moments of violence in order to achieve the required '15' certificate.
The 2007 cinema release was
originally awarded an uncut 18 certificate. The decision was rapidly reviewed when the distributors took advice, made a few cuts and resubmitted the film for a 15 rating.
And from the 2007 BBFC Annual Report:
Two scenes – one
in which blood pumped at some length from the wound of a dying man and another in which blood sprayed from a man whose throat had been fatally cut – fitted the Guideline description of 'the strongest gory images' and as such 'unlikely to be acceptable'
at '15'. The distributor wanted a '15' classification and so opted to remove the focus on sadism and copious bloodshed in the wake of wounds in both sequences to secure a '15' classification.
Hitman is a 1998 Hong Kong action crime comedy by Wei Tung (as Tung Wai) Starring Jet Li, Eric Tsang and Simon Yam
Exists as the Original Hong Kong Version (Hitman) and a shortened US
Version (Contract Killer).
Summary Notes
Financially troubled, a newbie hitman reluctantly takes the job of finding the plotted killer of a Japanese tycoon, but things complicate
when the tycoon is killed and he is forced to ally with a misfortunate hitman to find the "King of the Hitman."
Original Version
UK: The Original Hong Kong Version was passed 18 uncut for:
2023 Eureka [Heroes & Villains] Special Edition (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
Hitman is a 2007 France / USA action crime thriller by Xavier Gens Starring Timothy Olyphant, Dougray Scott and Olga Kurylenko
Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. The uncut version was released
MPAA Unrated in the US. Both versions were 15 rated by the BBFC.
Summary Review : Pretty damn good!
A gun-for-hire known only as Agent 47 hired by a
group known only as 'The Organization' is ensnared in a political conspiracy, which finds him pursued by both Interpol and the Russian military as he treks across Russia and Eastern Europe.
For once the film sticks close to the
style of the games and doesn't try and change anything that didn't need changing. The story isn't too complicated and doesn't require much thinking, which is what you'd expect from this kind of movie. The action is pretty much non stop and there are some
really impressive fight scenes all the way through, so there is never a dull moment. Basically, if you take this movie for what it is, it is a very fun, very enjoyable film that is entertaining from start to finish and it actually surprised me at how
good it is.
UK: The Extreme Edition/MPAA
Unrated Version was passed 15 uncut for:
The Hitman's Bodyguard is a 2017 USA action comedy by
Patrick Hughes. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L Jackson and Elodie Yung.
Uncut in the west. However the studio edited a Russian language version
released in Eastern Europe that altered the back ground of Gary Oldman's character Vladislav Dukhovich. In the uncut original he was the President of White Russia but in the Russian release he was the President of Bosnia.
Latest Film News
News Monday 19th December...
Cuts and Bans
Vampire Circus 1972 UK horror by Robert Young, cut by the BBFC in 1972, just released on UK Blu-ray.
Walking the Edge 1985 US action drama by Norbert Meisel, previously cut by the BBFC, set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 6th March 2023 updated with BBFC cuts list
Cuts and Bans
Reservoir Dogs 1992 USA crime thriller by Quentin Tarantino, once held back by the BBFC, just released on US 4K Blu-ray