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Does political correctness extend to being turned on by diverse genders?...

Playboy features its first trans model as the playmate of the month

Link Here 20th October 2017
ines rau A French model named Ines Rau has become the first openly transgender person to be named a Playboy Playmate in the 64-year history of the publication.

The 26-year-old will receive the title in in the November/December 2017 issue of Playboy where she takes part in a photo-spread and opens up in an interview about her transgender identity.

I wonder if it will be considered a 'micro aggression' if regular buyers decide to give this issue a miss? Does political correctness extend to being turned on by diverse genders? And will Playboy reveal the sales figures so that we may answer that question.



Obituary: Hugh Hefner...

Playboy founder dies aged 91

Link Here30th September 2017
playboy first issue Hugh Hefner died on Wednesday, at the age of 91 at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles.

His son Cooper Hefner, chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, said his father lived an exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer and a leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in advocating free speech, civil rights, and sexual freedom. He defined a lifestyle and ethos that lie at the heart of the Playboy brand, one of the most recognizable and enduring in history.

Perhaps the impacfulness of Hefner can be gauged from comments from his opponents, the Catholic News Agency which writes:

Christian leaders in the fight against pornography have called the death of Hugh Hefner tragic, while reminding Catholics to take seriously the impact of Hefner's legacy on American culture.

Alan Sears, founder of the misleadingly named Alliance Defending Freedom said:

Nobody should ever take joy in anybody's passing [...BUT...] There have been thousands of people praying for Hugh Hefner's conversion for years, and the saddest part to me of his passing, is that we see no evidence of conversion on his part. Apparently up to the end, he took joy in this exploitation of women, of sexuality and all the other things that the secular media is lauding him for.

Spiked logo Offsite Article: Let's hear it for the Hef

30th September 2017. See  article from spiked-online.com by Tim Black

Hugh Hefner's commitment to liberty should be his lasting legacy.



Updated: Naked is Normal...

Nude free Playboy magazine was clearly not a hit so it reverts to form

Link Here15th February 2017
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy naked is normal Playboy magazine has announced it is bringing back nudity, reversing a decision made last year.

The move was announced by Playboy's new chief creative officer Cooper Hefner, who said the decision to remove nudity entirely was a mistake . He tweeted:

Today we're taking our identity back and reclaiming who we are.

Nudity was never the problem because nudity isn't a problem

The US magazine also promoted its March-April edition with a picture of its playmate of the month with the hashtag #NakedIsNormal.

Some social media users welcomed the U-turn, describing it as a good call , while others said the decision was taken because the magazines weren't selling too well. Too bad free porn is still easy to access .

Samir Husni, a journalism professor at the University of Mississippi, said Playboy's ban on nudity had probably alienated more readers than it attracted.  He told the Associated Press:

Playboy and the idea of non-nudity is sort of an oxymoron,

In next month's issue, the magazine will also revive some of its old franchises, including The Playboy Philosophy and Party Jokes. However, Playboy will drop the subtitle Entertainment for Men from its covers.

Update: But before you rush out and buy a copy...

15th February 2017 See article from outsidethebeltway.com

The next issue, which hits newsstands at the end of the month, will feature women who are topless and almost fully exposed. (Think strategically placed leaf, hand or leg.)

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