There's gold in adult TV, Hustler merchandising and casinos...But not in magazines and websites
 | 4th September 2014
| See article from
businessinsider.com |
Porn veteran Larry Flynt is celebrating the 40th birthday of his X-rated magazine Hustler. He told AFP: I'm the largest content provider in the world for adult material, (operating in) 60-70 countries and still growing.
While celebrating his magazine's four decades in print, he admits it is struggling, with circulation down from a peak of around three million during its heyday to a couple of hundred thousand today , according to a Hustler
spokesman. Flynt added: Publishing is not good .. for anybody in America because Internet is replacing print. We'll continue the magazine as long as it is profitable. Then we'll go online.
website doesn't make much money either, competing with a tsunami of hardcore porn online which is often free, and made by amateurs. His business' future lies above all in TV porn channels and on-demand videos, but also in Hustler-themed sex accessory and
clothing stores and casinos, which he is opening everywhere. In fact so much so that Flynt claimed; We're having our best year this year.
 | 23rd August 2014
Men's magazine are on the decline in Australia See article from theage.com.au
Hustler magazine celebrates 40 years of publishing
 | 16th May 2014
| See article from
business.avn.com |
Hustler magazine, which began publication in July 1974, is celebrating its 40th anniversary with the launch of a new website, HustlerMagazine.com. Hustler founder and publisher Larry Flynt said: HustlerMagazine.com offers
a treasure trove of unique material from the HUSTLER vault. In addition to providing continually updated content, the site houses a digital archive encompassing every issue in the 40-year history of our magazine, including all of the sizzling pictorials,
penetrating articles, in-depth interviews, amusing cartoons, insightful political commentary, scathing satire and thought-provoking features that have been our publication's trademark for two generations. In addition, we're offering classic and
contemporary adult videos from the unmatched Hustler and VCA collections.
Lucy Pinder sheds a tear over the final issues of the lads' mag Nuts
 | 3rd May 2014
| See article from
independent.co.uk See article from
theguardian.com |
Lucy Pinder, a favourite of Nuts magazine, has helped bring the publication to a close by crying on the cover of its final issue. Nuts launched in January 2004, with Nell McAndrew as its illustrious cover star. The final issue -- its 526th
edition - went on sale yesterday. The final editorial of Nuts suggested that readers should now support rival magazine, Zoo : Our esteemed rival Zoo launched a week after us. It has been an interesting
sparring partner over the last ten years, and we were actually quite fond of coming up against the old bastard. Dear reader, much as it pains us to say, may we suggest go and see what they're up to, because they could use the sales!
Feminist comments on the final issue seem somewhat contradictory. Kate Maltby in the Telegraph celebrates that Nuts has withdrawn its rather public depiction of male lust and that the inevitable recourse to more private and more porny internet delights is a good thing:
Feminists should celebrate: Nuts was never pornographic enough
Meanwhile April Peake of Cherwell argues that the very softcore and very controlled nature of lads' mags is probably preferable to the more porny delights of the interent:
Lads magazines have not disappeared, they've just moved
Rihanna offends Instagram with sexy French magazine cover
 | 1st May 2014
| See
article from
independent.co.uk |
Rihanna shared a picture of her appearance on the cover of French magazine Lui, in which she appears in a hat and a pair of coral briefs. The image was shot by fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti. However, nudity, partial nudity or sexually suggestive
photographs are banned on Instagram and the social media platform temporarily closed her account until the picture was taken down. Instagram's censorship rules read: If you wouldn't show the photo or video you are
thinking about uploading to a child, or your boss, or your parents, you probably shouldn't share it on Instagram. The same rule applies to your profile photo. Accounts found sharing nudity or mature content will be disabled and
your access to Instagram may be discontinued.
Lads' mag set to close
 | 1st April 2014
| See article from
theguardian.com |
Nuts, the weekly lad's mag that along with arch-rival Zoo shook up the men's magazine market a decade ago is to close. IPC Media announced a 30-day consultation with the 25 staff who work on the Nuts magazine and Nuts.co.uk website about the closure.
Paul Williams, managing director of IPC's Inspire division, said: After 10 years at the top of its market, we have taken the difficult decision to propose the closure of Nuts and exit the young men's lifestyle sector.
Nuts launched in January 2004, and at the height of its popularity had an average weekly circulation of more than 300,000. By the end of 2013 this was down to 62,000 including digital subscriptions. Covers were toned down in
2013 in response to genderist pressure and the Coop ended sales completely, but the magazine was already in decline, probably to do with vast amounts of porny treats available on the internet. |
Buttman magazine to close
 | 25th March 2014
| See article from
business.avn.com |
For the past 16 years, John Stagliano has made time in his busy schedule to produce not only his own movies but also Buttman Magazine. Now he's moving on to other projects, with the result that the current issue of Buttman Magazine will be the last.
Evil Angel Operations Manager Lissa Baren said: John [Stagliano] chooses all of the layouts for the magazine. ... It's just very labor intensive for him because he's got to get all the production stills from all the
directors and he goes through everything and figures out what he wants to use. ... But it was a labor of love---he really, really loved doing it and that's why even in the last six, seven years, when a lot of the brick-and-mortar bookstores started
closing down and we weren't doing the circulation that we had been doing, he still continued wanting to do it. And it was a good promotional vehicle for Evil Angel in general. He just couldn't make enough time to fit everything
in, so he decided that this first issue of this year was going to be the last issue. And he's very sad about it.