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Playboy Magazine

Evolving with the times

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No longer glossy...

Playboy produces its last printed edition and goes online only

John Thomas Toys
Link Here21st March 2020
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy last Playboy CEO Ben Kohn has announced that the magazine is ending print publication, and will continue in digital format only. He explained in an open letter:

We are also immensely proud of our revamped quarterly magazine that is inarguably one of the most beautifully designed print offerings on the market today. But it's no surprise that media consumption habits have been changing for some time203and while the stories we produce and the artwork we showcase is enjoyed by millions of people on digital platforms, our content in its printed form reaches the hands of only a fraction of our fans.

Last week, as the disruption of the coronavirus pandemic to content production and the supply chain became clearer and clearer, we were forced to accelerate a conversation we've been having internally: the question of how to transform our U.S. print product to better suit what consumers want today, and how to utilize our industry-leading content production capabilities to engage in a cultural conversation each and every day, rather than just every three months. With all of this in mind, we have decided that our Spring 2020 Issue, which arrives on U.S. newsstands and as a digital download this week, will be our final printed publication for the year in the U.S. We will move to a digital-first publishing schedule for all of our content including the Playboy Interview, 20Q, the Playboy Advisor and of course our Playmate pictorials. In 2021, alongside our digital content offerings and new consumer product launches, we will bring back fresh and innovative printed offerings in a variety of new forms203through special editions, partnerships with the most provocative creators, timely collections and much more. Print is how we began and print will always be a part of who we are.

Over the past 66 years, we've become far more than a magazine. And sometimes you have to let go of the past to make room for the future. So we're turning our attention to achieving our mission in the most effective and impactful way we can: to help create a culture where all people can pursue pleasure.



Offsite Article: Gender Fluid Playmate of the Month...

Link Here 10th August 2019
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy 2019 Are you ready for a woke Playboy?

See article from independent.co.uk



So there you have it, nobody reads Playboy for the articles...

Playboy is considering closing down its, now non-nude, print magazine

Link Here 6th January 2018
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy january 2018 In a recent interview Ben Koh, CEO of Playboy Enterprises made a comment that could mark the end of Playboy's 60 year-long run. He said:

Historically, we could justify the [magazine's] losses because of the marketing value, but you also have to be forward-thinking. I'm not sure that print is necessarily the best way to communicate to our consumer going forward.

At its height, Playboy sold more than 7 million copies. The circulation of Playboy is now down to under 500,000 copies.

After Hugh Hefner's death, his son, Cooper Hefner who serves as COO of Playboy Enterprises tried to refocus the magazine towards younger readers with more of an FHM style. The magazine initially stopped all the nudity, but later reintroduced topless girls (and transgender girls). It seems that the new approach hasn't been a hit.



Updated: Naked is Normal...

Nude free Playboy magazine was clearly not a hit so it reverts to form

Link Here15th February 2017
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy naked is normal Playboy magazine has announced it is bringing back nudity, reversing a decision made last year.

The move was announced by Playboy's new chief creative officer Cooper Hefner, who said the decision to remove nudity entirely was a mistake . He tweeted:

Today we're taking our identity back and reclaiming who we are.

Nudity was never the problem because nudity isn't a problem

The US magazine also promoted its March-April edition with a picture of its playmate of the month with the hashtag #NakedIsNormal.

Some social media users welcomed the U-turn, describing it as a good call , while others said the decision was taken because the magazines weren't selling too well. Too bad free porn is still easy to access .

Samir Husni, a journalism professor at the University of Mississippi, said Playboy's ban on nudity had probably alienated more readers than it attracted.  He told the Associated Press:

Playboy and the idea of non-nudity is sort of an oxymoron,

In next month's issue, the magazine will also revive some of its old franchises, including The Playboy Philosophy and Party Jokes. However, Playboy will drop the subtitle Entertainment for Men from its covers.

Update: But before you rush out and buy a copy...

15th February 2017 See article from outsidethebeltway.com

The next issue, which hits newsstands at the end of the month, will feature women who are topless and almost fully exposed. (Think strategically placed leaf, hand or leg.)



Offsite Article: Whatever Happened to...

Link Here14th February 2016
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy no nudes Playboy... after the nudes were withdrawn

See article from washingtonpost.com



Offsite Article: Sophistication is the new sexy...

Link Here15th September 2013
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
playboy july-august 2013 Playboy magazine re-inventing itself again

See article from latimes.com


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