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Bordello of sex dolls opens in Germany

Link Here25th October 2017
A sex-doll brothel has opened in Germany.

Bordoll, as it's named, is located on an aptly scarlet-lit street in Dortmund and is run by Evelyn Schwarz. It currently houses 11 silicon dolls and rents them out for 22c80 (2£71) an hour.

Each 30kg doll has its own name and is aesthetically unique. The 11 dolls are categorised as real, skinny, fantasy, or anime and are listed on the site alongside their full specifications -- from the colour of the hair to the size of their body parts.

Schwarz explained that the brothel is very popular, with the dolls booked around 12 times each day to men of every age from all over the country.



The Daily Mail recommends...

A week of all inclusive unlimited sex and fun on a Colombian island

Link Here8th October 2017
A wildly erotic advertisement for a Colombian sex tourism company has been removed from YouTub. And the account for Good Girls Company, which claims to be an all-inclusive erotic resort, has been suspended by the video-sharing website's censors.

The company's brazen video showcased a sex and drugs holiday on a Colombian island off the coast of Cartagena. Prostitutes would be provided for unlimited sex. The trip from November 24 to 27 was explicitly advertised as a sex island experience.

The video starts by advertising the holiday's more prosaic benefits such as airport transfers being included. Then, its young male star boards a luxury yacht, on the deck of which dozens of young beauties are gyrating in bikinis.

Sexual surprises are also advertised, over a scene showing the man coming into his bedroom to find four naked women posing coquettishly face-down on his bed.

Tourists with other appetites may like to know that all meals are included, a fact mentioned over a scene of the man eating his pudding off the naked body of one of the video's female stars, served by another in a fetish version of a French maid's outfit.Free booze is also thrown in.

The Daily Mail published loads of sexy pictures from the video and the article seemed more promotion than censure.



Offsite Article: The Swedish model...

Link Here6th October 2017
Legislation on sex work: Sweden Sex Purchase Law

See article from




Authorities saddle students with massive debts and then whinge at a sugar daddy website for offering a way out

Link Here26th September 2017
Full story: Sex work in Belgium...Political attempt to ban sex wrk
A website's ad campaign telling young women they could fund their studies by dating a sugar daddy has provoked a wave of 'outrage' at Belgian universities.

Vans have been driven around universities displaying messages such as Hey students! Improve your lifestyle and Zero euro student loan? Date a sugar daddy. The website also sent out press releases claiming it was aiming to sign up 300,000 Belgian members by the end of 2018.

Politicians and universities are taking legal action the website to stop the campaign. The website is currently fighting similar censorship in Norway.

The man behind the website, Norwegian Sigurd Vedal, told Belgian media that his website was not promoting prostitution at all, although he argued that money was part of every relationship.

The Federation Wallonia-Brussels, which covers Belgium's French-speaking community, says it will sue the website for encouraging debauchery and prostitution. Meanwhile Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) has complained to Belgium's advertising regulator.

Earlier this month, the Norwegian consumer ombudsman said the campaign on posters, Facebook and YouTube had to be scrapped or changed immediately as it broke advertising rules on sexual discrimination.



Update: Forced underground...

Germany passes new law requiring sex workers to register with their local authority

Link Here4th July 2017
Full story: Sex work in Germany...Legal and very popular

Germany has enacted a new prostitution law with more state control, more regulations and more penalties. It is going to become more difficult to make money as a sex worker in Germany. Prostitutes and brothels will now be subject to closer scrutiny under a new law for the regulation of the prostitution industry and the protection of sex workers, which went into effect on July 1.

According to the new law, sex workers must register with local authorities and seek a medical consultation from a public health service. In the future, brothels or businesses that offer sex services will be required to apply for a permit that will only be granted if health, hygiene and room requirements are met.

The new law prohibits flat-rate brothels and gang-bang parties, in which a sex worker must service several men concurrently. Also, sex without a condom is prohibited. Furthermore, clients who knowingly make use of the services provided by people who have been forced into prostitution will be penalized.

The fear of registration is rampant in the industry. Panic is spreading, says Silvia Vorhauer, a counselor at Dortmund's Mitternachtsmission, an organization that helps women who have quit prostitution. Many women fear this change. They argue, I cannot register and then get around with this ID. I'm going to have to quit. Vorhauer notes egistration at the local government office leads to the stigmatization and criminalization of women. This move is dangerous, she says, because prostitution may then be forced underground into illegality.



Fake news in the Daily Record...

Scottish newspaper exaggerates a tiny little local story of a routine police raid of a GoGo, suggesting that it is the beginning of the end of Pattaya's sexy nightlife

Link Here17th February 2017
Scotland's Daily Record 'newspaper' has hyped up a local story of a routine police raid into the beginning of the end for Pattaya's sexy nightlife.

The paper leads with the headline

Sex sells in world's sleaziest city but Pattaya's 27,000 prostitutes could see roaring trade wiped out. Thailand's first female tourism minister aims to eradicate sex tourism and reinvent the country as a female-friendly destination and cops are now raiding brothels.

And continues:

Every year more than one million visitors a year pass through the Thai resort known as the world's sex capital. Many men are drawn there by one thing only. Pattaya has a reported 27,000 prostitutes, roughly one for every five people living permanently in the east-coast city that has been likened to a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

The resort's infamous main drag, the largest red-light district on earth, is lined with sex clubs and go-go bars. Pattaya alone has more than 1,000 bars and massage parlours, many fronts illegal brothels.

In fact the tourism minister's comments are now pretty old news and the 27,000 sex workers and the 1000 bars have been operating unabated ever since.

Police have been routinely raiding bars regularly for years, and there is nothing to suggest that this particular raid is in any way out of the ordinary.

And on the night after the police raid, the 27000 sex workers and 1000 bars were operating as normal, not even dropping to 999, as the bar being raided seems to have settled its differences with the authorities.

And guess what, a couple of days later there are still 27,000 sex workers plying their trade, but admittedly a couple of bars have closed, more due to the million visitors not quite being enough.



Rare compassion from politicians...

German Green politicians calls for financial support for disabled people to oay for sex worker visits

Link Here9th January 2017
A spokeswoman for the Green Party in Germany has said disabled and seriously ill people should be able to claim back public money if they pay for sex. They would have to prove a medical need and show that they could not pay to visit sex workers otherwise.

MP Elisabeth Scharfenberg told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that she could imagine local authorities paying for sexual assistance .

The newspaper wrote that increasing numbers of sex workers offered services in care homes. A sexual adviser for nursing homes told the paper that prostitutes were a blessing for some patients.

In the Netherlands it is already possible to claim the cost of sexual services as a medical expense.

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