A website's ad campaign telling young women they could fund their studies by dating a sugar daddy has provoked a wave of 'outrage' at Belgian universities. Vans have been driven around universities displaying messages such as Hey students! Improve
your lifestyle and Zero euro student loan? Date a sugar daddy. The website also sent out press releases claiming it was aiming to sign up 300,000 Belgian members by the end of 2018. Politicians and universities are taking legal action the
website RichMeetBeautiful.com to stop the campaign. The website is currently fighting similar censorship in Norway. The man behind the website, Norwegian Sigurd Vedal, told Belgian media that his website was not promoting prostitution at all,
although he argued that money was part of every relationship. The Federation Wallonia-Brussels, which covers Belgium's French-speaking community, says it will sue the website for encouraging debauchery and prostitution. Meanwhile Universite Libre
de Bruxelles (ULB) has complained to Belgium's advertising regulator. Earlier this month, the Norwegian consumer ombudsman said the campaign on posters, Facebook and YouTube had to be scrapped or changed immediately as it broke advertising rules
on sexual discrimination. |