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2016: Oct-Dec

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Offsite Article: Time's Up...

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Link Here26th December 2016
love inn Short time hotels on the decline in Japan as young people live more independently from their families

See article from theguardian.com



Offsite Article: AdultFriendFinder had a date with hackers...

Link Here15th November 2016
adult friend finder com logo Which exposed 412 million accounts

See article from zdnet.com



Backdoor legislation...

Canadian Government introduces a bill to end the criminalisation of anal sex which is still being enforced by police

Link Here12th November 2016
Canada flag Canada's government will belatedly present legislation next week that removes a ban on engaging in anal sex.

The government is a little coy over the word 'anal' and has titled the bill: An Act related to the repeal of section 159 of the Criminal Code.

Section 159 states that:

Every person who engages in an act of anal intercourse is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

The law makes an exception for heterosexual married couples and for any two persons over the age of 18 who consent and do so in a private space. The law applies, however, if more than two persons engage in anal sex or if another person watches.

And the police are continuing to enforce this provision. Between 2008 and 2014 in Ontario, 22 people were charged with anal intercourse under Section 159. Two of those were youth. More than half of those charged in Quebec were youth.

Repealing section 159 has been an ongoing request by members of the LGBTQ community for years.

Judges in federal, Quebec, Alberta, B.C. and Nova Scotia appellate courts have all ruled that section 159 is unconstitutional.



A soft hard R...

Fifty Shades Darker movies gets an R rating from the MPAA

Link Here9th November 2016
fifty shades darker movie Fifty Shades Darker is a 2017 USA romance by James Foley.
Starring Jamie Dornan, Tyler Hoechlin and Dakota Johnson. IMDb

While Christian wrestles with his inner demons, Anastasia must confront the anger and envy of the women who came before her.

Rated R for strong erotic sexual content, some graphic nudity, and language.

Fifty Shades Darker is scheduled to open on February 10, 2017 just in time for Valentine's Day.

The erotically charged romance, the Fifty Shades of Grey movie franchise has capitalized on it's naughty-but-not-too-naughty aesthetic to the tune of $570 million worldwide so far.



Erotic museums now belong in a museum...

Pigalle's Erotic Museum set to close over declining trade

Link Here5th November 2016
musee-de-lerotisme By Edal Anton Lefterov France's only erotic museum is closing its doors on Sunday due to declining trade.

The museum is located near the famous Moulin Rouge cabaret in Pigalle, but the area is no longer a draw for thrill seekers. Owners Jo Khalifa and Alain Plumey, a former porn star, who founded the museum nearly 18 years ago, said the double whammy of falling tourist numbers and rising rents caused by creeping gentrification had done for the Paris Erotic Museum.

Khalifa told AFP that the whole collection, including its love chairs and a notorious 18th-century French musical automaton of a couple in flagrante, will be sold off when the doors close.



Update: Pirate Party On Course For Historic Election Win in Iceland...

So what are its views on internet censorship?

Link Here 24th October 2016
pirate party iceland logo The Pirate Party in Iceland continues its shakeup of the local political arena. According to the latest polls the party now has a serious shot at taking part in the next Government coalition, with roughly 20% of all votes one week before the parliamentary elections.  

The Pirate Party was founded in 2006 by Rick Falkvinge, and has scored some significant victories over the years including a continuing presence in the European Parliament.

Iceland's Pirates have a great track record already, with three members in the national Parliament. However, more may join in the future as the party has added many new supporters in recent months. The Pirates have been leading the polls for most of the year and are currently neck-and-neck with the Social Democratic Alliance to become the largest party in the country.

This brings the Pirates in an unusual position where they have to start thinking about possible partners to form a coalition Government, for the first time in history.

TorrentFreak spoke with Ásta Helgadóttir, Member of Parliament for the Icelandic Pirate Party, who says that the party is ready to bring the change many citizens are longing for. Despite the Pirate name, copyright issues are not central to their plans. That said, they have spoken out against recent web-blocking efforts.

Iceland's ISPs have been ordered to block access to 'infringing' sites such as The Pirate Bay, which the party sees as a step in the wrong direction. The party fears that these censorship efforts will lead to more stringent measures. Helgadóttir said:

These measures are not a solution and only exacerbate the problem. There needs to be a review of copyright law and how creators are compensated for their work.

Helgadóttir has also been speaking about the censorship of internet porn. She commented in an interview with grapevine.is :

In 2013 the Pirate Party came along. The freedom of information aspect attracted me--I'm very much against censorship.

One idea being mooted at the time was the blocking of porn sites in Iceland, which set alarm bells ringing for Ásta. According to Icelandic law, pornography is illegal. It's a law from the 19th century, and it hasn't been enforced for fifteen years now. Then the idea of building a pornography shield around Iceland came up. And I thought, No, you can't do that! It's censorship! And they were like, No, it's not censorship, we're thinking about the children!'"

The Pirate Party is trying to infiltrate the system and change these 'heritage laws, because when you read a law, you have to understand the root of that law--when was it written, what was the context, and the culture. And now we're in the 21st century, with the internet, which changes everything.

The parliamentary elections will take place next week, October 29.



Offsite Article: Is the Free Porn Era Starting to Fade Away?...

Link Here18th October 2016
xbiz 2016 logo Adult trade group XBIZ analyses the current economies of internet porn

See article from xbiz.com

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