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Crossed off the visa list...

Switzerland ends its stripper's visa scheme

Link Here30th December 2015

Switzerland will issue its last 'stripper's visa' this week as the visa scheme will end on 1st January 2016.

About 700 foreign strippers and cabaret performers received the special Swiss work permit in 2015. Since 2005, more than 10,700 people were given the visas, called L permits .

Switzerland began awarding eight-month permits in 1995 to women from outside the European Union who wanted to come to the country to work as strippers and cabaret dancers. The program was meant to protect people who may have otherwise been vulnerable to sex traffickers, and dancers from Russia, the Dominican Republic and Thailand were among the top recipients.

But an investigation by Swiss authorities in 2014 found that the program was no longer serving a protective role, with some permit holders were subjected to demands for money from people helping women to get their permits.



Offsite Article: China's XXX factor...

Link Here22nd December 2015
Full story: Pornography in China...Always under the cosh
Crackdown in the world's leading porn consumer

See article from



Offsite Article: Touching...

Link Here15th December 2015
PornHub amusingly follows the lead of major supermarkets in producing (SFW) Christmas advert See video from YouTube



Offsite Article: Hamburg's XXX-mas market...

Link Here2nd December 2015
Porn karaoke is the cornerstone of every Christmas celebration. At least that's how the good patrons of Hamburg's adult-only Christmas market see it where pretending to have sex with a microphone has become something of a custom

See article from



Offsite Article: Questioning Feminist Claims...

Link Here1st December 2015
Asking whether porn causes sexual violence is the wrong's why. By Meg-John Barker

See article from



Offsite Article: Can porn be good for us?...

Link Here20th November 2015
The Economist is running an ongoing and rather lopsided academic debate in which an anti-porn activist faces a half hearted porn 'supporter' who thinks that porn possibly might be OK if restricted to her rules of what it should be

See article from



Offsite Article: Art from the pre-manga period...

Link Here11th November 2015
Pornography or erotic art Japanese museum aims to confront shunga taboo

See article from



Sign Magazine Awards 2015...

European sex shop products

Link Here20th October 2015
European-based Sign Magazine is a B2B magazine published in English and distributed throughout Europe, which offers readers news about recent trends, developments and product offerings for adult retailers, has just announced the winners of its annual awards including:

HOT PRODUCT 2015 King Cock by Pipedream Products

BEST BRAND 2015 Lovehoney







BEST BRAND FOR MEN 2015 Malesation by St. Rubber

BEST CUSTOMER MAGAZINE 2015 T-Magazine by Tonga

BEST PRIVATE LABEL 2015 Cobeco Pharma

BEST HOME PARTY SERVICE 2015 Ladies Night & Maison X



BEST ACTOR 2015 Pornfighter Long John



Update: Dancing Back...

India's Supreme Court overturns ban on bar dancers in the state of Maharashtra

Link Here16th October 2015
Acknowledging the right of women bar dancers to follow their profession, India's Supreme Court suspended a law banning dance performances in Maharashtra and directed the state government to grant licences to the bar owners without insisting on the prohibitory legislation.

Critical of the 2014 amendment in the Maharashtra Police Act that had imposed a total ban on dance bars and dance performances, a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and P C Pant noted that the state government re-enacted a similar piece of legislation after the top court struck down a prohibitory provision in 2013.

The bench rejected Maharashtra government's argument that the two provisions were different and the 2014 amendment was perfectly valid. The difference that is perceptible from the provisions which have been reproduced above are really immaterial, it said.

However the judges added a caveat that no performance of dance shall remotely be expressive of any kind of obscenity in any manner and that the licensing authority can take steps so that the individual dignity of a woman is not affected and there remains no room for any kind of obscenity.



You've just gotta Love perverse Australian censorship rules...

Australian Sex Party MP asks why is legal to sell arty hardcore but illegal to sell standard porn

Link Here 29th September 2015
Love is a 2015 France / Belgium drama by Gaspar Noé.
Starring Gaspar Noé, Aomi Muyock and Klara Kristin. Youtube linkBBFC link IMDb

UK: 2D and 3D versions were passed 18 uncut by the BBFC for strong real sex, very strong language.

Australia: The film has just been passed R18+ uncut for scenes of actual sexual activity, graphic nudity and sexual themes. Australian R18+ is equivalent to the UK 18 rating.

Australia has an X18+ rating for hardcore porn but only Canberra and Northern Territories allow the sale in local sex shops. A silly situation that has just been highlighted by Victorian Sex Party MP, Fiona Patten. She said she was:

pleasantly surprised by the rating. Traditionally any form of explicit sex has been shunted to the X category. This is quite a grown-up decision for Australia.

Yet, she says, it doesn't take away from the fact that in Victoria:

it's still illegal to show or sell tickets to Debbie Does Dallas , an X-rated film. We still ban the sale, distribution of sexually-explicit films.

Did it help that Love premiered at Cannes? Patten answered:

I hate to say it, but there is an element of cultural snobbery in this.

There is a provision for taking artistic merit into consideration in censorship decisions, she says, but there are those who would argue that Debbie Does Dallas has artistic and historical merit .



Offsite Article: Secret Affairs...

Link Here29th August 2015
New analysis shows over 99% of the women on Ashley Madison were fake

See article from



Offsite Article: Dating Nerves...

Link Here19th August 2015
Huge data file of personal data hacked from Ashley Madison members published

See article from



Good Priorities...

Specific legislation for the control of Irish sex shops and lap dancing doesn't surface due more pressing things to do

Link Here29th July 2015
The Irish Government has said it has still not decided whether to regulate sex shops and lap dancing clubs.

Minister of State Paudie Coffey recently said it was unclear whether adult shops needed to be treated any differently than other shops under planning laws.

Previous efforts to regulate adult entertainment venues failed following disagreements between government departments, according to documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

An interdepartmental group called the Adult Entertainment Task Force completed its last draft in 2009 recommending that a licensing system for sex establishments under an independent regulator should be included in casino regulations being planned at the time for the gambling sector. But the Department of Justice, which was preparing the gambling regulations, strongly disagreed stating that it would be quite frankly, not something that could be contemplated .

There was meant to be four meetings of the task force but a final meeting did not take place following submissions in 2008 and no final report was ever agreed.

In a statement the Department of the Environment said a report was never finalised because of the prioritisation of other work in the planning area.

The draft reports also recommended that someone holding an adult entertainment licence would have to be tax compliant and proposed the introduction of a new restricted film classification.



Update: Membership Sexed Up...

Australia's Sex Party bounces back after election concerns about minimum membership requirements

Link Here24th July 2015
Full story: Australia Sex Party...Adult trade association organises a politcal party
The Australian Sex Party is back in the federal political contest, two month's after the party's registration was cancelled.

Back in May, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) determined the party should be deregistered because it was not meeting the membership requirements of 500 members to maintain registration.

The leader of the party, and elected member of the Victorian Parliament, Fiona Patten said the AEC decision provoked an angry response.

There was outrage amongst many of our members.

But deregistration appears to have worked in the party's favour. Patten explained:

What was interesting was the number of people who joined the party during this process. Even people who weren't members, but may have been voters for our party, were outraged by this process and by the prospect that we wouldn't be allowed to contest the next election. So they joined.

Patten says there are about 6,000 members of the party across the country, and a candidate will contest the next election in all states and territories.



Dangerous Liaisons...

Extra marital dating service gets hacked with the intention of outing the clients

Link Here21st July 2015
Ashley Madison is an extra marotal dating website based in Canada. The site's tagline is: Life is short, have an affair .

Now life could be even shorter for some users, after the website was hacked with the intention of outing users.

According to Bloomberg Business , the site's hacking will potentially expose names, addresses, and sexual preferences of millions of members.

The site was hacked by someone or a group identifying as The Impact Team.  The group has put a message right on the site saying that we have taken over all systems in your entire office and production domains, all customer information databases, source code repositories, financial records, emails .

The hacker or hackers say that they will release all customer records, profiles with all the customers' secret sexual fantasies, nude pictures, and conversations and matching credit card transactions, real names, and address .

They hack also includes sister sites: Established Men (sugar daddy hook ups), Cougar Life (a dating website for cougars ), Man Crunch (a site for gay dating), Swappernet (for swingers), and The Big and the Beautiful (for overweight dating).



Aggravated Extortion...

jailed extortionists set up porn website and then tried to blackmail those that viewed videos

Link Here20th July 2015
A Swedish man who sent bills to thousands of victims who visited an apparently free porn site and threatened to publish their names if they failed to pay has been sentenced to two and a half years' jail for extortion.

Dennies Pettersson, who had acquired the Swedish rights for streaming videos on a foreign website, sent bills to people he claimed had watched the clips, demanding payment ranging from tens to hundreds of euros. For those who refused to pay, he raised the amount and threatened to call the police or publish their names on an online porn blacklist detailing which videos they had watched and then refused to pay for.

Pettersson admitted to 31 cases of aggravated extortion and to 526 cases of attempted extortion. The offences date to 2012 and 2013. Two accomplices were given suspended terms while another three were given prison sentences ranging from 12 to 18 months.

Although users never left their contact details on the site, Pettersson was able to trace them through a list of IP addresses he bought from Sweden's largest internet service provider.



Lust, Caution...

China's young people have spoken. And what they want is sex

Link Here17th July 2015



Offsite Article: One in four watching porn are women...

Link Here13th July 2015
Smartphones and 50 Shades of Grey said to be fuelling rise in popularity

See article from



Update: Making supreme sense...

Indian Supreme Court dismisses petition to block all internet porn

Link Here10th July 2015
Full story: Internet Censorship in India...India considers blanket ban on internet porn
There will be no restrictions on watching porn within the confines of your own home, the Indian Supreme Court has said. The apex court declined a plea to pass an interim order to block all porn sites in India.

Hearing a petition by advocate Kamlesh Vashwani, Chief Justice H.L. Dattu said: Such interim orders cannot be passed by this court. Somebody may come to the court and say look I am above 18 and how can you stop me from watching it within the four walls of my room. It is a violation of Article 21 [right to personal liberty].



Offsite Article: Morality vs Ethics...

Link Here10th July 2015
If food and fashion can be ethical, why can't pornography? By Nichi Hodgson

See article from



Drawing the Line in Malta...

Maltese government drafts legislation to repeal blasphemy laws and to legalise sex shops

Link Here8th July 2015
Full story: Censorship Law in Malta...Lawnmakers hide obscenity law behind child protection
Porn shops, cuirrently illegal in Malta, will soon be able to open on the strength of legal reforms that will allow pornographic material to be displayed so long as a clear warning is affixed outside the shop. The warning must read:

Warning. Persons passing beyond this notice will find material on display which they may consider indecent. No admittance to persons under 18 years of age.

It will still be illegal to distribute pornographic material in public places and to expose children or the unsuspecting public to pornographic material.

This is one of a series of legal reforms addressing morality and censorship. Another amendment decriminalises the vilification of religion.

Justice Minister Owen Bonnici said these reforms showed that government did not believe that the State ought to be the moral custodian of adults. He said:

Adults are to be treated as adults... These reforms aim to incentivise freedom of artistic expression while protecting the vulnerable,

Bonnici explained that the legal reforms -- that were in draft stage and would soon be presented in Parliament -- will include the complete removal of articles 163 and 164 of the Criminal Code. This will mean decriminalising the vilification of the Roman Catholic Apostolic religion and other religions.

The two articles made it illegal to vilify religion by words, gestures, written matter, whether printed or not, or pictures or by some other visible means.)



Offsite Article: Is Porn Addiction Really a Thing?...

Link Here5th July 2015
Like sex addiction, the concept of porn addiction has attracted criticism in a new book, Sex Addiction: A Critical History.

See article from



Fun in Pattaya...

Thai authorities get wound up by a public blow job in a popular disco

Link Here30th June 2015
  A Pattaya discotheque has been ordered to close for 10 days after a Thai woman fellated a South Korean man in full view of other customers early Monday morning. Pictures of the act were quickly circulated on Facebook and other online social networks.

Police, soldiers and local officials inspected 808 First Class Clubbing on Walking Street in Pattaya, after hearing of the incident.

One offcial said the night club had responded appropriately, and a security guard had asked the pair to leave the premises immediately.

Police claimed the incident had tarnished the image of Pattaya, and they were tracking down the two people involved, who were likely to face charges of public indecency. Of course in reality the incident has reinforced the fun filled image of Pattaya.

Bang Lamung district authorities ordered the closure of 808 First Class Clubbing for 10 days. District chief Chakorn said he had also ordered legal action against the discotheque for violating the Entertainment Places Act.

Pol Col Sukthat Pumpunmuang, chief of Pattaya tourist police said he believed the woman might be a sex worker.



Offsite Article: Les Chandelles...

Link Here28th June 2015
Inside an upmarket Parisian swingers club

See article from



Update: Moving to make X prohibition an ex prohibition...

The first parliamentary motion to legalise hardcore porn has been tabled in the Australian state of Victoria

Link Here27th June 2015
Full story: X Rated Ban in Australia...Xrated porn sales are banned in most states
The first motion to legalise X rated films in an Australian state was tabled in the Victorian Parliament this morning by Fiona Patten of the Australian Sex Party. The motion reads:

That this House

(1) acknowledge that the National Classification Code defines X 18+ as a legal classification of film that contains real depictions of actual sexual activity between consenting adults in which there is no sexual violence or otherwise;

(2) acknowledge that, in Victoria, the sale and exhibition of X 18+ films is prohibited, but the ownership and purchase of such films is legal;

(3) note that this structure is not only illogical, but has enabled the availability of pirated and refused classification films that may feature sexual violence;

(4) change the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 to allow the sale and exhibition of X 18+ films, and bring the Act into line with the Federal Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, and the Australian Law Reform Commission's 2012 recommendations;

(5) note that this change will allow for tighter regulations of X 18+ films in Victoria, so that adult material is sold only to adults from age restricted areas, ensuring that sexually violent material is not available, and helping to combat piracy.



A watershed for the internet...

Germany bans mature adult thinking before 10pm

Link Here23rd June 2015
Germans will only be able to buy adult eBooks between 10pm and 6am, according to a ridiculous new law.

Other such media have long been banned during the daytime, and real books that are violent or erotic are kept under the counter of bookstores. But a new ruling means that eBooks will be treated like films or TV, and so can only be sold during the night time window.

The 10pm to 6am window was originally instituted in a 2002 law -- Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag, or Youth Media Protection Act -- that was intended to restrict adult cinemas from showing films in the day. But many have pointed out that applying the rule on the internet, where products can be bought at all hours of the day, is impractical.

The change has been as part of a legal complaint around a German erotica eBook called Schlauchgelüste (Pantyhose Cravings), according to blog The Digital Reader, a memoir of a transgender person which has caused problems because it was readily available. READ MORE Amazon to start paying authors based on how far readers get through their books Grey: 8 things we learn in new Fifty Shades of Grey book told through Christian's eyes How e-readers took the embarrassment out of erotic fiction

None of the sites selling selling such material are yet shutting down in the day, according to reports. But the law allows for people to be fined up to â?¬500,000 if they are found to be selling the material.

The German booksellers' association is looking to provide a way that eBook stores can be sure that they're not selling the books to young people without having to check through the contents of every book that they sell, according to Boersenblatt the website for the German book trade. Such systems might require publishers to say whether books are erotic, and then place them in a special section of the website that ensures that they can't be seen by children.



Popcorn Porn...

Adult industry worried by new porn sharing app

Link Here9th June 2015
PopcornTime is a recent phenomena in the field of illicit movie sharing and is now set to move into the business of porn via the PornTime service.

PornTime is implemented via an upcoming app that is open source. But the creators seem to have suggested that there is still work to do. The creators write:

We would love to receive your help if you're into codes and stuff! Assist us with adding more great content from more great sources and improve Porn Time and make it the best source for porn available on the internet!



Pay Per Cut...

Ontario film censorship board makes a good profit from porn

Link Here5th June 2015
Canada's Ontario Film Review Board routinely brings in a $1.8 million annual profit, a substantial amount of that from the pornography industry.

However, Government and Consumer Services Minister David Orazietti says he expects the OFRB's unintentional profitability to end through restructuring and the creation of the Ontario Film Authority.

The OFRB is an arm's-length agency responsible for classifying all films sold or exhibited in the province. This includes adult films, which are mostly sold through pay-per-view channels, on DVD or Blu-Ray.

But it has a mandate to help the film industry, not profit from it. So the looming reorganization as a delegated administrative authority is expected to include a review of the fee structure currently in place for all films. Orazietti said:

I think that when the OFA is operational it will be very fitting to have a review of those fees, and how the revenue translates into the services that are provided for the sector.

The goal, he added, will be to make less money. Orazietti hopes that this restructuring will be completed by the end of this year

According the OFRB's online database, the review board screened an average of 20 pornographic films a day in 2013-14, generating a daily average of around $6,900 in classification fees. While the overall year-over-year revenue has dipped, porn viewing has increased dramatically compared to mainstream films, with adult films contributing three times as much revenue in 2013-14.

The 21-member board of government appointees are each paid a per diem of about $400 for each day spent classifying films (excluding Davis, who gets paid $627 as chair). The OFRB makes its money by charging a flat classification fee of $4.20 for one minute of screen time. Foreign films are charged $78.75 per movie.



Offsite Article: Will porn do for VR what it did for VHS, DVD and… the internet...

Link Here 24th May 2015
Virtual reality headset is getting close to market and the makers seem keen to embrace the possibilities for adult entertainment

See article from



Offsite Article: Electric ladyland...

Link Here21st May 2015
Is the real virtual reality space-race being fought not by games companies, but high-tech pornographers?

See article from



Massively Inappropriate...

Australian advert censors offended by sex shop advert featuring model with an ample bosom

Link Here18th May 2015
Australian advert censors of the Advertising Standards Board (ASB) have deemed a sex shop advert to be inappropriate.

The company behind a sex shop billboard which showed two women in lingerie leaning against each other has responded to the ad's ban, saying it is a family business which strives to drive the mobile ad in areas with few children.

Club Shoop's mobile ad was rejected by the ASB as inappropriate, after a complainant said they had seen them on a truck several times during the school holidays... the truck is driven along busy roads and stopping along the roads near shopping centres .

The ASB said the image was not exploitative, but wasn't acceptable for the areas it was shown. Its ruling noted:

The Board noted that the woman with the open shirt has very large breasts and that there is a significant amount of cleavage shown to the point of nearly exposing her whole breast.

The overall tone of the advertisement and specifically some of the features such as the level of exposed breast, the strap of a bra slipping down and the wide spread legs of one of the models and considered that this did amount to an image that was very sexualised and that the display of such an image on an outdoor mobile billboard did not treat the issue of sex and sexuality with sensitivity to the relevant broad audience.



Offsite Article: Violent Thuggery...

Link Here17th May 2015
A warning about clip joints in Krakow, Poland

See article from



Offsite Article: Ignore the puritan porn police - smut actually saves lives...

Link Here 1st May 2015
Porn gets a bum rap. Nearly every discussion focuses on the negatives, not the positives. In my view, it's time for a more balanced, nuanced response to pornography. By Peter Tatchell

See article from



Extreme Oppression...

Thailand's military government proposes a law to criminalise most pornography

Link Here13th February 2015
The Inducement Suppression bill which will ban specific kinds of pornography in a bid to increase efficiency in suppression, potentially paves way for a ban of group sex and BDSM in the name of public morals.

The bill also poses a great threat to media freedom as it not only broadly defines a wide range of media content deemed inappropriate, it also adopts the notorious article of the Computer Crime Act which indiscriminately holds internet intermediaries liable for all pornographic/violent materials without safe harbour.

Not that Thailand has no laws banning pornography. Article 287 of the Criminal Code bans the trade in objects deemed obscene and Article 14 (4) of the Computer Crime Act bans the import into a computer system of any pornographic data.

Of course the bill claims to be targeting child related offences but includes clauses criminalising adult porn. The proposed law could mean that forms of art and media which are erotic or deviant, violence, and drugs will be banned.

The bill therefore is aimed at prosecuting those who produce, trade, distribute, and publish obscene or violent materials which induce dangerous behaviour. The bill defies materials which induce dangerous behaviour as any publication, printed matter, photographs, films, messages, data or anything which encourages or induces the following:

deviant sexual behaviour sex with children cruelty against children suicide of children or group suicide illicit drug usage commission of the following crimes: terrorism, robbery, theft, murder, assault

It then explains that deviant sexual behaviour is

sex between parents and children sex between people who share at least one parent sex with physical violence, especially using implements forced sex group sex sex with animals sex with corpses

If passed, the Inducement Suppression bill will definitely outlaw hundreds of movies and TV series, especially from Hollywood, such as Fifty Shades of Grey, the popular Hollywood movie based on the novel of the same title in which the main protagonists engage in BDSM practices.

At present, without the law, Amarin Publishing House has already censored some erotic scenes of the Thai translation, saying that the contents are too excessive to be presented in Thai society .

Article 18 of the bill stipulates that anyone who, for the purpose of distributing and showing, produces and possesses material that could induce people to perform unlawful sexual acts and other criminal behaviour could face one to five years imprisonment and a 100,000-500,000 baht fine. There are exceptions for research and medical purposes.

Article 19 stipulates that whoever distributes or shows such materials will face the same penalty as offenders under Article 18. The distributors, however, will have to serve 1.5 times the jail terms of Article 18 if they distribute the materials on a computer system.

Any cinemas or hotels showing such material will face de-licensing.

Another great threat to freedom of expression of the bill is Article 22, which stipulates that any internet intermediary who knows that there are, in a computer system under their control, materials inducing dangerous behaviour, but does not immediately remove or delete such materials, must serve a jail term of up to five years or pay a fine up to 500,000 baht, or both.

Article 14 (2) allows the police to search the body of a person and vehicles without a warrant when they suspect that the person or vehicle is carrying illegal material. The search of places still needs a court search warrant.



Romantic Boulevard...

Plans for a sex themed park in Taiwan

Link Here28th January 2015

Taiwan's media is reporting on a project underway to build a sex theme park. It is part of a nearly 40-mile coastal Romantic Boulevard. The Boulevard will feature some less scandalous stuff: heart-shaped arches, a glass church, scenery for wedding photos--but it will also feature the sex themed park. It's likely to look something like a similar park in South Korea called Jeju Loveland, which has statues of things like giant genitals and people having threesomes.

Called the Romantic Boulevard's finale, the park will also have educational videos and sex toys, as well as what that site calls interactive facilities.

There will also be a hotel nearby, just in case visitors want turn their feelings into actions, an official, Shih Chao-hui, says. He explains the reasoning behind the whole idea: We want people to fall in love with Taiwan as well as fall in love while in Taiwan .

The central government's tourism department isn't thrilled, but the organisers hope that the promise of sexy revenue will bring them around.



Offsite Article: Hard times for Canberra sex shops as business moves online...

Link Here 7th January 2015
Australian shops rarely allowed to sell legal X rated DVDs suffer from competition with shops in neighbouring states where sales are technically illegal and so shops don't pay censorship fees

See article from


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