China researches the detection of brain waves indicating porn viewing
 | 15th
July 2022
| See article from pcgamer.com
Researchers in China claim to be able to detect porn watching brain waves for the purpose of censorship. The helmet-like device can detect spikes in human brainwave patters when the watcher is presented with pornographic imagery. In order to extend
and automate the porn censorship that is already going on, Beijing Jiaotong University researchers developed the mind-reading helmet, which looks more like a shower cap covered in wires, to maximise the efficiency of it's current efforts. It's able to
detect pornographic imagery with high accuracy, and is even able to filter through potentially detracting brain waves caused by emotional states, low energy levels, and random thoughts. Researchers note that the technology worked almost every single
time participants were presented with explicit imagery. However, it did trigger some false alarms leading to accuracy claims of 80%. It's assumed that these will be tools to help porn appraisers do their jobs more effectively; rather than clicking
through hundreds of images a day, assigning them either a pass or fail on the horny scale, they can be shown a bulk of images in quick succession, and the computer will use their brainwave data to do the rest. |
 | 22nd
December 2015
Crackdown in the world's leading porn consumer See article from indexoncensorship.org
China initiates another miserable campaign against internet porn
28th April 2014
| See article from
tech.firstpost.com |
China has announced another miserable campaign against online pornography and has asked websites to remove any such links to avoid repressive punishment. The National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications announced:
The campaign, Cleaning the Web 2014, will conduct thorough checkups on websites, search engines and mobile application stores, Internet TV USB sticks, and set-top boxes. All online texts, pictures, videos and
advertisements with pornographic content will be deleted. Websites, web channels and columns will be shut down or have their administrative license revoked if they are found to produce or spread pornographic information. The campaign
will last until November, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. Update: Censored 22nd April 2014. See
article from
independent.co.uk China's state media services announced the progress of its Cleaning the Web 2014 campaign , which has resulted in the closure of 110 websites and
more than 3,300 accounts containing supposedly obscene material since January. Update: Slash Erotic Writing 28th April 2014. See
article from qz.com A Chinese crackdown on
pornography is taking a creative turn. Authorities have arrested over 20 women in Henan province for writing gay erotic fan fiction online, according to a report (video in Chinese) from Anhui Television. + Exported from Japan in the 1990s, slash,
a subset of fan fiction that usually focuses on attraction or sexual relationships between people of the same sex, has taken on a cult following in China. Chinese Slash or danmei-- literally indulging in beauty --focuses almost exclusively on
relationships between men. The writers for danmei blogs and websites are usually heterosexual women in their 20s who make a few yuan on each of their stories. Comics, videos that embellish story lines from favorite TV shows, and stories circulate
on Chinese social media regularly. + Update: Sina Sins 28th April 2014. See article from
Sina Internet Information Service Co, one of China's Internet giants, has been suspended from engaging in Internet publication and audio and video dissemination for supposedly running pornographic content online, the National Office Against Pornographic
and Illegal Publications said. We have revoked the two licenses of Sina.com, including those for Internet publication and network distribution of audiovisual programs, and fined the company up to 5 million yuan ($800,000), said Zhou Huilin,
deputy director of the office. Sina supposedly published about 20 obscene articles in its reading channel and posted four Internet audiovisual programs with claimed obscene information, said Shen Rui, an internet censor with the Beijing Cultural
Market Administrative Enforcement Bureau. He said that some of the articles that were investigated included 500 chapters, and the number of clicks was more than 1 million, which brought serious negative social impact and seriously harmed the physical and
mental health of minors. Government censors explained that the supposedly pornographic material, included a book called The Village Woman's Dream Lover: Village Doctor Wanted. Sina have since grovelled with several profuse apologies.
30th March 2012 | | |
Chinese press censors seize 6 million publications considered illegal
| See
article from naharnet.com
Chinese officials have confiscated more than six million publications deemed illegal during the first two months of this year. In all about 1,442 cases were involved, China's national pornographic and illegal publication office said. The office
has intensified investigation and punishment to some government authorities who serve as a protective shield for the illegal act of producing and selling porn and illegal publications, a statement said. It will launch stricter crackdowns in sectors such
as printing, Internet communication and publication market to eliminate illegal publications, it said. The repression of pornography and illegal publications has expanded in scope from printed publications to online releases in recent years.
10th October 2011 | | |
Mobile porn doing well in China on fly-by-night websites
| See
article from newswire.xbiz.com
Mobile porn in China is on the rise thanks to low-cost entry into the adult business. According to a Penn-Olson report, even though porn is illegal in China, would-be adult mobile companies can get server hosting packages set up for as little as
$78 per year. The deals are reportedly being advertised heavily by hosting companies hiding behind disposable Chinese social networking QQ websites. Mobile websites are less strictly regulated than conventional sites, and the growing
number of dubious companies offering cheap hosting and ready-made WAP site templates makes it easier for fly-by-night 'yellow' sites to flourish, the report said. The boom is keeping Chinese authorities hopping as they try to stem the spread
of the illegal WAP adult sites, supposedly over concerns 'for the children'. Because the sites come and go quickly, authorities are finding it difficult to patrol and shut them down.
10th September 2011 | |
| China starts 2 month repressive campaign targeting porn sellers in large cities
See article from zeenews.india.com
The Chinese government has started a two-month long tirade against pornography. Despite previous crackdowns, pornography, especially that on compact discs, are showing a tendency to rebound as many sellers hawk porn videos right outside
computer shopping malls, an official statement said. According to the National Office against Pornographic and Illegal Publication, the repressive campaign will run from September 5 to November 5 and will focus on enterprises, stores, websites
and merchants that are involved in the sale of porn disks in large cities. During the campaign, local anti-porn offices have been asked to cooperate with press and publication bureaus, police and local government departments to close down major
8th September 2011 | | |
China: Sex, Censorship and the Rise of People's Porn
| From
article from globalvoicesonline.org
People's Pornography by katrien Jacobs is available at UK Amazon
Much of the discussion surrounding Chinese Internet culture has centered on the rise of online human rights activism, but the emergence of an online erotic culture that openly describes individuals' personal sexual activities has also been evident in
recent years. Associate Professor Katrien Jacobs' research at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on People's Pornography has investigated the culture of Do It Yourself amateur porn on the Chinese Internet, as well as the interplay
between pornography producers and consumers within the state's censorship mechanism. Below is a transcript of an interview conducted by Ronald Yick and Oiwan Lam about the upcoming publication of Professor Jacobs' new book, People's
Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet. Global Voices (GV): Can you explain what you mean by People's Pornography in your book? Katrien
Jacobs (KJ): First of all, the term People's Pornography covers the meaning of DIY pornography, which reclaims pornography by amateurs. But it also refers to pornography made in China. It sounds satirical because officially there is no Chinese
pornography, it is officially banned, even though everybody knows that there are many porn sites, including amateur porn, in China.
GV: Since you are an expert in the research of DIY pornography in
western societies, can you compare the culture in China and in the West? KJ: In the developed western society, alternative culture is strong and you can see artists or members of weird communities
making websites to promote their own kinds of pornography in different ways. Sites like Beautiful agony, which only depicts orgasm as seen from people's faces, is a kind of critique of commercial pornography, which is too much focused on genitals. That's
the background I came out of. I've met people who are interested in or actually making those sites. Of course this culture has very soon been commercialized. So you also have a DIY porn movement that is not really for people, by people, it's just
promoting girl next-door look, a kind of amateur look. So in the West, there are two competing movements, i.e. the real amateurs and the commercial forces. In China and in Hong Kong, you do have people who upload their
own videos and photographs. Sometimes on designated sites like the Pornotube, which is the Youtube for pornography. These sites are open to all people in the world. Of course, people from mainland China cannot get access to these sites and it is still
much more uncommon for people to participate in DIY porn movement. But we've noticed that younger people have started makig their sex videos in secret places or hidden places, like empty classrooms, medical rooms, elevators, or just corridors. This kind
of porn is definitely being made in China right now and being uploaded, because I found lots of videos compiled or archived on various websites. For sure the movement is very scattered and people say it's quite juvenile. But I think it is a sign of
GV: You've used the term erotic liberation in your book - what do you mean by that? KJ: First of all, I see liberation in the
fact that people can have access to pornography and the second point is that, people can express their cultural and sexual identities through pornography. So in these young people's videos, it's powerful for them to have sex somewhere and film it and
upload it and share it, despite the fact that this is totally forbidden and officially banned in China. But nevertheless it's happening. We shouldn't think it so seriously, in terms of political liberation because after all these people are just having
fun. But they are breaking law by being naughty in two different ways, by doing sexually what they want, and by uploading it. Their excitement comes from that double kind of breaking the rule.
GV: Are they aware of being subversive in spreading their pornography?
KJ: The interviews I did in mainland were netizens, but not necessarily those netizens that are uploading. I did also interview netizens in universities. It's really interesting, they are completely
aware of the Chinese war of pornography, that the Chinese government bans pornography, controls pornography, or uses pornography towards controlling the Internet. However they can find what they're looking for by jumping over the Great Firewall and share
their secret websites with each other. But sexual minorities are more vulnerable as they are still having a hard time being recognized in China. And for them to launch a porn movement would be probably out of the
GV: In recent years, more and more amateur porn has been uploaded online. Chinese netizens like to uncover the identity of those performing in sex videos, in particular when they involve
corrupt government officials. What's your view on that? Do you think it is related to gender and power relations in China? KJ: Yes, of course. If they can catch the corrupt government official, they
may have indeed challenged the power relations and exhibited their own power. But it is problematic, because in terms of sexuality, so often they will also try to just go for people's hidden sex lives. I really don't think that we can do that because
even if this person is a party official, with too much power, I still think we cannot judge his or her sex life. I would prefer people complain more about the lack of sexuality. I think Han Han's comment about
propaganda of impotence is very interesting. What has been promoted in the mainstream society it that we should not have pornography, maybe we can have sex, but we cannot have pornography. We should not document our joy, our orgasm. His idea challenges
China's history of asexuality. To attack the officials for having illicit sex affairs can hardly change the corrupted system.
GV: What is the relationship between the anti-censorship battle and sex
activism in China? KJ: In China, netizens seem to be aware of the pornography war, the fights of pornography, the fights of filtering software. In fact, the Grass Mud Horse, a symbol for fighting
against the filtering software in 2009, is a sex related expression. The rapid spread of Grass Mud Horse was a powerful moment in the netizens' fight for civil liberty, or freedom of expression. In China, more than in other countries, the fight of
sexually explicit media is at the heart of netizens' struggle. Of course, for people who are very into political dialogue, they do not want to deal with pornography questions, or even with sexuality questions. So to
some extent, I think the discourses are marginalized, but if you look at it closely, you can find it's actually in the middle of whole debate and the female bloggers are at the heart of it. For example, bloggers like Muzi Mei and Liumangyan (sex workers
activist) are two very good examples of what females and feminist bloggers who are doing around sexuality and they wouldn't try to separate political activism from sex activism. I think there is male tradition of
political activism that separates the sexual questions from the political questions and there is the tradition of female bloggers, more exhibitionistic and more down-to-earth, and so I think they are from different angles. When I was writing my chapter
on bloggers, I just noticed this kind of gap between the male tradition and female tradition, and I couldn't really deny that it was there.
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