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2013: July-Sept

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Do we really want to teach kids that grown ups enjoying sex is something to be sneered at?...

Australian gender extremists get wound up by sex shops in shopping centres

Link Here26th September 2013
Full story: Collective Shout...Nutter campaigners against sexualisation and the like
sexyland logo Australia's adult entertainment chain Sexyland set to move into traditional retail space. Sexyland owner Angelo Abela is in discussions with major shopping centre owners to bring his range of adult products to a broader market.  Abela said:

We would do it very tastefully and we would look very carefully at what we could put into shopping centres,

We're mindful of what we can show, what we sell in the premises as such and we would concentrate mainly on product which isn't restricted to adult premises. We would never go into it if it wasn't accepted by consumers.

In the face of increased online competition, Abela says the chain has focused on products other than porn:

We've concentrated more on lingerie, shoes, novelties and toys rather than the DVD section.

Abela says his company is focusing only on Victorian shopping centres for now and he expects an outcome by Christmas.

Comment: And Mediasnoops have kindly been following the inevitable nutter opposition...

26th September 2013. Thanks to Dan

See  Sex Shops In Shopping Centres? from  mediasnoops2.wordpress.com



Random Thinking...

Japanese porn sellers arrested after randomly sending out catalogues to men including the chief of police

Link Here24th September 2013
Japan flag Six pornography traders in western Japan have been arrested after mailing their catalogues to the head of Osaka Police Department by mistake, according to local media.

Police last week arrested Toshiharu Hidaka and five other men on suspicion of possessing supposedly obscene material with the intent to sell it in Osaka.

The suspects had been sending catalogues of illegal porn DVDs to random male customers by mail.

Police then raided Hidaka's office in Osaka. The six men have admitted the allegations.



Researching the Bleedin' Obvious...

Researchers find that porn viewers are not generally supportive of feminist policies (Unsurprising when many of these policies are aimed at banning porn!)

Link Here19th September 2013
psychology of women logo Should women receive preferential treatment in the workplace? Newly published research suggests attitudes toward this issue may correlate in part to whether people are porn viewers.

Writing in the Psychology of Women Quarterly , Indiana University researchers Paul Wright and Michelle Funk report people who admitted to watching pornography were less likely to support affirmative action for women in a subsequent interview.

That equation held true once a variety of factors that could shape one's view of the issue (including political ideology and religiosity) were removed from the equation. Furthermore, it applied to women as well as men.

The researchers claim: these results suggest that pornography may be a social influence that undermines support for affirmative action programs for women. ( But on the other hand it may just mean that if feminists were a little less strident in wanting to ban adult entertainment, they may get a little more support in more fundamental issues).

In interviews in 2008, nearly 24% of the men and 13% of the women said they had watched a pornographic film during the previous year. Two years later, as part of a follow-up session, the same people were asked, Are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of women?

The results: Prior pornographic viewing predicted subsequent opposition to affirmative action for women. While women in the study (like those in previous research) were more supportive of such programs than men, they, too, were less likely to express approval if they had watched porn.

According to the researchers, this suggests sexual media activate abstract social scripts, which may then be used to inform opinions about social issues ---particularly issues dealing with gender equality. But really it just means that porn viewers aren't awfully keen on those who want to take their fun away.



Offsite Article: An Industry Under Pressure: A European Perspective...

Link Here15th September 2013
asacp logo Discussion about what the adult internet industry should be doing about preventing access by children

See article from xbiz.com



Dangerous Selfies...

Malaysians warned that videoing yourself have sex is illegal

Link Here6th September 2013

Malaysia flag Malaysians are seemingly unaware that recording sexual acts of oneself or of others and keeping them are in violation of the Film Censorship Act 2002.

Ahmad Hilmi Said, director of the Film Censorship Control and Enforcement Division under the Home Ministry, said a person who is selling or owning pornographic films could be charged under Section 5 of the Film Censorship Act 2002 and can be fined between a minimum of RM10,000 (£1,900) to a maximum RM50,000 (£9,600), or face a jail term of not more than five years, or both, if convicted. He advised:

This includes recording oneself or others (in sexual acts); you should not keep it.

Ahmad pointed out there is a trend of people making recordings and storing pornographic videos in their mobile phones. This act would be violating the law.



Porna Award...

Dutch porn TV channel for women honours the best of the viewers favourites

Link Here6th September 2013
porna award On 7the September Dutch cable TV station Dusk! will present the very first Porna Award. This Award will go to which ever film our panel selects as their favorite.

The seven films nominated in no particular order are:

  • Don Juan's Therapist -- Nica Noelle
  • The Kiss -- Kendo
  • Skin. Like. Sun. -- Jennifer Lyon Bell
  • Your Orgasm Inside Me -- Dane Jones
  • Aphrodite Superstar -- Candida Royalle
  • A Taste Of Joy -- Petra Joy
  • Cabaret Desire -- Erika Lust

The nominated films were selected as best films by the Dusk! panel consisting of thousands of women. At the moment the panel is selecting which of the seven nominees will receive the Porna Award 2013.



Offsite Article: Lets drive one of our few remaining successful businesses off shore...

Link Here 20th August 2013
porn hosting map Only 3 nations have significant porn hosting business. 60% in US, 26% in Netherlands and 7% in UK

See article from dailymail.co.uk



Goa Goes Miserable...

Chief minister bans discos and dance bars

Link Here17th August 2013
cafe mambo goa Goa, the once popular Indian holiday state, has announced a ban on dance bars, further repressing the party scene in a destination once famous as a dance paradise.

The state has progressively restricted nightclubs and outdoor parties over the last few years.

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has made sanitising Goa's palm tree-lined beaches a priority to make them more 'family-friendly'. He has now announced:

Dance bars will not be allowed in Goa. There has been a lot of image-beating for the state due to the existence of drugs and prostitution on the beaches.

His administration has also ordered police to remain present on the beaches until midnight. Previously police would withdraw after sunset.

Previous measures against nightclubs and parties, have forced many to close or finish early. Silent discos , in which party-goers wear headphones to listen to the music, have developed as a way to work around the restrictions on outdoor noise.



Offsite Article: Ripped Off in Iceland...

Link Here17th August 2013
Iceland 100 quid for a 7 minute naked dance in a Reykjavik champagne bar

See article from grapevine.is



Offsite Article: Chaturbate GoneWild...

Link Here16th August 2013
chaturbate logo While the porn industry seeks to create more and more extreme videos, a new type of pornography is bringing online titillation back to its roots. James Cook reports.

See article from kernelmag.com



Moral? Objection...

Man arrested in connection with a bomb detonated outside of a sex shop in southern Italy

Link Here2nd August 2013

Italy flag A man has been arrested in southern Italy accused of detonating a bomb outside of the Vedova Nera Sexy Shop.

Police said Salvatore Infantino set off the bomb in April, weeks after the shop opened in Gioia Tauro along the Mediterranean coast. The explosion was so powerful it damaged buildings and cars parked nearby. The owner said the bomb caused almost $20,000 damage to the shop, which was not insured, Metropolis Web said.

Italian media said the attack may have been motivated by moral objection to a sex shop.



Comment: Police Blockheads...

Adult magazine publishers arrested for not enough pixelation

Link Here26th July 2013
Full story: Censorship in Japan...Japan's ban on the display of genitals in art and films

nyan 2 club Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department have arrested Akira O-ta, the head of the editorial department at the publisher Core Magazine, and two others for distributing supposedly obscene images. The arrestees are accused of carrying and selling magazines with manga and photos of sex scenes and other content with insufficient censoring.

O-ta and one other suspect have denied the charges, saying, We didn't think they were obscene. The third arrestee reportedly admitted to the charges.

The three suspects are accused of selling about 24,500 copies of the manga magazine Comic Mega Store with sex scenes between males and females. They are also accused of selling about 36,000 copies of Nyan 2 Club , a magazine for reader-submitted adult photographs. Both magazines were marked with the 18+ label.

Both magazines makes minimal use of mosaic censoring over certain areas, but the police said it verbally warned the magazines' staff that there is a possibility that these magazines could still be labeled as obscene.

Update: The Ministry of Unpixellated Porn

26th July 2013. Thanks to Alan

utamaro This idiocy leaves me gobsmacked. Japanese uncensored porn is all over the internet. Back in the days of dial-up, when porn consisted largely of still images, fans of Japanese dirty pics could download something called Mozkiller , which removed the mosaic censorship.

This also seems to be a very modern obsession. I remember going to an exhibition of ukiyo-e paintings by the respected artist Utamaro (1753-1806) at the British Museum, including many detailed pornographic pictures. In fact, one old boy was looking at some of the smaller pics through a magnifying glass to get a better view of the action.. (Yes, he was wearing a mac!) I believe the exhibition was supported by major Japanese galleries and the relevant ministry.



Anne Widdecombe Recommends...


Link Here24th July 2013

sexcereal A new muesli called Sexcereal is about to be unleashed on Britain. The maker claims that Just three tablespoonfuls will increase your libido.

Ann Widdecome writes:

It is almost certainly nonsense as in the words of one nutritionist: There is no scientific evidence that any food or nutritional substance can have an impact on your sex drive. But that is not the issue. It is yet another example of the sexualisation of even the most innocent aspect of our lives

Whether this cereal lives up to its claims or not, it is yet another example of the sexualisation of even the most innocent aspect of our lives, of the use of sex in advertising even the most basic products and of the underlying assumption that sex is everybody's preoccupation every minute of the day even when flying out of the door to catch the bus for work or dropping the children off at the school gates.

Let it languish on the shelves. It is reported to have been a big hit in the United States so let Brits smile incredulously and pityingly and reach for the Weetabix.



Update: Dance Bar Ban Barred...

Mumbai's moralist ban on dance bars overturned by India's Supreme Court

Link Here17th July 2013

india supreme court India's Supreme Court has undone an unfair and hypocritical ban on dance bars in Mumbai.

In 2005, the Maharashtra government, led by Home Minister R.R. Patil, worked itself into a fine moralistic fury about these establishments, claiming that dance bars bred prostitution and crime, declaring that the state was prepared to forgo excise revenue for the sake of a greater virtue.

Though the Bombay High Court struck down the ban in 2006, the state appealed to the Supreme Court, and meanwhile, because of a court stay, hundreds of bars closed, the women working in them were pushed into even more straitened circumstances, while elite versions of the same pleasures carried on. While the state destroyed the livelihoods of those who worked in the dance bars, it had no way to ensure them access to more acceptable jobs.

The Supreme Court has rightly ordered the state to concentrate on regulating these establishments better. After all, if it is genuinely concerned about crime and prostitution, it should be making sure the women who work in these bars have greater protections, and it should focus police efforts on crime control, rather than moral oversight.



Recommended by Australia's Film Censorship Board...

Rocco's Young Anal Lovers banned

Link Here12th July 2013

roccos young lovers Rocco's Young Anal Lovers is a 2012 US adult film by Rocco Siffredi

Stars: Rocco Siffredi, Aspid, Bonny Singer, Amirah, Marry, Mike Chapman, Markus, Paloma, Inga, Niki E.

Reviewers from the Australian Censorship Board gives the film top marks:

The film is classified RC (banned) in accordance with the National Classification Code as films that depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified.

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