18th December | |
| Gay marriage refusenik registrar loses case
| Based on article from
pinknews.co.uk |
Secular and libertarian groups have welcomed the Court of Appeal ruling that a council did not discriminate against a Christian registrar who refused to perform civil partnerships. Lillian Ladele claimed that she could not officiate the ceremonies
for gay couples because of her strict Christian beliefs. She argued that Islington council's disciplinary action was discriminatory but the Court of Appeal ruled against her in the latest round of the case. Gay organisation Stonewall said
it was pleased the court had upheld the right of lesbian and gay people to receive public services from public servants . Civil rights group Liberty had supported council in the case and described it as a common sense judgement .
Corinna Ferguson, Liberty's legal officer who specialises in religious freedom cases, said: Freedom of conscience is incredibly precious but other people have rights and freedoms too. Employers can't be expected to promote equal treatment under the
law if they must also accommodate discrimination on the part of their employees. Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said the ruling was important and definitive . He said: It establishes, we hope
definitively, that because a person has strong religious views, it does not give them the right to discriminate against and deny services to others of whom they disapprove. Parliament has decided that gay people are entitled to civil
partnerships and that their right to such a service be protected in law, so there should therefore be no opt-outs on any grounds, religious or otherwise, for public servants from performing these ceremonies. Christian conscience should not be a blanket
licence to discriminate against others. Ladele and the Christian Institute, which is supporting her, were refused leave to appeal at the Supreme Court. However, they plan to go to the Supreme Court directly to attempt to overturn the ruling.
Update: Appeal Refused 12th March. See article from telegraph.co.uk Lillian Ladele's situation does not raise legal points of general public
importance , according to the highest court in the land. She is now considering whether to try to take her case to the European Court of Human Rights, as she believes it shows that the right to religious conscience has been trampled by
the rights of homosexuals.
9th December | |
| Canadian judge overrules misleadingly named Alberta Human Rights Commission
| Based on article from christianpost.com
A Canadian judge last week exonerated a former pastor who was charged of committing a hate crime for sending a letter to a local newspaper criticizing homosexuality. Related Judge E.C. Wilson overturned a 2008 ruling by the Alberta Human Rights
Commission that ordered former Alberta pastor Stephen Boissoin to stop all public criticisms of homosexuality and to pay the plaintiff $5,000 in damages, according to The Canadian Press. Wilson ruled on Friday that the 2002 letter, which carried
the headline Homosexual agenda wicked, was not a hate crime but is permissible under freedom of speech. The decision of Justice Earl Wilson of the Court of Queen's Bench in Boissoin v. Lund will have a significant long term positive
impact on religious freedom in Canada, wrote Gerald Chipeur , Boissoin's attorney, in a summary analysis of the judgment, according to LifeSiteNews.com. Chipeur commented that the definition of what qualifies as hate speech was made clearer through
the ruling. He also said the judge took away the tools of censorship and protected freedom of expression. In 2002, Boissoin sent a letter to the editor of the Red Deer Advocate newspaper criticizing the pro-gay rights curriculum in the
province's education system. From kindergarten class on our children, your grandchildren are being strategically targeted, psychologically abused and brainwashed by homosexual and pro-homosexual educators, Pastor Stephen Boissoin wrote. The
letter caught the attention of a human rights activist who filed a complaint against the pastor for hate-mongering. The activist supported his case by pointing to a homosexual who was beaten up two weeks after the letter was published as evidence
that such speech can incite violence. While the decision did not strike down Alberta's 'hate speech' laws, it significantly limited the application of such laws, Chipeur said. But plaintiff Darren Lund responded to the ruling saying,
I really think this is a step backwards for our province, in an e-mail to The Canadian Press: In my view, the judge's ruling sets such strict standards for hate speech that this section is rendered all but unenforceable.
4th December | | |
Gay couples refused tickets to studio recordings of Top Gear
| Based on article from
Gay couples are furious after being banned from studio recordings of Top Gear They are prevented from joining the TV audience under a bizarre rule that stipulates bookings must be 50% male and 50% female . But the
policy was slammed as discrimination . Simon Reeves who was turned down when he and his partner applied for tickets to the BBC2 show, said: I couldn't believe it. Top Gear is the blokiest show on telly but we weren't allowed unless we took a
couple of female friends. It seems unfair that a married heterosexual couple are the 'ideal' applicants but same sex couples have no chance whatsoever. All applications to attend the five-hour recording in an aircraft hangar in Dunsfold, Surrey,
must be for groups of up to four, made up equally of males and females. The website which handles the allocation says : Each booking requires equal amounts of men to women, so please ensure that you have a 50/50 split of guys and gals in your
party. A BBC spokeswoman said same sex couples were welcome. The 50/50 split was simply to avoid the entire audience being made up of men . Viewers don't want to just look at a load of ugly men, she explained.
3rd December | | |
Relate employee loses case against dismissal for refusing to counsel gays
| Based on article from
A relationship counsellor who refused to offer sex therapy to gay couples has lost his unfair dismissal appeal. Gary MacFarlane was sacked by marriage guidance service Relate after he said he could not do anything to promote gay sex. He
alleged Relate had refused to accommodate his Christian beliefs. The service's chief executive Claire Tyler said: The appeal judgement validates Relate's commitment to equality of access to our services. Relate's trusted service, both in Avon
and across the country, relies on making sure that all members of society, regardless of their gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation or relationship status, are able to access respectful and professional counselling and sex therapy. Relate is committed to supporting all religious beliefs working within Relate. However, our primary consideration is to our clients who often need complex advice and assistance. We cannot allow anything to damage our clients, or to undermine the principle of trust that underpins our work.
MacFarlane, a former church elder, was appealing on the grounds of religious discrimination at the Employment Appeal Tribunal in Bristol. The tribunal, chaired by employment judge Toomer, dismissed MacFarlane's claims of harassment.
27th November | |
| Canadian Customs seizes 3 innocuous gay films
| 22nd November 2009. From altfg.com
Xtra.com is reporting that Canada Border Services Agency customs officers have seized three gay-themed films en route to Ottawa's three-day Inside Out gay film festival, which ends on Nov. 22. No explanation was given for the seizure — which,
of course, is exactly what you'd expect to happen in a true democracy. The films are supposed to remain in custody until they're watched in full by some border censor or other. The three films in question are Adrian Shergold's made-for-TV Clapham Junction
, which follows a group of gay men in Clapham, South London, and which has some nudity; Shamim Sarif's I Can't Think Straight , a Middle East-set lesbian love story starring Lisa Ray and Sheetal Sheth; and Ella Lemhagen's PG-rated Patrik
Age. 1.5 , the story of a gay couple who mistakenly end up adopting a teen thug. All three films have already been screened elsewhere in Canada. All three are Here! releases, a US-based distributor of gay-themed movies. In the past, Canadian
border officials have been accused of harassing gays, and of arbitrarily confiscating gay literature and movies. Despite the country's reputation of being more liberal than its southern neighbor, its border cops, obsessed with obscenity, are known
as anything but — especially when it comes to homosexuality. In 2000, the Vancouver-based bookstore Little Sister's sued the CBSA, taking the matter all the way to Canada's Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the bookstore. Clearly, the ruling hasn't
prevented the agency from going after other gay-oriented venues. Update: Simple Ignorance 27th November 2009. From xtra.ca
A spokesperson for Canada's border guards says that three gay films were flagged by border officials because of simple unfamiliarity with the titles. On Nov 20, officials from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) refused to let
three films into the country that were destined for the Inside Out film festival in Ottawa. When Jason St-Laurent, the director of programming for Inside Out, found out that the films had been stopped at the border, he tried frantically to get
hold of staff at the CBSA. No one was able to help him, he says. He managed to get a shipment of replacements, he says, although barely under the wire. If St-Laurent hadn't found alternate prints, the festival could have lost up to $12,000.
The second time they sent the films, they arrived without any hassle. That time they were sent it to SAW Gallery in Ottawa, rather than the Inside Out film festival.
25th November | | |
1500 complaints about gay kiss at the American Music Awards
| Based on article from
American Idol star Adam Lambert's performance at Sunday's American Music Awards has prompted more than 1,500 complaints by viewers. During the closing act, the openly gay singer simulated sex on stage with a back-up dancer and kissed a male
musician on the mouth. Lambert told US network CNN that the kiss was in the moment . ABC said the number of complaints was moderate . Lambert, who performed his debut single For Your Entertainment , said that if
people had been upset by his performance that it is a form of discrimination and it's too bad . He added: I had fun, my dancers had fun, the audience that was in the Nokia [Theatre] had fun. Anybody else who was watching it and enjoying it,
thank you for being entertained. The Parents Television Council (PTC), a media pressure group which campaigns against indecent content on US television, posted a statement on its website calling the show tasteless and vulgar
. President Timothy Winter said members were outraged . He added: They just can't believe the nature of the content, the explicit nature, and how much graphic content there was.
22nd November | |
| Canadian Customs seizes 3 innocuous gay films
| Based on article from
Xtra.com is reporting that Canada Border Services Agency customs officers have seized three gay-themed films en route to Ottawa's three-day Inside Out gay film festival, which ends on Nov. 22. No explanation was given for the seizure — which,
of course, is exactly what you'd expect to happen in a true democracy. The films are supposed to remain in custody until they're watched in full by some border censor or other. The three films in question are Adrian Shergold's made-for-TV Clapham Junction
, which follows a group of gay men in Clapham, South London, and which has some nudity; Shamim Sarif's I Can't Think Straight , a Middle East-set lesbian love story starring Lisa Ray and Sheetal Sheth; and Ella Lemhagen's PG-rated Patrik
Age. 1.5 , the story of a gay couple who mistakenly end up adopting a teen thug. All three films have already been screened elsewhere in Canada. All three are Here! releases, a US-based distributor of gay-themed movies. In the past, Canadian
border officials have been accused of harassing gays, and of arbitrarily confiscating gay literature and movies. Despite the country's reputation of being more liberal than its southern neighbor, its border cops, obsessed with obscenity, are known
as anything but — especially when it comes to homosexuality. In 2000, the Vancouver-based bookstore Little Sister's sued the CBSA, taking the matter all the way to Canada's Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the bookstore. Clearly, the ruling hasn't
prevented the agency from going after other gay-oriented venues.
9th November | |
| Turkish gay club under threat from local government
| Based on article from
The Black Pink Triangle Association in Izmir, Turkey, has become the latest Turkish GLBT organization to face a closure threat from the government. The Izmir governor's office filed suit against the group, calling it illegal, immoral and
anti-family. A hearing is scheduled for Feb. 19, 2010. The prosecutor's demand for closure of our association is clearly a violation of civil rights, the group said in a statement. Establishing an organization is a constitutional right
and they want to take that right from us.
8th November | | |
Porn can end a teaching career
| Based on article from
A PE teacher whose naked pictures turned up on gay porn sites has resigned from his job. Sam Handley had been suspended from his job at Harvey Grammar School in Folkstone in Kent since the story first hit the media (and images were circulated
on the internet) last month. Handley has now resigned prior to an investigation into his conduct. In a statement released to local media, the school said: The school fully accepts Mr Handley's assurances that the events in question took
place prior to him being offered and taking employment at the school, and that he has not engaged in anything similar while employed at the school.
7th November | | |
Gay campaign group easily offended by South Park
| Based on article
from artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com
On this latest South Park episode, called The F-Word, the kids decide that they will change the meaning of the word fag so that it will be used as a slur against burly, inconsiderate motorcyclists who ride loud Harley-Davidson bikes
instead of against gay people. The children's casual and frequent use of the word, which was broadcast unbleeped, offends adults and several gay characters on the show. But after the town learns the etymology of the word faggot (which began
use as a derisive term for old women) and gains the approval of a dictionary official, their new meaning for the word is accepted. But the episode did not sit easy with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, an advocacy group that
monitors issues of gender identity and sexual orientation in the media. In a news release issued on Thursday night, the group asks for Comedy Central and the South Park staff to apologize for what it calls a slur-filled episode. In a
statement, GLAAD officials said they recognized that the episode was attempting to use edgy humor to provide commentary on current issues. They added: Yet despite what the South Park writers may believe, the definition of the F-word
remains one that is harmful and derogatory to the LGBT community. The statement says that the epithet remains a hateful slur that is often part of the harassment, bullying and violence that gay people, and gay youth in particular,
experience on a daily basis in this country. It is an epithet that has real consequences for real people's lives.
16th October | | |
Moscow orders closure of oldest gay club
| Based on article from
Russian gay rights activists are denouncing the planned closure of Moscow's oldest gay club. The city has ordered the club shut down by Nov. 15 for reasons of immorality. Nikolai Alexeyev, the leader of Russia's gay rights movement, describes the
decision as a crude attempt at populism and a violation of human rights. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has blocked attempts to hold a gay pride march in Moscow and has labeled gays weapons of mass destruction.
15th October | | |
Amateurish over-exaggerated offence at minor gay quip
| 12th October 2009. Based on article
from express.co.uk
Dannii Minogue has apologised for a quip about a finalist's sexuality live on X Factor as fans called for her to be fired. The judge sparked 'outrage' with a comment about contestant Danyl Johnson. The teacher had finished a version of
Whitney Houston's I Am Telling You when Dannii referred to reports that Danyl is bisexual. Talking about the lyrics, she said: No need to change the gender references, if we're to believe everything we read in the press. The
comment on Saturday's show 'stunned' Johnson and 'incensed' Simon Cowell. Thousands of fans logged on to the X Factor forum to vent their 'anger' while a survey showed more than 80% of fans wanted her kicked off the show. One fan said: Forget the Strictly row, Dannii is the one that needs to be sacked. She was live on air and set an extremely awful example to our children.
Many said they had complained to media watchdog Ofcom. Dannii said on her Twitter blog she meant no offence and said she was happy to apologise publicly. In a statement, she said: I want to clear up exactly what happened on Saturday
night's X Factor show and post my sincere apologies to anyone who took offence. It was meant to be a humorous moment about the fact he had an opportunity to have fun with his song. An openly bi-sexual guy singing a song that is lyrically a girl's
song. Danyl and I were joking about the very same thing in rehearsals on Friday, so it carried on to the show. I'd like to apologise to anyone that was offended by my comments, it was never my intention. Danyl said he was not offended: We're completely cool about it and chatted after the show. I wasn't upse
t. Update: I'm Telling You, 4000 Complaints 15th October 2009. Based on
article from guardian.co.uk The TV censor Ofcom has
now received almost 3,885 complaints from members of the public about The X Factor judge Dannii Minogue's comment about contestant Danyl Johnson's sexuality on Saturday night. Johnson changed the lyrics of Jennifer Hudson's song I'm Telling You
, in which the lyrics refer to a male, so that the song from the point of view of a man singing to a woman. Minogue subsequently made a joke with Johnson, who has been the subject of tabloid stories suggesting he is bisexual, saying that there was no need to switch the gender reference in that song
. The regulator has not yet decided whether it will launch a formal investigation into whether Minogue's comment represented a breach of its broadcasting code.
15th October | |
| Muslim team thrown out of French amateur league for refusing to play gay team
| Based on article from
A soccer club was permanently banned from the French amateur league after refusing to play a match against a gay team. Last week, Paris Foot Gay said its members were victims of homophobia when Creteil Bebel, a team of Muslim players, refused to
play them this month. The French amateur league said it excluded Creteil for refusing the match on discriminatory grounds. It's a permanent exclusion, they will never be reinstated, league president Jacques Stouvenel said.
11th October | | |
US hate crime bill passed by House of Representatives
| Based on article
from latimes.com
A long-debated bill to broaden US federal hate-crime law to cover violence against gays has been approved by the Democratic-controlled House in what would be the first major expansion of the law in more than 40 years. The measure, which is
expected to go before the Senate within days, had faced a veto threat from President George W. Bush, but enjoys President Obama's support. White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said: As the president said back in April, the hate-crimes bill takes
on an important civil rights issue to protect all of our citizens from violent acts of intolerance, while also protecting our freedom of speech and association, he said. The measure passed by a vote of 281 to 146. The hate-crime
legislation would expand the law to cover acts of violence motivated by a victim's sexual orientation, gender, disability or gender identity. Existing federal law defines hate crimes as those motivated by bias based on religion, race, national origin or
color. The measure also would give federal authorities more leeway to help state and local law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting hate crimes. It also makes grants available to states and communities to combat hate crimes committed by
juveniles and to train law enforcement officers in investigating, prosecuting and preventing hate crimes. The bill also creates a new federal crime for attacking members of the military because of their service. A number of Republicans
assailed the measure as thought crimes legislation, contending that it could lead to the prosecution of a pastor delivering sermons against homosexuality if one of his church members committed a hate crime. They have hinted at a constitutional
challenge. Congress should protect all Americans equally and not provide special protections to a few politically favored groups, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, said in a statement. It violates the principle of
equal justice under the law and also threatens to infringe on the free speech rights of the American people. The bill's supporters, however, say that they added language to the measure to protect freedom of religious expression.
10th October | | |
Egyptian newspaper banned after reporting about gay actors
| Based on
article from
The weekly independent newspaper, Al Balagh Al Gadid , has been banned after reporting that three prominent Egyptian actors were caught in a prostitution network for homosexuals. In a story published last week, the paper reported that the
actors were questioned by police for being part of a homosexuals' network, which was allegedly discovered last month at the Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel in Cairo. While police sources denied the story, the newspaper said the actors were
investigated by authorities before they bribed officers and the hotel management to disregard the whole incident and keep it quiet. The actors were outraged by the report, saying the newspaper's story was groundless. They filed lawsuits against the
publication's chief editor, executive chief editor and one of its reporters. In a statement, the Egyptian Higher Council for Journalism said it decided to ban the broadsheet after considering the reports forwarded to the general prosecutor by the
actors, who stressed that Al Balagh Al Gadid was aiming to damage their reputations. Most public figures in Egypt want to avoid being connected to homosexuality, which could damage their popularity among Muslim fans.
8th October | | |
Turkey close down top gay information sites
| Based on article from
Turkey's two largest gay and lesbian Internet communities, hadigayri.com and gabile.com, have been shut down by the Telecommunication Directorate, or TI.B. The Web sites have more than 200,000 members combined. According to its administrators
and members, the sites do not contain any pornographic or criminal content. The directorate blocked the sites without providing any information to the owners or issuing a demand to take down certain content, site mangers said, calling the action unlawful
and arbitrary. The judiciary previously refused the demand to close down Lambda I.stanbul and Kaos GL, the city's two main gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender organizations. Site managers said the new decision came after previous attempts to
close down the online networks of members of these organizations.
3rd October | | |
Netherlands looks set to continue gay prejudice at religious schools
| Based on article from
Dutch religious schools will be able to continue refusing to employ homosexual teachers, despite home affairs ministry plans to amend discrimination laws. The government is to scrap a clause which bans discrimination against people simply on the
grounds of sex, race, sexual orientation or nationality because it is confusing , home affairs minister Guusje ter Horst told MPs. And schools will still be able to refuse to employ gay teachers who practise homosexuality because it
conflicts with their religious beliefs. Gay rights groups said they are very disappointed at the decision. There is a real chance that certain schools will feel their anti-gay stand is now legitimate, Wouter Neerings, of the COC lobby group told
Nos tv. MPs are due to debate the issue on Wednesday.
1st October | | |
Conviction for homophobic chant quashed on appeal
| Based on article
from guardian.co.uk
A 14-year-old boy and a 43-year-old man have had their convictions for shouting homophobic abuse at former Portsmouth and England defender Sol Campbell overturned. Ian Trow and the 14-year-old, who cannot be named, were found guilty of shouting
abuse at the player during the Premier League match between Tottenham Hotspur and Portsmouth at Fratton Park on 28 September last year. Trow was fined £500 and banned from attending football matches for three years. The teenage boy was also
banned from football matches for three years, and fined £400 costs with an additional £15 to go to a victim surcharge fund. But the convictions have been overturned after the pair launched a successful appeal. The appeal judge said it
was not possible to determine whether Trow or the teenager were personally responsible for shouting abusive words, according to the Milton Keynes Citizen. Judge Richard Price said: We can hear the crowd, we can hear the words 'gay boy'. We
can't be sure those words came from Mr Trow's mouth. We can't be sure those words came from the boy's mouth. He overturned the convictions and quashed both sentences.