French women occasionally enjoy porn with natural, realistic scenes but find rough sex degrading
 | 6th December 2012
| See article from
A survey of 579 French women has been carried out by the IFOP polling institute in September to monitor attitudes towards porn. IFOP's Francois Kraus told AFP: In the space of a few years it has become an
accepted thing for women to watch pornography, partly thanks to the Internet, and video-on-demand services that made porn more accessible and took away the shame factor.
62% of women said they watched porn to spice up their sex life
with a partner, and 50% had also done so on their own. Kraus said: Women are now consuming porn by themselves. That goes hand in hand with a widening of sexual behaviour, and changing attitudes towards sex toys
or fellatio for instance. And of course it raises the issue of masturbation, one of the great taboos of female sexuality. There is a real generational break, with women in their forties and younger much more willing to admit the
So what do women make of the films on offer? Women attached most importance to a natural-looking cast, a priority for 40%, while realistic sex scenes were essential for 35%. Most women felt strongly that the industry
caters only to male fantasies, a view shared by 71% of women. Likewise 72% felt the films on offer were highly degrading to women, and 57% said they were too violent. Overall, women were still far less assiduous watchers than men,
with only 5% of porn consumers watching frequently -- once a month or more. Another 13% watched a few times a year. The study was commissioned by Marc Dorcel, a provider of pornographic content, to mark the launch of a new porn site targeting the
women's market, Dorcelle.com.
Shock horror! researchers find that many customers of sex workers seek a girl friend experience
 | 20th September 2012
| See article from
The Hobbyist and the Girlfriend Experience: Behaviors and Preferences of Male Customers of Internet Sexual Service Providers Abstract This study provides descriptive information about the
background characteristics, sexual preferences, attitudes, and motives of men (N = 584) who locate and contract with female Internet Sexual Service Providers (ISSP) for paid sex acts through a prostitute review site on the Web. The questionnaire-based
findings showed these men preferred the girlfriend experience or GFE over all other personal qualities and behaviors. The study contributes to our understanding of a rapidly emerging category of men who seek sexual services on-line and their
desire for mutuality and excitement in a provider who is willing to replicate some aspects of a conventional, non-remunerative romantic relationship. The present study provides information on the sexual behavior, motives, and
characteristics of a highly elusive population of regular clients of prostitutes who consider themselves hobbyists. These men are part of an on-line community based around prostitute review websites in which clients post reviews of their
experiences and also communicate on-line with Internet Sexual Service Providers (ISSP) i.e. prostitutes who advertise their sexual services on-line. Hobbyists share information within a forum of insiders and often come to know one another by user names
or aliases. In contrast to customers seeking prostitutes on the street, the risk of arrest is extremely low. Although the sample of 584 men who participated in the present study may not be representative of the majority of prostitution customers, it
provides insight into a growing subculture of men who solicit indoor prostitutes almost solely by using the Internet. Our study yields a constellation of findings indicating that many of these customers of ISSP seek a girlfriend experience, popularly abbreviated GFE, in which their interactions with providers mirror those often found in conventional non-remunerative sexual relationships.
 | 12th September 2012
| Brisbane police warn vigilance after horror for man whose intimate webcam session was plastered across multiple websites in online dating scam See
article from
heraldsun.com.au |
US survey finds that stars are main driver for choosing adult movies
 | 30th August 2012
| See article from
A new XCritic.com and Vivid Entertainment survey has found that DVD porn buyers are big collectors, sometimes amassing stashes of more than 200 feature titles. The fourth Sex Tracker survey conducted by the companies show that 28% of
respondents have more than 100 DVDs in their personal porn collection. Of these, 40% say they've watched each 7% viewed them six to 10 times, but 24% can't remember how many times they've watched them. What surprised the XCritic.com editors, was
that 57% said they do not watch porn on a smart phone or tablet. The survey also revealed that the star of a movie is the chief purchase motivator for a whopping 61% percent of people who buy adult movies, while 15% buy them because of the story
line and 10% buy them because they like a particular studio. Price, the director, and a movie's special effects have little impact on a purchase decision. Nearly 55% of viewers said they follow or interact with their favorite stars online
and through social media. Features with story lines mixed with sex are favored by 51% of the respondents, compared with 49% for all-sex movies.
 | 6th August 2012
| Adult Toys Hit the Mainstream and Are Here to Stay See article
from huffingtonpost.co.uk |
Girl on Girl action popular with the girls
 | 11th July 2012
| See article from
A poll has found 90% of British women surveyed admitting that pornography turns them on. The survey has revealed almost 33% gain ideas from porn to spice up their sex lives, with online pornography being popular with 37% logging on for a peek
at erotic pictures, The Sun reported. Almost 40% like looking at naked women and 30% enjoy girl-on-girl action - with 9% confessing the porn had inspired them to try it for real. 50% of those polled for Glamour magazine said they send their
lovers sexy photos and 16% stripped off for a webcam. As another example HotMovies, an adult video on demand website, consistently reports that Girl on Girl videos are the most popular on the website.
Website: PVV Critical Commentary on Adult Production
 | 7th July 2012
| See article from
PVVOnline.com (USA) This is a website run by Chauntelle Anne Tibbals Ph.D, a sociology academic who specializes in porn. Chauntelle takes a serious but positive attitude to porn to try to help people understand it.
She writes, Just like real life, porn is multi-dimensional and complex, and every discrete element is also part of a wider socio-cultural past, present, and future. PVVOnline/Porn Valley Vantage engages these complexities,
connecting the dots and offering readers a unique take on the adult industry. Great for education at all levels of sexual sophistication! www.pvvonline.com
 | 4th June 2012
| Ammunition in the War On Science by Dr Marty Klein See article from
sexualintelligence.wordpress.com |
13th May | | |
Ann Summers and Relate get together to survey people's sex lives
| See article from
marketingweek.co.uk See The Sex Census 2012 Report [pdf] from
The Sex Census 2012, surveyed almost 25,000 people in the UK about their sex lives and claims to be the biggest survey of its kind. Sponsors Ann Summers and Relate both hope to use the data gleaned from the survey to gain a better understanding of
what makes the nation tick . Ann Summers hopes that the partnership and Sex Census will help it appeal to a broader audience and make sure the brand is associated with the serious side of a healthy sex life. Relate hoped to broaden perceptions
of its brand and services beyond relationship counselling to include sex therapy. Both parties hope to make the dual branded survey an annual census. The Report is straightforward and informative without being preachy or judgemental. Eg on the
subject of Pornography: There is still a big gender split when it comes to pornography use: just 19% of women use it once a week or more, compared to 58% of men. And 41% of women use pornography once a month or more,
compared to 76% of men. For many years it's been said that women are more interested in pornography when there is a relational component – for example where there is a storyline that details part of a relationship rather
than just images of sex – while men are more visually stimulated by images; but our survey says differently. Although a significantly higher proportion of men use pornography regularly, the choices made by men and women are remarkably similar.
There is almost no difference at all between the genders when it comes to accessing pornography on the internet, while slightly more women than men use adult TV channels and buy their porn on DVD. The only variations are that women are still bigger
consumers of erotic literature and twice as many men access live sex cams from their computers or via their phone.
24th January | | |
Researchers fail to find evidence of the G-Spot
| See article from
The elusive female G-spot may not actually exist at all, according to scientists. The G-spot is said to be a small area of the female body where nerve endings are concentrated, with the capability to provide intense pleasure. ' After reviewing 100
studies conducted over the past 60 years, experts have concluded that there is no evidence for the fabled centre of female sexual pleasure after all. Research leader Dr Amichai Kilchevsky, a urologist from the Yale-New Haven Hospital in
Connecticut, blamed pornography, magazines and sex therapists for ruthlessly promoting the idea. While he admitted the concept merited further attention and that modern investigative techniques might help, he said he hoped his conclusion would
take the pressure off couples who had not located it. Objective measures have failed to provide strong and consistent evidence for the existence of an anatomical site that could be related to the famed G-spot , he wrote in the Journal of
Sexual Medicine. His findings support those of researchers from King's College London, who questioned 1,800 women in one of the largest studies on the subject and concluded that there was no evidence for the existence of the G-spot.
15th January | | |
Your Kid Looks At Porn. Now What? See article from sexualintelligence.wordpress.com |