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2011: April-June

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30th June   

Mothers Against Violence Recommend...

Eminem's Space Bound
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eminem space bound video In a new video Space Bound , Eminem fantasises about choking and killing porn star Sasha Grey. Then he shoots himself in a graphic scene which shows blood spurting out of the back of his head.

Unsurprisingly it has wound up a few campaigners. Mothers Against Violence branded Eminem as evil . A spokeswoman said:

People who do this are really quite evil. Children are influenced by the things they see. If we feed violence, it becomes strong. Like an addiction.

It's all about the money with these videos. Eminem isn't thinking about the families affected. It's selfish, it comes to a point when selfishness becomes evil.


3rd June   

Eff Off Hef...

Object and UK Feminista recommend the new Playboy Club
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eff off hef logo Feminist campaigners are to stage protests at the opening of a new Playboy Casino Club in Old Park Lane, Mayfair, London on 4th June 2011.

The new club comes 30 years after its predecessor establishment, which was also based in Mayfair , closed after a police raid for suspected gambling irregularities.

Kat Banyard, Director of UK Feminista, said:

When it comes to today's pornography industry, all roads lead back to Playboy. It was Hugh Hefner who laid the political and cultural groundwork for the brutal, violently misogynistic pornography that now floods society. But sadly for Hefner, you can't trademark sexism, and Playboy's retro brand of 'gentleman's porn' can no longer compete with the extreme degradation of modern internet pornography. Hence we see this endless diversification into nightclubs, video games, clothing and even children's stationary.

Anna van Heeswijk, Campaigns Manager of OBJECT, said:

Far from a symbol of sophistication and class, the opening of a new Playboy club in London signifies a worrying step backwards in the quest for equality between the sexes. It entrenches the legitimacy of a porn empire which makes its fortune out of degrading women as fluffy animals who exist as sexual playthings for wealthy men. It opens the floodgates ever wider to the pornification of our popular culture. And it serves to embed further a porn emblem which insidiously grooms girls into accepting and embracing sex object culture by marketing its brand to children through playboy pencil cases and bed covers.

It is time to cut through the crap of the Playboy PR machine. Sexualising and objectifying women as bunny rabbits is not sexy and it is not empowering. It is sexist, and everyone knows it. This is why hundreds of women and men across the country are signing up to the OBJECT and UK Feminista campaign to object to the opening of the new Playboy club. Our message is clear - 'Eff off Hef and stop degrading women!'

The club will have gaming rooms, restaurants and the obligatory Cottontail Lounge with cocktail waitresses in bunny costumes. According to its website, it boasts gaming rooms dedicated to a an exciting contemporary casino , roulette machines, poker games and slot machines.


4th May   

Update: Idiots Protest...

Richard Herring winds up the nutters of Lowestoft
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richard herring christ on a bike advert Richard Herring performed his show Christ on a Bike -- the Second Coming at Lowestoft's Marina Theatre.

Before the show a group of 20 churchgoers waving placards demonstrated outside the theatre. They claimed that a flier promoting the show was blasphemous and vulgar. They also claim that the show mocks Jesus.

The protest was organised by the Rev Kyle Paisley of the Free Presbyterian Church in Oulton Broad and was attended by other church groups from across the region. Paisley is the son of Ulster politician Lord Bannaside (Ian Paisley).

Herring said that the show was a tribute to the life of Jesus, regardless if he was the son of God. He told the churchgoers he respected their views and right to protest. But he admitted he used vulgarity to annoy people.

The comedian, who is on a national tour, also defended himself after he described churchgoers who planned to protest as more backward than people of East Anglia, and imagine how backwards that makes them feel .

The controversial flier featured a mock up Bible in which God and Holy Spirit are seen to use 'offensive' words in a conversations with Herring. It also said Jesus was cool while people who follow him are idiots .


21st April   

'Tis Pity She's a Whinger...

Christians 'distressed and outraged' at poster or play
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tis pity advert A poster promoting a play about incest has been replaced after complaints by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds about its use of religious imagery. The Playhouse said it regretted any offence caused by the original poster.

West Yorkshire Playhouse's advert for its new production of the 17th Century play Tis Pity She's a Whore featured an image of Christ and the Virgin Mary.

It has now been replaced after complaints from some local people and a letter from the Bishop of Leeds. John Grady, from the diocese, said it had received complaints from people who were 'distressed and outraged' by the poster and its use in the approach to Easter.

The play, written by John Ford, tells the story of a brother and sister involved in an incestuous relationship.

The Playhouse said the poster was intended to represent a sacristy . It said: The focus of the image, and therefore at the centre of the poster is the picture of the children holding hands, the suggestion being that candles are being lit and prayers given in the sacristy for these children. The validity and relevance of the Pieta image depicting John Ford's controversial 1633 play remains, and will still be seen on promotional material.


15th April   

Backward People of East Anglia...

Lowestoft christians have a whinge at Richard Herring's Christ on a Bike
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richard herring christ on a bike advert Christians are planning to protest outside a comedy night called Christ On A Bike when it visits Lowestoft on 28 April.

Richard Herring's show is billed as a humorous look at Jesus, combining childlike guile with rigorous academic research .

Presbyterians from Oulton Broad claim the show is blasphemous and vulgar . Matthew Pickhaver, church youth worker, said: We plan to peacefully stand outside the theatre and give out a simple tract about the real Jesus.

The Reverend Kyle Paisley, from Oulton Broad Presbyterian church, said: When I looked at the flyer, I marked three things - the vulgarity, the blasphemy and the downright dishonesty of the man. We're just using our right as Christians to say how we feel.

On his Warming Up blog, Herring said: Some of the more backward people of East Anglia (and imagine how backward that must make them) are planning on protesting, which is probably great news, as that is the one that is selling about the worse so far.


4th April   

A Nutter's Got to Know his Moral Perimeters...

Rajan Zed takes the opportunity of a new Indian film censor to have a whinge about sex and violence
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rajan zed The Hindu serial nutter Rajan Zed has taken the opportunity of a new Indian film censor to call for censorship.

He has urged Leela Samson, the newly appointed chairperson of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) of India, to halt the 'unnecessary' violence and 'vulgarity' of Indian films.

He claimed that seeing the continuous increase in the vulgarity and violence in Indian films, it appeared that the Board of the largest filmmaking country had lost the sense of India's cultural milieu and was ignoring the directions given in the Cinematograph Act.

Zed, who is the president of Universal Society of Hinduism, said that they were fully supportive of the artistic freedom and expression and did not want any unnecessary censorship ...BUT... were highly concerned about the increasing presence of the immodest, explicit and risque' scenes in the movies which were there simply for mercantile greed having nothing to do with cinematic elements.

Rajan Zed appealed to Samson to view the films as a regular Indian mother who was struggling to raise her children to become moral and successful citizens of India of tomorrow and not as the mother whose children attended night-clubs and late-night parties and knew no moral boundaries.

Zed pointed out that CBFC certification team needed to be retrained in what India stood for and what were our moral perimeters.

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