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12th December   

Muff March...

An argument with too many holes
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This Saturday activists in London led by UK Feminista took to the streets, and one street in particular: Harley Street, the go-to place for cosmetic surgery.

Organisers described the Muff March as a creative protest against the pornified culture driving women under the knife to get a designer vagina .

Activists wore fake muffs and demanded that pornography and cosmetic surgery industries Keep their mitts off our bits .

There is said to be a growing concern among women that their genitals don't measure up to the ideal touted by the global pornography industry -- which for the past two decades has been busy infiltrating mainstream society. In porn, removal of pubic hair is de rigueur, and so we see this norm transferred into mainstream beauty practices. With removal of pubic hair now standard, labia are more visible and open to scrutiny. Now every inch of a woman's body is objectified and subject to judgment. So on Saturday we'll be challenging the demand from pornography that grown women remove their pubic hair to appear more like pre-pubescent girls.

But it seems that commentators and press reports have been a little incredulous. For example:

Offsite: Is the Muff March such a cunning stunt

See  article from by Naomi McAuliffe

There has been far more activism against designer vaginas in the US, where the phenomenon has been more prevalent for longer. But there is an interesting difference in approach. US activism is far more concerned about the risk of such untested, unregulated, and unnecessary procedures to women's health. The Muff March in London became undeniably and inevitably about porn. That will certainly help it get press coverage for a couple of days and get the commentators apoplectic. But it will also alienate a lot of women who do not believe all their personal choices about their body are porn-based; that bush trimming is treachery; or who certainly don't want the focus of women's rights to be muff-centric.


28th November   

The Views of a Small Minority...

Christian Broadcasting Council asks for the BBC to be packed with churchgoers
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The Christian Broadcasting Council (CBC) has claimed that churchgoers are underrepresented at the BBC and it may be affecting the Corporation's output.

The Christian media group made the comments in a submission to the TV censor Ofcom.

J Peter Wilson, a media consultant with CBC who co-wrote the submission, highlighted the BBC's own figures:

The number of staff professing a Christian faith was 37%, compared to 63% nationally. Those saying they were Muslim was the same as the national figure, and those saying they were non-religious was 50%, compared to 23% nationally.

It is important that media organisations -- including the BBC -- employ people with a real knowledge and understanding of religion, including the Christian faith in its many forms.

Ofcom and Parliament need to understand that the reporting of any matter is influenced by the journalist's worldview.

A variety of providers is essential in a free and democratic society -- including those with a faith-based perspective.

CBC also called for fair representation of faith groups in media ownership .


22nd November   

Update: School Bully...

Head nutter of the Girls' Schools Association berates parents for not following her miserable brand of morality
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Full story: Reg Bailey Report...Mothers Union boss pens governement report

Letting youngsters dress up in mini-me sexy clothing is a sign of our society's eroded moral values, according to Dr Helen Wright.

Treating girls in this way is intensely wrong , according to Wright , who is head nutter of  the Girls' Schools Association.

But she reckons that parents who don't follow her particular brand of miserable morality are not entirely to blame. [There's also Rihanna's performance on X-Factor to blame].

Wright reckons that parents themselves have been failed by a poor education, lacking in the teaching of moral standards, so they are unable to see that 'sexy' is wrong.

Wright pre-empted her speech, set for today's GSA conference, in a press release. She will say:

There are all these images in magazines and TV -- if you're bombarded with that, you're going to think it's normal, and actually it's not. It's becoming twisted.

Some parents have been so deprived in their own lives of education and values that they no longer know right from wrong, and that they are, as a result, unwittingly 'indulging' children in some parallel universe where it is acceptable to let young children wear make-up and provocative clothing.

If parents can't see anything wrong in dressing up their children in 'Future WAG' T-shirts and letting them wear make-up, high heels and mini-me sexy clothing, then something is intensely wrong in our society'

I have no doubt that these are the parents who have been failed by the education system themselves. They have grown up without any respect for their elders or any idea of how to bring up a child.

And if you're not entirely sated of Daily Mail nutter nonsense, then there's more at  How our children have been sold a sexualised ideal of achievement from


31st October   

Update: Opting Out of ISP Level Website Blocking...

Church of England threatens to pull their investment from ISPs unless they 'take action against porn'
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Full story: Internet Blocking Adult Websites in UK...Government push for ISPs to block porn

The Church of England is threatening to use its financial power to inflict internet censorship on Britain. It is considering withdrawing the millions it has invested in ISPs unless they take action.

The Church of England, which wields significant financial clout on the markets, is reviewing investments worth tens of millions. It refuses to invest in firms which fuel the very problems Christians are trying to tackle and has already leaned heavily on supermarkets to be more responsible in the way they sell alcohol.

A Church spokesman said members of its ethical investment advisory group are considering new guidelines on pornography which take into account how easy it is to access with modern media.

The Church of England's stance on porn was welcomed by the Reverend Nutter Richard Moy, who works with young people in Lichfield, Staffordshire. He spouted without a grain of justification:

It is not surprising that people go from soft porn to progressively more hard-core porn to the point where they are so depraved that they do things that they would never imagine doing.

I think that if people start using mild porn to gratify a need rather than looking at why they need that gratification then they will eventually move on to more disturbing things.

[On the other hand, if people don't gratify their needs, eg priests trying to be celibate, then they may eventually move on to even more disturbing things].

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