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9th December   

More Vulnerable to Exploitation...

Migrant sex workers are not seeking redress when they are wronged or abused
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The UK's anti-trafficking policy is undermining the rights of sex workers, leaving them vulnerable to arrest and conviction or, in the case of migrant workers, detainment and deportation. The UK is also failing to meet its human rights obligations to trafficked persons, particularly men, transgender people and people trafficked into non-sexual labour, says a report by sex worker rights network, x:talk.

The report, Human Rights, Sex Work and the Challenge of Trafficking [pdf] describes how the UK's anti-trafficking policy has created new crimes around the selling of consensual sexual services between adults and how its implementation has resulted in an increase in arrests and convictions for sex workers and others in the sex industry. The combination of anti-trafficking raids, brothel closures and increased surveillance of the indoor sex industry has caused serious disruptions to sex workers' working environments and made the industry less safe, especially for migrant sex workers. The report describes the UK anti-trafficking measures as causing an unprecedented incursion into the lives and work of people employed in the indoor sex industry .

It finds that many undocumented migrants are unable or unwilling to exercise their rights as workers, or access basic services, such as healthcare. Provisions in the Policing and Crime Act 2009, introduced to combat trafficking, have resulted in a situation where migrant sex workers do not seek redress when they are wronged or abused and are more vulnerable to exploitation and rights abuses.

Ava Caradonna, sex worker and spokeswoman for x:talk, said:

We have always suspected that attempts to address human trafficking have been co-opted by people with another agenda—the eradication of the sex industry. What the x:talk report has highlighted is that, rather than assisting and supporting trafficked people, anti-trafficking policies have been most effective at putting the safety, health and even the lives of sex workers at risk. They have also helped to make sex workers a soft target for the Border Agency.

x:talk has recently filed an Freedom of Information request for details of the Poppy Project, to coincide with the report's release. The request aims to find out how the Poppy Project have spent more than £9m granted by the government and what support it is provided to trafficked women – information that is not currently publicly available.


27th November   

Updated: Victims of Miserable Scottish Politicians...

Another mean minded attempt to criminalise paid for sex in Scotland
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New plans to tackle prostitution by criminalising pimps, brothel keepers and customers are to be launched in the Scottish Parliament.

Labour MSP Trish Godman, who unsuccessfully attempted to add a prostitution amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill that was passed in the summer, is to launch a consultation on a new private members bill, with people able to comment on it until 18 February.

The Criminalisation of the Purchase and Sale of Sex (Scotland) Bill , focuses on the people who facilitate and purchase sex, while treating the sex worker as a victim.

Ms Godman said: Prostitution should be regarded in Scotland as an abuse and an exploitation that will not be tolerated - we must call time on the punters, pimps and brothel keepers. My legislation will challenge the whole acceptance of men buying sex.

Update: 'Consultation'

Thanks to Melanie-H

Trish Godman has published a worthless one sided, and presumably private 'consultation' which only allows for opinions supporting her aims:

  • to make the purchasing/selling of sex indoors illegal;
  • and to strengthen existing legislation to criminalise activities linked to prostitution, specifically advertising and facilitating

She has put together a 'consultation' document with no provision whatsoever to oppose the proposal. It asks:

  1. Which option do you favour? Please explain the reasons for your choice.
    Option 1 is to criminalise both the seller and the purchaser;
    Option 2 is to criminalise only the purchaser.
  2. What penalties would have a deterrent effect for the purchaser/seller?
  3. What are the barriers to policing and enforcing a prohibition on advertising?
  4. What penalties are appropriate for those who advertise brothels or prostitution, bearing in mind these may range from individuals such as prostitutes to organised crime gang members?
  5. What are there barriers to policing and enforcing this aspect of the proposal?
  6. What penalties are appropriate for those that facilitate prostitution, bearing in mind these might be individuals such as prostitutes or organised crime gang members?
  7. What other costs might arise as a consequence of this proposal?
  8. Are there any equality issues that arise from this proposal?

Responses are invited by 18th February 2011 to:

Trish Godman MSP
Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP

Tel: 0131 348 5837
Fax: 0131 348 6460


24th October   

Miserable in Abuja...

Buying sex is illegal in Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory
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If you are one of those who enjoy having pleasure in the bosom of commercial sex workers in Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory (FCT), this may interest you.

The Minister of State for the FCT, Navy Captain Caleb Olubolade (rtd), has vowed to deal with highly-placed Nigerians, politicians and others who patronise prostitutes in Abuja.

According to Olubolade, street prostitution is illegal for anyone involved both sex workers and customers.

He warned: The fact that the FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed, and I are very committed to the ban on the despicable act is enough to scare any influential Nigerian from involving in such act.

He, however, assured repentant commercial sex workers of the government's readiness to train them in various skills in order to make them productive and useful to the society

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