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Extremists vs Sextremists...

Femen interrupt anti-gay march and get attacked for their efforts

Link Here28th November 2012

From a Femen perspective


Religious nationalists violently attacked FEMEN sextremists during the protest In Gay we trust! .

The aggression of catholics has been stopped by police and members of LGBT community.

FEMEN FRANCE activists decided to attack a homophobic Catholic demonstration in central Paris. Breaking into the crowd dressed as nuns, activists sprayed the anti-gay demonstrators with Jesus' semen from balloons.

This action aims at spreading progressive ideas of civil and sexual freedom into religious people's minds. FEMEN strongly prohibits religious people to poke their nose into matters such as family, marriage and sexual relations and demand that they do not impose their medieval ideas in modern Europe. In Gay we trust!

From a nutter perspective


A Catholic group is suing feminist activists who dressed as half-naked nuns in protest at an anti-gay marriage march in Paris.

Civitas, which helped organize the mass demonstration in France's capital on 18 November, is filing a lawsuit against Ukraine-based group FEMEN for sexual exhibitionism in front of children.

Painting In Gay We Trust on their naked breasts, the nuns sprayed powdered sperm while chanting pro-gay slogans.

According to The Local, Civitas president Alain Escada also accused the activists of spreading a message in a violent manner, organised violence with arms and threatening the freedom to protest of others.

Members of FEMEN were attacked by the anti-gay marriage marchers, who claim they were punched and hit by objects thrown by their pursuers.



Update: Cleared of Non-Traditional Sexual Orientation Propaganda...

Russian court drops legal action against Madonna's gay related comments at a recent gig

Link Here 23rd November 2012
Full story: Gay in Russia...Russia bans gay parades and legislates against gay rights

Charges that Madonna broke a homophobic censorship ban in the Russian city of St Petersburg have been dropped.

Homophobic activists had tried to prosecute the US singer over accusations that she violated St Petersburg's law on the promotion of homosexuality among minors.

The nutter prosecution resulted after Madonna spoke out against the ban on stage and handed out pink bracelets. She also issued a message of support for the imprisoned LGBT-supporting feminist punk protestors of Pussy Riot.

The Trade Union of Russian Citizens demanded £ 6 million from Madonna and from the company that organised her show.

However on Thursday, RIA Novosti reported that the case had been dismissed by a St Petersburg court. Madonna did not attend the hearing, which had attracted intense media attention in Russia.

Elsewhere in Russia, regional lawmakers in Moscow rejected a homophobic censorship law similar to St Petersburg's. The failed bill attempted to outlaw: non-traditional sexual orientation propaganda to minors.



Bishop Seraphim of Piraeus...

Greek nutter takes court action over Corpus Christi and its gay Christ

Link Here17th November 2012

A production of Corpus Christi in Athens was canceled this month after weeks of almost daily protests outside the theatre by priests and right-wing groups.

Charges of insulting religion and malicious blasphemy have now been filed after Bishop Seraphim of Piraeus lodged a lawsuit against those involved in the play.

Dierctor Laertis Vasiliou and the other defendants could face several months in prison. A trial date has not been set yet.

The charges drew criticism from rights groups and politicians, with the co-ruling Democratic Left party describing the country's blasphemy laws as anachronistic and calling for them to be revised.



Historic Step Forward...

Malawi suspends anti-gay laws whilst parliament investigates their constitutionality

Link Here6th November 2012

Malawi has suspended anti-gay laws and ordered police not to arrest people who commit homosexual acts pending a debate on whether to repeal the legislation.

President Joyce Banda's government announced that it had imposed a moratorium on the laws until parliament could decide on the highly contentious issue.

The move was welcomed by Amnesty International as a historic step forward , but local activists urged caution.

Malawi's penal code criminalises sexual conduct between men and anyone convicted faces up to 14 years' imprisonment, with or without corporal punishment. Another sectionof the penal code criminalises indecent practices between females , with anyone found guilty liable to five years in prison.

Ralph Kasambara, the justice minister, said that if the laws are found to be unconstitutional, it would be an embarrassment to the government, but if they are found to be valid, police will be able to act: It is better to let one criminal get away with it rather than throw a lot of innocent people in jail.

In 2009, two men were arrested and charged with public indecency after becoming the first gay couple to marry in the former British protectorate. The prosecution drew condemnation from around the world including from Amnesty.



Updated: Hero and Bigot of the Year...

Stonewall announce their gay heroes and bigots nominations

Link Here2nd November 2012

The Gay group Stonewall has announced the nominees for its annual Hero and Bigot of the Year Awards. The charity's 7th Stonewall Awards take place at the V&A on 1 November, and celebrate people who have made a positive impact on the lives of Britain's 3.7 million lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

The Hero and Bigot of the Year awards are voted on by Stonewall's supporters.

Shortlist for Hero of the Year.

An individual who has encouraged, inspired or achieved the most for lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the last year.

  • Ben & Jerry . Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield founded Ben & Jerry's ice cream in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont. Long-time supporters of equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

  • Jackie Crozier . Jackie Crozier was Manchester Pride Festival Director between 2005 and 2011.

  • Tim Franks . Tim's work with the lesbian and gay community began more than 20 years ago with his involvement in a peer run youth project in Nottingham.

  • Rev Giles Fraser . Giles Fraser came to national prominence in October 2011 as Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral during the Occupy London protests. He's long been an outspoken advocate of equality for gay people and tolerance within the church.

  • Jessie J . It's been another incredible year for Jessie J. As well as joining BBC One's The Voice as a celebrity judge she wowed a global audience at the Olympic Closing Ceremony. She tackled tabloid gossip about her sexuality head on, proudly reaffirming that she was bisexual and dismissing rumours as boring and untrue.

Shortlist for Bigot of the Year.

An individual who has gone out of their way to harm, hurt or snub lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the last year.

  • Alan Craig . In October 2011 Alan Craig caused outrage by comparing gay equality advocates to the invading forces of Nazi Germany and dubbing them the Gaystapo . In an incendiary Church of England Newspaper article he claimed gay-rights storm troopers take no prisoners as they annex our wider culture and that the modest measure to extend marriage to same-sex couples was proof that Nazi expansionist ambitions are far from sated .

  • Simon Lokodo . Simon Lokodo, the Ugandan Ethics and Integrity Minister, disbanded the meetings of gay equality groups and arrested activists. According to Lokodo gay people are sick and seek to pervert children. For a so-called Ethics and Integrity Minister to peddle such inflammatory propaganda is an ironic tragedy for Uganda's gay population.

  • Lord Maginnis . Lord Maginnis made headlines by referring to same-sex marriage as unnatural and deviant behaviour and questioning if marriage equality would mean that every deviant practice has to be accommodated? Will the next thing be that we legislate for some sort of bestiality?

  • Cardinal Keith O'Brien . Keith O'Brien has been a prominent opponent of marriage equality and made headlines with deeply offensive comments about same-sex couples. He's stated that same-sex relationships are harmful to the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and compared equal marriage to slavery and child abuse.

  • Archbishop Philip Tartaglia . Philip Tartaglia caused outrage in July when he claimed that the late David Cairns MP had died due to the fact he was gay and that a conspiracy of silence prevented people from stating that being gay directly led to premature death.

Update: Christians Concerned about being seen as bigots

31st October 2012.See article from

Those nominated for Stonewall's Bigot of the Year award include a Cardinal, an Archbishop, a member of the House of Lords and the former leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance. They have all spoken out against gays in connection with government plans to extend marriage to gay couples.

Christian Concern have found a way to fight back against Stonewall's highlighting of nasty comments from senior Christians.

According to Stonewall's website, the Awards evening is supported by high street bank Barclays, global professional services firm PwC, the Queen's bank Coutts & Co and internet search engine Google.

Now in response to emails from christian campaigners, Coutts has informed Stonewall that it will withdraw its support for the event unless the Bigot of the Year Award is dropped. Barclays has also told Stonewall that unless the Award is pulled, it will not support the event in the future.

Update: Calling a Bigot a Bigot

2nd November 2012. See  article from

Cardinal Keith O'Brien has been awarded the Bigot of the Year award by Stonewall. His extreme stance on gay marriage was singled out at the awards ceremony in London.

Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson won Politician of the Year, but was booed for also criticising the bigot award. Davidson, who is gay, has been among cross-party support for a same-sex marriage bill which is being brought forward by the Scottish government, while Cardinal O'Brien has been a strong critic of the plans.

She said it was important for young people to see that politics, gender or sexuality should be no barrier to success:

But where I disagree with Stonewall in these awards is the need to call people names like 'bigot'. It is simply wrong.

The case for equality is far better made by demonstrating the sort of generosity, tolerance and love we would wish to see more of in this world.

Stonewall Scotland director Colin Macfarlane said:

It's fitting that Stonewall's 10,000 supporters voted decisively to name Cardinal O'Brien as Bigot of the Year.

We've never called anyone a bigot just because they don't agree with us, but in just the past 12 months the cardinal has gone well beyond what any normal person would call a decent level of public discourse.



Update: The Queer Idea that the Law Doesn't Apply to Christians...

Hotelier discriminating against gays found to be discriminating against gays by a court

Link Here 19th October 2012
Full story: Religious Gay Discrimination...Hotelier denies double room to gays

A Christian B&B owner has been told to pay £ 3,600 in damages to a gay couple who were refused a double bed.

Susanne Wilkinson said she was trying to uphold her beliefs about marriage at the Swiss Bed and Breakfast in Cookham, Berkshire.

At a court hearing this week, the judge accepted the sincerity of her Christian beliefs and that she had also refused to allow unmarried heterosexual couples from sharing a double bed.

However, the judge ruled that the policy broke equality laws by discriminating against Michael Black and John Morgan. She was ordered to pay damages on the grounds of hurt feelings to the couple.

Wilkinson's legal defence was paid for by The Christian Institute. Spokesman Mike Judge said, rather admitting that such discrimination is against the law:

Yes, Mrs Wilkinson's B&B is a business, but it's also a family home. The law should be more flexible in allowing people to live according to their own values under the own roof.

A bit more balance is needed, rather than allowing one set of rights to automatically suppress another.



Stately Censorship...

Greek state TV censored gay kiss from Downton Abbey

Link Here18th October 2012

  Greek state television cut out a gay kiss from the British drama Downton Abbey . The scene involved a kiss between a visiting duke and Downton's footman Thomas Barrow.

Viewers complained about the edit on social networking sites and the country's main opposition party called it an obvious case of censorship . In a statement, the Syriza party described the omission as:

an extreme act of homophobia and discrimination which... we cannot characterize as unprecedented.

The episode in question started late at night at 22:05 local time.

Costas Spyropoulos, managing director of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation squirmed about the censorship:

The love affair between the two men... was not censored ...[BUT]...

The kiss was not shown because of the time the programme was broadcast and the corresponding parental guidance warnings.



Update: Damaged Russians...

Anti-gay campaigners intend to sue Madonna for $10 million

Link Here18th October 2012
Full story: Madonna Crucified...Madonna winds up the nutters

Madonna has been sent a summons to appear in a Russian court for breaking St Petersburg's homophobic censorship law, during her concert in the city.

Russia Today reported that nine anti-gay plaintiffs intend to make Madonna pay for their supposed  moral suffering following her performance in August.

The pro-Kremlin group Trade Union of Russian Citizens wants the star in court to answer claims of blasphemy and for damaging the anti-gay cultural foundations of St Petersburg.

They are seeking 333 million rubles ($10 million) from Madonna and from the company that organised her show.

The pop star gave out pink wrists bands during the performance to show solidarity with Russia's LGBT community. The complaint also includes a video taken of the concert that allegedly depicts Madonna allegedly stomping on an Orthodox cross.



No Pride in Serbia...

Serbia prime minister whinges at Gay Pride and Ecce Homo art exhibition

Link Here15th October 2012

A top official at Europe's main human rights watchdog has voiced concern after Belgrade banned a gay pride event for the second year running.

Keith Whitmore, of the Council of Europe, called on the authorities in Belgrade to reconsider their decision. The city should respect the right of gay people to free assembly, he said.

The European Commission warned that the decision went against fundamental human rights upheld by the EU. Serbia won EU candidate status earlier this year.

But Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic described the ban on Saturday's event as a victory for Serbia . He added: Nobody will be telling anyone what should happen in Belgrade, be it the EU or any of the countries of the world, or any extremist or radical organisation.

He also condemned a Swedish art exhibition being held in Belgrade to coincide with Pride Week. Ecce Homo features photographs which appear to depict Jesus Christ, naked or wearing high heels, among gay people.

The 2011 Belgrade Pride parade was banned at the last moment supposedly out of fear of a repetition of violence in 2010, when dozens were injured and arrested as protesters opposed to the parade clashed with police.

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