An enterprising German website provides an online tool that lets people design sex toys from scratch. Users create different shapes and adjust the height, curviness, colour and angle of the toys to make a 3D model This model can then be printed on
public or private 3D printers Ikaros Kappler used programming language Javascript and 3D library Three.js to build his extrusion/revolution generator . Users of the website are greeted with an outline of a basic sex toy and can
manipulate different points on the 2D drawing to change its shape to suit their preferences. The height, width, curviness, angle and the colour can be altered by selecting various options to create strange shapes, the likes of which may not be on
offer at places such as Ann Summers. A design immediately appears as a colourful rendered 3D model to reflect the changes made to the initial basic shape. A small box on the right-hand side of the generator displays information about the
design, such as the toy's height, weight and volume, so that the amount of silicon to make it can be calculated. The tool in theory, allows anyone to print out a sex toy of their own design. The cost of 3D printers is falling all the time, but
many affordable consumer offerings only allow people to print objects made from crude strings of molten plastic, meaning the result is not smooth or professional looking, but high-end printers are currently are able to make high quality objects.