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Examining BBFC and MPAA cuts
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Shopping: Night of the Demon...

1980 US video nasty by James C Wasson set for uncut UK Blu-ray release on 21st February 2022

Cutting Edge
Link Here16th December 2021
Night of the Demon Blu-ray

Night of the Demon is a 1980 US horror by James C Wasson.
With Michael Cutt, Joy Allen and Bob Collins. Melon Farmers linkYouTube icon BBFC link 2020 IMDb

Banned as a video nasty in 1983. Later heavily cut for 1984 VHS and the cuts continued to the 2004 DVD. Finally passed 18 uncut for 2022 Blu-ray. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong gory violence, sexual violence:

Summary Review: Cheap

Another film that is something like an urban legend: being banned in countries like Germany or Norway and also very hard to find. The reputation of Night of the Demon is much more interesting than the movie itself!

The story is simple: a professor and some students travel to the dark forests to investigate some cruel murders which were caused by a Bigfoot-like monster that looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars . A feeble minded woman who lives in a lonely hut plays an important role in the solution of the mystery.

Well, the acting is bad, the F/X are pretty cheesy and only the many murders featured in this flick will keep you away from falling asleep! These deaths however are pretty are gory and violent, so fans of splatter movies won't be disappointed!



West Side Story...

Middle East censors gang up against Spielberg's latest movie

Link Here9th December 2021
west side story poster West Side Story is a 2021 US crime romance by Steven Spielberg
Starring Ansel Elgort, Rachel Zegler and Ariana DeBose BBFC link 2020 IMDb

An adaptation of the 1957 musical, West Side Story explores forbidden love and the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds.

Steven Spielberg's latest movie West Side Story to be released later in the month has been banned in several Middle Eastern countries. The musical has been banned in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait.

The film was banned because of Disney's refusal to comply with cuts requested by censors.

The film is rumoured to contain same-sex scenes. Also Disney the portrayal of a transgender character played by a non-binary actor Iris Menas seem to have offended the censors.

Perhaps the most likely scenes for cuts is described by the BBFC:

There are scenes of racist behaviour, including use of the terms spic and coloured. In another scene teenagers mock and misgender a person who is implied to be a trans man, and one of the bullies brags about pantsing him and seeing his genitals. Further discriminatory language includes polack and pansy.




Two elusive video nasties are set to be released soon by US Severin

Link Here10th November 2021
Poster Drop Dead Dearest 1978 Murray Markowitz I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses is a 1978 Canada mystery drama by Murray Markowitz
Starring Elke Sommer, Donald Pilon and Chuck Shamata IMDb

Briefly banned as a video nasty in 1984. A cut version was released on VHS in 1984 and 1986.

Thanks to Richard:

I saw this video from YouTube about the BeyondFest Festival. At the end (at 41m32s) they show a brief video clip of what US Severin are releasing in 2022, the pool scene in a red tint is from I Miss You. I got out my VHS rip to check and it's the same.

Delirium is a 1979 USA thriller by Peter Maris.
Starring Turk Cekovsky, Debi Chaney and Terry TenBroek. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020   IMDb

Banned as a video nasty in 1983 until 1985. Passed 18 after BBFC cuts for 1987 18 rated VHS. Not released in the UK since.

This film is also set to be released by US Severin in the next few months.

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