I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses is a 1978 Canada mystery drama by Murray Markowitz Starring Elke Sommer, Donald Pilon and Chuck Shamata
 Briefly banned as a video nasty in 1984. A cut version was released on VHS in 1984
and 1986. Thanks to Richard: I saw this video from YouTube about the BeyondFest Festival. At the end (at 41m32s) they
show a brief video clip of what US Severin are releasing in 2022, the pool scene in a red tint is from I Miss You. I got out my VHS rip to check and it's the same. Delirium is a 1979 USA thriller by Peter Maris. Starring Turk
Cekovsky, Debi Chaney and Terry TenBroek.
 Banned as a video nasty in 1983 until 1985. Passed 18 after BBFC cuts for 1987 18 rated VHS. Not released in the UK since. This film is also set to be released by US Severin
in the next few months. |