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Extract: Love on Netflix...

Gasper Noe's movie spotted on Netflix complete with its uncensored real sex scenes

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Link Here26th June 2020

Love 2D Blu ray Aomi Muyock When you click on the film Love on Netflix, where it has spent the last week in the Top 10 of the service's most-watched movies and shows, the very first thing you see is a woman dragging her nipple up and down a man's erect penis as she masturbates him and he fingers her clitoris, which is pointed directly at the camera. This isn't implied, or done with prosthetics of any kind. The scene continues in a single take for nearly three full minutes, climaxing--heh--when he ejaculates. To clarify one more time, it is not some sort of gluey substance used to cinematically replicate the bodily function that you see. The dude cums.

The film, from shock-art director Gaspar Noe , was actually released in 2015 , when it made headlines for its screenings in 3D cinemas, where you could see the jizz come flying at your face. While, for obvious reasons, the ACTUAL SEX of it all dominated most discussion of Love , it was in the service of a fascinating erotic drama about relationships. Netflix tags it as both steamy and cerebral, which... solid LOL there.



Circumventing censorship...

European Court if Human Rights fuinds that Russian internet censors were wrong to block information about TOR and VPNs

Link Here25th June 2020

echr In 2015, a a human rights organization that monitors web-censorship and pirate site blockades in Russia was itself ordered to be blocked by a local court for offering advice on how to use tools including Tor and VPNs.

The European Court of Human Rights has now ruled that the order to disable access to that advice was illegal and a violation of the freedom to receive and impart information.

ECHR Russsia-based project RosComSvoboda advocates human rights and freedoms on the Internet. Part of that work involves monitoring and publishing data on website blockades and providing assistance to Internet users and site operators who are wrongfully subjected to restrictions.

In 2015, it found itself in a battle of its own when a local court ordered its advice portal to be blocked by local ISPs. RosComSvoboda's crime was to provide information on tools that can circumvent censorship. While it didn't offer any for direct download, the resource offered advice on VPNs , proxies, TOR, The Pirate Bay's Pirate Browser, I2P and Opera's turbo mode.

According to the ruling by the Anapa Town Court, the resource allowed people to access content banned in Russia so it too became prohibited content. Subsequently, telecoms watchdog Roscomnadzor contacted RosComSvoboda with an order to remove its anti-censorship tools information page or face being completely blocked.

The site's operator complied and filed an appeal against the decision, arguing that providing information about such tools isn't illegal under Russian law. The Krasnodar Regional Court rejected the appeal without addressing this defense so in 2016, RosComSvoboda's operator, German national Gregory Engels, took his case to the European Court of Human Rights.

This week the ECHR handed down its decision, siding with Engels' assertion that the order for him to remove the content from his site was in breach of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers, the Article reads.

The ECHR found that the action against Engels breached Article 10. It also declared a breach of Article 13 due to a failure by the Russian court to involve him in the blocking action or consider the merits of his arguments on appeal. The Russian state was ordered to pay 10,000 euros in damages to Engels plus interest.



CityXGuide banned...

US makes first arrests using its internet cemnsorship law, FOSTA

Link Here23rd June 2020
Full story: FOSTA US Internet Censorship Law...Wide ranging internet cesnorship law targetting sex workers
city x guide logo Wilhan Martono, the man who owned the adult classified ads website CityXGuide, has been arrested by federal authorities in the most high-profile multi-state legal action since the shuttering of Backpage.com in 2018.

Martono's arrest and the seizure of CityXGuide by authorities is the first such raid since President Donald Trump signed the FOSTA/SESTA internet censorship package into law in April 2018.

The arrest follows aTexas indictment against Martono filed June 2 and includes 28 federal charges, among them conspiracy, money laundering and promotion and facilitation of prostitution. The indictment links Martono to a network of adult-oriented websites like CityXGuide, BodyRubShop and variations on the name of the shuttered Backpage.com. Prosecutors also claim that in January 2019 Martono sent an email expressing a desire to take over from where Backpage left off.

This appears to be the first use of the criminal prohibitions on promotion and facilitation of prostitution created by FOSTA, said adult industry attorney Lawrence Walters.



Confessions of a Feminist Cleanser...

Having a whinge about British sex comedies on Amazon Prime

Link Here17th June 2020
Confessions Of A Pop Performer DVD A feminist extremist has had a go at Amazon Prime for its catalogue of British sex comedy films, whingeing that they trivialise sexual harassment by presenting it as a hilarious joke.

The online platform features a number of 1970s softcore porn slapstick flicks, complete with suitably saucy descriptions, available to buy or rent.

Kate Smurthwaite spouted to FEMAIL:

I'm not offended by nudity or sexual scenes or references ...[BUT]... The issue is that these films routinely present sexual harassment as a "hilarious" joke. The same is true of some modern shows such as Keith Lemon's output. Recommending them on mainstream platforms reinforces the message that this behaviour is normal and even funny. For many women the experience of being harassed and then told to "take it as a joke" is all too familiar. Media streaming services should take the time to think about what they are putting on their platforms and recommending to their customers.

According to the Amazon description, the Confessions... series follows the 'saucy antics of the hapless Timothy Lea.

The Daily Mail then kindly details many of the most well known of the sex comedies and reminds us of how many well known mainstream stars featured in the films.

Offsite Comment: The Manufactured Outrage Over Seventies Sex Comedies on Amazon

17th June 2020. See article from reprobatepress.com by David Flint

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