Bangladesh extends blog censorship to avoid protests
 | 30th March 2013
| 28th March 2013. |
Bangladesh has extended the censorship of supposedly blasphemous blogs after a threat by extremist muslims to march to the capital to demand the prosecution of atheist blogger. The internet censor has ordered two leading Internet sites to remove
hundreds of posts by seven bloggers whose writings are claimed to have 'offended' Muslims, according to its assistant director Rahman Khan: These writings have defamed Islam and the Prophet Mohammed. The two sites,
Somewhereinblog.net and Amarblog.com, have removed most of the posts.
Khan said the regulator was scrutinising other sites to identify and erase blasphemous blogs in an attempt to appease the extremists.
Update: Mass protest in Dahka calls for blasphemy laws against bloggers 30th March 2013. See
article from
dailymail.co.uk Tens of thousands of muslim activists prayed on the streets of the Bangladeshi capital today during a rally calling for the introduction of blaspemy laws and
the restoration of a caretaker government. Members of the Islami Andolan Bangladesh are demanding the arrest of atheist bloggers who insulted Islam and to pass laws punishing those who insulted Islam in the parliament . They
have announced plans to lay siege to the office of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on April 25 if their demands are not met.
Femen website hacked over topless protest about women's rights in Tunisia
 | 29th March 2013
| From huffingtonpost.co.uk
The website of topless feminist group Femen has been hacked and replaced with a page declaring the women dirty pigs. The message, in broken English, is spelt out in red and black capitals and reads: Dirty
pigs! No fuck for you, even for your men! Come here Tunisa! We will cut your breasts and give food our dogs! Die sluts, prostitutes from Israel!
Femen posted on their Facebook page Dear friends, our website
femen.org was hacked. Don't trust the information that will be posted there till the moment we inform you that the website was fixed. The women's rights group has received international news coverage in recent weeks amid fears for Tunisian
topless protester Amina Tyler after threats to stone her to death were posted online. An international Free Amina movement began on April 4 with the news that Amina has been imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.
UK websites hacked over religious extremism
 | 29th March 2013
| See article from
Two of the leading British blogs taking issue with religious extremism have been taken offline for an entire week by a large-scale cyber attack. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks, but by the very nature of their targeting, the
sources are thought to be religious extremists. Both Harry's Place and Student Rights suffered
massive denial of service (DDOS) attacks over the past week - a cyber attack which blasts servers with traffic in order to overload them and effectively knock the websites out. A statement posted on the Harry's Place website said:
We were taken down by another very nasty DDOS attack. The ferocity of this one was actually quite staggering, so clearly we're doing something that is getting under someone's skin, someone with a very a fair amount of
resources behind them. That a humble blog like ours -- written by a few amateur pundits in their spare time, and relying entirely on donations from readers for its expenses -- seems to threaten forces with this sort of virtual fire-power at their
disposal is as flattering as it is baffling.
Student Rights, the leading pressure group in the UK for tackling extremism on university campuses said in a statement: Our website has been the target
of a malicious and illegal attack for a prolonged period of time. Our work, as many know, is to challenge extremism including Islamist activity and the far-right. We can only imagine that the attack must have emanated from one of these two groups.
Authorities are currently investigating the attacks.
Saudi authorities demand the capability to snoop on Skype communications
 | 27th March 2013
| See article from bbc.co.uk
Encrypted messaging services such as Skype, Viber and WhatsApp could be blocked in Saudi Arabia. The telecommunications censor is demanding a means to snoop on such applications. Saudi newspapers are reporting that the companies behind the
applications have been given a week to respond. No explanation has been given of why the demand has been made. Internet communications has had a big impact in Saudi Arabia, which has the highest take-up of Twitter in the world, reports the BBC's
Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher. He adds that this latest threat would potentially deprive people of what has become an essential means of simply communicating with friends and family. One Saudi user told the local media that she would
feel uncomfortable talking to her relative on Skype without her hijab (headscarf) if she believed someone might be listening in on her. Expatriate workers have messaged newspapers pleading with the Saudis not to stop their only affordable means of
communication to their families back home.
Google tries to get the word 'ungoogleable' struck off Swedish language word list
 | 27th March 2013
| Thanks to Nick See article from
Objections from Google have forced the removal of the word 'ungoogleable' [ogooglebar in Swedish] from a list of new Swedish words, the Language Council of Sweden says. The word means something that cannot be found with a search engine. But
Google wanted the meaning to relate only to Google searches, according to the council, saying it was protecting its trademark. Every year, the Language Council publishes its top 10 new words which have become popular in Sweden to show how society
and language are changing. Council head Ann Cederberg told the BBC she received an email from Google soon after publication of the list in December 2012, citing brand protection. It called for changes to the Language Council of Sweden's definition
and asked for a disclaimer stressing that Google is a trademark. The council, worried at the prospect of a lengthy legal battle and balking at the idea of changing the word's definition, removed it from the list. A statement on the Language
Council of Sweden's website, asks: Who decides language? We do, language users. We decide together which words should be and how they are defined, used and spelled.
Nintendo ends its ludicrous 11pm internet watershed on content related to 18 rated games
 | 22nd March 2013
| From gamepolitics.com
A while ago the internet ship for the Wii U console introduced a ludicrous TV like watershed on 18+ rated content. Access was only allowed after 11pm. The restrictions were something to do with Nintendo of Europe being based in censorial
Germany. Well those silly restrictions have now been removed much to the delight of our Wii U owning brothers and sisters in various regions throughout Europe including the UK, according to
Daily Joypad .
Microsoft starts up a transparency report about the scale of law enforcement requests
 | 22nd March 2013
| From blogs.technet.com
Brad Smith , Microsoft's General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Legal & Corporate Affairs at Microsoft writes in a blog post: Today, we are releasing our 2012 Law Enforcement Requests Report. This is our first
Law Enforcement Requests Report. It provides data on the number of requests we received from law enforcement agencies around the world relating to Microsoft online and cloud services and how we responded to those requests. All of our major online
services are covered in this report, including, for example, Hotmail, Outlook.com; SkyDrive; Xbox LIVE; Microsoft Account; and Office 365. We're also making available similar data relating to Skype, which Microsoft acquired in October 2011.
We will update this report every six months. In recent months, there has been broadening public interest in how often law enforcement agencies request customer data from technology companies and how our
industry responds to these requests. Google, Twitter and others have made important and helpful contributions to this discussion by publishing some of their data. We've benefited from the opportunity to learn from them and their experience, and we seek
to build further on the industry's commitment to transparency by releasing our own data today. Like others in the industry, we are releasing publicly the total number of requests we receive from law enforcement in countries around
the world and the number of potentially affected accounts identified in those requests. We are also publishing additional data that we hope will provide added insights for our customers and the public who are interested in these
issues. For example, we are providing more detailed information that shows the number of law enforcement requests resulting in disclosure to these agencies of "customer content", such as the subject line and body of an email exchanged through
Outlook.com; or a picture stored on SkyDrive. We similarly are reporting on the number of law enforcement requests that result in disclosure only of "non-content" data, which includes account information such as an email address, a person's
name, country of residence, or gender, or system-generated data such as IP addresses and traffic data. I've tried to summarize what has struck me as some of the principal trends reflected in the data we're releasing today:
First, while we receive a significant number of law enforcement requests from around the world, very few actually result in the disclosure to these agencies of customer content. To be precise, last year Microsoft (including Skype)
received 75,378 law enforcement requests for customer information, and these requests potentially affected 137,424 accounts or other identifiers. Only 2.1%, or 1,558 requests, resulted in the disclosure of customer content . -
It's insightful, I believe, to look at the governments to whom customer content was disclosed. Of the 1,558 disclosures of customer content, more than 99% were in response to lawful warrants from courts in the United States.
In fact, there were only 14 disclosures of customer content to governments outside the United States. These were to governments in Brazil, Ireland, Canada and New Zealand. Of the 56,388 cases where Microsoft
(excluding Skype) disclosed some non-content information to law enforcement agencies, more than 66% of these were to agencies in only five countries . These were the U.S., the United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany and France. For Skype, the top five
countries accounted for 81% of all requests. These countries were the U.K., U.S., Germany, France and Taiwan. Roughly 18% of the law enforcement requests (again, excluding Skype) resulted in the disclosure of no customer
information in any form, either because Microsoft rejected the request or because no customer information was found. Finally, while law enforcement requests for information unquestionably are important (and raise
important issues around the world), only a tiny percentage of users are potentially affected by them. We have many hundreds of millions of accounts across our online and cloud services. To give you a sense of proportion, we estimate that less than two
one-hundredths of one % (or 0.02%, to put it another way) were potentially affected by law enforcement requests.
Will the Internet Defence League also help fight against the proposed UK news and internet censor?
20th March 2013
| See article from
bbc.co.uk See also internetdefenseleague.org
Anti-censorship campiagners have switched on an internet signalling system to help co-ordinate protests about a draft law in the US. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (Cispa) looks set to erode privacy in the US by exposing
people's browsing habits and surveillance of internet usage. The bat signal system tells followers to start displaying protest materials such as website banners and petitions. Plans for the signalling system emerged in early 2012
following protests and website blackouts in opposition to two other draft laws in the US, the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act. The web action was widely seen as
influential in the campaign that saw both those laws shelved. In a bid to harness the wave of activism those protests started, social news sites such as Reddit and Fark joined up with rights groups and many others to launch the Internet Defense
League (IDL). Instead of reacting on an incident-by-incident basis, the IDL monitors threats to online privacy and let supporters know when to ramp up protests. The IDL also said it would create protest materials such as website banners, petitions
and information about how to contact politicians, so people can voice their opposition in a co-ordinated manner. The question is, will the bat signal be turned on to help fight against the news and internet censor proposed for the UK.
Mumbai police set up a lab for the surveillance and censorship of internet social networks
 | 20th March 2013
| See article
from siliconindia.com
Mumbai police have set up a group for the surveillance of social networks. This follows several arrests across the country for political cartoons or comments made online. Obviously internet users are worried. Sunil Abraham, executive
director of the Bangalore-based Centre for Internet and Society research group, said the natural reaction was to worry about the new police lab given the way the law has been used. He told AFP: Police in the
last four years have acted in an arbitrary and random fashion, often using the IT Act to settle political scores When there's no crisis for the police, proactively keeping an eye on what people are saying or doing is overkill.
But the police unconvincingly claim that this will not be censorship. Police commissioner Satyapal Singh claimed the lab was not set up to censor comments. His spin on police censorship was: By reading the mindset of what people are writing on various modes of communication, we will try to provide better and improved safety and security to the Mumbai citizens.
 | 19th March 2013
One in three new TalkTalk customers with children opt for ISP level internet blocking See article from arstechnica.com
Bangladesh announces a panel of internet censors to trace supposed blasphemy on social networks
 | 15th March 2013
| See article from
Bangladesh has announced plans to monitor social media networks such as Facebook in a bid to identify bloggers who have been accused of insulting Islam and the religious character Mohammed. A special panel is being set up, including leaders of the
main intelligence agencies and the telecoms regulator, to exchange information and track down the people behind recent posts that have caused 'outrage' among Islamic groups. Mainuddin Khandaker, a senior home ministry official who will head the
panel, threatened: We will try our best to dig out what's actually happening and find out the people who're making blasphemous comments against Islam and the Prophet. There might be differences
in opinion, but that does not mean anyone in the country has the rights to mock others' beliefs.
Islamic parties and leading clerics have targeted writings by atheist bloggers, calling nationwide strikes in protest and demanding the
execution of those they accuse of blasphemy. Last month an alleged anti-Islam blogger was murdered. At least eight people have been killed in the anti-blasphemy protests. The government has blocked about a dozen websites and blogs to stem the violence,
as well as stepping up security for the bloggers, some of whom claim to have been threatened by the activists of a leading Islamic party.
Closure of Google Reader is bad news for censored folks in Iran
 | 15th March 2013
| See article
from technologyreview.com
Google Reader users are angry that Google is snuffing out its RSS newsfeed viewer. But as Quartz's Zach Seward
points out , censored folks in Iran used Google Reader quite a bit to get around internet censorship. The news articles from censored websites are accessed by Google servers in the US (or other free countries) and are packaged by Google for access
via google.com. Theoretically this could be stopped by blocking the whole, or part, of google.com but maybe this is step too far even for a repressive country like Iran. Iranian users won't be helped by replacement software popping up in
the wake of Google Reader, because these can then be easily blocked. Google is a business, not a public utility, and its decision to kill Reader makes business sense. But was maintaining Reader really so much of a drain on Google's vast resources
that it couldn't have let the little remora keep hanging on as long as possible, as a kind of pro-bono, don't be evil brand-burnishing project? Google didn't design Reader to be used this way, and couldn't have predicted that it would be, but
there it is. Why extinguish the benefit?
 | 12th March
The debate over the direction of the web has just started, and contradictory messages that need careful scrutiny are emerging from governments and corporations alike, says Kirsty Hughes See
article from indexoncensorship.org |
Where Iran leads, the EU will have to follow if it wants to block internet porn
 | 11th March 2013
| See article from
AN Iranian official Ramezanali Sobhani-Fard has told Reuters: Within the last few days illegal VPN ports in the country have been blocked. Only legal and registered VPNs can from now on be used.
those looking to tap into Facebook, YouTube, various news sites and, yes, even Google's search engine itself (among other banned websites) will have to find different methods for doing so -- which do exist, according to an Iranian interviewed by Reuters
who said he was using an unnamed software tool to bypass Iran's blocks. Iran's Mehdi Akhavan Behabadi explained further in the Tehran Chronicle: We have started distributing official VPN services for
Iranian users. Those need this service to open safe connections can apply in the program and we will review their cases one by one. If their request was approved, then we will introduce legal providers and licensed clients can buy their needed services.
By launching this program, Iranian government can prosecute users who are violating state laws and Internet Filtering Committee will be able to take offenders to national courts.
 | 11th March 2013
Smart technology and the sort of big data available to social networking sites are helping police target crime before it happens. But is this ethical? Book extract from To Save Everything by Evgeny Morozov See
article from guardian.co.uk |
Pirate Party MEP blows the whistle on a disgraceful disregard for democracy
9th March 2013
| See article from
christianengstrom.wordpress.com by Christian Engstrom, Member of the European Parliament for Piratpartiet, Sweden
Next week the European parliament will be voting on a resolution to ban all forms of pornography in media . After this information became known to a wider audience, many citizens have decided to contact members of the
European parliament to express their views on this issue. This is absolutely excellent. Citizens engaging actively in the democratic process is a very positive thing, at least in my opinion. Before noon, some 350
emails had arrived in my office. But around noon, these mails suddenly stopped arriving. When we started investigating why this happened so suddenly, we soon found out: The IT
department of the European Parliament is blocking the delivery of the emails on this issue, after some members of the parliament complained about getting emails from citizens. This is an absolute disgrace, in my
opinion. A parliament that views input from citizens on a current issue as spam, has very little democratic legitimacy in my opinion. I will be writing a letter to the President of the European Parliament to complain
about this totally undemocratic practice. In the meantime, please continue to email members of the parliament on both the issue of the porn ban and on any other issue that you feel that you want to bring to the
attention your elected representatives. Citizens taking active part in the political process is a fantastic asset for a democratic system, not a spam problem. I am very disappointed that some of my colleagues in this
house evidently have a different opinion.
 | 5th March 2013
The Director of Public Prosecutions talks to Index about Twitter, Facebook and diminishing free speech See article from
indexoncensorship.org |
Court hears that Facebook cannot prevent people from opening accounts as there is no ID verification system
 | 3rd March 2013
| See article
from belfasttelegraph.co.uk
A judge has claimed that: Facebook has created something of a monster which it cannot control. The judge had been asked by a father to prevent his daughter from accessing Facebook after she used it to post sexually suggestive pictures and
had sexualised contact with older men. Facebook explained that it was powerless to stop the girl using an account because she could create new ones under different pseudonyms and access the site from different devices. Although Facebook
insists only those aged 13 or above can create a profile on their site, the social network does not use any age or identity verification systems to enforce this rule. Mr Justice McCloskey sitting in the High Court in Belfast said Facebook's
defence largely rested on the idea that it has created something of a monster which it alleges it cannot control . The requested injunction was denied as unworkable.
3rd March 2013
Behind the scenes of the most powerful maps in the history of the Earth. And how Google, Microsoft, DigitalGlobe, and the world's governments decide what does --- and doesn't --- belong on its surface. See
article from buzzfeed.com |
High Court blocks UK internet users from 3 more major torrent sites
 | 1st March 2013
| See article from
Website blocking is continuing in the UK, with the High Court adding three major torrent sites to the country's official ban list. Following complaints from the music industry led by the BPI, the Court ordered the UK's leading Internet service
providers to begin censoring subscriber access to Kickass Torrents, H33T and Fenopy. Last year nine major record labels led by the BPI asked several of the UK's leading ISPs to censor The Pirate Bay. The process concluded at the end of April 2012
when the High Court ordered the site to be blocked. October 2012 and the labels were back for more, this time asking six ISPs (BT, Sky, Virgin Media, O2, EE and TalkTalk) to begin blocking three more leading BitTorrent sites under Section 97A of
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.
Latest Media | News Sunday 2nd March... | | News Saturday 22nd February... | | | Internet | UK government seeks to break encryption on Apple's iCloud If Apple continues to offer encrypted iCloud then we can infer that the encryption has been secretly compromised. If Apple withdraws the service from Brits then we will at least know that the rest of the world will stay safe. |