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Overturning censor minds addled by an addiction to censorship...

RimWorld video game unbanned in Australia after successful appeal to the Classification Review Board

Cutting Edge
Link Here 22nd April 2022

rimworld RimWorld is a 2018 Canadian building simulation game by Ludeon Studios.

It was banned by the Australian 'Classification' Board on 28th February 2022. It has now been unbanned and passed R18+ after a successful appeal to the Classification Review Board on 20th April 2022. The appeal board explains:

A four-member panel of the Classification Renew Board has unanimously determined that the computer game, RimWorld is classified R (Reseicted) with Ihe consumer advice: High impact themes and drug use.

In the Classification Renew Board's opinion RimWorld warrants an R18+ classification because the themes and drug use have a high impact The overall impact of the classifiable elements in the game was high. The Review Board also considered the appeal of the game to be skewed to an adult audience

The game includes fantasy drug use, but in the Renew Board's opinion, the game mechanic ultimately provides disincentives related to drug taking behaviour, to the point where regular drug use leads to negative consequences such as overdose, addiction, and withdrawal. Players may choose for colonist pawns to consume drugs in certain scenarios, but this greatly hinders player progress, as characters succumb to addiction and must deal with long-term negative impacts of their drug use The drug use is depicted at a distance through a top-down perspective, in a highly stylised simplified, form The game also contains high impact themes that are Justified by context of surviving in an inhospitable fantasy world.




Another game banned by the Australian games censor

Link Here11th April 2022
Full story: Games Censorship in Australia...Censorship rules for games
ultreia Ultreia is a 2021 adventure puzzle game by Olivier De Rop

A little robot becomes a pilgrim and crosses a wild post-apocalyptic world to find the meaning of life.

Australia's game censors have banned another video game. The game was 'refused classification' by the censors random rating generator known as the IARC, so could well be overturned oncr the human censors take over.

The censors have offered no explanation for the ban.

The game seems to have fallen foul of the censors over a release on Nintendo Switch.

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