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US Censorship News

2016: Jan-March

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Update: Small victory...

US small ads website, Backpage.com, wins appeal with the court agreeing that the website is not responsible for the posts added by users

Link Here29th March 2016
FBI logo Advertising website Backpage.com, which includes small ads for sex workers, won an appeal on the 14 th of March, 2016. The ruling states that Backpage is not responsible for any trafficking that may happen because of the advertisements on their website.

Backpage provides free or cheap advertisements and has been used a lot by sex workers since the removal of Craigslist in 2010. Ads are moved to the front using Bitcoin transactions after credit card companies were pressured to stop working for the website. In recent years, the website has been subject to multiple lawsuits in different states. The website has also been subject to hearings in the United States Congress, as NSWP reported here .

Three young women who alleged they had been trafficked through ads on Backpage brought the civil case forward. They were all minors at the time the events occurred. As Mike Masnick reports at Techdirt , the case alleged that Backpage was responsible for this activity under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorisation Act (TVPRA) of 2008. The TVPRA states that, anyone who "knowingly benefits, financially or by receiving anything of value from participation in a venture which that person knew or should have known has engaged" in an act of sex trafficking.

However, Backpage argued that they were not responsible because they are protected through section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 states that websites are not responsible for the actions of their users.

The three women argued that Backpage was aware of and encouraged sex trafficking on their website. The court did not accept this assessment, upholding their protection under section 230.



Updated: Contempt of Court...

Congress get heavy with boss of Backpage.com after he claims constitutional rights to avoid state pressure against adverts for sex workers

Link Here21st March 2016
US Senate The CEO of Craigslist-style classified ad website Backpage.com may be the first person in 20 years to be found in contempt of US Congress.

Carl Ferrer was subpoenaed by a Senate subcommittee back in October to answer questions over allegations that his site was responsible for nearly three-quarters of all reported child sex trafficking ads. He refused to attend.

The subcommittee responded by formally approving a contempt motion that will be reviewed by the full Senate, likely this week. If approved, it will be the first time since 1995 that such a motion has been passed.

Update: In contempt

21st March 2016. See  article from movie-censorship.com

Led by Senators Rob Portman and Claire McCaskill, the Senate voted today to hold Backpage.com's CEO in contempt of Congress.



Offsite Article: Apple vs FBI...

Link Here5th March 2016
FBI logo A detailed write up the cases for and against secure encryption and law enforcement access

See article from theregister.co.uk




Michigan Senate passes anti-gay law to punish anal sex with 15 years in jail

Link Here13th February 2016
Michigan state seal Michigan senate passes bill punishing anal sex with 15 years prison.

While the bill does not specifically target the gay community, that is the clear intention. The legislation outlaws anal sex completely:

A person who commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature with mankind or with any animal is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for no more than 15 years.

If the person is found to a sexually delinquent person or an existing sex offender, they will face a life term in prison.

Twelve US states including Michigan have anti-sodomy legislation, even though the US Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional in the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas.



Offsite Article: American right strays into the censorship zone...

Link Here10th January 2016
twitter 2015 logo Twitter has unverified the account of Breitbart technology editor Milo Yiannopoulos, effectively declaring war on conservative media by punishing the outspoken commentator for his views.

See article from breitbart.com



Offsite Article: Requiring Reporting of Online Terrorist Activity Bill...

Link Here 7th January 2016
US Senate US social media companies speak out against US bill demanding they report any terrorist content they come across on their websites

See article from bna.com



Censorship Demons...

US Walmart demands cover censorship and a new title for Deathgasm

Link Here5th January 2016
heavy metal apocalypse Deathgasm is a 2015 New Zealand comedy horror by Jason Lei Howden.
Starring Milo Cawthorne, James Blake and Kimberley Crossman. Youtube link IMDb

Deathgasm Milo Cawthorne The Walmart DVD edition of Deathgasm will be changing titles to Heavy Metal Apocalypse. The artwork has also been changed, removing the pentagram and demon.

The distributor is being forced to do this to get the movie into Walmart. And since it's one of the biggest retail locations in the United States, it makes sense that they'd make this change.

The movie itself is uncensored.



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