26th September | | |
Military operation to prevent the sales of a book
| 12th September 2010. Based on
article from m.motherjones.com
Operation Dark Heart is the new book by former Defense Intelligence Agency officer and retired army reservist Anthony Shaffer It sounds like an interesting read with the tagline: spycraft and special ops on the frontlines of
Afghanistan and the path to victory but now the Pentagon does want to let people get a look at what's inside. The book was originally cleared by army reviewers, who vetted the manuscript to ensure it didn't reveal national security secrets. It
went to press, was sent to reviewers, and was even available for a short time online. But now the Pentagon is now negotiating with Shaffer's publisher to purchase all 10,000 copies of the first print run with the intention of destroying them. It
turns out the book may indeed contain a significant amount of senstive material. Once the DIA looked over the book, and shared it with other intelligence agencies, 200 passages suspected of containing classified information were discovered setting off a scramble by Pentagon officials to stop the book's distribution,
according to the Times. The classified portions of Shaffer's book, according to the Times, include the names of American intelligence officers who served with Colonel Shaffer and his accounts of clandestine operations, including N.S.A.
eavesdropping operations. Fox is reporting that intelligence officials are also trying to deep-six portions of the book concerning a classified data mining program known as Able Danger. Update:
Nameless Censorship 18th September 2010. A publisher has agreed to remove US intelligence details from a memoir by a former army officer in Afghanistan after the Pentagon raised last-minute
objections, officials said. The book, Operation Dark Heart , had been printed and prepared for release in August but St. Martin's Press will now issue a revised version of the spy memoir after negotiations with the Pentagon, US and
company officials said. In an unusual step, the Defense Department has agreed to reimburse the company for the cost of the first printing, spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan told AFP. The original manuscript contained classified information which had
not been properly reviewed by the military and US spy agencies, he said. St. Martin's press will destroy copies from the first printing with Pentagon representatives observing to ensure it's done in accordance with our standards, Lapan
said. The second, revised edition would be ready by the end of next week, said the author's lawyer, Mark Zaid. Update: Books Burnt 26th September 2010. Based
on article from us.cnn.com In a statement to CNN, Pentagon spokeswoman
Lt. Col. April Cunningham said defense officials observed the September 20 destruction of about 9,500 copies of Army Reserve Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer's new memoir Operation Dark Heart. Shaffer says he was notified Friday about the
Pentagon's purchase: The whole premise smacks of retaliation, Shaffer told CNN on Saturday. Someone buying 10,000 books to suppress a story in this digital age is ludicrous. Shaffer's publisher, St. Martin's Press, released a second
printing of the book that it said had incorporated some changes the government had sought while redacting other text he (Shaffer) was told was classified. From single words and names to entire paragraphs, blacked out lines appear throughout
the book's 299 pages.
26th September | | |
US Nintendo censors cover art cleavage
| Based on article
from destructoid.com
| German edition |
The Nintendo Wii game Samurai Warriors 3 is being released in the USA very soon, but not in its original form. It has been noticed that Nintendo of America edited out a little bit of cleavage on the game's box art!
| US edition |
This is perhaps the most pointless and ludicrous edit I've ever seen. The European box art shows some significant cleavage on one of the characters, while the North American version features ... a little bit less cleavage. You still see cleavage, but
just a bit less. And this achieves ... what, exactly? |
23rd September | | |
Remake of I Spit on Your Grave gets an unrated cinema release in the US
| From horroryearbook.com
Is unrated cinema becoming the new 3D? A gimmick to get horror fans' asses into theater seats? Anchor Bay is following in Hatchet II 's footsteps by releasing I Spit on Your Grave unrated in select theaters on October 7, 2010.
We are thrilled to be releasing the unrated, uncensored version of the new I Spit On Your Grave , says Bill Clark, President of Anchor Bay Entertainment: Steven R Monroe has brought his own remarkable vision to this cult classic and we
are certain that the unrated cut will, like the original, evoke a visceral reaction from audiences worldwide.
22nd September | | |
Google shows counts of government requests to block or takedown data
| From bits.blogs.nytimes.com
Google has lately found itself on the receiving end of criticism from privacy and transparency advocates. But with two new tools, Google is trying to convince them that the company is on their side. Google has introduced a new tool called the
Transparency Report. It publishes where and when Internet traffic to Google sites is blocked, and the blockages are annotated with details when possible. For instance, the tool shows that YouTube has been blocked in Iran since the disputed presidential
election in June 2009. The Transparency Report will also be the home for Google's government requests tool, a map that shows every time a government has asked Google to take down or hand over information, and what percentage of the time Google has
complied. Google introduced it in April and updates it every six months. Government requests could be court orders to remove hateful content or a subpoena to pass along information about a Google user. The transparency project was the brainchild
of engineers during their 20 percent time, the time that Google allots for people to work on their own projects. Google Explains See
Transparency Report from google.com Transparency is a core value at Google. As a company
we feel it is our responsibility to ensure that we maximize transparency around the flow of information related to our tools and services. We believe that more information means more choice, more freedom and ultimately more power for the individual.
We've created an interactive map of Government Requests that shows the number of government inquiries for information about users and requests for Google to take down or censor content. We hope this step toward greater transparency will help in
ongoing discussions about the appropriate scope and authority of government requests. Our interactive Traffic graphs provide information about traffic to Google services around the world. Each graph shows historic traffic patterns for a given
country/region and service. By illustrating outages, this tool visualizes disruptions in the free flow of information, whether it's a government blocking information or a cable being cut. We hope this raw data will help facilitate studies about service
outages and disruptions. UK censorship requests Interesting to see that the UK is predictably high up the list of state censors. Second to none in terns of data requests and only behind Brazil and Libya
in terms of blocking requests 1343 data requests. 48 removal requests, for a total of 232 items 62.5% of removal requests fully or partially complied with.
- Blogger
- 1 court orders to remove content
- 1 items requested to be removed
- Video
- 3 court orders to remove content
- 32 items requested to be removed
- Groups
- 1 court orders to remove content
- 1 items requested to be removed
- Web Search
- 8 court orders to remove content
- 144 items requested to be removed
- YouTube
- 6 court orders to remove content
- 29 non-court order requests to remove content
- 54 items requested
to be removed
21st September | | |
Oregon law prohibiting sexuality in young people's fiction overturned
| From statesmanjournal.com
Booksellers and sex educators have won an appeal against Oregon laws supposedly intended to keep adults from using pornography to groom young people for sex, but in fact cast so widely as to effectively prohibit references to sexuality in young people's
fiction. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned major portions of the 2007 laws, saying they could apply to standard sex education literature, books such as The Joy of Sex or books for children or young people by author Judy
Blume. State legislators supposedly tried to craft laws against adults using hardcore pornography to lower the inhibitions of young people, the court said. But, it said, the laws they wrote were too broad, and good intentions cannot trump the
language of the statute. Booksellers and groups such as Planned Parenthood, the Association of American Publishers and the American Civil Liberties Union challenged the laws, which a federal judge had upheld. This is an important
victory permitting readers — both younger and older — to obtain what they are constitutionally entitled to read, Michael Powell of Powell's Books said in a statement: It is also a victory for booksellers who do not want to ask 13-year-olds for
identification or risk going to jail for selling a Judy Blume book. The ruling from a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit applied to two Oregon laws:
- It struck down a law against furnishing sexually explicit material to children — those under 13.
- It struck down part of a law against furnishing images or descriptions of sexual conduct to minors, ie those under 18.
The judgement left intact a part that forbids using such material when the purpose is inducing the minor to engage in sexual conduct. Spokesman Tony Green of the state attorney general's office said no decision had been made on an
21st September | |
| US law allows authorities wide powers to close down websites in the name of file sharing
| From news.cnet.com
A group of senators want to hand the U.S. Department of Justice the power to shut down Web sites dedicated to the illegal sharing online of film, music, software, and other intellectual property. The Combating Online Infringement and
Counterfeits Act will give the Department of Justice an expedited process for cracking down on these rogue Web sites regardless of whether the Web site's owner is located inside or outside of the United States, according to a statement from Senator
Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and committee member Senator Orin Hatch. Under the proposed legislation, the Justice Department would file a civil action against accused pirate domain names. If the domain name resides in
the U.S., the attorney general could then request that the court issue an order finding that the domain name in question is dedicated to infringing activities. The Justice Department would have the authority to serve the accused site's U.S.-based
registrar with an order to shut down the site. According to a staffer from Leahy's office, if the site resides outside the United States, the bill would authorize the attorney general to serve the court order on other specified third parties,
such as Internet service providers, payment processors, and online ad network providers. The way it sounds, the Justice Department would try to block these sites from being accessed by people in the United States or cut them off from credit
card transactions or receiving ad revenue from U.S. companies.
20th September | | |
Journalists heavily restricted in reporting military trials at Guantánamo Bay
| Based on article from nytimes.com
The Obama administration has made many pledges of transparency and openness, but neither of those fundamental principles were anywhere to be seen when the Pentagon opened its first military trial at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, under President Obama.
What we did see were intolerable limitations on journalists covering the trial — or at least trying to cover it. Journalists were required always to be in the company of a soldier — even when they went to the bathroom. Military censors routinely
deleted photographs from cameras. Responding to an outcry by news organizations, including The New York Times, the Pentagon has announced a revised set of rules. Most important, the Pentagon's public affairs division has agreed not to ask
reporters to withhold information deemed privileged by the military if the information is already in the public domain. Under the revised policy, reporters will not be deemed in violation of the rules if what they report was legitimately obtained in the course of newsgathering outside Guantánamo.
The Pentagon has eased somewhat the rules for photographers and videographers. There will now be a more formal chain of appeal to challenge decisions by military censors. They will also be allowed to have up to two images a day cropped rather than
blocked entirely.
17th September | |
| Hatchet II is the widest release for an unrated film in 25 years
| Fom blog.moviefone.com
This month marks the 20th anniversary of the NC-17 rating, invented by the MPAA to separate certain graphic yet non-pornographic films from the porn connotations of the X rating. But the new classification immediately had its own stigma and many theater
chains and video stores wouldn't carry films with the NC-17 mark. Now AMC Theatres, which has long been one of those against booking films lacking classification, is opening its screens (around 60 locations) to the horror sequel Hatchet II
, which makes this the widest opening for an unrated film in 25 years. (probably referring to The Evil Dead which opened unrated in 128 theaters and took home more than $2 million) It's assumed that following the October 1 release of
Hatchet II, the also-unrated horror release I Spit on Your Grave will be booked in similar fashion. Then what? If the first title is successful -- and I think it has a good shot at being the highest-grossing unrated film of all time -- can
we expect filmmakers to actually start trying to garner an NC-17 just to then go out unrated? Will films that wouldn't even receive an NC-17 exploit the sudden approval by going unrated anyway?
17th September | | |
Comic book writer Stan Lee likens video games bans to old comic book bans
| From apexnewsnetwork.com
Legendary comic book writer Stan Lee knows a thing or two about censorship. Back in the 1950s when he first unleashed the likes of Spiderman on the world his work, and that of other comic book writers and artists was considered dangerous .
Comics were burned and a Senate committee decided that afford the calculated risk involved in feeding its children, through comic books, a concentrated diet of crime, horror and violence. That is why the now eighty seven year old Lee wrote a
letter the Video Game Voters Network encouraging gamers not to give up the fight against the current calls for video game censorship. In his missive Lee wrote If you restrict sales of video games, you're chipping away at our First
Amendment rights to free speech. He went on to urge all gamers to take a stand and defend both the First Amendment and the rights of computer and video game artists. Lee wrote that he recalls the time when the government was trying to do
to comic books what some politicians now want to do with video games: censor them and prohibit their sales. It was a bad idea half a century ago and it's just as bad an idea now. And you can do something about it.
15th September | |
| British teenager banned from the US over angry email to Obama
| Based on
article from dailymail.co.uk
A British teenager has been banned from America for life for sending Barack Obama an abusive email, in which he calls the President a 'prick'. Luke Angel, 17, insulted Obama while drunk after watching a programme about the 9/11 attacks on the U.S.
Angel was reprimanded by police on both sides of the Atlantic after firing off the message to the White House. The FBI intercepted the message and contacted police in the UK who went to see Angel at his home. The college student is now on a
list of people who are banned from visiting the States. When asked about the ban, Luke said: I don't really care. My parents aren't very happy about it. The police who came round took my picture and told me I was banned from America forever.
A Bedfordshire Police spokesman said: The individual sent an email to the White House full of abusive and threatening language. We were informed by the Metropolitan Police and went to see him. He said, "Oh dear, it was me".
Police will take no criminal action.
11th September | | |
US release of Destricted has taken 4 years to collect the 2257 age record keeping requirements for explicit films
| Based on article
from thedailybeast.com
A film by Matthew Barney, Marina Abramovic, Richard Prince and other artists that's playing at the Los Angeles Downtown Film Festival is so graphic that it took four years to get U.S. distribution. This week's Los Angeles Downtown Film
Festival, which will bring together sex and art by some of the world's most innovative and provocative artists and directors, is shadowed by controversy with the screening of the much-talked-about art/sex film, Destricted . Destricted
, an art-based film in which multiple directors—among them Larry Clark (Kids), artists Matthew Barney and Marina Abramovic, and photographer Sam Taylor-Woods—explore modernistic views of sex, sexuality, and pornography in modern film. Formed
in 2004 as a brand (instead of strictly as a film) and originally released in September 2006 in the U.K., Destricted won awards at a range of international film festivals, including Cannes, Sundance, Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Locarno. Despite Destricted's
successful debuts, the film would have to wait four years for its U.S. release. All this time, Destricted has been tied up in American laws governing pornography, which dictate that anyone who appears in a sexually explicit film must be
legally documented as over 18. Because some shorts were filmed overseas, under disparate conditions, and perhaps without the artists' foreseeing the necessity of such documentation, some didn't have proper papers, thus they could not be released for
profit (which is why admission to the festival screening is free). Just this year, Destricted amassed the necessary documents to clear eight shorts for commercial distribution in the U.S., which will happen in November, via DVD and a small
theatrical release. Destricted 's roster of shorts varies from the international release, to the U.S. release, to what is screened at the festival: the U.S. version features eight short reels, all of which are explicit in nature; six short
films, including some not on the U.S. release, will be screened at the Downtown Film Fest; and seven shorts, a mix-up of the previous lists, appear on the U.K. version. While porn is now a mainstream commodity, its shock value challenged by
saturation and corporate marketing, and, some might say, the loosening of American mores, the films comprising Destricted aim to explore and underscore a still-vibrant polemic: to highlight controversial issues about the representation of
sexuality in art, opening up for debate the question of whether art can be disguised as pornography or whether pornography can be disguised as art, according to the film's creators.
11th September | | |
Minnesota county bans employees from staying in hotels with in-room porn
| Based on article from
A county in Minnesota is taking a stance about pornography. In most situations, Winona County will no longer reimburse workers for staying at hotels that offer pay-per view pornography. Winona County is now the first in the USA to pass a clean
hotel policy. The decision makes employees stay in porn-free hotels if they want reimbursement. Chuck Derry with the Gender Violence Institute claims: Contemporary pornography 90% of it is degrading and violent towards women and girls. For
the board members, it was an ethical decision. Derry says, The public is not going to pay for employees that stay in establishments that support this kind of material. Policy initiators hope this action will cause a ripple effect throughout
the US.
9th September | |
| Google boss likens internet filtering to a trade barrier
| Based on article from
Google's legal chief has called for pressure on governments that censor the Internet, such as China and Turkey, arguing that their blocking access to websites unfairly restrains U.S. businesses and would be unacceptable in physical trade. David
Drummond said: If this (Internet censorship) were happening with physical trade and manufacturing goods, we'd all be saying this violates trade agreements pretty fundamentally. In our view at Google it's high time for us to start really
sinking our teeth into this one, said Drummond. We have great opportunities now with pending trade agreements to start putting some pressure on countries to recognize that Internet freedom not only is a core value -- that we should be holding them
to account from a human rights standpoint -- but also that if you want to be part of the community of free trade, you are going to have to find a way to allow the Internet to be open.
4th September | | |
Ohio law proposes criminalising webmasters so that ex-criminals can have their convictions hidden
| Based on article
from indexoncensorship.org
Six Ohio state senators have introduced a bill that would compel individuals media organizations to erase stories from the Internet about former convicts whose case records are sealed by the courts. The bill in question, Senate Bill 291, would
also penalize organizations to the tune of $250,000 - with a maximum fine of up to $1 million - for failing to delete the information and then knowingly publishing it on their websites. Under current Ohio law, first-time non-violent offenders are
able to get the courts to expunge their records. The bill being pushed by the senators would also extend that privilege to people convicted of multiple offenses. In order to be eligible to seek court approval, a convict would need to maintain a clean
record and the crime in question would need to be more than five years old. According to the Columbus Dispatch, the bill would require individuals and private businesses to erase the historical record by destroying records they hold
about the convictions of those whose cases are sealed. The relevant provision in the proposal reads: Whoever violates division (C)(2) of this section by knowingly releasing or otherwise disseminating or making available information over the
internet is guilty of releasing sealed records and shall be fined one million dollars. But critics have attacked the bill as posing a threat to freedom of speech. The Wheeling News-Register, wrote in an editorial that the bill simply was
unworkable. Here at the newspaper, for example, we have computerized records of criminal reports dating back more than five years. It would be very difficult to find and erase them all. Smith's bill clearly is unconstitutional. The First Amendment
guarantees freedom of speech, even when those guilty of old crimes would prefer their offenses be forgotten.
3rd September | | |
Creating a buzz in the music world
| Based on article from
Cee Lo's profanity-laced single, with a catchy Motown backing track and the blunt title F**k You , has become a phenomenon since its online release, driven in large part by YouTube views of the song's inventive video. Zano
Ludgood, a record shop manager at Criminal Records in Atlanta, Cee Lo's hometown, says viral videos act as advertisements for when the actual product goes on sale. People are excited now about Cee Lo, and if they like a song, even if they
download it, they'll still come out and buy the complete album, Ludgood says. People talk about record stores dying, but social media works with us, it's a great way to build buzz. The buzz on Cee Lo has been deafening, even if his new
song has a title unfit for a family newspaper. Soon after a celebrity release on MySpace, it had become a smash in the clubs. When the DJ dropped it, I was like, 'Cee Lo's got another one!' says Mizz Shyneka, an on-air personality at
Atlanta's HOT 107.9FM. Everybody was dancing, and the people that hadn't heard the record were all trying to listen. I wish they could hear it on the radio, but given the title, I don't think there's any way around that. MTV has reported
the track will be re-released as Forget You , The idea of leaking an explicit track and then re-releasing it for the radio isn't new. In 2006 Snoop Dogg made a song called I Wanna Love You that originally had a different chorus, with
the word love dropped in favour of a more explicit verb. The song went No. 1 on Billboard's singles chart.
2nd September | | |
Lawsuit challenges Alaskan law that will ban adult material from the internet
| Based on article from gamepolitics.com
An Alaskan law that goes into effect on July 1, and deals with the electronic distribution of indecent material to minors, has come under fire by free speech advocates. Section 11.61.128 of the Alaska Statutes, signed into law by Governor Sean
Parnell in May, calls for parties to be criminally liable for media transmissions (or hosting) of material that is considered harmful to minors. Additionally, violators can face up to two years in prison, could be forced to forfeit their business
and would have to register as sex offenders. Those in opposition label the law as broad censorship, and claim that it bans from the Internet anything that may be 'harmful to minors,' including material adults have a First Amendment right
to view. Hostility to the law has resulted in a lawsuit attempting to block it, brought forth by groups like the Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA), the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, American Civil Liberties Union
of Alaska, the Freedom To Read Foundation and the Association of American Publishers. Citing the First and Fourteenth Amendments, in addition to the Constitution's Commerce Clause, the lawsuit seeks to have the law declared unconstitutional.
1st September | | |
US based TechDirt feel protected from British libel claim by newly enacted SPEECH act See article from techdirt.com |
31st August | | |
American Academy of Pediatrics have a whinge at TV
| Based on article from
An American Academy of Pediatrics' policy statement has claimed that kids are 'bombarded' with 'inappropriate' sexual messages and images. The AAP committee said: everything from graphic sexual lyrics in songs to ubiquitous erectile dysfunction drug
advertisements air all hours of the day and night. Television, film, music, and the Internet are all becoming increasingly sexually explicit, yet information on abstinence, sexual responsibility, and birth control remains rare, they write.
Among the points the panel makes:
- Only three reality dating shows were on the air in 1997 compared with more than 30 today, including Temptation Island, which bring participants together for the sole purpose of seeing who 'hooks up,' the authors said.
- In a
national survey of 1,500 10- to 17-year-olds, nearly half of the Internet users had been exposed to online pornography in the previous year.
- A national survey of 1,300 teenagers and young adults found nearly 20% had sent or posted nude pictures
of videos of themselves.
- Advertisements featuring women are as likely to show them in suggestive or revealing clothing or nude as fully clothed.
Kids get a lot of their knowledge about sex through the media, the authors write. Perhaps we should take a good look at what we're telling them.
27th August | | |
FCC appeals court decision to prevent them censoring fleeting expletives
| Based on article
from thehill.com
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is appealing a federal court ruling that its indecency policy is unconstitutional, arguing the decision makes it all but impossible for the agency to enforce restrictions on broadcasting nudity or profanity.
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York struck down the FCC's indecency policy last month, calling it a violation of the First Amendment. The court said the rule forces broadcasters to self-censor in order to avoid fines for accidentally
broadcasting nudity or profanity. The FCC filed a petition asking the court to reconsider the decision. The three-judge panel's decision in July raised serious concerns about the Commission's ability to protect children and families from
indecent broadcast programming, FCC general counsel Austin Schlick said. The Commission remains committed to empowering parents and protecting children, and looks forward to the court of appeals' further consideration of our arguments. The matter is expected to eventually reach the Supreme Court, which upheld the FCC's policy last year on procedural grounds but did not address the constitutional arguments.
The case stems from live broadcasts of the Billboard Music Awards in 2002 and 2003, during which musician Cher and reality television performer Nicole Ritchie used unscripted expletives. The FCC changed its indecency policy in 2004
following a similar incident at the Golden Globes involving U2 lead singer Bono. The agency began to levy record fines against broadcasters for fleeting expletives uttered on live television. The Commission ruled in 2006 that, under its new
policy, both Billboard broadcasts were indecent. Fox, which broadcast the awards shows, responded by appealing that decision. In its appeal Fox was joined by other broadcasters who opposed the FCC's stricter enforcement policies. The court of
appeals initially ruled in favor of the broadcasters, claiming the FCC had failed to properly articulate a reason for the rule changes, but their decision was reversed by the Supreme Court. The court of appeals then ruled in favor of Fox on
constitutional grounds, setting the stage for the FCC's latest appeal.
27th August | | |
Wikileaks may cause US to reassess balance between free speech and security
| Based on article from
guardian.co.uk See also Julian Assange Gets The Bog Standard Smear Technique from
US supreme court justice Sonia Sotomayor has said the court is likely to have to rule on the issue of balancing national security and freedom of speech due to WikiLeaks posting a cache of US military records about the Afghan war. Sotomayor said
the incident, which has been condemned by the Pentagon, was likely to provoke legislation in Congress that would require judicial scrutiny. Her comments came in response to a question about security and free speech by a student at Denver
university. The judge said she could not answer because that question is very likely to come before me . She said the incident, and others, are going to provoke legislation that's already being discussed in Congress, and so some of it is going
to come up before [the supreme court] . Sotomayor said the balance between national security and free speech is a constant struggle in this society, between our security needs and our first amendment rights, and one that has existed
throughout our history.
27th August | | |
Face book bans marijuana leaf from political campaign advert
| Based on article from
thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com See also
Facebook Should Stop Censoring Marijuana Legalization Campaign Ads from
eff.org See also Censorship of Pro-Pot
Group Campaign Leads to Free Ads from clickz.com
An ad, which depicted a marijuana leaf, began running on Aug. 7. Just over a week later, Facebook pulled it, saying the image violated its policy against promoting smoking. Organizers at Just Say Now, a bipartisan coalition fighting to
legalize and regulate marijuana just like alcohol, said they spent roughly $5,000 on the ads, which received about 38 million views in the week they ran. Michael Whitney, the group's online campaign director, said Facebook's move is akin to
striking a candidate's face from his posters while he's running for office. Marijuana legalization is on the ballot this November in Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon and South Dakota. We are talking about free political speech, Whitney
said. We aren't encouraging people to do anything illegal. Facebook said they have no problem with Just Say Now advertising on its pages as long as it uses a different image, Andrew Noyes, the manager of Facebook's public policy
communications, said in an e-mail to The New York Times. The image of a marijuana leaf is classified with all smoking products and therefore is not acceptable under our policies, he said, adding that Facebook does not permit images of
drugs, drug paraphernalia or tobacco in any advertisements. Just Say Now began its campaign earlier this month, arguing that legalizing marijuana would reduce crime at the border and could yield an additional $40 billion in revenue annually.
Update: Leaf claim just a fig leaf 26th September 2010. See
article from
fdlaction.firedoglake.com After the social network banned our ads last month for showing a marijuana leaf, we decided to play by their rules and not show leafs in our
ads. So we submitted ads to Facebook for our Just Say now store, but blurred out the pot leafs so you couldn't see the obviously offensive plant leaf. Not good enough, said Facebook. Even though we complied with Facebook's censorship of pot leafs,
all of our ads were rejected. And the rejection came with some blatantly false statements, and a harsh warning. The content advertised by this ad is restricted per section 5 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines.
We reserve the right to determine what advertising we accept, and will not allow the creation of any further Facebook Ads of this type. Ads for this product, service or site should not be resubmitted.
Facebook is making yet
another political decision to ban Just Say Now from advertising our campaign for marijuana legalization on the social networking site.
24th August | | |
Jennifer Anniston movie bombs over R word gaff or was it the Rubbish Reviews?
| From entertainment.gather.com From helium.com
Earlier this week Jennifer Aniston came under fire for comments during an appearance on Regis and Kelly. While a guest on the morning show, Aniston made the comment comparing herself to a retard, saying, Yeah, I got to play dress up
. I do it for a living, like a retard. The fallout from the incident was immediate with disability groups calling her choice of words inappropriate and offensive. In a statement released to TV Guide, a representative for the
Special Olympics commented, The Special Olympics is always disappointed when the R-word is used, especially by someone who is influential to society. The pervasive use of the R-word, even in an off the cuff self-deprecating manner, dehumanizes people
with intellectual disabilities and perpetuates painful stereotypes that are a great source of suffering and negative stigma. The bad press did nothing to help Aniston's new film, The Switch which she was on the show to promote in the
first place. The Switch a romantic comedy starting Aniston and Jason Bateman bombed at the box office this weekend, grossing just $8.1 million. So did Aniston's talk show gaffe tank the film? The low box office is definitely due in part to
some tepid reviews and stiff weekend competition. However, one can't help but question whether her comment had an effect as well.
13th August | | |
Acclaimed documentary given restrictive MPAA rating for strong language
| Based on
article from
After the MPAA handed an R rating for language to an acclaimed documentary about NFL-player-turned-Army-Ranger Pat Tillman, the makers of the movie have lost an appeal to have the rating changed to PG-13. The filmmakers tried to argue that
The Tillman Story – which delves into the official military cover-up of Tillman's death in Afghanistan by friendly fire and the way in which he was exploited as a potent patriotic symbol — is exactly the kind of historically significant film that
should be exposed to as many young people as possible, not hidden from them due to squeamishness over some bad words. Offsite: I'm Pat Fucking Tillman 5th September
2010. See article from
chicagotribune.com According to the MPPA's ratings and classification board. Habitually easy on violence but far more nervous regarding language and skin, the MPAA
ratings board issued director Amir Bar-Lev's film an R rating for its 16 instances of the f-word. Bar-Lev said in a separate conversation Wednesday: If we had sat down and written the film, which of course we didn't since it's a documentary,
and used that language to titillate or amuse people — that'd be one context. But we're talking about real-life situations when people are being shot at, or consumed with grief, or a couple of key moments where we show you how Pat Tillman's family
sometimes talks. The veracity of the language is pertinent, Bar-Lev said, given Tillman's likely last words, as he was being fired on, mistakenly, by three of his fellow American soldiers: I'm Pat f---ing Tillman! ...Read the
full article
12th August | | |
Barack Obama signs law snubbing UK libel judgments
| Based on article from
President Barack Obama has signed the SPEECH Act into US law, a move designed to protect US writers and reporters from England's controversial defamation laws. The Act, tabled by Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen, makes libel judgments against
American writers in foreign territories unenforceable if they are perceived to counter the First Amendment right to free speech. The Libel Reform Campaign has expressed concern that our reputation is being damaged internationally due to our
restrictive, archaic and costly libel laws which cost 140 times the European equivalent. The coalition government has said it will table a draft Bill to reform our libel laws in January 2011 after the campaign led by English PEN, Index on
Censorship and Sense About Science. The campaign has 52,000 signatories to its petition and all three main political parties committed in their general election manifestos to libel reform. Jo Glanville, Editor of Index on Censorship said:
The US's response to our libel laws has already played a key role in advancing the campaign for reform in the UK. I'm hopeful that the government's draft bill will address the issue of libel tourism, which has a clear chilling effect on freedom of
speech, and make it harder for claimants from outside the EU to bully publishers, NGOs, bloggers and investigative journalists into silence. Síle Lane, Public Liaison of Sense About Science said: As other countries move to protect
their citizens from the chilling effect of our libel laws we urge bloggers, science writers, NGOs and small publications facing threats and bankruptcy to keep up the pressure on the Government to ensure that the proposed draft libel bill brings the
meaningful change that is so urgently needed.
8th August | | |
US press secretary asks Wikileaks to return the disclosed Afghanistan war reports
| Based on article from
The website WikiLeaks recently publicly disclosed more than 70,000 classified US field reports from the war in Afghanistan. The Pentagon says it wants them back. Press secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters the Pentagon was formally demanding
– through the news media – that WikiLeaks return the reports, as well as 15,000 additional records the website says it might release soon: We are asking them to do the right thing and not further exacerbate the damage done to date . If doing
the right thing is not good enough for them, we'll figure out what other alternatives we have. He declined to elaborate on whether the defence department was contemplating legal action but said the FBI and the justice department were
investigating how the documents were leaked. Morrell acknowledged that the genie is out of the bottle in regard to the more than 70,000 reports that are not only posted on the WikiLeaks site, but have since been copied and downloaded by
people all over the world. He said the Pentagon was primarily interested in blocking the release of the 15,000 other documents.
7th August | | |
California considers political censorship of the internet at election times
| Based on article from gamepolitics.com
Political tweets and Facebook status updates should be held to the same standards as paid advertising that voters see on television, radio or in Californian's mailboxes, says California's campaign watchdog agency, The Fair Political Practices Commission,
in a report. The Fair Political Practices Commission is considering how to regulate new forms of political activity on Facebook or in a text message. It's become necessary as politicians in California and elsewhere announce their
candidacies and major campaign policies through Twitter, YouTube and a host of social networking sites, said FPPC Chairman Dan Schnur. He also added that California's 36-year-old Political Reform Act needs a modern-day re-write to keep up with the
times. The report reportedly outlines possible hurdles to regulating such online content, like how one would include full disclosure of what group or individual is behind a political message. The changes the commission makes to state law would
have to give regulators the flexibility to respond to swiftly evolving technologies, the report says. The report does draw the line when it comes to the right of regular citizens to tweet or use Facebook to talk about politics or politicians:
People tweeting about someone is typically not something you would regulate, said Barbara O'Connor, professor emeritus of communications and the former director of the Institute for the Study of Politics and Media at California State
University, Sacramento. When it becomes an ad, it's a different story. When it becomes an ad it really is a replacement for a 30-second spot for a new generation.
6th August | | |
MPAA impose restrictive R rating on holocaust documentary
| Thanks to Nick 3rd August 2010. Based on
article from cinematical.com
A new documentary from Yael Hersonski called A Film Unfinished takes propaganda footage from the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII and reveals the cinematic deception of the frames. Hersonski outlines how many of the scenes of real life
were crafted by the filmmakers to try and show a hideous disconnect between the Ghetto's rich Jews and poor Jews -- scenes of passerby walking over corpses are juxtaposed with lavish dinners (entirely crafted by the Nazis) and entertainment
(where people were beaten if they didn't look like they were having enough fun). It is a harrowing account, for sure, but also a worthy one. However, the documentary has now hit a snag, getting an R rating from the MPAA, which has inspired the
Beastie Boys' (and Oscilloscope founder) Adam Yauch to speak out. In a press release, Oscilloscope Laboratories has announced that they will appeal the R rating, given to the film for disturbing images of holocaust atrocities including graphic
nudity. By banning people under the age of 17 from viewing the film without their parent/guardian, the rating will keep the documentary out of classrooms and educational venues. Adam Yauch says: This is too important of a historical
document to ban from classrooms. While there's no doubt that Holocaust atrocities are displayed, if teachers feel their students are ready to understand what happened, it's essential that young people are given the opportunity to see this film. Why deny
them the chance to learn about this critical part of our human history? I understand that the MPAA wants to protect children's eyes from things that are too overwhelming, but they've really gone too far this time. It's bullshit. The graphic
nudity consists of shots of the piles of dead, naked Jewish residents waiting for mass burial. There is another scene where Jewish men and women were forced (at gun point) to strip and bathe together. It's incredibly hard to watch. But it's also
incredibly important to watch. Though, as A Film Unfinished points out, it can dangerous, film and photographs are essential to understanding and comprehending the atrocities and impact of tragedies like the Holocaust, the Rape of Nanking, and
every other bit of violence that has, does, and will happen in the world. Words, in this case, simply aren't enough. Update: R rating stands after appeal 6th August
2010. Based on article from nymag.com Beastie
Boy Adam Yauch's appeal of the MPAA's decision to give an R rating to the Holocaust documentary A Film Unfinished has failed. The rating was upheld by the ratings board by a 12-3 vote. Yauch expressed his frustration with the decision
earlier in the week, arguing the nudity in the film - which compiles footage of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942 shot for a German propaganda movie - should have been viewed through a historical and educational lens.: In a world where
young people are bombarded with meaningless entertainment, it's unfortunate that a film with real educational and historic value would be denied to them by an organization that is supposed to be working to help them. I still have hope that the MPAA will
reconsider at some point in the future, so young people will be able to learn from this film.
6th August | | |
FBI demands that Wikipedia takes down an image of the FBI seal
| Based on article
from edition.cnn.com
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has threatened Wikipedia with legal action if the online encyclopedia doesn't remove the FBI's seal from its site. The seal is featured in an encyclopedia entry about the FBI. Wikipedia isn't backing down,
however. The online encyclopedia sent a chiding letter to the FBI, explaining why, in its view, the FBI is off its legal rocker. In short, then, we are compelled as a matter of law and principle to deny your demand for removal of the FBI Seal
from Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia Foundation's general counsel, Mike Godwin, wrote in a letter to the FBI, which was posted online by the New York Times: We are in contact with outside counsel in this matter, and we are prepared
to argue our view in court. In a letter dated July 22, and also posted online by the Times, the FBI told Wikipedia it must remove the bureau's seal because the FBI had not approved use of the image: The FBI has not authorized use of the FBI
seal on Wikipedia . The inclusion of a high quality graphic of the FBI seal on Wikipedia is particularly problematic, because it facilitates both deliberate and unwitting copying and reprinting of the seal's image. The FBI's deputy
general counsel, David Larson, cities a particular law that says duplicating an official insignia is illegal without permission. But Wikipedia strikes back on that point, saying the FBI redacted the most important part of that U.S. code,
which defines an insignia as any badge, identification card, or other insignia. Badges and identification cards are physical manifestations that may be used by a possessor to invoke the authority of the federal government. An encyclopedia article is
not . The use of the image on Wikipedia is not for the purpose of deception or falsely to represent anyone as an agent of the federal government. The magazine Vanity Fair posted the FBI's seal on its website in a symbol of jest. And, as
the blog Geekosystem says, an editor on the site aggregator Reddit jokes that maybe the FBI got Wikipedia confused with WikiLeaks — the site that's been causing a stir lately over leaked war documents.
5th August | | |
Gaea the beaver daubed in black paint
| Based on article from
Gaea, the controversial beaver sculpture, has been vandalized, but quickly cleaned up and returned to normal. The Bemidji Police Department received an anonymous phone call saying that the sculpture had been defaced with black spray paint.
The spray paint covered what artist Deborah A. Davis has said are the hands of a praying woman. While Davis has said the front of the sculpture shows Mother Earth praying and the circles are roses coming forth from her hands, others have
viewed the sculpture differently, seeing, instead, a portion of the female anatomy. Police arrived on the site after 11 p.m. Tuesday and found the paint to be tacky the touch, according to a police report. Davis, in an e-mail sent at
12:35 a.m., said she and Jeremy Anway, a Bemidji artist, repaired the sculpture.
3rd August | | |
America Wins As Government Loses Obscenity Trial See article from psychologytoday.com
29th July | | |
US legislation to snub UK libel judgments passed by Senate
| 21st July 2010. Based on article from
The US senate has passed legislation to protect US journalists, writers and publishers from libel tourists — litigants who sue Americans in foreign jurisdictions which place a lower emphasis on free speech The legislation was specifically
designed to negate the threat of English laws, amid claims that the UK has became an international libel tribunal. One case in particular incensed US politicians, that of New York based academic Rachel Ehrenfeld who was sued in London despite only 23
copies of her book, on the financing of terrorism, being sold in the UK. The bill, co-sponsored by Democrat Patrick Leahy and Republican Jeff Sessions has broad cross-party support. If passed, the proposal will prevent US courts from recognising
foreign libel rulings that are inconsistent with the First Amendment. The Securing the Protection of our Enduring and Established Constitutional Heritage Bill will now go before the House of Representatives. Update:
Passed by the House of Representatives 29th July 2010. From todayonline.com The United States House of Representatives
passed a Bill aimed at shielding US journalists, authors and publishers from libel tourists who file suit in countries where they expect to get the most favourable ruling. Lawmakers approved the measure, which now goes to President Barack
Obama to sign into law. The bill had such widespread support from Democrats and Republicans that it was passed on a voice vote in Congress. Based on article from telegraph.co.uk The legislation will prevent US
federal courts from recognising or enforcing a foreign judgment for defamation that is inconsistent with the first amendment and will bar foreign parties from targeting the American assets of an American author, journalist, or publisher as part of any
Campaigners for more liberal libel law in Britain said they hoped the new law would influence the Government as it prepares a draft reform bill for publication in January.
Padraig Reidy, a spokesman for the Index on Censorship,
said: It's a vindication of our argument that English libel laws in their current state do not encourage or protect free expression. The fact that Britain's best ally feels the need to protect itself from the English libel courts demonstrates the need
for reform.
Steve Cohen, a Tennessee Congressman who drafted the bill, said it was vital that Americans' rights are never undermined by foreign judgments.
25th July | | |
Supporting the hype for an uncut unrated cinema release for Hatchet II
| From morehorror.com
MoreHorror.com sources attending the San Diego Comic-Con have a report about the upcoming Adam Green release of Hatchet II . Dark Sky Films are stating that they plan to have the film released in theaters entirely in its UNRATED format.
Green told the audience at the convention that the MPAA has (yet again) asked that entire scenes be removed from the movie because they are too violent! It seems however that won't be a factor anymore since an unnamed theater chain has been
confirmed to allow the entire version to run in theaters this coming October. Update: AMC 27th August 2010. From cinematical.com AMC Theaters will be
showing the unrated cut of the film as part of its AMC Independent program. This means the uncut version of Hatchet II will be shown theatrically in the top 20 markets in the United States.
25th July | | |
Adult DVD Empire on obscenity charges
| Based on article from
Adult DVD Empire will plead guilty to an obscenity charge filed against the company by federal prosecutors. Attorney Lawrence Walters told XBIZ that this appears to be a pre-arranged, pre-packaged deal where all the parties involved came to an
agreement in advance. Walters says the deal was structured in a way where the corporation was charged, not an individual, so no one will be doing time in jail. As part of the deal, Adult DVD Empire will be on a three-year probation and pay
a $75,000 fine. Federal prosecutors filed the charges July 22 charging that the company, which operates AdultDVDEmpire.com, mailed four DVDs containing obscene material to an Erie post office box in May 2007. Walters says the charges seems
to have been initiated by Mary Beth Buchanan, the former U.S. District Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, who was active in obscenity prosecutions The four DVDs are identified as A Bounty of Pain, Shattering Krystal both
from Dan Hawke Productions, Extreme Tit Torture 18 from Galaxy Productions and Pussy Torture 8 also from Galaxy and directed by Rick Savage.
24th July | | |
Starting the hype for Saw 3D
| Based on article from
Saw 3D , the upcoming 7th movie in the Saw franchise, will be the last one according to producers who say, It's time to stop. We have told the story we wanted to tell, and this is going to be a great farewell. The 3D movie will have
11 booby traps, almost double compared to the previous films, and it was submitted 6 times to the MPAA before bringing it down from an NC-17 to an R rating! Producer Mark Burg reveals: I'm surprised we got it. It's more violent than any of
them. But it's in 3-D, it answers all the questions, it comes full circle. We have the good on this one. As for critics of the franchise, star Tobin Bell says: It's a free country. If people don't want to look at certain things, they
shouldn't go. The people who don't go to films were more upset than the horror fans. You can say what you want about it, but Saw fans have loved and supported it every year. We must have been doing something right.
24th July | |
| Crushing victory in House of Representatives vote
| Based on
article from
The House of Representatives has passed a bill that, if enacted, will prohibit the sale of crush videos and other filmed acts of animal cruelty including burning, suffocating, drowning and impaling live animals. The bill, sponsored by
Representative Elton Gallegly, passed by a margin of 416 to 3. It now goes to the Senate, which is expected to pass it. In April, the Supreme Court overturned a Virginia man's conviction for selling videos that depicted dogfighting on free-speech
grounds. Chief Justice John Roberts said the existing law that criminalized the sale of such videos was too broad and could be used to prosecute sellers of hunting videos. Gallegly responded by crafting a narrowly written law designed specifically
to prohibit the sale or distribution of obscene visual depictions of animal cruelty. He became involved in the issue in 1999, when a local district attorney had difficulty prosecuting a Thousand Oaks man for selling a video depicting animal cruelty over
the Internet.
20th July | |
| 73,000 blogs taken down by US authorities
| 19th July 2010. Based on article from
Blogetery.com, a little-known WordPress platform used by more than 70,000 blogs, was shut down by its Web hosting company more than a week ago and nobody seems willing to say why or who is responsible. BurstNet, the Web-hosting company, informed
Blogetery's operator that service was terminated at the request of some law enforcement agency but wouldn't say which one. As for the reason, BurstNet hasn't made that clear either. In an e-mail to Blogetery's operator, BurstNet managers did say that
they had little choice but to terminate service. Please note that this was not a typical case in which suspension and notification would be the norm, BurstNet wrote to Blogetery's operator. This was a critical matter brought to our
attention by law enforcement officials. We had to immediately remove the server. Initially commentators suspected that perhaps file sharing issues were behind the take down but this was denied. In an interview, a BurstNet spokesman
declined to identify the law enforcement agency that ordered Blogetery shut down or provide the reason but did say that it had nothing to do with copyright violations. BurstNet hinted at something more serious in a forum
article from webhostingtalk.com . In repose to a refund request and a
dump of Blogetery data, BurstNet wrote: [This] should be the least of his concerns. Simply put: We cannot give him his data nor can we provide any other details. By stating this, most would recognize that something serious is afoot.
Update: Inspire 20th July 2010. Based on article from
More details are surfacing about why Blogetery.com, a blogging platform that claimed to service more than 70,000 blogs, was mysteriously booted from the Internet by its Web-hosting company. The site was shut down after FBI agents informed
executives of Burst.net, Blogetery's Web host, late on July 9 that links to al-Qaeda materials were found on Blogetery's servers, Joe Marr, chief technology officer for Burst.net, told CNET. Sources close to the investigation say that included in those
materials were the names of American citizens targeted for assassination by al-Qaeda. Messages from Osama bin Laden and other leaders of the terrorist organization, as well as bomb-making tips, were also allegedly found on the server. A source
with knowledge of the investigation said that the material allegedly found on Blogetery's server is connected to an online magazine called Inspire , which debuted recently. Numerous news outlets reported over the past weekend that Inspire
is designed to help recruit new members to al-Qaeda. According to Fox News, the title of one article was Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom. Citing intelligence sources, Fox reported that Khan is Web savvy and his magazine
represents al-Qaeda's most ambitious terrorist recruitment tool to date.
18th July | | |
All Massachusetts electronic communication must be suitable for young children
| 15th July 2010. Based on
article from business.avn.com
A seemingly small but very significant adjustment to Massachusetts' longstanding law against providing matter harmful to minors to anyone under the age of 18 has been challenged in federal court by a group of plaintiffs that includes the state
chapter of the ACLU, the Association of American Booksellers, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, sex therapist Marty Klein and others. The law, which went into effect Monday, changes the definition of matter, which used to include only handwritten or printed material, visual representation, live performance or sound recording including but not limited to, books, magazines, motion picture films, pamphlets, phonographic records, pictures, photographs, figures, statues, plays, dances.
The definition now includes any electronic communication including, but not limited to, electronic mail, instant messages, text messages, and any other communication created by means of use of the Internet or wireless network, whether by
computer, telephone, or any other device or by any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo-electronic or photo-optical system.
In other words, a law that once targeted the physical dissemination of harmful matter to minors has been extended to include virtually all of cyberspace, including communication done using email or instant messaging programs. According to
the complaint, its breadth is nothing less than staggering. Because Internet speakers have no means to restrict minors in Massachusetts from accessing their communications, says the complaint, the Act effectively requires almost all
discourse on the Internet—whether among citizens of Massachusetts or among users anywhere in the world—to be at a level suitable for young children. The Act therefore bans an entire category of constitutionally protected speech between and among adults
on the Internet. Update: Challenged 18th July 2010. Based on article
from firstamendmentcenter.org
A coalition of booksellers and Internet content providers on July 13 filed a federal lawsuit challenging an expansion of Massachusetts' obscenity law to include electronic communications that may be harmful to minors. The Supreme Judicial Court,
ruling in a case in February, found that the state's obscenity law didn't apply to instant messages. The new law, passed quickly by the state Legislature after the ruling, added instant messages, text messages, e-mail and other electronic communications
to the old law. The changes amount to a broad censorship law that imposes severe content-based restrictions on the dissemination of constitutionally protected speech, the lawsuit argues. The plaintiffs include the American Civil Liberties
Union of Massachusetts, the Association of American Publishers, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and other groups. They argue that the expanded law effectively bans from the Internet anything that may be considered harmful to minors, including
material adults have a First Amendment right to view, including information about contraception, pregnancy, sexual health, literature and art. For most communications over the Internet, it is not possible for a person sending or posting the
communication to ensure that the communication will not be read or seen by a minor, the lawsuit states.
17th July | |
| John Stagliano cleared at obscenity trial
| Based on article from
The judge has ruled the John Stagliano case is over. US District Judge Richard Leon, ruling that the government didn't meet the burden of evidence on any of the eight charges, admonished prosecutors over their efforts. I trust that
the government will learn a lesson when going forward, Leon said in his ruling. The myriad of novel legal issues that have bubbled up in this case will continue to pop up around the country. Leon found that the government had not shown
any evidence that either of the two corporate entities effectively had any direct ties to the charges, or that the defendant himself had any direct links to the videos he was charged with. While there was circumstantial evidence, Leon ruled that
it was insufficient for a jury to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The courtroom erupted into applause after the judge read his ruling and dismissed the jury. Outside the courtroom Stagliano, perhaps joking, said he was disappointed. [The government] didn't put up much of a fight. They were sloppy and not passionate and doing the prosecution for the wrong reasons,
Stagliano told XBIZ. A Stagliano attorney, Louis Sirkin, told XBIZ that it proves if you've got the guts to fight, wonderful things can happen. He compared Stagliano to Lenny Bruce and others who protect the 1st Amendment.
14th July | | |
Court finds TV rules banning fleeting expletives to have a chilling effect
| Based on
article from abcactionnews.com
A New York court has struck down the TV censor's rules banning fleeting expletives on TV. According to the Associated Press, the court has overturned a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) policy, saying that the agency's guidelines for
fleeting expletives and other indecencies in broadcast violate the First Amendment. The policy went into effect in 2004, at a time when indecency in broadcast was a hot issue, right after Janet Jackson's notorious wardrobe malfunction
at the Super Bowl. Now, the three-judge panel in New York has decided to overturn the policy because they believe the FCC's policy is unconstitutionally vague, creating a chilling effect that goes far beyond the fleeting expletives at issue
here. The appeals court added that the chilling effect would lead to mass censorship of potentially valuable material, because broadcasters have no way of knowing what the FCC will find offensive.
10th July | |
| US government restrict worthy funds to only those recipients with porn filtering in place
| Based on article
from news.avn.com
The US House of Representative passed a supplemental appropriations bill (HR 4899). It contains an easy-to-miss provision that some legislators have been trying to get passed into law for several months that would prohibit funds to any recipient that
doesn't block porn on its computer network. According to an OpenCongress summary of the legislation, which passed by a vote of 239-182, This bill would provide billions to support US troops in Iraq, help teachers and police get through the
recession, help Vietnam war veterans etc. But tucked into the second-to-last page of the bill is the short provision—Sec. 4601(a)—that outlines the pornography restriction, which reads, None of the funds made available in this Act may be used
to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography. Seemingly straightforward, the wording of the anti-porn provision has some people concerned that its reach may
extend far beyond actual government-owned computer networks to include those belonging to any contractor or subcontractor who receives even a dollar from the government for any work required under this bill. Pat Trueman, a former Justice
Department saying he had yet to examine the exact language, but that if it could be legally problematic if it says that in order to get a government contract, a business must filter out all porn for all employees—even those not on a government
8th July | | |
Game producers worry about Supreme Court review of age restrictions for video games
| Based on article from
A law that threatens to classify adult video games as X-rated entertainment in the US has been slammed by bosses of major games publishers. The US Supreme Court agreed in April to review a motion prohibiting the sale or rental of violent video
games to minors. The law would allow individual states to impose sales restrictions on violent games - effectively putting them into the same category as pornography, and restricting their sale to adult citizens. The Supreme Court is
reviewing a federal court's decision to throw out California's ban - which was originally signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's very, very surprising that the Supreme Court is hearing the case, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Rockstar parent Take
Two told CNBC: I'm worried about it, and I think everybody in our business should be really worried about it. Graham Hopper, EVP and general manager of Disney Interactive added: It's not about having a dramatic impact on our bottom line.
It's going to make our retailing abilities a nightmare. Other games industry figures spoke of their fear that other states would push through their own version of the bill - meaning developers would have to create multiple version of games to
suit each territory's individual criteria: One of America's great exports is entertainment, commented John Riccitiello, CEO of EA. The implication of Schwarzenegger v. ESA (the case before the Court) is we could end up with state level
bureaucracies that define what's marketable in 50 different jurisdictions across the U.S. Sony's Jack Tretton was more positive about the Supreme Court's decision to hear the case. We believe as an industry that the primary reason the
Supreme Court is hearing it is despite the fact that this law has been struck down, [the issue] has come up 12 times [previously] . I think the Supreme Court is looking at it to potentially see if there's something to it or to put an end to it
once and for all. The court will hear arguments in this case in the autumn.
7th July | | |
Beaver art whisked off from public display
| 5th July 2010. Based on
article from
startribune.com See also Bring back Gaea to the Bemidji Sculpture Walk!
from facebook.com
Art or porn? That question came up last week for strollers along downtown Bemidji's Sculpture Walk, which this year features nine painted fiberglass beavers, including one with -- to some eyes -- a
suggestive painting on its belly. After about 20 callers complained to City Hall that artist Deborah Davis' painting appeared to be of female genitalia, City Manager John Chattin ordered Davis' sculpture removed from the Sculpture Walk, officials
in the northern Minnesota city said. Al Belleveau, president of the Bemidji Sculpture Walk, said that at Chattin's request, he moved the sculpture to his yard until the City Council decides what to do with it. That prompted a protest during
Sunday's July 4th parade. A crowd of people gathered near where Davis' beaver sculpture had stood, some carrying signs that read Censored, Davis said. In addition, some of the other beaver artists veiled their own works in solidarity with
Davis. Davis, of Blackduck, Minn., called her work Gaea, which she said can mean Mother Earth or God is gracious. The beaver has female figures painted on its sides and a tree on its back. Its belly features a painting in
which some see praying hands and some see woman's genitalia. My intent was to paint Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Davis said. I didn't understand that some people saw genitalia. ... I understand people see different things in art, and
they need to be free to do that. ... My intent was to paint a praying woman. Update: The Beaver's Back 7th July 2010. Based on
article from blogs.citypages.com Bemidji City Council just
voted unanimously to return a controversial beaver to its rightful place on the Bemidji Sculpture Walk. Painted by artist Deborah Davis, Gaea is a celebration of womanhood and one of nine four-foot-tall ceramic beaver sculptures painted by
local artists. But when 20 people called to complain about what they viewed as a vagina on the beaver's belly, City Manager John Chattin took action and censored her beaver from public view. Davis wasn't going to take that lying down. She
organized a Facebook campaign that attracted local and national press attention. As the beaver went viral, City Council was forced to call a special session to address the controversy. Gaea supporters came out in droves, speaking eloquently
about the artistic merits of the beaver. And as of tonight, the beaver is heading back to the streets.
7th July | | |
John Stagliano obscenity trial begins
| Based on article from
The jury selection process has begun in the highly-anticipated John Stagliano obscenity trial. Opening statements will more than likely begin at the end of the week. Stagliano and his companies, Evil Angel Productions Inc. and John
Stagliano Inc, are charged with seven counts for illegal possession, distribution and sale of two videos sent through the mail, Milk Nymphos and Storm Squirters 2 'Target Practice' . Stagliano faces a maximum of 32 years in jail and
$7 million in fines if convicted on all counts. The trial is expected to last two weeks.
5th July | | |
Pennsylvania law censoring religious words in business names struck down
| Based on article from freethinker.co.uk
A US federal court has struck down a Pennsylvania statute that forbids business names containing:
- Words that constitute blasphemy
- profane cursing or swearing
- words that profane the Lord's name.
The case arose after George Kalman was refused permission by state regulators to register his film company under the name I Choose Hell Productions LLC. Kalman says he chose the name because he believes it expresses his personal
philosophy that it is better to struggle through difficult times in life than to commit suicide, even if life is hell. The US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania found that the statute violated the First Amendment
prohibition on establishment of religion, and promoted only Christian religious views. Words used by the Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau to flag proposed names for closer scrutiny included terms such as Christ and Jesus but not those related to other
religions, such as Allah or Mohammed. Additionally the court held that the statute violated Kalman's right to free speech by treating speech differently on the basis on the viewpoint expressed, as business names perceived as pro-religion were
permitted. The court also ruled that the statute used to turn down his company's name violated Kalman's free speech rights by allowing anonymous government officials to refuse business names that offend them. The court struck down the
statute as unconstitutional.
2nd July | | |
Supporting the hype for Paranormal Activity 2
| Based on article
from firstshowing.net See
trailer from firstshowing.net
This is either a big surprise or a brilliant marketing tactic. Variety says that movie theater chain Cinemark has pulled the Paranormal Activity 2 trailer from several theaters in Texas after receiving numerous complaints from
moviegoers that the trailer was too frightening. Paranormal Activity is obviously marketed entirely on scares and hearing that a trailer was so frightening that it had to be pulled is a great accidental way of building some extra
word-of-mouth buzz for this sequel to Oren Peli's low budget horror flick. Cinemark is already prepared to pull the trailer from more theaters if they keep receiving more complaints!
2nd July | |
| Nutter councilor wants to shame people just for viewing porn
| Based on article
from washingtontimes.com
A Massachusetts city councilor's request to publicize the names of people caught looking at pornography on library computers has been nixxed by the city's lawyer. James Timmins, the lawyer in charge of reviewing the request for the Quincy City
Council, intends to advise Ann McLaughlin, Qunicy's librarian director, not to release the information. He believes that it would break privacy laws. There is not a written advisory on it yet, but I will advise her not to release the list, he told The Washington Times.
The request was made by Councilor Daniel Raymondi, who wants to get ahead of the growing problem of people who do not adhere to the appropriate-use policy established by the city library. The city council sent a resolution last week
to Mayor Thomas Koch, which calls for the mayor to send the council a list of people who viewed pornography on library computers in the last year. The resolution was approved by the council June 21.on.