Australia The Film Classification Board The Australian state censor has responsibility for cinema, home video, video games, books and magazines. Appeals about censorship decisions are heard by the Classification Review Board. Film & Game Classifications - G: (General Exhibition) These films and computer games are for general viewing. - PG: (Parental Guidance) Contains material which some children find confusing or upsetting, and may require the guidance of parents or guardians. It is not recommended for viewing or playing by persons under 15 without guidance from parents or guardians. - M: (Recommended for mature audiences) Contains material that is not recommended for persons under 15 years of age. - MA15+ (Mature Accompanied) The content is considered unsuitable for exhibition by persons under the age of 15. Persons under this age may only legally purchase or exhibit MA15+ rated content under the supervision of an adult guardian. - R18+ (Restricted) People under 18 may not buy, rent or exhibit these films - X18+ (Restricted) People under 18 may not buy, rent or exhibit these films. This rating applies to real sex content only - RC (Refused Classification)Banned Note that there is no R18+ X18+ available for games so adult games often end up getting banned much to the annoyance of gamers. Note also that films classified as X18+ (Restricted) are banned from sale or rent in most of Australia. They can only be sold from Northern Territory and ACT (Canberra). Mail order and imports are allowed though and possession of X18+ material is legal Publication Classifications - Unrestricted - Unrestricted Mature: Not recommended for readers under 15. - Restricted Category 1: Not available to persons under 18 years. Softcore - Restricted Category 2 : Not available to persons under 18 years. Only to be sold in adults only shops: Hardcore - RC: Refused Classification. Banned Only publications that would be restricted 1 & 2 need to be submitted for censorship. There is also a scheme that magazines only need to be submitted once. Subsequent issues inherit the same rating. However later issues can be 'called in' for reassessment if anything crops up to alert the censors of changes. Websites: Classification Board Melon Farmers Pages: |