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30th May

Divided Attention...

Pakistan devolves central film censorship to regional boards
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Pakistan flag It's been over a month since Pakistan's Central Board of Film Censors was devolved into the Punjab Censor Board and Sindh Censor Board.

Earlier, the Central Board of Film Censors (CBFC) worked under the federal ministry of culture. After the passing of the 18th Amendment, however, the screening of films became a provincial matter, and the power to give clearance to the screening of films went to the Punjab Censor Board and the Sindh Censor Board.

The rules and regulations, however, are yet to be finalised and both these boards have so far just been dealing with the censoring of local films.

The CBFC is still giving permission to Indian and Hollywood films for screening after censoring them. This means that the CBFC gives clearance certificates to any film to be screened across the country. The rules are yet to be made, and it may be possible that an Indian or Hollywood film is allowed to be screened in Karachi and banned in Lahore, as two different censor boards will censor the film, an official from the CBFC told The Express Tribune.

So far, though, the situation is different. He said that Punjab and Sindh are both censoring local films, and if a film gets a clearance certificate from either of the two boards, it can be screened countrywide.

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