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Not fit for purpose...

British Computer Society experts are not impressed by The Online Censorship Bill

Link Here15th August 2022
Full story: Online Safety Bill...UK Government legislates to censor social media

british computer society logo Plans to compel social media platforms to tackle online harms are not fit for purpose according to a new poll of IT experts.

Only 14% of tech professionals believed the Online Harms Bill was fit for purpose, according to the survey by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

Some 46% said the bill was not workable, with the rest unsure.

The legislation would have a negative effect on freedom of speech, most IT specialists (58%) told BCS.

Only 19% felt the measures proposed would make the internet safer, with 51% saying the law would not make it safer to be online.

There were nearly 1,300 responses from tech professionals to the survey by BCS.

Just 9% of IT specialists polled said they were confident that legal but harmful content could be effectively and proportionately removed.

Some 74% of tech specialists said they felt the bill would do nothing to stop the spread of disinformation and fake news.



Offsite Article: An old argument for thwarting strong encryption: Think of the children!...

Link Here 22nd July 2022
Full story: UK Government vs Encryption...Government seeks to restrict peoples use of encryption
the register logo GCHQ boss calls for snooping into people's phones as a backdoor to strong encryption

See article from theregister.com



UK games industry draws lucky from government loot boxes...

The government decides against introducing laws to ban loot boxes in video games

Link Here 19th July 2022
nadine dorries The video game monetisation method of loot boxes will not be banned in the UK, despite a government consultation claiming evidence of an association between the features and problem gambling.

Loot boxes have attracted comparison with gambling because they allow players to spend money to unlock in-game rewards, such as special characters, weapons or outfits, without knowing exactly what they will get.

The features, popular in games such as Call of Duty and the Fifa football series, were effectively banned in Belgium in 2018, but the censorship culture minister, Nadine Dorries, said the UK would not follow suit.

Instead, after a 22-month consultation, she said the government would discuss tougher industry-led protections with the UK's gaming trade. Dorries explained the decision saying that

Legislating to impose curbs or a prohibition on loot boxes as part of an expected overhaul of the UK's gambling laws could have unintended consequences.

For example, legislation to introduce an outright ban on children purchasing loot boxes could have the unintended effect of more children using adult accounts, and thus having more limited parental oversight of their play and spending, the government said, in a response to the consultation published in the early hours of Sunday morning.

While the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) stopped short of proposing legislation, Dorries said:

Children and young people should not be able to purchase loot boxes without parental approval.



The UK's Online Censorship Bill...

Legal analysis of UK internet censorship proposals

Link Here5th July 2022
Full story: Online Safety Bill...UK Government legislates to censor social media

taylor wessing logo Offsite Article: French lawyers provide the best summary yet

15th June 2022. See article from taylorwessing.com


Offsite Article: Have we opened Pandora's box?

20th June 2022. See article from tandfonline.com

media law Abstract

In thinking about the developing online harms regime (in the UK and elsewhere1) it is forgivable to think only of how laws placing responsibility on social media platforms to prevent hate speech may benefit society. Yet these laws could have insidious implications for free speech. By drawing on Germany's Network Enforcement Act I investigate whether the increased prospect of liability, and the fines that may result from breaching the duty of care in the UK's Online Safety Act - once it is in force - could result in platforms censoring more speech, but not necessarily hate speech, and using the imposed responsibility as an excuse to censor speech that does not conform to their objectives. Thus, in drafting a Bill to protect the public from hate speech we may unintentionally open Pandora's Box by giving platforms a statutory justification to take more control of the message.

See full article from tandfonline.com


Offsite Article: The Online Safety Act - An Act of Betrayal

5th July 2022. See article from ukcolumn.org by Iain Davis

UK Column logo The Online Safety Bill (OSB) has been presented to the public as an attempt to protect children from online grooming and abuse and to limit the reach of terrorist propaganda.

This, however, does not seem to be its primary focus. The real objective of the proposed Online Safety Act (OSA) appears to be narrative control.

Latest UK

News Sunday 2nd March...

bertinGov The Bertin Report: The Challenge of Strangling Online Pornography
A government commissioned report attempts to ban much or most of the online porn available to the UK

News Saturday 22nd February...

ministry of truth logoGov Be careful of what you say
The government has commissioned an AI tool to surveil people's social media posts

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