14th August | |
The Daily Mail tries to find out See article from dailymail.co.uk |
14th August | | |
Daily Mail hunts down the complete record of one woman's day See article from dailymail.co.uk
10th August | | |
US police have camera able to recognise people against a database of biometric data
| See
article from liberalconspiracy.org
Police officers in the USA now have technology which can register a person in seconds. BI2, a Massachusetts based company, has just released MORIS (Mobile Offender Recognition and Information System), enabling a police officer to take an iris scan in
seconds and, when attached to an iPhone, take a biometric facial scan with it. MORIS can then run the image through US criminal records. Alongside the obvious problems in allowing a private company to manage government records, there is a
worry that US police forces may be using the devices to randomly scan the population with the objective of identifying illegal immigrants and sex offenders. Sean Mullin, BI2's CEO, says that it is difficult to capture an image of someone without
their consent because the MORIS should be used at close-distance: It requires a level of cooperation that makes it very overt -- a person knows that you're taking a picture for this purpose . It won't be long before it reaches the UK.
9th August | | |
So is buying porn with a credit card a risky proposition?
| See article
from investinganswers.com
So how has your credit score been looking? Think you've been doing all the right things but you're not seeing your credit score shape up the way you want it to? Believe it or not, even some of your most innocent decisions and
actions can hurt your credit score. ... 4. Making Risky and Risque Purchases Some lenders look closely at what you spend money on in order to determine if you are a financial
risk or not. This means that if you are using a credit card for adult entertainment (i.e., strip clubs, adult website memberships) on a consistent basis, you will be considered riskier than others. Risky
purchases don't stop at porn. If you are using your credit card to buy lottery tickets every week or for sporadic shopping sprees, credit card issuers and lenders see this as a sign of desperation and financial irresponsibility.
If you regularly rack up impressive bar tabs or liquor store receipts, credit card issuers are likely to think you are drowning financial sorrows away with alcohol. While it's perfectly acceptable (and encouraged) to have a regular
happy hour session, if you make it a habit of frequenting bars and charging a bunch of drinks, you can raise a red flag.
7th August | | |
US researchers link facial recognition technology with Facebook profiles to identify people in the offline world
| See article from
US technology researchers have demonstrated that they can link up facial recognition camera technology with a database of people with their pictures tagged by Facebook. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University combined off-the-shelf image
scanning, cloud computing and public profiles from social network sites to identify individuals in the offline world. In another experiment, researchers were able to extract the social security number of a student starting only with their photo.
When we share tagged photos of ourselves online, it becomes possible for others to link our face to our names in situations where we would normally expect anonymity, said team leader Professor Alessandro Acquisti. The researchers
have also developed an augmented reality mobile app that can display personal data over a person's image captured on a smartphone screen. The results of the research will be presented at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas this
1st August | | |
US communication logs to be retained for all Americans
| See article from
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has approved a measure that would force ISPs to save users' IP address information for one year. The bill, HR 1981 The Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 ,was approved on a 19-10
vote and considered a victory for conservative Republicans despite opposition from digital rights groups and civil liberties advocates. An 11th hour rewrite of the controversial data retention mandate reportedly expands the information that
commercial ISPs are required to store to include customers' names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses. The panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP
addresses must be stored. Representative John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel said the bill is mislabeled: This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It's creating a database for everybody in this country
for a lot of other purposes. The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) penned a letter to the U.S. Congress protesting its erroneous use of the phrase Internet Pornographers in the new legislation. ASACP executive
director Tim Henning told XBIZ that lumping in adult businesses in the bill's labeling is flat out wrong. 'Protecting Children From Internet Pedophiles' or 'Protecting Children From Internet Sex Crimes' would both be more appropriate and accurate
titles for this Act, the ASACP letter stated.
15th July | | |
MPs call for better privacy protection for personal data accessed via the internet
| See article from
Early day motion 2004 Primary sponsor: Robert Halfon That this House is deeply concerned that privacy is gradually being eroded by private companies using the internet to obtain personal data
and selling it for commercial gain; notes that the latest problem is with WPP Group plc, the advertising firm, which claims to have built up individual profiles for half a billion internet users across the world, including allegedly almost 100 per cent.
of British people; further notes that secret monitoring of internet users is already a huge issue, with data scraping and cookies monitoring people without their consent; believes an internet bill of rights is needed to guard against the growing
infringement of civil liberties that are not covered by existing legislation; and further believes that the Information Commissioner lacks the powers necessary to protect personal data and has done precious little to protect our privacy in recent tests
such as the Google Street View project. Signed by
- Campbell, Gregory Democratic Unionist
- Campbell, Ronnie Labour
- Corbyn, Jeremy Labour
- Davidson, Ian Labour
- Dodds, Nigel Democratic Unionist
- Edwards, Jonathan Plaid Cymru
- Halfon, Robert Conservative
- Hancock, Mike
Liberal Democrats
- Leech, John Liberal Democrats
- Lewis, Julian Conservative
- Llwyd, Elfyn Plaid Cymru
- McCrea, Dr William Democratic Unionist
- McDonnell, John Labour
- Meale, Alan Labour
- Simpson, David Democratic Unionist
- Stringer, Graham Labour
- Williams, Roger Liberal Democrats
15th July | | |
Lie detector technology being adapted for US airport security See article from gatesofvienna.blogspot.com |
13th July | |
| New York to consider privacy protection for eBook readers
| See article
from recordonline.com
How would you like it if bookstores recorded how often you read the book, how long you view each page and even any notes you might write in the book's margins? Well, all those things are happening now with digital books. Many bookstores
already collect information about readers and their purchases. But digital book services can collect even more detailed information that often is bundled in a database and sold to marketers or acquired by governments. Maybe you should avoid using
eBooks that reveal anything you would rather be private, eg reading about health conditions, porn or dodgy religions. A bill in the New York state Assembly is set to offer some privacy protection at least. The Reader Privacy Act, similar to
legislation in California, would prevent digital book service providers from disclosing to any government entity personal information of a person who buys digital books. Providers would not be compelled to disclose such information to anyone except under
court order. A digital book provider that knowingly violates these restrictions would face a $500 fine for each instance.
12th July | | |
Microsoft reveals that cloud data will be available to law enforcement agencies [and assorted hackers]
| See
article from
Microsoft has revealed that EU users of its upcoming cloud services may have their personal information intercepted by US law enforcers. In a statement, Microsoft explained: Microsoft may need to disclose data without your prior consent,
including as needed to satisfy legal requirements, or to protect the rights or property of Microsoft or others (including the enforcement of agreements or policies governing the use of the service). Cloud services give consumers access to
their files anywhere they can access the internet. This can be hugely useful, but the risk of data loss and hacking is always a possibility and it seems inevitable that security will be breached by hackers as well as US law enforcement
3rd July | |
Technical consideration of the usefulness of encrypted wi-fi data as collected by Google Street View cars See report [pdf] from identityblog.com
Latest Liberty | News Monday 10th March... | Banned News | Thoughts on Reality Killers 2005 Italy horror by Alessandro Capone, Pablo Dammicco, Volfango De Biasi, recently banned by the BBFC, set for US Blu-ray release on 10th June 2025 |
| News Saturday 22nd February... | Liberty | UK government seeks to break encryption on Apple's iCloud If Apple continues to offer encrypted iCloud then we can infer that the encryption has been secretly compromised. If Apple withdraws the service from Brits then we will at least know that the rest of the world will stay safe. |