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Advert Censors in South Africa

ASA vetting of advertising

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Censorship doesn't come cheap you know!...

South African advert censor seeks to raise funding in an industry levy

Link Here 7th November 2017
Full story: Advert Censors in South Africa...ASA vetting of advertising
asa sa logo In the second phase of rescuing the self-regulation of advertising in South Africa, the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) has introduced a voluntary levy system on advertising spends.

The scheme sets a voluntary levy of 0.1% of advertising spend and is to be collected by advertising agencies that implement advertising campaigns.

ASA have noted that companies with a massive spend, such that they consider 0.1% is too high, then ASA will be willing to negotiate the figure down.



Updated: Scared of Dogs...

Satirical painting depicting Jacob Zuma removed from Johannesburg Art Fair

Link Here1st October 2013
Full story: Advert Censors in South Africa...ASA vetting of advertising
mabulu black mans cry The Johannesburg Art Fair has, perhaps understandably, refused to exhibit a satirical painting by Ayanda Mabulu.

The work titled Yakhal'inkomo (Black Man's Cry), is about the deadly shooting at Lonmin's Marikana mine in the North West. On 16 August 2012, 34 striking miners were gunned down during a confrontation with police.

The artwork depicts a miner depicted with bull's horns being attacked by President Jacob Zuma's dog - the police. The president is seen stepping on a dying miner's head.

Mabulu told Eyewitness News:

The painting speaks about the slaughter of black people, black miners, poor people and the marginalised, by those in power, including our president and those who control the economy.

I'm going to continue talking about these stories regardless of who says what.

Update: Dogs called off

1st October 2013. See article from mg.co.za

A painting commenting on President Jacob Zuma's perceived role in the Marikana shootings has been put back on display at the FNB Joburg Art Fair, the Sunday Independent reported.

The organisers had removed Ayanda Mabulu's Yakhali'inkomo (Black Man's Cry) from the exhibition, apparently to avoid jeopardising the government's financial support for the event.

The painting was put back up after photographer David Goldblatt, this year's featured artist at the fair, took down his work in protest.

I had to make a stand against what is a threat to the freedom of speech, Goldblatt told reporters: Self-censorship is a slippery slope that we know only too well.



Update: Fishy...

South African advert censor bans ad with blacked up corrupt politician

Link Here6th September 2013
Full story: Advert Censors in South Africa...ASA vetting of advertising
capetown fish market advert video The Cape Town Fish Market has apologised for a television advert the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) claimed offended black people and must be withdrawn.

The commercial features a white man playing different characters to demonstrate how truth can be bent in order to mislead. The character uses his fingers to show inverted commas to indicate that sometimes fresh fish is not really fresh. In one scene his face is blackened and he speaks in a thick African accent.

The ASA, after considering complaints lodged by two people, banned the advert.

In its ruling, the ASA said the complainants found the commercial to be offensive as it portrayed a stereotype that black politicians were liars.

This technique is known as 'blackface', and is an inherently racist form of acting. The black character is depicted with derogatory intention, speaks with a thick accent and recalls a stereotypical black dictator. To achieve the desired result of showing a corrupt official, there was no need for the man to be made out to be black.


27th February

Update: Excuses Accepted...

South African advert censor clears sexy perfume ads

alibis from mavericks advert A gentleman's club is relieved that the Advertising Standards Authority SA has dismissed complaints that its billboards advertising a range of fragrances are sexist and objectify women.

Mavericks Revenue Bar, in Cape Town, has launched Alibis fragrances, which, according to its website, are particularly for gentlemen upon leaving the club .

Shane Harrison, owner of Mavericks, said the billboards depicting three women striking poses in different settings had prompted three separate sets of complaints against the club.

But the ASA dismissed all the complaints last week:

Whingers had claimed that the ads were of a sexist nature , objectify women and potentially harmful to children , and to undermine family values.

But Harrison said:

If a consumer sees 'masturbatory implications' when looking at a woman holding a wrench, it is a problem perhaps best addressed in chambers outside those of the ASA.

In November, the ASA found that the model in another advertisement of the series - dressed only in a bra, fishnets, red stilettos and a tie - unduly objectifies the woman .


9th December

A Poor Excuse for Censorship...

Now the South African advert censor bans sexy adverts

alibis my car broke down advert Two billboards promoting fragrances by a strip club in Cape Town will have to be taken down after a recent ruling by the South African Advertising Standards Authority.

The billboards, by Mavericks, featured a woman in a sexually suggestive pose next to the slogans I was working late or My car broke down . The adverts were for the club's new fragrance line, Alibis.

Complainants claimed that the adverts demeaned and objectified women by portraying them as sexual objects. They said the wording encouraged thought patterns that justified cheating and extramarital affairs.

The ASA said:

It becomes clear that it is not the depiction of a woman's body per se that is problematic. What is of relevance is the reason for the depiction.

The ASA ruled that a woman's body was being used to tantalise the club's male customers into buying a new product, by presenting the fragrance as an extension of its services. The wording of the advert also had no relationship to the female model within the context of the business and the advertised product.

Mavericks, in its submission, said it would paint clothes onto the billboard but ASA ruled that both the original and amended adverts unduly objectified women. The club will now have to take down the billboards within two weeks.


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