Australian lads' mags close after convenience stores ban them
23rd October 2019
| See
article from theguardian.com |
Australian men's magazine the Picture and the 69-year-old People magazine will close at the end of the year, ending decades of printed weeklies featuring topless models and readers' sex stories. Their publisher, Bauer Media, was forced
to axe the magazines after retailers lined up to ban them from sale at service stations; and readership fell to 0.02% of the population over 14 for People magazine and 0.01% for the Picture. They are already banned from sale in supermarkets. Discussions to close the Picture and People magazines have been taking place, as the magazines have lost ranging [visibility], which has affected their commercial viability, a spokeswoman for Bauer Media told Guardian Australia.
The magazines will be closing at the end of the year and we're working closely with staff to find suitable redeployment. The latest retailer to ban the publication is BP who own 350 stores at petrol stations. BP's statement followed a
decision by the 7-Eleven chief executive, Angus McKay, last month to order all 700 franchisees and store managers to urgently pull the magazines from sale. |
5th April 2010 | |
| Australian nutters want to ban softcore from corner shops
Based on article from
Australian nutters are calling for a ban on the sale of pornographic magazines from newsagents, milkbars, convenience stores, supermarkets and petrol stations. The group has asked censorship ministers to review the rules under which magazines such
as Playboy , Penthouse, People, The Picture, Zoo and Ralph are reviewed, saying they are increasingly explicit and contributing to the sexualisation of children, Fairfax newspapers report. A letter to the standing committee of
attorneys-general/censorship ministers signed by a former chief justice of the Family Court Alastair Nicholson, the chief executive of World Vision Tim Costello, actor Noni Hazlehurst and 34 academics, child professionals and advocates says such material
should be restricted to adults-only premises. They are particularly disturbed by the prevalence of teen sex magazines featuring women apparently aged more than 18 but looking younger and styled with braces and pigtails but in highly
sexualised poses and sometimes performing sex acts. Under Australian censorship laws it is illegal to use under-age models or models who appear to be under 18. Julie Gale, director of the nutter group Kids Free 2B Kids, said easy access to the
internet means young people are experiencing unprecedented exposure to pornographic images, voluntarily or involuntarily: But allowing pornography and overtly sexualised images to be sold in the public arena with easy access for children and teens
tells them that this is acceptable. It gives it public validation.
7th March 2010 | |
| Softcore porn mags banned from sale in Queensland
Based on article from
Brisbane's Sexpo may be celebrating its 10th birthday, but organisers say local residents still don't get a full frontal experience. Essentially it's knickers on at Sexpo Brisbane, Sexpo general manager Rob Godwin said: One of the
biggest challenges in having Sexpo in Queensland is fitting around the legislation. Queensland has the nation's strictest laws on the sale of adult magazines, meaning the Brisbane show has fewer products on sale than similar shows in Sydney
and Melbourne. While print publications with M+15 restrictions such as Zoo or Penthouse are legal in Queensland, Restricted Category 1 softcore and Category 2 hardcore material is unable to be bought or sold in the state. Category 1 magazines can be displayed for sale in all other States and Territories when in sealed, opaque wrapping and bought by customers with proof of age; Category 2 magazines may be sold to adults from prescribed, registered or restricted areas.
Godwin said Australian laws on the levels of nudity permissible in adult performances and the ban on X-rated films cost him up to $4 million dollars in potential profits, based on similar sex shows in New Zealand and Germany where X-rated content
commonly took up over two thirds of floor space. Under the Classification of Films Act 1991, the making, display and sale of such objectionable films that, if classified, would carry an X rating carries a maximum penalty of two years
imprisonment. Fiona Patten of Australian Sex Party said: Quite often, when you ban something you create a much higher demand for it. You certainly see that when you look at Australia at large, where we sell more explicit adult films per capita
then places like Norway or Denmark where it's all much more legal and relaxed.
18th February 2010 | |
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Australian censors ignored by magazine publishers See article from refused-classification.com
17th February 2010 | |
| Australian Library Association joins in the criticism of internet censorship plan
Based on article from
mobile.broadbandgenie.co.uk |
Australia's strongest critics have been swift and vocal in their condemnation of the filtering, citing concerns over freedom of speech, and referring to the filter as handing control of the internet to the moral minority . But there still
fears among those with more moderate views that the filtering system might be a step too far, with groups such as the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Inspire Foundation claiming that the subjects covered by Refused
Classification are too diverse to successfully implement a ban. And now search giants Google and Yahoo have joined in the call for the Australian government to rethink the controversial plan, making public their submissions to the
government's consultation process.
11th February 2010 | |
| Google refuses to censor Australia's wide range of banned YouTube videos
Based on article from
smh.com.au |
Google says it will not voluntarily comply with the government's request that it censor YouTube videos in accordance with broad refused classification (RC) content rules. As it prepares to introduce legislation within weeks forcing
ISPs to block a blacklist of banned RC websites, the government says it is in talks with Google over blocking the same type of material from YouTube. YouTube's rules already forbid certain videos that would be classified RC, such as sex, violence,
bestiality and child pornography. But the RC classification extends further to more controversial content such as information on euthanasia, material about safer drug use and material on how to commit more minor crimes such as painting graffiti. Google said all of these topics were featured in videos on YouTube and it refused to censor these voluntarily. It said exposing these topics to public debate was vital for democracy.
In an interview with the ABC's Hungry Beast, which aired last night, Conroy said applying ISP filters to high-traffic sites such as YouTube would slow down the internet, so we're currently in discussions with Google about ... how we can work
this through . What we're saying is, well in Australia, these are our laws and we'd like you to apply our laws, Conroy said: Google at the moment filters an enormous amount of material on behalf of the Chinese government; they filter an
enormous amount of material on behalf of the Thai government. Google Australia's head of policy, Iarla Flynn, said the company had a bias in favour of freedom of expression in everything it did and Conroy's comparisons between how Australia
and China deal with access to information were not helpful or relevant . YouTube has clear policies about what content is not allowed, for example hate speech and pornography, and we enforce these, but we can't give any assurances that we would
voluntarily remove all Refused Classification content from YouTube . The scope of RC is simply too broad and can raise genuine questions about restrictions on access to information. RC includes the grey realms of material instructing in any
crime from [painting] graffiti to politically controversial crimes such as euthanasia, and exposing these topics to public debate is vital for democracy.
10th February 2010 | |
| Anonymous fight back against Australia's ludicrous ban on young looking adults in porn
Based on article from
channelnews.com.au |
Hacking attacks, dubbed Operation Titstorm , have targeted the websites of Senator Stephen Conroy and the Australian Parliament House, taking them both down with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) for a period of time. Anonymous' Operation Titstorm
is protesting Australia's upcoming Internet censorship legislation, in particular the proposed banning of images of small-breasted females and female ejaculation, and also claims it will follow up with pornographic emails, spam faxes and prank calls
to government offices. Australia's laws on internet censorship are already among the most restrictive in the western world. Their government filters more internet content than any other Parliamentary Democracy. For some elements within the
Government, including Telecommunications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy, this still is not enough. Late in January of 2009 he proposed legislature that would lead to mandatory ISP filtering for all of Australia. The stated goal is to prevent Australia
from viewing 'illegal and unwanted content' on the Internet, Anonymous said in an email release to Australian media. The ambiguity of the term 'unwanted content' is completely unacceptable. No government should have the right to refuse its
citizens access to information solely because they perceive it to be 'unwanted'.
2nd February 2010 | |
| Australian censors refuse to explain how they censor adults depicted as under 18
Based on article from
somebodythinkofthechildren.com |
Last week the Australian Classification Board (ACB) confirmed to Somebody Think Of The Children that a person's overall appearance is used by the Board to determine whether someone appears to look under the age of 18 in a film or publication. However, the Director of the Australian Classification Board, Donald McDonald, refused to answer repeated questions from this blog about the specifics of breast size in deciding on a person's apparent age. Asked whether breast size was considered by the Board when determining age, McDonald said he had no further comment to make.
Colin Jacobs, Vice Chair of Electronic Frontiers Australia, said the Classification Board has a duty to be transparent with the public about what is being censored and why. A process as subjective as determining the apparent age of a
model is really a very problematic basis for a classification guideline, and this demonstrates it perfectly, he said. We don't blame the Board for enforcing the law, but we do blame them if they aren't forthcoming on how or why they're enforcing
it in this case. The only reason censorship is compatible with democracy is that it's transparent.
30th January 2010 |
| | Australian censors ban small breasted models in their 20's
27th January 2010 Based on article from sexparty.org.au |
The Australian Censor Board has started to ban depictions of small-breasted women in adult publications and films. This is in response to a campaign led by Kids Free 2 B Kids and promoted by Barnaby Joyce and Guy Barnett in Senate Estimates late
last year. Mainstream companies such as Larry Flint's Hustler produce some of the publications that have been banned. These companies are regulated by the FBI to ensure that only adult performers are featured in their publications. Fiona
Patten of the Australian Sex Party said : We are starting to see depictions of women in their late 20s being banned because they have an A cup size , she said. It may be an unintended consequence of the Senator's actions but they are largely
responsible for the sharp increase in breast size in Australian adult magazines of late . Patten explained that Australian culture was being dumbed down in the sexual department and that political leaders were actively propagating an
increasingly narrow window of acceptable sexual acts and cultures. She said that all new appointees to the Classification Board and the Classification Review Board should undergo a short course in the latest scientific developments around sexuality and
some sort of biology course to bring them up to date with the broad range of acceptable adult sexuality and body types. Update: Australian Censors Respond 30th
January 2010. From somebodythinkofthechildren.com
The misleadingly named Australian Classification Board (ACB) has responded to accusations by The Australian Sex Party that material with depictions of women with small breasts has been banned. A spokesperson for the ACB told
somebodythinkofthechildren.com that publications which contain offensive depictions or descriptions of persons who are, or appear to be , persons under the age of 18 (whether they are engaged in sexual activity or not) must be banned. They
said the Board classifies publications on a case by case basis, in accordance with the Guidelines for the Classification of Publications, the Code and the Classification Act and that the Publications Guidelines do not specify breast size.
24th October 2009 | |
| Australia considers restricting softcore mags to sex shops
From refused-classification.com
refused-classification.com has reported on a parliamentary meeting discussing the censorship of games, films and magazines. Interesting on the topic of magazine
censorship. At the moment Category 1 softcore is restricted to adults only but can be sold in general shops. Category 2 hardcore is restricted to sex shops. Now it seems the authorities are considering restricting softcore mags to sex shops too.
Senator BARNETT—Let us take another route. What progress has been made by the Commonwealth state and territory compliance and enforcement working party which is developing proposals to improve compliance with the
National Classification Scheme for offensive publications and films?
Helen Daniels—The working party was established following the censorship ministers meeting in April 2009. It is developing proposals to strengthen and harmonise classification
offences and penalties, reforming serial classification declarations and considering other means to regulate offensive publications including replacing the category 1 restricted and category 2 restricted classifications with a single restrictive
classification and also looking at issues of sale and display of restricted publications.
Senator BARNETT —What was the last one and can you expand on it?
Helen Daniels—It is about limiting the sale and display of restricted publications
to adult-only premises. They are some of the issues that the working party is looking at.
14th September 2009 | |
| Australian censors ban graffiti magazine
From refused-classification.com
The Wentworthville branch of the New South Wales Police recently submitted two Aussie graffiti magazines to the Classification Board for rating.
Death From Above Issue 1 (May 2003) was banned according to www.graffiti.org City
Circle Magazine Issue 2 (May 2009) was rated M (Not recommended for readers under 15 years).
7th December 2008 | | |
New Zealand nutters inspired by Australia's service station porn ban
| Based
on article from
3news.co.nz |
Family First national director Bob McCoskrie is calling on Shell and BP service stations to follow their Australian counterparts' lead and ban porn magazines from their stores.
A year and a half ago Australian petrol stations sealed adult
glossies and have now gone a step further and banned them completely.
McCoskrie says it is a precedent New Zealand ought to be following.
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