Anti-smoking campaigners persuade video game developer to drop all smoking from Gears 5
 | 14th July 2019
| Thanks to Daniel See article from
variety.com |
Gears 5 , the forthcoming installment in the Gears of Wars third-person shooter game franchise, will be set in a smoking free environment. The game, set for Sept. 10 release, comes from Xbox Game Studios and game developer The Coalition.
The decision to remove all smoking references from Gears 5 came after the anti-smoking campaigners from Truth Initiative approached media company Turner has broadcast rights to the title, about making the change. Turner collaborated with The Coalition to
strip out smoking from the game. Past Gears of War titles have included occasional scenes with tobacco use, with certain characters holding cigarettes or cigars. Of course, Gears 5 still includes a ton of shooting and, arguably, glorifies
violence. The game is rated M (for audiences 17+) for blood and gore, strong language and intense violence. |
Netflix vows to stub out smoking in its productions
| 8th July 2019
| Thanks to Nick See article from
i-d.vice.com |
From chain-smoking time traveller Nadia in Russian Doll , to frazzled single mom Joyce Byers rarely seen without a pack in her shaking hands in Stranger Things , Netflix's characters love to smoke. But that looks set to change. Anti
smoking campaigners, the Truth Initiative, published campaign material noting that Stranger Things was among the programs that showed most smoking on screen. Other series that featured were Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and Orange Is The New
Black. Netflix is now vowing to curtail the appearance of cigarettes on screen in all its new projects. In a statement to Variety, Netflix pledged to make all their programming aimed at young people -- anything with a rating below PG-13 or
TV-14 -- smoking and e-cigarette free, except for reasons of historical and factual accuracy. Meanwhile, for their content aimed at older viewers, there will be no smoking or e-cigarette use unless it's either essential or character-defining.
Three US senators write to media content producers about recommendations to make all depictions of smoking to be MPAA R rated or TV-MA
 | 29th April
| See article from broadcastingcable.com
A trio of US senators want info and answers from a range of media companies--broadcast, cable, satellite and over-the-top--about what role the entertainment industry plays in promoting youth tobacco use, suggesting ratings should include tobacco use
identifiers and any TV show showing tobacco be rated TV-MA and any movie get an R rating. Democratic Senators. Ed Markey, Richard Blumenthal and Chris Van Hollen sent the letters, saying that youth media consumption and the anywhere, anytime model of
film and TV distribution as changed traditional boundaries among media: We are concerned that this new landscape across cable, satellite, streaming and traditional broadcast television provides a variety of viewing
realms in which to foster the causal link between exposure to, and initiation of, smoking.
They argued that both the TV and movie ratings should include a smoking depiction warning. Both film and television continue to expose children
and adolescents to tobacco content conclusively provide to cause physical harm to young viewers. In particular they want the reactions of media companies to their recommendations:
- to rate all future content containing tobacco portrayals TV-MA on TV and R on film;
- that the production had no tobacco product placement;
- that strong
anti-smoking Public Service Announcements will run immediately before any TV show or film with tobacco use;
- that they end promotional material with smoking depictions.
American Heart Association whinges that Hollywood has ignored a deadline to implement R ratings for films with smoking
5th June 2018
| 1st June 2018. See article from columbiabasinherald.com
Last August, the American Heart Association and 16 other health and medical groups bought trade ads and sent a letter to the six major movie studios represented by the Motion Picture Association of America, urging them to apply an R rating to any motion
picture with tobacco imagery submitted for classification after Friday. The only exceptions would be biographical films about people who smoked or when the film depicted the dangers of smoking. But with the June deadline here, Chris Ortman, vice
president of corporate communications for the MPAA, declined to comment. Health campaigners always seem to think that their pet issue is the most important thing in the world and to hell with any other opinion. If R ratings are doled out
indiscriminately, parents will simply lose faith with the ratings and ignore them. Film ratings need credibility so if parents see examples like 101 Dalmatians being R rated, they will soon concur that R ratings can safely be ignored.
Update: Burnt out thinking 5th June 2018. See article from sj-r.com
Seven U.S. senators sent a letter on Monday to the MPAA to take action to restrict depictions of smoking, including e-cigarette use, in youth-rated movies. The letter, citing a University of California, San Francisco study claiming that nearly
six in 10 PG-13 movies depict tobacco use. The senators wrote: Although the evidence connecting smoking imagery to youth smoking initiation is strong, MPAA has yet to take meaningful action to discourage tobacco
imagery in films or effectively warn viewers and parents of tobacco's presence in a movie. Our nation's dramatic decline in youth tobacco use is a tremendous achievement, but on-screen depictions remain a threat to this progress and threaten to
re-normalize tobacco use in our society. We cannot afford to lose any ground in this area.
Lawsuit demanding that the MPAA should give an R rating to all films depicting tobacco smoking is kicked out
 | 13th November
| See article from
hollywoodreporter.com |
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAAP and the National Association of Theatre Owners have come out victorious in a lawsuit that ludicrously claimed that tobacco imagery in films rated G, PG or PG-13 causes 200,000 children every year to become
cigarette smokers and 64,000 people to die as a result. Now U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg dismissed an attempt to hold major film studios and theater owners legally responsible. The legal action by Timothy Forsyth claimed that the
industry's film-ratings practices amounted to negligence, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, false advertising, unfair competition and nuisance. In response, Hollywood argued that ratings merely reflect opinions about what's suitable for
children and compelling them to give R ratings to anything found socially unacceptable could apply to films depicting activity like alcohol use, gambling, contact sports, high-speed driving and so forth. The judge wrote:
Forsyth insists that a rating less stringent than R is a representation that 'the film is suitable for children under seventeen unaccompanied by a parent or guardian. The ratings plainly make no such representations. Rather, the PG
and PG-13 ratings caution parents that material in such movies may be inappropriate for children. More fundamentally, the ratings reflect the consensus opinion of CARA board members. As such, neither intentional nor negligent misrepresentation claims are
tenable as pleaded. The judge also noted that Forsyth also failed to prove his other claims. |
Director of the Pete's Dragon remake notes that Disney now bans the depiction of smoking
 | 24th August
| See article from aintitcool.com |
David Lowery, the director of the new Disney live-action remake of Pete's Dragon has been interviewed by aintitcool.com . He spoke of a new contractual clause with
Disney that prohibits the inclusion of scenes depicting tobacco smoking. He said: And you can't have smoking anymore! The scene in that movie that had the biggest impact to me was Pinocchio smoking a cigar and turning red.
When you sign a contract with Disney, the things it says your film cannot have are beheadings, impalement or smoking. Those are literally the three things you are not allowed to put into a Disney film. ...But yeah, they literally
have those words in the contract as things you're not allowed to do and that rules out Pinocchio , which has the smoking.
| 19th July 2016
Report from legal case against the MPAA by anti smoking campaigners who claim that showing smoking in PG-13 ratings is somehow responsible for people taking it up See
article from hollywoodreporter.com |
MPAA argues against anti-smoking campaigners who want children's movies to be rated R for smoking
 | 30th
April 2016
| See article from hollywoodreporter.com
The MPAA representing Hollywood's major studios along with theatre owners are contesting a lawsuit ludicrously calling for an R rating for children's movies that depict smoking. The MPAA notes that it doesn't want to be held hostage to any misguided
morality play that seeks to force them not to have any movies with tobacco imagery rated G, PG or PG-13. Court papers have been filed asking a judge to reject a putative class action that blames them for children becoming addicted to nicotine.
Anti-smoking campaigners have flagged such films as Dumb and Dumber To , Transformers: Age of Extinction and Iron Man 3 as among those featuring tobacco-related imagery that are being seen by young audiences. The Hollywood
defendants warned the judge that, soon, they might be forced to give R ratings to all films that depict alcohol use, gambling, contact sports, bullying, consumption of soda or fatty foods, or high-speed driving. |
Ludicrous class action law suit for US movies featuring smoking to be R rated or higher
 | 27th February
| See article from hollywoodreporter.com See
law suit [pdf] from documentcloud.org |
US film censors, the Motion Picture Association of America, the major studios, and the National Association of Theatre Owners are the targets of a proposed class action lawsuit that if accepted by judge and not barred by the First Amendment, calls for
all movies to be rated at least R if they feature tobacco imagery. The lawsuit claims that since at least 2003, Hollywood has known that tobacco imagery in films rated G, PG, and PG-13, is one of the major causes of children
becoming addicted to nicotine. Disney, Paramount, Sony, Fox, Universal and Warner Bros. are said to have been given recommendations from health experts at leading universities throughout the country as well as the American Lung Association, the American
Heart Association and the American Public Health Association, and yet are allegedly continuing to stamp their seal of approval on films meant for children that feature tobacco imagery. Among the films cited are Spectre , Dumb and Dumber
To , Transformers: Age of Extinction , X-Men: Days of Future Past , The Amazing Spider Man 2 , The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug , Iron Man 3, Men in Black 3 and The Woman in Black . The lawsuit demands a declaratory judgment that the
industry's film ratings practices amount are negligent, false and misleading and a breach of fiduciary and statutory duties. The lawsuit also aims for an injunction where no films featuring tobacco imagery can be given G, PG or PG-13
ratings. |
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