Press TV banned from Intelsat satellites
 | 12th July 2013
| See article from
The Iranian propaganda channel Press TV has been dropped from the Intelsat satellite. Other channels such as Hispan TV, Al-Alam, IRIB 1 and 2 and Sahar TV were all removed at the same time, with the Luxembourg based Intelsat stating that it will
no longer provide services to Iranian channels as of July 1st. The reason given for the decision was that Intelset had to abide by US sanctions imposed on Iran's state-run radio and TV company, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), and its
president, Ezzatollah Zarghami. But protests from the Iranian government have thus far fallen on deaf ears, in no small part due to the regime's own hypocrisy in this area. The Iranian government continues to jam signals from European satellites
into Iran, a policy dating back to 2009. Among the affected broadcasters are BBC Persian, France24, the US-funded Voice of America and Germany's Deutsche Welle. Press TV has already been banned from UK TV and from Eutelsat's Hotbird satellite.
Propaganda channel, Press TV, censored from satellite broadcast to North America
 | 11th February 2013
| See article from
Press TV reports that it has been taken off the air in North America. It has been dropped from the Galaxy 19 satellite platform that allowed broadcasts both in Canada and the US. Press TV is a prominent Iranian news station intended to broadcast
propaganda that reflects an Iranian government standpoint. Intelsat, the Luxembourg-based company that owns Galaxy 19, has made no comment on the decision.
Hotbird satellite kicks off Iranian channels including Press TV
 | 19th October 2012
| 16th October 2012. See article from
Arqiva and Eutelsat have jointly agreed to terminate broadcasts via Eutelsat's Hot Bird satellites of channels belonging to Iran. Ten TV channels in total were switched off on Monday, October 15. The move includes Iran's international English
langauge news channel Press TV, as well as the Arabic news channel Al-Alam. The Paris based satellite operator said in a statement: This decision was based on reinforced EU Council sanctions and a confirmation
by France's broadcasting authority that the Sahar 1 TV channel that broadcast in IRIB's multiplex of television and radio services should be permanently switched off. IRIB has been informed of the termination of its contract. Transmissions consequently
ceased this morning through the Hot Bird transponder.
The removal of the channels affect viewers in Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East but not Iran. Update: Censors Complain when their
Propaganda is Censored 19th October 2012. See article from
bendbulletin.com Denouncing the hypocritical Western suppression of free speech, hypocritical Iranian media officials expressed 'outrage' over a decision by Europe's
largest satellite providers to cease transmission of Iran's 19 state-operated satellite television and radio channels that broadcast to Europe and parts of the Middle East. The decision came as the European Union expanded its list of sanctions
against Iran over its disputed nuclear program. The satellite blackout has deprived the Iranian channels of an audience abroad that represents 200 million households. Without mentioning Iran's censorship of many Western media outlets, the official
Iranian reaction was that Europe had attacked its own values of freedom of speech. Ezzatollah Zarghami, the head of Iran's state-run radio and television organization, said: They must understand the time of censorship
is over. They want to prevent our views from being heard, but they will fail.
26th February 2012 | | | | Iran's news
channel was just part of a broad spectrum of satellite propaganda that ranges from Russia Today to Fox. By Peter Preston See article from guardian.co.uk
21st January 2012 | |
| UK TV censor revokes licence from Press TV citing lack of UK editorial control
See article [pdf] from
Ofcom has revoked the licence for Press TV to broadcast to the UK. Ofcom cites The Communications Act 2003. Under section 362(2) of the Act, the provider of the service for the purposes of holding a licence is the person with general control over
which programmes are comprised in the service. Ofcom explained: In the course of correspondence and meetings with Ofcom, statements made by Press TV Limited about the operation of the Licensed Service failed to
satisfy Ofcom that the Licensee had general control over which programmes and other services were comprised in the Licensed Service. Ofcom therefore concluded that Press TV Limited had ceased to provide the Licensed Service in accordance with section
362(2) of the Act and that, accordingly, it was appropriate to revoke the Licence. The Licence was revoked on 20 January 2012.
27th December 2011 | |
| Whingeing at UK action against Iranian Press TV whilst jamming the BBC
From presstv.ir See also article from
Press TV have issued another propaganda peice suggesting that Ofcom are set to ban the satellite channel from broadcasting with a UK licence. Press TV writes in a website posting: London has spared no effort in
its two-year-long battle against Press TV. Its media tool, Ofcom, is now about to revoke the channel's broadcast license, hoping this desperate measure will silence criticism.
And in a coincidently timed piece, the Wall Street Journal
points out that Iran is regularly jamming BBC programmes targeted at Iran: As uprisings rolled across the Middle East this year, Iran stepped up its jamming of the BBC, Voice of America and other Western networks with
Persian-language news channels. The move is intended to prevent Iranian audiences from seeing foreign broadcasts the Iranian government finds objectionable, five networks protested in a joint statement this month. Some 45%
to 60% of Iranians watch satellite TV, according to estimates from the state media company and an Iranian research center, exceeding the number believed to use the Internet. Iran so far seems to be winning a struggle to filter out unwanted TV content and
broadcast its own propaganda: The country jams channels like the BBC on Western satellites even as Iran's state media company broadcasts pro-government news on some of the same satellites, and at times has aired forced confessions of political detainees.
Iran is having it both ways, said a U.S. State Department official. While they benefit from the international community's respect for 'freedom of expression' and 'freedom of the airwaves,' they deny that same right to
their own citizens, aggressively jamming Persian-language broadcasts from other countries.
1st December 2011 | | |
Ofcom's unenviable job of being a political censor of a foreign propaganda channel whilst not being able to admit to diplomatic input
See article from
guardian.co.uk See Ofcom
sanctions report [pdf] from stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk
Ofcom has reversed its unpublished decision to revoke the broadcasting licence of Press TV, the Iranian state broadcaster's English-language outlet, as tensions rise between Britain and the Islamic republic. Ofcom had apparently told Press TV last
month that it was minded to ban it from broadcasting in the UK after the channel aired an interview with Maziar Bahari, an imprisoned Newsweek journalist, taking his words seriously when in fact the interview had been conducted under duress. However, after hearing final submissions from the broadcaster, and amidst a crisis in bilateral relations that has seen Britain withdraw members of its diplomatic mission from its Tehran embassy after the building was stormed by protesters, Ofcom is understood to have downgraded the sanction to a fine of
£ 100,000. Details of the sanction are expected to be published this week. According to the WikiLeaks cables, the Foreign Office told a US diplomat in 2010 that the UK government was exploring ways to limit
the operations of ... Press TV. At the time, the department warned the US that UK law sets a very high standard for denying licences to broadcasters. Licences can only be denied in cases where national security is threatened, or if granting a
licence would be contrary to Britain's obligations under international law. Currently neither of these standards can be met with respect to Press TV, but if further sanctions are imposed on Iran in the coming months a case may be able to be made on the
second criterion . A Foreign Office spokesman said that there had been no government intervention in the process.
13th October 2011 | | |
But who knows what to believe when everything comes across as propaganda See article from presstv.com |
12th February 2011 | | |
Ofcom to investigate complaints about extremist material on Press TV
| It does
seem a strange area for TV censors to get involved with. In narrow a view there is bound to be something said within the scope of preaching, that breaks the politically correct TV rules and can qualify for a rebuke as required. But somehow the issues are
way too political for TV censors. Probably a bit of a hot potato that really really nobody wants. See
article from
Ofcom has confirmed it is investigating the satellite channel, Press TV, after receiving a complaint from a viewer over its extremist messages. Press TV is Iranian based and broadcasts in English and Urdu. Programmes on Peace TV have
included praise for mujahideen fighting British troops in Iraq, labelled Jews as an enemy of Islam and made claims about the 9/11 terror attacks being an inside job . Press TV have come in for newspaper attention as a key
figure in the company, Zakir Naik, has been banned from entering the UK for extremist preaching and that his presence was not conducive to the public good . The decision, later upheld by the High Court, was based on a sermon the Mumbai-based
preacher had posted on the internet during which he said every Muslim should be a terrorist . In his failed appeal against Ms May's decision, held last November, the cleric's lawyers revealed Naik was director and chairman of Universal
Broadcasting Corporation Ltd, a company registered in Britain. UBCL owns a subsidiary firm, Lords Production Ltd, which has held the broadcasting licence for Peace TV since 2007. Conservative MP Patrick Mercer, former shadow minister for security,
said: The Home Secretary dealt with Naik extremely effectively. I think she will be furious to discover he still has a licence to spread his poison on satellite television. Ofcom should revoke it immediately. An Ofcom spokesman said: We
are in the middle of an investigation about Peace TV. Ofcom will not tolerate extremism on British television, and transgressors will be dealt with.
23rd November 2010 | | |
Ofcom finds a lack of due impartiality in George Galloway's Comment programme
| From
Ofcom has ruled that George Galloway repeatedly breached broadcasting standards on impartiality during a series of Press TV programmes on which he described Israel as a terrorist gangster state and a miscreant, law breaking rogue, war
launching, occupying state. The media watchdog also found that Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn did not show due impartiality when he appeared on the Iranian-backed channel as a guest on Galloway's weekly Comment show. An initial
complaint against the former Respect MP and pro-Palestinian campaigner was made last February following a segment on the death of a Hamas operative in a Dubai hotel. An Ofcom investigation found that the piece was in breach of standards for inequitably representing alternative viewpoints
. The regulator also found examples of breaches of impartiality in other episodes of Comment in May and June 2010, involving comments which could be interpreted as being pro-Palestinian and highly critical of the actions of the
Israeli government and its military forces. Under Section 5 of the Ofcom code, broadcasters must ensure that on such programmes neither side of the debate is unduly favoured. However the report said Galloway's show did not
adequately provide the Israeli viewpoint on a programme about the flotilla incident. Investigators found that when opposing views were included the material was used only to give the opportunity for the programme to further criticise the Israeli
government. In addition, it was demonstrated that Galloway treated pro-Israel viewer contributions, in a very different way to how he treated the pro-Palestinian perspective: [He] used the alternative opinions made by the viewers, which
were contrary to his own, only as vehicles to punctuate what could be classed as a form of ongoing political polemic, delivered by the presenter directly to camera and unchallenged. Ofcom said it would arrange a meeting for Press TV to discuss
its impartiality procedure.
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