British TV series goes down a storm amongst the moralists of New Zealand
 | 30th November 2017
| See article from
familyfirst.org.nz |
familyfirst.org.nz whines: A reality TV dating show with full-frontal nudity
has proven to be a turn off for some Kiwi viewers. TVNZ confirmed the broadcaster has received complaints about UK series Naked Attraction, which sees potential love interests introduced by gradually stripping bare in completely
uncensored footage. Season one of the show has joined TVNZ 2's Friday night line-up, with the first episode featuring an average of five penises and two vaginas every minute, according to the Daily Mail. A
TVNZ spokeswoman said the show was unlike anything screened on TVNZ 2 before: We feel that Naked Attraction is revealing and made to be entertaining.
As the programme contains
nudity it is screened in a 9:30pm Adults Only time slot. It carries a clear content and nudity warning before broadcast, giving viewers the choice over whether they would like [to] remain watching the programme, or prefer to watch another TVNZ channel
instead. Lobby group Family First lashed out at the show earlier this month in a public letter to the Minister of Broadcasting Clare Curran titled State broadcaster competes with porn sites for content. National director of Family First Bob McCoskrie compared the show to porn and questioned why it was screened on a Friday night when children were likely to be watching TV.
Full frontal nudity has always been off-limits on television but it now seems that anything goes and that it is a race to the most offensive and shocking content possible. 'Broadcasting standards' is an oxymoron. 'Family viewing'
should now be treated with great caution. Family First said they had been swamped with complaints from families horrified at how the show has caused free-to-air TV standards to hit rock bottom. |
Buoyed by success in getting book banned, New Zealand's Family First miserablists set their sight on lads' mag Zoo
 | 14th September
| See article
from stuff.co.nz |
New Zealand moralist campaign group, Family First, is calling for the lads' mag Zoo Weekly to be banned from supermarket shelves. A petition that started in Australia, calling for supermarkets to stop stocking men's magazine Zoo, was picked up
in New Zealand by Family First. The campaign group is calling for Countdown to follow the Australian example and ban men's magazine Zoo from its shelves. But a spokesman for Countdown New Zealand said it has no plans to remove the
publication from its shelves, and that it takes responsible steps when displaying the magazine. And many members of the public have agreed, saying they don't find the magazine offensive. The petition to drop Zoo from Woolworths, which owns
Countdown stores in New Zealand has about 40,000 people calling for the store's chief executives to bin Zoo magazine immediately . Laura Pintur, who started the campaign, spouted: When I heard Zoo was
regularly promoting rape culture and sexism with phrases like 'you want to pick the loosest/skankiest one of the lot and fetch her a drink...separate her from the flock'. I couldn't stand by and watch it promoted to kids at supermarkets.
Family First National director Bob McCoskrie whinged that the magazine did not belong on supermarket shelves: I think if I showed you it, you see it promotes a rape culture, it objectifies women, teaches boys to be
predatory, it's the continued sexualisation of women. We want to encourage families to politely speak to managers and ask if it's appropriate to make a profit out of these messages.
But a Countdown spokesperson said it was just one of
more than 1000 stockists selling the magazine around the country. The supermarket sells less than a quarter of Zoo magazines in New Zealand, and they were appropriately positioned in store, he said. |
New Zealand campaign group complains against song about killing of the country's prime minister
 | 26th August 2014
| See article from
newstalkzb.co.nz See also peacebeat Facebook Page |
The New Zealand morality campaign group Family First is outraged about a Hip-Hop song by a group named @peace which contains lyrics about killing the Prime Minister and having sex with his daughter. National Director Bob McCoskrie says you can't
go any lower than this type of personal and offensive attack on a politician and their family. He calls for the election campaign to be lifted to a higher level than burning of effigies, torching candidate billboards, chanting F John Key . Family First will lay a formal complaint with the Office of Film and Literature Classification.
1st January 2012 | | |
Beer advert winds up Family First New Zealand
| See
article from familyfirst.org.nz
A Tui beer advert in the yeah right series of billboards has wound up New Zealand nutters. The billboard reads Santa only comes once a year. Yeah right . It has 'offended' Bob McCoskrie, national director of Family First New
Zealand, who has slammed it as tacky and adult humour . McCoskrie said the billboard showed a lack of Christmas cheer from Tui and would prompt questions from innocent children. The sexual innuendo of the billboard was adult
humour which parents would prefer not to have to explain to children who ask . He continued: The 'Yeah right' billboards are well known for making people smile. We'd just ask that they do it without embarrassing
parents with awkward questions from kids. Keep adult humour to an adult audience - although many adults would be offended by the sign as well. We'd encourage families to show their disapproval by boycotting the company products.
Family First is considering laying a complaint about the billboard with the Advertising Standards Authority, but does not expect a ruling in its favour: By the time they even consider it, the sign
will be gone and the damage done. That's why we want a pre-vetting system with community and family representation on the board.
23rd September 2011 | |
| Nutter whinges about Californication dismissed by the New Zealand TV censor
From nzherald.co.nz |
New Zealand's Broadcasting Standards Authority has declined to uphold a complaint by Family First that popular television show Californication breached the standards of good taste and decency. Family First's complaint claimed the
quantity of offensive words in such a short period of programming plus the repetitive use of some of the most offensive words in the episode (on TV3 on April 18 2011) breached standards of good taste and decency. The first 30 minutes of the
episode, which was prefaced by an Adults Only warning, contained 45 instances of strong language, including what Family First referred to as the most offensive word, presumably 'cunt'. However, the BSA declined to uphold the complaint,
noting the language used in the episode, which screened an hour after the Adults Only watershed of 8.30pm, was in keeping with the 'narrative context' of the series . Moreover, the most offensive word had been edited out of the
public broadcast, appearing only in the online version of the episode on TV3 on-demand.
3rd July 2011 | |
| New Zealand nutters wound up Lady Godiva advert
| See
article from nzherald.co.nz
New Zealand nutters have been wound up by an advertising billboard. The Ecoya skincare company is up before the advertising censors of the ASA for a billboard that critics claim as sexually provocative . The billboard, one of three Ecoya
erected last month in Auckland and Wellington to promote their natural skin care products, has elicited three formal complaints. Family First national director Bob McCoskrie said the billboard was unacceptable as it could be seen by children:
There is a sexually provocative undertone to it, I think, that is what makes it cross the border and the boundary of public decency. The fact of the matter is they [children] are
being forced to be more open to it ... Should we be protecting their moral innocence, does it matter if we sexualise everything? What harm is that doing?
McCoskrie also called for a vetting system that would give his fellow
nutters a stronger voice. Ecoya marketing manager Donna Marris said the company was proud of the images, describing them as tasteful and effective: We don't expect everyone to respond in the same way, but
what it's about is delivering clear and beautiful skin and this image shows a nourished body in a tasteful way.
7th November 2010 | | |
Family First complaints about naked rugby thrown out
| Based on
article from 3news.co.nz
Nutters of Family First has criticised the New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority for not upholding its complaint about a Nightline story featuring full frontal nudity. In June, 3 News reporter Dave Goosselink reported on the
closing down of Dunedin student pub The Gardies. To celebrate, a group of students held a game of nude rugby. Footage from the match was included in the story, which drew a complaint from Family First director Bob McCoskrie. The morally
dysfunctional BSA has given the green light to full frontal nudity in our current events and news programmes and has no problem with sexual innuendo and offensive comments, says McCoskrie. The BSA said the item was broadcast well after the
8:30pm watershed, preceded by a clear warning and that Nightline viewers were unlikely to have been offended. The incoming tide of sexual content disguised as news is a disturbing trend, says MrCoskrie. The TV channels are trying to mask
sexual innuendo and pornographic material as news and current events. McCoskrie also filed a complaint against another item broadcast in June, where humorous potential porn film titles starring MP Shane Jones, collected from Twitter, were read
out, on air. This complaint was also not upheld.
11th October 2010 | | |
New Zealand nutters horrified by banana flashing advert
| Based on
article from
The NZ Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled that a Habitual Fix restaurant advertisement (for their fruit drinks), which features a female cartoon pear and strawberry running away in fear from a male cartoon banana who is indecently exposing
himself to them, does not breach any advertising standards. The advertisement featured on a prominent billboard in central Auckland. According to the ASA this isn't a sexualized image (even though the word fetish is used in the
actual advert), in fact they say that the image is actually just hyperbolic . Morally Bankrupt Based on
article from voxy.co.nz Nutter group Family First
NZ is labeling the Advertising Standards Authority as nave and morally bankrupt after it rejected complaints against a sexual advertisement using cartoon-imaged fruit. Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ said:
Advertisers now have a green light to use sexualized and offensive messages in the form of cartoons using fruit and vegetables. Families don't need much imagination to realize how far that can be taken and how dangerous it is.
The ASA naively argued that children would not see the image as sexualized, and that the image was 'hyperbolic' - all this despite the acknowledgement by the Board of a 'phallic banana in a flashing pose', and the use of the word
'fetish'. Yet again, the ASA has shown hostility towards the wellbeing and protection of families, and seems to act as a 'mates club' to advertisers who are committed to pushing the boundaries without any consequences
of note. Family First is calling for the Board of the ASA to be changed, for the pre-vetting of advertisements, and for there to be more representatives of family, children, and community groups.
18th April 2010 | | |
Family First have a whinge at New Zealand TV
| Based on
article from voxy.co.nz
Family First New Zealand claims that 2/3'rds of New Zealanders are concerned about the level of 'foul' language, violence and sexual content during family viewing times and it is time that the Broadcasting Standards and Advertising Standards Authorities
were made to reflect nutter concerns about what they are allowing. In a poll of 1,000 New Zealanders, respondents were asked, Television broadcasters are obliged to protect children from sexual content, violent material, and language that
exceeds current norms of good taste and decency. Are you concerned about the type of language used, or the level of violence and sex shown on TV before 8.30 pm when children are likely to be watching? , 65% said they are concerned, 29% said they
aren't, and 6% didn't know or refused to answer. Ironically, this comes just after a report by the BSA trying to argue that people are becoming less offended by foul language in the media, says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family
First NZ. The BSA and ASA argue that their standards are reflecting community standards. However, it is quite clear that as they allow broadcasters and advertisers to push the boundaries, the standards are lowered by default, offensive material
becomes more mainstream, and are then used far more in the media. But now we know that NZ'ers are hugely concerned by this trend. A Family First investigation of 15 programmes on four free-to-air channels between 6pm and 8.30pm in 2008 found a
saturation of foul language, sexual innuendo, and promotion of Adult Only programmes. Words featured during supposed family viewing times included bitch, fuck, ass, piss, bastard, bloody, and included expressions such as holy fuck , sex
with your mother , shove bottle up his ass , and ass bitch . Among the worst offenders was Two And A Half Men which screens on TV2 at 7.30pm. Offensive language included son of a bitcg , damn hell , ass
, and constant sexual talk including references to licking , stiffy , orgasms , and masturbation . Also of huge concern was the number of programmes which are rated for Adult viewing only screening well after the
watershed time of 8.30, yet were promoted between 6pm and 8.30pm. The term 'broadcasting standards' and 'advertising standards' are complete oxymorons. Parents do not want their children bombarded with foul language, violence, and sexual
content - yet broadcasters are pushing the boundaries with little to no retribution, says McCoskrie: The BSA and the ASA are the last places to look for a moral conscience and standards appropriate for families.
25th November 2009 | | |
New Zealand nutters claim that censorship will sort out family violence
| Surely
the countries with the worst record of family violence have some of the strictest media censorship. From newstalkzb.co.nz
The New Zealand nutter organisation, Family First, is calling for higher standards concerning violent and sexual content in the media, as a first step towards tackling family violence. It is White Ribbon Day, which the Families Commission
describes as aiming to raise awareness of men's violence against women. However, Family First says the anti-violence message contained in campaigns such as It's not OK is being undermined by violence in the media, a lax approach to
pornography and the sexualisation of children in marketing which are normalising unacceptable behaviour. Director Bob McCoskrie says the use of violence against women as the punch line in comedies such as Family Guy and American Dad also trivialises the seriousness of the issue. McCoskrie says it is clear broadcasting and advertising standards need to be tightened up.
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