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Book Censorship in Australia

Australian books banned by censors

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Political censorship...

Australian book censors get drawn into gender politics

Link Here 5th April 2023

Gender Queer: A Memoir by  Paperback -- 31 May 2022 Australia's book censor has rejected a push by anti-LGBTQIA+ activist to ban memoir titled Gender Queer.

The book was referred to the Classification Board after Queensland Police was tipped off by conservative campaigner Bernard Gaynor.

The Australian Classification Board has now classified non-binary author and cartoonist Maia Kobabe's Gender Queer: A Memoir as unrestricted with the rating M (Mature). Not Recommended for Readers Under 15 Years.

The award-winning book has become one of the most banned books in America over its depictions of LGBTQIA+ sex and sexuality, including explicit illustrations and descriptions.



Offsite Article: The books banned in Queensland...

Link Here 5th May 2019
american psycho More than 50,000 books and magazines that can be sold around Australia are not allowed to be stocked on Queensland shelves.

See article from scmp.com


26th April

Update: Incestuous Book Banners...

Australia's book censors ban library incest books

Australian Film Classification Board The Film Classification Board has banned the two books that caught press attention for their incest storylines and availability in public libraries:

  • Bet and Zak by Charles Kevin (2006 Anthos Publishing)
  • Sibling Love by Charles Kevin (2007 Anthos Publishing)

Sibling Love is a series of vignettes concerning sex between brother-sister. Whilst Bet and Zak describes sex between mother and son.

Charles Kevin, an 82 year old author had sent 530 copies of the books to libraries around Australia.


21st January

Too Family Friendly...

Australian author under duress for sidestepping book censors

Family friendly activities A self-published author faces legal action if he keeps distributing graphic books on incest before the federal classification board reviews them. But he may escape prosecution for mailing the books to the 500 libraries throughout Australia.

Charles Kevin, 82, bypassed classification laws to distribute Sibling Love and Bet and Zak . The books contain graphic descriptions of sex between brothers and sisters and a mother and her son.

More than a dozen public libraries which had the books in general circulation, have since pulled them off their shelves.

Kevin, also known as Charles or Zoltan Kovacs, sees nothing shameful in incest and sought as wide an audience as possible for works he admitted were perverted. He welcomed efforts to ban the books, saying it was would only lift his profile.

Federal authorities now want Kevin and his home publishing business Anthos, to submit copies of the book to the classification board. Kevin's failure to do so, and any subsequent distribution of the books, could result in fines and jail. But the State Government, which enforces classification violations, said he would not face prosecution for the previous distribution of the books or for failing to submit them for classification.


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