Scottish football fans win campaign to repeal law that criminalised football chants
16th March 2018
| See article from commonspace.scot
Fans Against Criminalisation campaigner Paul Quigley is celebrating momentous victory for the group which has lobbied for the repeal of the disgraceful Offensive Behaviour at Football Act for the last seven years. The act was a knee jerk
reaction to Celtic vs Rangers game where Celtic manager Neil Lennon was attacked on field and letter bombs were later sent to Lennon, Paul McBride QC and Trish Godman MSP. The resulting legislation was nominally about tackling sectarianism but in
reality gave the police carte-blanche powers to arrest fans for whatever they wished under the catch-all guise of offensiveness. Paul Quigley explained: A decision was taken to form a campaign to fight this,
partly due to a deeply held collective ideological belief in the right to freedom of expression and equality before law, and partly due to the simple notion of self defence. Fans of all clubs would be welcome to join our
organisation and that we would help and campaign for all football fans who we deemed to be the subject of unjust treatment. Fans Against Criminalisation was able to count on the support of thousands of passionate supporters of the
campaign, as was evidenced by a demonstration at George Square which drew thousands of people in late 2011. In spite of this, the government seemed to assume that this would all die down in due course, and that the fan campaign would not have the
capability or endurance required to give them real cause to reconsider their position. The treatment that football fans have had to endure ever since has been appalling. The human cost of this legislation is often lost amid the
political rabble rousing, among the doctored statistics and the nauseatingly disingenuous moral grandstanding. The reality of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act is this; it has ruined lives and caused serious damage in our communities.
In the face of all of this, football fans endured. In the years that followed, an incredible campaign challenged this treatment of supporters and lobbied for the repeal of this ill advised and illiberal piece of legislation. Today,
the Scottish Parliament finally voted on this very question. The Repeal Bill has passed, and this is the first time in the history of devolution that the Scottish Parliament has repealed its own legislation. This victory is
historic not just for football fans, but for the country.
As a follow up. James Dornan, the MSP for Glasgow Cathcart and a candidate for deputy leader of the Scottish National Party, has decided to quit Twitter. He describes it as a
cesspit of hate and bile, saying he has received abuse from football fans over his defence of the Offence Behaviour at Football Act (OBFA). His disgraceful 'defence' of the legislation was to try and suggest that the campaign was some sort Labour party
political effort. The fans were not impressed and clearly gave him the slagging off he deserved. See more on this in
article from spiked-online.com |
In Britain in 2015 you can be jailed for singing a song. Where's the anger? BY Brendan O'Neill
| 24th March 2015
| See article from
spiked-online.com |
Football banned from football for sectarian song
 | 15th March
| Thanks to goatboy See article from
bbc.co.uk |
A Rangers fan who was arrested for sectarian singing while on his way to attend a game against Celtic has been jailed for four months. Scott Lamont was heard singing the words of the Billy Boys song on Cathcart Road on 1 February. He admitted the
charge at Glasgow Sheriff Court. He was also given an 18-month football banning order. As part of the order he will be supervised for 18 months and must carry out 160 hours of unpaid work. Sheriff Paul Crozier said:
Glasgow has developed a good reputation in recent years. We had the Commonwealth Games last summer, we haven't had an Old Firm game in years. What happened at the first Old Firm game? People like him let Glasgow down. 'Ruin football'
A message has to be sent to those people who would choose to ruin football for the vast majority who want to go to these games, that you cannot behave like this. This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated, certainly not by me.
The sheriff described the words to the song as inflammatory an said it could have led to horrendous violence .
9th November 2012
| A man has been jailed for singing a song that mocks a religious leader, yet liberty campaigners have said nothing. See
article from spiked-online.com |
16th February 2012 | |
| Scottish publicans ask government to clarify exactly what songs, chants and banter is banned by the new football and
sectarianism law
| See
article from heraldscotland.com
See Rangers' historic day is marred by songs of 'hate and ignorance' from
Pubs across Scotland could close unless the Government spells out to landlords what constitutes an offence under new laws designed to tackle football-related bigotry, trade lobbyists have warned. inShare2 Custom byline text: GERRY BRAIDEN With
arrest rates for sectarian behaviour expected to accelerate after the Offensive Behaviour Act receives Royal Assent, the country's largest licensed trade group fears hundreds of bar and pub owners could become collateral damage. The Scottish Beer
and Pub Association (SBPA) has joined a long list of other parties asking for clarification on matters such as what songs and slogans are in and out and has asked for ministers and the police to provide real-life scenarios of situations which could
unfold in licensed premises. The Government has said the police's football co-ordination unit was already setting up meetings with licensing authorities to discuss the implementation of the legislation. In his letter to Community Safety
Minister Roseanna Cunningham, SBPA chief executive Patrick Browne said that as long as it was unclear how the laws would impact on the trade there was a high risk a licensed premise could find itself being reported to the local licensing board which
could then sanction their premises licence, with implications for the business . He added: Given the new and very specific nature of the offences under the new Act relating to licensed premises, it would be helpful for my members and
licensees more generally to have further guidance from the Government as to which types of behaviour on their premises would be unacceptable under the terms of legislation. This would assist them in fulfilling the expectations of licensing boards and the
police more generally.
12th January 2012 | |
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Frankie Boyle on Scotland's repressive football sectarianism act See article from list.co.uk |
15th December 2011 | | |
SNP push their football sectarianism bill through parliament
| See
article from guardian.co.uk
Repressive laws against religious insult at football matches in Scotland have been passed after the Scottish government rejected complaints the rules were unworkable. The offensive behaviour bill was pushed through Holyrood using the Scottish
National party's overall majority. The bill was opposed by all other parties and attracted widespread criticism from fans, clubs and the Church of Scotland. Holyrood's four opposition parties, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Tories and the
Scottish Green party, backed by the independent MSP Margo Macdonald, issued a joint statement accusing ministers of railroading the Scottish parliament: It is of real regret that the first piece of legislation
passed by this new parliament has been railroaded through by the SNP. The SNP has used its majority to force through a bad law that risks doing more harm than good. It sets a worrying precedent for this parliament.
The new measures
introduce two new offences of inciting religious, racial or other forms of hatred in public or on the internet, which will be punishable by up to five years in jail. The offences will cover football grounds, public places and pubs and clubs.
Allison McInnes, the Scottish Liberal Democrats' justice spokeswoman, said the government was creating two new criminal offences without any kind of consensus : They are unable to answer basic questions about
how the law will be enforced or present evidence as to why it is needed. They can provide only the vaguest assurances that it will not impact people's freedom of speech.
9th October 2011 | | |
Alex Salmond's nasty bigotry bill under fire from many sides
| 7th October 2012.
See article from
heraldscotland.com |
Pressure is mounting on the Scottish Government over its plans for anti-sectarian speech laws after an unprecedented attack on Alex Salmond by the Catholic Church. It comes as the First Minister prepares to meet with Bishop Philip Tartaglia at the
First Minister's official residence, Bute House, in Edinburgh. As The Herald revealed yesterday, the bishop, who many expect to be Scotland's next cardinal, warned of a serious chill between the Catholic community and SNP Government. He
also accused Salmond of reneging on a promise to make public statistics on convictions for sectarian offences. On other fronts, Labour's justice spokesman, James Kelly, has wrotten to Tricia Marwick, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament,
casting doubt on whether the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill is compliant with the European Convention on Human Rights. Kelly, speaking ahead of publication tomorrow of findings from the second stage
of the Bill, claimed the demand was made in light of concerns from the Scottish Human Rights Commission and said the legislation was too broad and risked spawning rafts of costly court cases and compensation claims. He said:
There are serious questions as to whether the Bill complies with the European Convention on Human Rights. My fear is the legislation is drafted too broadly, which may lead to a situation where fans do not even realise their behaviour
is breaking the law. We must have complete confidence any legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament is absolutely watertight to avoid our laws potentially being subject to costly court cases and compensations claims down the
line. A Tory spokesman said: All right-minded people want to eradicate the evils of sectarianism, but the best way of doing this is with clear, robust and vigorous legislation. We must guard against
'something must be done syndrome' producing bad law.
Update: Freedom of Speech Clause 8th October 2011. See
article from thescotsman.scotsman.com
Alex Salmond has offered a freedom of speech concession to opponents of his government's anti-sectarian legislation in a bid to appease critics of the SNP's contentious new laws. The announcement of the freedom of expression clause came
after the First Minister held a meeting with the Bishop of Paisley in response to a letter the churchman had written setting out concerns about the government's anti-sectarianism legislation and its plans to bring in same-sex marriage. Afterwards,
Bishop Philip Tartaglia acknowledged the concession by the government. Update: Review to check how crap the law will be 9th October 2011. SSee
article from scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com
Alex Salmond is set to agree to a formal review of his anti-sectarianism crackdown to appease critics who claim the measures he is proposing will prove to be either worthless or counter-productive. The First Minister is expected to back a call
from MSPs to put the new laws under review after they get through a parliamentary vote, so sceptics can monitor whether or not they make any difference. The move comes after Salmond's bid to win unanimous backing was damaged last week when Labour
MSPs announced they were opposing the new laws on the grounds that they might make the fight against sectarianism harder.
2nd October 2011 | | |
Rival football factions unite to recognise their government as the common enemy
See article from scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com
See takealiberty.blogspot.com
Campaigners against a proposed nasty new law to stamp out football sectarianism vowed to step up their protest as they distributed thousands of leaflets at the Rangers versus Hibs game. Take a Liberty (Scotland) also plans to target
Celtic Park and other football grounds, and demonstrate outside the Scottish Parliament when the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications bill is debated. The bill would see those convicted face up to five years in jail for
bigoted behaviour, such as singing or chanting that could incite trouble, at matches or online. Their campaign intensified amid growing signs that opposition politicians at Holyrood believe the SNP's proposals are becoming increasingly confused
and could criminalise ordinary fans. Take a Liberty has the backing of former Celtic director and ex-Lord Provost of Glasgow, Michael Kelly, who said the bill is a runaway train . Kelly said: It is ironic
that our much maligned football fans are the first to stand up to defend freedom of speech and oppose this ridiculous, undemocratic and unenforceable piece of redundant legislation. The ordinary fan has clearly a much firmer grasp
of what human rights mean in Scotland than a First Minister jumping on a bandwagon which has quickly become a runaway train.
Take a Liberty spokesman Stuart Waiton said fans from a variety of clubs, including Airdrie and Celtic,
helped hand out 5,000 leaflets at Ibrox, demanding free speech in football and an end to the police harassment of fans who are deemed to be singing 'offensive' songs . He said the move was aimed at boosting a petition against the bill,
which has attracted nearly 3,000 signatures. The group has also produced T-shirts with the slogan, after Voltaire: I may hate what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.
14th September 2011 | |
| Scottish justice committee discusses bill criminalising sectarian football chants
Based on article from telegraph.co.uk See article
from thescotsman.scotsman.com
The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill has been discussed by Holyrood's justice committee. The bill is the brainchild of Alex Salmond in his populist, attempt to crack down on the sectarianism, in those
sections of society where the rivalry between Rangers and Celtic football clubs appears to dwarf every other aspect of life. Serious though this problem is, the very name of this proposed legislation should be enough to ring alarm bells. We not
only need to define what is offensive and to whom, but also what is threatening and to whom. As the committee went all round the houses, going over and over the problem, and taking evidence from supporters' groups, academics and even
a journalist, it was plain that the wrecking crews are already moving in on this bill. Greig Ingram questioned the merit of criminalising some of the chants about his fellow Aberdeen supporters, asking: Would somebody chanting about my
predilections for alleged activities with farmyard animals be offensive? The only common sense at yesterday's hearing came from Dr Stuart Waiton, a lecturer in sociology and criminology at the University of Abertay, Dundee, who said such views
were a beautiful example of how the bill risks creating an authoritarian and illiberal society . The proposed law could bring the legal system into disrepute and undermine existing measures to tackle sectarianism, one of
Scotland's leading historians has warned. Professor Tom Devine told MSPs that the sectarian problem is part of the fabric of Scotia and extends beyond football stadiums. Existing laws are perfectly adequate to crack down on the conduct
targeted by the billl, the academic added. Scotland is the only country in the world with specific anti-sectarian legislation on its statute book after religious aggravations were introduced in 2003, Holyrood's justice committee heard. As
is often the case, opposition parties at Holyrood are terrified to be seen as going soft on the bigots, and are therefore going along with this nonsense.
20th June 2009 | |
| Famine Song confirmed as racist by Scottish Appeal Court
Based on article from
The lyrics of the Famine Song are racist, a court said yesterday after a football fan challenged his conviction.
The Justiciary Appeal Court in Edinburgh ruled that Rangers supporter William Walls, who sang it, was rightly convicted of a
racially-aggravated breach of the peace Walls had been arrested at a Kilmarnock-Rangers game in November last year. He was shouting Fenian bastards and fuck the Pope , and repeatedly sang a line from the Famine Song, the famine's
over, why don't you go home. The song is banned by Rangers.
A sheriff ruled Walls had committed a racially and religiously-aggravated breach of the peace, and put him on probation for 18 months and banned him from football matches for two
At the Justiciary Appeal Court, Donald Findlay, QC, for Walls, argued that the Famine Song was not racist, particularly the refrain sung by the accused. He said it was an expression of political opinion, permitted by the right to freedom
of speech enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.
Findlay submitted that the refrain was no more racist than some of the lines of Flower of Scotland , which bid King Edward to return to England to think again, or God Save
the Queen , which refer to crushing rebellious Scots. An exchange of abuse between supporters was part and parcel of going to a football game, he added.
Giving the court's judgment, Lord Carloway said: The court has no doubt that
(Walls's] conduct did amount to a breach of the peace, even in the context of a football match. Presence inside a football stadium does not give a spectator a free hand to behave as he pleases. There are limits and the appellant's conduct went well
beyond those limits.
On the Famine Song, about the Irish potato famine of the 1840s, he said: The song calls upon persons of Irish descent, who are living in Scotland, to go back to the land of their ancestors, namely Ireland. They
(lyrics] are racist in calling upon people native to Scotland to leave the country because of their racial origins. This is a sentiment which many persons will find offensive.
18th November 2008 |
| | Sectarian football song condemned in the European Parliament
Based on article from
THE notorious Famine Song sung by Rangers fans was condemned on the floor of the European Parliament last night.
Irish MEP Eoin Ryan described the chant aimed at Celtic supporters as despicable, and has written to all Scotland's MEP's,
seeking their support to end the sectarian behaviour. The Famine Song I often wonder where they would have been If we hadn't have taken them in Fed them and washed
them Thousands in Glasgow alone From Ireland they came Brought us nothing but trouble and shame Well the famine is over Why don't they go home? Now Athenry Mike was a thief And Large John he was fully briefed And that wee
traitor from Castlemilk Turned his back on his own They've all their Papists in Rome They have U2 and Bono Well the famine is over Why don't they go home? Now they raped and fondled their kids That's what those perverts from
the dark side did And they swept it under the carpet And Large John he hid Their evils seeds have been sown Cause they're not of our own Well the famine is over Why don't you go home? Now Timmy don't take it from me Cause
if you know your history You've persecuted thousands of people In Ireland alone You turned on the lights Fuelled U boats by night That's how you repay us It's time to go home.
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