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BBFC R18 Censorship

BBFC cut a large proportion of R18s

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10th March

Update: Wax Dummies...

Censorship stats: BBFC cut 27% of R18s in February 2009

R18 Story BBFC R18 cuts for February 2009

Number of items= 59
No. Cuts=16
Cuts ratio=27%

The R18 cuts stats 2009:

  • January: 12 R18s cut out of 62 (19%)
  • February 16 R18s cut out of 59 (27%)

Cuts of interest:

Mistress Dometrias' Brighton Dungeon

Cuts were required to remove potentially harmful, potentially obscene, and abusive elements from an R18 BDSM work (in this instance, use of wax on genitals, wounding of genitals, asphyxiative practices, a rape reference and gagging during fellatio). Cuts made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy, the Video Recordings Act 1984, and current interpretation of the Obscene Publications Act 1959.


8th January

Update: Censorship Shite...

Censorship stats: BBFC cut 38% of R18s in December 2008

R18 Story BBFC cuts for December 2008

Number of R18s= 37
No. Cuts=14
Cuts ratio=38%

The R18 cuts stats 2008:

  • January: 23 R18s cut out of 71 (32%)
  • February: 28 R18s cut out of 90 (31%)
  • March: 29 R18s cut out of 97 (30%)
  • April: 30 R18s cut out of 98 (30%)
  • May: 22 R18s cut out of 72 (30%)
  • June: 17 R18s cut out of 92 (18%)
  • July: 20 R18s cut out of 72 (28%)
  • August: 20 R18s cut out of 72 (28%)
  • Sep: 9 R18s cut out of 47 (19%)
  • Oct: 19 R18s cut out of 69 (28%)
  • Nov: 17 R18s cut out of 82 (20%)
  • Dec: 14 R18s cut out of 37 (38%)

28% of R18s were cut in 2008

Cuts of interest:


Several compulsory cuts for R18 required to remove sight of potentially harmful breath restriction during sexual activity, verbal threats, a reference encouraging an interest in underage sexual activity, and violence during sexual activity (aggressive slapping) in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, Policy and the Video Recordings Act 1984. Cuts also required to remove sight of urolagnia (urination during sexual activity) and liquid that was not semen or lubricant liquid exiting the rectum and subsequently coming into contact with another person or being drunk, in accordance with current interpretation of the Obscene Publications Act 1959.


Cuts required to remove dialogue references to familial relationships in a strong fetish scenario which have the potential to encourage an interest in abusive relationships.


9th December

Update: Censorship Balls Up...

Monthly censorship stats: BBFC cut 20% of R18s

R18 Story BBFC cuts for November 2008

Number of R18s= 82
No. Cuts=17
Cuts ratio=20%

The R18 cuts stats 2008:

  • January: 23 R18s cut out of 71 (32%)
  • February: 28 R18s cut out of 90 (31%)
  • March: 29 R18s cut out of 97 (30%)
  • April: 30 R18s cut out of 98 (30%)
  • May: 22 R18s cut out of 72 (30%)
  • June: 17 R18s cut out of 92 (18%)
  • July: 20 R18s cut out of 72 (28%)
  • August: 20 R18s cut out of 72 (28%)
  • Sep: 9 R18s cut out of 47 (19%)
  • Oct: 19 R18s cut out of 69 (28%)
  • Nov: 17 R18s cut out of 82 (20%)

Cuts of interest:


Cuts were required to scenes of potential harm (pool balls being inserted into and expelled from the anus) in accordance with BBFC guidelines and policy and the Video Recordings Act 1984


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